Organization of the “successful parents” club in a preschool institution. Methodological development on the topic: Club for parents in the preschool educational institution "Family Living Room"

With your own hands

Marina Kozlova
Parents club effective form interaction between preschool educational institutions with a family

Parents' club as an effective form

interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family.

Until recently, all kindergartens in our country were practically identical: same schedule, same classes. Family was seen as typical "unit of society". It was believed that, in principle, everything families similar to each other. Interaction with parents it was enough modest: parent meetings, matinees, competitions “Mom, dad, I’m athletic family» . Today family is changing rapidly. Accordingly, new ones change and appear. forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents.

At the core interaction modern preschool institution and families lies cooperation, the initiator of which should be teachers, since they are professionally prepared for educational and educational work. Positive results in raising children is achieved with a skillful combination of different forms of cooperation, with the active involvement of all members of the preschool institution and family members of the pupils in this work.

Various classifications are described in the literature forms work educational institution With parents: collective and individual, inside and outside the kindergarten, traditional and innovative.

Unconventional ones are of interest forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families of pupils.

The studied literature and the experience of kindergartens in Russia allowed us to identify such effective form kindergarten work family, How parent club.

The Parents Club is the place, Where parents can always receive support and help, recommendations and advice, attention and participation in the upbringing and education of the child.

We have developed an activity model parent club .

Analysis of scientific literature and best pedagogical experience allowed us to identify the main tasks parent club:

implementation of organizational and pedagogical functions to create educational environment in MDOAU;

creation and development of a socio-pedagogical base for the upbringing and development of children, providing assistance parents and teachers in the psychological and pedagogical education of children, in improving conditions family education;

creation of a mechanism for attracting parents into the educational and social space of preschool educational institutions;

system creation interaction between family and preschool educational institution, its further development, reaching the level of volunteerism, parent and child initiatives; revival of family traditions;

increase in psychological pedagogical competence And social activity parents.

Work principles parent club:

participate in the work club on a voluntary basis;

take into account the wishes and suggestions of participants club;

build communication based on mutual understanding, mutual respect, empathy, tolerance;

be creative in your work club.

Basic forms of work of the parents' club:

Parent meeting


Round table


To provide parents with the necessary information on educational issues, there is a set information materials, which are distributed parents.

Lesson plan parent club"My Sunshine"

for 2014-2015 academic year

September Development of the work program club for parents.

Questionnaire parents.

Notification and invitation parents.

October 1st meeting: « Meet me: that's mine family

November Exhibition of family coats of arms

December 2nd meeting: “Learning how to play usefully with children”; « New Year“What will he bring us?”

January Photo Newspaper "New Year's Holidays"

February 3rd meeting: "Cooking with Mom"

March Decor books culinary recipes with photos

April 4th meeting: « Skillful hands don't know boredom"

May Moms and Dads, it's time to take stock.

Questionnaires and surveys to identify the level of pedagogical competence and pedagogical needs parents

June Individual consultations For parents"Let's spend the summer together", preparation of memos for parents.

The planning was carried out in such a way that parents no monthly visit required club. The work is based on collective activity parents with teacher, and on an individual basis.


Survey parents on at this stage work showed: job satisfaction parent club was 95%, the need to continue work is 90%. Evaluation results parents work parent club are reflected in diagram No. 1.

Diagram No. 1

Performance evaluation parent club"My Sunshine"

But along with the high pedagogical potential such forms of interaction with parents as« parent club» We also encountered certain difficulties. They consisted of organizing the first meetings with parents. But all difficulties can be eliminated by popularizing this forms of work with families and giving interaction to parents cooperation status with preschool educational institutions.

List of used literature:

1. Kindergarten. Book for managers//Ed. L. P. Tarasova. - M., 1982.

2. Dyadyunova I. A. Scientific and practical principles effective socialization of the child within the family club: Abstract. - Nizhny Novgorod, 2008.

3. Evdokimova E. S. Pedagogical support families in raising a preschooler. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008. – 96 p.

4. Kozlova A.V., Desheulina R.P. Work of preschool educational institution With family: Guidelines/ A. V. Kozlova, R. P. Desheulina. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008.

