Status of a large family upon reaching 18 years of age. Which family is considered large and what rights does it have?

To mom

A family with several children often has problems of various levels. The state is called upon to support motherhood and childhood. For example, there is a slim system of measures to help large families.

Parents sometimes do not know whether they are entitled state assistance, in what amount, up to what age of offspring.

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If the family has not only their own children, but also those taken into care from child care institutions, then even more questions arise. A large family – how many children are there, are there benefits and when do payments stop?

The concept of “large family”

It is not possible to immediately determine the status of the family. It is clear that it is difficult to support financially, morally, and physically even two children. And if there are also children from the previous ones living with their stepmother or stepfather, if there are wards, then, taking into account their number, the family will be considered large?

Unfortunately, the Family Code of the Russian Federation, as well as social laws, do not clearly define how many children a family is considered to have many children. Valid Decree of the President of the country “On measures for social support of large families” No. 432 dated May 5, 1992, granting each region the right to decide how many children to assign families with the status of large families.

Since the birth rate is lower in the central regions, local authorities have more opportunities provide support to large families. In the southern and eastern outskirts of the country, there is a different mentality, different family traditions and many children are born. There other criteria for assigning the status of a large family.

It is the demographic situation in the region, in tandem with the provision of budgetary funds, that makes it possible to assess the capabilities of the authorities help families and determine the presence of children to obtain large family status.

Therefore, there are regions where the presence of three children gives grounds to consider a family with many children and pay benefits for children.

In other regions, families have many more children. This forces the local government to raise the bar and consider families with four or more children to be large.

In the Republic of Mari El, a family with four or more children is considered large.. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there must be five children for a family to be considered large.

In addition, regional rules that are elevated to the rank of law are constantly changing, so there is no shame in periodically checking whether there are any additions or changes to the law.

Is a family with three children considered large?

All questions from citizens in each region must be answered employees of the Department of Social Protection of the Population at your place of residence.

In regions where families have three children, the majority. For example, in the central regions of the country and in particular in Moscow, if there are three offspring, the family will have this status and receive subsidies.

In recent years, throughout almost the entire country, this number of children from which benefit payments begin has been set at three. To receive real help, the family must confirm its status, having received the appropriate certificate and be on the list of families with many children.

Until what age of children is a family considered such?

This question is also tied to regions. There are areas where a large family is considered until one of the children reaches the age of 16, yes - 18 years old, and in other regions, for example, in the Kaluga region, this age is extended for the period of full-time study or for the duration of military service.

As soon as the eldest child has reached the upper age limit determined by each region, the status of a family with three children changes - it ceases to be a large family and loses rights to benefits, benefits.

If there are more than three children in a family, the family will be considered to have many children until only two remain under 16.

Do adopted children count?

The family includes offspring of this origin:

  1. native;
  2. from previous marriages;
  3. adopted;
  4. receptions.

The main condition is that all members of the family applying for such status are registered at the same address, and that the state does not pay funds for their maintenance to the children (in the case of, for example, guardianship).

Should a large family be complete?

To recognize a family with many children, the presence of both parents is not required. If children are raised only by the father (single father) or single mother, it is still a family with three or more children.

To determine status, it is not so important whether the family is full or single-parent; what matters is the number of children.

What benefits are available?

There are benefits for families raising three or more children, only in each region they are different in quantity and monetary value. Such social units are in the most favorable conditions in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Usually, Such families are provided with benefits in the following positions::

  • payment of utility bills(reduction ranges from 30 to 50%);
  • free provision of medicines children under 6 years of age (with a prescription);
  • children's nutrition in schools, especially in the lower grades;
  • purchasing clothes, shoes;
  • allocation of places in kindergartens;
  • priority provision of housing;
  • allocation of land;
  • free admission to cultural events (one time, monthly);
  • free provision minibus type vehicle and etc.

Other benefits are also possible, their volume depends on the number of dependents and on the regional law regarding assistance to large families.

Early retirement for a mother of many children

Although being the father of a whole horde of children is also not easy, the main burden of care and responsibility lies with the mother. Yes, according to the law, a woman who gives birth to five children can count retire at 50, but only if all offspring by this moment are at least 8 years old.

However, there are still a number of nuances. For example, a city woman with five children must have experience at least 15 years of insurance work experience, otherwise they will issue her a pension on a general basis. For mothers with many children who have raised their children up to 8 years old by the age of 50, there are no strict requirements for length of service.

