What does prickly heat look like on children's feet? Miliaria in children - symptoms and treatment methods


Miliaria is an irritation of the epidermis due to impaired evaporation of sweat from the skin. What does prickly heat look like in a child? It manifests itself in the form of redness of individual areas of the skin in the area of ​​folds. Without the necessary treatment, miliaria can develop into diaper dermatitis. How to recognize baby heat rash? How to prevent its progression? Let's figure it out.

Causes of heat rash in an infant

The skin of a baby is significantly different from that of an adult. Babies have thinner skin, especially in the tummy, back and arms. The surface epithelium has a neutral reaction, and an acidic environment is required for thermoregulation. The baby's skin is delicate and easily vulnerable, so at the slightest exposure to external aggressive factors it becomes inflamed. The skin of newborns quickly warms up, as it is rich in blood vessels. The sweat glands in infants are not yet developed at a sufficient level, which is one of the causes of prickly heat.

  • The immediate causes of the development of prickly heat in an infant include overheating of the body. Caring mothers try to swaddle their baby as tightly as possible or dress him warmer so that he does not catch a cold. This leads to increased sweating and the development of skin irritation;
  • Not only increased care on the part of the mother, but also its lack can lead to skin rashes. For example, insufficient hygiene procedures or infrequent diaper changes;
  • Applying fatty creams in a thick layer is another cause of skin irritation;
  • Clothes made of thick, synthetic fabric, a rare change of the baby’s underwear;
  • Frequent use of soap when bathing a newborn. Soap washes away the secretions from the baby's skin that protect it from harmful bacteria;
  • Rare walks and high indoor temperatures also contribute to the development of prickly heat.

Development mechanism

Develops due to unformed sweat ducts. They complete their development only by 5 years. But the sweat glands function well already at 4 weeks after birth. When the baby’s body overheats, a secretion is normally released onto the surface of the skin, which helps cool the body. If something interferes with the secretion (tight swaddling, thick clothing, a layer of fatty cream), then the secretion is not released, and irritation and inflammation appear on the surface of the skin.

What does prickly heat look like in a child?

Miliaria appears at the level of skin folds and in places where the skin is thin and has the least contact with air. The favorite localization of prickly heat is the head, abdomen, back, buttocks, elbow and popliteal fossae. Miliaria can also occur on the face, but this localization of rashes is a consequence of the lack of proper treatment for heat rash on the neck and head.

  • crystalline - the most harmless of all heat rashes. It goes away quickly and does not require treatment. Characterized by small bubbles, reddish or pink in color. After damage to these blisters, peeling of the skin remains;
  • red - appears after crystalline, if there was no treatment for it. Instead of blisters, nodules appear, redness of the skin, the child may try to comb the affected skin, and pain appears when pressed. It takes much longer to cure than crystalline prickly heat. A complication in the form of infection when scratching the rash is possible;
  • deep - flesh-colored blisters that form under the epithelial layer of the skin and pass quickly.

Miliaria appears at the level of skin folds and in places where the skin is thin and least in contact with air

Localization of prickly heat

Heat rash in children, its symptoms, can be found on the head, face, neck, butt, back, and armpits.

It appears in the form of red pimples, inside of which there may be transparent liquid. If the liquid turns yellow or cloudy, it means that an infection has begun and an appointment with a pediatrician is required. At the initial stages of development of irritation, the rash appears only in the folds of the neck, and then, if left untreated, it spreads to the face.

Appears in the form of red pimples, inside of which there may be transparent liquid

Sweating on

Small pimples with colorless liquid inside. May spread to the face in the area of ​​the temples and forehead. Partial hair loss is sometimes observed at the site of the rash. The rash causes itching, and the baby may be restless.

Partial hair loss is sometimes observed at the site of the rash

Red dots localized in the chin, cheeks, and behind the ears. Irritation on the face spreads from the head or neck.

Red dots localized in the chin, cheeks, behind the ears

The rash is red and, if not treated properly, can spread to the groin and abdomen. Appears in very young children who cannot yet roll over on their own.

Red rash that, if not treated properly, can spread to the groin and abdomen

The affected area of ​​the skin is red, against which rashes in the form of pimples that do not merge with each other are visible. This type of heat rash occurs under a diaper if it is not changed in time. Increased moisture and lack of evaporation lead to the appearance of heat rash on the skin of the baby’s buttocks.

The affected area of ​​the skin is red, against which rashes in the form of pimples that do not merge with each other are visible

It is characterized by rashes in the form of red pimples, merging into one. Irritation occurs on the tummy when swaddling tightly or when thick clothing comes into contact with the skin of the abdomen.

