Dye your hair with 2 colors. Hair dyeing in two colors - types

For children

Quite often, brunettes want to lighten their hair, and blondes want to turn their locks brown or chestnut. Dyeing your hair in two colors will help you realize the desires of both, creating a completely new image based on the natural color of the strands. At such moments, it will not matter what colors are used when painting: natural or contrasting and bright. In any situation, the result will seem unusual and will attract the attention of others. Another nice thing is that dyeing strands in two tones is possible not only in the salon, but also at home.

  1. Bronding. This is one of the most famous coloring techniques, which is difficult to create. The name combines the words “blonde” and “brunette”. If you dye your hair in two colors this way, you will get a natural combination of two tones with a minimum of contrast. The main color scheme for this type of painting is considered to be beige or brown-golden shades.
  2. Ombre or degrade. This is the so-called transverse coloring. Creating a natural hair regrowth effect is done using dark roots and completely lightened ends. The transition can be both smooth and quite abrupt. It all depends on the client’s preferences and the hands of a professional.
  3. 3D coloring. This is an incredibly complex hair coloring technique, during the use of which a voluminous hairstyle is created by combining several tones of a single range. Usually only dark or only light colors are used with this technique.

Highlighting technologies that allow you to paint in 2 colors

  • Mazhimesh. This hair coloring technique does not greatly injure the strands. This uses paint with a creamy texture to which wax is added. Due to the fact that the coloring agent does not contain perhydrol, you can only get a golden or honey shade on your hair, but you will not get a platinum tone.
  • Balayage. This unusual name hides both coloring and highlighting. This two-color hair coloring will lighten your curls. At the same time, this type of dyeing itself is carried out only on the tips.
  • Shatush. This method of hair coloring involves simulating natural burnout by lightening the strands. In this case, several strands are repainted in a random order, with an indentation of 2-3 centimeters from the parting. To smooth out the transition, you can backcomb it. Sometimes beauty salons dye the strands in the back of the hairstyle. This helps create the effect of natural hair volume.

Hair dyeing in 2 colors according to the scheme: stages

  1. A couple of days before the coloring procedure, you should wash your hair and apply a nourishing mask to it. After this, you do not need to use hair styling and cosmetic products. A small amount of sebum can protect the strands from the aggressive influence of the chemical composition, but its excess can lead to the fact that the coloring composition will not adhere well.
  2. At the next stage of dyeing, you need to put on old clothes or use a special cape.
  3. Next, the hair is thoroughly combed and divided into zones with clips pinned. If only the ends are dyed, then you should form 6-8 identical parts from the hair, tying them with elastic bands at the same level.
  4. After this, you should prepare the dye and put gloves on your hands.
  5. The chemical composition should be distributed over previously prepared strands. The method of application may depend on the technology that you had to choose for dyeing your hair. To choose the right dyeing method, you should know what two-color hair dyeing is called and what it is like. If it is balayage, then you will have to make broad strokes along the ends in a horizontal direction. When highlighting, the curls are colored evenly along the entire length. For a smooth stretch in an ombre situation, you should take a sponge and perform soft vertical movements along the strands.
  6. If the hair coloring technique involves the use of foil, then each dyed strand is wrapped in it. This way the rest of your curls won't get dirty.
  7. After keeping the paint for the time recommended by the manufacturer, it will have to be washed off.
  8. Next, the head is washed with shampoo, after which the hair needs to be dried a little with a towel.
  9. After this, a balm or mask is applied to the hair and dyeing the hair in 2 colors can be considered complete.


Combination of color shades for two-tone hair dyeing

Dyeing both long and short hair in two colors is gradually gaining popularity. Moreover two color hair dyeing popular among both young girls and older women. This solution provides the opportunity to brightly complement the look at a party or achieve naturalness when decorating the appearance in the natural style.

Coloring: features and varieties

To color your hair, you need to divide it into a large number of strands and then dye it in several shades. In this way, either a smooth transition is achieved or contrast is emphasized. The final decision regarding hair manipulation is made by the girl herself.

Coloring has several directions:

Degrade (ombre) — coloring in the transverse direction. A natural effect of regrown hair is created due to the presence of light ends and dark roots. Depending on the vision of the master and the desire of the client, the transition can be made either abrupt or quite smooth;

Booking - is the most popular. Characterized by the complexity of implementation. As a result of bronding, the master achieves a natural fusion of dark and “blond” hair colors, while obtaining minimal contrast. Practice shows that brown-golden and beige hair colors have gained the most popularity;

3D coloring - one of the most complex hair coloring techniques due to the fact that the coloring technique involves performing several labor-intensive operations at once. A natural hairstyle is achieved using several tones of the same range. Specialists use either light or dark shades when working, without any symbiosis.


