Home facial care after 30. Special care for different areas of the skin

For children

The skin of the face is the most visible indicator of a woman’s age, along with the skin of the neck and arms. Therefore, women are actively fighting the signs of age with aging skin. In fact, in the modern world there are many ways to maintain youthful skin both at age 30 and at a later age.

Facial skin after 30 years

30 years is a certain milestone after which a woman begins to struggle with the emerging signs of aging skin. By this age, the skin becomes less elastic, swelling, bags under the eyes, age spots and other unpleasant signs appear.

At about 30 years old, the first wrinkles appear on the skin. In addition, after 30 years, a woman’s body’s metabolism slows down, which is also of great importance.

To maintain a good level of metabolism of both the skin and the body as a whole, it is necessary to pay enough attention to proper nutrition and exercise. Skin cannot look radiant and healthy if a woman has adopted a slower and more passive lifestyle. But if you comply with the above requirements, it is possible to maintain skin health. During active exercise, blood flow accelerates and, accordingly, metabolism in the body, including in the skin.

Also, after 30 years, the production of collagen and sebum slows down. And, as you know, the cause of wrinkles is insufficient skin moisture. This is why they say that oily skin is less prone to aging than dry skin.

Of course, the condition of the skin at 30 years old also depends greatly on how the woman cared for her skin in her youth. Signs of aging are natural “symptoms” of age, but they appear at different ages.

Dry facial skin at 30 years old

Closer to 30 years old, it is especially important for a woman to pay sufficient attention to daily facial skin care procedures. If at 20-25 years old all masks and creams are aimed at maintaining the natural balance of the skin and combating only minor signs of unhealthy skin, which are quite easily removable, then after 30 years a woman needs to “modernize” her approach to facial skin care. At 30, you need to use an anti-aging moisturizer every day to ensure your skin always receives the hydration it needs.

Dry skin at 30 is not a common, but very predictable sign of aging skin. With insufficient moisture, not only does the skin become dry, but wrinkles also appear.

So if you have dry skin in your 30s, you need to find the perfect daily moisturizer. It’s great if you have two creams: day and night. Night is the time when the skin intensively renews itself. If you don't help her with nightly moisturizers, she won't look good. In addition, special attention should be paid to masks and various caring cosmetic products, which we will discuss at the end of this article.

Oily facial skin after 30 years

Oily facial skin may be a genetic predisposition. As you know, oily skin is less prone to aging. This means that your task is only to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands with the help of special products, and be attentive to cleansing the skin in order to avoid the occurrence of pimples and acne. Tonics, alcohol lotions, ingredients with an astringent effect, refreshing anti-inflammatory masks - this is all the necessary arsenal for caring for oily skin.

Acne on the face at 30

Acne is not only a local problem. Acne has always been considered a sign of unhealthy functioning of the body. People who often play sports, spend time outdoors, lead an active lifestyle, and eat right, have acne much less frequently. Therefore, pay attention first of all to changes in your lifestyle.

To combat acne at 30 years old, the same products and procedures that are used at 25 years old are suitable. These are anti-inflammatory masks and lotions. If you apply an alcohol-based lotion to your face every day, be sure to also apply an anti-inflammatory moisturizer afterwards.

If in youth and adolescence acne is considered an almost standard problem, then after 30 years it is already a problem that has its own causes and methods of treatment. For example, acne may appear due to changes in hormonal levels. The presence of gynecological diseases is also important, which are also often the cause of acne at the age of 30-40 years. Acne can also appear due to a malfunction of the ovaries, thyroid gland, hypothalamus or adrenal glands.

Treatment of acne at this age begins first of all with identifying the problem of its appearance. Most often, general health of the body rather than local effects helps get rid of acne. Just as the reason for their appearance is the internal state of your body.

Facial treatments at 30 years old

At the age of 30, standard skin care procedures (creams, masks, fluids, etc.) remain relevant. but, in addition, for this age category those procedures that were not previously necessary also become relevant. Most often, women resort to the services of cosmetic salons and beauty centers. Women's centers offer many procedures that, if used regularly, can relieve you of the problems of aging skin.

For example, mesotherapy is one of the most popular procedures. Its effect on the skin is noticeable and it works effectively. A vitamin composition is injected under the skin, which is distributed throughout the face and rejuvenates your skin.

A procedure such as biorevitalization is also popular. But here hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin. This procedure improves skin elasticity and active hydration.

Lymphatic drainage is another popular procedure that is applied locally to various parts of the body, including the face. Helps improve blood microcirculation, improve complexion, smooth out fine wrinkles. This procedure must be done in a course, 1 course every six months.

Cosmetic peeling is a procedure that intensively cleanses the face of dead cells, making the skin smoother, softer, and more receptive to the nutrients of creams and masks. Peeling also gets rid of fine wrinkles. After peeling, the skin begins to regenerate new cells, which contributes to its active rejuvenation.

Beauty salons also provide procedures aimed at combating “stars” and pigment spots of various types. The procedure is called coagulation, and the effect on the skin occurs through the use of a laser.

A similar procedure is photorejuvenation. This is a painless procedure during which you only feel warmth, as the effect is achieved through the use of visible light of a certain wavelength. The light pulse destroys the dark pigment in the cells - melanin, and acts on dilated capillaries. After a course of this procedure, pigmentation disappears, and the network of dilated blood vessels becomes invisible.

RF lifting is considered an effective anti-aging procedure, which eliminates fat deposits on the face and double chin. Technologies make it possible to painlessly tighten the face, but this procedure is also often combined with Botox injections. If Botox was previously considered an elite procedure, today it is a fairly popular, accessible, inexpensive procedure.

In a professional salon you will be given a sufficient list of procedures. Be sure to tell your consultant the signs you would like to get rid of, and with the help of injections you will definitely improve the condition of your facial skin.

How to improve your complexion at 30

Firstly, to improve your complexion, the skin must receive enough moisture. This can be achieved through effective creams, homemade masks, and cosmetic procedures.

Secondly, the skin must receive enough nutrition. This depends both on the nutrition of the body as a whole, and on the use of funds locally.

Thirdly, oxygen is needed to improve complexion! You need to regularly spend enough time in the fresh air and move actively, since it is when playing sports and other activities that the body accelerates the process of oxygen absorption.

Also, the consumption of alcohol and tobacco greatly affects complexion. Women who smoke usually have gray, sallow skin.

How to tighten your face at 30

Collagen is responsible for skin elasticity. Collagen is a substance of both animal and plant origin that is the basis of connective tissue in the body. In mammals, collagen in the body is present in an amount of 25-35% of the total percentage of protein in the body. That is, collagen is a protein that is responsible for the strength of our tissues. Collagen is of particular importance for facial skin, as it is responsible for its elasticity.

There are two ways to tighten your facial skin. First, use products that promote collagen production. For example, creams are aimed at this problem. When making it, you need to use coffee grounds and green tea, which are aimed at rejuvenating the skin. Collagen production also depends on the foods we consume.

Secondly, daily facial massage will help tighten your skin.

Facial massage at 30 years old

Facial massage effectively combats the signs of age, as it improves blood circulation and “revives” the functioning of epidermal cells. But there are also details and rules that must be followed.

