A complicated obstetric history is a factor of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. First trimester of pregnancy


Before you had time to announce to your family and friends about your interesting situation, you were literally bombarded with advice and signs related to pregnancy? Don’t worry, most of the taboos and superstitions about what you shouldn’t do during pregnancy can be safely discarded.

Another thing is the prohibitions from the field of physiology and medicine: they should not be neglected. Let's go through the most popular prohibitions and figure out what pregnant women really can't do.

Bad habits

It’s not for nothing that smoking, drinking alcohol, and especially drugs, were called bad habits. Almost everyone should give them up, and especially women carrying a child.

  • Smoking. The placenta cannot protect your baby from cigarette smoke. All toxins and harmful substances penetrate the baby through the circulatory system and negatively affect the development of internal organs;

Delays in the baby's development, insufficient height and weight, pathology of the pulmonary system - all these are the consequences of smoking cigarettes (read about how the baby develops normally in the article Development of the child in the womb >>>). Nicotine can cause placental abruption, fetal birth loss, and can trigger premature labor.

  • Alcohol. Alcohol easily penetrates to the baby through the circulatory system. Systematic abuse of ethanol leads to child growth retardation, development of hearing and vision pathologies, cardiac and skeletal systems;

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages will be noticeable after the birth of the child, and especially clearly by the age of two: small head volume, flat sloping face and narrow eyes

  • Drugs. A categorical ban on drug use: pathologies of all internal organs, underdevelopment of the skeleton, muscular and skeletal systems, problems with the kidneys, liver and genitourinary system, heart disease... This list goes on and on. But there is one more nuance: a child born from a drug addict mother is already born with drug addiction.

Smoking, drinking and using drugs - this is exactly the categorical list of what you should not do during pregnancy. And this is far from superstition.

Special menu

The development and well-being of your baby directly depends on what you eat. Undoubtedly, your gastronomic tastes have changed a lot, you are increasingly drawn to salty things, but this very salty thing is often in the taboo zone:

  1. Preservatives and stabilizers. You need to give up preservatives, as they suppress the synthesis of proteins, which the baby simply cannot do without;
  2. Additives, dyes, flavor enhancers. During pregnancy, you need vitamins and nutrients, and not their chemical substitutes. The solution is to cook yourself from fresh ingredients (read about what to cook and how to eat properly in the book Secrets of Proper Nutrition for an Expectant Mother >>>);
  3. Smoked meats and fatty foods. Your body already undergoes certain stresses; fatty and smoked foods negatively affect the liver, kidneys, urinary system, and can provoke gastritis (current article: Gastritis during pregnancy >>>). As for smoked meats, be aware that the “liquid smoke” that manufacturers are so fond of can cause cancer;
  4. Coffee and black tea. This point is quite controversial. If you are hypotensive and cannot imagine the morning without a cup of aromatic coffee, then you can afford one serving of weak coffee with cream. But abuse can lead to dehydration of the body and the removal of calcium, which your baby needs for growth and development. In addition, strong tea and coffee increase blood pressure;
  1. Carbonated drinks . You should not drink soda during pregnancy, as it can cause bloating and flatulence. In addition, sweet carbonated drinks contain preservatives and sweeteners. May lead to increased blood sugar and cause allergies;
  2. Mushrooms . It is better to avoid mushrooms during pregnancy. Since there is a risk of poisoning even with proven mushrooms, and in your situation it is not worth the risk;
  3. Chocolate. The hormone of happiness in the form of a small piece of chocolate will not harm you, but large quantities may cause allergies. Read the article on the topic: Can pregnant women eat chocolate?>>>.


You must remember that pregnancy is not a disease, but a state of mind. You shouldn’t give up your active lifestyle, but you need to figure out what pregnant women can do and what they can’t:

  • Physical exercise. It is clear that weights are now taboo for you, the maximum load is 5 kg. By the way, it’s good to sign up for specialized fitness for pregnant women - it will help you prepare for upcoming birth, will strengthen your back and prevent you from gaining extra pounds;
  • Dream. There is a prohibition regarding sleeping position. During pregnancy, you should not sleep on your back, as the vena cava, which is located under the uterus, may be compressed;
  • Extreme. A surge of adrenaline and increased blood pressure are the result of extreme entertainment;
  • Airplane. More often than not, flying is considered a taboo, which should not be done in the early stages of pregnancy. There is a risk of miscarriage due to pressure changes. Last weeks pregnancy - also not best time for heavenly journeys. Read more in the article Airplane during pregnancy >>>;
  • Sex. If there is a threat of miscarriage or other complications of pregnancy, sex is contraindicated for you. Useful: Sex in the first month of pregnancy >>>

You need to find a middle ground between physical activity and rest: you can do homework, but in doses. Where possible - use household appliances - load them at full speed. Washing, cleaning and cooking during your pregnancy is delegated to your household helpers.

Folk signs

A special list of prohibitions during pregnancy is folk signs and superstition. Many of them can be explained, but most dissipate upon closer examination:

The list of prohibitions, signs and superstitions during pregnancy is quite long, but the period of bearing a baby is not so long, you can be patient for the sake of meeting your most beloved and long-awaited baby.

And although this concept has not received official recognition in medical reference books, where there are concepts of hereditary history, professional, social and epidemiological, not a single obstetrician will deny the importance of OAA.

What is considered a burdened obstetric history? If a woman has had an induced birth in the past, single or multiple abortions, miscarriages, anomalies of the placenta and its premature detachment, the birth canal has been injured, there are adhesions on the fallopian tubes, scars on the uterus, there was a threat of uterine rupture, a naturally anatomically narrow pelvis, there was fetal asphyxia (when the umbilical cord was wrapped around the neck) or the birth ended in stillbirth - this affects subsequent pregnancies and their outcome. Also on obstetric history is influenced by the perinatal mortality of children born to a woman, the condition of previous children after birth, birth injuries of children and the presence of congenital defects and pathologies.

All these features must be taken into account in order to minimize the development of pathologies in the next fetus. If a caesarean section is being considered, the doctor’s arguments should be supported, for example, by fetal X-rays.

Timely identification of the causes of stillbirth and infant mortality in the perinatal period has a positive impact on the management of other pregnancies and childbirths. Often stillbirths and congenital defects have several causes: for example, intracranial trauma at birth large fruit in a woman with an anatomically narrow pelvis, incompatibility of mother and child according to the Rh factor, childbirth in mature age in the presence of hemolytic disease of newborns (incompatibility of the blood of mother and child by antibodies).

Women diagnosed with a burdened obstetric history (OAH) in Russia

The number of women in Russia diagnosed with OAA is about 80%, and this number does not decrease from year to year and remains at the same level. Against this background, the frequency of threatened abortion also remains high. Every fourth woman undergoes treatment in an obstetric hospital several times throughout her pregnancy.

Chronic fetal hypoxia is diagnosed in almost all sick pregnant women. This condition is due to the fact that oxygen reaches the fetus in smaller quantities or not at all. As a result, carbon dioxide and under-oxidized metabolic products accumulate in the fetal body.

In a burdened obstetric history there is the term “ miscarriage" It refers to spontaneous termination of pregnancy up to 37 weeks. The incidence of this pathology can reach up to 50% in the first trimester, up to 20% in the second, and up to 30% in the third.

Miscarriage between conception and 22 weeks is called spontaneous miscarriage. Premature birth means the birth of an immature but viable child weighing up to 2.5 kg and height up to 45 cm. Factors influencing miscarriage can be divided into several groups.

Socio-biological factors

These include low socio-economic status, low income, low level education, malnutrition, work associated with physical activity and stress.

