Do pensioners have to pay for major repairs. Pensioners will be exempted from paying for major repairs: the State Duma is considering the complete exemption of pensioners from contributions for major repairs at home


The payment of utility bills is a significant part of the expenses of pensioners and takes away a lot of the money that older people seek from state benefits issued upon reaching right age. The amount of payment for housing and communal services is increasing every year, so many pensioners cannot make the established payments. The state provides discounts and subsidies to people who do not have the opportunity to work and live on a pension. Retirees should know how compensation for capital repairs is processed for people over 80 years old in order to reduce the burden on family budget.

What is a maintenance fee

The housing stock in many cities is not updated and needs to be restored. A lot of money is required for the construction work. Collect them from the residents, according to the rules established by the region. The accumulated funds are accumulated on special accounts and can only be spent on major repairs. Monthly premiums can be overwhelming for older people living on old age benefits. The state provides special benefits for overhaul to pensioners after 70 years, consisting in a reduction in the monthly payment or with a complete exemption from payments.

Not all individuals of advanced age can get the privilege. Payment for overhaul after 80 years for pensioners is carried out according to special rules. Many citizens may receive benefits or legally not make payments at all. To do this, you need to know how pensioners over 80 years old pay for overhaul, on what conditions a subsidy is provided, what documents should be submitted to receive a discount, where to go.

Calculation procedure

The need for overhaul is determined by the regional authorities, in accordance with the provisions of the Housing Code, established by Art. 169. By-laws of local authorities set the amount of contributions. At this indicator large variation depending on the subject of the federation. For pensioners, the fact that every year contributions are indexed upwards according to the principle of inflation will be disappointing. Tariffication is set by the area of ​​​​the apartment, depending on the following factors:

    type of house, belonging to one or another variant of the housing stock;

    the presence of an elevator, other common communications in need of overhaul;

    general wear and tear.

The amount of monthly payments is calculated using a special formula. Regional authorities fix tariffs for 1 m2 of living space. Depending on the area of ​​​​the apartment according to the plan of the house, the amount of final contributions will vary. If a person lives in Moscow, the local authorities set a tariff of 15 rubles per 1m2, the size of the apartment is 55m2, then the calculation formula will look like this:

15 x 55 = 825 rubles.

This amount will have to be paid monthly. In the receipt for payment of housing and communal services, there will be a column allocated for overhaul with automatic calculation of the amount due. Often, payments are an unbearable burden on the budget of an elderly person. Of great help are the benefits for paying for major repairs by pensioners over 80 years old, provided by state normative documents.

Social norm of square meters per resident

Depending on belonging to one or another category of beneficiaries, the subsidy can vary between 50-100% of the cost of overhaul. At the same time, the receipt may indicate a certain amount to be paid, which angers pensioners who have issued a benefit. The fact is that the subsidy for the payment of contributions for overhaul is not provided for the entire living space premises.

State authorities have fixed certain social minimum standards for housing for living. They amount to 1 person - 33m2; if a citizen lives with his wife (husband), then - 21m2 for each resident; with a joint registration of 3 people - 18m2 for each household. Based on these indicators, the benefit is calculated. If the size of the apartment exceeds the social norm, then for square meters above this indicator, you will have to pay in the prescribed amount under the “overhaul” column, regardless of whether the pensioner belongs to preferential category.

Benefits for overhaul for pensioners after 80 years

All overhaul contributions are accumulated in a special account, which can be used by the management company serving housing, if necessary. Repairers have no right to take money for other purposes. The house may not need a major overhaul long time. Legislators rightly believe that people who have reached 80 should not pay contributions under this article, since they are unlikely to be able to benefit from the results of work carried out in 20-30 years.

Pensioners over 80 are fully exempt from paying contributions under constitutional provisions. If a person receives a receipt from the housing department, where the full cost of the service is indicated in the “overhaul” column, without benefits, then compensation payments can be used. It is necessary to pay the required amount and go with a receipt to the social security center or the local branch of the MFC, provided that the center provides such services. The pensioner will be recalculated and, within 10 days from the date of application, the money spent will be returned.

Legal regulation

Adopted on December 25, 2012 Federal Law No. 271 271-FZ amends Article 169 of the Housing Code of Russia. The legislation establishes that overhaul is carried out by residents of the house on own funds transferred by the management company and accumulated on a special account. Categories of beneficiaries are established who are entitled to discounts and exemption from payment for services, fines and penalties for non-payment are determined.

Art. 169 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation also determines when it is possible not to pay for overhaul. This is done in such cases:

    housing is recognized as not subject to repair work;

    there is a decision of the municipality on the demolition of housing construction;

    there is an act of local authorities on the removal of housing from the possession of residents and the transfer of the building to the municipality.