There are massage lines on the face. And the first, most important rule: facial massage is done exclusively along these lines. Otherwise, you will not be massaging, but stretching your facial skin. Massage lines have horizontal directions, and diverge from the wings of the nose to the outside of the face (to the ears), from the eyebrows to the outside of the forehead, from the corners of the mouth to the cheekbones. All massage lines diverge from the middle of the face to its outer side. The only exception is the massage lines of the eyelids. If the upper eyelid needs to be massaged from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones, then the lower eyelid is the opposite. This is due to the specifics of the skin under the eyes.

The techniques used in facial massage are simple. You can move your fingertips along the massage lines with little effort. This technique is called rubbing.

The second technique is stroking, which also activates cell function and relieves stress.

When you tap the massage lines with your fingertips, you will get a kind of “vibration”, which is the most effective massage technique for skin rejuvenation.

And the fourth one is kneading, when you press hard on the skin. This movement is done slowly, with the fingertips held in the “press” position for several seconds.

These are the basic techniques by which you can make your skin look younger without the intervention of cosmetologists.

But be aware that your skin can be very sensitive to touch. First, carefully use all 4 techniques on different parts of the face. Make sure that the marks from your touch disappear quickly and that you do not experience discomfort.

Also, for better gliding of fingers over the skin of the face and for greater benefits, we recommend using massage oils. In fact, you don't need to buy special massage oils. Almond, peach, coconut or grape oil are also suitable for this purpose. You can purchase any of them at a pharmacy at a low price.

Facial care products after 30 years

After 30 years, facial skin care should be regular and varied. It becomes especially important to cleanse the skin not only of impurities and accumulated toxins, but also of dead cells. Therefore, the basic tool is. After 30 years, the skin becomes soft and less elastic, so you need to choose gentle peelings that contain natural ingredients and fine scrubbing particles.

After cleansing with peeling, the skin needs hydration. Not only creams nourish our skin with water, but also masks that can be made at home. For skin aged 30 years, fruit and berry masks are often used, which also have a rejuvenating effect. Apples and cucumbers are often used as the basis for masks.

When choosing, special attention should be paid to their composition. It is necessary that the cream has SPF filters. After all, sun rays and heavy tanning cause the appearance of wrinkles, and SPF filters protect the skin from the effects of the sun.

Many women after 30 years resort to beauty salon procedures, which we discussed above.

The best face creams

The most popular and positive reviews are cosmetic products from the brands Olay, Lancome, Chanel, Estee Lauder, and Vishy. These companies focus on a line of anti-aging products that are constantly being replenished. The textures of the creams are very light, they are quickly absorbed, help reduce facial wrinkles, restore an even complexion and moisturize.

Effective face masks

Effective masks for skin rejuvenation can be prepared at home. The most popular ingredients that have a rejuvenating effect are cucumbers, bananas, starch, almond oil, olive oil, and berries. To nourish and even out the complexion of aging skin, I use a banana-milk mask. 1 banana is ground with two tablespoons of full-fat milk and applied to the face for 20 minutes. A course of such masks will transform your skin, but you need to repeat it regularly.

Cosmetic manufacturers present entire lines of masks for women. Typically, anti-aging masks are part of a line of anti-aging cosmetics, such as creams (night and day) and serums.

Facial oils

Facial oils are a very effective remedy that is very affordable and easy to use. After all, the main cause of skin aging is a lack of moisture, and oils (often with the addition of vitamins and other nutritional components) can replenish the lack of moisture.

The following oils are used to moisturize the skin:

  • coconut;
  • almond;
  • sesame;
  • grape;
  • jojoba;
  • peach

Facial oils are also becoming an increasingly popular product. In addition to the obvious benefits, oils can also be used to remove makeup by first applying them to a cotton pad. This is a very gentle and nourishing way to remove makeup, even from the area around the eyes. From the age of 30, this method of removing makeup can be considered the most optimal and useful.

Professional facial care after 30 years

Professional care is not only about cosmetic procedures in beauty salons. This is special attention to the composition of care products and solutions that are applied to the face or injected under the skin.

For example, creams must contain vitamins A and E, which must be present in sufficient quantities. You can purchase several ampoules of these vitamins separately and add them to your cream.

In addition, the day cream should be moisturizing, and at night you need to apply a nourishing cream.

All products (both creams, serums and masks) should have a lifting effect, which is explained by the presence of collagen in the composition.

You cannot wash your face with plain soap. You cannot apply creams and other products not along the massage lines.

Face cosmetics at 30 years old

Anti-aging cosmetic lines usually belong to the same manufacturers. This applies to both mass and luxury cosmetics manufacturers. Of course, cosmetics from different manufacturers have their own characteristics and differences. But in any case, skin after 30 will not forgive improper and poor-quality care.

In the category of anti-aging cosmetics, the composition of more expensive products differs significantly from the content of cheaper analogues. Therefore, here the funds are divided into price categories.

Cosmetic brands in the mid-price category are Olay, Loreal, Lumene. This also includes Clinique. These manufacturers offer both caring and decorative cosmetics.

High-quality “pharmacy” cosmetics also deserve special attention. These are manufacturers such as Vichy, Nuxe, La Roche-Posay, Doliva, Bioderma, Uriage, Avene.

The age of thirty is considered the period of flowering of female beauty. But this statement is relevant only for those girls who have learned to properly care for themselves. The aging process of the body starts at the age of 25. From this point on, maintaining a blooming appearance requires some effort. Let's figure out what ideal facial skin care should be after 30 years.

Properties of covers

After 30 years, there is no drastic change in the condition of the skin, but processes begin to occur in the body that, years later, lead to the appearance of wrinkles and deterioration of skin color. The main ones:

  • slowing down metabolism;
  • decreased rate of microcirculation of blood and lymph in the skin;
  • thinning of the lipid mantle;
  • decreased sebum secretion;
  • weakening of muscle tone and dermis;
  • slowdown in collagen production;
  • inhibition of regeneration;
  • acceleration of moisture loss by cells.

The consequence of these processes is the appearance of the first signs of aging, which include “crow’s feet”, swelling and shadows under the eyes, nasolabial folds, sallow skin tone and so on. These imperfections are especially noticeable after sleepless nights, physical and emotional overload. Daily self-care will help delay skin aging.


Facial care after 30 years includes standard stages: cleansing, toning, nutrition and moisturizing. In this case, it is necessary to use suitable cosmetics. Most companies produce special product lines by age.

It is advisable not to use soap to cleanse the skin. It is better to remove makeup with milk or cream, and then wash with gel, foam or mousse. It is ideal to use mineral or purified water rather than tap water. You need to wash your face twice a day.

The cleanser should be selected according to your skin type: for combination skin and those prone to oiliness, light foams with a neutral pH and antibacterial ingredients are suitable; for dry skin, emulsions with nourishing oils are suitable.


After washing your face, pat dry with a towel and wipe with toner. It will help narrow pores, relieve irritation and disinfect the skin. Medicines containing alcohol should be avoided. It is good if the tonic contains extracts of medicinal plants and a small amount of acids. This product can be replaced with mineral water.


