The State Duma demanded an increase in military pensions. By presidential decree, the state will pay military pensioners a special additional payment. Decree on increasing military pensions.

March 8

Today, October 25, 2018, at a meeting with members of the Government of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin announced the need to increase (index) military pensions simultaneously with an increase in the pay of military personnel.

The President of the Russian Federation drew attention to the fact that the draft Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020” provides for an increase in the pay of military personnel from January 2018, and pensions for former military personnel and military pensioners - from February 1, 2018 of the year.

“We need to do it as it was before, also from January 1 to index the pensions of military pensioners and persons equivalent to them, these are employees of internal affairs bodies, employees of the National Guard, fire departments, and so on. But in order to do this, the budget must provide money this year,” the President said.

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov confirmed that the federal budget allows this to be done.

Thus, according to established tradition, military pensions for January 2018 will be paid in an increased amount already in December 2017 before the New Year holidays.

Help: B In accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2018 No. 1250 “On the postponement of weekends in 2018,” the weekends of January 6 and 7 (Saturday and Sunday), coinciding with non-working holidays, are postponed to March 9 and May 2, respectively. Thus, in 2018, Russians will have a ten-day holiday from December 30, 2017 to January 8, 2018, coinciding with the New Year holidays and Christmas,

Previously, we stated that the draft Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020” provides for the following procedure for increasing (indexing) “military pensions”:

Another 79.09 billion rubles of allocations are allocated for the implementation of the provisions of subparagraph “d” of paragraph 1 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 604, which provides for an annual increase in pensions for citizens discharged from military service by no less than 2% above the inflation rate .

Thus, in addition to the above increase, we can expect that military pensions will be further increased each year by 2%. Exactly when this will happen will become clear after the bill is passed.

Reference: According to the Law "On pension provision for persons who served in military service..." military pensions are subject to revision simultaneously with an increase in the pay of the relevant categories of military personnel and employees based on the level of increase in pay taken into account when calculating pensions.

We also believe that the authorities do not intend to cancel the reduction coefficient in military pensions, which is established for all retirees, except for certain categories (former military judges, prosecutors).

Use online to calculate your military pension in 2017.

After the adoption of the specified Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020”, the online military pension for 2018 and the pay for military personnel for 2018 will be updated, stay tuned for the latest news.

We also talk about the draft Federal Law being developed by the Government and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which provides for an increase in the minimum length of service (total duration of military service) required for the assignment of a military pension from 20 to 25 years.

Option for increasing military pensions and military salaries in 2018, proposed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The Government of the Russian Federation has included in the budget an increase in military salaries, pension payments to military retirees and categories of persons equivalent to them in several stages.

The draft budget for 2018 and the next three years plans to index military salaries by 4% annually, which, according to the government, corresponds to the forecast inflation...

The State Duma Committee on Defense gave an opinion on the draft federal budget 2018-2020, from which it becomes clear that the increase in pensions for military pensioners is expected to be only 4% in 2018 and subsequent 2019, 2020 as indexed for inflation.

Having considered the draft federal law No. 274618-7 “On the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020” (hereinafter referred to as the Draft Law), introduced by the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma Defense Committee notes:

2.10. Budgetary allocations for subsection 10 01 “Pension provision” of section 10 “Social policy” in terms of pension provision for military personnel, members of their families and persons equal to them in pension provision, as well as benefits and other payments within the framework of pension provision, are provided for by the Bill in 2018 year in the amount of 700.58 billion rubles from the estimate of the number of “military pensioners” – 2,639 thousand people, in 2019 in the amount of 731.37 billion rubles from the estimate of the number of “military pensioners” – 2,683 thousand people, in 2020 in in the amount of 760.53 billion rubles from the estimate of the number of “military pensioners” - 2,725 thousand people.

According to the explanatory note to the Draft Law, the formation of the volume and structure of federal budget expenditures for 2018–2020 was carried out on the basis of an increase in budget allocations for the annual increase in pensions for persons discharged from military and equivalent service, to the forecast level of inflation in 2018–2020 from 1 February by 4.0 percent.

