How can I view my pension contributions to the Pension Fund via the Internet? How to find out the size of your pension.

For children

Previously used enough simple formula to calculate the amount of pension - each future pensioner with its help he could independently carry out the calculation.

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But relatively recently, certain reforms have been carried out in the current legislation on this matter. In this connection, independent calculation has become difficult, but you can still find out the amount of your pension via the Internet.

What does it depend on

To find out approximately the size of your future pension– you need to remember what exactly affects its size.

It's quite easy to find information about this:

  • through the website of the Russian Pension Fund itself;
  • by contacting the Pension Fund office directly - its employees are required to provide as much as possible detailed information regarding this matter to the appealing citizen.

First of all, the size of the pension (regardless of its component – ​​funded/insurance) is influenced by the amount of wages.

Since it is precisely this that is the basis for calculating the corresponding contributions in favor of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which accumulates such contributions for their subsequent investment and further payment to the pensioner. Today the tariff is set at 22% of wages.

That is why the higher the salary, the more significant the amount of the pension will be at the time of reaching retirement age. And accordingly, the less it is, the less the pension.

Accordingly, when calculating black wages on which contributions are not paid, payments simply will not be made.

Interested in big enough wages will need to get enough high paying job. Otherwise, the amount of pension savings will be minimal.

The second important factor, which no less significantly influences the amount of contributions of the corresponding type, is the choice of a non-state pension fund. On this moment The state divided the pension into insurance and funded.

The savings portion must be placed in a special non-state pension fund. This institution operates on the principle of a bank - funds in the form of a pension are a deposit.

NPF carries out effective management by such means. As a result, he receives a certain income. Subsequently, it will serve as a pension payment.

The size of a pension of this type directly depends on the success of investment and the correct choice of investment portfolio. This point is covered in sufficient detail in the legislation in force in the Russian Federation.

When choosing a non-state pension fund, you need to focus on the following parameters:

It is the second characteristic that directly affects the size pension accruals. Moreover, usually the most profitable non-state pension funds are the least reliable.

Since usually an extensive investment portfolio with high returns implies some risks. But ordinary citizens have nothing to fear - the entire funded part of the pension is mandatory is insured. Even if the NPF turns out to be bankrupt, no one will be left without a pension. Its size will only decrease.

How to do it

Today, in order to find out the amount of your pension, there is no need to leave own house. All you need is a personal computer with Internet access.

To realize everyone necessary operations It will be enough just to go to the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for getting acquainted with the amount of a pension of this type is as follows:

  • open the browser and go to the Pension Fund website;
  • To enter your personal account, you will need to enter your login and password - they are identical to the same data from the State Services portal;
  • if you already have a login and password, you will need to enter them, after which in the appropriate field indicate the SNILS number (or mobile phone, email);
  • after completing all the above data, you will need to open the “personal account of the insured person” section - then select “get information about the generated pension rights»;

  • after selecting this menu item, you will automatically be redirected to a page on which the total number of pension points, as well as the length of service, will be displayed;

  • open the menu section called “information about experience and earnings” - it contains the most detailed information about all periods of maintenance labor activity;

  • you need to receive an extract about the current state of the pension fund in a text version - you can save the received document to your personal computer and subsequently print it out;

  • Next you need to click on “calculate future insurance pension» — in this section you can find out exactly how many insurance points were accrued in a certain period;

Next, it will be enough to simply fill out the field with the amount of wages before income tax is deducted individuals. Thus, it will be possible to find out exactly how many points were awarded for a particular billing period.

In this case, you can use a simple or more detailed calculation. How large quantity information will be provided, the more accurate the calculation will be.

How to find out the size of the funded part of your pension online

The easiest and fastest way to get acquainted with the size of the funded part of the pension is to interact with your account through the Gosuslugi portal.

