How to register as a veteran of military service. Military pensioners, labor veterans

For teenagers

The title of labor veteran provides a number of benefits, so many retirees are interested in receiving this status. However, not everyone is entitled to it. You must meet the requirements and provide a complete package of documents. What exactly is required and how to get a labor veteran in 2018 is described in this article.

According to adopted laws, the rules and procedure for assigning the title of labor veteran to a candidate are prescribed in the Federal Law “On Veterans”. The list of benefits provided depends on the specific region, since they exist at the regional and federal levels. There are three categories of veterans at the moment:

  1. Veteran of labor in the USSR.
  2. Labor veteran in the Russian Federation since January 1, 2005.
  3. Labor veteran in the Russian Federation since July 1, 2016.

There were and are established requirements for conferring this title. It's worth looking at this in more detail.

Features of obtaining the title of veteran in the USSR

Soviet citizens, in order to receive a certificate and medal confirming their labor services to their homeland, had to actively work and show good results for many years. 20 years - fixed time for women and 25 years for men. There were no benefits and cash payments for gaining status, but it served as moral satisfaction for many.

Status was assigned through the issuance of a certificate and badge. He could have different shape, depending on the organization. There was no single style.

Important! The badge usually looked like a medal and was accompanied by a corresponding certificate. In 1995, the Law “On Veterans” was adopted, according to which everyone who had badges and certificates could receive fringe benefits. The provision of the law clearly states to whom and what benefits are provided and from which budget the payments come. The law was in force until January 1, 2005.

Labor veterans in the Russian Federation since January 1, 2005

This year, benefits were monetized. Veterans now have a choice. Some decided to receive money instead of the preferences provided, while others retained benefits provided, which began to be provided also from the regional budget. A heavy financial burden fell on the shoulders of the regions, as a result of which some were unable to cope with it.

Regions were allowed to independently set the amount of benefits in order to provide them as much as possible. Since the capacity of the federal budget is much higher, the regions have reduced the provision to beneficiaries, as a result of which many have given up their privileges in favor of receiving funds.

Labor veterans in the Russian Federation since July 1, 2016

Several amendments were introduced to the Law “On Veterans”, as a result of which this status could be obtained by:

  1. Persons who have been issued a badge and certificate at the enterprise in which they work long years during the USSR.
  2. Persons who were forced to start working before reaching 18 years of age because the war began. The total length of service for men and women should be 40 and 35 years, respectively.
  3. Persons who were awarded a state award for their contribution to the development of the USSR, the RSFSR and (or) the Russian Federation.

Career military personnel who have worked for more than 15 years in the Armed Forces of the USSR, the RSFSR or the Russian Federation can also be recognized as labor veterans in certain regions. Moreover, they must work for at least 20 years (women) and 25 years (men) during their lives.

Registration process

To get it, you need to be patient and be present in government structures in person. Not all pensioners can ensure their presence and travel due to their age. Therefore, you can draw up a power of attorney and have it certified by a notary. Then the legal representative, having collected the necessary package of documents, will be able to issue honorary title.

According to current legislation, you must contact the department social support citizens. It is usually located in the district administration. You will need to provide the following documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Two pictures. Like a passport.

  3. Pensioner ID or SNILS.

  4. Work record and other information that will allow you to confirm seniority candidate.
  5. Documents confirming receipt of the award for conscientious work During a long time.

You need to have copies of all documents with you, as they are handed over to the social security department after a specialist checks with the original and certifies the copies.

Important! It is not necessary to provide the medal itself. If there is a medal, but no certificate, then you will not be able to obtain veteran status, since an individual number was not written on such award signs. Thus, there is no way to determine who exactly was given the medal.

When a representative of the candidate applies, he must additionally present his passport and power of attorney. It is worth noting that in some regions they accept a handwritten power of attorney that is not certified by a notary. Therefore, it is recommended to call the department in advance social protection to clarify what kind of power of attorney needs to be issued. There is a good chance that the staff will provide a sample.

The procedure for conferring the title of labor veteran

This procedure is established by the Federal Law “On Veterans”. According to this law, document verification may take up to 30 days. ABOUT the decision taken reported within 5 days from the date of the order. A special commission is reviewing the decision. It is created from employees of the social protection department. They are guided by the completeness of the documents provided and current laws in your work.

