A homemade scrub can be endlessly modified and improved at will. How to quickly clean and tighten pores on your nose at home

For a wedding

Beautiful, gentle, well-groomed and clean skin It's worth a little effort. Most often, women are dissatisfied with their facial tone, enlarged pores and rashes. They are the ones who spoil the condition of the skin. How to clean pores on your face? To maintain healthy and beautiful skin you need to take proper care of it. Cosmetologists advise doing facial cleansing once every two or three months. This way you can easily get rid of rashes and blackheads. This can be done not only in the salon, but also at home. How to clean pores on your face at home? It's simple. Here are some tips and recipes to help you maintain youthful and fresh skin!


Choose a cream that suits your skin type. If your skin is dry and sensitive, look for special gentle creams(hypoallergenic). If your skin is oily, choose a cream that will help cope with excess fat.


How to clean pores with a mask? You need to take the following ingredients: one aspirin tablet, a teaspoon of filtered water and a little olive (can be grape or almond) oil. Mix everything thoroughly and scrub your face with the mixture, focusing Special attention problem areas. Before cleaning your pores this way, be sure to steam your face. Leave the mask on for a few minutes and rinse off. After this, moisturize your skin with cream. Your pores will be clean and your face beautiful!


Don't forget about lotions. Wipe your face with it every morning. If you are a supporter natural remedies, boil 1 tablespoon of medicinal chamomile and linden in half a liter of water, cool, freeze and wipe your face with ice cubes. The effect will be amazing. If you prefer store products, then it’s better to consult your cosmetologist. It will help you choose the right product that will have a beneficial effect on the pores of your face.


Mix iodized salt (tablespoon) with baking soda(half a tablespoon) and add water to form a paste. Using a cotton swab, carefully apply the mixture to problem areas Using circular gentle movements, rinse off after 5 minutes. Cleanse once a week for amazing results! After such a scrub, you will no longer have a question about how to clean your pores.

Night cream

Be sure to use a night cream that suits your skin type. Night cream will help regenerate cells. In the morning you will look fresh and young.

Another recipe made from natural products

IN summer season grate half a cucumber on a fine grater. Mix it with olive (grape) oil and a tablespoon of filtered water. Before cleaning your pores with this mask, do steam bath and wipe the skin with lotion. Apply the paste to your face and wait about 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water and use cream.

With the help of such simple recipes you can make your face well-groomed. You will forget about skin problems forever! Do not forget to regularly care for your face and choose the right cosmetical tools. Remember about proper diet And healthy way life!

Hello dear readers. Today I want to touch upon current topic for many women and girls. The topic of enlarged pores is one that worries many. Pores do not add beauty to the face, so many people often have a question: how to clean and tighten the pores on the face at home? The main thing is to do this as quickly and efficiently as possible. I, like any girl, am looking for various ways to help tighten the pores on my face. I have combination skin, pores on my nose, chin, a little near my nose and on my cheeks. To be honest, as a result of proper skin care and various means, I was able to narrow my pores.

You shouldn’t rely on cleaning and narrowing your pores once with masks or other means. Your skin needs constant care, then you will see results. More often enlarged pores in women with fatty or combination skin. But in any case, they don't look very nice. Today I will share with you information on how to quickly tighten pores at home. I will share my effective and proven recipes.

Why are the pores on my face enlarged?

There are actually many reasons. This hormonal disorders, neglect of skin cleansing procedures, improper skin cleansing.

Sometimes, the reason is the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics.

But often this poor nutrition, non-compliance with the daily routine, bad habits, stress.

If you notice enlarged pores on your face and you need to clean them and tighten them, you can resort to salon procedures. There are various ways and means for this, but today I want to talk about how to quickly tighten pores at home.

How to clean pores on your face

But you need to narrow the pores, not those that are “clogged” with dust and sebum, but clean pores. That is, first we need to clean the pores and then narrow them. This procedure is required. I repeat, you need to narrow the clean pores.

You can clean your pores different ways and means. There are scrubs for this. At home, for example, you can clean your face with baking soda. This is a very good and effective remedy. Baking soda perfectly cleanses pores and helps remove dead skin cells on the face.