To implement this procedure, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • log in to the State Services website (if you do not have a login and password, you will need to log in);
  • enter passport data, as well as information about SNILS;
  • go to your personal account - open the tab “ pension savings»;
  • Click on the button “get information about the status of your personal account”;
  • the window that opens will display full information about the personal account of a specific citizen who applied for information.


The simplest and in an exact way To find out the size of your future pension, contact directly the regional branch of the Pension Fund.

If for some reason this is inconvenient or there is no opportunity to do this yet, you should use a special calculator on the Pension Fund website.

To carry out this procedure, you will need to enter the following basic data:

  • gender, year of birth and length of service;
  • the amount of official wages;
  • previously chosen method of implementation pension provision;
  • during what time the applicant completed the passage military service;
  • amount of children;
  • duration of stay on parental leave;
  • duration of care for a disabled relative;
  • are there any plans to work in agriculture;

After entering all the above data, you will need to click on the “Calculate” button. The more accurate the above data is, the more accurately the size of the future pension will be displayed.

What to pay attention to

Knowing how to calculate your future pension is important because this information will give you a clear picture of your financial future after an active working period. At the same time, within the framework of this topic there are many nuances unknown to the average person.

Basic information

Before studying the calculation algorithm, it makes sense to understand what a labor pension is. One of the simplest explanations would be the following: this is financial compensation for wages and other payments to those citizens who were insured and, due to various factors, including age, are no longer able to provide for themselves.

There are three types of labor pensions that are worth knowing about:

TP due to disability;

TP by age (old age);

TP associated with the loss of a breadwinner.

Fundamental basis pension payments lie insurance premiums on the part of employers. Women who have reached the age of 55 and men who have overcome the 60-year mark can count on retirement. These are fairly clear rules that give a simple answer to the question - what retirement age is currently relevant in the Russian Federation. But even if a citizen has, so to speak, overworked, this will not go unnoticed.

At the moment, the pension fund uses a rather complex formula to calculate payments, but this is explained by the desire to take into account various factors, which may affect payment amounts. But, in general, when trying to understand how to calculate, you need to take into account the key indicators that are used in the calculation. We are talking about the following elements:

- Warhead (base part). It is established by government agencies, taking into account the presence of dependent family members, restrictions within the labor process and age.

-LF (accumulative part labor pension old age). This part is formed from investment income pension funds in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and voluntary insurance contributions.

- midrange ( insurance part pensions). Directly depends on the pension capital, which, in turn, consists of two parts: this is the amount of insurance contributions after 2002 and the estimated pension capital before this period.

In general, the calculation uses two blocks of information about the citizen - before pension reform and after it. And ordinary people who want to understand how to calculate their future pension need to take this fact into account.

What is important to consider before calculating

Those who continue to work while retired can count on the fact that payments in their case will not be canceled and, moreover, will gradually increase.

If a citizen is preparing to end his working period and worked a lot before the reform, then his experience and length of service will be recalculated into points without any financial damage.

There are people whose age is already close to retirement, but they have not officially worked for 15 years. This category of citizens, like people who have no work experience at all, will be able to receive exclusively a social pension.

It is important to know that actively working two jobs will not bring tangible benefits. This is explained by the following fact: the total number of points that will be awarded will actually remain at the level of citizens receiving an official salary from one employer.

When thinking about how to calculate your pension yourself, it is worth remembering that an illiterate distribution of interest between funded and insurance pensions can lead to certain losses. The amount of payments will be larger only if the savings category is a priority.

Well, it is quite obvious that the so-called salary in an envelope significantly worsens retirement prospects, since it significantly reduces the amount of deductions.

About the points system and key changes

It is important to be aware that some changes have been made to the accrual system, but all of them relate only to old-age payments. In this area, those parts that made up one whole are now independent, separate elements calculation. We are talking about insurance and labor pensions. It is the insurance form that is determined by taking into account points. To accumulate the required amount, you need to make regular contributions to the insurance pension category. But it is important to take into account the fact that such changes are relevant for citizens whose working activity began in 2015. Those who worked actively long before this period may not worry about changes in the system.