So it turns out that if a family has received the status of a large family, raising three boys, then their mother has no right to qualify for early retirement.

Who is given the Order and Medal of “Parental Glory”?

Parents with many children, in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2008 No. 775 (as amended on December 13, 2012), can be awarded the Order of Parental Glory if:

  1. raise at least seven children who have Russian citizenship;
  2. lead a healthy lifestyle, being an example in all respects, and take care of the health, education, physical and cultural development of their offspring.

The award can be presented to representatives of both complete and single-parent families, while the complete family must be officially registered in the registry office.

The award can occur only when the fourth child reaches the age of four years and all offspring are alive (excluding cases of death in the performance of military, official or civil duty, as well as death from wounds, mutilations, diseases received as a result of the above circumstances, or from occupational diseases , from injuries at work).

Children also include, but only if they are in the family for a period of at least 5 years.

In addition to the order, one of the parents is entitled payment of monetary reward in the amount of 100 thousand rubles(one time).

The “Parental Glory” medal is awarded to parents (adoptive parents) who are raising or have raised four or more children - citizens of the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements of family legislation. Presidential Decree No. 1099 of September 7, 2010.

People who have decided to have a large family After the birth of your third baby, you should contact the social service at your place of residence to find out what benefits and allowances they are entitled to. Each region, based on its specific conditions and budget capacity, provides different levels of support to such social units.

Having provided the required documents, the family will be registered as a large family, with receipt of a certificate or certificates, depending on regional rules.

Raising three or more children, making them real people, decent, self-sufficient and useful citizens to society, is not an easy task, but an honorable one. The state helps in the implementation of the upbringing of children in large families by providing benefits.

Large families are most numerous in Ingushetia, Chechnya and Tyva. The Leningrad region has a much lower birth rate; demographically, this region is among the outsiders. By giving preference to those with many children, the state hopes to influence the birth rate.

In Tsarist Russia and the pre-war Soviet Union, it was customary to raise 8-12 children. Parents did not expect benefits and did not complain about the difficulties of a large family. The family was considered normal and did not cause misunderstanding, which cannot be said about modern society, in which a strong misconception has developed: a large family is a family in crisis, marginal; or churchgoing, deeply religious.

There are many myths about preferences given to families with many children. For example, some believe that having many children gives you the right to a second federal maternity capital. But this is not provided for; maternity capital is issued only at the birth of a second child. If the third and subsequent ones are born, the right to receive a regional certificate begins.

Status of a mother of many children

A woman who raises 3 or more than 3 children is a mother of many children. This status remains until the children reach adulthood. But in Mari El, for example, where it is customary to have large families, large families are determined by the birth of a fourth child.

Benefits and rights provided by the state begin to apply with the execution of the relevant documents. They must be submitted to the social protection authorities of your city or district. You will need to present:

  • passport or other identity document;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • photo of the mother measuring 3x4 cm;
  • if the woman is unmarried, documents proving paternity are needed;
  • documents of guardians and adoptive parents;
  • certificates of persons living in the same apartment with a mother of many children.

After reviewing the documents, a decision is made whether to assign the woman the status of “mother of many children,” which gives the right to enjoy all the benefits required for the category. The status is secured by the certificate of a mother of many children.

Benefits for mothers of many children

The most insignificant benefit provided for a mother with many children is the opportunity to visit a museum or exhibition with her children once a month. The most necessary benefit is the one that allows you to solve the housing problem and move the family into a spacious house. That is, the allocation of a target plot of land with infrastructure provided by the municipal authorities; the sale of the plot is prohibited.

Other benefits:

  1. Benefits for mothers of many children include the right not to wait in line to enroll their child in kindergarten. Schoolchildren and students in vocational institutions must have breakfast and lunch free of charge during the educational process.
  2. There is also a “utility” benefit for the payment of resources: electricity, water, gas, as well as home heating services.
  3. Free or discounted travel on public transport, and in some regions on intercity buses.
  4. Prescription medications issued for a child under 6 years of age are free.
  5. School uniforms must be provided free of charge every academic year.

Rights of a mother of many children

The labor rights of a mother of many children are approved by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This is what article 261 of the code is about. But it only applies to those cases when there is no one but the mother to support the family. An employer is prohibited from dismissing a mother of many children if she does not violate labor discipline. List of other Labor Code norms:

  • the ability to work part-time at the request of the mother of a young child or a child with a disability;
  • employment without a probationary period for mothers with children under one and a half years old;
  • Working overtime and at night for a worker with children under three years of age is possible only with her consent.