For scrub, mix baking soda with water until a paste forms, apply in a circular motion on the face, we especially carefully work on the nose, forehead, chin, the place where the pores are located.

If you have oily skin, then it is advisable to mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Also a very effective remedy for cleaning pores is a mask based on gelatin and activated carbon. This mask helps to cleanse pores very effectively. I have tried the mask more than once. To prepare the mask, I use an activated carbon tablet, 1 spoon of gelatin and 1 spoon of milk. I pour the gelatin with milk and add an activated carbon tablet crushed into dust.

I put this mixture in the microwave for 10 seconds. I stir and put in the microwave for another 3 seconds. It turns out a viscous mixture, apply it to areas with enlarged pores for 15 minutes. A film forms on the face; remove it by lifting the edge with your fingernail. You will see the result immediately, and I think you will be satisfied.

How to quickly tighten pores on your face at home

Enlarged pores do not add beauty to the skin at all; they make it uneven and textured. The face becomes prone to rashes.

Proper skin care is the key to success; this is the first place to start. For this purpose, there is milk and tonic, which need to be selected according to your skin type.

There are funds for oily skin, for combined, for dry. The skin cleansing procedure should be carried out in the morning and evening. After this, apply a cream selected according to your skin type.

Can be selected comprehensive care, which includes milk, tonic, serum, day and night cream.

What herbs help tighten pores

It is also advisable to wash your face with herbal decoctions; you can wipe your skin with a decoction or infusion of herbs, and this should be done several times a day. Suitable herbs include: calendula, mint, nettle, parsley, yarrow, plantain and other herbs.

Herbal infusions are quite simple to prepare. To do this, pour a teaspoon of herbs into a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Then filter.

Clay masks to tighten pores

In order to tighten the pores on your face, you need to use clay masks. I tried using blue clay masks. The mask perfectly tightens pores, refreshes the face, making it smooth and even. I was very pleased with the result. The product is affordable and effective.

For the mask you need to mix blue clay and water until smooth and apply to face. I mixed clay and boiled milk, not hot, but cooled. I diluted it until a paste formed. This mask You need to apply it to your face for 20 minutes and then wash it off.

For those with oily skin, you can add a few drops essential oil. You can use lemon oil, grapefruit oil, tea tree, mint, cypress, etc.

You can also add lemon or lime juice and alcohol tincture of calendula to a mask for oily skin.

Vegetable and fruit masks

To lighten facial skin and tighten pores, use lemon, cucumber, carrot, and cabbage juice. Rub the juice onto your face several times a day.

Using juice to tighten pores. To prepare the mask, mix grated cucumber and lemon juice. A few tablespoons of lemon juice is enough for half a medium cucumber. This mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes. Wash off with water.

Lemon to tighten pores. The next mask is based on cream and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply to a cleansed face for 20 minutes, then wash.

Parsley to tighten pores. Parsley masks help brighten the face and tighten enlarged pores. For the mask, finely chop parsley and mix it with yogurt, kefir or lemon juice. The ingredients are mixed in a 1:1 ratio.

You can also prepare an infusion or decoction of parsley and wipe your face with it. Prepare from decoction or infusion cosmetic ice and wipe areas of the skin on the face with enlarged pores.

Oil masks to tighten pores

For oily and combination skin, choose appropriate oils. Grape seed oil, jojoba oil are suitable, you can use almond oil.

For a mask, mix the oils in equal quantities (for example, a tablespoon), add a drop of essential oil of lemon, grapefruit, cedar, peppermint, lemon balm, tea tree or rosemary oil, and apply the mixture to the face. Leave the oils for 10 minutes and then wash everything off with water. This procedure is done in a course of 7 days.

Instead of grape seed oil, you can use almond oil; it perfectly relieves redness and gently cares for the skin. Almond oil need to be mixed with tea tree oil (1 tablespoon of oil and 1 drop of essential oil) and applied to a cleansed face. Leave for 10 minutes and then wash off.

How to tighten pores using ice

Cosmetic ice is one of the best means to tighten pores. Ice has a lifting effect, tones the skin, and reduces sebum production. You can make it a rule to wipe your face with an ice cube every morning.