From the age of 30, it is important to regularly carry out deep cleansing of the skin at home, that is, peeling or scrubbing. If the skin is oily or combination, the optimal frequency of the procedure is once a week, normal - every 2 weeks, dry - every 3-4 weeks. Thanks to peeling, the keratinized layer of the epidermis is removed, thereby improving cell nutrition and accelerating their regeneration. Neglecting deep cleansing leads to the fact that the integument looks rough and uneven in structure.

For scrubbing, you can use both ready-made and homemade products. It is very important that their particles are small and not sharp. There are two types of preparations: with natural and chemical abrasives. The first includes products with pieces of fruit seeds and minerals, the second includes peelings based on synthetic substances, they act more carefully.

Making a scrub at home

The scrub is easy to make at home. Here are some recipes:

  1. For oily and combination skin. Combine a tablespoon of steamed oatmeal and sour cream;
  2. From peeling. Mix a tablespoon of coffee grounds and banana puree, add a few drops of tangerine and orange esters;
  3. For dry skin. Combine two teaspoons of oatmeal, aloe and lemon juice, add one small spoon of sugar and mineral water;
  4. The compositions are applied to a clean, damp face, then a light massage is performed for 2 minutes, after which you need to wash.

Moisturizing, nourishing and protecting

Girls over 30 need to use two types of creams: day and night. In the warm season, you should apply a moisturizer in the mornings, a nourishing one in the evenings, and vice versa in the cold.

Mandatory components of daytime cosmetics are filters that protect against ultraviolet radiation. The sun's rays activate the work of oxidants - aggressive forms of oxygen that accelerate the aging process. The night cream formula should include retinoids (forms of vitamin A), which stimulate regeneration processes in the skin.

Other important ingredients after 30 years:

  • vitamins E, C, F – substances that protect against oxidants and relieve irritation;
  • phytoestrogens are natural analogues of hormones that prolong youth; they are found in hop cones, soybeans, and legumes;
  • collagen of plant or synthetic origin, as well as components that activate its production;
  • beeswax, which forms a thin protective film on the skin;
  • hyaluronic acid is a substance responsible for the hydration and tone of the skin.

If you want to quickly improve your skin condition at home, it is better to use serums - products with a high concentration of biological substances. They should be applied to clean surfaces until the cream is applied. It is best to use serums in courses twice a year.

An important step in self-care is applying the product to the area under the eyes. This area should not be treated with face cream. Eyelid gel should have a light texture and also have a moisturizing, tightening and toning effect. It's good if it contains vitamin C and caffeine.


Home care involves applying face masks 2 times a week. Compositions should be selected based on skin problems.

  1. Nourishing compress. In 100 g of olive oil add 1 small spoon of chamomile, 1 large spoon of rowan juice and honey. Heat the mixture (in a bathhouse), dip gauze into it and apply for half an hour.
  2. Anti-wrinkle mask. Grate 1 carrot, add 1 small spoon of starch and olive oil, 1 protein to the mixture. Apply for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Cleansing composition for oily skin. Pour a large spoon of white clay with green tea until a thick paste is obtained, add 1 small spoon of honey. Steam your face and apply the mask for a third of an hour.
  4. Moisturizer for dry skin. Turn one banana into pulp, add 0.5 small spoon of starch and 1 teaspoon of cream. Keep on your face for a third of an hour.

For combination skin, cleansing compositions should be applied to oily areas, and nourishing compositions should be applied to dry areas.

Neck care

The phrase that the neck reveals one’s true age is one hundred percent true, especially if the girl does not take care of it. Let's figure out how to take care of your neck after 30. The daily ritual consists of the same steps as maintaining facial beauty:

  1. Cleansing. Before showering or washing, the neck skin should be wiped with cosmetic milk or regular kefir. Then you need to apply a face wash or gel with a neutral pH to the skin and rinse it well with water;
  2. Toning. Cosmetologists advise wiping your neck and face with one toner;
  3. Nutrition and hydration. Special creams are produced for neck care, but if it is not possible to purchase them, the skin can be lubricated with ordinary nourishing facial products. They should contain oils (macadamia, avocado, almond), collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamins E, F and other valuable components. It is recommended to apply the cream in a thick layer, and after 15 minutes remove excess cream with a napkin.


From 30 onwards, neck care is impossible without a light massage. It should be done every day at the same time as applying the cream: take the product onto your fingers and rub it lightly, and then make massage movements.

Basic techniques:

  1. Swipe 3-5 times on both sides from the shoulder to the earlobe;
  2. Grasp the left surface of the neck with your right hand and apply light pressure, moving from the collarbone to the chin. Repeat for the other side. You cannot put pressure on the thyroid gland;
  3. Place the backs of your hands under your chin and move towards your ears, making patting movements. You should do about 50 claps;
  4. Stroke the neck 3-5 times from bottom to top.

Twice a week, when caring for your neck, you should apply masks. A product made from yolk, 1 large spoon of honey and 1 large spoon of olive oil has a good nutritional and tightening effect. Keep the mask on for a quarter of an hour.

Salon treatments

After 30, professional skin care becomes especially important. It is advisable to visit a cosmetologist, whose task is to individually select cosmetic techniques and give advice on choosing medications.

The most useful procedures:

  1. Lymphatic drainage massage – manual or hardware manipulations aimed at improving microcirculation of blood and lymph;
  2. Superficial chemical peeling – removal of “dead” epidermal cells using acids – glycolic, lactic, salicylic and others;
  3. Mesotherapy is the injection of drugs under the skin, the formula of which includes hyaluronic acid, vitamins, collagen and other substances.

Proper self-care after 30 allows you to prolong the youth of your skin. It is important to regularly carry out basic procedures at home, and also visit a beauty salon if possible. But maintaining beauty only through cosmetics will not work. At this age, proper rest and healthy eating are key.

Many women will agree with the statement that after thirty, life is just beginning. This is true, because most of them have completed their studies, have a permanent job and a stable income, and their children are already grown up. It would seem that life is wonderful. But it is at this age that representatives of the fair sex notice that youth gradually passes, maturity sets in, which entails wrinkles, dull complexion, dark circles under the eyes and swelling of the eyelids. Now, looking in the mirror, you can find new wrinkles and a bunch of imperfections.

Youth is not eternal, but if you know and use tips on facial care after turning 30, you can still look 25 at 37. So, today we will talk about facial skin care after 30 years.

Causes of age-related skin changes at 30 years of age

Every person's body changes throughout life. Each person experiences the aging process differently and at different times. Some may be surprised by this article and think that it is for 45-50 year old women. Well, perhaps you are lucky and at 30 years old you do not have such problems. And for some, the aging process begins in the run-up to, say, 27-29 years.

Again, don’t delude yourself if you look 20 at 30. The biological clock has already started ticking, so age-related changes can occur at any minute, both at 30 and 37. If you start immediately caring for your skin according to the 30+ program, then you will prolong her youth. The main thing is not to stop after 40, 50, etc. And then, your appearance will be admired for a very long time, and young girls will say: “I wish I could look like that at your age;).”