How to distinguish heat rash from allergies?

Miliaria is very similar in appearance to allergies. Only a doctor can distinguish them externally. It is especially difficult to distinguish heat rash on the face from diathesis on the cheeks. Allergic irritation has a seal around the bubbles. With miliaria, the rashes are located in one place, with allergies - on different parts of the body at the same time. An allergic reaction occurs after eating a new product or when overeating sweets. Allergic blisters vary in size: from small to large.

Miliaria is very similar in appearance to allergies

To distinguish miliaria from other rashes, you need to pull the affected skin in different directions. If the blisters disappear, it is a miliaria. In miliaria, there are no seals around the blisters.

Miliaria in children - treatment

How and how to treat heat rash in a child? This question worries mothers who are faced with this disease. The treatment of heat rash in a child depends on the location of the inflammation on the skin. The general principle of treatment for all prickly heat is to eliminate the factor leading to irritation - overheating of the body. Treatment of prickly heat in children should include:

  • In hot weather, you need to bathe your child every day, three to four times. Between baths, the skin can be wiped with wet wipes containing oils.
  • Body detergents can be used no more than once a day, due to the negative impact on the secretion that protects the baby’s skin from microbes.
  • What should I bathe my child in if he has heat rash? While bathing, you should add a decoction of chamomile, oak, string or calendula to the bath. Preparation: Brew 75 grams of one of the herbs (or 75 grams of a mixture of these herbs) in a liter of hot water, leave for 30 minutes. Then strain and add the resulting broth to the bathtub. In addition to bathing in a bath with herbs, you can wipe skin rashes with an infusion of these herbs. When wiping, it is important not to damage the bubbles with liquid: scars may remain. This is especially true for prickly heat on the face. You can also pour a solution of potassium permanganate into the bath or wipe the rashes with this solution. The water temperature in the bathtub should be 37 degrees;
  • After bathing in a decoction of herbs, the baby must be rinsed in water, one degree colder than it was in the bath;
  • After bathing, the baby's skin should be blotted with a towel or napkin. Under no circumstances should you press on the area of ​​irritation, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the blisters;
  • After blotting the baby's skin with a soft towel, you should not immediately dress the baby: his skin should be completely dry. Apply talc or baby powder to the affected skin, which has previously been completely dried. Please note: if the miliaria is localized on the face, the powder must be poured first onto your hands and then onto the baby’s face to prevent the baby from inhaling the powder.
  • If you are treating prickly heat on the bottom, then you need to change the diaper at least 6 times a day and after each bowel movement. Girls need to be washed from the vagina to the anus. For boys, the genitals, buttocks and inguinal folds are washed. To eliminate heat rash on the baby’s buttocks, you need to leave them without diapers more often;
  • If you notice that the child is trying to scratch the rash and has become restless, then a soda or iodine solution will help. Make sure that the baby does not scratch the irritation: there is a risk of infection. Trim your baby's nails or put on scratches;
  • In older children, the use of antihistamine ointments is acceptable. But they should be used only after consulting a pediatrician, since they contain hormones, which are addictive;
  • Treatment of miliaria should be accompanied by long walks in the air. It is also necessary in warm weather to leave the baby undressed in the air while he sleeps so that the skin comes into contact with the air;

  • You should not dress your baby too warmly, nor should you swaddle him too tightly. Make sure that the baby's body does not overheat.
  • It is forbidden to dress the baby in synthetic, thick clothing. Fabrics should be natural (flannel or cotton fabrics) - they absorb moisture well. The newborn's clothes and the linen on which the newborn sleeps should be changed at least once a day. To prevent prickly heat on the head in hot weather, if the baby is in a stroller, under no circumstances should the baby wear a cap;
  • If there is irritation on the back, make sure that the baby spends as little time as possible on the back;
  • Make sure that the room temperature does not rise above 22 degrees. Ventilate it more often;
  • Do not apply greasy cream to irritated areas: this will only worsen the situation;
  • To treat miliaria, zinc-based ointments and creams are used: Bepanten, Zinerit,;
  • If the rash does not go away for more than three days, this is a reason to consult a pediatrician;
  • Has your child become restless? Are there itching, soreness, redness, or increased temperature? This may mean that there is an infection. A visit to the pediatrician is necessary. He will prescribe antibiotics in the required dosage.