If there are no grounds for refusal, then a decision is made in favor of the applicant. He is issued an appropriate certificate. It guarantees the receipt of benefits provided current legislation. In this case, the veteran must additionally write an application to receive current benefits. This measure was taken to save budget funds. Their list is attached. The application must also be taken to the benefits department and social payments.

Important! Today there are no uniform rules for obtaining the title of labor veteran. Each region regulates the procedure for granting this status independently. This right was given to regional heads on January 1, 2005. It was from this period that the full provision of benefits to veterans fell on the regional budget.

Main differences in the regulations for assigning status

The differences are usually minor. Here is their main list:

  1. Refusal to recognize certain insignia issued by certain government departments.
  2. The possibility of assigning this status to innovators, honorary donors and inventors.
  3. It's enough just to have required experience, the presence of the award is optional, but will be an additional advantage.

Thus, before collecting a package of documents, it is necessary to clarify what exactly is required in a particular region.

Regulations on shock workers of communist labor

Several years ago there was a lot of debate about the legality of granting a veteran of labor to those who had the “Shock Worker of Communist Labor” badge. This is also a badge of distinction, confirming the fact of the citizen’s work and his outstanding merits, which went to the benefit of his country.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation resolved all disputes when it made its decision. He provided full list awards, diplomas, certificates and other insignia that allow you to receive the honorary title of veteran. The list is quite large, but this icon is not included in the list. After this, the disputes were resolved and in all regions where presentation of awards and certificates was required, they began to refuse to confer the title on shock workers of communist labor.

The main reason for the court's decision was the fact that the issuance of such badges was carried out as additional motivation for high-quality and conscientious performance of labor duties. There was no connection to the department or length of service of the recipient.

The following awards are also not considered as grounds for granting an application for an honorary title:

  1. Military units.
  2. Public organizations.
  3. Sports communities.
  4. Commercial structures.
  5. Structures of federal authorities.

What does work experience consist of?

Candidates must have the required work experience. In addition to working at the main place of work, the length of service also includes the following:

  1. Military service, including participation in hostilities.
  2. Maternity leave for 1.5 years after the birth of a child.
  3. Providing care to a disabled child or group I disabled person.
  4. Care for elderly people over 80 years of age.
  5. Work activity that complies with the rules of the insurance period.

Important! The total duration of child care cannot exceed 4.5 years. If a woman was on maternity leave for a total of more than this time, then the length of service for the fourth and subsequent children is not counted.

Medal 1974

In 1974, a medal was established, which was awarded to top level as a token of gratitude for your dedicated work over time. All persons who were awarded it were entered into a special register. Its presence is an indisputable right to receive benefits. It does not matter whether you have a certificate for this medal or not. on her back side there is an individual number according to which in the state archive you can find information about who exactly received state award and in what year.

Unfortunately, sometimes the title is denied, despite the availability of a complete package of documents. Then you will need to do the following:

  1. Contact the head of the social protection department for clarification on the reason for the refusal.
  2. Contact the Ministry of Labor to reconsider your issue.
  3. Go to court if the previous two steps did not bring the desired result.

Courts often side with citizens and oblige government employees to award the plaintiff the title of labor veteran. However, one statement of claim is not enough. It is necessary to provide a complete package of documents and prepare an evidence base. It is best to hire an experienced lawyer to represent your interests in court. He will be able to competently convey your position, based on current laws.

What kind of support can citizens expect?

There are two types of benefits for labor veterans, which are provided from the regional and federal budgets. More detailed information is presented in the table.

Federal benefitsRegional benefits
Service on a non-profit basis in municipal clinicsSpecial pension supplement (not in all regions)
Free travel or provision of compensation for its payment on all municipal transportThe right to receive some medications free of charge in municipal pharmacies and clinics
50% subsidy for utility billsDrug subsidy
The right to a 50% discount when using television and radio broadcasting services from certain organizationsSpecial discount for veterans in all stores using a social card
Free dental treatment and prosthetics50% discount on the purchase of train or plane tickets
Registration of leave when it is really convenient for the veteranVarious tax deductions
Various tax deductions and benefitsOther benefits and preferences that are established in a specific region

Let us remind you that a veteran cannot use all benefits at once. After receiving a certificate confirming the right to these preferences, he must write an application to choose those benefits that are relevant specifically for him. In particular, people who do not travel public transport, may not choose the right to free pass.