Be that as it may, the average statistical indicators are as follows: up to the age of 25, the body is still very young and recovers quickly, but after 30, women’s hormonal levels change, which entails irreversible changes. 30-year-old ladies note that fine wrinkles become deeper, they are already visible to the naked eye, the tone of the face changes, swelling appears under the eyes, and puffiness. This happens because the skin begins to retain moisture less well, and the epidermis (upper layer of skin) becomes thinner. The body's metabolic processes slow down, there are more free radicals, which is why the skin looks flabby, dull, and loses its elasticity. Cell regeneration (restoration) slows down, collagen and elastin production decreases. The tone of the facial muscles slows down, which may result in the first manifestations.

All of the above age-related changes will affect every woman sooner or later. But only we can “slow down” these processes and prolong youth for several years thanks to the correct and comprehensive approach.

The main rule that will help you always look young and feel great is moderate physical activity, a balanced healthy diet, and giving up bad habits. Finally, give up flour and reduce the amount of alcohol you drink.

  • Alcohol dries out the body from the inside and impairs digestion, contributing to the appearance of new wrinkles, pimples and dullness on the face.
  • Floury, fatty, smoked foods increase blood pressure, and with age they are less excreted from the body, depositing on the walls of the intestines and blood vessels.

Without complying with these requirements, you will not achieve the desired result even with the most expensive creams. By the way, many 30+ creams are made on the basis of hormonal ingredients, it is important to remember this when choosing cosmetics.

If you are a follower of proper nutrition and play sports, then it’s time to learn about all the secrets that will help prolong the youth of your facial skin and your entire body.

  • Start your day right. From facial skin cleansing. Never use soap, only clean water, milk or tonics. During the night, fatty deposits form on the face, which should be cleaned off before applying day cream.
  • Learn to wash your face properly. Not every woman knows that starting from the age of 30, you need to wash your face with neither cold nor hot water. Cool water at room temperature is ideal for this procedure. Some cosmetologists recommend using sparkling mineral water.
  • Include freshly squeezed parsley, celery and/or cabbage juice in your diet. This will not only have a positive effect on your well-being and improve your immunity, but will also have a great effect on your appearance, in particular on your complexion and skin tone. YES - it's not tasty! YES - disgusting! What did you want?! In the fight for beauty after 30, radical measures are needed.
  • Don't neglect 8 hours of sleep. This is important, otherwise you will be left with bags under your eyes and swelling in the morning.
  • Watch your facial expressions. Otherwise, expression wrinkles will be added to age wrinkles.
  • and love green tea. Water improves metabolic processes in the body, and green tea contains substances that remove free radicals from the body, thereby slowing down the aging process. I would like to note that it is better to drink Chinese green tea. It has more benefits than packaged ones.
  • Drink fluids no later than a couple of hours before bedtime. During this time, drinking water, kefir, etc. will have time to “leave” the body and will not manifest itself as swelling in the morning.
  • Use special creams. 30 years is the time when it’s time to start using creams labeled “Anti-aging”. They should contain fruit acids, collagen, elastin, vitamins A, C, B, P.
  • Limit your time in the sun. Sunbathe in the morning and evening hours, when the sun's rays are not so aggressive. Be sure to use a high level sunscreen.
  • Use day and night creams regularly. The composition of the day cream should include an SPF filter, because... Even sitting at a computer, your face is exposed to radiation.
  • If age-related changes are already “screaming” on your face, then you can safely buy cosmetics labeled anti-age. But remember, these cosmetics work as long as you use them; when you stop using them, the cell structure returns to its original position.
  • Use . In such products the concentration of useful substances is several times higher than in creams. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them daily all year round. Conduct at least 2 courses per year (spring and autumn).
  • Apply cosmetics only along massage lines.
  • Use cleansing and nourishing masks regularly.
  • Visit beauty salons several times a year, where a cosmetologist will professionally clean, nourish and moisturize your skin. After such procedures, complexion is evened out, wrinkles are reduced, and puffiness disappears.
  • Start paying attention to your neck and the skin around your eyes.
  • You also need to end the day correctly: with cleansing and nourishing the skin. By using milk to remove makeup and then a cleansing toner, you kill two birds with one stone: cleansing and nourishing the skin. Be sure to remove makeup before going to bed using specialized products. Use a night face cream. It is more complex in composition and in order for the skin to receive all the nutritional elements it takes time and, of course, the absence of additional external influences: cosmetics, ecology, etc. A night cream does not necessarily contain an SPF filter, but retinoids, collagen, ceramides, peptins, hydroacids, and coenzyme are very necessary. Try to choose a cream that contains these elements.
  • Do self-massage and facial exercises daily.

Don't forget that you need to take care of your facial skin. daily(cleansing and moisturizing), weekly(peeling and masks) and all year round(in winter, use richer creams, and less often use alcohol-containing cosmetics, and in summer, creams with a sun protective filter).

Stages of care required for skin after 30 years

Skin care steps remain the same at any age. This:

  1. Regular cleansing.
  2. Important toning.
  3. Necessary nutrition and hydration.

But skin that undergoes age-related changes requires a special approach and the use of special cosmetics. At this age, it will not be enough to carry out the entire range of procedures only in the evening. Now you need to cleanse, tone and nourish your face 2 times a day. Carefully select products, use only those products that are suitable specifically for your skin type. Do not use cosmetics from dubious manufacturers.

Wash with water and a special cleanser (foam, milk, etc.). After cleansing, tone the skin with a tonic or prepared herbal decoction. Apply day cream in the morning and night cream in the evening. It is best to use cream in the morning to moisturize, and in the evening to nourish the skin.

All procedures will take very little time (about 15 minutes a day), and the result will be amazing.

Care for oily skin after 30

Oily skin types are characterized by excessive production of sebum. fat, which is why there is always an unpleasant shine on the face. Many women mask it with a large amount of foundation, which further clogs the pores and leads to various breakouts. Properly selected cosmetics can help with this. When washing your face in the morning, use products that are suitable specifically for your skin type, and tone with an alcohol-containing tonic or lotion. Alcohol dries the skin and prevents the appearance of unwanted shine. Do not use greasy creams; soak the remaining product with a cosmetic napkin.

Care for dry skin after 30

Those with dry skin tend to experience age-related aging faster.
wrinkles, and facial wrinkles are more pronounced. All due to the fact that the skin cannot retain the required amount of moisture. In this case, the skin vitally needs constant hydration. Buy micellar water in an aerosol and spray it on your face throughout the day (this will not harm your makeup). Avoid using alcohol-based toners. It will dry out already dry skin. Be sure to moisturize and nourish your skin with creams morning and evening. For women with dry skin, it is not advisable to scrub and peel more than once a week.

Caring for problem skin after 30

By the age of 30, a woman cannot have teenage acne or acne. If they appear, then this is a problem that needs to be addressed by a doctor or cosmetologist. The fact is that the body signals various diseases of the internal organs with rashes. Therefore, do not delay going to a medical facility.

Owners of problem skin, like no one else, should regularly visit a cosmetologist, have professional facial cleansing and use cosmetics recommended by a specialist.

Salon treatments

If skin at 25 is quite satisfied with cosmetic procedures that can be carried out at home (peeling, nourishing masks, etc.), then after overcoming the 30-year barrier, professional care is simply necessary. All self-prepared or purchased cosmetics act on the upper layers of the epidermis and do not completely eliminate the problem. Only in beauty salons can special procedures be carried out that will deeply affect the skin (clean it, saturate it with the necessary components, smooth out wrinkles). Here are a few of them.