Prevention of heat rash in an infant

It is better to prevent an illness than to deal with it and its consequences later. To prevent prickly heat, it is necessary to eliminate the etiological factor - the effect of high temperatures on the baby’s body.

  • When the air temperature outside is high, you should not dress your baby too warmly. A vest and rompers will be enough. If you are walking with a newborn in a stroller, you should not wear a cap or scarf. If you don’t know how to dress your baby, a rule can help: dress your baby the way you dress yourself plus clothes on top. Tight swaddling is prohibited;
  • Clothes should consist of natural fabrics (cotton). It is undesirable to use synthetic materials in children's clothing. Underwear and bed linen must be changed at least once a day;
  • In warm weather, it is better to leave the baby naked while he sleeps so that the skin is in contact with the air. It is better to keep the areas of skin affected by rashes open;
  • The baby should be bathed at least three to four times a day in hot weather. Soap can only be used once during bathing. In cool weather, the frequency of bathing is reduced to once every two days;
  • The diaper should be changed at least six times a day and after each bowel movement. It is also necessary to wash the baby every time after bowel movement;
  • Under the diaper, fatty cream can only be applied in a thin layer. Creams with this consistency should not be applied to rashes: this may aggravate irritation. In hot weather, it is better to use water-based creams;
  • The air temperature in the room should not rise above 22 degrees. Ventilate the room more often;
  • If the heat rash has already appeared, make sure that the newborn does not scratch it, as this can lead to infection. To prevent scratching, cut your baby's nails or use scratchers;
  • The best preventive measure against heat rash is breastfeeding. Mother's milk contains antibodies against many diseases that the newborn's body is not yet capable of producing. With natural feeding, you can not only prevent heat rash, but also speed up recovery, prevent complications in the form of infection, rashes do appear.

Miliaria in children is a common disease. It looks like an allergic rash, which can easily be confused with sweat rash. Your pediatrician will help you figure out what kind of rash appears on your newborn’s body. However, it is better not to irritate the child’s skin, but to dress the baby correctly and observe hygiene standards.

Miliaria in children is a pathological condition associated with irritation of the skin and appears against the background of an incorrect balance of “sweating-evaporation”. The disease exists in several forms, and if left untreated can lead to the development of diaper dermatitis.

The causes of such a disorder in a child are often harmless. The most common provoking factors are wearing warm clothes, staying in a hot or stuffy room for a long time, as well as poor hygiene care.

The main clinical sign of the disease is the appearance of characteristic rashes, the appearance of which will be dictated by the type of its course. Sleep disturbances, tearfulness and restlessness of the baby are also often noted.

Establishing the correct diagnosis is often not difficult; the pediatrician only needs information obtained during a thorough physical examination of the skin of a small patient.

The disease can be cured using conservative therapeutic methods, as well as through proper care of the baby. To date, many local medicinal substances and traditional medicine recipes have been developed to combat rashes.


Miliaria in children is much more common than in adults, due to the fact that the skin of children has certain characteristics. These include:

  • small thickness;
  • increased susceptibility to external irritants and inflammation;
  • abundant blood supply against the background of which the child can quickly overheat;
  • poor development of the ducts of the sweat glands - they are finally formed by 6 years;
  • increased saturation with water - up to 90%.

Clinical manifestations of prickly heat are expressed by a combination of the following factors:

  • overheating;
  • increased sweating;
  • blockage or obstruction of the sweat ducts.

Thus, the reasons for the development of such a disorder are:

  • wearing excessively tight clothing, especially if it is made of synthetic fabrics;
  • the use of disposable diapers in the hot season;
  • prolonged stay of the baby in a poorly ventilated, hot, stuffy or humid room;
  • insufficiently frequent bathing and air baths;
  • improper hygienic care of the baby - this includes the use of fatty creams that are poorly washed off with water, which leads to a decrease in natural heat transfer and impaired breathing of the skin;
  • the course of, or any other disease accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

In addition, it is worth highlighting the main risk groups that have a greater risk of developing heat rash in a child. These include children who:

  • any allergic process occurs;
  • there is excess body weight;
  • the medical history includes endocrine pathologies and metabolic disorders;
  • was previously diagnosed;
  • there is an increased tendency to diarrhea;
  • feeding is carried out using artificial mixtures;
  • life history includes birth before the due date.

It is worth noting that the main risk group is boys and girls who have not yet turned one year old. At the same time, it must be taken into account that such a disease is not uncommon in children under three years of age.