But for young people, this will mean that in a process such as pension calculation, the average salary will not become the only determining factor. In general, in order to understand what kind of pension you can count on, you need to take into account three components:

Duration length of service;

Retirement date;

Amount of deductions.

If for the previous generation it was important only to have contributions to the right size and at least 5 years of official work experience; for young people, a more complex system of requirements is relevant.

First of all, the period of required labor activity has increased; every year it will grow until it reaches 15 years. This moment should come in 2025.

Now - more specifically about the requirements for those wishing to receive a retirement pension:

First of all, you need to reach retirement age. For women this is 55 years old, while men will have to work until 60.

Minimum work experience is required. We are talking about a period from 6 to 15 years.

The final condition is to have the required number of points, which is 30 or more.

Points are awarded automatically. In this case, such indicators as the amount of contributions, length of service and the age at which a particular citizen will retire will be taken into account.

The pension calculation formula that is relevant for young people should include all these indicators. If there are not enough points or the length of service is too short, then retirement will be delayed by 5 years. And in this case, the form of pension - social or labor - will not be of key importance.

Those who are actually ending their career or are ready to stop working due to approaching retirement age should not worry. Although the indicators will be recalculated, they will either have no effect on the size of the pension or will lead to its increase.

Opportunity to receive bonuses

According to current legislation, citizens, under certain conditions, will be able to receive extra points. Such bonuses are awarded in the following cases:

When caring for disabled children. For each year of such care, 1.8 points are awarded.

When a citizen undergoes military service in the Russian Army. Here, 1.8 points will also be counted for each year of service.

Women on maternity leave can also count on bonuses. In such a situation, the accrual scheme changes slightly. The first year of maternity leave brings the traditional 1.8 points. The next 365 days provide an opportunity to get 3.6 points. The third year of parental leave raises the mark to 5.4 points. If the duration of the maternity leave exceeds a three-year period, then for each subsequent year the state will award 5.4 points.

Bonuses will also be available to those caring for a relative whose age exceeds 80 years. Here the charges remain at the standard level (1.8).

Continuing the theme of balls, we need to once again pay attention to the importance of work experience. As was written above, under the old system he was not key indicator, Where big role played the size of the royalties. Now the situation has changed: with the formation of such a regular monthly allowance Like a pension, additional payment for length of service will have one of the key meanings. That is, those who worked for a long time will have their long work activity credited, which will have direct influence on the amount of pension.

If we talk about how points are calculated, then you need to pay attention to the following formula:

(IPO in year N/NPO in year N) * 10.

where IPO should be understood as a citizen’s individual contributions to the pension fund, NPO means the standard of contributions, and the letter N is used to designate a specific year.

Calculation scheme

When talking about future payments to people who are close to retirement age, it is worth using a different scheme than in the case of young people who still have a lot of work to do.

If a citizen of the Russian Federation began his working activity before January 1, 2002, then the following formula for calculating his pension is relevant for him:


By FBI we need to understand fixed base size pensions, which are established by the state.

SCH1 is the insurance part of the pension, for the calculation of which insurance contributions made by the employer until 2002 are used.

SC2 - the insurance part, consisting of contributions after 2002.

The amount of valorization is determined as SV and depends on the quantity full years length of service

If we describe the calculation algorithm in stages, the picture of the process will turn out to be somewhat complex.

So, first of all, the length of service coefficient is taken into account, which will have a direct impact on the amount of the pension in the end. It is calculated as follows: 0.55 units are assigned to men for 25 years of service before the reform (2002) and to women for a 20-year period. If this limit is exceeded, 0.01 coefficient units are added for each year, while this indicator cannot exceed 0.20. So, within the framework of the topic “how to calculate a future pension,” you initially need to pay attention to the length of service.

