Pension for military pensioners who participated in combat operations. Pension benefits for combat veterans

To mom

Assistance to certain categories of citizens is on a special account with the state. This applies not only to low-income groups of the population, but also to those who, by virtue of their profession, defended the sovereignty, integrity and borders of their native country. These citizens include combat veterans. A number of preferences are provided for them at the federal and regional levels.

Combat veteran status

Russian legislation clearly stipulates which citizens are considered combat veterans. To do this, you need to look into Federal Law No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”, adopted back in 1995. It states here that UBI includes:

  • Military personnel and employees of internal affairs bodies, the penal system, state security, the Ministries of Internal Affairs and Defense of the USSR and the Russian Federation, who personally took part in hostilities on the territory of foreign states and Russia, performing their direct duties.
  • Persons who were engaged in demining the territories of the USSR and other foreign states in the period from 05/10/1945 to 12/31/1951.
  • Citizens participating in combat minesweeping operations from 05/10/1945 to 12/31/1957.
  • Citizens who served military units of the USSR or the Russian Federation on the territory of foreign states during hostilities and received injuries, contusions and other damage as a result.
  • Military personnel of flight personnel, automobile battalions and other units who served in Afghanistan during the fighting there.
  • Persons who were sent to work to perform special tasks in Syria from September 30, 2015.

The process of assigning and receiving benefits is regulated by a number of regulations and legal acts, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • Tax code.
  • Law No. 4468-1, which discusses in detail all issues relating to persons who served in military service.
  • Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of April 13, 2016 No. 11-P. The procedure for providing tax preferences is reviewed and regulated here.

What benefits are available to military veterans in 2018?

To receive benefits you must mandatory have a veteran's ID. Only in this case can citizens claim a number of preferences, including:

  • purchasing tickets for any type of transport out of line;
  • extraordinary telephone installation;
  • obtaining specialized education, paid for by the employer;
  • benefits associated with the rental of residential premises;
  • priority provision of housing, if there are grounds for this;
  • free medical care and prosthetics;
  • provision of free medical care;
  • advantage when joining gardening, garage, housing construction and gardening cooperatives;
  • provision of medicines and medical supplies free of charge;
  • funeral services.

The legislation determines that in 2018, family members of military veterans are also entitled to benefits. For example, minor children can attend summer camps when paying only half the cost of the trip. Additionally, children can qualify for two free meals a day. Upon death of the breadwinner, benefits remain and apply to:

  • Children until they reach adulthood, and in case of education - until the age of 23 years.
  • Parents of the deceased.
  • Widows, if they have not remarried.

Regional benefits

In Russia, benefits for UBI are determined at the federal and regional levels. In the first case, finances are allocated from the state budget, and the list of benefits for combat veterans is the same for all subjects of the Federation. Local authorities are obliged to provide preferences established by law. In addition, each region applies its own UBI support measures, and the list of benefits directly depends on the capabilities of the local budget.

In Moscow

Benefits for participants in hostilities in 2018 in Moscow are prescribed in Law No. 70 of November 3, 2004 and Decree of the Capital Government No. 755 of August 11, 2009. According to these documents, veterans have the right to:

  • 50% discount when paying for utilities and paying rent.
  • Free travel by all types of transport except minibuses and taxis.
  • Exemption from full payment of transport tax for one automobile vehicle power up to 200 hp
  • Free treatment teeth and the manufacture of dentures, provided that the process does not use precious metals and expensive materials.
  • Compensation for fees for city telephone services.
  • Annual treatment and rehabilitation in a sanatorium free of charge and compensation for travel to and from the holiday destination.



Assistance to combat veterans can also be provided in cash, but in order to receive payments, a citizen must take care of this on his own. For all questions related to monetary allowance, you should contact the Russian Pension Fund. This can be done during a personal visit or by sending an application remotely by logging into your personal account on the Pension Fund website. In order for the fund’s specialists to accept the application for consideration, you do not need to collect a large number of certificates To apply you only need two documents:

  • valid passport;
  • Veteran's Certificate.


Since 2005, the territorial branches of the Pension Fund have been working on the calculation and payment of monthly cash payments to various categories of beneficiaries, among whom are combat veterans. In 2017, the amount of monthly allowance for combat veterans was 2,780.74 rubles. From February 1, according to the draft budget, this value will be indexed by 3.2%. In 2018, the fund will allocate 450.6 billion rubles to pay EDV to all categories of citizens.

A veteran has the right to refuse the entire range of social services or certain positions and receive monetary compensation for this. The set includes:

  • Purchasing a voucher for treatment or rehabilitation in sanatoriums and rest homes, regardless of departmental affiliation.
  • Travel by suburban railway or intercity transport to the place of treatment and back.
  • Purchasing medications and medical products according to prescriptions.

For pensions

In 2018, combat veterans are entitled to various payments from the state budget, the main one of which is considered monthly pension. This year they will all be indexed, as evidenced by the draft budget. According to Russian legislation, UBD can be paid:

  • Insurance pension. Depends on the length of work experience and allowances established at the regional and federal levels.
  • Social pension. Appointed upon determination of disability.
  • State pension. Its size directly depends on the time and territory of hostilities in which the citizen took part.

If a military veteran served in conscription and received a disability as a result, he has the right to simultaneously receive two types of pension benefits: disability and labor (insurance). VBD parents who died while serving have the right to receive a survivor's pension five years earlier due date(women – 50 years old, men – 55 years old). Upon reaching the age generally established by law, the person has the right to receive a second old-age pension.

