How to take an analysis for bacterial culture of urine during pregnancy - preparation and conduct of the study. Determination of inflammatory diseases by analysis of urine culture


Urinalysis for culture is of great importance in the effective diagnosis of diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. The urinary system is, at first glance, a fairly simple process: urine is formed in the kidneys (this is a type of excrement, a waste product of animals and humans), which then enters the bladder and is excreted from the body through the urethra. This process is so commonplace for a person that the latter, up to a certain point, does not attach any importance to it. The value increases only when this process fails (with kidney disease), and then the person turns to all kinds of medical research.

UAM (or also called clinical urinalysis) is a laboratory test that allows you to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of urine and sediment microscopy. Physical characteristics include the amount of urine, its color, transparency, reaction (pH), specific gravity (relative density). Chemical characteristics include protein, glucose, ketone bodies, bile pigments. Well, sediment microscopy is the amount of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes, epithelial cells and cylinders. Diagnoses after this study can be varied, for example, leukocyte esterase. If the test is positive, then this means the presence of leukocytes in this type of excrement. Otherwise, leukocyte esterase casts doubt on the infection in the urine and suggests the need for other types of research.

This analysis is one of the most used (they begin to identify a particular disease most often from it), which helps to detect abnormalities in the work of both the urinary system and the kidneys.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko (the idea of ​​this study belongs to the Soviet doctor A.Z. Nechiporenko) is a laboratory study that consists in determining the content of leukocytes, erythrocytes and cylinders in 1 ml of urine. This type of research has become widespread due to its relative simplicity and wide information content. The purpose of this study is to identify a hidden inflammatory process in the urinary system or kidney dysfunction, and, as a rule, it is carried out when abnormalities in the OAM are detected. The following proportions are considered normal limits:

  1. Leukocytes - up to 2000 (in men), up to 4000 (in women).
  2. Erythrocytes - up to 1000.
  3. Cylinders - up to 20.

A urine culture is a laboratory test that detects the presence of microorganisms in the urine. The main task of the analysis (urine culture for sterility) is to prove the etiological (causal) role of microorganisms in the development diseases (their type, degree of bacteriuria (the presence of bacteria in the urine), as well as the frequency of bacterial isolation). In a healthy person, this species is sterile, that is, it does not contain any bacteria, otherwise this indicates the presence of an infection in the urinary system. Urine culture for flora is prescribed after the presence of deviations in OAM and urinalysis according to Nechiporenko.

These symptoms occur in people prone to the following diseases: acute and chronic cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, as well as diabetes and immunodeficiency.

Deciphering the analysis of urine culture for microflora

The result of the study is indicated in the presence or absence of bacterial growth, the degree of urine for bacteriuria, expressed in CFU / ml, the name of the pathogen, sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs (determined with bacteriuria in a titer of 10 * 4 cfu / ml). So, when analyzing urine for a sowing tank, the concentration (number) of microorganisms in one volume unit of the biomaterial is set on colony-forming units (CFU).

A CFU is a single living microbial cell (or group of cells) that causes the growth of a visible microbial colony. If the detected number of bacteria in the urine is up to 1000 CFU / ml, then this means that the bacteria got there by chance, for example, from the external genitalia, which does not require treatment.

But if the number of microbes is equal to or exceeds 100,000 CFU / ml, then in this case there can be no talk of any bacteria that accidentally got in: this is an infection, and you need to contact a specialist for treatment.

With an intermediate result of 10-1000 CFU / ml, the analysis is considered doubtful, and it must be retaken. But, in spite of everything, do not try to decipher this or that analysis on your own (decoding by a non-specialist leads to ineffective treatment). Ask your doctor directly for this.

How to take a bacteriological analysis: rules for passing

Rule 1. Biomaterial (urine), as a rule, is collected in the morning after sleep. But there are also individual emergency cases in which the collection of material for research is collected 2-3 hours after the last urination.

Rule. Immediately before collecting urine, wash your hands and genitals. This measure is necessary to prevent false microbes from entering the biomaterial, which can lead to a distortion of the final result of the analysis.

Rule 3. Excrement must be collected in a special and, very importantly, sterile container (they can be purchased at pharmacies). In addition, it is necessary to collect exactly the middle portion of urine, i.e., the first and last drops should not fall into the container. This is necessary so that the bacteria in the urine test are concentrated in the maximum amount (if, of course, they are present in it).