The purpose of highlighting is to create the effect of natural blonde hair. Initially, strands are selected that undergo a bleaching process. As a result, the client receives several light strands, reminiscent of sun-bleached hair. They are located in the general mass of hair of a dark shade.

Potential clients can also order the service of highlighting the entire mass of hair using 3 to 5 shades of light. As a result, the masters ensure maximum naturalness of the natural blonde.

As with coloring, highlighting also has several options:

Baliyazh : synthesis of coloring and highlighting. The hair is initially lightened, but in this case the coloring procedure is carried out exclusively at the ends, and not along the entire length of the hair;

Mazhimesh : not the most traumatic way to highlight hair with dye. Craftsmen use cream-based materials, to which wax is additionally added. Since the paint does not contain perhydrol, in practice it is only possible to obtain a honey or golden tint. You won't be able to dye your hair platinum this way;

Shatush : imitation of natural sunburn through the use of lightening techniques. In this case, the master dyes several randomly selected strands in random order. A maximum of three centimeters is indented from the partings.

To make a natural and smooth transition, a special backcomb is done. In some cases, masters dye selected strands deep in the hairstyle itself. As a result, a natural volume effect is achieved.

How to choose the type of staining?

If you choose the wrong type of coloring for your look, in the future you will understand what is hair coloring won't look good in practice. We recommend that you consult your hairdresser first. But if this is not possible at the moment, we recommend that you read the tips below:

  • Tip #1: Avoid too bright colors in adulthood. It is best to completely avoid shades that have a sharp contrast, since they can emphasize age. In your case, this is far from the best option;
  • Tip #2: By choosing booking, you can emphasize your cheekbones and maximize the structure of your face;
  • Tip #3: Bronzing is the best option for both straight and wavy hair. It can refresh the skin color in general, which is only beneficial for fair-skinned women;
  • Tip #4: It is better to choose ombre only if your hair has pronounced curls. On straight hair, an ombre hairstyle will most likely not look neat enough;
  • Tip #5: Avoid strands with increased contrast if your hair is relatively thin. 3D coloring, as well as bronding and shatush, will provide a visual increase in the volume of the hairstyle as a whole;
  • Tip #6: Returning from the sea or vacation, opt for highlighting. It looks very good on dark-skinned girls, and also allows you to beautifully shade your tan;
  • Tip #7: If you do not want your hair to be damaged, it is best to use a coloring option such as mazhimesh. At the moment, this is the most harmless way to color your hair.

Where is the best place to dye your hair?

There are only two answer options: in the salon or at home. Having decided to refuse the services of stylists, pay attention to the fact that independent coloring will provide the most unexpected results. The reason for this is the complexity of hair coloring technology in general.

It is especially important to seek help from specialists if you want to do 3D coloring. But contrasting ombre or highlighting can be done carefully at home.

Do not think that professional paint is the key to a positive result. Again, the technology itself is characterized by a rather complex procedure for practical implementation. If you don’t want to ruin your image, you shouldn’t do this yourself.

When visiting a salon, specialists not only conduct coloring for short hair, but also perform a range of services aimed at their restoration. However, you can decide on additional care yourself, but only if you understand all the responsibility and competence in performing all operations.

Generally speaking, painting in several colors is not allowed to be done independently at home. The exception is the situation when you want to make the simplest manipulations possible. For example, color your hair with two colors.

What do you need to know when painting yourself?

Specialized stores sell special ready-made kits for coloring. This way you will be sure that you will not make a mistake when choosing a combination of shades. Another worthy option is to purchase the necessary shades from the same manufacturer from an identical line. The best solution is to purchase colors that differ from the natural tone of your hair by more than three shades.

Make sure that all necessary equipment is neatly laid out on the work surface. Before performing any procedures, be sure to read the instructions published either on the packaging or in the special insert. This is necessary in order to mix the paint correctly. To make sure there is no allergic reaction, apply the active substance to your skin the day before coloring.

Step-by-step instruction

Step one : After mixing all the components, separate several strands to be dyed from the total mass using hairpins. The width of the strands should not exceed half a centimeter in width. If you ignore this requirement, the final result will be sloppy.