Housing benefits

The issue of providing housing is acute for most citizens Russian Federation. The state is taking a number of measures to solve this problem, developing programs whose purpose is to provide the opportunity to obtain their own square meters on attractive terms. Housing benefits In 2018, UBI is being implemented in two directions:

  • in the form of compensation for the cost of utilities;
  • the possibility of purchasing housing with the help of subsidies from the state.

Housing subsidies

Combat veterans have the right to receive cash payments in the form of a housing subsidy to purchase or build their own housing. This right is also granted to family members of the VBD if the breadwinner has died. The payment is targeted, so it can only be used to purchase your own squares. Its size varies depending on the market value of housing and the standards established in a particular region.

Until 2005, housing was allocated to the WBD from the municipality's housing stock. Currently, the process has changed, and to receive benefits you must have a veteran's certificate and be on the list of those in need. The procedure for obtaining a cash certificate consists of several stages:

  1. Contact the local administration to register those in need of improvement living conditions.
  2. Receive a response (within 30 days) about registration or refusal.
  3. Monitor the movement of the queue, and when an invitation is received, collect all the necessary documents and submit them to the administration to receive the benefit.
  4. Use the certificate to pay the seller when completing a purchase and sale transaction.
  5. Register your home ownership.

Housing and communal services

As noted, benefits to combatants are provided when paying for public utilities. They are expressed in the form of compensation, i.e. are returned to the veteran only after payment for housing and communal services and apply to charges relating to major repairs and rent. Municipal legislation does not provide for UBI fringe benefits for payment of bills for gas, heating, water, garbage removal, but they can be provided for at the level of regional budgets if they have sufficient quantity money.


According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, combat veterans can also receive benefits through taxation in 2018. They can be expressed in the form complete liberation from paying any tax or partial reduction of the amount. This question concerns payment:

  • income tax;
  • land tax;
  • property tax;
  • payment of state duty.

Personal income tax

constitutional Court The Russian Federation decided that all payments accrued by the UBD are equivalent to state benefits. For this reason, personal income tax cannot be collected from them. This applies to all state benefits with the exception of benefits for temporary working capacity and caring for a sick child. If a combat veteran continues to work and receives a salary, he has the right to claim a tax deduction, which, according to the law, is equal to 500 rubles for each tax period. If he is additionally disabled, then the amount of the non-taxable amount will be increased to 3,000 rubles.

A participant in combat operations in 2018 can receive benefits:

  • Directly through the accounting department of the enterprise where he works. In this case, the tax deduction will be carried out monthly when payroll is calculated.
  • Through Tax office at the end of the year. In this situation, the citizen will be refunded the money he overpaid.


You can completely avoid paying land tax if the cadastral value of this land plot does not exceed 10,000 rubles. If the price is high, land tax is charged on the cadastral value of the plot, minus the same 10 thousand. The benefit can be used in 2018 only within one region. If there are several plots, but in different business entities, the benefit continues to be maintained for each of them.

For property

If we turn to the Tax Code, we can see that UBD, like a number of other categories of citizens, for example, pensioners, are completely exempt from paying property tax. Important feature This rule means that it applies to only one type of property, which includes:

  • apartment;
  • room;
  • garage;
  • country house and similar buildings with an area of ​​up to 50 square meters. m;
  • commercial real estate used for professional creative activities.

As for the car tax, there is no exemption from it at the federal level. Each region independently resolves this issue. In 2018, veterans who participated in combat operations, according to official data, are exempt from contributions partially or completely in more than 30 regions, among which are:

  • Leningrad region;
  • Stavropol region;
  • Moscow;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Moscow region;
  • Krasnoyarsk region etc.

Upon payment of state duty

Since 2017, combat veterans are completely exempt from paying state fees when applying to the court for permission various kinds disputes. This rule is valid if the amount of the claim is less than 1 million rubles. If the amount is larger, the state duty is paid only on amounts exceeding the limit established by law. UBI is not paid if cases are considered:

  • Supreme Court (issues of civil procedural legislation or administrative proceedings);
  • courts general jurisdiction;
  • justices of the peace.


The main medical benefit is the ability to contact, if necessary, the health care organization to which the person was assigned during his service/work. This means that even when entering a well-deserved retirement, a combatant cannot be denied treatment or examination in this organization. A citizen can get an appointment with the right specialist without waiting in line by presenting an identification card.

receive UBI medicines free of charge if a prescription is issued in their name. In addition to this, they have the right, if necessary, to receive prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products. If a citizen purchased them with his own money, he is entitled to compensation if he provides documentary evidence of the price. As for dental prosthetics, benefits apply only to treatment. In each subject of the Russian Federation, preferences are established, so the exact list of free medical services must be found at your place of residence.

Labor benefits

According to labor legislation combat veterans in 2018 have the right to count on preferential terms labor if they are disabled people of groups 1, 2 or 3. In all other cases, the main preferences are:

  • the right to additional leave;
  • the ability to use vacation at any convenient time, regardless of the position held, but according to the approved schedule;
  • obtaining specialized education and advanced training at the expense of the employer.

Regarding additional days Before the main vacation, it is important to clarify some points:

  • Up to 35 days of vacation (but only without pay) has the right to take any UBI.
  • Paid additional leave for a period of no more than 15 days is provided provided that the VBD is undergoing military service under conscription or a contract.

How to replace benefits with cash compensation

Benefits for Russian combat veterans in 2018 in kind were provided through the federal and regional authorities. They cannot be replaced with cash payments, with the exception of a set of social services. A person has the right to refuse all components of the NSO or only some services, and this can be done once a year by writing a statement before October 1. In some regions there are slight shifts in date, but they are not significant and are rather the exception.