Declarative nature of benefits

A pensioner who is over 80 cannot automatically qualify for a discount, recalculation is not done without the will of the citizen. In order to receive a subsidy or exemption from paying for overhaul, a Russian must apply for a subsidy, attaching a list of documents regulated by legislative provisions. In addition, it is required to pay off the existing debt on utility bills.

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the decisions of the municipal authorities regarding the provision of subsidies. Regions may not subsidize benefits, and the house may not be included in the list of housing to be overhauled. You can find out this data from the management company that carries out maintenance of multi-apartment housing. If all the requirements are met, then you can apply to the local branch of the MFC with a request for a grant.

Who is being compensated

Many pensioners are perplexed when faced with the situation of refusal of monthly cash compensation (MBC) for overhaul due to errors in the data provided. There are established rules, according to which a 50-100% discount on payment for the service is provided. The criteria on which local authorities rely are as follows:

    If a pensioner is 80 years old, he lives alone, does not work, he receives a 100% discount.

    Under the condition of a lonely residence of a disabled Russian over 70, you can get a 50% concession.

    If a married couple of elderly unemployed people live together, one of whom is 70 years old, the other is over 80 years old, then pay for overhaul no need.

    Given that cohabitation or registration in the same territory of a pensioner over 80 years old and other people, one of whom is under 70 years old, the benefit is not provided, since a citizen of advanced age is not considered lonely.

    People who are disabled of groups 1, 2, raising a disabled child, are given a 50% concession in paying for the service.

    If there are debts for housing and communal services, the subsidy is not provided.

    The house in which the applicant lives must be subject to major repairs, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment must be within the established social norms, so that the applicant has the right to apply for a subsidy.

Ownership of an apartment

One of the main conditions for providing compensation for paying for the service is that the housing is wholly owned by the applicant. The pensioner must have documents confirming that the premises belong exclusively to him, there are no other homeowners who own shares of this real estate. If it is established that the apartment is divided between people, one of whom is over 80 years old, and the others cannot claim the benefit, then the subsidy will not be provided.

Condition of living alone

Compensation is allocated if a pensioner who has reached the age of 80 lives alone. The concept implies that a person applying for a subsidy is registered at the specified living space himself or with another person retirement age eligible for the grant. For example, if a citizen over 80 years old is the sole owner of the premises, and lives with a wife registered there, whose age has exceeded 70, then a subsidy is issued. If the spouse is less than 70 years old, and she is registered in the apartment, then the benefit will not be provided.

Many citizens living alone are perplexed when they are denied compensation. It must be understood that government agencies do not proceed from the real state of affairs, but from documented data. If in fact one pensioner over 80 years old lives in the apartment, but, according to the house book, two or more people, grandchildren, relatives who are of working age, then the subsidy will not be issued. After the discharge of these citizens from the premises, you can claim compensation.

No debt for utility bills

For many people, the main obstacle to receiving a discount or exemption from contributions for the overhaul of an apartment building is the timely payment of housing and communal services utilities. If a citizen has not made a monthly payment, then the debt will accumulate like a snowball with fines and penalties. A person is forced to take loans to pay off debts. A pensioner applying for exemption from payments for major repairs must provide information about the absence of debt for a "communal apartment".

Some regions provide cash compensation for senior citizens instead of fee waivers. Payment receipt includes this article expenses, with the obligation to pay in full. After the payment, the money is returned to the citizen's card, or, in the form of cash, is transferred to the payer by the postal employees distributing the pension.

How to get compensation for major repairs for pensioners over 80 years old

Depending on the regulations of the subjects of the federation, the payment made can be reimbursed different ways. If there is an exemption from the overhaul payment, then, after the subsidy is issued, the civil service authorities transfer information about the existing benefit to the housing department serving the house so that this column is excluded from the receipt for utility bills. If the pensioner receives compensation, he must make the full payment of the amount in the payment order, after which the overpayment is returned.

To reduce the burden of expenses falling on the family budget, older people can apply for a subsidy on their own, or enlist the support of relatives by entrusting the transfer of documents to third parties who have a power of attorney certified by a notary to carry out such operations. Such an opportunity is provided for pensioners who, due to their state of health, do not allow to fully move through the authorities to defend their rights.

Registration procedure

In order for the overhaul payment not to be included in the receipt or compensated, it is necessary to follow the following procedure for issuing a subsidy:

    Check with the management company whether housing is included in the list of households subject to major repairs. If current programs for housing maintenance, the possibility of overhaul is not provided, then it is useless to count on the benefit.

    After receiving an affirmative answer, you need to collect all the documents for paying for the “communal apartment”, confirming the absence of current debt, get a certificate from the housing department that the payer regularly pays for services, penalties and fines are not charged.

    Make payments for housing and communal services, according to the receipt issued by the management company.

    Collect the required package of documentation confirming the right to compensation.