Ice can be made from parsley juice, cucumber juice, viburnum juice, lemon juice, grapefruit juice. Natural juice dilute 1:3 clean water, mix and pour into ice cube trays.

Suitable herbs include yarrow, plantain, oregano, mint, lemon balm, chamomile, coltsfoot, sage, linden, etc. Prepare an infusion of herbs; to do this, just pour a spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave and pour into an ice tray.

Wipe your face with an ice cube every morning. Do this with light sliding movements without lingering long on one area of ​​the skin. Dry the surface of the skin in a natural way without using napkins. And then apply your regular day cream to your face.

Honey, lemon, protein to tighten pores

Lemon is known to help tighten pores, eliminate greasy shine, brighten your face. Perfect for oily and combination skin. Lemon is used both on its own and in combination with other ingredients. affordable and effective remedy.

Lemon juice diluted 1:3 with clean water is used to wipe the face. You can wipe your face several times a day.

Mask with lemon juice and honey. The most effective and popular mask for skin with enlarged pores: lemon and honey. To do this, mix a spoonful of lemon juice with a spoon natural honey and apply to the face for 15 minutes.

Egg white mask. One more no less effective mask to tighten pores, this is a mask based on lemon and protein. For one egg white, lightly whipped into foam, add a spoonful of lemon juice. This mask helps tighten the pores on your face.

These are so simple, accessible and effective means which help to quickly tighten pores on the face at home. Write in the comments below which pore tightening products are most effective for you.

Clogged pores are a problem that every woman faces sooner or later. The consequences of the defect are a dull complexion, untidy-looking skin, and the development of inflammatory processes.

To clean, you don’t have to go to a salon or buy expensive ones. cosmetic preparations– self-prepared products will effectively and carefully remove the contents of pores. Results of regular use simple masks at home - clean face, shining with freshness.

Pores on the face

Cleansing pores is a mandatory procedure that those with oily skin cannot do without. Increased activity of the sebaceous glands will lead to the appearance of a layer of fat on the face, preventing the enrichment of cells with oxygen. The consequences of the problem are easy to predict - tissue regeneration does not occur, irritation appears and even severe peeling. The only way to prevent the development of defects is to use masks that help cleanse the pores and provide free access to oxygen.

Often, at home, women use alcohol-containing products and cleansing tonics, which is not entirely correct - you need to approach facial cleansing more responsibly. The procedure consists of several stages, each of which must be carefully performed:

  1. Cleansing. Special lotions or milk are used to clean the face of cosmetic residues, oily layers, dirt, and dust. Can be prepared in advance homemade lotion based on strawberries, which has the property of narrowing pores and extracting contents from them. The recipe is simple - infuse several fruits in alcohol (50 ml). Store in the refrigerator after filtering.
  2. Steaming. This stage of the procedure will open the pores and soften the dermis, allowing the components of the mask to penetrate deep into the skin tissue and remove dirt and fat. To steam, soak a towel in warm herbal decoction and place on your face for a quarter of an hour. To prepare the product, brew with boiling water (200 ml) and leave crushed St. John's wort, chamomile, sage (45 g) for a quarter of an hour. You can add 2-5 drops of essential oil, which will prevent the appearance of rosacea stars.
  3. Deep cleansing. Scrubs or homemade masks are used. The frequency of manipulation is twice a week for those with oily skin and once every 7-9 days for women with dry skin.
  4. Narrowing of pores. After cleaning, use products that close the cleaned pores. You can prepare them yourself - brew regular green tea, squeeze the juice from an aloe leaf or a lemon slice.
  5. Hydration. It is recommended to complete the manipulations by applying a moisturizing nourishing cream. The only condition– the composition should not be rich in fatty components that can clog pores.

Important! Before using homemade formulations, regardless of the purpose for which they are used, carry out tolerance testing. To do this, apply a few drops of the composition to the dermis that is sensitive (the bend of the elbow, the “crescent” behind the ear) and wait 2 hours. If unwanted body signals (rash, skin discomfort, burning or extensive redness) are not observed, you can safely proceed with the procedures.

How to clean the pores on your nose

It often happens that only clogged pores on the nose are disturbing; in such cases, it is better to use a simple scrub to remove impurities.