To implement the provisions of subparagraph “d” of paragraph 1 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 604, which provides for an annual increase in pensions for citizens discharged from military service by at least 2% above the inflation rate, budgetary allocations in the amount of 79.09 billion rubles.

The bill sets the inflation rate in 2017 at 3.2%. Consequently, in order to fulfill the requirements of subparagraph “d” of paragraph 1 of Decree No. 604, taking into account the inflation rate of 3.2%, it is necessary to bring the indexation of the “military pension” to 5.2%. Otherwise, the requirements of the specified provision of Decree No. 604, in our opinion, will remain unfulfilled.

At the same time, the Defense Committee has repeatedly noted that from 2014 to 2016, the provisions of subparagraph “d” of paragraph 1 of Decree No. 604 were not fully implemented. “Under-indexing” was about 18%.

According to the Defense Committee, such implementation of Decree No. 604 actually discredits the mechanism of pension provision for military personnel established by it, under which “military pensioners” could count on recalculation of pension payments above inflation.

In this regard, the Defense Committee considers it necessary to redistribute cash allocations to bring the indexation of the “military pension” from 4% to 5.2% from January 1, 2018 (taking into account the beginning of the financial year)...

PySy - Over the past 5 years since the increase in pay for military personnel, they have never received compensation for inflation (as required by law). Military pensions were quietly added, although they were added cunningly. There was no inflation for military pensions either, but over 5 years they added 18 points to the castration coefficient of 0.54. And this went into the wallets of all military pensions, both those working and not....

Now, when they remembered about inflation, they decided that the castration coefficient was ahead of time and the decision (draft law in the State Duma) was to freeze it for three years. Accordingly, from January 1, 2018, the castration coefficient for the military pension of 0.7223 will freeze for these three years.

For military personnel, 4% will be added to their DD annually, therefore, military pensions will receive the same percentage of increase in military pensions. But not everyone will get it, the majority, or not the majority, but there are a lot of military pensions for working people and, accordingly, they who are working cannot expect supplements...

Glory to United Russia and General Shamanov, Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee, who promised to abolish the castration coefficient...

From Putin’s instructions at the government meeting on October 25, 2017, one can draw an almost unambiguous conclusion about when and by how much pensions for military pensioners will be raised (indexed) in 2018

To begin with, we provide you with information from the original source, and then we will try to squeeze out as much information and conclusions as possible from these meager words.

So, the head of state gave instructions at a meeting with the government of the Russian Federation:

“The 2018 budget provides for indexation for military personnel from January 1, and indexation of pensions for military pensioners from February 1. This concerns 2.6 million people. I think we need to do it as we did before - do it synchronously, from January 1, index the pensions of military pensioners and persons equivalent to them,” Putin said.

“In order for us to do this, we need to provide money already this year, since pensions for military pensioners are paid a month earlier. Our budget revenues allow this,” the president added.

The first conclusion is good. Indexation will be and will be from January 1, 2018. This is the first and probably the last good conclusion about increasing military pensions.

What do we have at the moment in terms of the reduction coefficient, which in 2017 is equal to 72.23% and which the military lightly called KK.

A bill has been submitted to the State Duma according to which this reduction factor or CC is expected to remain unchanged in 2018:
Order of September 29, 2017 No. 2088-r. The bill proposes to leave the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating the pension of persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, the Federal Service of National Troops Guards of the Russian Federation, from February 1, 2018 at the same level - 72.23% of the amount of monetary allowance.

Thus, the government has submitted a bill to the State Duma, according to which the notorious reduction coefficient will not only not be canceled, but will not even be increased from 2018. It remains at the same level - 72.23% of the monetary allowance. And it seems that Putin is familiar with this situation, at least he made it clear that he is aware of the problems of military pensioners and persons equivalent to them, of whom there are 2.6 million people. This means that he is aware of the fact that there was under-indexation and that the shameful CC exists, in spite of everything, and only among military pensioners! That is, on this side, it seems that there is no need to expect an increase in military pensions. Let's go from the other side.