Miliaria in children exists in four forms:

  • red- with this variant of the disease, white nodules appear, they do not merge with each other, and the skin underneath them becomes red. The neoplasms are small - 2 millimeters, with a red halo and clear boundaries. In the vast majority of cases, lesions are observed in places of increased friction - on the buttocks, on the inside of the thigh and between the ribs. The average duration is 14 days;
  • deep- characterized by the sudden appearance of flesh-colored bubbles, which disappear as suddenly as they appear. Miliaria appears on the child’s back, as well as in the groin, limbs, face and neck;
  • crystalline- is expressed in the appearance of small pearlescent bubbles, not exceeding 1 millimeter in diameter, which can merge into large lesions. They are also characterized by peeling after mechanical damage and drying out after 3 days. Most often, such prickly heat is localized on the face, shoulder girdle, as well as in the back and neck;
  • papular- rashes appear a few hours after overheating or profuse sweating. Small papules (1-2 millimeters) of a yellowish tint go away on their own without leaving any traces. The skin on the upper and lower extremities is often affected.

Types of the disease depending on the area of ​​skin damage:

  • prickly heat on the face- localized in this area quite rarely, but often this happens in situations where the rash moves from the head to the neck or vice versa;
  • scalp- blisters often appear on the temples and forehead;
  • neck- one of the most common places for nodules to appear. This is due to the fact that it has relatively fixed folds and is often subject to sweat;
  • back- the main reason for the appearance of excessively warm or poor-quality clothing. It is noteworthy that the pathology involves the upper back;
  • groin and butt- occurs due to wearing tight diapers and insufficient hygiene of intimate places;
  • prickly heat on a child's head- formed due to wearing a hat in the warm season;
  • on the chest and stomach- such areas of the baby’s body are subject to heat rash quite rarely;
  • heat rash on hands and feet- often localized in places of bends, namely on the hand, on the inside and outside of the elbows and knees, on the feet and in the armpits.

It is noteworthy that in the vast majority of cases, rashes like prickly heat cover the baby’s entire body.


In addition to the very first and main sign of the disease - a rash, which will differ depending on its course, additional symptoms occur in children, which may be as follows:

  • redness of the skin in the problem area;
  • the appearance of itching and burning in the affected areas;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • lack of sleep;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • restless behavior;
  • increased moodiness;
  • loss of appetite or complete refusal of food;
  • general weakness;
  • the formation of crusts, which occurs against the background of scratching bubbles and nodules, which can be filled with clear liquid;
  • profuse sweating;
  • getting wet.

The above clinical picture of prickly heat in children will have an individual manifestation, which depends on the area and prevalence of the rash and the type of disease. For example, in some patients, skin itching and burning may be prominent, while in others they will be mild.


The implementation of diagnostic measures is aimed not only at establishing the correct diagnosis, but also at differentiating various types of prickly heat from other ailments that have similar symptoms.

If rashes occur, you should seek help from a pediatrician, who must independently carry out several manipulations:

  • study the baby’s medical history to identify etiological factors that have a pathological basis;
  • collect and review the patient’s life history - this includes information regarding the child’s care, living conditions, quality of diapers and clothes he wears;
  • carefully examine the patient - to assess the condition of the skin, study the characteristics of nodules and blisters. This will make it possible to determine what type of heat rash the baby is suffering from;
  • interview the patient in detail (if the child can independently describe his own sensations) or his parents - to find out the first time the symptoms appeared and the degree of their severity.

Laboratory research is limited to:

  • general clinical blood test;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • microscopic examination of scrapings from the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • analysis of the liquid filling the bubbles.

Instrumental examinations are not carried out during the diagnosis of prickly heat in children.

After studying the results of the above diagnostic measures, the clinician will be able to differentiate such a disease from:

  • measles and ;
  • chicken pox;


Today, there are several ways to treat prickly heat in children - in the vast majority of cases, the use of conservative remedies is sufficient.

For topical use, a clinician may recommend the following ointments and creams for heat rash in children:

  • "Zinc ointment";
  • "Kalamine";
  • "Desitin";
  • "Emolium";
  • "Bepanten";
  • "Mustela";
  • "Sudocrem";
  • "Drapolene";
  • "Nystatin"

You can quickly get rid of rashes using homemade remedies for prickly heat. Rash, skin itching and other unpleasant sensations can be relieved with solutions based on:

  • baking soda and drinking water;
  • potassium permanganate and purified liquid;
  • starch and water.

Treatment at home also involves bathing the child in a bath for half an hour, to which decoctions and infusions of the following medicinal herbs and plants are added:

  • chamomile and string;
  • mint and calendula;
  • oak bark and yarrow;
  • plantain and dandelion;
  • eucalyptus and sage;
  • bay leaf and lavender.