It's easy to prepare:

  1. Leave heavy cream (20 ml) at room temperature for half an hour.
  2. IN milk product add 15 gr. coffee grounds, salt.
  3. Mix the composition and use immediately.

Using your fingertips, distribute the prepared product over your nose and rub for 1-3 minutes easy massage. Do not use force - salt crystals or coffee particles can injure skin tissue or cause irritation. Remove after a minute using a cotton pad and water. It is forbidden to use the product if it occurs on the nose inflammatory processes– using a scrub can contribute to the spread of infection.

Clogged pores on the nose can be cleared with a mask based on oatmeal. This composition is recommended for women with depleted dermis - while removing impurities, the epidermal tissue will receive the necessary portion of nutrients.


  1. Grind oatmeal (20 g) in a coffee grinder.
  2. Fill warm water oatmeal powder for swelling (a quarter of an hour is enough). For dry skin, it is better to take cream or kefir.
  3. Mix the product until smooth.

Apply the mixture onto the nose using massaging movements and spread in an even layer. Leave for 10 minutes. Remove with a cotton pad, wash with water or herbal infusion(20 grams of chamomile or linden flowers, brew 230 ml of boiling water). At sensitive skin It is better to use a herbal remedy - it perfectly tones and relieves irritation.

Pore-cleansing mask

Before you start cleansing with masks, you need to figure out why the pores become clogged - it often happens that the reason is hidden in improper care or low-quality cosmetics. It is enough to strictly follow all the recommendations of cosmetologists for facial cleansing or replace cosmetic products to forget about the problem.

One of the requirements of specialists is the regular use of cleansing masks. There are many recipes for preparing compositions; you can alternate them - this will allow you to determine which composition is ideal for an individual.

Milk, gelatin

An excellent mask for all skin types - it does not cause irritation and quickly removes contents from the pores. Before opening a blockage, it is recommended to steam procedure– hold your face for a minute over the steam of a herbal infusion (brew 30 grams of chamomile or plantain with a liter of boiling water). After such manipulations, even the most persistent stains will be completely removed.


  1. Mix gelatin (25 g) and skim milk (20 ml) in a small container.
  2. Place the mixture in the microwave on maximum setting to dissolve the gelatin granules for 10 seconds.
  3. Take out the mixture and let it cool.
  4. Add mashed egg white to lukewarm liquid.

Spread the warm mixture over the skin with a wide brush, paying special attention to the areas of the chin, nose, and forehead. It is better not to apply the product near the eyes or lips - on delicate skin the gelatinous mass can cause the appearance of small wrinkles. After a quarter of an hour, the composition will turn into a dense film, on which, when removed, black spots, dirt, and grease stains will remain.

Yeast, peroxide, milk

Blockages don't always respond to gentle home remedies, especially if the grease and dirt are deep down. In such cases, it is recommended to cleanse using a yeast-based mask - the product will remove heavy pollution, not amenable to other masks.


  1. Dissolve compressed yeast (15 g) in warm milk (15 ml).
  2. Add peroxide (10 ml) to the mixture.
  3. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

The mixture is quite liquid, so it is better to distribute it cotton pad or a special brush. Leave for half an hour. Remove with herbal infusion or water. Be sure to apply nutritious cream– the yeast mixture dries out the skin and can cause peeling, especially on dry skin.

Corn flour, cucumbers

For enlarged pores clogged with grease and dirt, it is recommended to use a corn-cucumber mask. The product will not only remove the contents, but also, with regular use, will narrow the pores, improve the tone of the skin, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


  1. Grind one small cucumber and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Add to cucumber juice cornmeal, the mixture should resemble a semi-liquid dough (like pancakes).
  3. Use immediately, no need to insist.

Before opening the pores with the composition and removing the contents, it is recommended to steam. Apply the cucumber remedy with light massaging movements and leave for 20-22 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Clogged pores on the face

You can often see on the Internet what clogged pores look like, the photo is quite unattractive, so it’s better to avoid this condition skin and regularly use cleansing masks. Not all women follow these recommendations and receive unpleasant surprises on the dermis in the form of dense plugs.