The relevant State Duma Committee on Defense gave the following conclusion on the budget bill for 2018-2020:
According to the explanatory note to the Draft Law, the formation of the volume and structure of federal budget expenditures for 2018–2020 was carried out on the basis of an increase in budget allocations for the annual increase in pensions for persons discharged from military and equivalent service, to the forecast level of inflation in 2018–2020 from 1 February by 4.0 percent.

That is, we now know that not from February 1, but from January 1, as the Supreme Commander determined.

But 4% or the “forecast inflation rate” is still unclear. Many of our officials are beating the drums and talking about 2.7%. So, maybe not 4%, but 3%, for example. What the Defense Committee proposes:

The bill sets the inflation rate in 2017 at 3.2%. Consequently, in order to fulfill the requirements of subparagraph “d” of paragraph 1 of Decree No. 604, taking into account the inflation rate of 3.2%, it is necessary to bring the indexation of the “military pension” to 5.2%. Otherwise, the requirements of the specified provision of Decree No. 604, in our opinion, will remain unfulfilled.

At the same time, the Defense Committee has repeatedly noted that from 2014 to 2016, the provisions of subparagraph “d” of paragraph 1 of Decree No. 604 were not fully implemented. “Under-indexing” was about 18%.

According to the Defense Committee, such implementation of Decree No. 604 actually discredits the mechanism of pension provision for military personnel established by it, under which “military pensioners” could count on recalculation of pension payments above inflation.

In this regard, the Defense Committee considers it necessary to redistribute cash allocations to bring the indexation of the “military pension” from 4% to 5.2% from January 1, 2018 (taking into account the beginning of the financial year).

This is what we have at the moment. We are waiting for information and will look into it further.

The fate of military pensions worries not only and not so much deputies as millions of military pensioners, as evidenced by numerous queries in search engines like “military pensions in 2018 increase, latest news yesterday from the Duma.” Photo

Work in the State Duma on the draft federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020 presented by the Government of the Russian Federation, as usual, takes place in the mode of discussing phantom pain.

It seems that there is a presidential decree in nature, among other things, providing for an annual increase in military pensions by at least 2% above inflation. This increase should be reflected in the federal budget (well, not in the family budget!), but there is nothing similar in the federal budget. Amputated. The memory of the amputated Decree has been preserved and haunts the deputies of the State Duma Committee on Defense. And not only them. The deputies in charge of agriculture, healthcare, and education also do not find many of the beautiful things on papers with state seals in the budget.

The paper in question in our case was signed not by a street swindler who promised three boxes to an old woman, but by the head of state Vladimir Putin on May 7, 2012, and it was called Decree No. 604 “On further improvement of military service in the Russian Federation.” In subparagraph “d” of paragraph one, the government was given the task of annually increasing pensions for citizens discharged from military service by at least 2% above the inflation rate.

Over the next five years from the moment of signing, the Decree was not executed even once. No, pensions for military pensioners, of course, were increased and indexed (they would have tried not to do this), but not to the full extent. The greatest shortfall occurred in 2014 and 2015, when military pensioners were underpaid monthly by 7.26% and 7.4%, respectively.

For more details, see the table below, prepared in the fall of 2016 by the Defense Committee as part of the conclusion to the draft federal budget for 2017 (the conclusion is available to the editors of the “My Years” website). The data in the table for the year 2017, which has not yet arrived, is indicated taking into account the established parameters of the 2017 budget. Now this last year's budget plan has become a fait accompli.

Table of indexation amounts of pensions for military pensioners in 2013 - 2017

Even then, in the fall of 2016, in its conclusion to the draft budget, the State Duma Defense Committee stated:

“The incomplete implementation of the Presidential Decree actually discredits the state-guaranteed level of pension provision for military personnel, under which military pensioners could count on recalculation of pension payments above inflation.”

Another year has passed and nothing has changed. In 2018, they again want to save money on military pensioners.

The inflation rate in 2017 is expected to be 3.2%. Therefore, in order to fulfill the requirements of subparagraph “d” of paragraph 1 of Decree No. 604, taking into account the inflation rate of 3.2%, it is necessary to increase the indexation of military pensions in 2018 to 5.2%. However, the draft budget planned to increase military pensions from February 1, 2018 by only 4%.

