Skin after chemical peeling. Scars, burns, peeling, redness and other consequences for the skin of the face after peeling and how to eliminate them


Post-peeling care is a mandatory procedure that allows you to restore the skin as a result of cosmetic intervention. Due to the cleansing of the skin with salon devices or home scrubs, skin particles can clog pores. If excessive pressure is applied to the cleansing area, the risk of edema is high. These and other consequences of the procedure can be prevented by applying therapeutic massage and restorative compositions in a timely manner.

Natural effects of peeling

Peeling is a rough procedure for cleaning the layers of the epidermis. During cleaning, the upper, middle or deep layers may be affected (depending on the type of procedure). The particles that are used for cleaning lead to microcracks and minor damage. The natural effects of peeling are limited to the following list:

  • skin redness;
  • slight peeling;
  • temporary itching;
  • the occurrence of irregularities.

These symptoms usually last no more than three days after cleaning. If you carry out improper skin care, violate the rules of hygiene, then the risk of complications will increase as a result.

Possible complications after the procedure

Problems arise against the background of improper post-peeling care. Doctors recommend not using heavy cosmetic formulations on the first day, avoiding greasy creams and makeup. In the first 12 hours, any skin care and touching is completely prohibited. If a girl violates the above rules, this can lead to the development of:

  • severe peeling;
  • edema;
  • acne and purulent acne;
  • crusts on the surface of the epidermis.

As a result of complications, severe inflammation can develop, leading to scarring and pitting.

Care with Consequences

To prevent scarring and deterioration in appearance, patients who have undergone peeling should attend an epidermal rehabilitation course, taking into account individual characteristics. The best advice will be given by a professional beautician who knows all the characteristics of your skin. However, you can choose the right remedies against side effects yourself by following the instructions below.


Peeling of the skin is a natural reaction of the body to the cleaning procedure. The skin is starting to renew itself. The peak of exfoliation is 48-60 hours after the procedure. The fully discussed side effect goes away a week after exposure. If irritation and rolling of skin particles does not stop, you should consult a doctor.

For long-term complications, do not neglect to see a doctor. In the clinic, you can contact a dermatologist, in a private salon - to a cosmetologist specializing in skin restoration.

To quickly remove peeling, it is necessary to use preparations with hyaluronic acid. In the first three days, it can only be light foams and lotions for washing. Then you can go to a natural face mask, but it is forbidden to apply a greasy cream to the skin.

Hyaluronic acid preparations are easy to find in cosmetic stores. They come in every price range. The most budgetary options are teenage acne lotions, but it is better to use a specialized preparation for post-peel recovery. Biorevitalization may help.


Hyperemia is the scientific term for redness of the skin. This consequence is typical for patients who have undergone enhanced peeling. If a girl suffers from hypersensitivity, the symptom can last up to 2 weeks, while skin itching is possible.

It is undesirable to use tonal compositions for visual elimination of the problem. Light powder is allowed, but only after consultation with a beautician. It is better to take multivitamins, which will accelerate skin regeneration, and use gels with a healing effect.

For a while, you should abandon any action that causes a rush of blood to the head. You can not lie with your head down for a long time, engage in aerobic exercise, drink alcohol and energy drinks. Prohibited warming drugs, spicy seasonings. You can anoint your face with a cooling agent.


Edema occurs mainly in girls with a predisposition to this problem (patients with fullness, a rounded face, with impaired functional functioning of the liver and kidneys). The main method of combating edema is the rejection of salty and sweet, reducing water consumption for 2-3 days. It is recommended to consume foods with natural antioxidants: green tea, fruits.

It is also necessary to use local preparations with regenerating properties. It is recommended to purchase special medicines against edema. They also cool the epidermis well, reducing itching and redness.

How to deal with complications?

Serious complications require comprehensive care. It is necessary to combine massage techniques, pharmacy medicines and cosmetics. Tips for recovering from complications are provided below.


If after the procedure a rash resembling acne occurs, it is necessary to improve the diet, give up spicy and sweet, use foams for washing and lotions with hyaluronic acid. Acne can be caused by allergies (see below).

Purulent acne (with a white head) occurs when dirt is brought under the skin. To eliminate inflammation, you can use an alcohol-based calendula tincture. It will dry out the pimple, causing it to flake off faster. The face can be wiped after peeling and bathing with antiseptic compounds. If purulent pimples appear, it is forbidden to squeeze them out, it is also undesirable to hide them with cosmetics - the inflammation may intensify.

After the pimple is gone, you need to carry out procedures aimed at eliminating scars.


Allergic reactions are expressed in severe reddening of the face. Less commonly, there is a rash that resembles a mosquito bite, which itches and hurts when scratched. The first type of problem can be treated with antihistamines. For example, take "Suprastin".

Rashes in the form of mosquito bites do not go away quickly, and antiallergic drugs do not relieve itching well. To reduce it, it is necessary to purchase cooling compounds, gels like Red Star. It is permissible to cover up such rashes with tonal means.

Scars, welts, crust

The formation of scars and crusts can be prevented by regularly treating the skin with antiseptic and regenerating compounds. If they have already begun to appear, the structure of the connective tissue or crust should not be disturbed, otherwise the scars will be even more noticeable.

A special tool after scars will help eliminate the already formed ruts. A quality drug costs about 2 thousand rubles.


The skin after peeling becomes especially susceptible to the sun. Against this background, dark spots may appear - freckles or formations resembling moles.

To prevent such problems, sunscreen lotion should be applied to the skin for the first 7-10 days. Do not use greasy creams, sunbathe, visit a solarium, otherwise pigmentation will form. And you can fight an existing melasma with lemon juice and whitening cosmetics.