Obstetric and gynecological analysis data

The age of the woman giving birth is under 16 and over 30 years (this applies to first-time mothers), and there is a burdened obstetric history.

Presence of diseases

Diseases of cardio-vascular system, bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension, kidney disease, prolonged smoking, as well as alcohol and drug use.

Complications of the current pregnancy

Fetal pelvic adherence, intrauterine infection, intrauterine infection fruit, severe toxicoses first trimester, late toxicosis, placental abruption.

Pregnancy is the time when a woman blossoms.

Having learned about pregnancy, many women begin to worry: “Did everything really work out? Is pregnancy developing correctly? Is everything okay with the baby? It would seem that the most logical way to get answers to all these questions is to go to see a doctor and register for pregnancy as soon as possible. However, in reality, everything turns out to be a little more complicated: it is not always possible to get an appointment in the next few days, it is suggested to register for pregnancy only after the 6th-8th week, and the meaning of numerous studies prescribed at the appointment for inexperienced future parents is sometimes very foggy. In our article “Pregnancy and everything you need to know about it,” we will help expectant mothers figure out what signs can be used to make sure that everything is in order with pregnancy and the baby is developing normally, and we will also tell you what difficulties a pregnant woman may encounter while carrying her child . Diseases and health problems.

If most of your pregnancy is already behind you, then it's time to start preparing for childbirth. It is useful to study how labor begins, how labor develops, what methods of self-anesthesia exist, and we raise the issue of joint childbirth.

Today, the traditional position of a woman giving birth during the pushing period is considered to be lying on her back on a special bed. However, this is far from the only method of childbirth and there are alternative options: for example, vertical childbirth, we will tell you whether this method has advantages over the traditional one, whether it is recognized by official medicine, and whether each future mom can use it. If you are not planning a pregnancy, then you should think about it

Doubtful signs of pregnancy

While waiting for conception to occur, many women listen carefully to themselves, trying to detect its signs: someone’s breasts become painful, they begin to feel nauseous, or ordinary smells irritate them. But is it worth trusting such sensations?

All signs of pregnancy are divided into: doubtful (subjective), presumptive (probable) and reliable (accurate). Doubtful signs include various sensations. First of all, let's talk about dubious signs. There are quite a lot of them, and they appear in a variety of combinations. They can indeed accompany pregnancy, but they can also be associated with completely different conditions.

Increased fatigue and drowsiness

Very often the first sign is increased fatigue and drowsiness. Nature seems to give a signal to our body: -Stop! Stop! You no longer need to be on time anywhere, you have a completely different task. Fatigue at the beginning of pregnancy can bother you not only in the evening, but also in the morning. This is explained by this. that a woman’s blood pressure often drops slightly with the onset of conception, which causes weakness. The condition is further aggravated by the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy there is a physiological decrease in blood glucose.

However, increased fatigue may be a consequence chronic fatigue or the manifestation of any disease: from an infection in the nasopharynx to more serious problems.

Strange sensations in the lower abdomen

Some expectant mothers experience strange sensations in the lower abdomen, a kind of “premonition” of pregnancy; the moment of implantation is often accompanied by scanty bleeding. For others, such sensations may precede simple menstruation.

Breast tenderness or mild tenderness

About a third of women report tenderness or mild soreness of the mammary glands. Sometimes the breasts “swell”, increase in size, “goosebumps” and even pulsation in the mammary glands are felt. As pregnancy progresses, sensitivity usually decreases, but swelling continues, the nipples and areola grow and darken. This is absolutely normal phenomenon. Outside of pregnancy similar symptoms may bother women with mastopathy and increased level hormone prolactin in the blood.

Increase in basal temperature

Many women expecting pregnancy track its onset by basal body temperature. Basal temperature is the body temperature in the rectum or vagina, measured by a woman in a state of complete rest after sleep. During a normal menstrual cycle, the basal temperature is below 37 °C until then. until ovulation begins - approximately until the middle of the cycle. This period is called the first phase. As soon as the indicators increased by at least 0.4 °C. you need to think that ovulation has taken place. Basal temperature remains elevated in the second phase. And 1-2 days before the start menstrual cycle or on the day your period starts. it goes down again. If this does not happen - no menstruation, no decrease basal temperature not observed - there is a high probability that pregnancy has occurred. During a normal pregnancy, the basal temperature remains elevated to 37.1−37.3 °C during the first four months, after which it gradually decreases. Most likely, pregnancy has occurred if the increase in basal temperature persists for longer than 12-15 days, or after a short-term decrease in temperature at the end of the second phase, a second rise is observed.

Toxicosis of pregnancy and emotional changes

It usually manifests itself later, in the second month. But even at the very beginning, eating habits may change (as people say, “craving salty foods”), a metallic taste in the mouth and hypersensitivity to odors may appear. And you no longer like your favorite perfume, your favorite coffee is unbearable, and there is nothing worse than the smell of food in your favorite restaurant. The exact cause of this phenomenon is still unknown. It is believed that the main reason for the appearance of food selectivity is the immune response of the woman’s body to developing pregnancy In addition, hormones that support pregnancy help relax the smooth muscles of the esophagus, as a result of which food passes more slowly, remains in the esophagus and causes discomfort.

Increase in general body temperature to 37.0−37.5 °C

It has already been proven that normal pregnancy can be accompanied by such phenomena, but so can a viral infection. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor in such cases.

The appearance of frequent urination

But it may also indicate a urinary tract infection.

How to understand that you are pregnant? Changes in the level of hormones in the blood with the onset of pregnancy cause emotional instability. Mood changes, hysteria, tearfulness, and harmfulness appear. This happens to almost all women. During the first 3 months, your mood changes constantly. Do not forget that loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting are symptoms of gastritis and other diseases of the stomach, liver and intestines.

Possible signs of pregnancy include absence of menstruation, enlarged uterus, positive tests for pregnancy and detection of the ovum on ultrasound. When all four appear probable signs the fact of pregnancy is considered established.

Lack of menstruation

And yet, most women think about the possibility of pregnancy when their next menstruation does not come on time. You can talk about a delay in menstruation when a week has passed after the expected start date. Changes in the duration of the menstrual cycle during the week are not considered a deviation from the norm. They may be associated with stress, higher physical activity, climate change, compliance strict diet. This is the body’s reaction to too sudden a change in living conditions.

Stress- long-term or strong short-term - is the cause of a malfunction of the central structures (cerebral cortex, hypothalamus) that regulate the functioning of the ovaries and uterus. An example of such disorders is the so-called wartime amenorrhea, when women stopped menstruating under conditions of stress.

If the delay in menstruation is a week or more, then you can think about pregnancy. But here, too, not everything is so simple. For some women, prolonged delays in menstruation may be caused by various diseases female reproductive system, such as inflammation of the uterine appendages (salpingoophoritis), uterine fibroids (benign tumor of the uterus), polycystic ovaries and ovarian cysts. Also, a delay in menstruation can occur after termination of pregnancy. The reason is a hormonal imbalance, as well as the fact that during instrumental curettage of the uterus, an excessive amount of tissue from the inner lining of the uterus can be removed, which normally grows during the menstrual cycle and is released in the form of menstrual blood. After discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives, irregularities in the frequency of menstrual cycles are also possible.

Delayed menstruation does not always mean pregnancy, just as timely menstruation does not always mean absence of pregnancy. True, periods during pregnancy are always unusual: they differ from the usual ones in color, are often scanty, less painful, or, conversely, the pain is felt more strongly. Such bleeding is popularly called “washing the fetus.” Their occurrence is explained by the formation of new blood vessels, which actively grow around the embryo implanted into the wall of the uterus - they are still very fragile and quite easily injured, which leads to a small amount of bleeding. As a rule, implantation bleeding, according to many experts, does not pose a threat to either the mother or the unborn baby.