Another effective way to deal with heat rash in a child is to use baby powders with a cooling and healing effect.

Prevention and prognosis

In addition to specific causes of occurrence, such a disease has special preventive measures, including:

  • buying clothes for the baby only from natural fabrics;
  • regularly perform hygiene procedures;
  • after each act of defecation, wash the baby;
  • refusal to use diapers that are too small for the child;
  • organization of air baths on an ongoing basis;
  • hardening the baby;
  • use of hypoallergenic washing powders, shampoos and soaps;
  • ensure ventilation of the room where the baby is located;
  • regular visits to the pediatrician.

In the vast majority of cases, infants and children under 3 years of age tolerate this disease normally. However, ignoring the symptoms and trying to get rid of prickly heat on your own can lead to complications such as diaper rash and.

Often pink or red rashes appear on children's skin. They differ in color and character. It is impossible to independently determine the cause of the rash and make a correct diagnosis. At the slightest redness of the skin, you should contact your local doctor or pediatric dermatologist. After the examination, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment. Parents should find out in advance what heat rash looks like in children so as not to confuse it with anything else.

What does prickly heat look like in children: types

Miliaria is a red rash that appears on a baby's skin and appears as an irritation caused by overly wrapping the baby. If you take timely measures to treat it, it does not cause consequences. But if a child constantly scratches the rash, it can cause an infection.

There are several types of miliaria, which look different and differ in the nature of the rash and symptoms.

Type of prickly heatDescription
Red Often occurs in the groin folds, armpits or under the neck. It consists of bubbles and nodules that are surrounded by red skin and do not merge with each other. Causes severe itching. They go away in a couple of weeks.
Crystalline Characteristic rashes that look like whitish blisters. They merge into large spots and burst easily, causing peeling. They go away within 2-3 days without causing any discomfort.
Papular Appears within a few hours after the child sweats. It looks like small flesh-colored bubbles that appear all over the body and disappear within a few hours.

Localization of the rash from prickly heat on the child’s body:

  1. It appears on the neck if hygiene rules are not followed and may look like redness.
  2. The rash appears on the upper back due to overheating or wearing synthetic clothing.
  3. In the buttock area, irritation occurs due to constant wearing of diapers or the use of greasy cream.
  4. A rash from prickly heat on the face may be an allergic reaction or a continuation of prickly heat in the neck area.
  5. A rash appears on the head as a result of constantly wearing a cap.

Causes of prickly heat

The main cause of rashes is overheating of the skin. This is due to the fact that the sweat glands produce secretions. Due to the inability to evaporate, it accumulates in the skin, thereby causing irritation.

However, the appearance of a rash can be caused by a number of other reasons:

  • indoor heat and high humidity;
  • violation of the schedule of hygiene procedures;
  • using a greasy cream that clogs skin pores;
  • wearing clothes not made from natural fabrics;
  • the use of not very high-quality diapers;
  • increased sweating at fever during infectious diseases;
  • lack of air baths;
  • wearing clothes that are smaller in size;
  • choice ;
  • Rickets, which is characterized by increased sweating associated with vitamin D deficiency.

Children with weakened immune systems or metabolic disorders are more susceptible to developing rashes.

First aid for heat rash in a child

Having seen prickly heat, many parents do not know what to do. First of all, you should eliminate all the reasons that could cause it. It is necessary to normalize the temperature in the room and, if necessary, ventilate it. Give your child air baths more often. You can leave your baby without diapers for a while.

Give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics and, of course, buy them by size. It is better to replace fatty creams with powder, which is more acceptable in the current situation. You can give your child baths with chamomile and calendula - they eliminate inflammation and soothe the child's skin.

Drug treatment for heat rash

If a rash appears on the skin, you should consult a doctor so that he can give recommendations on how to treat the rash. The following medications are often prescribed:

  1. Antihistamines that are necessary to relieve. It is necessary to use them in the form of syrup according to the child’s age.
  2. For local exposure, it is better to choose antiseptic solutions containing boric or salicylic acid. They are used to treat around the redness. There is no need to treat the inflamed area - this can lead to a burn.
  3. To treat the prickly heat rash itself, you can use a solution of fucorcin. It looks like a red liquid.
  4. You can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate to add to the bath.
  5. Zinc ointments are more suitable.
  6. It is also better to choose powders and talc containing zinc.
  7. There are also special ointments that are used for irritations on children's skin: Bepanten, Drapolen, Desitin.