To formalize the refusal of the NSO, or rather to receive the cash equivalent, you must contact the regional representative office of the Pension Fund or the Multifunctional Center at the place of registration. You need to have an application, passport and VBD ID with you. Depending on the service chosen, a veteran can receive the following amount (its value is revised annually):

  • sanatorium treatment – ​​124.99 rubles;
  • provision of medications – 807.94 rubles;
  • travel by suburban railway or intercity transport to the place of treatment and back - 116.04 rubles.


Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Combat veterans are also among the privileged pensioners, but calculations and payments to them are made according to a different scheme than to all other Russian pensioners. In light of the ongoing pension reform and the equation of the level of minimum consumption with the minimum wages, pensions for veterans who participated in various military operations will also be increased in 2019.

The amount of this pension will be calculated taking into account changes in the minimum consumption levels. It is the main criterion for calculating social and pension payments in the budget, so this category of beneficiaries will also receive an increase pension contributions.

Last news

The payment of pension contributions to this category of privileged beneficiaries is regulated by Federal Law No. 5, adopted in 1995. In addition to cash contributions, it provided for benefits in in kind. In the State Duma, an initiative group led by deputy Alexander Sherin proposed to fully monetize them at the rate of 50% of the established level of minimum consumption.

For this purpose, deputies are developing a block of amendments to Art. 23.1 clauses 4-5, according to which the monthly pension should be increased in 2019, the amount of which will increase due to veteran’s accruals.

Alexander Sherin

Today their monthly pension is 1,779 rubles. 07 kop. The cost of the services he was entitled to as of May of this year was 1,075 rubles. 19 kopecks The deputy believes that it is possible to increase monthly payments to this group of beneficiaries by monetizing the social services they are entitled to every month - 2,850 rubles. 26 kopecks taking into account changes in the minimum subsistence level to 11,280 rubles.

Given that there are 1.3 million participants in various military operations in the country, to increase their payments from the budget it will be necessary to allocate over 37 billion rubles.

This is a combat veteran

Who is included in the category of combat veterans?

According to the federal law “On Veterans” the following are considered:

  • military personnel and persons who went into the reserve or retired, who took part in hostilities during the times of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
  • military personnel who participated in demining Soviet and foreign territories by Government Order in the period from 1945 to 1951;
  • those who fought in Afghanistan;
  • military pilots participating in battles and military operations;
  • those carrying out the movement of goods across the territory in which battles are taking place;
  • citizens involved in servicing foreign Soviet contingents;
  • civilian employees in a limited contingent of military personnel in Afghanistan, who worked there from 1979 to 1989;
  • military personnel participating in combat operations in Syria and carrying out special assignments there.

The pension is provided if you have a personal ID

The law provides a complete list of states in which Soviet and Russian military personnel took part in battles.

Combat veterans receive a pension on the basis of a personal ID; in 2019, the amount should increase due to. Receipt of pension payments and benefits from this category of pensioners is carried out on the basis of the personal identification card at their disposal, which defines the benefits. This information certified by the state seal, signature, serial number and date of issue of such a document.

Is it worth increasing the EDV for combat veterans?

In addition, such a document contains a photo and full name of the person who received it. Such a document officially confirms the status of a veteran. It is issued by the relevant government organizations upon provision of all necessary documents.

Combat Veteran Certificate

Calculation of pension payments to military veterans

Such persons receive veteran's benefits as an addition to the basic pension on an individual basis. They are calculated according to the following scheme:

  • at 20 years military veteran receives 50% of his allowance and + 3% for each year in addition;
  • if he has 25 mixed years of experience, then 50% of the pension and + 1% for each year worked are paid.

They calculate the insurance part according to the principle common to all:

  • experience;
  • points.

Veterans have the right to receive a one-time cash payment, the assignment of which is made taking into account the category of military operations. If you have a military rank, a veteran receives a military pension supplement of 32%.

Type of benefits

One-time cash payments

To receive EDV, veterans must write applications to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, to a special commission. She will review it and make a decision on the amount of the EDV and the grounds for issuing it. The application is reviewed within 10 days. The citizen retains the right to appeal such a decision.

In the new year, you may receive EDV on only one basis. Veterans who are eligible for multiple claims will only be able to receive one single cash payment with the highest possible amount.

The Unified EDV gives the right to receive payments on several grounds at once to the following categories of veterans:

  • Chernobyl victims;
  • Heroes of the USSR, heroes of Russia and full holders of the Order of Glory;
  • Heroes of labor and heroes of socialist labor, full holders of the Order of Labor Glory.

These veterans have a privileged position secured by legislation. The rest receive lump sum payments only on one basis once a year.

Where to apply for EDV

How much will the EDV increase?

This year, on February 1, the size of the EDV was indexed by 2.5%. Its size still depends on whether the veterans have abandoned natural ones or not. The minimum amount of UD today is 1775.07 rubles. with all benefits available.

If you refuse them in favor of increasing the size of a single cash payment, its amount is 2850 rubles. 26 kopecks Veterans have the opportunity to voluntarily refuse benefits.

If all benefits are replaced with cash payments, the pensions of veterans of all categories will increase due to monthly veteran payments. But so far this is only a bill that has not even passed the first reading in the State Duma.

Who is entitled to EDV

In addition, some veterans may be against such a modernization of their pension and social benefits. For now, they refuse in-kind benefits voluntarily.