Mothers of many children have the right to unpaid leave at any time, but not longer than two weeks. This norm must be spelled out in the organization’s employment contract, and the age of two children must be less than fourteen years.

Mothers of many children raising five or more children may retire earlier due to old age.

If a woman is looking for a job through an employment service, then specialists are required to select a place of employment according to the wishes of the applicant, for example, with the opportunity to work half a day.

Privileges of a mother of many children

Mothers with many children can return part of the amount paid for their children’s attendance at kindergarten. The right is enshrined in Federal legislation and allows you to count on a return of 20 to 70% for your first child.

Mothers with many children can undergo retraining under a preferential scheme in order to obtain a new specialty. The benefit applies only to those professions that are in demand in the region, and not to any profession at the request of the mother.

If a family's income per person does not reach the subsistence level, then the right to social housing appears. A social rental agreement can be concluded if there is no housing to own or the family is not provided with the minimum standard for square meters.

Under the same conditions, mothers with many children can count on receiving a budget subsidy for housing.

Benefits for mothers of many children and tax benefits

Mothers with many children receive subsidies, one of them is a one-time one, which is accrued at the birth of a child. Such financial assistance amounts to about 15,000 rubles, the payment is indexed depending on inflation. Childcare benefits for children up to one and a half and three years old are accrued every month, and there is also a child subsidy until adulthood.

In 53 regions, payments have been established for children under three years of age, starting with the third child and for each subsequent one. Compensation is provided for children under 16 and 18 years of age.

In addition to social benefits, mothers of many children have benefits in the tax system. They do not pay income taxes on government benefits. The personal income tax deduction for the third child is higher than the deduction for the first and second, including when the eldest children in the family reach 18 years of age.

Some regions exempt families with many children from transport tax.

Regional preferences for families with many children

Each region can supplement federal benefits and payments intended for large families with its own system of support measures, based on budgetary capabilities.

In all regions of the Russian Federation there is a program of regional maternity capital, the right to which in most regions comes with having many children. The amount of such budget subsidies sometimes exceeds one hundred thousand rubles.

One of the measures widespread in the regions to support large families is a monthly allowance equal to the subsistence level. Other benefits:

  1. Discounts on the payment of the registration fee when establishing an individual entrepreneur or exemption from it.
  2. Purchase of building materials under an interest-free loan agreement if a family wishes to build a house.

Help from community members

The more developed the work of public organizations is in a region, the more actively they are ready to help large families free of charge. Most often their services are needed:

  1. When applying for benefits (legal advice and support in various situations are also in demand).
  2. Psychological help.
  3. Help provide clothing or school supplies to families in need.

Pension of a mother of many children

A mother of many children has the right to take early retirement if the woman is 50 years old and has more than fifteen years of work experience. In this case, the youngest child must be over eight years old. These points are taken into account in the total, so if one of the conditions does not match, then you will not be allowed to retire early.

The pension of a mother of many children does not have any special features when calculated. As for other pensioners, the scheme takes into account length of service and the number of points on insurance premiums.

To apply for a pension, you will need to present to the Pension Fund Administration a package of documents, including a passport, children’s birth certificates, work record book, certificate from the place of work on the level of wages, documents certifying additional benefits.

The documents must be reviewed ten days in advance, after which the first pension payment is calculated.

Medals and awards

Women who have raised more than 7 children are awarded the Order of Parental Glory with an incentive of 100,000 rubles. Regions also have the right to establish their own insignia and determine the amount of a one-time cash payment. The amounts depend on the regional budget:

  • Moscow region - “Mother’s Glory”, one hundred thousand rubles;
  • Leningrad region - “Glory to the Mother”, one hundred thousand rubles;
  • Tatarstan - “Motherly Glory”, twenty-five thousand rubles;
  • Chelyabinsk region - “Motherly Glory”, by degrees: fifty thousand rubles, seventy-five thousand rubles and one hundred thousand rubles;
  • “Mother’s Glory” and “Father’s Valor” - fifty thousand rubles, for single-parent large families;
  • Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - “Mother’s Glory”, eleven and a half thousand rubles;
  • Yamal - “Motherly Glory of Yamal”, two hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

Honoring ceremonies are usually timed to coincide with federal or regional holidays. Awards are presented by representatives of regional authorities, governors or heads of regions in a solemn atmosphere. As a rule, parents are given the opportunity to talk with the leadership of the region, ask for help or assistance in various issues.