And again, the Defense Committee writes in its conclusion dated October 10, 2017 on the next draft budget that “such implementation of Decree No. 604 actually discredits the mechanism for pension provision for military personnel established by it”.

In general, the 2018 budget allocates 700.58 billion rubles for pension provision for military personnel and persons equivalent to them, out of an estimate of the number of “military pensioners” - 2 million 639 thousand people.

The draft federal budget for 2018 - 2020 was submitted to the State Duma for consideration on September 29. It is currently under discussion.

This is what the State Duma Defense Committee thinks.

Military pensions in 2018

The fate of military pensions worries not only and not so much deputies as millions of military pensioners, as evidenced by numerous queries in search engines like “military pensions in 2018 increase, latest news yesterday from the Duma.” Photo

Work in the State Duma on the draft federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020 presented by the Government of the Russian Federation, as usual, takes place in the mode of discussing phantom pain.

It seems that there is a presidential decree in nature, among other things, providing for an annual increase in military pensions by at least 2% above inflation. This increase should be reflected in the federal budget (well, not in the family budget!), but there is nothing similar in the federal budget. Amputated. The memory of the amputated Decree has been preserved and haunts the deputies of the State Duma Committee on Defense. And not only them. The deputies in charge of agriculture, healthcare, and education also do not find many of the beautiful things on papers with state seals in the budget.

The paper in question in our case was signed not by a street swindler who promised three boxes to an old woman, but by the head of state Vladimir Putin on May 7, 2012, and it was called Decree No. 604 “On further improvement of military service in the Russian Federation.” In subparagraph “d” of paragraph one, the government was given the task of annually increasing pensions for citizens discharged from military service by at least 2% above the inflation rate.

Over the next five years from the moment of signing, the Decree was not executed even once. No, pensions for military pensioners, of course, were increased and indexed (they would have tried not to do this), but not to the full extent. The greatest shortfall occurred in 2014 and 2015, when military pensioners were underpaid monthly by 7.26% and 7.4%, respectively.

For more details, see the table below, prepared in the fall of 2016 by the Defense Committee as part of the conclusion to the draft federal budget for 2017 (the conclusion is available to the editors of the “My Years” website). The data in the table for the year 2017, which has not yet arrived, is indicated taking into account the established parameters of the 2017 budget. Now this last year's budget plan has become a fait accompli.

Table of indexation amounts of pensions for military pensioners in 2013 - 2017

Even then, in the fall of 2016, in its conclusion to the draft budget, the State Duma Defense Committee stated:

“The incomplete implementation of the Presidential Decree actually discredits the state-guaranteed level of pension provision for military personnel, under which military pensioners could count on recalculation of pension payments above inflation.”

Another year has passed and nothing has changed. In 2018, they again want to save money on military pensioners.

The inflation rate in 2017 is expected to be 3.2%. Therefore, in order to fulfill the requirements of subparagraph “d” of paragraph 1 of Decree No. 604, taking into account the inflation rate of 3.2%, it is necessary to increase the indexation of military pensions in 2018 to 5.2%. However, the draft budget planned to increase military pensions from February 1, 2018 by only 4%.

And again, the Defense Committee writes in its conclusion dated October 10, 2017 on the next draft budget that “such implementation of Decree No. 604 actually discredits the mechanism for pension provision for military personnel established by it”.

In general, the 2018 budget allocates 700.58 billion rubles for pension provision for military personnel and persons equivalent to them, out of an estimate of the number of “military pensioners” – 2 million 639 thousand people.

The draft federal budget for 2018–2020 was submitted to the State Duma for consideration on September 29. It is currently under discussion. You can familiarize yourself with its parameters and the conclusions of relevant committees on the parliament website.

Read also:

  • current pension news
  • messages from the Russian Pension Fund
  • information for working pensioners
  • articles on pension provision for military pensioners

Vladimir Shpikalov, site for pensioners “My Years”, site

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