If suppuration appears, you should call a pediatrician. Symptoms of prickly heat are immediately visible, but medications cannot be taken without the recommendation of a pediatrician or dermatologist, so it is better to start treatment with traditional methods.

Treating prickly heat at home

Usually, prickly heat does not require special treatment procedures. But to alleviate the situation at home, you can use the following remedies, especially if you don’t know what prickly heat looks like in children.

  1. A decoction of bay leaves added to a bath will relieve redness and have a calming effect. For the decoction you need to take 15 leaves per 1 liter of water.
  2. Brew 4 tea bags with a string in a glass of water and add to the bath.
  3. Calendula infusion added to bathing water (pour boiling water over 20 g of calendula).
  4. A weak solution of potassium permanganate in a baby bath dries out the baby's skin.
  5. You can also use oak bark to prepare baths for bathing. Infuse 20 g of bark per 1 liter of boiling water and cool. Then add to water.
  6. 2-3 drops of lavender oil per 50 ml. milk, mix and add to water.

Baths should be taken up to 3 times a day. Once using laundry soap. After water procedures, you need to thoroughly wipe the skin and prickly heat and treat the rash with talcum powder.

Along with taking medications that relieve the main symptoms, wipe the child’s irritated skin with decoctions of chamomile, bay leaf, and calendula tincture. For the same purposes, you can use vegetable oil heated in a water bath.

An excellent remedy for treating inflamed areas is 1/4 cup of soda, poured with boiling water. Once you are sure what prickly heat in children looks like, you can start using folk remedies. Remember that they cannot look like medications or replace them or be taken orally.

For dousing, you can use a solution of potato starch dissolved in hot water and added to the water for dousing.

Children always bring us strong emotions - joy when they are healthy and cheerful and excitement when they are sick. Miliaria is a fairly common disease in children under one year old, but it is not uncommon in children 2-3 years old.

From this material you will learn how to treat and diagnose it. Photos of prickly heat in children under one year of age will help you better understand whether your child has this disease and begin to treat it correctly.

What it is

Classic miliaria is skin irritation due to sweating problems. Children have especially delicate epithelium, its thickness is small, so they are more often exposed to this unpleasant disease.

The glands that secrete sweat function correctly from the moment the baby is a month old and even earlier, but the ducts are not always formed by the age of six. That is why the disease occurs very often in children under 5 years of age.

It comes in the following types:

  • red;
  • crystalline;
  • deep.

Sometimes exudative-catarrhal diathesis, which is a separate type and requires a different, special treatment, is mistaken for prickly heat.

If skin irritation is not paid attention to and action is not taken, diaper rash and diaper rash may develop.

Symptoms: what does prickly heat look like in children?

If your baby's skin is red and has pink spots in places, these are most likely symptoms. But there may be other signs: with the crystalline variety, pearl-colored bubbles will appear on smooth, non-red skin. They peel if you comb them and dry out after a couple of days.

Does the skin itch if the baby is sick? If the type of ailment is red, then white bubbles or nodules will appear, the skin will turn red, and the affected areas will burn and itch.

People suffer from this variety for about two weeks. The deep type of the disease is characterized by blisters, merging in tone with the skin, which quickly appear and heal quickly.

Places of occurrence

It happens that the rash is located all over the body, and sometimes it appears locally. Most often, prickly heat occurs on the child’s neck and back, on top of the chest, on the head or armpits, as well as in natural folds.

Prickly heat on the face of a child is less common, but it occurs, as a rule, in the forehead area. If the disease has reached the intimate parts of the body, it can develop into diaper rash if the diaper is not changed for a long time - under the influence of friction and excrement.

You should start to worry when your skin starts to get wet. This usually occurs in the underarm and fold areas. If at the same time the temperature rises, cracks and ulcers appear, he becomes excessively restless or unusually lethargic, you need to urgently go to the doctor. If all these signs are not present, you can try to cope on your own by using folk remedies or pharmaceutical ointments.

How to distinguish it from other diseases

Sometimes parents provide the baby with proper care, but do not disappear.

This may mean that something else is masquerading as the heat rash, it could be:

  • diathesis (in this case, there will be white scales and rashes on the head and limbs, and may appear);
  • scarlet fever;
  • allergy;
  • hives;
  • measles;
  • (usually it occurs in children after one year);

It is best to consult a doctor for any rash so that he can determine the cause visually or take bacteria for culture.

Causes and prevention

The disease is caused by the following causes, which appear in combination:

  • overheating;
  • heavy sweating;
  • blockage of ducts.