Veterans of labor who are retired are exempt from paying income tax individuals and property tax. They can also issue a deduction for treatment, including sanatorium-resort treatment.

It is worth noting that pensioners who have agreed to magnetize their benefits are not entitled to their re-receipt, since they receive additional accruals to their pension in the form of compensation for the lack of these preferences.

Let us remind you that before collecting the full package of documents, it is worth checking with the department of benefits and social payments what exactly needs to be provided in a particular region and under what conditions third parties can represent the interests of the candidate. It is worth noting that today the title of labor veteran is desirable for many, since some have been equated with WWII veterans. And these are other benefits.

Video – Veteran of Labor 2018

Video – Awarding citizens the title “Veteran of Labor”

1. WHEN THE BIOGAS BLOWER IS OUT OF OPERATION FOR A LONG PERIOD Due to the fact that until now the Yarpivo Plant has not announced the readiness of the biogas boiler, the biogas blower has been taken out of service until further notice. As provided for such a case, all biogas generated in the reactor is burned in a flare. In order for the flare to automatically start, the pressure switch included in the flare package system (PS-01) must be set to the minimum starting level. When the pressure in the main biogas line reaches this minimum (current situation: PS-01 is set to 15 mbar), the small blower included in the flare will start and the flare will automatically start burning. Water treatment plants are designed to be completely enclosed, with the exception of the settling tank. Some of the building structures...

For many years, the honorary title “Veteran of Labor” has been one of the ways to support workers at the state level by providing social guarantees in gratitude for impeccable and long-term work.

In particular, honorable workers in different regions Russia have the right to provide various facilitative measures not only daily life, but also financial situation.

Legislative basis for this concept

In Russia, many pensioners have the honorary title “Veteran of Labor”, at least every third, since our people know how to work and, as a rule, have a fairly long career, more than 40 years total experience and this despite the fact that 25 years is enough to assign a pension.

And many of today’s pensioners also have distinctive signs with which they were noted during their working career for impeccable work and invaluable contribution to the country’s economy, which is accordingly rewarded by granting honored workers the honorary title “Veteran of Labor,” which, in essence, means recognition merits at the state level with the provision of a certain list of social guarantees.

IN currently procedure for granting the title “Veteran of Labor” regulated by the norms of Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans”, in particular Article 7 and Article 22, which set out the conditions for conferring the title, as well as measures of social support, which, by the way, are approved at the regional level specifically for this category of veterans. That is, each subject of the Russian Federation has approved a list of benefits provided to veterans living on their territory.

It should also be noted several features upon receiving this title. Only a citizen of the Russian Federation can become an honorary veteran, for foreign citizen even if you have considerable work experience, you will be able to obtain this title only after obtaining Russian citizenship; by the way, work experience in other countries will be taken into account, but only if an agreement has been concluded between the states on the basis of the CIS Agreement.

And as a rule, the title “Veteran of Labor” is awarded after a pension is assigned, but you can also get the right to a pension early. In particular, on the basis of Federal Law No. 400, if you have length of service in a certain industry, you can apply for a pension according to List No. 1 or List No. 2, which implies retirement not upon reaching the statutory limit. retirement age at 60 years for men and at 55 years for women, and earlier.

Who can apply for this title and by what criteria?

However, obtaining this honorary title even with impeccable work performance is not always easy, because in order to recognize one’s own labor merits, the state needs to document several conditions that are established at the legislative level and are the basis for receiving the “Veteran of Labor” certificate.

First of all, a hard worker must have work experience in a certain industry for at least 15 years, and continuous experience, that is, you need to work at one enterprise for an agreed period of time without resigning, but perhaps climbing the career ladder from a simple worker to the head of a department.

Secondly, you need to have total work experience at least a quarter of a century for men and 5 years less for women, and the 15 years specified above may be included in it, because the entire length of service is taken as a whole.

Thirdly, the future veteran must have departmental signs differences, which are medals and orders, honorary titles, diplomas and Thanksgiving letters, presented by the Ministries or the President himself.