After direct collection of urine, the analysis is delivered to the laboratory, where there are various nutrient media, on which a certain amount of material is applied. Observing certain favorable conditions for each type of bacteria, their colonies are grown. Based on these data, the result of the analysis of the microbe that caused the disease is made. To determine the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics, several such drugs are applied to their colonies in order to have some choice in the selection of a drug to fight the disease. Urine analysis for culture tank is prepared from 1 to 10 days (depending on the type of bacteria).

Bacterial culture of urine is a laboratory study of urine, which can be used to detect colonies of various bacteria contained in the human body. To identify bacterial cultures contained in the urine, the laboratory assistant places the biomaterial for analysis in an environment that promotes bacterial growth. Most often, agar or sugar broth is used for this.

In addition, using a culture tank for urine sterility, you can identify how sensitive certain types of bacteria are to antibiotics, which allows you to prescribe an effective treatment for the disease. Women during pregnancy should take this test as at least twice to prevent infectious diseases of the genitourinary system dangerous for the fetus.

Urine is a liquid that is excreted from the body during metabolism and is considered a type of excrement. Urine formation begins in the kidneys, and then, getting through the ureters into the bladder, it is excreted outside. Harmful bacteria, which are the cause of multiple infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, enter the urine after it is excreted from the kidneys. Thus, a urinalysis tank analysis allows you to detect "beneficial" and "harmful" microflora, while a conventional general urinalysis is not able to provide such accurate information.

A referral for delivery of a urine culture tank can be issued therapist, endocrinologist, nephrologist, bacteriologist. The main indications for the delivery of a seeding tank for urine sterility may be a doctor's suspicion of such diseases in a patient:

  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • suspected immunodeficiency;
  • Availability .

In addition, a urinalysis tank is a necessity for pregnant women, as well as if the attending physician suspects inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system that are hidden.

Rules for passing urine to the tank analysis

In order for the analysis to give the most reliable result, you should carefully follow the recommendations for its collection. The most commonly used method of urine sampling for bacterial culture according to Nechiporenko. Preparation for the analysis should begin already in 2-3 days prior to sampling for research.

So, two days before the test, the patient should exclude all meat products from his diet, since eating meat can change the acidic composition of the urine. At the same time, do not forget about vegetables: they should be eaten in large quantities. Before taking urine for analysis, you should not drink a lot of liquid, take diuretic medications, as this will reduce the concentration of urine, which will contribute to obtaining an incorrect result.

Before collecting urine for analysis, it is necessary to properly rinse the external genitalia. You need to collect material in the morning, immediately after sleep. It is necessary to urinate in a special container, which can be taken directly from the laboratory or purchased at the pharmacy. It is necessary to collect "average" urine: the first and last jet does not carry useful information. For research, 3 ml will be quite enough.

It is better not to prescribe an analysis for women during the period of menstruation, since blood can accidentally get into the urine, which will significantly distort the result of the research. It is desirable to deliver the container with the material for analysis to the laboratory within 1-2 hours after collection. If this is not possible, then you can store urine in the refrigerator.


During the study of urine, the laboratory assistant acts strictly according to a certain scheme. Her items include:

  1. examination under a microscope of urine sediment.
  2. conducting a primary urine culture in order to isolate the culture of the causative agent of an infectious disease.
  3. the process of accumulation of pure culture.
  4. study of the properties of the obtained bacterial cultures.
  5. identification of the pathogen.

Sometimes sowing is performed immediately on two or three media. Moreover, each pathogen requires its own environment. For example, it feels comfortable in blood agar - in sugar broth, and mushrooms actively multiply in Sabouraud's environment. The laboratory assistant performs inoculation using a bacteriological loop or spatula. Sometimes a special swab is used.

Deciphering the results

The study of bacterial cultures of a single sample begins on the second day after sowing. Usually, colonies of bacteria are already beginning to form in the Petri dish at this time. During the study, the laboratory assistant will describe:

  • colony sizes;
  • their shape;
  • density (transparent, opaque);
  • colors of individual colonies;
  • surface type of each colony;
  • height.

Sometimes, in order to study a single colony of microorganisms, the laboratory assistant has to move it into a special test tube with a fertile medium. Then the next day with each of the colonies conduct tests for biochemistry. For this, special strips are taken, a separate bacterial culture is dripped onto them for testing.