Next, the ratio of the salary of the future pensioner and the average earnings in the country for 2000 - 2001 is calculated. Alternatively, data from any 60 months of uninterrupted employment may be used.

In this case, the ratio should not exceed the level of 1.2. If we're talking about about the residents far north, then this indicator will fluctuate around 1.4-1.9 units. This largely depends on the salary ratio centrally established in a particular region.

At the next stage, the resulting average earnings multiplied by the coefficient and the amount of 1671 rubles. The last figure is the average monthly salary in the country for the 3rd quarter of 2001, which was approved for calculations. The result is the amount of the pension recalculated in accordance with the new legislation.

Preferential pension

In this case, the question “how to calculate your pension yourself?” is also relevant. But in order for independent calculations to be correct, you need to perform several sequential actions.

First, you should get information about your position - whether it falls into the category of preferential ones. You can obtain this information on the Pension Fund website, which contains a list of professions that allow specialists to retire earlier than other citizens.

If the desired profession was found in the list, then further actions will come down to determining specific periods of work activity that are counted as length of service. On at this stage It is important to pay attention to both length of service and the institution within whose walls you had to work, since there is also a list of enterprises related to the preferential category.

And having sorted out the data about the former employer, you need to check whether the information received meets the requirements current legislation. Next, it’s worth finding out how many points are guaranteed by the sum of years worked, taking into account the rates of pension contributions. This information can also be found in the PF.

The resulting number of points must be multiplied by the pension coefficient, and the result will be the size of the preferential pension.

Using the electronic service

For those who want to go in a simple way, it makes sense to pay attention to the pension calculator, which is located on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This program will greatly simplify the process of calculating the necessary indicators.

This service takes into account all current inputs that may affect the size of the pension and the time of retirement. All you need to do is fill in all the fields provided, which is not a difficult task.

The pension calculator allows you to get the most objective picture. When performing calculations, he takes into account, for example, military service. And although this period is not defined as length of service, a citizen of the Russian Federation receives 1.8 points for it.

All years devoted to official work are taken into account. Exception in in this case constitutes maternity leave and maternity leave. By the way, points for parental leave are also taken into account.

It is also worth noting the fact that a citizen of the Russian Federation can receive a pension supplement of 25% if he has lived in rural areas and worked in the agricultural sector.

Many are interested in the fact how the work experience acquired during the Soviet era will be taken into account, and whether it will have any significance at all. Without this information, it is difficult to understand how to calculate a pension for a woman born in 1961 and other citizens who began working during the Soviet era.

First of all, it should be noted that the experience that was obtained before 2002, including before the formation Russian Federation, is taken into account. If before the reform the number working years reached 27, then a coefficient will be awarded for them. Its size will consist of two parts: 0.55 for 20 years of experience before 2002 and 0.01 for every 12 months beyond the specified norm, which over a seven-year period will be 0.07. As a result, the coefficient into which the salary will be converted will be 1.2.

But, unfortunately, for many citizens, the Soviet salary is not actually taken into account when calculating pensions. Instead, the average salary in the country is taken into account in the period from 2000 to 2001, which was equal to 1,647 rubles. The Soviet salary is subtracted in order to accurately determine the pension capital. Deductions and length of service recorded after the reform will be added to these indicators.

On average, a citizen who worked for 35 years and received a salary of 20,000 rubles. will be able to count on a pension amounting to 35% of its size, that is, a little more than 7,000 rubles. This perhaps not entirely rosy example of calculating pensions will be relevant for those citizens who were already actively working during the Soviet era. The only plus is that when working at retirement age, payments are maintained.

Military personnel

The process of determining the size of a pension for this category of citizens has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. Therefore, understanding how to calculate military pension, you need to know that pension calculator in this case, the following indicators will be taken into account:

-Length of service. The duration of work activity has a direct impact on the amount of payments. Only due to this indicator, monetary subsidies to the military can be increased by 50%. Moreover, each irregular year brings another 3% increase.