Attention! Sometimes women do not pay attention to the quantitative characteristics of vaginal discharge, considering them next menstruation. As a result, not knowing about the pregnancy, the expectant mother may unknowingly put the health or even the life of her child at serious risk (for example, by taking medications for which pregnancy is one of the main contraindications). To avoid this, you must, firstly, always be attentive to your periods and, in doubtful cases, carry out pregnancy tests.

Pregnancy examination by a gynecologist

Doctor on the basis of usual gynecological examination may suggest the presence of pregnancy in the patient starting from the 6th week from the last menstruation (the uterus increases in size, becomes softer and looser).

Attention! The periods immediately after implantation and the first 2 weeks after a missed period are considered dangerous, critical periods for pregnancy. Therefore, if nothing worries you, it is better to postpone all medical examinations and ultrasounds until the 8th week from the first day of the last menstruation.

Pregnancy test

To make sure that conception has occurred, you can conduct a pregnancy test at home. They can be bought at any pharmacy, and they are based on the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). which makes that long-awaited second stripe appear on the test. It begins to be released after implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus, i.e. already in the very early stages of pregnancy. In order to perform a pregnancy test at home, you need to place a few drops of urine on a special strip soaked in a certain chemical, or place the strip under a stream of urine. If possible, use your first morning urine for the test or avoid urinating for 4 hours before the test. Before performing the test, please read the instructions carefully and follow their instructions. Sufficient to determine pregnancy hCG level in the blood is achieved approximately on the 7-10th day after fertilization (i.e. 3-5 days before the delay of menstruation). Express tests for home use become positive around the time of the expected menstruation.

When will an ultrasound help?

Already 1-2 weeks after a delay in menstruation (5th week from the last menstruation), an ultrasound can be used to see the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. All gestational age assessments using ultrasound are performed starting from the first day of the last menstrual period. Besides. Ultrasound helps determine the location of the fertilized egg (is it located inside the uterus or is the pregnancy ectopic). Multiple pregnancy can be detected by ultrasound as early as the 5th week.

Attention! If nothing worries you, there is no need to rush. There is evidence that even minimal ultrasonic influence in such early stages can lead to spontaneous interruption pregnancy.

Blood test for hCG during pregnancy

A blood test for hCG during pregnancy will give more accurate results than a urine test, since in the latter the hCG level necessary for diagnosis is reached several days later than in the blood.

You can judge by the amount of this hormone in the blood. how pregnancy develops: normally, throughout its entire duration, the level of hCG is not constant: in the early stages of pregnancy, the concentration of hCG in the body constantly increases by about 2 times every 2-3 days. At 10-12 weeks, the level of hCG during pregnancy reaches its maximum and then gradually begins to decrease. Low hCG during pregnancy may indicate ectopic pregnancy, frozen pregnancy, threat of spontaneous abortion, but more often about incorrect definition gestational age. A deviation indicates the need for dynamic monitoring of hCG and additional examinations in order to understand exactly what is happening.

Difficulties during pregnancy. Diseases and health problems

During pregnancy, many changes occur in a woman’s body: the volume of circulating blood increases, its cellular composition changes, the load on the cardiovascular, respiratory, and excretory systems increases, and significant changes occur in the production of hormones. So, what difficulties does a woman face during pregnancy?

Kidney function during pregnancy

How do kidneys hurt during pregnancy? The expectant mother's kidneys perform a very important mission - they work for two, filtering the blood to remove waste products from it. And where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks!

Hidden kidney diseases become obvious during pregnancy. That is why doctors pay so much attention to monitoring the condition of these important organs. Kidney function is monitored primarily through urine tests. After all, the task of the kidneys is not only to remove waste substances from the internal environment, but also not to allow those that the body may still need to exit. For example, protein (protein) should not be detected in the urine of an expectant mother under any circumstances! Its appearance in the urine (proteinuria) is a symptom of trouble.

Pyelonephritis during pregnancy

The most common kidney pathology, including in expectant mothers, is pyelonephritis. With this disease, both the kidneys themselves and the renal pelvis, where urine is drained before flowing toward the bladder through the ureter, become inflamed. In most cases, pyelonephritis is asymptomatic and is detected by urine analysis: it is characterized by leukocyturia or pyuria (leukocytes or pus in the urine), as well as bacteriuria ( a large number of bacteria that caused the inflammatory process).

Protein in urine most often appears on later pregnancy. And even if a woman feels well, this is an alarm bell about possible development gestosis - late toxicosis of pregnant women. Even the so-called “traces of protein” are of diagnostic value - that is, when very little of it is excreted in the urine (slightly more than 0.1 g/l).

Even if a woman was healthy before pregnancy, she may develop pyelonephritis in the next 9 months, because favorable conditions for this are created in the body. The enlarging uterus compresses the urine outflow tract, and it begins to stagnate in the pelvis. They, like the bladder, swell. The natural direction of urine movement changes: it begins to flow from the lower parts of the urinary system to the overlying ones. Doctors call these phenomena reflux. All this not only contributes to the exacerbation of an existing disease, but also may well cause pyelonephritis in a woman who has not previously been ill, and at any time.

If you regularly undergo tests, it will not be difficult for the doctor to detect inflammation developing in the pelvis and select effective antibacterial therapy that will help the mother and will not harm the child. It happens that relatives persuade the expectant mother not to take the pills prescribed by the doctor, but instead to undergo herbal treatment. But “herbs” also have their contraindications during pregnancy.

Tests and examinations of the kidneys during pregnancy

Over the next 9 months, you will have to submit a total of 1.5-2 liters of urine for analysis. This is enough to get an idea of ​​the condition of the kidneys. The main thing is to correctly collect this informative liquid.

  1. On the eve of the test, do not eat beets, carrots, strawberries, cranberries, or other brightly colored vegetables and fruits that can affect the color of your urine.
  2. In order not to disturb the concentration of urine and acidity, do not drink a lot of liquid at night, sour juice or fruit drink, mineral water, and do not eat salty foods.
  3. Drink a glass of water 30-40 minutes before collecting urine, otherwise it may not be enough for analysis or it may be too concentrated.
  4. It is important that the urine does not contain foreign impurities. It is better to purchase a special container for collecting the analysis at the pharmacy.
  5. Wash yourself with intimate gel, otherwise microorganisms from the skin may get into the jar along with urine, and there will be a suspicion of a urinary tract infection, which in fact does not exist. A little trick: after washing, you don’t need to dry yourself with a towel. No matter how clean it is, there will still be some bacteria on it!
  6. Do not overdo it when filling the jar with the contents: 100-200 ml is enough for analysis.
  7. Please note that the analysis must reach the laboratory within 1.5 hours, otherwise the results may be insufficient

What a urine test during pregnancy will tell you about kidney function. Additional studies of the kidneys during pregnancy according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky

  1. The color should be straw-yellow; if it is dark, this indicates pathology of the liver or kidneys, as well as hemolysis - the destruction of red blood cells due to conflicts over the Rh factor and blood group. Red-brown - an admixture of blood in inflammatory kidney diseases. One-time - taking certain medications, beets, strawberries, carrots.
  2. Transparency should be cloudy, if the urine contains flakes, this may mean that there is inflammation of the kidneys or urinary tract for cystitis and pyelonephritis in pregnant women. If clear urine turns a little cloudy after standing, it’s okay - this often happens.
  3. The relative density of urine should be 1010−1025, if above 1025 - diabetes or dehydration due to toxicosis. About 1010−1012 (isosthenuria) - the density of urine is equal to the density of blood. This happens with pyelonephritis, taking diuretics, kidney dysfunction, or if you simply drank too much water. About 1002−1009 (hyposthenuria) - the density of urine is lower than the density of blood plasma, similar to severe pyelonephritis.
  4. The reaction is acidic, neutral, if alkaline - pyelonephritis in pregnant women or excessive consumption of vegetables and fruits, taking soda and other heartburn remedies, too much mineral water.
  5. Protein should be no more than 0.1 g/l. Protein increases with kidney pathology, hypertension and diabetes mellitus, as well as after intense physical activity.
  6. Bacteria and fungi should be absent in the urine. If they appear, this may be an indicator of a kidney or urinary tract infection.
  7. Cylinders should be absent or single in the field of view. They appear when the kidney tissue and urinary tract are damaged.
  8. There should be no red blood cells in the urine or only a few in the field of view. Up to 100 (microhematuria) - kidney pathology, more than 100 (macrohematuria) - the likelihood of renal bleeding.
  9. Leukocytes in urine. The norm is 0−5 in the field of view. They increase with pyelonephritis, cystitis and vaginitis.