If A. Sherin’s bill is adopted, monthly veterans’ supplements may also increase in size. While in the coming year due to the change living wage The main part of the pension may be indexed and lump sum payments may be increased by eliminating benefits in kind. Deputies proposing amendments to the law “On Veterans” aim to increase the level of purchasing power of this category of privileged pensioners.

According to current legislation, in our country, citizens are entitled to pensions not only upon reaching of a certain age, but also in a host of other cases. In this article we will talk about what a pension for combat veterans is and on what basis it is calculated.

Who are combat veterans?

In accordance with Article 3 Federal Law No. 5 to VBD - combat veterans - include:

  • persons of command and rank and file of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Armed Forces and state security agencies who performed official duties and took part in military operations on the territory of our country or another state;
  • military personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, SA and MGB of the USSR who participated in operations to clear mines from May 10, 1945 to December 31, 1951, as well as military sailors who carried out combat trawling from May 10, 1945 to December 13, 1957;
  • Air Force personnel who carried out combat missions in Afghanistan during the relevant military operations;
  • military motorists who delivered goods to Afghanistan during military operations on its territory;
  • civil aviation crew members who took part in servicing military units located on the territory of another state and were injured during the execution of tasks, as well as received state awards for participation in supporting military operations;
  • persons who worked in Afghanistan in the period from 1979 to 1989;
  • persons performing special tasks in Syria since September 30, 2015.

Legislation and latest news

With regard to state support for combat veterans, the Government has developed whole line bills.

Thus, the circle of citizens classified as military veterans is determined by Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans”. The same document also regulates measures social support VBD. At the same time, the procedure for establishing and assigning military pensions to combat veterans is determined by Federal Law No. 4468-I, and insurance payments - by Federal Law No. 400.

In addition, various Government Decrees and Letters, as well as the Tax and Housing Codes of the Russian Federation, may apply to UBD.

What pensions can a WBD receive?

Types of pensions and conditions of appointment

As already mentioned, if a military veteran is a military serviceman or an employee of the special services of the Russian Federation, then the issues of his state pension provision are regulated by Federal Law No. 4468-I.

Veterans who belong to the list of persons from Article 1 of the above law can count on the appointment of departmental pension payments, namely:

  • employees of state security agencies;
  • military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the USSR;
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Federal Drug Control Service, the State Border Service and the Russian Guard.

If a citizen received UBD status while performing special assignments in a combat zone or while serving in “hot spots,” then his pension provision is handled by the Russian Pension Fund.

To receive a military pension, a citizen must have at least 20 years of service. Retirement at 45 years is also allowed, but the duration of mixed service must be at least 25 years, of which 12.5 years are military or special service.

The assignment of old-age insurance pensions to combatants is carried out on general conditions, that is:

  • upon reaching retirement age(55 years for women and 60 for men);
  • in the presence of insurance period(9 years in 2018 and increasing annually to 15 years by 2024);
  • with a sufficient IPC value (13.8 points in 2018 and 30 points from 2025).

Thus, depending on the circumstances, military, social and insurance benefits are available to military veterans.

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The size of the pension for combat veterans in 2018

According to the law on the Federal Budget and the Budget of the Pension Fund, in 2018, indexation of insurance pensions will be carried out in an amount exceeding the level of growth in consumer pricing in the current year, that is, by 3.7% against the official inflation rate of 3.2%. In addition, the amount of monthly cash payments will be increased, but only by the amount of last year's inflation - that is, only by 3.2%.

It should be noted that the increase in pension payments former employees law enforcement agencies depends on the size of the salary, which in practice has not increased for several years. However, according to the government, it will be increased by 4%, which will also lead to an increase in payments to military pensioners. At the same time, the reduction factor taken into account when calculating the military pension will remain at the same level and amount to 72.23%.

32 percent bonus

According to Article 45 of Federal Law No. 4468-I, an additional payment to the departmental pension in the amount of 32% of the calculated pension amount is established for the following categories of persons:

  • combat veterans;
  • prisoners of Nazi dungeons who were in concentration camps and other places of isolated detention;
  • citizens marked with the sign “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • disabled children due to contusion, injury, injury or their consequences received during hostilities.

The estimated amount of pension payments is established in the amount of the social pension and is subject to annual indexation. Thus, the increase in the amount of the pension supplement is carried out simultaneously with the indexation of social payments.

It should be noted that if a pensioner has the right to receive a bonus on more than one basis, then he is given the right to independently choose one of them.

Pension for combatants in Afghanistan

Providing pensions to internationalist soldiers is carried out on the same principle as for participants in the Great Patriotic War: completing one year of service in a hot spot is equivalent to three, and 32 percent of the minimum social pension is regularly paid as EDV.

To date, Afghan veterans who have refused a set of social services in in kind, additionally receive 3696 rubles 40 kopecks. All this they can get right to free medicines, sanatorium treatment and travel.

If a former participant in combat operations in Afghanistan officially works in a civilian enterprise, then, provided he has a sufficient number of years of experience, he has the right to count on receiving an insurance pension.

Today, the minimum pension payment to Afghan veterans is approximately 8-9 thousand rubles, and the average in Russia is about 20 thousand rubles.

Pension for combatants in Chechnya

Relatively recently, military personnel who served in Chechnya between 1994 and 1996 received UBD status, which means that they are legally provided for an increased pension payment, as well as the right to a monthly additional payment that is not subject to taxation.

This year EDV payment is provided to veterans of Chechnya in the amount of 2,780 rubles 74 kopecks. The social package is 1052 rubles 95 kopecks, which includes payment for medicines (811 rubles), sanatorium treatment (125 rubles 46 kopecks) and travel (116 rubles 47 kopecks). At the same time, veterans of the war in Chechnya can use benefits in kind and exchange them for a cash equivalent.