At clogged pores On the face, you will have to resort to aggressive compounds that can open the blockage and extract the contents - dirt and particles of fat. Ladies with sensitive dermis must first consult with a cosmetologist and find out whether such masks will cause irritation or rashes.

Soda, sugar

Soda solutions do an excellent job of removing clogged pores, but often using the product is not recommended - in addition to irritation, it can cause peeling of the dermis.

Beautiful and smooth skin- the key to a beautiful appearance. To always look attractive, you need to provide her with proper care.

Often there is a problem of clogging and contamination of pores. It is quite difficult to hide this flaw with makeup.

That’s why many women are interested in how to clean the pores on their face at home.


To determine how to cleanse your facial skin of clogged pores at home, you should determine the causes of the problem. These include the following:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • age-related hormone imbalance;
  • stressful situations;
  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • weakened immunity;
  • damage to the organs of the endocrine system;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • eating disorders;
  • oxygen deficiency.

In addition to internal problems, pore enlargement is caused by contamination of the dermis.

Dead cells, cosmetics, and dust penetrate the pores and prevent the removal of sebum. This causes pores to expand and acne to form.

That is why it is so important to exclude all pathologies and ensure proper care behind the dermis. The longer you ignore provoking factors, the more difficult it is to cope with the disease.

Pores are openings of the sebaceous glands located on the surface of the skin. They are required to remove sweat and waste products from the body.

It is worth considering that a normal amount of fat is beneficial for tissues. This substance protects and softens the dermis.

However, excess lipid compounds pose a danger. Excessive amounts of fat lead to the appearance of sebaceous plugs. This term refers to the accumulation of dirt, dust and dead cells.

This leads to the appearance of pimples, blackheads and comedones. In addition, sebaceous plugs can stretch pores.

Cleansing helps achieve the following results:

  • restore metabolism in dermal cells, which improves their saturation with oxygen and moisture;
  • prevent the appearance of enlarged pores;
  • avoid excessive activity of pathogenic microorganisms, rashes and pimples;
  • activate the synthesis of collagen and elastane, improve local immunity and strengthen the fibers;
  • improve blood circulation and even out skin color.

Pore ​​cleansing methods

To get rid of sebaceous plugs, you can use various methods. Manual cleaning is suitable for this purpose. mechanical means, peeling.

Carrying out the procedure correctly will help you get excellent results. To do this, you need to thoroughly treat your face with Chlorhexidine.. This will help disinfect the dermis and avoid tightening the pores.

Then, using the hot method, you need to steam the skin. For this purpose, you can use a decoction of chamomile and calendula. To open the pores, just hold your face over hot liquid for a while.

Hands should also be treated with alcohol or a special antiseptic.. Then you can take a bandage and wrap it around your fingers. After that, each plug must be squeezed until fat appears on the surface.

After each extrusion, the skin is treated with Chlorhexidine. Finally, you should apply a nourishing cream to your face.

This method of getting rid of blackheads is considered quite traumatic.. To use it, use a special tool for cleaning pores.

To carry out the procedure, after disinfecting and steaming the dermis, you should apply shaving cream or gel to your face. This product perfectly softens sebaceous plugs.

Then you need to take a spicy one wooden product and wrap a bandage around it. Cleansing is performed using this tool. A special brush or stick for cleaning pores is also suitable for the procedure. You can also use tweezers for this purpose.

The special tool is a small stick equipped with a needle and a loop. The needle is designed to combat whiteheads.

The use of loops helps answer the question of how to clean the pores on the nose. This device is also used to treat the forehead and ears.

This is the most The best way purification, which is an excellent alternative expensive salon procedures. It is important to choose the right remedy taking into account the characteristics of the epithelium.

Like other procedures, deep cleansing begins with disinfecting the dermis and opening the pores. If you skip these steps, you will achieve good results it won't work.

Then you need to choose a recipe for carrying out deep peeling. It is best to use gelatin for this purpose, different kinds clay, Activated carbon. Ready mask Apply to face for 10 minutes.

After completing the session, you should treat the dermis with lotion or soothing cream. Also excellent option will become cucumber lotion which you can do yourself.