Additional studies of the kidneys during pregnancy according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may order a urine test...

according to Nechiporenko

It is used in doubtful cases when the results of a general urine test raise suspicion: there seems to be no obvious pathology, but the red and white blood cells are slightly higher than normal. Everything is done in the same way as usual, with the difference that the first stream is poured into the toilet, and only then a jar is placed: only the average portion of morning urine should be there. It doesn’t matter that the container is barely a third full - after all, the laboratory assistant only needs 1 ml of urine to count!

according to Zimnitsky

This study reveals inflammatory diseases and renal dysfunction. Urine is collected during the day from 9 am to 6 am the next day every 3 hours in 8 separate specially numbered jars. In the laboratory, the total quantity and specific gravity of all portions are determined. It is important that the amount of urine excreted during the day prevails over that at night, and the relative density in all portions corresponds to the norm.

Urolithiasis during pregnancy: symptoms, causes, treatment.

Urolithiasis, as a rule, does not occur in expectant mothers, but, as in the case of pyelonephritis, it can worsen during pregnancy if it was previously hidden. Then the existing stones begin to grow rapidly and move from the pelvis to the ureter due to the expansion of the urinary tract. All this is accompanied by attacks of pain in the lower back, radiating to the thigh and groin area, and red blood cells appear in urine tests - hematuria occurs due to the fact that the stone injures the ureter. However, both hematuria and renal colic in expectant mothers are not as severe as before pregnancy, because the hormone progesterone makes the tissue stretchable and pliable, facilitating the passage of the stone.

  • If renal colic occurs, call an ambulance!
  • Hot baths and heating pads on the kidney area, which usually help in such cases, are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they can cause a miscarriage.

With frequent colic, the question of removing the stone may arise, although doctors try their best to delay the operation until the birth of the child and resort to it only for emergency indications: for example, if the stone has blocked the lumen of the ureter and, accordingly, the outflow of urine from the kidney. A third of expectant mothers urolithiasis disease complicated by pyelonephritis. which significantly increases the risk of premature birth due to gestosis. A similar threat is created with congenital anomalies.

Late toxicosis. Causes, symptoms and prevention

This condition is caused by protein leakage through the kidneys. They fail 1−3% of women who were practically healthy before pregnancy, and in those who already suffered from chronic diseases, gestosis is even more common. The appearance of protein in the urine is a reason for concern for both the pregnant woman and her doctor. But you don’t have to invent anything extraordinary: there is a clear algorithm for behavior in such cases. Prevention of late toxicosis consists of following a diet, regular examinations at the antenatal clinic, and treating chronic diseases associated with toxicosis.

Dropsy of pregnancy is the first stage of late toxicosis. Just don’t be scared right away! In the later stages, the feet and legs swell a little in all expectant mothers, because the uterus compresses the large veins that collect blood from the lower extremities. This is fine! Such swelling disappears completely after resting in bed with your legs elevated. With dropsy, the swelling is more noticeable and persistent. In addition, in addition to the feet and legs, the thighs and external genitalia, and sometimes the entire body, begin to swell. At the same time, weight grows much faster than the increase expected in later stages - 200-300 g per week, and the amount of urine excreted sharply decreases. After childbirth, dropsy disappears without a trace, but until this moment it harms the health of the expectant mother and baby. Therefore, it needs to be treated.

  • This gives a good effect simple measure, such as limiting fluid to 700−800 ml per day and salt (no more than 3−5 g).
  • We recommend foods rich in vitamins and complete proteins - cottage cheese, kefir, boiled meat, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs.

Nephropathy develops if treatment for dropsy is not started on time. In addition to swelling and protein in the urine, a new symptom is added - increased blood pressure. In this case, the state of health sharply deteriorates, the blood turns sour (acidosis develops), metabolism, oxygen delivery to tissues, and the functioning of the liver and endocrine glands are disrupted. Treatment of nephropathy, as well as the following stages - preeclampsia and eclampsia in pregnant women - is usually carried out in a hospital.

For dropsy, not to mention nephropathy, preventive treatment should be started immediately, while preeclampsia and eclampsia require urgent hospitalization. Since these situations are predictable (if you regularly take urine tests and are observed by a doctor), in case of emergency hospitalization, keep a “hospital kit” (robe, slippers) on hand and instruct your relatives.

If you constantly feel dizzy during pregnancy

The presence of dizziness, even if it is not accompanied by changes in tests, can be a symptom of many diseases that first appear during pregnancy. You should not listen to the opinions of others. hoping that everything will go away on its own and you just need to be patient. First you need to exclude possible reasons ailments associated with the daily routine, stress at work, situations that provoke nervous tension. Pay more attention to proper rest. walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition. If there are no reasons of this kind, you should consult with specialists - a therapist, cardiologist, neurologist - to exclude serious diseases that can complicate the course of pregnancy. A timely and correct diagnosis will allow you to start treatment faster and avoid problems with pregnancy.

Women with negative Rhesus disease deserve special attention during pregnancy. This is due to the possibility of Rh sensitization or its more severe form - Rh conflict. What is this? Simply put, this is the mother’s reaction to the child’s body, which acts as a foreign body, since it contains blood proteins that the mother does not have. A process similar to rejection of a foreign body occurs. In the early stages this can lead to miscarriage, in later stages - to premature birth, development hemolytic disease fetus If the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive, the likelihood of having a child with the father's Rh factor is very high. To avoid complications, prophylactic administration of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is carried out at 28–32 weeks. Vaccination is done intramuscularly, both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor. Blood tests for the presence of Rh antibodies are monitored monthly from the beginning of pregnancy until immunization. If the threat of interruption develops before 28 weeks, immunoglobulin is used ahead of schedule to avoid sensitization.

Joint health during pregnancy: how to maintain it?

The load on most organ systems increases significantly during pregnancy. The musculoskeletal system is no exception. What changes occur in it, how to prevent joint problems or reduce pain if they bother the expectant mother?

According to anatomical definition, joints are connections between two or more bones. Joints have varying degrees of mobility and possible range of motion. Whole line The bones in our body are articulated only by connective tissue formations (cartilage, ligaments) - this is how the vertebrae (intervertebral discs), pubic bones (pubic symphysis) are connected - or by bone sutures (this connection is typical for the bones of the skull). Movements in these types of bone joints are minimal or impossible in principle. Movement in the joints is ensured by muscles that are attached to the bones by tendons.