A large family is a status assigned to a family that raises a certain number of children. It is necessary to receive benefits and benefits provided by federal and regional authorities.

Assigning the status of large families

If we consider the definition according to the law, then it is worth turning to. This regulatory act states that regional authorities must independently create the conditions under which parents can count on benefits. This means that there is no single rule that applies throughout the country.

In regions with low birth rates, large families are assigned to families raising 3 or more minor children. In the eastern regions, where it is customary to give birth to many babies, this status can be obtained when 5 or more heirs are born.

If we conduct statistics, then in most regions of the country a large family is recognized as a married couple or one of the parents who raise at least 3 children.

For how many heirs you can count on subsidies, you should check with the authorities of your region.

When is the status of having many children lost?

An important point is up to what age the children are considered to have many children. The status is not assigned for life, but only until one of the children reaches a certain age. This parameter is also determined by regional authorities. In some areas the maximum age for a child is 16, but in most regions the limit is set at 18 or until graduation.

As soon as the third child reaches the age limit, the family loses its status of having many children. In this case, she immediately loses all the benefits provided.

Which children “count”?

A family with many children is one in which at least three minor heirs are raised. All children who are dependent on adults are taken into account. These include:

  • relatives (born);
  • reception rooms;
  • adopted;
  • stepsons and stepdaughters.

Children from previous marriages are also taken into account when calculating the number of small family members. For example, a woman and a man each have a child from previous marriages who lives with them. After registering the marriage, the couple has a son or daughter together. In this case, the status of a large family is assigned. If heirs from previous marriages live with other parents, then they are not taken into account. Also, the heirs of a common-law spouse are not taken into account, even after the birth of a joint offspring.

And there are important nuances here. Children from a previous marriage must live in the new family officially, that is, the court must determine the place of residence with the parent who is registering large families. It happens that a child is supposed to live with his mother after a divorce, but he lives with his father. In this case, if the father marries and has two more children (born or from a new wife), then the family will not receive the status of a large family, since the husband’s child lives with him illegally.

Single-parent large families

The status of a single mother or single father does not interfere with obtaining the status of a large family. A single parent also has the right to benefits if he or she is raising three or more children on their own. However, in this case, only natural and officially adopted children are taken into account.

Unfortunately, in recent years, single parents have been deprived of many benefits. And you can compensate for the loss of subsidies by assigning the status of having many children.

Who is denied a certificate?

There are a number of reasons why the right to receive a certificate is lost.

  • Deprivation of rights. If parents are deprived of parental rights, then the status of having many children is not granted. If only one of the spouses is deprived of rights, then the second can count on benefits.
  • Emancipation of the child. If one of the heirs is recognized as legally capable ahead of schedule (for example, finds a job early or starts his own family), then from that moment his parents cannot count on the status of having many children.
  • Deprivation of liberty. If a parent is serving time in a colony, then he is not entitled to status or benefits. It turns out that the concept of “large family” applies only to parents who actually take part in raising their offspring. After the end of the sentence, the right to receive status returns.
  • Finding a child in a boarding school. If at least one of the three children is being raised in a boarding school (for example, for the disabled), then the parents cannot obtain status.

If you are denied the status of a large family for other reasons, then the decision of the social service can be challenged in higher authorities.

Often a mother or father is rejected due to a low standard of living. This applies to alcoholic families who are registered with the guardianship authorities. This measure is temporary until the guardianship authorities cease to control the life of the family and are confident in favorable living conditions.

How to obtain the status of having many children?

Obtaining status is possible in two organizations: social protection authorities and the MFC, which is geographically related to the region of residence of the family. Only one parent or official guardian can apply. The main thing is that the children live with the applicant legally.

The procedure is free, and it takes about a month to review the documents. If not all certificates are provided or errors are made in the application, the period is extended. If all the documents are in order, then within a month after the application the family is issued a certificate - with it they can already apply to social services to apply for benefits and allowances.

To obtain the “crust” you need to prepare the following documents:

  • statement;
  • applicant's passport;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • a document confirming the adoption of children;
  • marriage certificate (if the parents are divorced, then a divorce certificate);
  • photo of the applicant;
  • certificate from the place of residence of the children (it must contain information that the children live with their parents);
  • a certificate confirming that a certificate for a large family was not previously received.