- Disability resulting from any illness. In this case, the premium can reach 75%.

- Receiving disability while serving in the Russian army. In such circumstances, the pension can be increased by a maximum of 130%, but what exactly the amount of the increase will be depends on the group received after medical examination.

Speaking about how to calculate the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is worth noting that it is formed according to virtually the same scheme as for the military. Here, the calculation is also based on. The increase in the level of payments is influenced by factors such as salary special rank and positions.

How are things going with IP?

To qualify, you must have at least 15 years of experience. Here it is important to clarify the fact that the length of service is defined as those periods when contributions were made to the Pension Fund, and it does not really matter whether active business activity was carried out at that moment or not.

In this case, individual entrepreneurs will be counted in the length of service for the same periods as in the case of other citizens (maternity leave, time in the army, caring for the disabled, etc.).

As for you, you will need at least 30 of them to retire.


So, understanding how to calculate an old-age pension, we can draw the following conclusion: the state aims to objectively formulate the amount of payments to different categories of citizens. This is why there are so many inputs in the calculation formula. As for self-calculation, the most quick way To complete this task, use the pension calculator on the Pension Fund website.

Step-by-step instructions for those who want to monitor their pension savings online

Since January 2015, a new version of the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has been launched on the Internet, where users are offered the opportunity to learn a lot about their future pension. Using the new portal section " Personal Area of the insured person" you can check how much the person has accumulated pension points(individual pension coefficients- IPK) and what length of experience he has.

In addition, it is possible to use an improved online pension calculator and calculate the number of IPC that can be accrued to a citizen this year. There are other necessary little things in the “Cabinet”: for example, the user can instantly print out a notice about the status of a citizen’s individual personal account (the so-called “letter of happiness”), which now does not come to us by regular mail. What is equally important is that the user has access to detailed information from the Pension Fund about periods of employment, places of work, and even the amount of insurance premiums accrued by employers.

How to get into your retirement wallet? About this - in step by step instructions"MK" in Karelia. All you need is access to the Internet.

1) First of all, go to the website of the Pension Fund, for which we type the address in the address bar of the browser: Click on the link “Personal account of the insured person”

2) To enter the “Cabinet”, you must be registered on the official portal of State Services (, therefore next step there will be a choice of two options: either enter existing registration data, or create an account on State Services (for this you need to know the SNILS number and have a mobile phone at hand)

3) We assume that you already have an account on the State Services portal. So, enter SNILS (either mobile phone number or address Email) and the password created when registering for State Services

4) Welcome to the “Personal Account of the Insured Person”. First of all, we are interested in the tab “Get information about generated pension rights” (point “a”)

6) We go back and go to the tab “Information about experience and earnings reflected in your individual personal account” (point “b”), where you can find out more detailed information based on the information that is in Pension Fund your employers gave and continue to give. The page will display periods of work, places of work and the amount of accrued insurance premiums. This way you can find out how your points were calculated

7) If you want to receive a statement about the status of your account in text form, then click on the link “Receive notification of the status of the ILS” (point “c”). A document in MS Word format, which can be saved to your computer and printed if necessary, will be generated instantly

8) Finally, click on the link “Calculate future insurance pension” (point “d”). Here you can find out how many pension points you can count on this year. The personal calculator will base its calculations on the information you provide. This could be periods of military service, leave to care for a child or a disabled person, etc.

There are two calculator options to choose from - general and more detailed. How more information you give by filling out the columns, the more accurate the calculations will be. All you have to do is enter the data and click on the “Calculate” buttons.

In addition, from the “Cabinet” you can send an appeal to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, make an appointment for a personal appointment, and in the near future - submit an application for a pension, choose the method of its delivery, and even decide the fate of the funds maternity capital, if there is one.