It is important to consider that immediately after completion of the procedure the skin will not look very attractive. The results can only be assessed the next day.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Today in the store you can buy a special device for home use. Thanks to the application ultrasonic device manages to cleanse the skin and normalize blood circulation in it.

Effective home recipes

Today there are many known effective means, which help achieve deep cleansing of the dermis. Thanks to their use, you can significantly improve appearance dermis.

To prepare this product you need to take 1 teaspoon each of salt and cleansing milk.. Salt can be replaced with ground coffee or sugar.

The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied with gentle massaging movements to steamed and moisturized skin. In this case, the eye and lip areas should be avoided.

During application, pay special attention to the T-zone - nose, forehead, chin.

The scrub should be kept on the face for 1 minute, then washed with water. room temperature. To avoid skin damage and the spread of infection, the composition should not be used if there are acne or other inflammations on the face.

This pore-cleansing peel-off mask includes 1 tablespoon each of gelatin and milk.. It is recommended to mix the ingredients in a ceramic container and microwave for 10 seconds.

Cool the finished composition, then apply with a brush to a cleansed face. It is recommended to pay special attention to the T-zone.

The composition should be kept for a quarter of an hour. During this time it will harden and form a dense film. It is recommended to remove the product starting from the nose area. All dirt will remain on the film.

This mask can also be made using egg whites.. To do this, the mixture of milk and gelatin should be heated in a steam bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Add protein to the warm mixture and mix well.

Take 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, add a couple of tablespoons of milk or warm water and wait for the product to swell.

Gently spread the resulting mixture over your face, leave for 5 minutes, then wash with warm water.

This product perfectly cleanses the dermis, saturates it with useful substances and has a softening effect.

In addition, the mask perfectly improves skin tone.

Mask for narrowing pores on the face (kefir, oatmeal)

Cucumber oil mask

Take half a cucumber and chop it using a fine grater. Then squeeze out the juice. Add 1 tablespoon of butter and milk to the cucumber mixture..

Apply onto cleansed skin and leave for 20 minutes. It is recommended to wash off the composition with cool water.

Protein-lemon mask

Take 1 egg white and beat thoroughly until foamy.. After this, add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a few drops of tea tree essential oil.

Mix the composition thoroughly and apply to cleansed skin. Particular attention should be paid to clogged pores.

After a quarter of an hour, wash your face with cool water.. It is recommended to wipe the face with anti-inflammatory lotion.

Homemade mask with egg white and lemon juice to reduce pores and fight acne

Yeast mask

Take 1 small spoon each of raw yeast, milk and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Apply the composition to the skin for a quarter of an hour. Then you can wash your face with water at room temperature.

Yeast face mask

Cleansing facial pores can be done with effective home remedies. To do this, it is very important to choose the right composition and strictly adhere to the dosage. Thanks to this, you will be able to get excellent results.

  • Why do you need to cleanse your pores?
  • Tools Overview

What are pores and why are they needed?

Pores are the openings of the hair follicle in which the outlet of the sebaceous gland is located. Dry skin usually has pores small size, in fatty women, on the contrary, they are expanded.

The pores are filled with the secretion of the sebaceous glands - sebum. It is a mixture of lipids (fats) and forms a hydrolipid mantle, protecting the skin from drying out and making it elastic.

Why pores become clogged: main reasons

This is influenced by at least three factors.


The work of the sebaceous glands is regulated by hormones. Male hormones androgens, in particular testosterone, increase sebum secretion. And female sex hormones estrogens, on the contrary, reduce it.

Root cause teenage problems with skin - instability hormonal levels. It is also observed in women during pregnancy and menopause.


Some scientists associate the size and productivity of the sebaceous glands with nutrition: according to their data, eating fast carbohydrates provokes the release of insulin into the blood, and insulin, in turn, affects sebaceous glands. This theory has not yet been proven or disproved, but it doesn’t hurt to know about it.

Timely exfoliation is important for clean pores © iStock

Illiterate skin care

If you do not care for your skin correctly, its condition will steadily worsen. The standard purification scheme looks like this:

  1. 1

    Makeup remover using micellar water (it must be washed off with plain water) in the evening.

  2. 2

    Washing using gel or foam twice a day, morning and evening.