It is the movable joints that are considered true. As a rule, such joints, in addition to the surfaces of the articulating bones covered with articular cartilage, include an articular capsule and an articular cavity. Articular cartilage plays a shock-absorbing role. The articular capsule (or bursa) consists of connective tissue, on the outside the membrane of the articular capsule is strengthened by ligaments and tendons of the muscles, and on the inside it is lined with a synovial membrane that produces intra-articular fluid. The joint capsule and ligaments give the joint strength, limit the range of movements in it, and also direct these movements. Intra-articular fluid washes all the internal structures of the joint, nourishes the cartilage, and prevents friction of the articular surfaces against each other.

Joint pain during pregnancy is one of the most common complaints, which, according to World Organization health care, worries every seventh inhabitant of the planet. In people over 70 years of age, joint pathology is detected in almost 90% of cases. Pregnancy is also a period when joint problems appear.

What changes during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the load on the musculoskeletal system, especially on the joints of the legs and spine, increases with each trimester, with an increase in body weight.

The growing size of the abdomen leads to a shift in the center of gravity and a change in the posture of the expectant mother: the forward curve of the spine in the lumbar region increases (lumbar lordosis), the deflection flattens spinal column back in the thoracic region (thoracic kyphosis).

The hormone relaxin, the amount of which increases with increasing pregnancy, causes some softening of the connective tissue joints of the bones and increases the extensibility of the joint ligaments. On the one hand, such changes in the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvic joints are necessary to prepare the birth canal so that the baby’s head can pass through it. On the other hand, changes ligamentous apparatus affect almost all joints of the body, makes them more unstable (which is dangerous for injuries), can lead to the appearance pain in various joints.

Excessive physical exercise, prolonged standing (which is common in a number of professions - hairdressers, salesmen, etc.) or prolonged walking, sudden movements, prolonged sitting, especially in an uncomfortable position, existing initially overweight, flat feet, scoliosis, arthritis and arthrosis, injuries, large weight gain during pregnancy).

Due to the significantly increasing need for a number of vitamins and microelements, expectant mothers easily develop their individual problems. The most often affected are the joints of the legs and spine, which perform a load-bearing function - this is a person’s price for walking upright. Pregnancy significantly increases the load on these structures of the musculoskeletal system, aggravates pre-existing problems, and is often a trigger for the development of joint diseases to which there was a predisposition: flat feet, the appearance of a bunion of the big toe (valgus deformity of the big toe), osteochondrosis, arthrosis knee, hip joints, etc.

Flat feet- This is a deformation of the foot associated with the flattening of its arches. Flat feet cause improper redistribution of the load, pressure on the feet, can cause calluses and corns, disrupt the normal position of the fingers, lead to the appearance of “bones” or bumps on the feet. thumbs feet, heel spurs. In addition, due to the redistribution of body weight and the load on the joints of the spine and spine, posture and gait may change, pain in the joints and back may occur, swelling of the foot may appear, visible deformation of the feet, a person quickly gets tired when walking for a long time, etc. Flat feet may be congenital, or may be acquired (usually in the presence of a hereditary predisposition and weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the foot) under the influence of a number of provoking factors: injury, uncomfortable shoes, long wearing high-heeled shoes, excessive loads (for example, people in “standing” professions - hairdressers, salesmen, etc.).

Another common problem during pregnancy is lower back pain, which occurs in every second woman. Most often, this pain is associated with increased load on the spine and weakening of the abdominal muscles due to their overextension. This pain usually appears from the 5th month of pregnancy, and can sometimes radiate to the leg. It is necessary to take into account that if back pain bothered a woman before pregnancy, then while she is expecting a child, the likelihood of such a complaint increases to almost 100%.

Symphysitis (inflammation of the pubic symphysis)- a pregnancy-specific problem, the development of which can be caused by an excess of the hormone relaxin, high body weight, injury, or lack of calcium. The consequences of symphysitis pubis can be pain, swelling in the area of ​​​​the articulation of the pubic bones, their mobility, difficulty raising the legs in a lying position, difficulty walking, and a “duck” gait.

Swelling of the joints- a common symptom in the third trimester of pregnancy. The very occurrence of edema should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor and exclude a serious pathology of pregnancy - gestosis, which threatens the health of both mother and baby. However, even during a normal pregnancy, edema may appear due to sodium and water retention in the body. Swelling of the hands and feet leads to limited movement in the joints of the limbs and pain.

Joint childbirth: expectation and reality

Childbirth looks beautiful only in romantic films: first on the screen is the happy face of a pregnant woman close-up, then she screams for about thirty seconds, then a montage - and now the mother’s glowing face and the rosy-cheeked baby lies on her chest. In some countries, childbirth with a husband has been accepted for a long time. We have everything more men they decide to help their wife in the delivery room.

I won’t have to come up with anything, since I am exactly the same woman whose husband was present at the birth of our only child. It was not my initiative and... To be honest, we didn’t discuss the idea of ​​having a joint birth at all until the 7th month of pregnancy. Then the husband read an article in a popular magazine that joint birth help the couple become stronger, and father and child develop an instant emotional connection. Therefore, the proposal: “Let me go with you to the birth,” my husband made to me himself and solely of his own free will.

To put it mildly, I was very confused, because I was completely unprepared for all the delights of childbirth to happen in front of my husband, and therefore, after thinking a little, I categorically refused.

In my opinion (life, by the way, soon confirmed this), childbirth looks beautiful only in the movies. IN real life everything is not so fast, not at all beautiful and a lot of other things are wrong." And the baby himself is born not at all the way we are used to seeing him in advertising pictures. All this can shock some husbands.

Joint childbirth through the eyes of a woman

  • Many mothers are simply afraid to give birth, especially when it comes to their first birth. It is completely unclear what to expect from your own body, and even if you have read dozens of books and hundreds of articles on this topic, every woman still experiences childbirth differently. Therefore, the presence of a loved one nearby is an undoubted and very big plus.
  • If the expectant mother is not a dramatic actress in life and does not throw out her knees in order to pity her husband and instill in him a feeling of guilt (“Look how I’m suffering here”), then the support of the future dad will only be beneficial. However, doctors know many cases when a woman in labor “plays” on her husband, and as soon as he leaves the room, the heartbreaking screams and moans immediately stop. Psychologists are sure that such a “game” on a man can only lead to negative consequences. Either the spouse will unconsciously take the “blame” for what he has done, and this will undoubtedly lead to the collapse of the couple, because it is impossible to live with an eternal feeling of guilt. Or he, again unconsciously, may develop disgust not only for everything that is happening, but also for the sobbing wife herself. Therefore, the advice is very simple: if you are not sure. If you don’t start wailing and screaming out loud during childbirth, it’s better to leave your husband at home.
  • Some women insist that their husband be present during childbirth and make a big mistake. According to experts, the decision about joint, partner childbirth should come from the man himself. And this fact in itself does not mean that the spouse is ready for the upcoming emotional trials. Therefore, before forcing a husband to give birth, psychologists suggest that expectant mothers think a hundred times about what this idea might lead to.
  • Quite often you can hear that joint childbirth strengthens the emotional connection between the child and his dad. But, unfortunately, recent research in this area does not confirm (but does not refute) this fact. I think in this matter everything is very individual, and just being present at the birth own child It is not always enough for true and strong parental love to arise.

Joint childbirth through the eyes of a man

Of course, the most main reason The reason why men want to share this moment with their spouse is a sense of responsibility and a desire to protect their beloved. Some men find it easier to “control” everything that happens themselves than to worry while sitting by the phone. But in real life everything. what happens in the maternity hospital. - the area of ​​​​responsibility of doctors and medical staff, and a man will not be allowed to even say a word against it there. And rightly so, because when a spouse’s emotions are at play, for professionals in their field, work comes first. Therefore, the main condition for partner childbirth on the part of doctors is: under no circumstances should they interfere in the process if the future dad thinks that “they are doing everything wrong.”