The urine culture tank results are reported in CFU, where CFU stands for Colony Forming Unit. In other words, CFU are grouped cells of microorganisms that provoke the growth of bacterial colonies. When no colony growth is detected after placing the material for research in a nutrient medium for microorganisms, the result of the analysis is considered negative.

If found, positive. When the concentration of microorganisms in a separate urine sample is more than 100,000 CFU / ml, this indicates infectious diseases of the patient's genitourinary system. If the concentration of bacteria is 1000-10000 CFU / ml, an additional study of the urine sample is prescribed.

It is important to remember that the result of the analysis is not the final diagnosis, and your doctor should decipher it.

Testing during pregnancy

Infectious diseases are extremely dangerous for pregnant women, because immunity is significantly reduced during pregnancy, which means that the body is not able to fight the infection on its own. In addition, a woman suffering from persistent infectious diseases may give birth to a child with pathologies or she may have a miscarriage.

That is why it is extremely important to give urine to the sowing tank during the period of bearing a child. Often, pregnant women are prescribed to take an OAM (or a general urinalysis), but he is not able to accurately identify all the pathogenic flora contained in the urine. So, with virtually no symptoms, bacteria such as:

  1. Escherichia coli (Escherichia or Escherichia coli).
  2. Enterococcus faecalis or fecal enterococci.
  3. Staphylococcus aureus or Staphylococcus aureus.
  4. mushroom Candida.

Untimely diagnosis and treatment of diseases that provoke these microorganisms can be the cause of a woman's illness.

The rules for taking urine for analysis for pregnant women are somewhat different from the rules for other patients. While collecting urine in a sterile container, a pregnant woman should cover her vagina with a piece of cotton so that no extra bacteria get into the urine sample. The research material must contain at least 70 ml of urine. The container with the material for analysis should be delivered to the laboratory within 2 hours after collection.

It is important to remember that on the eve of the test, you should not eat vegetables that can stain urine, such as beets. It is also desirable to avoid excessive physical exertion, as this can affect the chemical composition of the urine, which will greatly distort the result of the analysis.

A urine culture tank during pregnancy shows the amount of opportunistic flora that is contained in a woman's urine sample. If the indicators are normal and the number of colony-forming units of opportunistic microorganisms does not exceed the permissible norm, then there is no threat to the health of the mother and fetus. If the quantitative component of bacteria in the urine exceeds the permissible norm, then the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment after deciphering the results of the analysis.

This article will tell you what a urine culture is and how such an analysis is required to be taken correctly. If you follow the recommendations given in the article, then you can be sure of the purity and quality of the submitted material.

Bakposev (bacteriological analysis of urine) is the most common type of analysis currently performed in the laboratory.

Before you collect urine for bakposev, you should know why this should be done. A urine culture tank for analysis must be taken for the reason that it is considered the most accurate, and therefore is collected most often. A urine culture tank should be tested in order to determine if there are any diseases of the genitourinary system in a person. This will help identify various viruses and infections.

The analysis on the urine culture tank should be collected only in laboratory conditions, using sterile materials. This will help give more accurate test results. With this analysis, it is necessary to collect within 3-5 milliliters of liquid. You have to give it up on an empty stomach. This will affect the correctness of the results. Also, this method will help identify the causative agent of the disease. It should be noted that with the help of the analysis of the urine culture tank, it is possible to collect correct information about the health of the patient many times more than with the delivery of any other urine or blood test.

When and how to donate a urine culture tank? It should be noted that before taking an analysis for a urine culture tank, it must be remembered that such a process is quite lengthy and may take some time until its results are ready. Urine after passing the test on the tank, the crop must be collected and placed in a special environment. There will be visible growth or lack of bacteria and other organisms in the fluid. This will help to collect the most accurate survey results. A nephrologist, therapist or other attending physician can prescribe a tank for urine culture.

Indications for urinalysis for culture tank

It could be:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Ongoing therapy to control it.
  4. Infection in the genitourinary system.
  5. Clarification of the diagnosis made by a specialist.
  6. Disease relapse.

In order for urine culture to give accurate results after its collection, it is necessary to properly prepare for such a process. Collect and pass urine on an empty stomach. This will also help to make a more accurate diagnosis. It is necessary to pass at least 3 milliliters of liquid. Before the procedure, do not drink water or other liquids, as this can dilute the urine, making it difficult to conduct a proper examination. Such a test is given in the morning. He can give up in the evening or at another time, but an important condition for this is that you can’t drink and eat before the procedure itself. This will also affect the result.