  • – deeply affects the skin, cleansing it of dead cells, dirt, dust, after which any cream or serum penetrates deeper into the skin and works more efficiently. This procedure is aimed at healing and rejuvenating the skin. Most clients note that wrinkles become less noticeable, swelling goes away, and complexion improves.
  • – it is recommended to conduct 2 courses per year of 5-7 procedures. After it, the skin looks noticeably refreshed, blood microcirculation improves, wrinkles are smoothed out for several months (especially in the nasolabial area), the skin becomes elastic and noticeably rejuvenated.
  • Botox injections, photorejuvenation, mesotherapy – this is an incomplete list of procedures aimed at rejuvenating the skin and getting rid of wrinkles. Before using them on yourself, consult a dermatologist.

Beauty treatments at home

Visiting a cosmetologist after 30 is very important, but not
Daily skin care at home is less important. To carry out any procedure, you will need either purchased or home-made cosmetics. The quality of the former may be questionable, but scrubs, masks, and tonics made from natural ingredients certainly won’t do any harm. To prepare them you will need ingredients that are in the kitchen and medicine cabinet of every housewife. This way you will save your family budget, make your face happy and enjoy the procedures performed.

It is very useful to wipe your face with milk, the main thing is to do it on cleansed skin. You can leave the milk on your face for a couple of minutes and then wash off with warm water.

For dry and flabby skin, you can prepare aloe juice and wipe your face with it twice a day. After all, what could be better than the most natural ingredients. In addition, it is not for nothing that manufacturers of leading cosmetics use aloe.

Banana-based softening mask

Take a banana, soften it with a fork or in a blender, add 1 tsp to it. heavy cream and 0.5 tsp. potato starch. Mix all the ingredients and apply a banana mask to cleansed facial skin. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

“Green Vitamin” mask

To prepare such a mask, you need to take parsley, lettuce, and celery leaves. Grind and grind them to a mushy mass, into which add 1 tsp. oatmeal. Apply the resulting mass to a steamed face and rinse with cool water after 25-30 minutes.

Rejuvenating mask with milk

Making such a mask is very simple. Take warm milk, add flour and stir well. It should be a thick paste. Then pour in 1 egg yolk and mix everything well again. Apply the mask to previously cleansed skin for 20 minutes, then rinse it off and lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.

Magic ice cubes

Herbal ice cubes are perfect for morning toning. You will need to pour a herbal decoction (chamomile, calendula, string, linden blossom, etc.) into ice molds and freeze. Every morning after cleansing, tone your skin by rubbing an ice cube over your face and neck.

Fruit skin nutrition

In the summer, do not forget about the existence of rejuvenating and nourishing masks made from fresh fruits. Apricots, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, and apples are ideal for preparing them. Having chosen one ingredient, grind it and apply the resulting paste to your face, avoiding the lips and eyes. After 20-25, rinse with water at room temperature.

Special care for each area of ​​the face

It's no secret that the thickness of the skin on all parts of the face is different. Therefore, they require an individual approach. On many purchased cosmetics, the manufacturer indicates which areas should not be touched when using the product.

Skin care around the eyes after 30 years

The skin around the eyes is very thin, delicate and lacks a sufficient number of sebaceous glands. Because of this, it needs constant hydration. To nourish it, choose a cream marked “For the skin around the eyes.” Do not use the cream you apply to your face around your eyes. It is too heavy for the delicate skin in this area, and therefore it will only contribute to the formation of bags or, conversely, stretching of the skin under the eyes.

Apply cosmetics using your ring fingers, patting gently. Make a mask for this area 2 times a week. Perform self-massage every morning and before bed.

Do not apply cream to the skin under your eyes immediately before going to bed. It is advisable to carry outThis procedure takes an hour, because moisturizer has an oily structure and if it does not have time to be absorbed, in the morning you will get swelling and bags under your eyes.

Neck care

The neck, like the face, is subject to rapid aging.
For some reason, we often neglect this area. And you've probably seen women who don't have wrinkles on their faces, but have loose skin on their necks (this usually appears after 50 years). So this is precisely the result of neglecting neck care. Let's make sure that neither your neck nor your face shows you obvious signs of aging. For this, it is important to simply remember to take care of your neck.

Caring for this area is quite simple, but very important. All masks, except the scrub, can be applied to the neck. A day and night face cream is also suitable for this area. It should be applied with gentle movements from the collarbone to the chin, avoiding sudden movements.

30 years is not old age and not a death sentence. The signs of aging can and should be fought. By this age, every woman should clearly understand that her appearance and skin condition depend only on her. Without regular proper facial skin care and an active and healthy lifestyle, it is impossible to have a young, beautiful and attractive appearance even at 25. Don’t forget that in addition to cosmetic procedures, you need to take care of your immunity, especially during periods of exacerbation of colds. For example, to maintain the body’s overall immunity, take tinctures of echinacea, ginseng, and eleutherococcus. By following all the recommendations, you will not only look, but also feel young, healthy, vigorous and beautiful.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We are always waiting for your comments and advice from personal experience that will help other girls remain attractive and maintain youth for a long time.

Useful video collections on facial skin care after 30 years.

Advice from a professional!

After 30 years, you look the way you deserve, people say. But this is only partly true. Different skin types age differently.

Some girls notice the first signs of age on their faces as early as 18 years old, but in fact, we begin to age much later. The appearance of facial wrinkles and age spots, which sometimes “spoil” young skin, has nothing to do with the aging process of the body. All of the above are the result of insufficient skin care, but not signs of age.

Real age-related changes appear on the face only after 30 years, when cell renewal processes in the body slow down, microcirculation is disrupted and metabolism decreases. But at this time it is still too early to talk about skin withering - an indispensable stage of its aging, although the status of the skin is still changing. In the language of cosmetology, a woman’s skin after 30 years is called mature. Nevertheless, there is no need to be upset.

Photo: 123RF/lenetstan

The skin is a hormone-dependent organ, and at the age of 30-35 years, all vital hormones are still produced in sufficient quantities. This means that if you care for it correctly, taking into account not only its type and individual characteristics, but also the type of aging, you can achieve amazing results.

How to take care of your skin after 30 years

If you evaluate the skin condition of women at this age, you can see that it will be completely different. Some representatives of the fair sex will look 20 years old, as if biological age has no influence on them. Others can be given “all 35” - pronounced wrinkles, decreased skin turgor, a swollen oval of the face. Does this mean that the first ladies took better care of their skin and their skincare products were more effective?

Not really. Different women differ not only in their skin type (normal, dry, oily, combination) and its condition (sensitive, dehydrated), but also in the type of facial aging. Only by taking into account all the factors can you stay young and beautiful longer. There are three important secrets for this:

  1. The main secrets of maintaining youthful skin.
  2. Professional cosmetics.

Secrets of youthful skin: 5anti-age tips

If you want to see your skin healthy and beautiful for as long as possible, do not believe in the miraculous properties of cosmetics. The skin is a reflection of the changes that occur inside the body, which means its care must be comprehensive. A portion of cream in the morning and evening is not enough, you must lead a healthy lifestyle!