Before going to give birth, some men prepare mentally, read literature and watch videos about the birth of a child. But how a man’s psyche will behave at the most crucial moment is impossible to guess. Some men will begin to treat their spouse with even greater tenderness and desire, while for others, interest in her as a sexual partner may subside, because childbirth is not the most beautiful thing, to be sure.

Often future dad expects the appearance of his first-born as some kind of bright phenomenon, but in reality, after a few hours, he receives a small wrinkled lump of brown-violet color in his hands. Some men may experience real disappointment about this if their expectations do not coincide with reality.

Psychologists do not recommend using joint childbirth as a means to strengthen complex relationships in a couple. The worse the understanding in the family, the less likely it is that childbirth will be able to mend what was broken. Most likely, they will destroy it completely and lead to separation.

If a man has an unbalanced, hot-tempered, hysterical character or bad habits “with burdens”. At some point, childbirth may go according to an unplanned scenario, and the man will take charge of the process. And this is fraught with the most dire consequences for all participants in this action.

Partner birth- this is not a show, but a complex process that requires great endurance, serious preparation and a sincere desire to help the woman you love. The spouse needs to take several lessons, take tests and stock up on uniforms for being in the maternity ward.

Vertical birth. First, second and third stage of labor. Pros and cons of vertical birth

Today, the traditional position of a woman giving birth during the pushing period is considered to be lying on her back on a special bed. However, this is far from the only way of childbirth, and there are alternative options, such as vertical childbirth, which we will discuss in this article.

It is not difficult to guess that vertical birth is a birth in which the woman is in an upright position. This option of childbirth is considered more gentle and comfortable compared to the traditional one, and is recognized by official medicine. Vertical birth differs from “classical” in that in the second stage of labor, during pushing, the expectant mother stands on her knees or all fours, squats on the floor or sits in a special chair.

However, no matter how tempting this method of childbirth may look, it must be taken into account that it has both advantages and disadvantages, and accordingly. and contraindications.

Course of labor

Technology of vertical childbirth in conditions obstetric hospital does not require special equipment.

First stage of labor. The course of the first stage of labor does not differ from that during normal childbirth. Currently, in the absence of contraindications, the active behavior of the expectant mother during the period of cervical dilation, i.e., in the first stage of labor, is encouraged. What does it mean? Everything is very simple: a woman in labor during the period of cervical dilatation does not lie on the bed in one position, but behaves actively: she moves around the room, looks for a comfortable position for herself, and makes various movements. With constant physical activity, oxygen saturation in the blood increases, and blood supply to the muscles occurs more actively than at rest. Consequently, the muscles of the uterus receive more oxygen, and this significantly alleviates pain.

The vertical position of the mother during labor gives positive results in itself: the uterus puts less pressure on the surrounding internal organs, blood vessels and nerve plexuses, pelvic floor muscles relax. head pressure improves and amniotic sac on lower sections of the uterus, which facilitates the dilatation of the cervix. Contractions eventually become more effective and less painful.

Finally, movement during contractions distracts you from focusing on the pain. Anticipation of pain causes nervous tension, which, in turn, only contributes to increased painful sensations. By being distracted, a woman breaks this vicious circle. Active behavior during childbirth allows the woman in labor to move freely around the ward, making a wide variety of movements. Gradually, the woman begins to navigate her own feelings and chooses the behavior or position that allows her to feel most comfortable. If childbirth proceeds without complications, the choice of postures and movements during contractions remains with the woman in labor.

Second stage of labor. The second stage of labor, i.e. the period of pushing, is also carried out in a vertical position. The woman in labor takes the chosen position when the fetal head enters the wide part of the pelvic cavity. During vertical childbirth, several postures for the woman in labor are possible: half-squatting, kneeling, standing or sitting in a specially designed chair. A woman, as a rule, intuitively feels what position she should take, and usually this position turns out to be the most favorable for the birth of a child.

At the same time, many experts say that it is better to rehearse possible positions in advance, but you should not decide in which of them the birth will take place: it is better to determine this already during childbirth. The optimal position is an upright posture with some forward bending. In this position, does the woman in labor sit on a regular Rakhmanov bed? kneeling, facing the headboard, slightly leaning forward. The back of the bed is brought to a vertical position. To prevent rupture of the perineum during the eruption of the fetal head, the doctor recommends that the woman lean forward a little more (about 45°) to avoid excessive pressure of the head on the pelvic floor.

At the moment when the head begins to erupt, during pushing the woman is advised to breathe deeply, as in the traditional position, which restrains the active movements of the fetal head as it exits the pelvis. This tactic allows the perineum itself to smoothly and slowly slide off the fetal head. In a vertical position (sitting, half-sitting or squatting), the woman in labor is positioned facing the doctor. In this case, gravity also helps the baby to be born. In addition, the woman feels freer: with the help of pelvic movements, she can relax it and let the baby pass. Of course, with any option of vertical birth it is easier to do this than if the expectant mother lies down.

The baby's head enters the woman's birth canal more gently. During vertical birth, the child is born independently in sterile diapers, without the provision of classical manual assistance to protect the perineum, which is generally accepted when the woman is usually positioned on her back. The doctor and midwife monitor the progress of labor, and only if obstetric intervention is necessary, the woman in labor is transferred to a supine position.

Remaining in an upright position, the mother immediately takes the baby in her arms and places it on her chest, even before the end of the umbilical cord pulsation and separation of the placenta. Third stage of labor. Finally, the third stage of labor - separation of the placenta and birth of the placenta - also takes place in an upright position. At this time, the woman sits, most often on a vessel or a special chair. Due to the vertical position and irritation of the nipples when a newborn baby is applied to the breast, the uterus contracts more efficiently, and the separation of the placenta occurs faster than in the case of “classic” childbirth.

Benefits of vertical birth

The main advantage of delivery in a vertical position is the maximum naturalness and physiology of the process. The pressure of the uterus on large vessels is reduced. The vertical position avoids pressure from the uterus on the inferior vena cava, and this reduces the possibility of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) during childbirth. In the position of the woman in labor lying on her back, the pregnant uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, due to which the venous outflow is disrupted. This causes heart palpitations. a decrease in blood pressure; a woman’s eyes may darken. The baby’s condition also worsens, since in the absence of normal blood supply to the uterus, the placenta is poorly supplied with blood, so the baby also lacks oxygen. And when a woman sits or stands on all fours, the pressure of the uterus on large vessels decreases. which improves uteroplacental blood circulation and prevents the development of hypoxia in the child both during contractions and when the head passes through the birth canal.

Reduces the risk of birth trauma

Due to active behavior, the duration of the first stage of labor is shortened by approximately 1.5-2 hours, and the duration of the pushing period, on the contrary, increases. Research conducted by doctors shows. that in a standing or sitting woman, the fetus moves down not only more slowly, but also more smoothly, so the chances of rupture of the cervix, vagina and perineum are reduced. During pushing, optimal coordination of the abdominal muscles, back, pelvic floor and all skeletal muscles is achieved, in addition, strength helps the laboring woman gravity. As a result, the muscle tension necessary to expel the fetus is minimized, and the pelvic floor muscles are maximally relaxed. As a result, it becomes easier for the baby to move through the birth canal with the least energy expenditure. It is easier to physically push while squatting or standing, since in such positions the work of the abdominal, back and leg muscles helps. Accordingly, vertical birth is indicated for those expectant mothers who need to ease the period of pushing, in particular women with a high degree of myopia or diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The incidence of childbirth complications is reduced

Studies have shown that during vertical birth, labor weakness develops approximately 6 times less often than in cases where a woman lies down during all three stages of labor. Other disorders of the birth process are also observed much less frequently.