Step Two: Place foil under a section of hair. Fold the edge that is at the roots down. Trying not to touch neighboring hair, carefully distribute the tone, then wrap the strand in pre-prepared foil. Make sure that the strands are firmly attached, and also see if the foil is moving off your hair.

Step three: Moving to the back of the head from the bangs, process other strands of hair.

Step four: Wash your hair with shampoo after the time specified by the manufacturer;

Step five: Apply a restoring balm or mask to the surface of your hair. It is highly advisable to use a product that is packaged in a paint box. Use the simplest balm if the mentioned product is not available.

Step Six: Towel dry your hair and then let it air dry naturally. Since coloring can damage your hair, it is highly undesirable to use a hair dryer or straightener.

But it is best to take the help of specialists. Good luck!

Dyeing your hair in two colors is a great way to highlight your haircut line, refresh your complexion, or add visual volume to your hair. Depending on the chosen type of coloring, a different effect is achieved, allowing this technique to be used to create a variety of hairstyles.

The most popular and long-known (since the middle of the last century) method of two-color painting. Vertical highlighting of individual strands using perhydrol gives the look freshness due to the effect of sun-bleached curls. Suitable for long and short hair, the original color of the hair also does not matter much.

Perhydrol (hydrogen peroxide)

Highlighting is the treatment of individual strands along the entire length with a lightening compound, followed by wrapping them in foil or polyethylene. To bleach short hair, a special rubber cap with holes is often used, through which thin strands are pulled out with a hook.

Depending on the amount of bleached hair and its location in the hairstyle, you can achieve different effects. Thin strands look the most natural, imparting freshness to the appearance. Wider bleached curls are suitable for subsequent dyeing in three or more colors to create both natural and outrageous looks.

Despite its apparent simplicity, it is better to entrust the lightening procedure to a specialist. Only an experienced master will be able to calculate the result of bleaching in advance and make it as harmless as possible to the hair. However, you can still dye two or three strands yourself or with the help of a friend.

Types of highlighting:

  • -Mazhimesh – lightening of individual strands with a dye that does not contain hydrogen peroxide. Thanks to the addition of wax to the coloring composition, this technique is the most gentle, however, lightening is possible by no more than three tones. The result is not platinum, but golden and honey-colored strands;
  • Shatush is an imitation of naturally sun-bleached hair. The lightener is applied to several randomly selected strands (sometimes even deep in the hairstyle), and backcombed to minimize contrast. To give maximum naturalness, the curls are colored at a distance of two to three centimeters from the parting;
  • Balayage involves lightening mainly the ends of the hair. The paint is applied with light strokes, without thoroughly painting the strands in depth. This coloring looks quite natural and is ideal for light hair.


A long-known and well-proven method of hair coloring. Allows you to use several (two, three or more) different colors to create unique images. Contrasting strands of bright and unusual shades are suitable for young girls who prefer a shocking style, while mature ladies should prefer to use natural colors to create elegant hairstyles.

The technique is reminiscent of highlighting: the coloring composition is applied along the entire length of the strands, which are wrapped in foil to enhance the effect of the pigment. The accuracy of execution and professionalism of the hairdresser allow you to create truly unique images.

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A relatively new and super popular technique of dyeing hair in two, three or more colors. Unlike coloring, it helps to create natural hairstyles, since it involves the use of natural shades. The method is suitable for long and short, dark and light, straight and curly hair.

The paints used are selected in accordance with the original color of the curls, usually no darker or lighter than three tones. The application technique can vary significantly, since different visual effects are achieved using armoring.

The term itself is formed by merging the words “blond” and “brunette”, which implies a combination of natural shades. Hair dyed using this technique looks very natural and voluminous.



The peak of popularity of the ombre (or degradé) technique has already passed, but dyeing hair in two colors in a similar way is still practiced. The hair gives the impression of having grown back after bleaching and looks somewhat careless.

Despite its apparent simplicity, ombre dyeing requires certain skills and careful processing of the strands. The dye is applied horizontally to the hair, and the color transition can be either smoothed or emphasized.

As for the type of hair for which ombre dyeing is suitable, experts unanimously advise giving preference to wavy or curled curls. The transition from dark roots to light ends looks, if not sloppy, then rather careless on straight hair. Curls and waves perfectly camouflage the border of colors, creating a rather elegant look.