In order for the picture to be as correct and reliable as possible, it is also important to correctly hand over the material itself. Before handing it over, you should prepare a clean container. It is better to buy this in a pharmacy. You should also wash the genitals beforehand and observe a certain temperature regime. If you do not follow these simple rules of surrender, then it will not guarantee correct result, and such tests will have to be retaken. As a rule, such a test is taken on one day and does not stretch over several.

The main thing is not to use antiseptics when passing the analysis for bakposev. The material should be delivered to the laboratory in a sterile container. This should be done within 2-3 hours after collection. You can store the material for longer, but this should be done in the refrigerator, and not at room temperature.

Other types of bacterial seeding

There are other ways to take this test.. This is a bakposev of warm urine. In this case, the material should be collected in special devices, which are sterile containers, inside which there are already plates with a medium for feeding the liquid. In this way, you can hand over the material already with the finished sowing. Such containers do not need to be moved anywhere, and therefore there is a high probability that other materials will not enter the urine, which can provoke improper growth of bacteria in it.

Thus, you can hand over the material, both at home and in a medical institution. It does not require the help of hospital staff. You can also store such containers in the refrigerator at sub-zero temperatures. But within three days after the collection of the material, such materials must be delivered to the laboratory of the clinic without fail.

It should be noted that bacterial culture is important during pregnancy. His patient must pass without fail. If the general urine test is positive for her, then using this method, hidden diseases of the genitourinary system can be detected. Therefore, it is better to pass such a test and prevent the onset or development of the disease than to treat it for a long time later.

If you comply with all the requirements listed above when collecting and delivering the material to the clinic, then the result of such testing will be 99% as accurate as possible. If you want to know exactly about the state of your health, then you should adhere to the above rules, as well as consult your doctor in time.

A urine test for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms is prescribed for pregnant women several times. The analysis helps in time to identify and cure infections that may threaten the health of the child.

During pregnancy, the mother's well-being plays an important role in the formation and birth of a healthy child, therefore, during the planning and gestation period, a woman must pass a lot of tests. Checking the microflora of the vagina, cervical canal, bladder, nose and throat will help determine its composition, detect pathogenic microorganisms and immediately begin treatment. Therapy is necessary so as not to infect the baby during childbirth. A urine culture tank during pregnancy must be taken several times during the period of bearing a baby. Most often, this is the beginning of pregnancy, the first weeks of the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, as well as the period before the birth itself.

Urine culture during pregnancy

Bacterial culture of urine during pregnancy is one of the most important tests. It shows the state of the urinary tract, and can also be useful in diagnosing bacteriuria, sometimes asymptomatic. The study is carried out to identify acute and chronic infectious diseases of the excretory and reproductive systems.

In order to study the microflora of the genitourinary system in a pregnant woman, there is a good reason. In utero, the baby lives in isolation from bacteria. There is little effect on the sterility of the environment in which the fetus is located - the placenta diligently filters the blood passing there. Because of this, the child does not have enough white blood cells, antibodies to harmful microbes. There is no own flora.

Being born into the world, the baby receives the first beneficial bacteria from the mother, but, in addition to them, he can “capture” pathogenic microorganisms with him. Due to the undeveloped immune system, the child is not able to fight them, so infectious diseases in newborns develop faster, more often and more acutely.

Pathogenic bacteria produce toxic waste products. They threaten the life of the baby, can negatively affect further development. It is important to treat infections in a pregnant woman before giving birth so that she does not infect the baby during them.

How to donate urine to the sowing tank

It is necessary to give urine to the sowing tank, observing a few rules:

  • collect morning urine (the fence must be carried out immediately after getting up);
  • to pass urine, a woman needs to carefully block the entrance to the vagina with a cotton swab so that the urine is not contaminated with secretions;
  • before collecting the biomaterial, you need to wash yourself with soap for intimate hygiene and rinse it off thoroughly.

Urine is collected in a sterile container of 30-50 ml, which must be bought at a pharmacy. You can open the container only immediately before use, and after it you need to tightly close the jar. You need to give the sample to the doctor within 2 hours after collection. During storage of urine in non-sterile conditions, bacteria will actively multiply and sowing will reveal more colonies.

Compliance with these simple rules will help to collect a high-quality urine sample on the tank and get a real picture during a laboratory study. It is important not only to properly collect urine for the sowing tank, but also to prepare in advance for the procedure. Certain foods, habits, and medications may interfere with the test results. For example, 2-3 days before the procedure, brightly colored foods should be excluded from the diet. These are carrots, beets, sweet soda and so on, as well as fatty, floury and salty.