Residents of the northern regions receive additional allowances. The minimum social payment today is 4,770 rubles, and the social supplement is 1,000 rubles (32 percent of minimum size social pension).

If a veteran received a disability during military operations in Chechnya, then he has the right to count on additional payments. For disabled people of the first group it is 3137 rubles 60 kopecks, the second - 2240 rubles 70 kopecks and for the third - 1793 rubles 70 kopecks.

It is worth noting that the size of a veteran’s pension depends, first of all, on the amount of salary and the duration of service in a hot spot. However, it cannot be less than the subsistence level, otherwise the Pension Fund will be obliged to compensate the difference.

In Syria

Veterans of combat operations in Syria, like other representatives of this category of citizens, have a standard social package and benefits for veterans. In this regard, UBI in Syria can count on:

  • double pension provision(military/disability + insurance);
  • payment of additional cash benefits.
  • monthly cash payment;
  • provision of housing and a simplified procedure for obtaining a mortgage loan;
  • a 50 percent discount on utility bills;
  • reimbursement of expenses for the supply of combustible material (gas, coal);
  • free orthopedic services and prosthetics (discounted dental work);
  • free care in military-type medical institutions;
  • extraordinary receipt of housing and similar cooperatives;
  • the opportunity to obtain education in government institutions;
  • Extraordinary installation of Internet and landline telephone.

Benefits for veterans are provided in two main areas: federal and regional levels. If certain privileges coincide, then the applicant independently chooses the most suitable type compensation.

As for monthly cash payments, they are calculated in accordance with the Federal Law “On Veterans” and represent a basic pension supplement in the amount of:

  • 3088 rubles for participants in a military conflict recognized as disabled;
  • 1,699 rubles for military personnel seconded for valid reasons or in connection with the performance of a combat mission;
  • 927 rubles for persons who performed auxiliary functions and did not directly participate in hostilities.

Pension benefit and EDV for combat veterans are indexed annually, and the indicator is formed on the basis of the federal budget for a certain period.

If a veteran refuses certain benefits (for example, payment for travel on public transport), then the EDV is paid in full. In the case of using such privileges, the benefit is calculated taking into account the funds used.

The amount of the basic pension of a Syrian veteran depends on the specific merits of the citizen, his combat service and region of residence. The average UBD benefit in Russia is about 20 thousand rubles, while in Moscow the amount of payments, taking into account all allowances and compensations, can exceed 30 thousand rubles per month.

Is early retirement possible?

According to Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation No. 941, service in the previously listed cases is counted as preferential calculation: one month of service in a place of military conflict is equal to three months of service.

How to calculate a UBD pension: rules, formulas and calculation procedure

The pension for WBD veterans is calculated as the sum of payments made on general terms and personal allowances accrued on an individual basis. If a citizen has the right to receive a long-service pension, then its amount will be determined as follows:

  • when calculating by length of service (20 years of service) - 50% of the amount of salary plus 3% for each year over the specified length of service (but not more than 85%);
  • when calculating using a mixed type (25 years total experience) - 50% of the salary plus 1% for each year over the specified period of service.

Attention: The period of participation in special and military operations when calculating the length of service of the VBD is taken into account in preferential terms.

At the same time, veterans who took part in hostilities as civilians receive a pension through the Pension Fund. In this case, insurance payments are calculated using the generally accepted formula of the form:

SPV = (EF x K) + (IPK x SPK x K),

  • SPV - insurance pension payment;
  • FV - fixed payment;
  • K - increasing coefficient (if there are rights to use it);
  • IPC - pension points (individual coefficient);
  • SPK is the established value of one pension point.

In addition, military veterans are paid EDV, which this year amounted to 2,780 rubles 74 kopecks, and from next year will increase to 2,869 rubles 72 kopecks.

Are there one-time and monthly payments?

EDV size

In addition to state pension payments, veterans can receive an additional payment, which is a type of social support.

Along with receiving an additional payment, WBDs have the right to receive a package of social services in kind, consisting of:

  • provision of necessary medical products and drugs;
  • providing the right to free travel to the place of resort treatment and back on intercity and suburban passenger transport;
  • provision spa treatment if necessary.

As already mentioned, the pension recipient has the right to refuse to receive social services in kind partially or completely, the main thing is to notify the Pension Fund in writing no later than September 30.

The decision to change the form of services provided comes into force on January 1 of the year immediately following the year in which the application was submitted. If the pensioner’s previously expressed will remains unchanged next year, then there is no need to submit another application to the Pension Fund. Change own solution no more than once a year.

Will there be a promotion?

According to paragraph 5 of Article 23.1 of the Federal Law “On Veterans”, the amount of the monthly allowance is subject to annual indexation, however, in 2015, the increase in pensions was temporarily suspended in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article No. 68 of the Federal Law.

According to the Government, in 2018 the amount of monthly allowance for combat veterans will be indexed to the rate of inflation (3.2%) and will amount to 2869 rubles 72 kopecks.

Tax and pension benefits for combat veterans

In addition to additional payments to the state pension, military veterans are provided with tax, pension and social benefits.

Tax benefits for veterans apply to transport, property and land taxes. However, the conditions for providing such benefits vary depending on the region of residence of the WBD.

Pension benefits for veterans are provided in the form of a package of social services, regular additional payments, as well as individual allowances. In some regions, this category of persons is additionally provided with payments from the local budget.