When choosing the color and type of hair dyeing, you should not mindlessly adhere exclusively to fashion trends. The shape of the face, its color, haircut and age dictate a number of specific requirements that must be adhered to in order not to look ridiculous and vulgar.

  • Mature ladies should avoid bright and contrasting shades in their hair. With age, a woman should become elegant, so it is advisable to use natural colors when dyeing her hair. The armoring technique, when the paint differs from the original color by no more than three tones, is simply ideal for women over forty;
  • Highlighting perfectly emphasizes a tan, so it is recommended mainly for dark-skinned girls and women. Fair-skinned people should again choose bronding, as it perfectly refreshes the complexion and emphasizes its texture;
  • For thin and thin hair, dyeing using the shatush technique and bronding are suitable. Contrasting clear strands should be avoided, as they will not add volume;
  • It is better not to expose thin, damaged and weakened hair to chemical dyes at all. However, if staining cannot be avoided, then preference should be given to the mazhimesh technique, as it is the most gentle.

Where to paint?

Trying to save money and dye your hair at home usually doesn't pay off. Even applying one tone of paint evenly to the entire head of hair requires certain skills and abilities. Dyeing your hair in two or more colors is a task exclusively for a professional, since only an experienced master can guarantee accuracy and the desired result.

Complex types of coloring, such as bronding or coloring, are best done in a salon by a trusted hairdresser. You can try to lighten or dye just a few strands on your own, preferably with the help of a skilled friend.

For home painting, you need to choose high-quality paint (if several colors are used, they must be from the same manufacturer). You will also need a certain set of tools and devices with which the paint will be applied efficiently and accurately: foil, combs with frequent and rare teeth, brushes and sponges, special utensils for mixing paint. Particular attention should be paid to a preliminary test for a possible allergic reaction by applying a small amount of the coloring composition to the wrist or skin behind the ear.

Thanks to a huge selection of techniques, double coloring can create many individual styles and looks. The contrast created by dark and light shades emphasizes the features of the hairstyle, making it original.

Benefits of dyeing hair in 2 colors

Along with conventional coloring, double coloring has a number of advantages that make it so popular:

How to choose the right color

In order for a double coloring with light and dark shades to look cohesive and composed, the colors should have contrast, but not excessively.

Otherwise, the hairstyle will look unkempt.

Experts call the most advantageous combinations of shades:

  • dark chocolate and caramel;
  • chestnut and copper;
  • black and platinum;
  • cocoa and golden blonde;
  • dark brown and ashy.

To create more natural transitions, you should ensure that the colors are included in the same color scheme: warm with warm, cold with cold. However, to create a shocking image, you can experiment with shades and their “warmth”.

When choosing a color, it is important to take into account your skin tone and natural hair color. For these purposes, a lot of research has been carried out in the fashion industry, which is why they have developed 4 different color types of girls that correspond to 4 seasons.

  • Ash and dark brown shades are ideal for a winter girl. While they should avoid warm, golden colors.
  • Spring girls should focus on light colors with honey and golden tints; copper, brown and dark shades of red are also perfect for them. But you will have to give up light red ones, since this color will turn “spring” into a nondescript gray mouse.
  • For summer girls, experts recommend wearing platinum, ash shades and all shades of light brown. Darker colors, unfortunately, are not suitable for summer.
  • Autumn girls look most attractive with deep, rich colors, such as copper, chestnut and bright red. They will have to tinker a lot with the selection of light shades to find “that” color.

How to choose a tone based on eye color

An important criterion in choosing the future hair color is the shade of the eyes. The stylists also took care of the correct combination of eye and hair color, identifying the most optimal options.

Green eyes

Owners of this eye color should first of all pay attention to warm tones, for example, chocolate brown, red, chestnut.

However, green is a multifaceted color and has many variations:

Blue eyes

Any light tones are ideally combined with this color, however, as in the previous case, you should pay attention to the different variations of blue eye color.


Brown eyes

For brown eyes:

Grey eyes

Gray color is universal, that is, absolutely any hair color suits it. The only nuance that should be taken into account is that excessively dark hair tones can add age to its owner.

Sometimes the color type and eye color do not allow you to use certain shades and colors, but, as they say, you can’t tell your heart. In this case, double coloring helps, combining light and dark shades, natural and acidic.

The main thing is to choose the right coloring technique and correctly determine the distance of certain shades from the face and eyes.