Get yourself a good night's sleep

The skin of 30-year-old women reacts sharply to stress, so lack of sleep is immediately reflected on the face. The skin becomes dull, gray, the eyelid area turns red, and if you also drank coffee or alcohol in the evening, swelling appears. Sleep is the best cure for stress, including for your face!

Photo: 123RF/Lightwave Stock Media

Get busysports

The results of an interesting study were published by specialists from McMaster University in Ontario. They gathered two groups of like-minded people from 20 to 84 years old. The first group played sports three times a week, while the second group did not practice intense exercise. A skin biopsy showed that in elderly people from the first group, the qualitative characteristics of the deep layers of the skin corresponded to young skin! While the second one is based on biological age. Something to think about, isn't it?

Eat right

Trite? But it's effective! We can talk for a long time about the dangers of fast food, but it’s better not to eat it. Eliminate or at least limit store-bought sausages, semi-finished products, as well as chebureks and pies from the tray - your skin condition will immediately improve. And if you also start drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day, your skin will visually become brighter and fresher, and optimally hydrated from the inside.

Use the funds withSPF all year round

After 25-30 years, the risk of pigmentation, which is difficult to correct, increases. To prevent this problem, apply sun filter cream to the skin of your face, neck, décolleté and hands. The minimum SPF value is 30.

Photo: 123RF/WavebreakMediaLtd

Plan anti-aging care

After 30 years, a woman should switch to anti-aging cosmetics. Regular moisturizer and simple cleansing morning and evening are no longer enough. To keep your skin velvety, fresh and youthful, you will have to expand your cosmetic arsenal. An anti-aging cream with a moisturizing effect, a nourishing cream (evening), tonic lotions, moisturizing and restoring masks and serums should settle on your dressing table.

9 best components of anti-aging cosmetics:
- hyaluronic acid;
- peptides;
- AHA acids;
- retinoids;
- vitamins A, C and E;
- seaweed;
- collagen.

How different skin types age

Tired aging type: moderate dry to normal skin

Stellar example: Kim Basinger, Julia Roberts.


The first type of aging affects those with normal to moderately dry skin, sometimes with increased sensitivity. They usually have an asthenic (thin) or normosthenic physique, and their face is oval or diamond-shaped. In the morning, the skin looks beautiful, pleases with freshness and blush, and in the evening it takes on a tired look, as if nature “throws on” 3-5 years. The main reason for the changes is the disruption of microcirculation in the deep layers.

Main features:

  • Dull complexion, acquires an earthy tint with age.
  • Decreased skin turgor and muscle tone.
  • Drooping of the corners of the eyes and mouth.
  • Manifestation of the pattern of the nasolabial triangle and tear trough.
  • Visual loss of volume.

What to do?

First of all, you should take care of proper rest as an effective means of reducing skin stress. When choosing cosmetics, give preference to ingredients that improve complexion and stimulate collagen synthesis. These are products with vitamin C, antioxidants and AHA acids.

Be sure to practice self-massage of the face. The procedure, carried out according to all the rules, will improve the movement of blood in the lymph and tissues, and will noticeably refresh you. And don’t forget about salon care - lymphatic drainage procedures will be useful - classic manual massage, myolifting, vacuum lymphatic drainage. Once a year, chemical peels are recommended to improve the condition of the skin and stimulate collagen synthesis.

Deformation type of aging: oily and combination skin

Stellar example: Svetlana Kryuchkova, Sophia Loren.


It is not difficult to recognize a woman on the street who is prone to this type of facial aging - this is approximately 60 percent of our compatriots. This is how “heavy” full faces age. The skin of beautiful ladies is most often combination or oily, porous, often with rosacea and increased sensitivity to cosmetic care. The defining symptom of the deformation type is sagging tissue, as the name suggests - the eyelids become bag-like, the circumference of the face “floats”, the cheeks droop. The reasons for the unpleasant changes are excess subcutaneous fat and decreased skin turgor.

Main features:

  • The appearance of swelling.
  • The appearance of “jowls”, double chin.
  • Bags under the eyes.
  • Spider veins (rosacea).
  • The cheeks hang over the nasolabial fold.
  • The oval of the face is lost.

What to do?

With this type of facial aging, the most important thing is prevention. Unfortunately, with age-related changes - sagging skin of the upper eyelids and cheeks, the appearance of fatty hernias, etc. - Only surgical intervention is effective. Therefore, it is so important to start thoughtful skin care on time to prevent imperfections. Experts have shown procedures that can restore muscle tone and thereby tighten the skin. This is a sculptural massage, myostimulation, a course of modeling masks. At home, you can pamper your skin with alginate and paraffin masks, rely on anti-rosacea creams and serums, and also use skincare cosmetics that improve microcirculation in the layers of the skin. Creams containing seaweed, vitamins K, P and C are useful.

Fine wrinkled aging type: normal, dry sensitive skin

Stellar example: Andie MacDowell, Audrey Hepburn.


The fair half of humanity with this type of aging has normal or dry sensitive skin. Since such skin is quite thin and light, with age it does not stretch under the influence of gravity, but retains its shape. But there is also bad news! It is covered first with small and then deep wrinkles. Over time, the face loses its beautiful porcelain glow - the skin requires moisture and protection. In order for it to remain bright and fresh longer, it literally needs greenhouse conditions.

Main features:

  • Constant feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin.
  • Acute reaction to cold and heat.
  • Expression wrinkles appear in the forehead area.
  • Folds are noticeable on the upper and lower eyelids.
  • Crow's feet and wrinkles around the lips are clearly visible.
  • Pigment “blots” appear.

What to do?

The “golden rule” of caring for such skin is protection. In the cold season, before going outside, you should apply a protective nourishing cream, and in the warm season, a product with solar filters. At the first sign of rashes and irritation, you will need an antiallergic drug. In addition to all of the above, your daily care should include a cream based on hyaluronic acid - an iconic skin moisturizer, with soothing ingredients and phytoestrogens.

If you are not afraid of injections and are ready for injection techniques, try mesotherapy sessions (injection of hyaluronic acid-based cocktails and gels under the skin). Among other techniques, the condition of the skin will be improved by massages on top of a nourishing cream and a course of restorative masks.

Combined aging: all skin types

Stellar example— Irina Alferova, Brigitte Bardot.

One of the most complex types, which is characterized by all the above characteristics. Briefly but succinctly, the aging process can be described as “all at once.” The face takes on a gloomy expression, swelling occurs and wrinkles appear. At the age of 30, it is difficult to recognize it, since aging occurs like a tired face, after which other signs appear. However, if you have a normal physique, but have a tendency to be overweight, keep in mind that you are at risk.

Main features:

  • Formation of wrinkles.
  • Decreased skin elasticity.
  • Pronounced nasolabial folds.
  • The sagging of the cheeks is noticeable.
  • The brow ridges are lowered.
  • The oval of the face gradually loses its clarity.

What to do?

Since the mixed type of aging involves consistent changes in appearance, each problem should be addressed separately. When wrinkles appear, you can correct them with injection techniques (based on botulinum toxin), loss of skin turgor - with modeling massage or lymphatic drainage hardware procedures.