The best cosmetics

When caring for your skin, it is better to use proven products. Experts recommend the following cosmetic series and medicines:

  • pharmaceutical preparations for tissue regeneration;
  • cosmetics company "Natura Siberica";
  • Israeli cosmetics;
  • clay and other products from Alpika;
  • coolants.

The following names are considered the most popular among pharmaceutical preparations:

  1. "Troxevasin" (from edema).
  2. "Panthenol" (for burns, for regeneration after dry cleaning).
  3. "Depanthenol" (an analogue of the drug above, will help remove severe tightness and post-traumatic redness).
  4. Natural oils (shea butter or grape seed oil, have an antiseptic effect and eliminate peeling).
  5. "Lioton-gel" (against redness).

Cosmetic formulations:

  • acids for peeling and recovery from the company "Joy by Joy";
  • glycogel peels (cleansing + regeneration);
  • alginate mask (can moisturize and heal the skin);
  • soothing compositions based on aloe.

With a limited budget, you should pay attention to generic pharmaceutical preparations, many of which can be found in a home medicine cabinet. A relatively inexpensive option is grape seed oil.

Home care

At home, you can make medicinal decoctions based on folk recipes. However, before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

You can buy sea buckthorn oil and apply it daily to the skin, diluting it slightly with water. Before processing, it is recommended to use an antiseptic agent (like chlorhexidine).

Decoctions of chamomile and calendula work well on the skin. They should be washed 3-5 days after the procedure in the morning and evening, then cleanse the skin with plain water.

Natural honey (liquid) is also used for restoration.

Answers on questions

Why do acne appear after peeling?

The cause of the rash is an allergic reaction or dirt brought into the epidermis. If you are definitely not allergic, check if you are used to touching your face often. The cosmetologist who used uncleaned equipment may also be to blame. With proper care, acne almost never appears.

Is it possible to go to a bath or sauna after peeling, is it possible to do peeling before going to the sea?

Passage of water procedures in the first 3 days after peeling is not recommended. Even washing in the first 12 hours should be limited. If the girl swam in the sea in the first 3 days after peeling, it is necessary to use an antiseptic for the face and soothe the skin, as irritation may begin. Bath and sauna are strictly not recommended. They cause a rush of blood to the face, increase hyperemia. Sweat secretions on the face can lead to the formation of abscesses.

How long does the skin peel off after peeling?

On average, peeling disappears in 3-4 days. In people with slow regeneration and allergies, it can last up to 7 days. With medium and deep cleaning, this period increases. It is better to check the exact terms of peeling with a cosmetologist or a manufacturer of a preparation for cleaning.

Video with answers to many questions:

Summing up

It is important to understand that peeling is a very serious procedure, which, despite its high efficiency, still injures the dermis. Proper rehabilitation will help you get rid of unpleasant consequences as quickly as possible and enjoy the expected result in the form of a smooth and even skin. The main thing is to follow the advice of a cosmetologist for skin care. Have you experienced any side effects after peeling?

Any peeling procedure inevitably leads to traumatization of the superficial structures of the epidermis, and some of their types also damage the deep layers of the dermis. That is why, in order to prevent the development of negative side effects, you should carefully follow the post-peeling recommendations of the cosmetologist, as well as observe the self-healing process, because this affects the final result and the beauty of the skin.

Another expected skin reaction to the procedure is erythema or redness of individual skin areas that occurs against the background of excessive blood supply to the skin capillaries. The duration of skin redness, as well as its severity, depends on the depth of exposure, the chemical agent used, and the nature of the damage. At the same time, peeling of the skin and thinning of the epidermis are observed. This is usually normal after a chemical peel. Based on this, superficial peels with fruit acids are considered the most optimal. In this case, microplate peeling occurs on the second or third day after the procedure and lasts no more than three days. Other types of peeling provoke large-lamellar peeling, which is observed within a week. Together, all this leads to dehydration of the dermis, in which the skin becomes dehydrated, dry, and strongly tightened.

Such a post-peel reaction as darkening of the skin occurs after combined acid-enzyme peels (15-5% trichloroacetic acid in combination with papain), as well as in clients with IV-V skin phototype.

If a specialist prescribes a medium or deep peeling to a patient, you must immediately set yourself up for the appearance of a burn after such a procedure. A thin uniform film appears on the skin, which after a while becomes a crust. So, in no case should this crust be removed, even the probability of its accidental removal should be excluded, otherwise the risk of scars and scars increases several times.

Care after peeling.
To reduce the severity of normal skin reactions, shorten the duration of the recovery period or to facilitate it, a few basic rules should be followed.

Most importantly, post-peel care should be aimed at intensive skin hydration and restoration of the epidermal barrier. These two conditions ensure normal regeneration and epithelialization of the skin, reducing the risk of scarring. Components such as hyaluronic acid, pyrrolidonecarboxylic acid, alginates, amino acids, hydrogels, urea, sodium and calcium ions, as well as proteins and their hydrolysates have excellent moisturizing properties.

Products for the restoration of the epidermal barrier provide an opportunity to reduce transepidermal water loss (TEWL), reducing hypersensitivity of the skin. As a result, it is desirable that the composition of care cosmetics contain shea butter, omega-6 fatty acids, ceramides, phospholipids, wax, primrose, blackcurrant, grape seed oils and other natural ingredients. It is also desirable that they include panthenol, bisabolol, placenta, retinol, as they stimulate cell regeneration, thereby accelerating the healing process of wounds after various types of exfoliation procedures.

You can wash your face only twelve hours after the procedure. In this case, it is necessary to use clean, non-chlorinated boiled water. You can not wipe the skin, remove moisture with light blotting movements of the towel, and then apply the gel. Directly in the first days after the procedure, it is recommended to use special products in the form of a gel or foam. Such products are easy to apply, also absorbed, do not require rubbing, and after three to five days, you can use creams specially designed for post-peeling care, just at the time of peeling. It is better that such products include antioxidants (tocopherol, selenium, ubiquinone and other bioflavonoids) and have moisturizing, protective and anti-inflammatory properties.