Please note once again: in order to take advantage of all the benefits of the “Cabinet”, you need to register on the official Portal public services. This procedure may take long time, depending on the method of obtaining the final password to confirm registration. There are several options to choose from - by mail, through communication offices, etc. The author of the material did not receive an email at the time, so he preferred a much faster method. He personally came to the Petrozavodsk central office of OJSC Rostelecom (31 Sverdlova St.), where he received the password instantly and absolutely free.

Read the step-by-step instructions for registering for State Services soon.

Your year of birth:

The generally established retirement age for men is 60 years, for women - 55 years.

How many years do you plan to/have you completed compulsory military service?

Compulsory military service is counted towards total experience.

How many children do you plan to have?

How many years do you plan to be on maternity leave for each child?

In the new pension formula, periods of leave for children (up to 1.5 years for each child) are counted towards the total length of service.

How many years do you plan to work from the time you start working until you reach retirement age?

Indicate the estimated length of your expected work experience - from the start of your working career until you reach retirement age. Periods of study, childcare and military service should not be taken into account.

How many years after reaching retirement age are you willing to work without applying for a labor pension?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Pension amount according to new formula increases significantly if you work after reaching retirement age and do not apply for a pension.

What is your rate at which your pension savings are formed?

  • for citizens born in 1966 and older:
  • for citizens born in 1967 and younger:

If you were born in 1967 or younger and have not changed the tariff for forming the funded part of your pension, have not transferred pension savings to NPFs and/or back to the Pension Fund, then from 2015 it will be 2% (). If your pension savings are already in the NPF or you transferred them back to the Pension Fund, then from 2015 your pension savings rate will be 6%. For all citizens born in 1966 and older, employers currently do not pay insurance contributions for the formation of pension savings; pension savings are not formed (tariff - 0%).

Your official salary in rubles

To receive an approximate pension calculation, fill out the form fields and click “Calculate”.

Please indicate your gender.

Please indicate your year of birth.

In accordance with Article 133 Labor Code In the Russian Federation, the monthly salary cannot be less than the minimum wage, which in 2015 is 5,205 rubles.

From 2025, the minimum total length of service to receive an old-age pension is 15 years. If in your answers to the questions you indicated less than 15 years of experience, then you will be assigned a social old-age pension: for women at 60 years old, for men at 65 years old. Social pension for old age today is 3692.35 rubles per month. In addition, you will be provided social supplement towards a pension up to the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of your residence.

If you want to receive more high pension, reconsider your life plans so that your experience is 15 years or more.

Sorry, the calculator is not designed to calculate pension amounts current retirees, citizens who have less than three years left until retirement.

Results of conditional calculation of old-age labor pension using the current and new pension formulas

The number of your pension coefficients according to the new pension formula
The size of your labor pension according to the new formula, rub.
amount of insurance pension, rub.
amount of funded pension, rub.
Your total length of service (insurable labor and non-labor), years
The amount of your labor pension according to the current formula, rub.
Difference in conditional pension amounts according to the new and current formula, rub. (%)

In order for a person to calculate the amount of his old-age pension, he needs to use the 2015-2016 pension calculator, which will allow all calculations to be made in current prices for this year. For calculations can be used various methods, including the current one pension formula, as well as the one that is taken into account by the Pension Fund of Russia pension calculator - new.

A calculator is simply a necessary and very accurate tool for calculating your pension. The 2015-2016 pension will be relevant for citizens only if they have already reached retirement age. For women this age is 55 years old, and for men it is a little older - 60. Old-age pensions are currently issued to approximately 33 million elderly people. All calculations are performed by the Pension Fund, the pension calculator does not perform calculations, in this case it only helps people understand and see how parts of the pension are calculated.

The current pension formula does not affect the increase in pension in any way, since it depends on the person’s working experience, as well as other very important factors, such as the funded parts of the pension and others. But in reality there are many of these factors, therefore, when a person uses the new pension calculator 2015-2016, in this case the following will immediately be taken into account:

  • pension calculator of the Ministry of Labor with which you can quickly and easily find out what your retirement pension will be, taking into account maternity leave, military service in the army and other moments;
  • pension Pension Fund calculator, which will quickly calculate the size of the basic fixed insurance part of the labor pension.