5. Modern child: family plus kindergarten // Hoop. -2008, -№1.-s. 3-6.

Publications on the topic:

"Sports holidays and physical education, as an effective form of physical education and health work and active rest preschool children.

Child-parent project on theatricalization as an effective form of work during the adaptation period Child-parent project on theatricalization as an effective form of work during the adaptation period. I present to your attention the experience of working within the framework.

"Three S" is Sport-Family-Happiness! Parents are the main social customers of preschool educational institutions, so many preschool institutions and, ours.

The kindergarten works with parents in different forms, which I will not list, since this is familiar to everyone and not new. Work of the club for parents.

First meeting at the family club in kindergarten

"Welcome to the family club "Solnyshko"

Description: this material is presented as innovative form working with parents to instill spiritual and moral values. The notes can be used in full, or in part, fragmentarily, in working with parents and teachers, by editing the tasks and material. The material will be of interest to teachers looking for new forms of interaction with parents. Meetings in the family club using the "Lessons" technology family love"allows you to solve many problems parental education. This lesson I developed, using the technology of Elena Vladimirovna Bacheva, “Lessons of Family Love” for parents, organized on the basis of my group family club"Sun". Dads, mothers and grandmothers came to the first meeting. During the meeting, it turned out that men and women have completely different points of view on what is happening and ardently defend them. At the first meeting of the club, everything was new to us. My parents and I, together with them, learned to listen, hear each other, and calmly perceive a different point of view.

Audience: parents of children middle groups s.

Preparatory work: delivery of letters to loving parents during four weeks, work in the family club “Solnyshko” during the school year in the second junior group of kindergarten, opening of the “School loving parents"in kindergarten on October 24, 2012, with the children, arranging a group of invitations for moms and dads to a meeting at the family club "Solnyshko".
Target: introduction of parents to the topic of upcoming classes in the family club “Sun” on the topic “Parental education”.
1. Introduce parents to the rules of meetings in the updated family club “Solnyshko”.
2. Create conditions for the development of parents’ skills to work in small groups, negotiate, listen to each other and find a compromise solution.
3. Contribute to the unity of the team of parents.

Materials and equipment: sun (image) rays with information,
Svetlana doll,
candle, matches, box,
improvised microphone,
autumn leaves of four colors,
puzzles for parents on sheets of paper corresponding to the color of autumn leaves,
for each parent:
- sheets of paper in A6 format for work in a microgroup
-colored sheets of A6 paper for feedback on the work in the lesson,
- live autumn leaves, 2 sheets of A4 paper
-for each child in the group, colored pencils in soft warm colors and wax crayons,
Memo for every parent “Childhood joys”

During the classes

Teacher: Thank you for taking the time to come to our meeting today. We are starting a new school year in our updated family club “Solnyshko”. Classes at the club will be held in an unusual way, we will work together, think about what a family is, how to harmoniously build relationships with loved ones and people around us.
The teacher draws the parents' attention to the sun, which is depicted on the board.
Teacher: Today our guest is Svetlana (doll show)
Poem reading:
It's snowing outside the window,
The day is creeping by the minute.
Tired of waiting for a long time -
I will draw the sun.
I'll draw the sun -
I'll glue it to the window
The room became brighter,
It immediately became more fun.
I'll tell you without hiding -
You can't live without the sun.

Circular question: What else can a person live without?
(Listen to parents’ answers, summarize and draw to a conclusion): a person cannot live without family, loved ones, without love.
Teacher: Lyudmila Pavlovna, Lyubov Ivanovna, Vera Ivanovna were present at the first lesson at the “School of Loving Parents”. I would like to hear your opinion. (Parents' feedback is listened to and summarized).
Our sun is not simple, it brings light, positivity and information. I am distributing the rays to you, read the information and share with us.
Work with text: (Parents read the information out loud):
Have parental education in Perm region its own story. In the city of Perm, Elena Vladimirovna Bacheva, head of the Perm regional public organization, has been working on this topic for 20 years. Parents' house", founder and rector of the "Academy of Parental Education", editor-in-chief of the magazine "Rodnoy Dom" and a very competent, active, at the same time sincere, sensitive, open and kind woman.