Means for skin restoration, especially after deep and medium peelings, the duration of use, as well as the intensity of their use, the specialist selects individually in each case, based on the condition and characteristics of the patient's skin.

In the first days after the procedure, the skin requires gentle care, which implies a complete rejection of decorative cosmetics and the use of scrubs, the latter irritating and injuring already damaged skin. In addition, it is advisable during this period to try not to touch your face. It is also not recommended, especially after a chemical peel, to use basic skin care products. So day and night creams for the face and eyes are allowed to be applied no earlier than three to five days after the procedure. After a gentle cleansing (which can be done a week after the procedure), the skin must be toned, for which it is better to use alcohol-free tonics in the form of sprays.

After the procedure, you can not use homemade face masks on your own initiative. If necessary, the cosmetologist will give the necessary recommendations regarding their use.

It should be noted that during the first three months after peeling, it is imperative to use cosmetics with a high and maximum sun protection factor, this will prevent the development of unwanted skin pigmentation. You should also refuse to visit the solarium, baths, saunas, swimming pools, to be less in the open sun.

With severe redness, itching, swelling, the beautician can prescribe Sicaderm cream once a day in the morning or Keladerm two to three times a day.

You can repeat the procedure no earlier than ten to twenty days later.

Features of care after deep peeling.
A radical method for eliminating cosmetic defects on the face is phenol peeling. As a result of the procedure, a burn occurs, which is characterized by a pronounced pain syndrome, requiring the mandatory use of painkillers. It should be noted that the observed burn as a result of the procedure increases the risk of infection, therefore, in this case, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

When performing phenol peeling, as well as peeling with trichloroacetic acid, aggressive chemical agents are used, against which, after the procedure, any contact of damaged skin with water is prohibited for two days. The same applies to recommendations after a Jessner peel.

In this case, UV protection is tightened, after phenol peeling, protective products with a sun protection factor of fifty (SPF 50) should be used throughout life, and after TCA peeling - during the first six months.

How to prevent complications and how to deal with them if they occur?
The most common negative consequences of the procedure are scars, acne and herpes in the acute stage, foci of hyperpigmentation.

Before peeling, you should know that if you have a herpes rash at least twice a year, then it is important to take preventive measures aimed at preventing complications from the procedure. Therefore, both before and after peeling, it is necessary to take anti-herpetic preparations. If the preparatory stage was skipped for some reason, then after the procedure, pulse therapy should be performed.

To prevent the exacerbation of acne after peeling, you should use cosmetics that have a sebostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. When acne appears, it is recommended to use products that contain zinc, as well as local preparations with antibacterial properties. As a rule, a complication in the form of acne is observed after mechanical cleaning of the face.

Pigmentation after the peeling procedure is a fairly common complication. In most cases, it occurs after laser peeling and TCA peeling. As preventive measures, it is recommended to use products with retinoic and kojic acid a few days before the procedure, and immediately after it, acetylcysteine ​​​​(common ACC) and strong antioxidants (vitamin E, C, selenium, etc.) will help.

Various peels using acids refresh and rejuvenate the skin, eliminate imperfections. But they have a strong effect, so before the effect is obtained, there is still a recovery stage. Post-Chemical Peel Care plays a special role in it. If errors are made here, the result may be questionable.

Read in this article

The first days after peeling: what you will have to face

The procedure awakens the internal resources of the skin, but also gives external changes that cannot be called favorable. Indeed, in essence, peeling is a burn of the epidermis or a deeper layer. Therefore, its first consequences are:

  • edema;
  • skin redness;
  • its increased dryness and peeling;
  • sensation of itching and a slight burning sensation.

These signs appear in varying degrees after superficial, median and deep exposure. The more traumatized the skin, the greater the irritation, redness and dehydration. And they stay longer. After peeling with fruit acids, redness disappears after a couple of hours. And the subsequent peeling of the skin lasts up to 2 - 3 days and is not strong.

The procedure with the use makes the face red for up to 2 days. Skin renewal takes several days. Median exposure or the use of retinoic acid leads to redness up to 5 days and peeling up to a week or a little longer. With deep peeling, the dry film disappears up to 14-20 days.

But you should not be afraid of these symptoms, they are absolutely normal. The right one will help you cope skin care after chemical peel.

Serious complications after the procedure

The skin after peeling remains very vulnerable for some time, susceptible to adverse external influences. This also increases the risk of complications, including:

  • Persistent redness. This is a serious problem and may be indicative of an allergy (in rare cases) or an individual reaction to the acid. This is more likely to occur in patients with closely spaced skin vessels or a tendency to rosacea.
  • Allergy. Acid intolerance is rare, but care products can cause a problem. The skin in these cases is covered with rashes, it can be very itchy.
  • Skin hypopigmentation. If the exposure is excessive, many melanocytes die. This gives the face a spotty, difficult to correct.
  • Hyperpigmentation. The reason for the appearance of dark spots on the skin is ultraviolet light.
  • Exacerbation of acne. One of the reactions to peeling can be the activation of the sebaceous glands.
  • Herpes. It aggravates or occurs for the first time due to a decrease in immunity, characteristic of the post-peeling period. If the virus was before, it makes sense to do prevention before the procedure.

Face care to prevent consequences

Care after a chemical peel for the face may vary depending on the intensity of exposure. It consists of several aspects:

  • the use of external means for cleansing and moisturizing;
  • effects on the skin from the inside;
  • elimination of adverse external factors;
  • prohibitions.