Social benefits provided to military veterans, in addition to discounts on utility bills, include:

  • provision of housing from the state budget;
  • free departmental medical care, including dental prosthetics;
  • training at the expense of the employer;
  • extraordinary provision of resort and sanatorium treatment;
  • extraordinary service at the box office;
  • extraordinary entry into gardening partnerships and housing cooperatives.

At the same time, some social benefits are additionally established by regional authorities.

Transport tax benefits

Transport tax belongs to the regional category and is regulated not only by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, but also by regulatory documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In 2017, transport tax benefits for UBD are provided in 33 regions of our country. Only residents of:

  • Moscow (not including the region);
  • Murmansk region;
  • Tula region;
  • Sakhalin region;
  • Lipetsk region;
  • Republic of Adygea;
  • Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.

It should be noted that in this case, the exemption from payment of transport tax in no way depends on the power of the vehicle. At the same time, in fourteen regions, the exemption of military veterans from transport tax is determined precisely by this parameter.

Thus, the following are not taxed:

  • in the Leningrad region: cars Russian production power up to 80 hp;
  • in Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk territories, North Ossetia, as well as Ulyanovsk, Volgograd and Samara regions: cars with power up to 100 hp;
  • in the Voronezh region: vehicles with power up to 120 hp;
  • in St. Petersburg, Bashkortostan, as well as Saratov, Novosibirsk, Tambov and Kaluga regions: cars with power up to 150 hp.

In some regions, UBI provides for a lower tax rate:

  • in the Jewish Autonomous Region: 30% of the total regional rate for vehicles with a power of up to 130 hp;
  • in Udmurtia and Ivanovo region: 50% of the total rate for vehicles with a capacity of up to 130 hp;
  • in Moscow and Kirov regions: 50% of the total rate for vehicles with power up to 150 hp;
  • in the Kurgan region: a 70% discount on vehicles with a capacity of up to 100 hp;
  • in the Orenburg region and Chechnya: 50% regardless of vehicle capacity.

At the same time, in a number of regions, combat veterans pay tax in general procedure taxation.

Monthly payments

As mentioned earlier, monthly payments are the main type of pension supplement for military veterans. Moreover, from this amount the Pension Fund of Russia retains part of the funds for a package/set of social services.

According to current legislation, a veteran can replace this package of social services with monetary compensation. To do this, he needs to contact any convenient branch of the Pension Fund of Russia with the appropriate application and package of documents.

After a citizen refuses to receive a set of services in kind, the amount previously withheld for the NSO is added to the amount of the monthly payment.

Housing for combat veterans

Housing legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the right of military veterans to receive assistance in the case of construction or purchase of housing. Support for this category of persons is in the form of a housing subsidy.

For getting financial assistance the veteran must meet a number of conditions. Thus, Federal Law No. 5 states that UBD is financed from the state budget, and the main condition for the provision of such a subsidy is the recognition of a citizen as having a need to improve existing housing conditions.

The same regulatory document states that the amount of allocated financial resources depends on the number of citizens entitled to this type of support, as well as the cost of housing in the region where the VBD lives.

The area is calculated based on 18 square meters per person.

It should be noted that in each individual region, the procedure for providing housing to BD veterans is regulated individually, through the adoption of relevant laws. In this case, financing is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis, formed from all submitted applications.

Indexation and increase in pensions for combat veterans: how much will it increase?

According to existing legislation, in 2018, pension indexation will be carried out in an amount exceeding the level of consumer price growth in the current year, that is, by 3.7% against the official inflation rate of 3.2%. The amount of EDV will also be increased, but only by the amount of last year’s inflation - by 3.2%.

Moreover, pay will also be increased by 4%, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in military pensions. At the same time, the reduction factor used in calculating pension benefits will remain at the level of 72.23%.

How to apply and receive

Where to go and what to do to receive a pension?

For registration WBD pensions You must contact the Pension Fund with the established package of documents. Pension insurance is also issued there (if you have sufficient experience in civilian life).

Attention: In some cases, WBD pensions are allocated by the Ministry of Defense, so apply this payment It is possible not through the Pension Fund, but through the commissariat.

The pension departments of the relevant departments deal with the issue of assigning state payments to former military personnel and employees of state paramilitary forces - this is where you need to apply to establish a military pension.

What documents are needed?

To receive UBD pension payments, you must provide the Pension Fund with a package of documents consisting of:

  • passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • photographs of the established sample (3 x 4 cm);
  • award documents;
  • documentary evidence of official work experience: certificate from place of employment, work book;
  • confirmation of participation in hostilities or other documents giving the right to receive a VBD pension: ID of a home front worker/WWII veteran/resident of besieged Leningrad/participant of hostilities, documents confirming disability.

It is worth noting that in some cases, Pension Fund employees may require additional papers, so in each individual case, check the list necessary documentation should be done individually.

The procedure for assigning and paying pensions

In most cases, the sequence of actions when applying for a UBD pension is as follows:

  • register with the military registration and enlistment office, receive a VBD certificate, as well as a certificate of participation in hostilities;
  • open a personal bank account;
  • contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of permanent registration or residence to obtain an up-to-date list of documents;
  • confirm the presence of a certain length of service and the fact of participation in hostilities by obtaining/collecting relevant documents;
  • transfer the package of necessary documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in a way convenient for the applicant (by mail or in person);
  • wait for a decision to be made.

The Pension Fund is given 10 days to review the documents, and if a positive decision is made, the corresponding pension will be accrued next month.

Will there be an increase in the retirement age?

On this moment A bill to raise the retirement age for military personnel is in the works.