Urine analysis should not be carried out while taking potent drugs, a week before the delivery, you must stop using them. If the patient cannot do without medicines, the attending physician should choose an analogue that will have less effect on the result of the study.

When to take an analysis

Urine culture during pregnancy is done as a routine analysis several times during the period of bearing a child. But there is a list of indications for which it is carried out unscheduled:

  • persistent increase in body temperature in a pregnant woman;
  • pain, discomfort, or
  • violation of the urination regimen, a feeling of an overflowing bladder;
  • aching pain in the lumbar region or lower abdomen;
  • suspicion of pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis;
  • suspected bacteriuria.

What crops still need to be handed over

Urine for culture is not the only study that is given to monitor the health of a pregnant woman. Flora is checked in the vagina, throat and nose. Sexually transmitted pathogens can multiply in the genital tract: chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, Trichomonas.

Microorganisms, getting on the mucous membranes or on the skin of the baby, will cause inflammation and suppuration.

An increased content of the Candida fungus in the woman's vagina during childbirth can provoke purulent eye diseases in the baby, as well as disrupt the formation of normal microflora.

Bacteria in the nose and throat, such as Staphylococcus aureus or different types of streptococci, are present in everyone. During pregnancy, their number increases. For a woman, this may be safe, but in a newborn, pathogenic agents cause acute conditions with high fever and severe intoxication, which sometimes end in death.

The swab method is used to collect samples in the cervical canal, vagina, nose, and throat. To do this, a sample is taken from the required area with a sterile cotton swab, and then bacteriologically sown on a nutrient medium. It is necessary to wait 5 days for the result, during which time the real number of CFU (colony-forming units) will be formed. They can be counted and based on this, a conclusion can be drawn about the woman's health.

Deciphering the results

The patient will wait for the result from 3 to 7 days after the delivery of biological material. The term depends on whether the presence of foreign flora is confirmed and how much of it will be in the sample taken. - an abnormal phenomenon, since this liquid is sterile. It undergoes cleaning in the kidney channels, unable to pass bacterial cells.

The detection of pathogenic microorganisms during urine culture indicates the presence of a focus of infection along the urinary tract.

An exception is the situation when bacteria in the urine are present in small quantities and the CFU norm is not exceeded. This is due to the fact that before taking the sample, the patient cannot create a sterile environment in the genitals and a small part of the flora still gets into the liquid, or if the donation is made in a non-sterile container. Less often, the appearance of bacterial colonies is associated with poor-quality inoculation of the sample on the substrate in the laboratory.

Norm and pathology

After the urine is submitted for analysis and the results are obtained in the laboratory, the third stage in the communication between the doctor and the patient begins - deciphering the results. The norm of bacteria content in this biological material is up to 1000 CFU/ml. If this value increases, additional testing is required. If the indicator is more than 100,000 CFU / ml, then the pregnant woman has a clear pathology of the genitourinary system, requiring urgent treatment.

When the rate of bacteria in a urine sample is exceeded, a pregnant woman needs urgent, immediate treatment. Otherwise, over time, the situation will only worsen, and it is much more difficult to treat an advanced infection during gestation, because most antibiotics are contraindicated. In therapy, medications with an antibacterial effect are used, if necessary, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic, as well as prebiotics.

Bacteriological culture of urine is an important analysis for a pregnant woman. It detects diseases of the excretory system that negatively affect gestation and recovery after childbirth. It is necessary to donate biomaterial, strictly following the rules for preparing and conducting the procedure. If the normal value of CFU / ml is exceeded, it is necessary to start treatment, since it is much more difficult to cope with an advanced infection.

Bacteriological culture of urine (or tank culture) is necessary to identify and identify pathogens of urinary infections, with further determination of the sensitivity of harmful bacteria to antibiotics.

The sowing tank during pregnancy is given twice - when registering and before childbirth (somewhere at 36 weeks of pregnancy). If leukocytes and / or protein are found in the general analysis of urine, as well as in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, urine collection for the tank is prescribed more often.

In the treatment of urological infectious diseases, a second urine culture tank is prescribed for control one week after the antibiotic or uroseptic is discontinued.

Urine collection container

Why do I need to take a urine culture tank during pregnancy?