The person is hot, he sweats, and the tubules, whose task is to remove this fluid, are not yet sufficiently developed, so they become clogged with skin cells.

The following reasons contribute to the appearance of the disease:

  • excessively wrapping the baby;
  • prolonged exposure to heat;
  • increased air humidity;
  • allergy;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • infrequent diaper changes;
  • tendency to diarrhea;
  • friction;
  • fatty creams.

Here's how to get rid of the disease and prevent its occurrence:

  • wash your baby after using the toilet;
  • do not wrap him up too tightly even in cold weather;
  • do not wear synthetics on it, preferring cotton;
  • change your diaper on time (about nine times a day);
  • provide air baths;
  • use only hypoallergenic laundry detergents;
  • Do not use antibacterial wipes or wipes containing chlorhexidine.

How to get rid of prickly heat in a child

How to cure a baby? First you need to eliminate the factors that contribute to the appearance of prickly heat, which are listed above. After this, you should move on to fighting rashes.

This is usually done with baths, creams and ointments, or disinfectant solutions. All this can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription.

Folk remedies

A well-known remedy that our grandmothers used is herbal decoctions. It will help even if the heat rash is severe. Here's how to treat children with infusions.

Take three tablespoons of each of these ingredients:

  • oak bark;
  • ordinary train;
  • chamomile

Pour the raw material with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. After this, strain and pour into the bath. Dilute with water and bathe your son or daughter - let him or her sit there for a while.

It is necessary to repeat bathing daily until the rash disappears. After the bath, dry your skin with a towel and powder with powder. Be careful to keep your body dry.

Another way is to make the following solution: dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of boiled water. It is better to pour soda with moderately hot water, but not boiling water - in this case it will bubble, and the child will be hot if you start. You need to dip a cotton swab into the solution and blot the rash, do not wash it off.

Pharmacy products

A 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt, ointments with zinc, panthenol or boric acid, and lotions with the same components help with this disease. But ointments against fungi cannot be used without a doctor’s permission.

Here are the most effective kermas and ointments for prickly heat:

  • Bepanten;
  • Baneocin;
  • Desitin;
  • Nystatin;
  • Mustela.

Before spreading, wipe the rash with potassium permanganate or, for example, Nitrofuran. Pour the product onto cotton wool or gauze and use it locally to treat the areas of infection to cleanse them of sebum and prepare them for the effects of the medicine.


This disease is not so terrible; it occurs in both infants and children aged 2 and 3 years, and may appear later. Each organism is individual.

To cope with the disease, you must first get rid of high humidity, synthetic clothing, chafing diapers, and so on, and then turn to folk recipes or remedies from the pharmacy.

If the rash does not go away or the temperature rises, you need to consult a doctor, he will tell you in more detail how to treat prickly heat in a child, and will also be able to distinguish it from another disease. Health to you and your children, may they bring only joy and positive emotions!

Miliaria in children is a skin irritation that manifests itself on the body as numerous small spots and blisters. This phenomenon occurs as a result of an imbalance in the body's natural chain, such as sweating-evaporation. The rash is localized in the groin, on the back, neck, facial area, as well as in the area of ​​​​the folds of the arms and legs. How to get rid of heat rash in a child?

On a note. Miliaria is not transmitted from one baby to another, so parents should not worry about its contagiousness.

What does prickly heat look like in children? How to treat this phenomenon? What complications can there be? There are a lot of questions, and every mother tries to find the right path aimed at preserving the health of her beloved child.

The disease is more common in newborn babies, whom parents always try to dress warmly. And since the process of thermoregulation in babies is in the formative stage, the evaporation of sweat occurs at a slower rate, which is reflected in a small rash on the child’s skin.

Signs of prickly heat

What does prickly heat look like in children? This phenomenon can be easily recognized by:

  • small red rash, most often occurring in areas of contact with clothing;
  • skin redness;
  • increased sweating.

Note. If pustules appear on the baby’s body, you should immediately contact a medical specialist without resorting to self-treatment.

Symptoms of prickly heat can easily be confused with manifestations of other diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, chickenpox, and shingles. If a rash occurs against the background of fever, lack of appetite, or stomach upset, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of prickly heat

Miliaria in a child can be caused by:

  • Rare bathing and insufficient hygiene, which causes the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.
  • The use of fatty, poorly absorbed creams that reduce natural heat transfer due to the formation of a surface film.