    Apply to the authorities involved in issuing a subsidy, personally or through third parties, by proxy, providing the necessary documentary information

    Submit documents and wait for a positive decision. Organizations authorized to make a decision on exemption from payment give a response within 5-10 working days on the provision of a subsidy or refusal.

    Depending on the type of grant provided, use compensation payments or a reduction in the amount of payment in the monthly receipt brought.

Where to apply

You can apply for a change in the payment for major repairs in the department closest to the place of residence social protection population, or at the MFC, if the center provides this option. Since it is often difficult for elderly citizens who have reached the age of over 80 to walk, collect documents, sit in lines, it is possible to entrust the registration of benefits to young relatives, grandchildren or granddaughters by writing an appropriate power of attorney.

Citizens can apply for compensation through the Internet portal of public services. It is difficult for the elderly to use the service, so young people can complete the documentation and apply by registering on the official website of the organization. After sending required documents, the answer about a positive or negative decision comes to the specified address Email. The citizen is informed about the fulfillment of the request, the inclusion of the petitioner in the general register of Russians with benefits.

List of required documents

To apply for a grant, you need to collect a large package of official papers. These include the following documents:

    Passport of the applicant and persons cohabiting in the same housing with a pensioner who are entitled to a subsidy.

    An application for compensation in free form, indicating the reasons for the appeal, information about the applicant, age, sole ownership of living space, no debts to the housing department for utilities.

    Pensioner's ID.

    There is no information that there are no outstanding utility bills.

    An official paper with a list of persons living together with the applicant in the same area according to the data of the house book.

  • Certificate of sole ownership of the apartment.

    additional information about citizens living with the applicant, at the request of the MFC staff. Required in order to ascertain their status and eligibility for compensation.

    Information about payment for overhaul according to the last receipt.

    Bank account number where the subsidy will be transferred.

    Certificate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the issued pension, indicating its amount.

    Other information about the applicant at the request of employees of the social protection service.

Benefits for major repairs to pensioners and the disabled in the regions

The subjects of the federation make decisions on classifying the housing stock as facilities requiring major repairs individually. In the Leningrad region, as part of a housing restoration program that will last 25 years, starting in 2016, pensioners over 70 years of age are provided with a 50% discount when paying contributions. The legislators of the Kostroma region adopted a resolution on the release of citizens over 80 years of age from the payment of funds for a major renovation of housing at the same time as the federal authorities. Citizens over the age of 70 are given a 50% discount on the payment for the service.

Some regions provide for the payment of benefits to additional categories of beneficiaries. For example, legislators Oryol region decided that elderly citizens over 80 years of age, persons with one or another group of disabilities, Russians who purchased real estate in new houses are exempted from paying contributions. Last group individuals are exempted from paying for services for 2 years from the date of purchase of housing.

Features of granting benefits in Moscow and the Moscow Region

Since the capital has the highest tariffs for utilities, they apply for exemption from payments to multifunctional and regional centers for the provision of public services thousands of people every day. For Muscovites over 70 years of age, the benefit is given in the form of a 50% reduction in the amount of the overhaul payment shown on the receipt. Residents of the capital can not present a bank account number for transfer compensation payments, but a plastic card of a Muscovite. In addition to citizens over 70-80 years old, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of all groups, labor veterans can use the benefit.


I ask you to answer through the newspaper to us, pensioners 70, 80, 93 years old. Do we have to pay for major repairs and how much? I, Solovieva Taisiya Ivanovna, turned 93 years old, in October I will be 94. I live in Kabardino-Balkaria, the city of Nartkal. I `m a pensioner pedagogical work, I have a medal "Veteran of Labour". They threaten me with a lawsuit. With the help of her nephews, she collected a debt - 11,400 rubles. Now I pay 312 rubles every month. Husband died. Was The only son and he passed away early. I live alone, I don't go outside. Who can ask about payment? Help. T.I. Solovyov.

In 2016, pensioners older than 70 and 80 received the opportunity to return monthly payments for major repairs. At the end of 2015, relevant amendments to the Housing Code were adopted, according to which the regions had to adopt their own laws. But not all regions need regulations were developed quickly, so somewhere older citizens began to receive a subsidy earlier, and somewhere later. Hence the confusion among people with whether such compensation is due or not.

Meanwhile, at the federal level, it was determined: starting from the age of 70, pensioners - homeowners are entitled to compensation of 50 percent of the overhaul contribution, and upon reaching 80 years, compensation is 100 percent.

In doing so, it is necessary to take into account:


The benefit is compensatory. That is, the owner must make a monthly contribution to the overhaul, and then the money is returned to him.


The principle of compensation is declarative. That is, the benefit is not automatically granted, in order to apply for it, you need to contact the social security authority with a written application.