The current version of the document proposes to increase the minimum length of service from 20 to 25 years. At the same time, this innovation will not affect those whose contract ends directly on the twentieth anniversary of their service.

Combat veterans deservedly receive benefits provided to them by the state. They risked their lives and health in Peaceful time, fulfilling its international duty. BD veterans fulfilled their civic duties to the fatherland, protecting its interests on the territory of the Federation.

Necessary aspects

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The Russian state has identified citizens who participated in hostilities as a separate category. They are entitled to receive an increased pension and enjoy social benefits. The norm is enshrined in Federal Act No. 5-FZ.

Payments to DB veterans are provided on the basis of an identity card, which is a personal document. It is included in the category of strict reporting documents. The registration book contains the personal data of the VBD, its postal address, series and document number.

Basic terms

Who is awarded the title?

According to the standards of the above-mentioned act, the category of “combat veterans” includes employees:

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service and other government bodies By virtue of their direct duties, they were responsible for safety Russian state Russian Federation, being in the zone of military operations that took place on its territory or in foreign countries
Armed Forces, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of State Security and military sailors former state- THE USSR Who directly participated in the state demining program. It operated from 1945 to 1957
Those who performed international duty in Afghanistan Including persons who were engaged in the transportation of goods for various purposes
Carrying out assignments and combat missions on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic From the end of September 2015

Legal basis

Regulation of issues regarding the assignment of the status of “combat veteran”, registration and issuance of a certificate, provision of social benefits and cash payments to the WBD is carried out by the standards of a number of legislative and by-laws.

These include:

  • Federal Law “On Veterans”. The act was issued on January 12, 1995 under number 5-FZ;
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 282 of May 7, 2004;
  • Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated August 11, 2012.

In the 90s of the last century, the status of “combat veteran” began to be awarded to Russian citizens who became participants in military operations in Chechnya at the direction of the state. In addition to pension provision, the legislator provides bonuses and social benefits for them.

Taking them into account, the amount of pension provision is 15,000 rubles. The amount of the disability bonus received in the Chechen war, depending on its group, ranges from 1,700-3,500 rubles.

Basic moments

In accordance with the regulations of Article 23.1 of Federal Law No. 5-FZ, a BD veteran is provided with tax benefits. The conditions for providing UBD tax benefits vary in regions.

Their list is provided for by the provisions of Articles 218-224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. They note an exemption from payment of property, including land and transport taxes in the amount of 50% of the total amount.

In addition, they are not charged interest charges from a one-time cash payment provided by the Russian Pension Fund.

List of compensations for citizens of this category

UBI provides the following social benefits and guarantees:

Housing subsidy, which is targeted It should be spent only on the purchase of housing or its construction, including joining a gardening partnership out of turn. Its size is determined by the standard of living space per person established in the region of residence of the UBD and market value real estate
Providing vouchers to sanitary and resort institutions Out of turn free of charge
A set of social services in kind Which VBD has the right to refuse it in order to receive it in proportion to its value in monetary terms
Financial compensation To reimburse utility bills
Medical services Departmental medical institutions, including subsidies for the manufacture of dentures
Training in new specialties Due to own funds employer
Out-of-turn service At the ticket office for different kinds transport

In addition to the listed benefits of federal significance, UBD is provided locally by the subjects of the Federation individual species social benefits.


To apply for a monthly benefit, the VBD must contact the Pension Fund office at the place of residence, where an application and the necessary documents are submitted. They can be submitted either by the veteran himself or by a third party, but a power of attorney must be issued to him by a notary.

UBI is paid monthly payment in the amount of 2,780.74 rubles, which next year, taking into account indexation, will be 2,869.72 rubles.

The required documents include:

  • a general passport that allows you to verify the identity of the applicant;

The refusal must be justified by the relevant regulations of legislative acts. If the VBD does not agree with the refusal, then it can appeal to a higher authority, which makes a final decision.

Upon his death, his relatives can receive monthly benefits. They must present in Pension Fund documents, confirming blood relationship with the deceased veteran of the DB, his personal documents - passport, veteran’s ID.


UBI provided lump sum payment, the amount of which is 5,000 rubles. Its main purpose is to compensate for funds lost by pensioners due to the abolition of indexation of the insurance part of pensions in 2016. As a rule, it is made in proportion to the level of inflation.

The EDV is paid only to those persons who were recipients of pensions as of December 31 of the year before last. The norm applies to pensioners of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and other law enforcement agencies.

Receipt procedure

In order to receive social benefits, a UBI must acquire the corresponding right, which is confirmed official document. It is issued by the social protection authority on the basis of an application and documents attached to it. Their list is approved at the legislative level.

These include:

  • general passport identifying the applicant;
  • combat veteran certificate;
  • official paper confirming the fact of registration at the place of residence.

As a rule, social monthly benefits are calculated and paid together with pension benefits. The method of making payments is indicated by the UBD in the application submitted to the Pension Fund.

They are worn with:

  • transferring payments via Russian Post;
  • crediting the payment to a bank deposit account or to a bank card.

What is more profitable than NSO in rubles or services?

Most combat veterans are faced with a choice of how to receive a set of social services. They are provided in kind, but at the same time they are subject to monetization, that is, they can be expressed in monetary terms. As practice shows, many database veterans prefer the second option.

In accordance with the innovations, the set of social services consists of:

VBD has the right to receive NSO in cash equivalent in full or part thereof. He can personally choose the items of expenditure required for his life.

In Russian legislation there is a separate category of citizens who have the right to a suspended pension - these are veterans. In order to take care of them, the Russian Federation adopted Law (in 1995) No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”. Pensions for combatants are established in a different amount and procedure than for ordinary, ordinary citizens.