Urine culture is one of the important tests during pregnancy, so it is included in the list of mandatory tests during pregnancy. Even with a good general urine test, with the help of a seeding tank, you can find a chronic or latent (asymptomatic) form of an infectious disease of the urinary system. It is better to prevent the development of the disease than to treat the advanced stage of the disease, risking giving birth to an unhealthy child or even losing him.

Asymptomatic bacteriuria occurs in approximately 6% of pregnant women with a normal urinalysis. In such analyzes, a significant increase in Escherichia coli (E. coli), Enterococcus faecalis (fecal enterococcus), Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus), fungi such as Candida and others are most often found.

In the absence or untimely treatment, the infection spreads further, affecting the kidneys. Then begins pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys of bacterial etiology.

Pyelonephritis can occur under two conditions: 1) from the source of infection, the bacteria spread further, reaching the kidneys; 2) the number of pathogenic bacteria, which are present in each organism in small numbers, begins to increase under favorable conditions for reproduction, for example, with a decrease in immunity "plus" stagnation of urine.

Pyelonephritis during pregnancy most often occurs due to:

  • a decrease in the tone of the ureters and an increase in their length and width under the influence of pregnancy hormones, which can lead to stagnation of urine, where pathogenic microorganisms begin to develop;
  • an increase in the uterus, which can lead to squeezing of the urinary tract (this pattern is especially common in pregnant women with a narrow pelvis), which also causes stagnation of urine;
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy, which can lead to an expansion of the ovarian veins that compress the ureter, thereby disrupting the outflow of urine, etc.

Pyelonephritis can cause intrauterine infection of the fetus, spontaneous abortion, and in the third trimester cause premature birth. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out treatment in time in order to maintain the health of the baby. During pregnancy, for the treatment of pyelonephritis, a sparing antibiotic is usually prescribed, for example, Amoxiclav or Monural, in combination with an antispasmodic, sedative, vitamins of group B, PP and C.

How to collect urine for analysis on a seeding tank?

Often the test results are distorted due to improper urine sampling. Prepare a sterile dry container with a tight-fitting lid for collecting samples (preferably transparent). Special jars for collecting urine tests can be purchased at pharmacies at almost a penny price.

Immediately before the very collection of urine, it is necessary to thoroughly toilet the external genital organs using toilet soap. It is recommended that pregnant women cover the entrance to the vagina with a piece of sterile cotton when collecting urine so that nothing from the genital tract can be brought into the collection of urine. Be sure to wash your hands too, so you don't accidentally transfer bacteria from your hands.

For the study, it is necessary to collect an average portion of morning urine (excreted immediately after waking up) in an amount of at least 70 ml. For this, it is necessary to skip the first and last stream of urine during urination. Those. start urinating, then hold the flow and place the jar, continue urinating into the jar, at the end of the process, hold the flow again, set the jar aside with the lid on, and finish urinating.

Urine analysis must be submitted to the laboratory within 1.5-2 hours after its collection.

Remember that a day or two before passing a urine test, it is not recommended to use foods that can color urine, such as beets and carrots, as well as diuretics and other drugs that can affect the result of the analysis.

Please note that excessive physical activity can increase the concentration of protein in the urine, so the day before the test, reduce physical activity to a minimum.

Deciphering the urine culture tank during pregnancy

In the body of a healthy person, there are all kinds of pathogenic microbes and rods, but in small quantities. Treatment is necessary only in case of an increase in their growth, since the reproduction of harmful microorganisms entails the appearance of various kinds of diseases.

Refusal of treatment threatens with serious consequences not only for one's own health, but also for the health of the baby, which the woman carries under her heart. Therefore, during pregnancy, a urine culture tank must be prescribed.

In the results of the urine culture tank, the presence (“+”) or absence (“-”) of the growth of harmful microorganisms is noted. If the growth of bacteria is still detected, then the laboratory assistant immediately conducts a study to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to different types of antibiotics - an antibiogram.

The measurement value of the number of microorganisms - CFU / ml.

CFU (colony-forming units) is a single cell of a microbe, which over time will turn into a colony of such cells.

And if the gynecologist says that a pregnant woman has a bad urine culture tank, then this means that an increase in infectious agents has been detected. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, and not just Kanefron or cranberry juice. In addition to antibiotic therapy, other drugs may be prescribed.
Usually, in case of poor urine culture, an ultrasound of the kidneys and a smear from the urethra are additionally prescribed to determine the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.