The amount of compensation is calculated based on the minimum contribution per square meter approved in the region. meter of the total area of ​​​​housing, as well as the standard of the normative area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing premises adopted in the region. Each region has its own rules. Therefore, if a pensioner-owner lives in a spacious apartment with a footage exceeding the standard, the compensation calculated for him can only partially cover the overhaul payment.


According to the amendments to the LCD, the right to compensation is for those living alone non-working pensioners- owners over 70 (80) years old; families consisting only of cohabiting non-working citizens of retirement age. That is, if, for example, a homeowner who has reached the age of 70 (80) lives with working children, he will not be compensated for the overhaul contribution.

How compensation is awarded

This occurs from the first day of the month following the month of application for it. But not earlier than the day when the citizen turns 70 (80) years old.

Where to go

You can apply for compensation by contacting the social protection authorities at the place of residence or at the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC).

What documents will be needed

Passport or other document proving the identity and confirming the place of residence (copy);

Mandatory insurance certificate pension insurance(SNILS);

A copy of the document confirming the ownership of housing, or a copy of the title document in case the ownership is not registered in the Unified State Register of Rights to real estate and transactions with it)

An extract from the personal account or a copy of the house book (completed pages) with data on all registered;

Documents confirming the absence labor activity from a citizen and family members living with him (copies of work books, extracts from an individual personal retirement account, which gives out Pension Fund etc.);

Statement of bank details and account where compensation will be credited;

Copies of documents confirming the calculation of the overhaul fee for the month preceding the month of applying for compensation, and a receipt for payment.

Can compensation be suspended?

Yes maybe. The owner is obliged to pay a monthly contribution for overhaul in full and without delay, within the time limits established in the region where he lives (usually - before the 10th day of next month). If the debt is admitted within 3 months, the payment of compensation is suspended. Upon receipt of information about the repayment of the debt, the payment of compensation is resumed from the month of its suspension, but not more than three years in advance.

In addition, compensation is no longer paid if the owner or one of the family members gets a job; if a citizen of working age is registered in his apartment; if the owner changes his place of residence or loses the right of ownership. A citizen is obliged to notify the social security authorities of all such changes independently.

Important. In addition to owners over 70 and 80 years old, the regional authorities also grant certain other categories of beneficiaries the right to compensation for the overhaul contribution. These are disabled people and participants in the Second World War and hostilities, blockade survivors, former underage prisoners of concentration camps, etc. ( complete list see in federal law N 5-FZ "On veterans", in the "Chernobyl" law N1244-1, etc.).

for the reader "RG"

Especially for Taisiya Ivanovna Solovieva, "RG" contacted the Center for Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Urvan District.

The minimum contribution for overhaul in the KBR is 6.22 rubles. for one sq. meter of total living area. Compensation is charged according to the norm - 33 square meters. meters per person living alone. The area of ​​​​the apartment where the pensioner lives is larger than her monthly compensation at 205.26 rubles does not cover the entire contribution. Along with this, she is paid compensation for utilities in the amount of 775 rubles, the center explained to us.

We called Taisiya Ivanovna and explained in detail how much the state compensated for her contributions and why she had to pay part of the payment. We hope that we were of some help in this situation.

Anna Yurkova

the reader suggests

"Dear editors, I am writing to you with a request. Raise the issue in the newspaper about the production of a washing machine on wheels by Russian enterprises. In Chelyabinsk, all the machines that are sold are without wheels. Where to put this machine in the apartment? There is nowhere. There is not enough space in the kitchen, in the bathroom, too. It weighs 50 kilos, how can you move it without wheels? And we have to wash bed sheets hands." Drubina Galina Ivanovna, Chelyabinsk, Komsomolsky prospect, d. 43.

Editorial: Indeed, there are very few models on wheels on sale today, although they are found, they explained " Russian newspaper"in a large chain store selling electrical goods. Powerful washing machines are usually installed permanently, centered so that the machine does not "beat" when spinning at high speeds. Water is usually supplied to such machines separately. For safety reasons, it is not recommended to move such machines. But there is manufacturers offering compact models washing machines that can be moved. “We recommend them, for example, for use in a dacha or in a communal apartment. I rolled into the bathroom, washed it and drove back so as not to disturb anyone,” RG explained.

Photo: Infographics "RG"/Leonid Kuleshov/Irina Nevinnaya

According to latest changes in law, all owners of real estate located in apartment buildings are required to allocate money for major repairs. Along with this, it is provided that older people over 70 years of age have benefits in paying contributions.

What is a maintenance fee

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that the owners of premises located in apartment buildings, in addition to utility bills, are required to make contributions for subsequent major repairs. The payment is calculated based on the size of the apartment. Provided that the area of ​​housing owned by a pensioner does not exceed the social norm, he has the right to take advantage of the benefit when making money for major repairs.

Federal legislation establishes norms for square meters, depending on the number of people living in the apartment:

  • 1 person - 33 sq. m;
  • 2 people - 42 sq. m.;
  • 3 or more - 18 sq. m per citizen, regardless of age.