About the rules of facial skin care after chemical peel, see this video:

After surface peeling

The lightest impact still requires subsequent skin care. But immediately after the procedure, you can not touch your face, apply any creams on it. Only after a few hours should you use a wound healing pharmacy. By this time, the skin will be covered with a thin, shiny film. It is better to take the product in the form of a spray in order to avoid mechanical impact on it as much as possible when applied by hand.

At this stage, when already behind chemical peeling of the face, care after the procedure may include washing with the usual gels. One condition: they must not contain abrasive particles that injure the skin, and alcohol. Even better, if the cleanser contains moisturizing ingredients.

After the hygiene procedure, you need to apply a wound healing spray for 15 - 20 minutes, then blot the skin with a napkin. If you do this 3-4 times a day, recovery will go faster.

After 3-5 days, you can use moisturizing cosmetics. The film on the face begins to come off, and such products will help the skin to renew itself faster. It is impossible to try to speed up the process by peeling off transparent crusts.

  • tanning in the solarium and on the beach;
  • visiting the bathhouse, swimming pool and swimming in the open water;
  • intensive sports;
  • applying decorative cosmetics to the face, using scrubs and other traumatic procedures.

In order not to expose the skin to ultraviolet rays, you need to use a protective cream for at least 2 to 3 weeks before leaving the house.

After the median

This procedure already has a stronger effect on the skin. Therefore, care after a median chemical peel should be even more careful. The first 2 - 4 days the face should not be touched at all. In order not to injure the skin with intense facial expressions, for the same period or a little longer, you need to switch to light and soft food. When a transparent or sometimes brown film is found on the skin, a wound healing spray is applied up to 8 times a day for 15-20 minutes.

From now on, you can wash your face using products with moisturizing ingredients. Or a regular gel will do if it is not greasy and without alcohol.

The skin will begin to peel off intensively, sliding in large patches. It is absolutely impossible to tear them off, but you can cut the lagging film with scissors.

The use of a wound healing cream is relevant for another 10 - 14 days, less often - 20 (it depends on the condition of the skin). You can moisturize it from the inside as well. To do this, you need to drink plenty of water and take the drug "Omega-3". But spicy, spicy, salty and too hot food should be discarded, as well as alcohol.

If the peeling is over after 10 days, you can take care of your face with the usual means: a soft “washer”, moisturizing day and night creams, serums.

The prohibitions are the same as for rehabilitation after a superficial procedure. But you need to adhere to them for a month and a half, do not forget to protect your face from the sun with a cream.

After deep

Facial care after deep chemical peeling more like rehab after a burn. The first 3 days after removing the mask, you can not wash your face and brush your teeth. The face at this time is treated with an antiseptic. The patient is taking painkillers and antibiotics.

When a stronger dry crust forms on the skin after 3-4 days, you can clean your face with a light foam that does not contain alcohol, acids and coarse particles. For 2 weeks, the wound healing gel or spray becomes the main care product. They use it several times a day, wetting the skin after 20-30 minutes.

All this time you can not:

  • expose your face to the sun, frost and wind (it is better not to go out at all);
  • make active movements;
  • use decorative cosmetics and folk remedies (the latter can cause allergies);
  • picking, scratching, touching the face unnecessarily.

After 2-3 weeks, you can moisturize your face with the usual means. Sunscreen is an important part of your skincare routine. He must become a constant companion.

Do not expose your face to ultraviolet rays. Other bans remain for another 2-3 months.

Care products

Home care after chemical peel involves the use of several compositions:

  • Healing agents. These are sprays or creams "Bepanten", "Panthenol". They may be a little uncomfortable at first, but they help the skin renew itself faster.
  • Vascular funds. These are Lyoton or Arnica gels. Shown to relieve redness and prevent the appearance of spider veins.
  • Hygiene products. These are soft gels and foams for washing, tonics for preparing the skin for applying the cream. They should not contain alcohol and acids, as well as abrasive particles.
  • and day creams, caring serums. Should moisturize the skin well, that is, contain shea butter, shea butter, allantoin, betaine, collagen, algae extracts.
  • UV protection cream. Needed regardless of the time of year, must have a degree of protection of at least 30.

Masks after peeling: the benefits of using

Masks after peeling can be done in a beauty salon / beauty parlor or at home, using quite familiar food and non-professional cosmetics. Such facial skin care will be beneficial because:

  • regenerative processes at the cellular level will be accelerated;
  • the metabolism will become more complete;
  • the dermis will be supplied with oxygen and nutrients.

All this has a positive effect on the recovery process, reduces the rehabilitation period.

Is it possible to make a mask after peeling

After peeling, you can make a mask only after 48 hours, while we are talking about home care, and not about sedatives applied almost immediately after the procedure. If the cleansing of the facial skin was acidic, but superficial, or was performed mechanically, then the recommended products can be used already 24 hours after peeling.

It is strictly forbidden to apply masks from ordinary products or from the “professional cosmetics” series to damaged skin at elevated body temperature and the presence of general signs of incipient inflammation.

Masks after peeling at home

At home, it is worth using masks after peeling, which moisturize the skin as much as possible. All cosmetic oils have this property, so the first mask is a face treatment with olive, peach, almond or grape seed oil. Experts recommend applying the product with a spray gun - this way it will be possible to fulfill the requirement for “untouchability” to the face in the first 2-3 days after the cleaning procedure.

Fermented milk products - sour cream, kefir, natural yogurt - also have an excellent moisturizing property. If the skin is of a dry type, then you can take them of any fat content, with an oily type of dermis, you should limit yourself to a 1% indicator and add a small amount of oatmeal powder to the main product.

Masks after chemical peeling of the face

After a chemical peeling of the face, the skin is literally burned, it is badly damaged and requires especially careful care - masks should be gentle, soothing and moisturizing at the same time. The best choice would be alginate, which:

  • moisturizes the dermis as much as possible;
  • accelerates the process of exfoliation of epidermal particles;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • soothes and cools the injured surface.