If one of the heirs has reached the age of majority, then it is necessary to take a certificate from the educational institution stating that he is receiving an education.

When applying for a certificate, several nuances should be taken into account.

  • The document has a certain validity period. In some regions it needs to be renewed every year, in others - every three years. This is necessary to confirm the preservation of the status of having many children.
  • If a family moves to another region, then in the new region they will have to obtain a new certificate. This is explained by the fact that each subject of the country has its own rules for obtaining this status.
  • If spouses have permanent residence in another country, then in Russia their family will not be recognized as having many children.
  • A prerequisite for assigning status is the registration of both spouses in the same region.

Quite a lot of controversial situations arise. For example, when one of the parents is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, social services refuse to issue an identity card. And if, according to the laws of the region, this reason for refusal is provided for, then it will no longer be possible to achieve recognition of a family with many children. Therefore, before applying, be sure to read the rules of your region or get information from the social service.

So, as a rule, a family with 3 or more children is considered large. The exact conditions for granting this status are determined by regional legislation. Obtaining a certificate for a large family entitles you to many benefits. You can register your status at the social service at your place of registration.

Large families are of great importance for the state - they largely determine the demographic and social situation in the country. Therefore, a wide range of privileges has been developed and constantly improved for them. The problem is that all these benefits are provided at all levels of government (federal, regional, local) and are issued by several different bodies. According to statistics, up to one third of large families do not know that they are entitled to one or another subsidy. The article will help you understand the types of subsidies and the procedure for their transfer.

Regional authorities have gained greater independence in determining the criterion for large families and the procedure for assigning payments to them, support measures and social assistance. According to the general rule that applies throughout Russia, a large family is one in which:

Having many children is a legal status, the presence of which opens the way to a number of monetary and social benefits and other concessions. To have it recognized, a family that has a third child needs to contact the social security authorities located at the place of registration (this can be done at any time - even the next day after the right to the status arises, even after a few years - the main thing is that the grounds are not lost). A list of documents is provided:

  • Passports of both parents.
  • Color photographs of spouses measuring 3x4 cm.
  • Birth certificates for all children, and passports for those over 14 years old.
  • Certificate of marriage or divorce.
  • Extract from the house register.
  • If necessary, documentary evidence of adoption, guardianship, paternity, placement in a foster family (court decision, executive authority).
  • A certificate from a college or university about full-time study (some regions do not recognize this as a basis for extending the status of having many children).
  • Agreement between former spouses (if divorced) to establish the place of residence of the children.

Review takes place no later than 10 working days from the date of application. If the decision is positive, then the family is issued a certificate of large families, the presentation of which will subsequently be the basis for the transfer of benefits. You can also submit papers through multifunctional centers, the State Services portal (in this case you will have to attach color scanned copies of all documents) or using the Russian Post.

Our country has established (and is expanding) a list of regions with low birth rates that provide assistance to families with many children. You can see it by looking at the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation N 2565-r. dated November 18, 2017. More detailed information will be provided by the USZN or local authorities.

Legal consequences of divorce

If for some reason spouses in a large family decide to divorce, then they must decide (on their own or in court) with whom their children will live. The most common cases are reflected in the examples.

Example 1. The Aliyev spouses raised three minor children. After they decided to divorce, the court ordered all of them to live with their mother. However, she did not lose her status as having many children. At the USZN, she must additionally provide a certificate of divorce and a court decision that all heirs remain to live with her.

Example 2. The Alekseevs (husband and wife) have four children (all under 18 years old). As a result of the divorce, two of them remained to live with their mother, and two with their father. In this case, the status of a large family will be lost. None of the former spouses will keep it.

Example 3. Natalya Mikhailova is divorced and is raising a minor daughter from her first marriage. Vitaly Plekhanov is also divorced; he has two dependent sons, 12 and 15 years old. Mikhailova and Plekhanov decided to get married. They can become a large family only if Natalya adopts the children of her new husband, and he, in turn, adopts her child.

In addition, in the event of a divorce, the parent with whom the children remained can count on alimony from the former spouse in the amount of 50% of all his income (the general rule if there are three or more minors). Divorce will be impossible at the request of the father (only on the initiative of the mother) during pregnancy and one year from the date of birth of the child (even if he was stillborn or died before living 12 months).