If the housing where the pensioner is registered is more than the prescribed restrictions, the extra square meters are paid in full and the benefit does not apply to them. The minimum amount of payment for major repairs is determined per square meter, and not residential, but the total area of ​​​​the apartment is taken.

Calculation procedure

In each region of Russia, the amount payable for overhaul is different. This is due to the fact that local authorities independently determine the calculated value, which is multiplied by the number of squares of the total area. For example, for 2019 the following standards are set:

  • Moscow - 17 rubles;
  • Moscow region - 8.30 rubles;
  • Leningrad region - 5.32 rubles;
  • St. Petersburg - 3-4 rubles.

Knowing the estimated value and quadrature of the dwelling, it is possible to calculate the amount of the overhaul contribution, based on the following formula:

KR \u003d RV × KKM, where

  • KR - payment for overhaul;
  • РВ – calculated value;
  • KKM - quantity square meters.

Legal regulation

The main legislative act that regulates the issues of payment for major repairs is the Housing Code (Article 169). In 2012, Law 271-FZ (December 25, 2012) was adopted, which introduced a number of changes to the LCD. It was found that the overhaul is carried out by the residents (owners of apartments) of the house at their own expense, which are transferred to the account of the management company and accumulated there before the work is carried out. In addition, a list of persons who are subject to concessions in the payment of contributions (veterans, pensioners, participants in the Great Patriotic War, etc.) has been established.

Who is entitled to benefits for the payment of major repairs

constitutional Court decided that the provision on the collection of fees does not contradict the basic law of the country, therefore, the owners of residential premises located in apartment buildings are required to pay monthly money for major repairs. Wherein Special attention given to the following conditions:

  • a non-working pensioner living alone, upon reaching the age of 70, reimburses 50% of the accrued amount;
  • old man over 80 years old, who lives on his own and does not have additional income, is fully exempted from paying the contribution;
  • Non-working married couples living together have a 100% discount if one of the spouses has reached 70 summer age, and the second crossed the 80-year milestone;
  • Disabled citizens who are disabled of groups 1 and 2 can return 50% of the amount paid;
  • if there is a disabled child in the upbringing, the overhaul fee is also 50%.

Benefits are provided for overhaul to pensioners after 70 years of age in the absence of debt on utility bills. It is determined that citizens are completely exempt from charging fees if:

  • the building is not subject to repair and restoration work;
  • the building is classified as emergency;
  • there is a decision of the municipality to demolish the house.

Conditions for obtaining benefits for pensioners after 70 years

In order to be eligible, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Ownership. The grant is made if the pensioner is the sole owner of the dwelling. If the apartment is in shared ownership, and any of the shareholders is under 70 years old, the benefit will not apply.
  • Lonely living. Benefits for paying for major repairs are accrued to pensioners if no one except them is registered in the apartment. The payment of a subsidy is possible when the family lives together, if the second spouse is a non-working pensioner after 70 years. If the husband (wife) is younger than this age, the benefit will not apply.
  • Absence of debts on obligations to housing and communal services. If a pensioner does not pay on time for a communal apartment, has overdue payments, outstanding fines and penalties, the benefit does not apply to him.

How to get compensation

Depending on the region of residence, the benefit may be provided as compensation accrued after payment for the overhaul. In some subjects, the fat bill indicates the amount, taking into account the discount. In order for compensation for overhaul to persons over 70 years of age to be paid, it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm:

  1. Make sure that the housing is subject to overhaul, and the citizen himself has the right to receive benefits.
  2. Pay the amount indicated on the invoice.
  3. Gather the required package of documents.
  4. Hand over collected papers to the social security authorities or the Multifunctional Center.
  5. Wait for a decision (the application is considered on an individual basis within 5-10 days) and receive a refund of overpaid funds.

Where to apply

Since the provision of benefits for overhaul to pensioners after 70 years is carried out according to declarative principle, a citizen is obliged independently or through his legal representative (a power of attorney certified by a notary) to submit an application to one of the following bodies:

  • local department of social protection of the population;
  • MFC, if provided;
  • through the Internet portal of public services;
  • by mail, by sending a registered letter to the civil service body.

List of required documents

To apply for a capital repair benefit, a pensioner after 70 years of age will need to collect a certain package of documents. The main thing is the passport, to which you will need to attach:

  • insurance certificate (SNILS);
  • receipt for payment of the overhaul fee;
  • employment history as proof that the citizen does not work;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • a document certifying the ownership of square meters;
  • a copy of the apartment card as confirmation that the pensioner lives independently (if another pensioner over 70 years old is registered with him, his passport is also required);
  • details of the personal account for transferring the subsidy (if such a possibility is provided).