Anti-aging products, contrast procedures, and washing with ice cubes are good for home care. A program to prevent hyperpigmentation should be a mandatory component of care. Train yourself to consult a cosmetologist at least once a year to monitor the changes that have occurred and select the necessary cosmetics.

Be healthy and beautiful!

There are many secrets and subtleties that make up facial skin care after 30 years, and most of them require very little effort and time. It is difficult to meet a lady who, in adulthood, would not dream of looking like an eighteen-year-old girl. Many of them forget that desire alone is not enough - constant procedures are needed, which can be carried out even at home. Just a few minutes a day not to watch your favorite TV series, but to pay attention to yourself - and your face will definitely shine with freshness, youth and health.

For sagging skin, age is not a barrier, and the moment when it inevitably begins to become covered with wrinkles and lose elasticity cannot be avoided. Don’t panic in advance - you can push it back significantly and remain beautiful for a long time. You can take care of your facial skin after 30 years at home without the help of a specialist, just with a little patience. And we will tell you about all the nuances of working with skin that shows the first signs of age-related changes!

Usually, with good nutrition and health, skin at 30 years old does not yet have clear signs of aging. Most often, small facial wrinkles and a slight drooping of the oval are visible on it. It is quite possible to combat such changes by going to a cosmetologist 1-2 times every six months and using high-quality cosmetics.

What happens to a woman’s facial skin after 30 years?

To understand what exactly needs to be paid more attention to, you should understand what processes occur deep in the layers of the epidermis:

  • the sebaceous glands work unstably, slowing down the secretion;
  • muscle tone decreases (crow's feet appear, numerous small wrinkles near the lips and nose, sagging is noticeable on the cheeks);
  • the skin becomes dry and loses moisture;
  • blood flow is disrupted, as a result of which the face loses its color;
  • elastin and collagen fibers are practically not produced, which further reduces elasticity.

This is quite enough to understand that you cannot do without comprehensive care, and the struggle ahead is serious. You should not hope that decorative cosmetics will save the situation - if at first you can “cover up” the defects quite successfully, after a while even tons of products will not be able to hide wrinkles or sagging. The only way out here is to carry out procedures that can fill the skin tissue with nutrients, moisturize, and tone.

Before you begin the procedures, you should understand what proper facial skin care after 30 consists of. There are many subtleties and nuances here, because each skin is individual and requires special treatment.

The first stage in carrying out home treatments is to find out what type of skin to choose products for:

  • Normal. Without any special defects - spider veins, stains, greasy shine. Caring for it will not be difficult, but if you neglect it, the sebaceous glands will instantly react and begin to produce fat much more intensely.
  • Combined. The T-zone is usually oilier than other areas, and it also ages much faster. It is these places that the greatest attention should be paid during procedures.
  • Dry. It is characterized by increased dryness and blood vessels visible through a thin layer of skin. Without proper care, it quickly becomes covered with wrinkles.
  • Fat. The active work of the sebaceous glands is noticeable at first glance - a fatty layer is constantly visible on the face. There is no need to worry too much about this after the age of 30 - usually it becomes combined and requires normal care.

Care for normal skin type

The procedure for caring for healthy facial skin at 30 should begin with washing with cool water and a light massage (acupressure or simple patting). This will increase blood circulation, improve tone, and allow nutrients to penetrate the layers of the epidermis.

Be sure to use moisturizers (masks, creams). It is better not to use nutritional preparations - they stimulate the appearance of wrinkles. In the evening, cleanse the skin with a special milk, gel or mask.

Dry skin care

What is the care for dry skin after 30 and how to prolong youth? In the morning, be sure to wipe your face with a cleansing tonic, massage, and apply any high-fat product (kefir, yogurt, sour cream). You can make your own homemade mask. Be sure to apply moisturizer every day.

In the evening, repeat the manipulations with the cleansing tonic. Be sure to apply a moisturizer (you can alternate it with a nourishing cream).

4 fatal mistakes in caring for oily skin – how to really take care of it

Unhappy owners of oily skin often make mistakes that are immediately reflected on the face in the form of wrinkles, a scattering of pimples and blackheads. What are their mistakes and how to take care of oily skin after 30 years without mistakes?

Main errors and their corrections:

  1. Using hot water for washing. This stimulates the sebaceous glands and causes oily shine. The liquid should be cool or lukewarm.
  2. Using oily cosmetics (store-bought or homemade). Thanks to this, pimples appear that do not decorate the face at all. The composition should be low-fat, plant-based.
  3. Washing with hard water. The results of the procedure are the appearance of irritation. It is better to use decoctions of sage or mint for washing - this will not only have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, but will also give an even, healthy shade.
  4. Applying fatty face powder. The effect after the procedure is amazing - the skin looks like a mask with layers of cosmetic product. It's easy to correct the mistake - use loose powder, it will draw out sebum.

Care for combination skin types

Caring for combination skin after 30 is not difficult, the main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations of specialists:

  • select cosmetic preparations intended only for this type;
  • if homemade formulations are used, preference should be given to products for oily and dry types, applying them to the corresponding areas of the face;
  • Be sure to do deep cleaning weekly;
  • make masks based on plant materials (St. John's wort, birch, yarrow, cucumbers, citrus fruits).

In the evening, apply cream for combination skin or make a special mask.

There are many tricks that turn facial care at 30 at home into pleasure. You don’t need to go to a salon for this, you can do everything yourself and look well-groomed and always young.

Step-by-step care:

  1. start the day with proper washing, using tonic or milk, but in no case soap;
  2. have breakfast only with healthy dishes, include fruits, herbs, vegetables in your diet, give up sweets;
  3. drink plenty of fluids – green tea, plain water, vitamin fruit drinks and juices;
  4. use special anti-aging products (cream, mask, tonic, lotion);
  5. regularly cleanse and nourish the skin with masks;
  6. Be sure to remove any remaining makeup before going to bed.

Alcohol and cigarettes also leave their mark on the face, so it is better to sacrifice a few minutes of pleasure and get glowing youthful skin in return.

Hydration and nutrition

You can combine two skin care processes at home. The easiest option for moisturizing and nourishing is to purchase special products labeled “after 30.” You can use them at 32 or 45 - the effect will not change.

The creams should contain the following ingredients:

  • any essential oil;
  • nutrients;
  • vitamins;
  • moisturizing components;
  • UV filters.

A little trick - in summer it is better to give preference to light formulations, but in winter choose richer products that will protect the skin from the harmful effects of frosty air.

Cleansing and toning

The necessary steps in skin care should be toning and cleansing, which will get rid of excess fat. Tips from a cosmetologist for facial care:

  • use special products (milk, gel for washing);
  • regularly remove dust and dirt using scrubs;
  • The entire face should be cleaned;
  • Be sure to use homemade or store-bought masks.

The skin must constantly breathe, so it is better not to overuse cosmetics.

Proper makeup removal

Grooming rules include removing makeup, which is where women make fatal mistakes. Few requirements:

  • do not leave makeup on overnight;
  • remove decorative cosmetics with special compounds;
  • Do not use force or vigorously rub your eyes or skin;
  • do “fasting” days, allowing your face to rest.