Reducing the risk of fetal injury during childbirth

Due to the smooth and gentle movement, the risk of injury to the fetus during the second stage of labor is reduced.

According to studies, children. Those born vertically have a higher Apgar score at the time of birth, they are significantly less likely to have neurological disorders, and they regain body weight faster after childbirth.

Blood loss is reduced. It has been proven that during a vertical birth a woman loses less blood than during a normal birth (100−150 ml during a vertical birth and about 200−400 ml during a “classic” birth). This occurs by reducing the incidence of cervical and perineal rupture and by shortening the third stage of labor as the placenta is delivered more quickly due to more efficient uterine contractions.

Active participation in the birth process

One of the indisputable advantages of vertical childbirth is that the woman takes Active participation during the birth of a baby. She has the opportunity to freely communicate with her partner during childbirth, take any position that is convenient for her at the time of the birth of the baby. In the second stage of labor, a woman can see for herself how the birth of a child occurs, and after the baby is born, she can immediately take him in her arms.

Disadvantages of vertical birth

  • In some situations, when doctors have concerns about the baby’s condition, it is necessary to listen to the fetal heartbeat after each attempt. During vertical birth, this is very difficult to do, thus, problems arise with monitoring the condition of the baby and the process of its movement along the birth canal.
  • Vertical childbirth does not allow for measures to protect the perineum and medical manipulations (for example, an incision of the perineum). If the structure of the mother's perineum is incorrect, this can lead to serious injuries and deep tears.
  • Conducting childbirth vertically does not allow the use of epidural anesthesia: after all, the woman does not feel bottom part his body, including his legs, simply cannot stand.
  • At repeated births vertical position can provoke accelerated labor, which increases the risk of fetal injury.
  • Not at all maternity hospitals and not all doctors practice vertical birth. Of course. Only a doctor who knows this technique can perform such births, and the maternity hospital must have a license to conduct vertical births.
  • So, if you are inclined to give birth to a child in an upright position, find out in advance where such births take place and it is advisable to meet with a doctor to discuss all the nuances and figure out whether this option for the birth of a baby is right for you!

Alternatively - no

The main contraindications for vertical birth are severe forms of gestosis (this is a complication of the second half of pregnancy, manifested by edema, increased blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine), cardiovascular diseases, severe varicose veins of the legs, premature and rapid labor, oxygen starvation of the fetus during pregnancy and the presence of indications for cesarean section from both the mother and the fetus. Naturally, each body behaves differently, and if the doctor sees that the vertical position has an adverse effect on the condition of the woman in labor or the fetus, he can always put the woman to bed and continue childbirth in the classic version.

The 1st trimester of pregnancy is the initial, but very important stage pregnancy, during which the formation of all organs and systems of the unborn baby occurs.
The first trimester is also quite difficult for the mother, since right now she will have to face most of the difficulties of the entire pregnancy.

1st trimester of pregnancy: how many weeks is it and when does it end?

Early period pregnancy or the first trimester lasts 13 obstetric weeks. It is counted from the first day of the last menstruation, after which conception occurred. Many young mothers are perplexed why, at the first examination by a gynecologist, just a week after the delay, they are given a period of 5-6 weeks, although in fact the baby in the tummy is no more than 3.5-4 weeks.

The answer to this riddle is simple - the first month of pregnancy in medical practice lasts 6, not 4 calendar weeks, since the calculation of the period also takes into account those 14 days from the day the last menstruation began, when the egg was preparing for fertilization. This is the period when your future baby makes a serious “journey” through fallopian tubes towards the womb, which will become his home for the next nine months.

First trimester of pregnancy: what happens

The first trimester, like the next two three-month periods of bearing a child, has its own characteristics. During this period, important processes occur in the body of the pregnant woman and the embryo that set the course of the entire course of pregnancy. Depending on individual characteristics early stage Every woman experiences pregnancy differently.

Almost constant companions of all mothers in the first weeks are:

  1. overwhelming fatigue
  2. nausea
  3. headache and fainting
  4. drowsiness
  5. depression and irritability
  6. thrush
But you can easily overcome bad health if you have the right mindset. A review of your lifestyle will help you cope with toxicosis and raging hormones. Try to relax more and walk in the fresh air, change your diet, replacing the sandwich menu with healthy food - this will help you quickly “adapt” to the appearance of a “tenant” in your stomach.

What happens to the child:
In the first three months, the embryo actively develops. In the fifth week, serious processes take place in his body to form important organs: liver, kidneys and digestive system. At the sixth week, the baby’s heart completes its formation, which from that moment begins to contract. By the 12th week, the embryo is already completely human-like - its height is 5-6 cm and its weight is 9-14 g.

Nutrition during pregnancy 1st trimester

Nutrition in the first trimester is a pressing issue for women in labor suffering from toxicosis, against the background of which there is an absolute aversion to everything related to food. What should you eat in the early stages to provide your developing baby with everything he needs? nutrients in full?

It is best to select the diet and diet in the early stages based on your individual preferences, especially when toxicosis is raging and all foods in the eyes of a pregnant woman are divided into two categories - impossible to eat and acceptable. Fractional meals will help combat this problem - little by little, but often.

What is healthy to eat and drink: boiled meat and fish, vegetable soups, fruits and vegetables in any form, dairy products. You need to give up everything fried, spicy and sour, although it is better to leave pickled cucumber or sauerkraut on the menu - they stimulate appetite and help smooth out the symptoms of toxicosis.

A healthy menu for the first trimester should include the following dishes:

  • Bran flakes, muesli and porridge;
  • Vegetable soups with light broth and stews;
  • Vegetable and fruit salads;
  • Steamed meat and fish cutlets, casseroles
  • Milk puddings
For a snack, it is better to give up fast food and sandwiches, and stock up on biscuits and juice, which you can use to “eat up” nausea in several sittings between main meals.

Tests for pregnant women in the first trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is the busiest in terms of medical examination. It is during this period that women are prescribed many tests to determine the right plan monitoring the course of pregnancy.

The list of mandatory tests and examinations includes:

  1. blood for HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, TORCH infections, hepatitis B and C, group and Rh factor, hemoglobin;
  2. general analysis urine;
  3. vaginal microflora smear;
  4. electrocardiogram of the heart.
Also, at an early stage, gynecologists give the pregnant woman a referral to undergo medical examination by specialized specialists: a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist, a dentist, a surgeon and a therapist.

Discharge during pregnancy in the first trimester

The first trimester is considered the most dangerous period pregnancy, during which a miscarriage may occur. The main symptom of threatened miscarriage and miscarriage is bleeding.

Very often, in the first three months, expectant mothers experience vaginal discharge of various types and shades. The norm is a mucous discharge of a whitish hue, which intensifies under the influence of the pregnancy hormone progesterone.

You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience:

  • Dark yellow, yellow, yellowish or brown discharge. They may indicate the presence of a sexually transmitted infection or fetal death.
  • White discharge with a cheesy consistency. They are a sign of thrush, which can cause pathology in the fetus.
  • Bloody discharge or spotting, which may be a sign of miscarriage.

Sex in the first trimester of pregnancy

In the 1st trimester, when future parents are not yet accustomed to their new status, married couples The question of sex becomes acute - is it possible or not? Obstetricians even allow it in the first trimester intimate relationships for mothers, if there is no threat of miscarriage.