Features of granting benefits for major repairs to pensioners and the disabled in Moscow

Since July 2017, pensioners over 70 years old, as well as other citizens, have been paying for major repairs at a rate of 17 rubles per square meter. Accruals are included in the rent receipt or a single payment document. All funds raised are transferred to the Fund for the overhaul of apartment buildings in the capital, which is also called the All-Moscow Mutual Aid Fund.

Compensation for major repairs to persons over 70 years of age can be issued through the MFC or in district centers housing subsidies and paid from the city budget. This applies to both the residents of the capital itself and the new Moscow. The exception is beneficiaries living in the Central District. For them, recalculation is not done, since the receipts reflect the amount already taking into account the discount.


From January 1, 2019, all pensioners over 70 years of age will pay contributions for major repairs in the amount of 50%, and Russians over 80 years of age will be exempted from these contributions, even if they already live in the same apartment with other beneficiaries, for example, with disabled people I and II groups.

On July 12, the State Duma adopted the corresponding law in the third reading. Amendments are being made to Article 169 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. They were prepared by deputies from United Russia, including Mikhail Chernyshev, Alexander Sidyakin, Pavel Kachkaev.

The housing stock in many cities is not updated and needs to be restored. A lot of money is required for the construction work. Collect them from the residents, according to the rules established by the region. The accumulated funds are accumulated on special accounts and can only be spent on major repairs. Monthly premiums can be overwhelming for older people living on old age benefits. The state provides special benefits for overhaul to pensioners after 70 years, consisting in a reduction in the monthly payment or with a complete exemption from payments.

Not all individuals of advanced age can get the privilege. Payment for overhaul after 80 years for pensioners is carried out according to special rules. Many citizens may receive benefits or legally not make payments at all. To do this, you need to know how pensioners over 80 years old pay for overhaul, on what conditions a subsidy is provided, what documents should be submitted to receive a discount, where to go.

Law on overhaul for pensioners

On July 10, the State Duma adopted in the second reading a bill prepared by deputies of the party " United Russia”, who are invited from January 1, 2019 to expand the list of owners of residential premises who have reached the age of 70 or 80 years, to whom the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are entitled to provide compensation for the costs of paying a contribution for major repairs.

“The State Duma will consider this socially significant initiative in the third reading approximately on July 19. Compensation is provided from January 1, 2019. Until that time, United Russia will recommend the regions to make appropriate changes to their laws by the end of the year,” Sidyakin said.

Is the overhaul fee from pensioners legal?

Official documents, namely the Housing Code, Part 2.1. Art. 169, they say that each subject of the Russian Federation can provide compensation to certain groups of persons.

According to the new Federal Law “On Overhaul”, monthly funds will now be collected from all apartment owners. That is, pensioners are also charged this fee.

However, citizens who have reached the age of 70-80 will receive laid down by the state compensation.

It is necessary that several conditions are met:

  • the pensioner does not work;
  • lives alone or is a married couple and one of the spouses is 80 years old;
  • has housing of certain standards.

Who can receive compensation

It should be said right away that the benefit for major repairs for pensioners is not provided for everyone.

In addition, there is a mandatory fee, and benefits for pensioners are provided in the form of compensation.

If you are no longer working due to your age and receive a pension, then this is not yet the right to receive assistance from the state.

  • persons over 70 (overhaul 70 years old). These include both non-working citizens living alone, and elderly couples. Overhaul payments for 70 years and older can be reduced to half of the principal amount, for this you need to apply for a 50% discount on home renovation;
  • persons over 80 (overhaul 80 years old). After 80 years, they do not pay for major repairs. As in the first category, the rule applies to unemployed single citizens and elderly couples. The overhaul fee after 80 is reimbursed by the state in 100% amount.

Discounts provided by each category differ in size. For example, the renewal fee for pensioners over 70 years of age averages -50% of the amount, while the 80-year-old benefit for major repairs can reach 100%.

How to apply for a benefit and get a refund

The procedure for paying compensation implies the return of the money paid in the amount established by law.

This means that every month the beneficiary must pay money according to the receipt in the amount of 100%.

In addition, the obligatory point of reimbursement of funds must be observed - the absence of arrears in paying utility bills.

The so-called "tax" for overhaul for pensioners is reimbursed after the beneficiary applies to the competent authority with an application for payment of funds.

The Department of Social Protection of Citizens is responsible for the reimbursement of funds. After applying, employees consider all the information provided in order to establish the right to a refund.

Funds can be transferred to a beneficiary's personalized account opened with a banking institution or via postal money orders, at the discretion of the person.

Funds are transferred every month until the 26th day.

Or gratitude in the form of money. Since January 1, 2016, amendments to the Housing Code have come into force, which give the regions the right to provide benefits for the payment of contributions for major repairs to the most socially vulnerable citizens - pensioners over 70 years of age and the disabled. But obviously not everything has been defined in the law as updates continue to be made. So, from January 1, 2019, another change will come into effect regarding the same categories of citizens.