Who are combat veterans?

In Article 3 of the Law “On Veterans” you can get the following information about who belongs to the VBD:

  1. Employees of the Armed Forces (Armed Forces) of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Directorates of the Federal Penitentiary Service and other state bodies responsible for the security of the Russian Federation, who were at one time or another in the area of ​​military operations taking place in Russia or in other foreign countries.
  2. Employees of certain government bodies of the USSR, for example, Soviet army, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of State Security, which were direct participants in the program for demining post-war sites, which took place from 1945 to 1951. In addition, military sailors who were engaged in combat trawling from 1945 to 1957 are also classified as VBD.
  3. As for motorists transporting cargo in Afghanistan, as well as performing missions in this region, they are also eligible for the combat veterans' pension.
  4. Other military personnel in Afghanistan who carried out combat missions, etc.
  5. Persons performing special assignments and tasks in Syria, starting from the end of September 2015.

It is these persons, according to Russian legislation, who can count on.

Pension provision for combat veterans is based on a number of other legislative acts:

  • Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993, which concerns military pensions;
  • Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, regulating insurance pensions.
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Types of pensions for veterans

There are currently only 3 areas in which pensions are calculated for combat veterans.

These include:

  • , which allows VBD to receive his statutory retirement pension. At the same time, citizens have the right to all existing allowances - regional, established at the federal level;
  • . This type occurs when establishing an IAP disability;
  • pension from the state. It is its size that varies in percentage, which depends on the places of military service during combat operations.
It is important! The pension will differ from payments to WWII veterans and others. They all have individual character.

Formation of payments

The size of the pension for combatants and the right to receive it, as indicated earlier, depend on a number of factors.

These may include the following indicators and conditions:

  1. length of service, which must be more than 20 years;
  2. the citizen's age is 45 years, as well as the existence of a mixed experience of 25 years. At the same time very important point is that 12 years and 6 months is minimum term completing military service.

If we are talking about the insurance part of a pension for veterans, then in this case the following conditions should be reported:

  • the age for the male population of Russia is 60 years, and for women 5 years less - 55 years;
  • the minimum indicator is 8 years for insurance experience. This applies to 2017;
  • individual coefficients - 11.4 points for 2017.

Pension amount

If, according to preliminary data, a citizen has the right to receive a pension for UBI, it is worth knowing how much the veteran can expect. To begin with, it is worth noting that provision (additional payments) for this category of persons is individual in nature.

For example, there is such a thing as length of service. If a citizen has the right to a pension according to this indicator, then its size may look like this:

  • with 20 years of service, a veteran can receive 50% of the salary calculated. The plus to it is 3% for each year beyond those same 20.
Attention! It is worth considering that 85% is the maximum in the total amount of additional payments.
  • mixed experience assumes 25 years of such. In this case, there are the same 50% and in addition only 1% for the subsequent year worked, etc.
It is important! VBDs, who were civilians during various military operations, receive their funds through the Pension Fund.

You also need to know about (EDV), the size of which depends on the category of the veteran.

For example, in 2017, those with disabilities received just over 5,000 rubles monthly as daily allowance. And UBI is only about 3,000 rubles.

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Pension supplements as a percentage

There is another type of supplement - 32% to the pension of combatants.
This allowance may apply to:

  • VBD, including veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • those who visited concentration camps and similar institutions of the Nazis;
  • to the siege survivors of Leningrad;
  • disabled people who, while still in childhood, were injured during the Second World War.
Important! Since the process of indexation of pensions of the population of our country occurs periodically, the 32% bonus increases accordingly.

Payments to participants in the Chechen campaigns and Afghanistan

A relatively new status is that of a combat veteran who has been in the Chechen War, which has taken place in the history of our state since the 90s of the 20th century. The pension is due in the following cases:

  • if the citizens were soldiers or officers of this military campaign;
  • if they were seconded to this territory;
  • purposeful dispatch of certain employees to the Chechen “hot spot”;
  • all other persons who took a direct part in this war on the territory of Chechnya on legal grounds.
It is important! To count on a pension as a veteran of military operations in Chechnya, you must have the appropriate document - an identity card.

The amount of the final accruals consists of allowances, additional and social payments and amounts to a total of about 15,000 rubles.

  • In this case, the presence of wounds received during combat operations is also important. Such allowances depend on the group of disability received and range from 1,700 rubles to 3,500 rubles.
  • drivers of motor vehicles;
  • pilots and crew members of military air transport;
seconded employees to Afghanistan. Attention! Pensions for Afghans are calculated according to an algorithm developed for veterans of the Great Patriotic War. There's only one regarding length of service. So, one year of experience is equal to 3 years of work.

In addition, there are other factors that affect the size of a citizen’s pension provision, in addition to length of service:

  • amount of military service time:
  • position as a combatant.
Important! If the accrued pension does not reach the subsistence level in our country, then the state provides a number of allowances and benefits for Afghans.

It matters the same as in the case of veterans Chechen war, disability. If it is formalized and received due to participation in hostilities, a citizen (veteran) can count on additional payments. VBDs in Afghanistan with a first group disability can receive a pension for years of service, increased threefold. For the second group, a twofold increase is provided. And for the third disability group - 1.5 times.

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Last changes

In 2018, the indexation of pension payments was carried out in January.

For pensioners of law enforcement agencies, the amount of allowance was increased by 4%. The size of pension payments has increased accordingly. The amount of monetary allowance, which is taken into account when calculating the military pension, has not changed and amounted to 72.23%.