The tool is prepared and applied according to the following algorithm:

  1. Combine powder with alginate mixture with non-carbonated mineral water at room temperature. Mix thoroughly, the output should be a creamy mass.
  2. Apply a 1 cm layer of the resulting product to the surface of the face, distribute it as evenly as possible with a spatula and leave it for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Remove the mask with movements from the chin up, but not with a jerk, but slowly, smoothly.
  4. The skin is wiped with a lotion without alcohol in the composition. If after 1 minute there is a feeling of tightness, then the face is lubricated with a moisturizer.

The alginate mask can be applied 48 hours after the cleansing procedure, the application frequency is 1 time in 2 days. The general course is 10 manipulations, until the epidermis is completely restored.

Watch this video on how to apply alginate masks at home:

Is it possible and when to wash after peeling

You can’t wash your face after peeling, cosmetologists generally don’t recommend touching your face with your hands in the first 2 days after such a procedure. This advice is "valid" only for deep chemical peeling, in all other cases, water procedures can be started already 12 hours after the manipulation.

Washing should take place in the form of spraying the treated surface, since it is impossible to rub the skin with your hands. You need to wipe your face by blotting with a soft towel or textile napkin.

What to wash after peeling

After peeling, you can wash your face only with boiled water at room temperature (closer to cool). It is allowed to use cosmetic milk or cream marked “for sensitive skin”. As an additional
washing, you can use acidified water:

  • 250 ml of warm water + 1 tablespoon of table vinegar;
  • 250 ml warm water + juice from half a lemon.

Instead of self-prepared acidified water, you can use lotions with fruit acids in the composition.

Why wash with acidified water after peeling

Doctors literally prescribe washing after peeling with acidified water, because it:

  • promotes rapid exfoliation of epidermal particles;
  • has disinfectant properties;
  • prevents the development of the inflammatory process.

Together, this ensures a reduction in the recovery period and serves as a prevention of complications.

Watch this video to learn why it's important to acidify your skin:

Is it possible after peeling in a bath or sauna

After peeling, you can’t visit a bath or sauna, which is why:

  • High air temperature and humidity is an ideal habitat for microbes and viruses, pathogenic bacteria. After peeling, the skin is injured (even if it was a superficial cleansing), it is not difficult for any microorganism to penetrate into the smallest wounds, and this is already the cause of inflammatory processes.
  • Under the influence of steam, the epidermis softens, which makes the process of exfoliation of its particles longer. The recovery period, healing is delayed, and this is fraught with the formation of scars and age spots.
  • High air temperatures have a beneficial effect on blood circulation - they accelerate blood flow, dilate blood vessels, but after peeling it will be harmful. Injured skin no longer protects the vessels; as a result, subcutaneous hematomas and severe bruising may form.
  • In the upper layers of the epidermis, after the cleansing procedure, there are substances that were used by the beautician. Under the influence of hot air, they can come into activity. It is impossible to predict how the skin will react to an additional aggressive effect; one should be wary of severe burns, extensive swelling, the formation of wounds, followed by the formation of scars.

On what day after peeling does peeling begin?

Peeling after peeling begins on day 2-3, if the procedure was of a chemical medium or deep nature. The recovery period after a superficial, gentle peeling in general often proceeds without active peeling of the epidermis.

If the skin is oily, then the active separation of the epidermis scales can begin only on the 5th day after the procedure, and with a dry type of cover, the same phenomenon is observed after a few hours.

Skin peeling after TCA peel

How long does the skin peel off after peeling

After peeling, the skin flakes off for at least 3 days, if a deep or medium superficial type of procedure was carried out, then you can count on 5 days of active separation of the epidermal scales.

The strongest peeling is noted at the beginning of this process, then its intensity decreases and, with proper facial care, literally stops completely in 2-3 days.

How to remove peeling on the face after peeling

Peeling after peeling on the face can only be removed by using moisturizers, which include cosmetic oils. If a chemical peel was carried out, then it will be necessary to irrigate the treated surface with almond or peach, olive oil 2-3 times a day. With more gentle cleansing procedures, it is possible to use moisturizing creams from a series of professional cosmetics.

Peeling the scales, trying to “wipe” them with a towel is strictly prohibited.

Is it possible to do a scrub after peeling

After peeling, it is strictly forbidden to do a scrub, at least until the active peeling stops and the epidermis recovers. But on the 7-10th day after the cosmetic procedure, such a manipulation will even be useful - it will be possible to get rid of the remnants of epidermal flakes, clean the surface of dirt / dust, and improve blood circulation.

It is best to use gentle means for scrubbing:

  • sugar + cosmetic oil;
  • "drank" ground coffee + warm water;
  • oatmeal, crushed into grits + sour cream / kefir.
Ground coffee face scrub

The components are taken in such proportions that the result is a non-liquid mass with undissolved abrasive particles. Since the skin is prone to irritation after peeling, the manipulation is carried out carefully - no need to rub the product, finger movements should be light and not sharp.

Scrubbing frequency - 2 times a week.

Care after facial peeling at home

At home, facial care after peeling should be carried out exactly with the recommendations of doctors:

Type of peeling Features of care
Chemical peel

In the first 48 hours, you can not wash your face, but you can use gels, foams and lotions with restorative and healing properties for treatment.

On the 5th day, active peeling of the epidermis begins - any moisturizers should go into action: creams, cosmetic oils, fermented milk products.