Let's try to understand the peculiarities of obtaining this privilege from the state by citizens after 70 years. The benefit is provided through the payment of compensation by the state. Here is an approximate description of a citizen who definitely receives this subsidy: a single non-working pensioner after 70 years old, living in his own apartment in a region where a law has been passed on the possibility of providing such compensation, who does not have a current debt to pay capital repairs contributions, who does not receive subsidies for, paid final overhaul installment bank card and applying for benefits by submitting an application. If, after reading this, you get the impression that compensation is not provided, but, on the contrary, is limited by law, perhaps it is.

The main rule to remember is that the overhaul benefit for pensioners after 70 years of age is declarative in most regions, that is, it is provided only after the citizen has applied to the social security authorities. You also need to remember that the Housing Code recommends that regional authorities adopt relevant acts on the provision of benefits, but does not oblige them, so whether the benefit is provided in a particular region and at what rate, you need to find out additionally.

Briefly, the requirements for obtaining benefits can be presented as follows:

  • age: after 70 years (50% discount), after 80 years (100% discount);
  • marital status: single or living in families consisting only of non-working citizens of retirement age (since 01/01/2019 or living in families consisting of non-working citizens of retirement age and / or non-working disabled people);
  • registration: only eligible persons are registered;
  • citizen status: the citizen has no other preferential status;
  • employment: unemployed;
  • ownership right: sole or joint with family members - non-working citizens retirement age;
  • number of real estate objects: one object;
  • area of ​​the property: up to 33 sq. m. per citizen, up to 21 sq. m. for each with cohabitation;
  • payment discipline: there are no debts for payment of housing and communal services and contributions for overhaul;
  • region: adopted the law on the provision of benefits.

Benefits for the payment of contributions for overhaul are provided by the state as a measure social assistance, and therefore, unfortunately, have a limited various conditions volume. The subsidy is not calculated on the entire area of ​​real estate owned by an elderly person, but only on 33 sq. m. living alone or 21 sq. m. to each of those living together.

Citizens who are granted benefits by law

The law provides for benefits on overhaul contributions for pensioners after 70 years at a rate of 50 percent, and after 80 years at a rate of 100 percent of the amount of the contribution for real estate with an area of ​​​​not more than 33 square meters. m. (21 sq.m.). This introduces a condition related to marital status citizen:

  • living alone, i.e. the owner of the apartment and registered in the apartment can only be a non-working pensioner over 70 years old who claims a benefit;
  • living in families, i.e. one of the owners of the apartment can only be a non-working pensioner over 70 years old, who is registered in the apartment and applies for a benefit, while all family members living together are non-working pensioners.

And also a condition was introduced about the absence of employment of a pensioner: unemployed. At the same time, all family members of retirement age cohabiting with him must also be unemployed, i.e. if at least one of the pensioners continues to work, this deprives them of the right to receive benefits for overhaul.

It is these restrictions that give rise to a number of questions about whether it is possible to claim a benefit:

  • if a person younger than retirement age is also registered in the apartment, while he is not the owner of the apartment;
  • if one of the owners is not a pensioner, is it possible to receive a partial benefit, in proportion to the area of ​​the owner over 70 years old;
  • if only a pensioner over 70 years old is registered in the apartment, but he is not the owner of the apartment;
  • if a pensioner over 70 years old lives together with a working (and registered in this apartment) family member.

In all these cases, the benefit will be denied. Until recently, there was a gap in the legislation when pensioners over 70 years of age were not provided with a benefit when living together with disabled people who have not reached retirement age or working disabled people, while when living separately, the benefit is provided to both categories of citizens. This gap will only be closed from January 1, 2019.

Thus, implemented general condition on the provision of benefits on capital repairs contributions: recipients are unemployed pensioners living alone after 70 years. It is worth noting that the fact of cohabitation is established legally: by the right of ownership and registration record, i.e. if a working relative who is not registered in this apartment lives in an apartment owned by a pensioner, the right to a benefit remains.

In addition to this condition, you must comply with a number of rules to receive benefits:

  1. no arrears in repayment of contributions for overhaul, payment for housing and communal services (since the payment for overhaul is included in the total payment for housing);
  2. citizens applying for benefits are owners of residential premises and are registered at this address;
  3. citizens applying for benefits do not use a different preferential status to receive compensation, subsidies, and benefits for paying capital repairs contributions.

The procedure for obtaining benefits

The benefit for the payment of contributions for overhaul is of a compensatory and declarative nature: after payment of the contribution in full, the pensioner is transferred funds in the approved estimated amount(100%, 50%), therefore, in the application for a benefit, you need to enter the number of the current bank account to which the compensation will be transferred; in Moscow, you can indicate the number of the Muscovite's card. With this procedure for obtaining compensation, it is necessary to make timely payment of utility bills - before the 10th day of the next month.