Social support

All regions of the Russian Federation provide large families with a wide range of benefits and privileges. You can clarify and register them at the social security service.

  1. Health care. Large families have the right to be served primarily in health care institutions and receive free (as prescribed by a doctor) medicines, vitamins and other medications for children under 6 years of age. Once a year, a child from such a family is entitled to a trip to a sanatorium-resort treatment (if required for health reasons). Issued through social security.
  2. Preferential payment for housing and communal services. Issued by only one of the parents. The discount is 30% of the amount of monthly utility costs (the amount is set by the federal center - local authorities can only increase it, but not reduce it). It is of a compensatory nature - that is, it is reimbursed to the specified bank details for expenses already incurred. Issued through social security.
  3. Pension benefits. Early retirement for a mother of many children who has raised 5 or more children is allowed at the age of 50, subject to the requirements for minimum work experience - they increase every year, so they are necessary
    track in the table that is on the website of the Russian Pension Fund. For women who have raised more than 10 children, additional periodic payments are provided. Being on parental leave (for biological and adopted children under the age of 3 months) counts towards the length of service (but not more than 4.5 years). Privileges are issued through the Pension Fund.
  4. Labor Relations. Employment centers are obliged to provide assistance to parents of large families in finding employment, including offering (out of turn) vacancies for temporary or remote work (at home). If a parent has worked the required 40 hours per week, then he has the right to receive an additional day off, which will be paid 100%, and also has the right to count on annual leave without pay of 14 days, added to the main one, or used at other times (in agreement with the manager ). Benefits are provided to the employer.
  5. In the field of taxation. In addition to issuing a standard tax deduction (3,000 rubles, which are not subject to personal income tax), a full or partial exemption (by the laws of the constituent entities of the federation) from taxes on land, real estate, and transport is provided. In agricultural regions, large families do not pay rent for plots used for peasant (farm) farming. In addition, in many regions the fee for registering a person as an individual entrepreneur has been reduced or completely eliminated. To obtain it, contact the tax authority.
  6. In education. According to the general rule, parents of large families have the right to return funds paid for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten (20% for one, 50% for two, 70% for three or more). Mothers and fathers of first-graders have the right to a one-time cash payment (small - from 1 to 5 thousand rubles) and to free meals at school, clothing and shoes for classes, monthly (no more than once) visits to museums, theaters, exhibitions for free . When studying at colleges and universities on a paid basis, it is permissible to return part of the spent funds (depending on the region). The application is written to the educational institution.
  7. Targeted assistance. It turns out one-time or periodically, it represents the receipt of basic necessities - clothes, shoes, food, vouchers to children's camps. Sometimes large families may be paid
    one-time financial assistance - for example, in the event of the death of one of the parents or loss of property as a result of a fire - the assignment is individual and determined by the USZN. In addition, once a year on Family Day, a mother with many children can receive a cash payment established by the region.
  8. Social contract. A form of support where social security and the applicant enter into an agreement, under the terms of which the latter is assigned a one-time or monthly (for a short period) payment, which is used to get out of a difficult life situation, for example, getting an education, looking for a job, registering an individual entrepreneur, purchasing goods for gardening. Can be done in natural form.

Allocation of land

Providing large families with their own plot of land is one of the government’s ways to solve the housing problem. The size of land allocated in the village is set by the regions and should be in the range of 6-15 acres and suitable for individual residential construction (IHC). You should apply for this benefit through your local administration.

After submitting a package of documents (all the same as for obtaining the status of a large family). Additional paper that will be required may be a certificate stating that you do not have your own home or need to improve your living conditions. The benefit is granted once in a lifetime. After receiving the land (you will still have to wait your turn - a number will be assigned), a year later its privatization is allowed. In some cases, it is allowed to replace the allocation of land with monetary compensation. There are rumors that this benefit will soon cease to exist, but so far they have not been confirmed.

It is important to know that allocating land for individual housing construction is not the only way to solve the housing problem. Large families participate on a general basis in the maternity capital program, have priority in the “Young Family”, and have the right to use the preferential mortgage introduced from the beginning of 2018 (at 6 percent for the first 5 years). The possibility of obtaining public housing under a social tenancy agreement should also not be excluded.

The legislation provides for very significant assistance in various areas to large families; the main thing is to know about your rights and where to go to exercise them. All further details will be disclosed in detail when visiting the institution, because assistance measures for these beneficiaries are constantly changing.