Using new calculator, for calculations, a person can quickly and easily find out how much pension he is entitled to. The size of all payments depends not only on the person’s work experience and his profession, but also on other very important factors, since the 2015-2016 pension is also calculated based on how much the person paid mandatory insurance contributions to the pension fund. The size of the basic insurance part of the labor pension in 2015-2016 for old age depends on this.

In order to calculate the amount of pension that a person can receive in 2015-2016, it is necessary to use only those formulas that are current in the Pension Fund; in this case, a pension calculator will become an indispensable assistant.

To find out minimum size old age pensions in 2015-2016, you can use the calculator. You can also use it to calculate the maximum old-age pension in rubles in 2015-2016 that a person can receive.

You can also use the 2015-2016 pension calculator to find out what maximum length of service is required for the funded pension to be the highest, as well as the size of the pension. In order to find out how to get the maximum old-age pension in 2015-2016 in rubles, you can quickly and very easily use the Ministry of Labor’s pension calculator.

The 2015-2016 PFR calculator cannot be used in cases where it is necessary to calculate the size of the pension for the following categories of the population:

  • military personnel;
  • workers of harmful and dangerous enterprises;
  • disabled people;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • for people who still have 3 years left before receiving their pension;
  • for pensioners who are already receiving payments.

Calculation scheme of the pension calculator 2015-2016

In order to find out what the pension will be in 2015-2016, the calculator needs some data that must be entered. The calculation system is very simple, because the size of the pension is influenced by several factors:

  1. Age and gender of the person. The old-age pension is paid when women turn 55 and men turn 60. The retirement age will not increase in the near future, so there will be no difficulties with these data.
  2. The size of the main part of the pension for men also depends on whether the person served in the army and for how long, because these data are also taken into account.
  3. The size of the pension for women depends on the number of children, as well as the time maternity leave. The Pension Fund calculator 2015-2016 counts 1.5 years for each child in a woman’s total length of service.
  4. The total length of a person's working career that he received before reaching retirement age. The labor pension largely depends on how many years a person worked and received an official salary. The pension calculator of the Ministry of Labor in this case takes into account only the person’s working experience, without time spent on caring for infants, study and military service.
  5. If a person has already reached the age required to receive an old-age pension, but he still wants to work further in order to receive a salary, then in this case it is necessary to enter how many years he plans to work. Thus, you can calculate using a pension calculator - using the current formula, how much the size of the main part of the pension will increase.
  6. The size of the basic insurance part of the labor pension also depends on the tariff at which all calculations will be made. All people who were born before the beginning of 1967 will receive payments where the funded part of the pension is calculated at a certain rate, where the rate is 0%. Those people born after 1967 will receive funded pension at a different rate. If the tariff of the funded part of the pension has not changed, and all corresponding savings have not been transferred to the NPF and back to the Pension Fund, then in this case the pension calculator will calculate the pension at a rate of 2 percent. If the funded pension is in the NPF or it is transferred to the state Pension Fund, the pension calculator will calculate it at a rate of 6%.
  7. The amount of salary in rubles that a person officially receives. The calculator calculates the accrual of old-age pensions in 2015-2016 only on the basis of official salaries, because all unofficial income, salaries in envelopes and other gray salaries are not taken into account. The funded part of the pension is formed only from those deductions that were officially and without fail deducted from the monthly salary. The 2015-2016 pension calculator takes into account all calculations that were made by a person during the entire period of official work.