In some regions, the procedure for obtaining compensation has been made more convenient: pensioners receive a subsidy automatically without writing an application.

Information about what documents are required and what is the procedure for registration are in the public domain of the social security authorities, including on the website of the regional department on the Internet. You can also call the phone for advice from social security workers.

To apply for a benefit, you must follow the steps below:

  1. Pay a receipt for overhaul contributions (most often the amount of the contribution is included in the general receipt for payment of utility bills). If there is a debt, it is necessary to pay it off or apply to the social security authorities for an installment plan, a gradual debt repayment schedule.
  2. Collect the necessary package of documents, which is provided in copies if the original documents are available. This package should include:
    • citizen's passport;
    • certificate of ownership of real estate (extract from the USRN);
    • pensioner's ID;
    • personal account of pension insurance - ;
    • certificate of family composition indicating the degree of relationship;
    • an extract from the apartment card, the house book about citizens registered in the apartment;
    • certificate from the Housing Office, utility bills confirming the absence of debt (certificate for the month preceding the application);
    • the applicant's work book, in which there are no notes that the pensioner is currently employed (provided also for family members of retirement age);
    • in case needed fringe benefits, for example, compensation for part of utilities (if the total amount of utility bills exceeds 22% of income), a certificate of income, the amount of the applicant's pension is provided; if it is planned to receive benefits under a different preferential status - certificates, certificates, etc. confirming this status;
    • bank account information, social card number.
  3. Submit an application and a package of documents for receiving benefits for overhaul. This can be done by contacting the social security authorities: personally submit an application at the regional department of social protection of the population (USZN), through multifunctional centers (MFC), through the website of the State Services, send a notarized application by mail. In the event that a pensioner cannot apply on his own, you can always invite a social security worker home to draw up and submit an application.

The social security authorities must consider this application within 10 days. It should be remembered that social protection employees may refuse to provide benefits for the following reasons:

  • no right to compensation (employees registered, etc.);
  • the presence of debt (unsettled) for the payment of contributions for overhaul, housing and communal services;
  • valid receipt of compensation at the place of registration and ownership;
  • incomplete package of documents, incorrectly signed, etc.;
  • receipt of compensation, other benefits for payment of housing and communal services, contributions for overhaul on other grounds - the use of a different preferential status.

Compensation calculation

The overhaul fee is calculated according to the formula: minimum size payment for 1 sq. m., multiplied by the number of square meters of living space. The fee for 1 sq. m. depends on a number of factors (year of construction, number of storeys of the building, purpose, etc.) and is calculated by the regions independently. The minimum amount assumes the amount approved by the authorities at the regional level. General meeting tenants of the house can revise this size upwards.

Payment of contributions for overhaul must be made monthly, therefore, the calculation of benefits for overhaul is also based on the monthly payment.

Calculations of the compensation provided are limited both by the amount of the minimum contribution and the social norm of the area per person. If the size of the minimum contribution varies depending on the region (5.32 rubles in the Krasnodar Territory, 7.92 rubles in the Orenburg Region, 17 rubles in Moscow), then the norm of the social norm of area per person is constant in all Russian regions: for lonely living citizens - 33 sq.m., if two people live together - 21 sq.m. m. for each, three or more - 18 sq. m. for each.

Please note that a citizen can be assigned more than one preferential status, in which case he has the right to choose which of the benefits he will use, since in most cases there can be only one preferential status for receiving compensation. So, benefits can be provided:

  • citizens for special services to the country - completely exempt from paying contributions;
  • citizens - participants in hostilities - 100% compensation within the social norm of the area;
  • citizens injured as a result of hostilities - 50% compensation without limiting the area norm;
  • certain categories citizens listed in the law - 50% compensation within the social norm of the area;
  • socially unprotected citizens (orphans) - 100% compensation without limiting the area norm.

Regional authorities can additionally approve benefits for certain categories of citizens. It is necessary to make a calculation statutory benefits and compensation and determine which is more profitable.

Some examples of compensation calculation.

Example 1. A lonely pensioner, 72 years old, has a preferential status of a participant in hostilities, an apartment in Moscow 45 sq. m. V this case it is preferable to use the status of a participant in hostilities. The amount of compensation will be: 33 sq. m. x 17 rubles. x 100% = 561 rubles. The amount of the overhaul fee will be: 45 sq. m. x 17 rubles. - 561 rubles. = 204 rubles.

Example 2 Married couple over 70 years old, apartment in Orenburg in general joint ownership 50 sq. m. The amount of compensation will be: 21 sq. m. m. x 7.92 rubles. x 2 pers. x 50% = 166.32 rubles. The amount of the overhaul fee will be: 50 sq. m. x 7.92 rubles. - 166.32 rubles. = 229.68 rubles.