It is considered the most gentle, so skin care consists only in the use of sunscreen cosmetics for 15-20 days and the use of moisturizers in the same period.
Yellow (retinoic) peeling It implies the use of anti-inflammatory lotions, oil-based balms in the first 5 days. As soon as the peeling of the skin begins, daily masks with lactic acid in the composition will need to be applied to the face.
Superficial peeling Often there is no recovery period at all. Cosmetologists recommend only on the first day to periodically wipe the face with ice cubes, and on the 2-3rd day, start using moisturizing creams.

Skin damaged by cleaning can be quickly restored if the following rules are followed:

  • For the first 5 days, use soothing masks - these are cosmetic oils without additional components.
  • The entire period of skin peeling should be used in the care of moisturizers, balms, gels.
  • At the end of the recovery (when the peeling has practically stopped, redness and swelling have disappeared), tonic masks based on fruit or berry puree with sour cream, oatmeal and honey will be useful.

Watch this video about which creams to use after yellow peeling to restore the skin:

How to remove redness after peeling

Redness after peeling is normal, and it is not necessary to remove it with any special medications. The only thing that cosmetologists recommend is to rinse your face with cool water and, after gentle procedures, wipe it with ice cubes.

If the redness of the skin does not become less intense within a few days, then you need to seek help from a doctor - most likely, hyperemia is a sign of the onset of the development of the inflammatory process.

Is it possible to apply foundation after peeling

The foundation can be applied to the face only after superficial peeling,
most gentle. Firstly, such facial cleansing is not accompanied by increased peeling - the appearance will not be spoiled by a thick layer of cosmetics and hanging layers of skin.

Secondly, such products are distinguished by the presence of moisturizing components in the composition - only with superficial peeling they can be used already for 2 days. Thirdly, the foundation will hide the redness.

Chemical peeling, retinoic and any other medium or deep ones are a contraindication to the use of foundation in the first 7-10 days, although other decorative cosmetics are allowed for use (eyeshadow, mascara, lipstick).

Red spots after peeling

The appearance of red spots after peeling is a normal consequence, which only means that the skin has been subjected to intense exposure (chemical or mechanical). They can be without clear boundaries or with a contour, have different shades, itch. If this only bothers you for 1-2 days, and then the severity of the spots decreases, then there is no reason for concern.

Preservation of redness for 3 and subsequent days is a sign of the development of inflammation or the introduction of an infectious agent into the micro-wounds of the epidermis, which makes it necessary to consult a doctor and prescribe therapy.

You can quickly get rid of red spots only by following the rules of the rehabilitation period and periodically cooling your face with ice cubes and washing with cool water.

Is it possible to play sports after peeling

After peeling, you can start playing sports only on the 3-5th day and only if there are no complications. In the first days after the procedure, the body's immune system is reduced, blood vessels are thinned, the skin can be damaged even from a simple touch to it with your hand.

Any heavy physical activity is an automatic increase in blood pressure, increased blood flow. As a result, “unauthorized” hematomas, bruising and swelling can form on the face.

Moderate sports are not prohibited, but it is worth excluding bending, jumping, lifting weights from the complex.

How to remove swelling after peeling

Edema after peeling is not considered a complication, they can only be removed with soothing, cooling agents, but you need to remember the following:

How many days after peeling can I wash my face with foam

It will be possible to wash with foam and any other cosmetic products after peeling only after 3-5 days - this applies to the chemical type of procedure, in all other cases it is allowed to do it literally in a day. It is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the foam, which should be free of fruit acids, abrasive particles and any ingredients that can cause allergies.

It is worth giving preference to those products that are designed to care for overly sensitive skin.

Can I drink alcohol after a face peel?

Basically, Doctors do not prohibit drinking alcohol after face peeling, but they warn of possible consequences:

  • the appearance of red spots on the face;
  • rosacea, vascular "mesh" and "asterisks" in the treated areas;
  • increased swelling and its preservation for several days;
  • lengthening the recovery period.

About the main rules that will help you figure it out, how to care for your face after a chemical peel you should ask your doctor. The specialist knows better the features of the patient's skin, can suggest, based on his experience, the best means. Faithful care will not only prevent complications, but also make the effect as noticeable as possible.

Cleaning the skin mechanically, chemically or laser damages the epithelium and deep layers of the dermis, which causes various skin reactions, which can be conditionally divided into three groups.

Expected reactions

Such manifestations are a common consequence of exposure to the skin. These include:

  • erythema (redness) of the skin, which persists for up to 12 hours, depending on the intensity of exposure;
  • skin itching that accompanies the process of restoration and renewal of tissues of the epithelial layer and deep layers of the dermis;
  • dehydration and concomitant peeling of the epithelium.

These physiological effects are not dangerous. Proper skin care during this period, using a cream after peeling, allows you to quickly get rid of such manifestations.

Side effects

The reaction of the dermis depends on the type of peeling and the individual characteristics of the skin. In some cases, after deep or medium peeling, reactions such as:

  • swelling that occurs during deep cleaning or increased sensitivity of the skin;
  • focal pigmentation, which accompanies a change in the superficial skin, and passes, with the end of peeling.

Hyperpigmentation often occurs in spring and summer. This time is not the best for medium and deep cleansing, since solar activity increases, and contact with ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the skin. To avoid the spread and intensification of edema, in the first 3 days you should not drink a lot of fluids. You also need to refrain from eating spicy, salty and spicy foods, marinades, coffee and carbonated drinks.

ADVICE! To avoid post-peeling hyperpigmentation, you should prepare the skin for the procedure. During the preparation period, it is not recommended to use essential oils of bergamot, orange, cinnamon, and also to abandon products made on the basis of clover and St. John's wort.


The wrong time of the year chosen for peeling, as well as gross violations with which the skin is cleaned, can lead to serious complications. These issues include:

  • allergic reaction;
  • spider veins that occur after prolonged redness of the skin;
  • acne;
  • chemical or thermal burns that leave scars after the regenerating crust has come off.