That is, in order to receive the title “Veteran of Labor,” a worker must have both sufficient experience and departmental distinctive signs at the same time, because on the basis of Article 7 of Federal Law No. 5, these are precisely the conditions for conferring the title. It is worth noting one more feature: diplomas and letters of gratitude are awarded to almost everyone, but to receive an honorary title it is necessary to have departmental insignia approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 758 and other acts of federal significance.

Preparation of documents

In order to receive the title “Veteran of Labor of the Russian Federation” you must submit next package of documents:

If documents for receiving the title “Veteran of Labor” are submitted not personally by the applicant, but by his representative, then you will also need to provide a power of attorney executed in accordance with Article 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and a passport or other document identifying the representative.

The entire package of documents described above should be placed in a separate folder and then submitted for consideration to social protection authorities at the place of registration. Although, of course, the future veteran can live at a different address, but benefits will be provided only at the official place of residence, therefore, you need to either register temporarily at the place of residence or submit documents at the place of registration, since benefits are based on the decision of the local government are provided only in the region where the veteran officially resides.

Registration procedure

First of all, to obtain the honorary title of “Veteran of Labor” you should: fill out an application, the form of which will be provided at the social protection department. As a rule, the application form itself has a prescribed form approved by regulations at the local level. So, in particular, in Moscow, the application form is approved by Moscow Government Decree No. 989-PP.

Filling out the provided form is not at all difficult, since it contains columns in which data is entered based on the submitted documents, which are actually listed along with passport data and a request to assign the specified title. And given that the submitted documents contain the applicant’s personal data, the future veteran in the application confirms his consent to their processing in compliance with the norms of Federal Law No. 152, which recipients of another person’s personal information are required to comply with.

Submitted package of documents be submitted to the commission for consideration, which is formed under the local government from specialists from various industries in the region. The application with documents is considered for two weeks, during which the submitted documents are examined for their authenticity, as well as the grounds for conferring this title. It is departmental awards that are most carefully studied, which in many situations become a stumbling block and a basis for refusal.

At the end of the meeting, a decision of the commission is drawn up, which is communicated to the applicants in writing after 5 days. If the commission recognizes the applicant’s right to receive an honorary title, documents are prepared, in particular a certificate, which is then presented in a solemn ceremony. If a decision has been made to refuse, the response to the applicant must necessarily contain the justification for such a decision with a reference from the regulations.

However this problem can be resolved, because refusal to grant the honorary title of labor veteran at the local level does not mean a final resolution of the issue, because you can go to court to challenge it, but only if there is legal grounds, or to local authorities for clarification of the validity of the refusal.

Various nuances of assigning this status

It is quite difficult to obtain an honorary title of any level, primarily due to large quantity additional documents, and also due to basic ignorance of the laws, but obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor” is doubly difficult, since too many controversial situations arise, first of all, related to the approval of departmental awards and their list. After all, each industry has its own awards and, therefore, to confirm their legitimacy, you also need to find a reason, which many pensioners, of course, cannot, and therefore are refused.

So, in particular, the question arises: does the right drummer of communist labor for an honorary title, because, in fact, awards received under the USSR also give the right to receive the title “Veteran of Labor”. However, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation explained that this particular type of award was provided back in 1976 as a moral incentive, and not a reward for selfless work, therefore, if the applicant has the “shock worker of communist labor” badge, the applicant does not have the right to be awarded an honorary title.

It should be noted that the procedure for establishing departmental insignia is approved not only by Government Decree No. 578, at the local level, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are developing their own lists of departmental awards, taking into account the industries that are mostly represented on their territory. So, in particular, in the republic Tatarstan Order No. 481 of the Ministry of Labor was issued, which approved a list of awards of departmental significance. There are similar normative acts in other subjects of the federation, and the stipulated acts stipulate not only lists of awards, but also the procedure for conferring the title of “Veteran of Labor”, as well as established social guarantees, which veterans can use.

Of course, each region has different financial capabilities, therefore, the list of benefits is different in different regions, and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation there are various conditions providing such benefits. In particular, in Moscow, benefits can be used from the moment of receiving an honorary title, and in St. Petersburg only upon reaching retirement age in general procedure, that is, if you have a service pension of 50 years and are awarded an honorary title, benefits can only be used at the age of 60 for men and at 55 for women, respectively.

Obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor” is not always easy, given the conditions for its provision, but if there are grounds, you can always turn to the social protection authorities for help, at least for clarification and procedures, because social workers. spheres are not only obliged to draw up documents, but to help pensioners with advice and kind words.

ABOUT latest changes The procedure for obtaining this title is described in the following video:

Who is entitled to the title “Veteran of Labor” in 2019

Citizens with significant seniority and those who carry out their activities in difficult living conditions, as well as those who have awards, have the right to receive the title.

How to apply for and who is entitled to the title “Veteran of Labor”

For registration labor veteran certificates You will need to contact the social welfare department. This department checks the submitted documents and decides on the assignment of such status. Only those people who are able to prove their merits with official documents can apply for this title, that is, present papers determining their work experience and papers confirming the availability of awards.

Registration of a labor veteran happens in the following order:

  1. The applicant must collect the required list of documentation and fill out the standard statement(you can view and download here:).
  2. Provide papers to social protection at your place of residence.
  3. Employees of the organization form a commission, which within 30 days from the moment of application, checks the correctness of the documentation and makes a decision.
  4. The final result in writing is sent within 5 days after making a decision.

In case of refusal, the entire package of documents is returned to the applicant. If approved, social service issues a special administrative act. Each region of the country has its own Regulations on labor veterans, according to which the certificate is subsequently issued. This form is issued by the executive body and its presence guarantees the citizen a number of social benefits and benefits.

List of required documents

Federal legislation states what documents are needed to register as a labor veteran. These include:

  • applicant's passport;
  • papers confirming work experience - employment history , extracts, certificates;
  • ID photo;
  • documents confirming receipt of government awards and other distinctive signs;
  • power of attorney if the applicant’s interests are represented by a third party.

Each document on the list must be provided as a copy and supported by the original. If the commission has doubts about some documents or calculations length of service, then she may require additional papers.

Example for obtaining labor veteran status

Prokofiev N.T. claims to obtaining labor veteran status. He has the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, received for labor activity at one of the country's defense enterprises during the Second World War.

To obtain the status, Prokofiev must receive the appropriate certificate, which is issued based on the results of consideration by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. To submit an application, the applicant visited the social protection office at his place of residence. During the visit, an application was drawn up with a request for an honorary title, and attached to this document were: a work book, award sheets, a passport and several photographs (one for creating a personal file, the second for identification).

After completing the application, the social security employee created his personal file for the applicant, which was subsequently sent for consideration to territorial body Ministry of Labor. The decision is made by the competent commission of the ministry. The execution time varies depending on the place where the application is submitted (at the MFC, municipality), but no more than one month.

Having examined the personal file of N.T. Prokofiev, the commission came to the conclusion that the applicant meets the necessary criteria for assigning him title "Veteran of Labor". A competent decision was drawn up, on the basis of which a corresponding certificate was produced and sent.

After the case was received by the regional social protection center, Prokofiev was sent a written notification of the need to personally visit the department. Having contacted the department, the citizen received veteran's certificate. This document is issued under the personal signature of the applicant.


As a result, a number of conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Title " veteran of labour" is a status that gives its holder the right to enjoy certain benefits and receive benefits.
  2. Only those citizens who meet the requirements specified in federal regulations can receive this title. legislative acts. To obtain it, the applicant must confirm his right using official documents: papers on experience and awards.
  3. Availability of status is confirmed special ID, which is issued by the executive authority. Because the this document refers to strict reporting forms; if it is lost, you must contact the executive authority and submit a corresponding application.
  4. To register as a “veteran of labor” you will need to contact the social protection authority population at the place of registration and provide the necessary package of documents.
  5. The decision to award the title is made special commission and within five days is brought to the attention of the applicant. At least 30 days.
  6. Each document must be submitted as a copy and supported by the original. In case of refusal, the entire package of papers is returned to the applicant.

The most popular questions and answers to them regarding assignment of the status “Veteran of Labor”

Question: Hello, my name is Peter Efimovich. I have work experience - 44 years old and the reward " Inventor of the USSR" He worked in the laboratory of a regular research institute in the Leningrad region and retired due to length of service. I can confirm both points with relevant documents. Please tell me what is needed to obtain the title “Veteran of Labor”, can I even apply for it and where should I go with this question?