Techniques for dyeing hair in 2 colors

Among the techniques for dyeing hair in 2 colors, the following are distinguished:

  • Highlighting;
  • ombre;
  • sombre;
  • coloring;
  • armoring;
  • degrade;
  • shatush;
  • balayage

The goal of all techniques is the same - to dye your hair in two different colors. Moreover, colors can be selected in completely different ways: from a combination of dark and light tones, to bright colors with acid colors.

However, this is the only similarity between these types of painting: the end result looks completely different in each technique, and in some cases the painting technology itself is different. Due to this, almost every girl is able to find exactly what she dreams of, giving herself and her hair an original appearance.


The essence of highlighting is to dye individual strands in different colors and shades. One of the advantages of this coloring is that the bulk of the hair is not exposed to chemical effects, and the coloring of the strands is not as aggressive as with conventional hair lightening and dyeing.

The highlighting technique involves several subtypes:

  • Classic. Its essence is to dye randomly taken strands in a color similar to the color of the main mass of hair, for example, bright red and copper, chocolate and chestnut.
  • Bright strands. This type of highlighting is mainly used by young girls. The essence of this highlighting is similar to the classic one, but in this case the hair is dyed in bright, acidic tones.
  • Feathers. The process of this coloring is quite simple: you put a special cap on your head with holes through which you need to pull the strands. These strands are dyed. After the paint has dried, the cap must be removed and the hair washed, as after regular dyeing.
  • Veil. With this technique, dye of different colors is applied to the top and bottom layers of hair, so the overall appearance of the hairstyle resembles a “cap” or veil.
  • Californian. This type of highlighting is done to create the effect of natural sunburn by dyeing the ends of the hair and several vertical strands.
  • Mazhimesh. The essence of this method is as follows: a special lightening composition made on a wax basis is applied to individual strands. Dyed strands become lighter by only 2-4 tones, and therefore the hair is not exposed to any harmful effects. However, this coloring is only suitable for girls with fairly light hair color.
  • Majikontrast. This technique creates very contrasting curls along the entire length of the hair. The most popular double coloring in this technique is on naturally dark hair with light strands. However, it is not recommended to do this hairstyle for girls with long and very long hair.


This type of double painting is a horizontal painting, in which one color smoothly transitions into another. Moreover, the choice of colors can be absolutely anything.

This is how classic ombre is done. Multi-tonal ombre is also very popular. Its difference from the classic one is that this technique uses not two, but several shades.


This technique is very similar to ombre, but the color transition here is more delicate and soft. Sombre stretches the transition of one shade to another over the entire surface of the hair, while with ombre you can see the border in a certain place. This coloring allows the hair to look more natural and natural.


Coloring is a dyeing technique in which hair is dyed in separate strands that are similar in color.

There are several types of this technique:

  • Zonal. In this technique, a separate segment of hair is dyed, for example, bangs or the temporal lobe.

  • Stencil. This technique involves dyeing hair in a specific design or pattern.
  • Horizontal. In this case, several colors are applied to each strand along the entire length. Moreover, the difference in colors varies from the darkest in the root part to the lightest at the tips.
  • Vertical. Here, certain strands are dyed one color along their entire length.


Bronzing is a combination of highlighting and horizontal coloring techniques that produce a natural shimmer of color.

There can be many booking options, often depending on personal preferences.


A coloring technique, the purpose of which is to create the effect of a smooth transition from one color or shade to another, with a clear presence of boundaries. One of the features of this technique is to lighten the ends, while maintaining the natural color at the roots.


The visual result of coloring shatush is very similar to ombre, but there are also differences.

The most popular double (light and dark) coloring techniques for long hair.

One of the most significant is that dyeing using the shatush technique occurs exclusively in the open air.


Balayage is a technique that involves gradually lightening the hair towards the ends.
But unlike other similar techniques, it involves superficial lightening of the ends with a blurred border, and the lightening extends along the entire length.

How to choose a double dyeing technique depending on hair length

Almost each of these techniques involves dyeing hair of any length.

However, there are exceptions:

  • Highlighting using the majicontrast technique is not suitable for long hair;
  • Techniques that involve transitions from one shade to another are performed on hair that reaches the chin.

Double hair coloring is becoming more and more popular among girls of all ages. However, it is worth considering that this season natural shades are welcomed, and therefore the ideal coloring would be a combination of dark and light shades and colors.