Complications can also appear if skin care, during the rehabilitation period, was carried out in violation of the recommendations of the beautician. Preventing negative consequences is quite simple. For facial cleansing, contact only a trusted cosmetologist who has a medical license, experience and good recommendations. Carefully follow all skin care procedures prescribed by a specialist.

Using the cream after cleansing the face

Renewal of the skin, after cleansing, consists in the regeneration of the treated skin. Since peeling damages the epithelium and dermis during processing, its regeneration is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. There is a feeling of tightness, itching, the face is covered with a characteristic crust. In the rehabilitation period, the skin must be intensively nourished and moisturized. For this, there are special medical and cosmetic products that have the desired effect.

ATTENTION! For the care of skin that has undergone exfoliation, conventional cosmetics are not suitable. Experts recommend using professional products after peeling.

Types of post-peel products

To achieve a lasting refreshing and rejuvenating effect, after peeling, it is imperative to use products that provide intensive and gentle care. Cream after peeling should have the following characteristics:

  • anti-allergic action;
  • moisturizing and softening the skin;
  • regenerative and antibacterial effect;
  • intensive nutrition and antioxidant effect.

The composition of post-peel products includes substances such as waxes, phospholipids, protein hydrolysates, ceramides, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, bisabolol, natural oils, omega-6 polyunsaturated acids, placenta, retinol, trace elements (copper, zinc, calcium, selenium), vitamins E and C. Products should have a light texture (gel, foam, light cream) so that they do not damage the skin when applied.


The final result of the procedure depends on the correct choice of a cream that protects and restores the skin after cleansing. Care products are recommended by the beautician who performed the procedure, depending on the depth of cleaning, and guided by the expected consequences. When choosing a cream, experts recommend paying attention to the following parameters:

  1. Choose a cream that suits your skin type.
  2. The cream should contain a minimum amount of chemical additives and fragrances. Preference should be given to natural hypoallergenic creams based on plant or animal components.
  3. Use professional cosmetics or certified medical products.
  4. It is desirable that all professional cosmetics for complex skin care be of the same brand.

The texture of the cream after peeling should be gentle so that the product easily lays down. It must contain wound healing, moisturizing and antioxidant components.

Review of cosmetics after peeling

There are many products on the market that can be used in the post-peel period. The most popular creams, devoid of aggressive components, are presented in the lines of professional caring restorative products and in the form of pharmacy products.

Panthenol and Bepanthen

The most famous pharmacy creams that have a wound healing effect. These funds are affordable, and very effective in the presence of skin lesions, crusts, burns. Creams moisturize the skin, retaining moisture in the epithelial cells, and eliminate the feeling of tightness. Thanks to their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components, they are successfully used in the treatment of acne that has arisen after unsuccessful peeling.


The action of the cream is to activate the regenerating properties of the skin. As a result, the rehabilitation period is significantly reduced, without negative consequences. The use of Solcoseryl, after cleansing the face, avoids the formation of scars, with significant damage from burns, acne or a bursting protective crust. The cream also fills the skin with collagen, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

Products Holy land cosmetics

This is a line of professional products for skin care. For post-peel care, it is recommended to use Probiotic Balancing cream. It contains probiotics that restore, nourish and soothe the skin. The cream also accelerates regeneration. Its action is most effective in the evening, after washing.

Phytocosmetics from Sisley

Manufacturer of elite French cosmetics Sisley offers a cream for sensitive skin Confort Extreme Night Skin Care. This night remedy not only helps to restore the skin, but also relieves discomfort, thanks to its unique composition, with the presence of natural ingredients.

home remedies

8-10 days after peeling, you can resort to the help of folk remedies. To speed up and improve the process of regeneration of tissues that have undergone exfoliation, it is advised to use masks made from natural ingredients. Before starting treatment with folk remedies, at home, consult with your beautician. He will help you choose the right components and the optimal time for the procedures.

The most effective means for restoring the skin after peeling are masks made from natural plant ingredients that moisturize and nourish the skin. Most often, experts recommend masks from aloe leaves, banana pulp, herbal masks from plantain, currant leaves and birch buds. The latter have an enhanced regenerating effect, but require pre-treatment, in order to avoid damage to the surface epithelium, with coarse particles. Make masks based on honey, egg yolk or olive oil.

IMPORTANT! Before applying the mask, take into account the type of skin and the degree of its damage.

The skin after cleaning becomes especially sensitive. Care for her, in the rehabilitation period, should be as gentle and accurate as possible. There are a few general rules for caring for damaged skin:

  • You can wash your face only with soft boiled water, gently blotting it with a napkin. The first washing is permissible, 12 hours later, after the procedure.
  • Intense impact on the epidermis (massage, rubbing) and removal of a dense crust that has not exfoliated from the epithelium are prohibited.
  • The first days, light care products should be applied, with a delicate texture (gel, foam). Cream after peeling is used starting from the 5th day, after the facial cleansing procedure.
  • Apply the cream with light movements, in order to avoid additional damage, and to prevent premature peeling of the crust.
  • During the rehabilitation period, the use of scrubs, alcohol lotions and tonics, everyday creams and decorative cosmetics is prohibited.
  • If acne or scars appear, be sure to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe remedies designed to get rid of these consequences.
  • An allergic reaction, which can occur both to peeling preparations and cosmetic care products, requires immediate medical attention to determine the source of the reaction and prescribe the appropriate medication.

After cleansing the face, it is recommended to protect the skin from exposure to the sun and artificial ultraviolet rays. When the healing process of the skin is completed, experts advise using sunscreen with a high degree of protection (SPF 50) for six months.

Skin peeling and subsequent rehabilitation measures is a complex cosmetic complex that requires a careful and careful approach during the procedure and during the recovery process. If you follow all the recommendations, the effect will be as expected.