Answer: Good afternoon. Dear Pyotr Efimovich, according to Art. 7 Federal Law No. 5“About Veterans”, people who have experience of at least 40 years or for the purpose of an old-age pension. Also an essential condition is the presence of any federal awards. In your case, your experience is more than 40 years and there is a reward.

Benefits for veterans military service are guaranteed to all citizens who have received a veteran's certificate. This article will help you become familiar with all the benefits guaranteed by government agencies and cope with the difficulties that may arise when exercising your right to them.

Veteran of military service

Who can be recognized as a veteran?

According to Federal Law No. 5-FZ dated January 12, 1995, veterans of military service are military personnel of the USSR Armed Forces, the Russian Armed Forces or other types of troops, military formations or government bodies in which citizens may serve in military service.

To become a veteran and qualify for benefits for military veterans, the soldier must have:

  • Order
  • Medal.
  • Honorary title of the USSR.
  • Honorary title of the Russian Federation.
  • Departmental insignia.

At the same time, it is important to comply with the condition that the duration of the person’s military service must be at least 20 years.

Also included in the number of veterans are citizens who have completed military service if, during the performance of their military duties, they received:

  • Mutilation.
  • Concussion.
  • Wound.
  • Disease.

The listed injuries and illnesses should lead to the development of disability and the awarding of a disability group to the citizen.

In addition, not only an active military personnel, but also a person who has been transferred from military service to the reserve or has retired can be recognized as a veteran.

Awarding the title of veteran

The title of veteran of military service is awarded to persons described in Part 1 of Art. 5 Federal Law dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ. In accordance with the norms of this act, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 19, 1995 No. 501 was adopted to regulate the procedure and conditions for awarding the title.

Filing an application

The assignment of the title is carried out in those government bodies where military service is provided for, which the citizen applying for the title of veteran and benefits for military veterans. This procedure is carried out on the basis of the candidate’s application.

He will also be required to provide a comprehensive list of documentation necessary to confirm his rights. The application and package of documentation must be submitted by the citizen to the branch of the pension authority and to the personnel department of the organization where he is serving in military service.

Decision on assigning/refusing to assign the title of veteran

After submitting the documentation, the authorities check it and make a decision on assigning the title or refusing to assign it.

The period allotted for making such a decision is no more than 1 month.

Persons who have been awarded the rank receive a veteran's certificate of the established form.

If the federal executive authorities that accepted the application refused to confer the title, then in their refusal they must set out in detail the reasons and grounds for the refusal, referring to the relevant articles of Russian legislation violated by the applicant.

Veteran's ID

A candidate for a veteran's title who has successfully passed the test becomes the owner of a certificate issued in accordance with the requirements of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 27, 1995 No. 423.

Contents of the document confirming veteran status

A single sample of a veteran's certificate form contained in the specified normative act, has the following points:

  • Title of the document.
  • The full name of the government agency that made the decision to issue a military service veteran certificate.
  • Series and document number.
  • Full name of the veteran in respect of whom the document was issued.
  • Personal signature of the veteran to whom the document was issued.
  • Photo of the veteran receiving the certificate.
  • Veteran category name.
  • List of rights guaranteed to a citizen who has received the status of a veteran of military service.
  • Date of issue of the veteran's certificate.

The document must be confirmed by the signature of the authorized person official and is sealed by a government agency.

The seal impression is affixed twice. It must appear on each of the inside sides of the document confirming veteran status.

Validity of the ID

The standard ID form always contains information that this document has an unlimited validity period. The certificate is valid throughout Russia, regardless of the place of issue.

Appearance of a veteran's ID card

The ID is a document whose width is 10 cm and length - 7 cm. The document is made from green PVC or lederin.

Don't know your rights?

On front side identification, its name is always present. On the inside of the veteran's ID there are typographical inscriptions that indicate the main points that need to be filled out.

Requirements for registration of the certificate form

The document form is subject to the requirements set out in the norms of Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/2003 No. 14n.

The requirements for Level B security printing products, which include a veteran’s ID, presuppose:

  • Availability of special technologies to protect documents from counterfeiting.
  • The special composition of the material from which printing products are made.
  • The paper from which printed products are made should not have any signs of glow, that is, visible luminescence. The glow should not appear under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Issuance of a certificate

The document is issued to military veterans against signature. The certificate goes through the registration procedure in the accounting book of a government agency.