  3. 3

    Exfoliation 1–2 times a week. Being under a “slab” of dead cells, the epidermis is not able to bring sebum to the surface in the required quantities, as a result of which sebum clogs the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

Make sure that care products do not contain comedogenic substances. These most often include skin-softening ingredients such as coconut oil. True, the appearance of comedones is an individual reaction, and your specific skin can easily tolerate any of the provoking components.

Why do you need to cleanse your pores?

Mixing with dust particles and makeup residues, sebum, together with horn cells, forms a sebaceous plug. These plugs themselves are not dangerous, but they serve as an excellent breeding ground for the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes, which causes inflammatory processes and, consequently, the appearance of acne. We tell you in detail what stages the deep skin cleansing procedure consists of.

Opening of pores

Since all cleansing procedures are aimed at removing sebaceous plugs and impurities from the pores, the result will be much more noticeable on previously opened pores.

Cosmetics for cleansing pores should not contain comedogenic substances © iStock


Cosmetologists use a special device for this procedure, but at home it is enough to take a shower: the steam from warm water will help open the pores.

Steaming is extremely undesirable for skin with rosacea.


Delicate scrub or acid peeling They will remove from the surface of the skin everything that prevents it from freeing itself from impurities and absorbing active substances from creams and serums.


Use clay-based cleansing masks once a week to:

    deeply cleanse the skin;

    prevent the growth of bacteria in the pores.

Being an effective absorbent, clay not only draws dirt out of the pores, but also dries out the skin. To avoid dehydration, do not let clay masks Dry on your face completely and do not overuse them.

Narrowing pores

Since there are no muscles in the pores, it will still not be possible to narrow them. That is, of course, to some extent this is possible, but there are nuances. Alcohol and clay have a temporary narrowing effect. However, they can also dry out the skin, which will lead to the opposite effect - increased sebum production.


All skin types need this, even if this moment There are no signs of dehydration. Moisturizing care is a basic need at any age.

Clay-based masks are suitable for deep cleansing of pores © iStock

Effective pore cleaning at home

Internet sites offer a wide variety of information on ways to clean the pores on your face without leaving your home. But these tips should be taken critically, because many of them can harm the skin. In our opinion, this scheme is suitable for deep, quick and safe cleansing of pores.

  1. 1

    Apply a delicate scrub or peeling onto the skin, previously cleansed and steamed in the shower. Rinse it off.

  2. 2

    Apply the cleansing mask to the entire surface of the face, or to areas that need deep cleansing: nose, forehead, chin. Without waiting completely dry, remove the mask with a damp sponge.

  3. 3

    Apply a moisturizing serum, cream or (if necessary) mask to replenish water balance in skin cells.

How to save the result

So that the results from procedures aimed at deep cleansing, last as long as possible, remove makeup and impurities every night, exfoliate your skin once or twice a week, and add serums and acid toners to your facial routine.

Tools Overview

Don't want your pores to get dirty? Take a look at one or more products from this selection. The results from their use will not be long in coming.

Prevention of pore pollution

Product name Mode of application Active Ingredients

Mask “Magic of clay. Exfoliation and tightening of pores”, L’Oréal Paris

Apply to cleansed, damp skin. Leave for 5-10 minutes, rinse with warm water. red algae extract, kaolin clay, gassoul, montmorrilonite
Mineral peeling mask “Double Radiance”, Vichy

Apply to cleansed skin for 5 minutes. Massage and rinse with water.

thermal Vichy water, fruit acids, exfoliating particles of volcanic origin
Pore-cleansing mask with Amazonian clay, Kiehl’s

Apply a thin layer of the product to cleansed, damp facial skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Leave for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water or remove with a sponge. Use once a week.

Amazonian clay, bentonite, aloe vera
Serum for correcting acne and age-related changes Blemish & Age Defense, SkinCeuticals

Apply to cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté 1-2 times a day.

During use of the product, protection from sunlight is required.

salicylic, glycolic, dioic acids

Cleansing toner for acne-prone skin age-related changes Blemish & Age, Skinceuticals

Apply daily to cleansed skin before serums and creams. salicylic and glycolic acids