Video: double hair coloring with light and dark colors

Double dyeing: dark hair on top, light hair below:

How to achieve the effect of burnt hair: double dyeing joico:

Recently, dyeing hair in two colors has become very fashionable; it is popular both among adult women and young girls.

With this solution you can easily achieve a natural effect in the “nature” style or create an unforgettable chic look for a party. Of course, it is best to carry out coloring not on your own, but by trusting an experienced master. Today, there are several options for this hair coloring.

Types of hair coloring in two colors



- one of the types of coloring. Although it is particularly popular, it is quite difficult to make, since the technology is complex - you need to select several shades that combine both with each other and with the natural color of the hair. The name comes from the words “brunette” and “blond”, that is, in the hairstyle these two colors should merge most naturally with a transition without bright contrast. Usually golden brown and beige are the main colors.

Ombre (dégrade)

Ombre, also called degrade, shatush, balayage, Venetian, and is a “shadow” hair coloring in two colors, also called transverse or horizontal coloring. Creates a natural effect of regrown hair with dark roots and lighter ends. The transition can be made either smooth or abrupt, it depends on the desire of the owner of the hair. The technology for this coloring is simple, the process is carried out in stages, so you can try it at home.

3D coloring

A very complex technical process that creates a natural, voluminous hairstyle from several tones of the same range. The technology of its creation involves the use of only dark or only light shades.


In this case, hair dyeing in two colors is carried out in order to create a natural effect of light hair with dark strands by selectively bleaching the strands. If the hair is dark by nature, it can only be done, but if the owner does not like the inherent shade of the curls, then two-tone hair dyeing can be done - both in a light and in a dark tone. Since it is usually chosen to create the effect of natural blonde, there are several varieties:

  • Mazhimesh. In this case, the instructions for modeling a hairstyle imply the use of cream-based paint, which does not greatly injure the curls; in addition, wax is added to it. This paint does not contain perhydrol, so you can only get honey and golden shades, but not platinum.
  • Balayage. The scheme of this method is a combination of both coloring and highlighting. That is, hair is lightened, and coloring is carried out only on the ends.
  • Shatush. It imitates natural burnout by lightening the strands. To do this, several strands are dyed in a random order, spaced two to three centimeters from the roots. To smooth the color boundaries, it is recommended to comb the strands.

Dyeing your hair in two colors at home

It is worth immediately noting that dyeing hair in two colors is a complex process that requires certain skills and experience. Therefore, it is still better to trust it to a professional colorist. However, in some cases, such painting is possible at home, especially if you want something simple and uncomplicated. In this case, you need to stock up on certain materials and follow the instructions described below step by step. From the materials you need to prepare brushes (separate for each shade), foil (pieces 10x20 cm), a wide-toothed comb, containers for mixing paints, the paint itself, old clothes and towels.

Dual-tone hair coloring can be done using independently selected shades, or you can purchase a ready-made coloring kit. For this type of painting, it is recommended to choose darker or lighter colors than the natural shade, but no more than three tones. Before dyeing, be sure to read the instructions included with the paint and conduct an allergy test (apply a little paint to an inconspicuous area of ​​the skin).

Dyeing technology

  1. First of all, you need to mix the paint as written on its packaging.
  2. Next, you need to select the strands for dyeing and secure them with hairpins. Their width should not exceed 0.5 cm, otherwise the hairstyle will look unkempt.
  3. After this, you need to place foil under the strand (the edge of the foil at the roots needs to be bent down), carefully apply paint to it and wrap the foil around it. The foil must be well secured so that it does not move off the strand. All selected strands are dyed in the same way, from the bangs to the back of the head.
  4. After applying the paint, you need to wait for a certain time according to the instructions, and then wash your hair with shampoo.
  5. To neutralize the aggressive effects of dye on hair, after washing it is recommended to use a restorative hair mask or balm. Often a suitable product is included with the paint, or it can be purchased additionally from the line of the same manufacturer as the paint.
  6. Having given your freshly colored hair water treatments, you need to carefully dry it with a towel and let it dry on its own, without using a hair dryer or straightener.

Why you should contact a professional colorist

It is worth using the services of a professional hairdresser who specializes in coloring in order to get a stylish, fashionable and beautiful hairstyle. Only a professional knows what shades are in fashion now and how to apply them correctly to make your hair look as natural and impressive as possible. In addition, he will be able to advise whether preliminary alignment of the hair color is necessary or whether it is possible to work with a natural shade without preparation.

Video: two-color Ombre coloring technique