  • Small size of diapers or allergic reactions to the material from which they are made.
  • Overheating, which occurs as a result of excessively wrapping the baby, rare changes of disposable diapers, and prolonged stay in a stuffy room. Under the influence of these factors, the heat transfer mechanism is disrupted and the greenhouse effect occurs.
  • Infectious diseases accompanied by fever and, as a consequence, excessive sweating.

On a note. If you continue to diligently warm your baby with clothes and “soar” in diapers, then prickly heat will develop into diaper rash, and if an infection occurs, into diaper dermatitis.

Preventive measures

To prevent the development of prickly heat in a child, parents are advised to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  • Maintain the correct temperature in the room. For a newborn baby, the indicator should be +20... +22 o C. It is necessary to ventilate the room in which the child sleeps as often as possible.

  • You should always use “breathable” diapers, purchase them according to size, and remember to change them after each bowel movement (about 8 times a day). It is useful to leave the baby without diapers for several hours; in hot weather, it is advisable to completely abandon them, giving the skin the opportunity to fully “breathe.”
  • There is no need to insulate the child as much as possible and wrap him tightly in diapers, because overheating not only causes prickly heat, but also reduces the body’s defenses. Clothing should be made exclusively from natural materials.
  • It is important to provide quality care for your baby's delicate skin.

Prevention of prickly heat in children also involves providing the baby with air baths (2-3 times during the day). The room must first be ventilated, then the child must be undressed and left naked for about 15 minutes. The time can be gradually increased to 30 minutes.

Remember. This procedure is also aimed at hardening the growing body and strengthening the immune system.

Medical therapy

How to cure heat rash in a child? If signs of prickly heat are detected on the baby’s skin, it is recommended to use special ointments, disinfectant solutions and baths that help relieve the inflammatory process and reduce irritation.

How to apply heat rash to a child? Of the ointments and creams, the most popular are “Kalamin”, “Drapolen”, “Desitin”. These drugs dry out the baby's delicate skin, relieve rashes and diaper rash.

Miliaria in children, the symptoms of which are easily identified by vigilant parents, can be effectively treated with Bepanten, a popular drug. The main active ingredient of the pharmaceutical product is dexpanthenol (provitamin B5), which can quickly restore damaged skin areas.

Sudocrem, which contains zinc ointment and zinc oxide, is also used in the treatment of prickly heat. The drug should be applied only to the damaged area of ​​the body.

Zinc ointment will help

Zinc ointment with zinc oxide (which dries out the skin) and petroleum jelly (which creates a protective film) can help both a child and an adult. The pharmacy product has no contraindications and effectively cleanses the body of various types of rashes.

Advice. It is important to constantly carefully examine your baby’s skin for redness and use baby creams and oils at the slightest sign of a rash.

In terms of effectiveness, zinc ointment is not inferior to Sudocrem and Bepanten, although it costs several times less

Therapy with disinfectant solutions (1-2% salicylic or boric acid, chlorophyllipt 1%, methylene blue) is effective against prickly heat. Antibacterial and antifungal drugs should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Benefits of herbal baths

What should I bathe my child in if he has heat rash? Baths with string, chamomile, and St. John's wort are considered an effective method of treatment. The herbal infusion is prepared half an hour before bath procedures: 3 tbsp. l. each herb needs to be brewed with 1 liter of boiling water, left for 30 minutes, filtered.

On a note. In order to prevent an allergic reaction and the appearance of skin irritations, it is recommended to wash your baby’s clothes with hypoallergenic powders with a low percentage (no more than 5-15) of aggressive anionic surfactants (surfactants). OCEAN BABY, Ecover, Nordland Eco, Frau Schmidt, Regent are considered safe for health.

It is useful for the baby to give the baths themselves twice a day in the hot season and once in the cold season.

On a note. At the end of the procedure, dousing with water with a temperature lowered by 1-3 o C will be useful. This action is aimed at hardening the body and is an excellent prevention of prickly heat.

Powder and potassium permanganate are mandatory attributes of baby hygiene

A phenomenon that almost all parents encounter is heat rash in children. Treatment at home is considered effective if you periodically dilute the bathing water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which helps relieve the skin of signs of irritation. After water procedures, the body should be carefully blotted with a towel.

Baby powder contains starch, talc, panthenol (for healing) or anesthesin (for cooling), and zinc oxide.

It should be remembered. Baby powder should only be used on baby's dry skin.

Timely treatment and prevention of prickly heat in children is an important factor in maintaining individual hygiene, which is necessary for the full development of the baby and preserving not only his health, but also the peace of mind of the parents.