If you feel a little discomfort on your face after removing makeup, it is better to experiment with another milk or foam - there is a possibility that the product was chosen incorrectly.

Folk remedies

Regardless of when ladies over 30 undergo facial care, in the fall, spring, or winter, it needs to be done regularly and carefully. Folk remedies that are as effective as expensive drugs will come to the rescue here.

The most commonly used plant materials here are leaves, roots, inflorescences. You can add products from the refrigerator - cottage cheese, sour cream and honey have no less effective effects and perfectly nourish the epidermal cells.

An open mind about skin care around the eyes from age 30

We should not forget that daily facial care should also include procedures in the areas around the eyes. There are no special requirements here, but masks against crow’s feet should become a necessary habit after 30.

You can use purchased drugs or homemade formulations for the procedures - there is no significant difference between them. The only requirement is to carry them out constantly; it is much easier to prevent wrinkles than to deal with them later.

Neck care

Body care is not only a procedure for the face, the neck also needs to be given due attention. There is no need to experiment or invent special formulations - the skin of the face and neck is practically the same, so you can use the same products. The use of nourishing and moisturizing compositions on the neck is simply necessary, because it also quickly becomes flabby and loses its elasticity.

Day and night facial care after 30 years

Regular skin care includes not only daytime, but also evening treatments:

  1. washing;
  2. toning;
  3. applying a cream intended for ladies over 30 years old;
  4. deep cleansing;
  5. makeup removal;
  6. applying a night product (cream for 30 years).

Each of these points must be followed strictly - only this guarantees a successful result.

After 30, procedures carried out in the salon are simply necessary, because homemade compositions are unlikely to penetrate deep into the tissues of the epidermis. For ladies over 30, there are many salon procedures:

  • peeling (heals and rejuvenates, cleansing of dead skin particles);
  • injections (Botox, hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy) that nourish cells and restore elasticity and a beautiful shade;
  • special massage (improves blood microcirculation, refreshes, smoothes wrinkles).

The procedures necessary in a particular case are prescribed only by a specialist, paying more attention to problem areas.

Carrying out this stage of facial skin care after 30 is especially important. Homemade compositions can preserve youth, but subject to regular use.

There are many tricks in using home remedies, one of them is to first clean and steam the skin - this will allow the nutrients to penetrate to the maximum depth.

Anti-wrinkle mask for forehead

Some women begin care only after 30, which is absolutely not allowed - procedures should be carried out earlier. It is recommended to use masks against wrinkles on the forehead from the age of 25, this will allow creeping old age not to take you by surprise.

  • 45 ml of honey (preference is given to a liquid product);
  • 45 ml of juice squeezed from grapes.

Mix the ingredients and apply an even layer on a gauze cloth. Place the mask on the forehead area for a quarter of an hour.

Rejuvenating mask with yeast

Every woman who has taken care of her face regularly is well aware of the invaluable benefits of yeast. A mask based on this product not only rejuvenates, but also smoothes out wrinkles.

  • 25 gr. yeast (pressed);
  • chicken egg yolk;
  • peach seed oil.

Mix the ingredients and wait a quarter of an hour. Apply the composition to the face, wait half an hour, rinse.

Whitening mask

At 33 years old, the third condition of care is the use of a whitening mask.

  • 30 ml of juice squeezed from citrus fruits (lemon, lime);
  • egg;
  • 2-4 ml vegetable oil.

Mix the two ingredients - white with juice, yolk with butter. Apply the protein mixture in several layers, the last layer is the yolk mixture. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

Carrot refreshing anti-wrinkle mask

In your thirty-fourth year, you can use carrot masks, which perfectly refresh your face.

  • 120 gr. carrots (turn into pulp with a grater);
  • 15 gr. starch;
  • protein.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the face for half an hour, not leaving the décolleté area unattended.

Green vitamin mask

Mask composition:

  • 50 gr. chopped greens (parsley, spinach, lettuce);
  • 15 gr. oatmeal (can be replaced with starch).

Combine the ingredients and spread in an even layer over your face for a quarter of an hour.

Cleansing and softening clay-honey mask

  • 25 gr. clay (preference is given to white);
  • 10-12 ml honey;
  • 10 ml concentrated green tea.

Turn the ingredients into a homogeneous paste for 20 minutes. Apply to the face, not forgetting the neck and décolleté.

Anti-wrinkle oil mask

It is imperative to complete the procedure by applying a nutrient.

  • 90 ml vegetable oil;
  • 15 gr. chamomile inflorescences;
  • 20 ml honey;
  • 25 ml of juice from rowan fruits.

Mix the components, heat until smooth in a steam bath, apply to the skin of the face for a quarter of an hour.

Magic ice cubes

Facial skin after 30 responds well to vitamin cubes, which you can prepare yourself. To do this you will need juicy parsley and mineral water.

Squeeze the juice from parsley leaves and mix with mineral water (1:5). Fill special ice molds and place in the freezer. Wipe your skin daily (before going to bed and after waking up).

Banana-based softening mask

The product not only softens, but also nourishes the epidermal cells with beneficial substances.

  • 130 gr. banana;
  • 15-18 ml cream (take heavy cream);
  • 7-9 gr. starch.

Mash the banana with a fork and add the rest of the ingredients. Apply for 15 minutes.

Caring for problem skin at 30 consists not only of using all kinds of masks, but also requires regular cleaning, which allows you to get rid of dust particles, dead cells, and dirt.

You can make your own coffee and cottage cheese scrub that works just as well as professional products. Take equal parts of ground coffee and good cottage cheese, apply to the skin with massaging movements, leave for 10 minutes.

Soft Indian hammage

The components of the product are able to penetrate to a great depth of the epidermis, carefully cleansing the skin of dead cells.

  • 10 gr. cinnamon powder;
  • 15 gr. banana pulp;
  • 30 ml fat kefir;
  • 20 ml citrus juice (lime, lemon).

Mix the components and simultaneously apply a light massage. Leave for 20 minutes.

Deep peeling

  • 10 ml of ammonia;
  • 10 ml boric acid;
  • 15 gr. tar soap;
  • 15 ml glycerin;
  • 1 table hydroperite.

Grate the soap and add the remaining ingredients. Apply for just 10 minutes. Remove with calcium chloride by soaking a napkin generously in the solution.

If you need to get your face in order in just a week, you don’t need to give up - it’s quite possible. Facial care after 30 years, advice from a cosmetologist for quick results:

  1. every other day, use a mask for your skin type;
  2. dry skin must be pampered with moisturizing preparations;
  3. carry out manipulations not only with the face, but also with the neck;
  4. cream intended for evening application should be used only before 22.00 - this will remove puffiness;
  5. Introduce green tea into your diet, or even better, replace coffee with it;
  6. drink freshly squeezed juices daily - cabbage, parsley or celery;
  7. Perform acupressure before bed.

Usually these simple steps are enough to prepare for the holiday in just a week and shine with health and freshness.

After 30, you shouldn’t start preparing for the rapidly approaching old age - life goes on! Daily witchcraft with home remedies on your face will certainly lead to amazing results.

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