But on at this stage Opponents of sex are often women who, against the backdrop of a hormonal surge and constant malaise, no longer have the desire to have an intimate relationship. This problem can only be solved individually. Psychologists recommend that caring dads do not despair and wait a little - when the expectant mother “gets used” to pregnancy, she will definitely remember her husband, who needs her affection.

Sports during pregnancy first trimester

Often expectant mothers who lead an active lifestyle before pregnancy find it difficult to give up sports. According to obstetricians, this is not worth doing, since today the concept of never “shaking” a baby in the stomach is considered outdated, and for an easy birth, gynecologists even advise women to go to the gym, but without fanaticism.

Of course, you should avoid training with increased physical activity, active running and abdominal pumping. But cycling, swimming, yoga or gymnastics - these activities will even be useful for the expectant mother.

First trimester of pregnancy: do's and don'ts

The first trimester is a very important period in the development of the baby. What can and cannot be done in the first three months so as not to harm the baby?
Indeed, with the onset of pregnancy, women have to give up many habits. But this does not mean that you need to radically change your lifestyle. At the same time, it is still worth familiarizing yourself with categorical “taboos”, since they promise danger for the baby.

Categorical “don’ts” of the first trimester:

  1. alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and soda;
  2. prolonged exposure to the sun;
  3. physical exercise;
  4. stress;
  5. toxic substances;
  6. medications without a doctor's prescription.
The main “dos” of the first trimester are:
  1. calmness,
  2. complete rest,
  3. outdoor walks,
  4. sleep and healthy eating.

Pregnancy 1st trimester: what you need to know

Are you becoming a mother for the first time and are confused when you see two lines on the test, not knowing what to do first? The algorithm is simple: visit a gynecologist, register with the antenatal clinic, go necessary examination and enjoy your interesting position.

At this stage, it is not necessary to give up work and travel if they are planned. If you feel well and there are no medical contraindications, you can fly by plane, so you can safely go to hot countries - this will not harm either the baby or the mother.

It is important to remember that during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, any colds or taking medications are dangerous. Even with a simple runny nose, you should immediately visit a gynecologist and get qualified recommendations, without self-medicating with the use of even those drugs that are sold without a prescription.

There are countless factors that can have a negative impact on pregnancy in the first trimester. But do not despair - it is possible to avoid problems when carrying a child.

Rules of the first trimester: calmness and following all the recommendations of the gynecologist, proper rest and sleep, avoidance of stress and overwork, healthy eating and a proper drinking regime.

And don’t forget, bearing a child is not a disease that needs to be treated, but a wonderful condition given to a woman by nature. Enjoy it, and then your pregnancy will pass like one happy moment.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most difficult stage of the entire gestation period. At this moment, the mother’s body faces certain difficulties, she is constantly tormented by toxicosis, and weakness appears. At this moment, adaptation to the new state occurs. The psycho-emotional background may also be unstable; not only hormones are to blame for this, but also anxiety for the successful process of pregnancy, because about 70% of miscarriages occur in the early stages. The described tips and recommendations will help you get through such a difficult period with dignity.

Fetal size and weight in the first trimester

During the entire period of gestation, doctors constantly evaluate the development of the embryo using two important indicators: height and weight. Deviations from the norm may be a symptom of serious developmental disorders. In addition, the discrepancy between the size of the fetus and the gestational age is an important symptom, on the basis of which a frozen pregnancy is often diagnosed.

Attention! Fetal weight – important indicator, which plays a role in the process of determining the method of birth. If the fetus is large, the woman is recommended to have a cesarean section. This method involves performing an operation. Obstetricians should also know that the fetus is low-weight. Control over low birth weight and premature babies should be more thorough.

The size and weight of the fetus is an important indicator reflecting the development process of the embryo; however, it is possible to view the weight using ultrasound only from the 8th week. Until this point, the embryo develops extremely slowly, and it is quite difficult to estimate its size. We are eight weeks pregnant and the weight of the fetus is only 1 gram. By the end of the first trimester, his weight reaches 27 grams.

It is the ultrasound examination technique that allows you to determine the weight of the fetus and other indicators. Examination during this period of time can be carried out using a vaginal or abdominal probe. The examination allows you to view fetometry.

The following indicators are of value during this period of development:

  • fertilized egg size;
  • biparietal distance;
  • coccygeal-parietal size is an indicator that allows you to determine the likelihood of manifestation.

The size of the fetus increases slightly during the first trimester of pregnancy. The period of active growth and development occurs in the 2-3 trimester. However, deviations from the norm may signal danger.

Condition of a pregnant woman in the first trimester

The most significant changes in a pregnant woman’s body occur in the 1st trimester. The volume of circulating blood increases significantly, the woman’s lungs and heart function in an enhanced mode, the main task of the body is to provide the body of the woman and the fetus with the necessary substances.

Attention! A woman’s body can fight “foreign” interference by producing antibodies. In this case, the woman may notice some deterioration in her health.

Even absolutely healthy pregnant women often exhibit disturbances in the psychoemotional and physiological spheres. It should be emphasized that all such changes are necessary and without them the systematic development and growth of the fetus.

Time frame for the study

Most doctors recommend testing at 10-13 weeks of pregnancy. The time limit is due to the fact that it is during this period that there is a clear increase in concentration in the blood and there is an opportunity to view the nuchal space of the fetus. It is this data that is valuable for the diagnostic process. The optimal date for the examination will be determined by the doctor.

How to prepare for research

The study consists of two stages: ultrasound and blood donation. Ultrasonography can be performed transvaginally and abdominally. Special preparation is required only when performing ultrasound using the abdominal method. A pregnant woman should drink plenty of water an hour before the examination.

The second stage of the examination involves collecting venous blood - biochemical screening. To donate blood you should prepare:

  1. The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before blood donation.
  2. You should follow a diet for several days to avoid accidental distortion of study data.
  3. A woman should remain in a calm state.

No special preparation measures are required, but the recommendations given must be followed. Some restrictions will reduce the risk of unintentional distortion of survey results.

How the research is carried out

Decoding the results

To interpret test results, laboratories use special certified products that are tailored to the equipment of each laboratory. The actions of competent specialists ensure accurate identification of the risk of chromosomal pathology in the fetus.

Attention! Ultrasound examination and biochemical blood test should be taken in one medical institution. This will minimize the likelihood of error.

During the survey, the following is assessed:

  • plasma protein A;
  • concentration;
  • ultrasound standards.

The listed tests are informative indicators. If any abnormalities are detected in a woman’s blood, she may be advised to retake the material. The fact is that the balance of hormones can change significantly and it is impossible to talk about the presence of pathology based on the results of one test.

You should not try to interpret the results obtained during the examination - this is the doctor’s task. Self-evaluation of the data will not give results; only the doctor will be able to correctly compare the data obtained.

What hormone levels are determined by 1 screening?

After receiving the indicators of HGH and protein A, a special coefficient is calculated, reflecting the deviation of the indicators from a certain level.

Attention! The MoM coefficient is normally up to 2.5; for multiple pregnancies, 1.0 is added to this indicator.

It is important to note that the examination results obtained may vary depending on the methods used by the laboratory.

How to make sense of the data

You don't have to figure out the data yourself. Interpretation of the results is the doctor’s task. Only a specialist will be able to correctly identify and compare all the risks. In any case, the doctor will provide the patient with information about the likelihood of abnormalities being present.

Are there any risks in the study?

There are no risks during the study. A properly conducted examination cannot harm the woman’s body and the fetus. On the contrary, the study is necessary and allows us to exclude possible adverse outcomes.

What influences the results

The following factors may influence the results of the study:

  • psycho-emotional state of a woman;
  • physical exercise;
  • It is important to limit your diet before taking a biochemical blood test.