The accounting book has the form established by law. It is numbered, laced and sealed with the signature of the head of the body that is authorized to issue veteran documents, as well as the seal of this government body.

Accounting for veteran ID forms

Certificate forms are subject to strict records. They are kept in the accounting department or other financial bodies of government agencies that have the right to issue veteran certificates.

If, when filling out a document, an authorized person of a government body makes a mistake by entering incorrect or inaccurate information into the document, then the certificate should be destroyed, since it is considered damaged.

The procedure for destroying a document form must be carried out after drawing up the corresponding act.

Rights and benefits for military veterans

In number benefits for military veterans The following types of social support include:

  1. Benefits for veterans in the field of taxation in accordance with federal and regional legislation.
  2. Pension provision, payment of benefits.
  3. Obtaining and maintaining housing.
  4. Part payment utilities.
  5. Providing medical care.
  6. Preferential vacation medicines and medical products in accordance with the standards of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 No. 710.
  7. Prosthetic and orthopedic services.
  8. Funeral services, which consist of compensation for the costs of transporting and burying the body of the deceased, as well as the installation of a tombstone.

Tax benefits for veterans

Exemption from payment of state duty

Veterans of military service are exempt from paying federal fees in cases that are being considered in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and courts general jurisdiction and magistrates' courts, as indicated in paragraph 3 of Part 2 of Art. 333.36 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

According to Part 3 of Art. 333.36 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in cases where veterans file statements of claim worth up to 1 million rubles. to courts of general jurisdiction or magistrates' courts, they do not pay state fees.

In this case, exemption from paying the duty is carried out when filing claims of a property nature or claims combining property and non-property claims with the judicial authorities.

Compensation for paid tax payments

Tax benefits for veterans are contained in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 22, 1993 No. 941. This act establishes the rule according to which military personnel who have served for at least 20 years can apply for compensation. To do this, a citizen must be among:

  • Persons dismissed with the right to a pension due to reaching the age limit.
  • Persons dismissed with the right to a pension due to length of service.
  • Persons dismissed with the right to a pension due to staff reduction.
  • Persons dismissed with the right to a pension due to illness or other health limitations.

These citizens are paid compensation for paid land and property taxes.

For registration compensation payments the veteran will need to complete an application and present a tax notice, documents confirming the payment of the tax, as well as title documentation confirming the applicant’s status and his rights to benefits.

Regional benefits for veterans

Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to independently establish additional benefits for veterans of military service. For example, Moscow Law No. 70 of November 3, 2004 guarantees military veterans:

  • The right to free travel on commuter rail transport, as well as free travel on all types of public transport.
  • A 50% discount on payments for residential premises (renting, repairs, maintenance) and utilities.
  • Monthly compensation for telephone services.
  • Free production and repair of dentures.
  • Providing vouchers to sanatorium-resort organizations if there are medical indications.

In addition to benefits, regional legislation may regulate the rights of veterans to additional monetary compensation. Such compensation is paid to military veterans on a monthly basis.

Housing benefits for Moscow military veterans

The norms of Moscow Government Decree No. 850-PP dated December 7, 2004 indicate that veterans can count on:

  • 50% discount on residential rent.
  • Payment of half the price of utilities. Thus, veterans will be partially paid for heating, sewerage, water supply, water heating, gas and electricity services. Payment is made within the limits of residential area standards and utility consumption standards.
  • Payment of half the price for removal and disposal of solid household waste.

Features of providing benefits

Discounts on payment for housing and communal services apply only to one apartment or one residential premises.

At the same time, government agencies take into account the rates, prices and tariffs for paying for living space and utilities for a military veteran.

How can a veteran apply for housing benefits?

For registration housing benefits regulated by Moscow legislative bodies, the veteran will need to contact the social protection authorities with the following package of documentation:

  • Citizen's passport.>
  • A document confirming the right to provide benefits, which must be submitted to original form and as a copy.
  • A certificate stating that the veteran pays for services at the place of permanent residence or at the place of registration without taking into account benefits.

After examining the documentation received from the veteran, authorized government officials will make a decision on whether to provide social assistance or refusal to provide it.

Thus, having a certificate, a military veteran can and should receive support from the state in terms of paying taxes, paying for treatment, housing and communal services, etc.