Cream after peeling is a real salvation and medicine for skin that has been subjected to acid, hardware or mechanical effects. In the first week after peeling, maximum skin activity, cell division, and the formation of new fibers are observed. Your task is to fill the cells with moisture and useful components that will contribute to the rapid healing of wounds and voids that have formed, as well as fill the fibers weakened by cleaning with strength and energy, prevent tightness and soothe inflammatory processes.

Important steps in post-peel care

The chemical peel procedure does not end in a beauty salon. After a visit to a cosmetologist, the skin will undergo a complex and painstaking recovery process, even complications are possible.

In the first week after chemical peeling, visible changes occur on the face:

  • Redness of the skin (erythema) of varying degrees. The duration and intensity of redness is affected by the type of cleansing and its depth. A red face can be observed from several hours to several days.
  • Peeling. Its intensity also depends on the purification technique used. For example, after glycolic peeling, peeling is pronounced, it appears on the 3rd day after exfoliation and will last up to 7 days. And after peeling with lactic acid, strong peeling is not observed, the recovery process proceeds gradually, without the formation of a film and crusts on the face.
  • Swelling of soft tissues. This defect is characteristic of owners of a very sensitive skin type. Edema often appears in the neck and décolleté, under the eyes, where the covers are thinner and sensitive to aggressive acid exposure.
  • Skin pigmentation. Darkening of the skin is considered one of the side effects after medium and deep peeling with acids. With the completion of peeling, the problem will resolve itself.

These side effects are to be expected. In order for the rehabilitation period to be limited only to them, it is recommended to follow the instructions of the cosmetologist for skin care after exfoliation, use special cosmetics with moisturizing, bactericidal and wound healing properties.

Is it possible to use a cream after peeling

Extensive damage to the integument, removal of the stratum corneum of the epidermis causes tissue dehydration, you feel a strong feeling of tightness and discomfort. To eliminate and smooth this phenomenon, it is important to provide maximum skin hydration. To do this, use a moisturizer or serum based on natural ingredients.

Be careful, to eliminate dryness and tightness of the skin after peeling, it is not recommended to use the usual creams. These should be special, hypoallergenic and completely natural products, preferably from a professional line. The cosmetologist himself prescribes them for skin care during the rehabilitation period.

You can apply a regular face cream after eliminating visible post-peeling phenomena and complications.

Choosing the right cream

Moisturizing and soothing creams are an important part of the mandatory skin care after peeling. The speed of restoration of the skin and the relief of uncomfortable sensations largely depend on their choice.

When choosing moisturizers for post-peel care, adhere to the following recommendations of cosmetologists:

  1. The composition should soothe and intensively moisturize the skin, and not irritate it with chemical components. Follow the naturalness and hypoallergenicity of the product.
  2. Choose creams according to your skin type.
  3. You can use several products from the same series, they will complement each other and provide a comprehensive effect on weakened integuments.
  4. Use cosmetics from the professional segment or medical cosmetics. Products from the mass market can only do harm.
  5. Skin care after exfoliation is distinguished by the use of soft cosmetic products filled with vitamins and nutrients. During this period, scrubs and mixtures with abrasive particles are excluded.

Moisturizing creams in the post-peeling period should include 3 groups of components:

  • substances that contribute to the rapid restoration of the skin barrier;
  • components that guarantee rapid wound healing and activate fiber regeneration;
  • antioxidants.

You can use creams and various cosmetic products only after consulting your beautician. It is also important to test for an allergic reaction before using the product.

Top creams for post-peel care

High-quality and effective cosmetics, devoid of aggressive ingredients, chemicals and fragrances, will help to take care of integuments weakened by chemical exposure. We bring to your attention several worthy options for creams that are useful in a difficult period for the skin:

  1. Probiotic Balancing cream from Holy land cosmetics is a product from the professional segment of cosmetics, perfectly soothes inflamed areas, enhances cell regeneration and protection from aggressive external factors. Its composition is filled with probiotics. Apply the product in the evening after washing. The cost of the drug is from 1700 rubles. Additionally, you can purchase a moisturizer from this series (PROBIOTIC Hydrating Cream). Just keep in mind that the composition includes milk protein and lactose.
  2. Kanebo Sensai Silk Soothing Cream - a silk complex filled with mineral enzymes, kakiyoku and white lupine extract soften, moisturize and nourish weakened areas of the epidermis, fill them with vitality. The product is fluid light, quickly absorbed and does not weigh down the integument. The purchase will cost within 1200-1500 rubles.
  3. Sisley Confort Extreme Night Skin Care - elite French cosmetics, will provide high-quality care after the peeling procedure. Using the drug, you will eliminate the unpleasant consequences of cleansing in the shortest possible time. The products are expensive, but the result according to consumer reviews is also excellent.

For those who cannot afford expensive cosmetics, you can use therapeutic ointments. They cost less, but effectively act on the problem and do not cause irritation. These products include:

  1. Ointment, spray and cream Panthenol is a budget option. Using the tool, you will alleviate discomfort, eliminate dryness of the integument, accelerate the regeneration and healing of damaged tissues. The price of the drug in different pharmacies can vary between 37–585 rubles, this is also affected by the value of the form and dosage of the drug.
  2. Cream or ointment Bepanten fills the cells with vitamins. The tool is recommended for the treatment of abrasions, cracks and burns. Apply the drug up to 5 times a day in a dense layer. Some patients complain that the ointment is not absorbed. Despite this disadvantage, the product has a significant effect on weakened fibers, stimulates regeneration and intensively moisturizes the skin.

Proper care after chemical peeling is the key to the success of the cosmetic procedure and the rapid restoration of the integument. What cream to use, in what quantity and how often, the beautician will tell you. Follow his instructions unconditionally to achieve the desired results.