Indicators used

The PFR pension calculator uses the most important indicators when calculating pensions for 2015-2016:

  • in 2015-2016, the conditional cost of one pension coefficient is 57.9 rubles;
  • additional pension coefficient for working experience of 30-45 years. It is from these data that the insurance, basic size of the part of the labor pension in 2015-2016 is calculated. This coefficient is very simply equated to one year - one unit, for those years of work experience that a person has worked over 35 and up to 45 years for men, and for women - 30-40 years;
  • the coefficient is additional for women and men who have worked for more than 35 and 40 years. This coefficient is equal to five and is added together with the base fixed size the insurance part of the labor pension;
  • coefficient that accrues pensions to women for the time they were on maternity leave. Officially, each child is given 1.5 years and this time is counted towards the woman’s working experience. On the website, the Pension Fund pension calculator calculates the coefficients very simply: 0.85 for the first child, 1.7 for the second, 2.55 for the third.
  • Coefficient for each year, military, conscript service. The Pension Fund pension calculator calculates a coefficient of 0.85 for each year of compulsory service in the army;
  • fixed and basic insurance amount of the labor pension in 2015-2016 for old age, which is 3610.31 rubles;
  • the size of the minimum wage, which is taken into account on the site PFR pension calculator and is the same for all citizens of the country. For 2015-2016, the minimum wage is 5,205 rubles;
  • in 2015-2016, the average salary in the Russian Federation is 29,907 rubles;
  • pension calculator 2015-2016 takes into account and maximum salary, which amounts to 68,786 rubles including all taxes and insurance contributions. This coefficient is 2.3 to the average salary;
  • the amount of salary that is subject to insurance contributions and taken into account by the pension calculator: the current formula of which takes into account the amount of 47,333 rubles, and the coefficient for this amount will be 1.6 in relation to the average salary in the country;
  • time of expected payment. The Pension Fund's pension calculator necessarily takes this period into account so that all calculations can be made more accurately using the current formula for the size of the labor pension, but the funded part will be calculated using a different formula if a person continues to work even after he has reached the age required to receive a pension. If a person does not have work experience after reaching the appropriate age, but does not apply for a pension during the period of 19 years, then the money will be calculated for this time;
  • pension calculator - the current formula does not yet take into account the minimum wage, for which insurance premiums are calculated at 22 percent. The minimum wage today is 10,410 rubles;
  • the tariff of all compulsory, paid insurance premiums for pension insurance. The Pension Fund's pension calculator takes into account a rate of 22 percent.
  • old age pension, the average size. The average amount in the country today is 10,645 rubles - this is the arithmetic average between the maximum old-age pension in 2015-2016 in rubles and the minimum.

Principles for calculating pensions according to the new rules for 2015-2016

In order to calculate your pension, a person can easily use the Pension Fund calculator 2015-2016, while all new rules will be taken into account and the error will be minimal. To calculate the size minimum pension for old age in 2015-2016, it is necessary to enter all the data that was indicated above and with great accuracy, since when calculating a pension, everything has its own price and conditions.

Today, new rules for forming people's pensions are still being actively discussed and also adjusted, so the 2015-2016 pension calculator is constantly being improved and finalized. Special working group, which was formed under the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, constantly considers all proposals that come from ordinary citizens who want to know what kind of pension they will receive. Citizens of the country can use the pension calculator of the Pension Fund to calculate the size of their pension, taking into account the prices that are in effect this year.

A pension calculator for the new 2015-2016 year was created taking into account all amendments and innovations in the legislation, so all people can be confident that the amounts will be calculated accurately and reliably. Using this convenient and practical to use tool, everyone can easily and without problems find out how much the pension will be in 2015-2016 - the calculator is very easy to use. The 2015-2016 pension calculator is updated regularly, depending on how new laws are adopted that are directly related to the calculation of pensions.

Using a simple but very effective and accurate calculator regarding the calculation of pensions, people can easily and quickly find out everything that interests them. The calculator will be updated as the procedure for the formation of all citizens’ rights, especially pension rights, is improved, as well as the assignment of pensions that people have earned through their labor in old age. This calculator is very accurate if you enter all the data necessary to obtain complete and reliable information correctly.