Think about her words: “For thousands of years people have been arguing about what is Good and what is Evil. We would like to agree that goodness is what makes a person human, elevates him; something that makes him better. Evil is what destroys a person, humiliates him, reduces him to the position of a non-human, a non-human, a beast, an animal.
Nature is wise, she has assigned her own task to everyone: a flower blooms, a river flows, the sun warms, and a person thinks. He thinks! He can create Beauty, bring Good to this world, and warm the disadvantaged with his heart. But only when he thinks, reflects, compares, analyzes, realizes, sympathizes, understands.

Only a positive parent can raise a happy child. Positive parenting can and should be learned through self-development and self-improvement."

Teacher: Today we will conduct entrance exams to the “School of Loving Parents”. So, let's begin, while working in a circle, each of you has the right to skip one question
Question to the audience:
- Do you love your child? (parents answer one by one).
Teacher: Amazing. I did not expect any other answer to this question.
I suggest you choose one of autumn leaves: there are yellow, orange, red, cherry. The choice has been made, please unite by leaf color and take your tables.

Work in micro groups: Each of you has your own point of view on what is happening. We agree: there are no wrong or right points of view: you just have your own point of view, your own decision, your own vision. In microgroups, try to come to an agreement: and if you don’t come to a consensus, at least try to find a compromise.
So, our children moved to the middle group. New life- new tasks. And life has already prepared them for us.
Distribute leaflets with pedagogical tasks to each microgroup.
Teacher: Read the problem carefully, express your opinion, write down your solution to this problem. (Time is given to work).

Opinion exchange: We share the results obtained with each other in a microgroup. We find common decision. (Give time.)
Then the groups take turns reading the problems and saying their solution.
Sample list of tasks:
It is impossible to put a child to bed on time in the evening.
It is difficult to raise the child in the morning.
The child does not want to dress himself.
It is impossible to tear a child away from the computer.
Likes to watch “evil”, aggressive cartoons.
Listen to all parents, praise every decision, you can make your own addition to the situation with the children of your group, without naming names.
Ring of kind words: We all love good words to your address. And this is especially important and necessary for our child now. Let's start a ring of kind words addressed to our baby. We say kind words to the Svetlana doll and pass it gently from hand to hand in a circle.

Teacher: Only the child’s confidence that the child is loved and accepted by his parents for who he is helps him achieve success. The poet V. Berestov said wonderfully about this in one of his poems:
Loved you for no special reason
Because you are a grandson,
Because you are a son,
For being a baby
Because you are growing,
Because he looks like his dad and mom.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.
From the history of education: “Pay your attention not so much to the destruction of shortcomings and vices in children, but to filling them with life-giving love: if there is love, there will be no vices. The destruction of bad without filling with good is fruitless: this produces emptiness, and emptiness is constantly filled with emptiness; drive one out, another will appear.”
V. G. Belinsky
Teacher: Therefore, we learn to praise and support our baby for every small achievement, small success, we learn to compare the child only with himself, and not with his neighbor Vanya, we learn to be proud of our child’s successes, we learn to believe in him, to trust him - this is the basis of a person’s self-respect and success, his sense of self-worth.
Have you noticed your child's transition to the middle group in your family? Why not? For example, family celebration- first of September. In our country it is traditionally celebrated as the Day of Knowledge. Let's try to define the concept of tradition.
Work in micro groups: By reference diagram:
Why do we need tradition in the family?
How often does this day repeat in the family?
What happens on this day in the family?
The discussion is carried out according to the scheme: first we discuss the first question - the microgroups will speak out one by one, then the second, third.

Teacher: This holiday is needed to demonstrate to the child that he is important and needed in the life of his parents; the family is interested in him, his development and successes. Why? Adults celebrate their events: professional holidays, buying a car, buying a cake for both our colleagues and our family. For a child, the transition to the middle group, then to the senior, preparatory, and then to school is an event. And that means a family event too. I'm sure it will good traditions will appear in your children's family.
Work in microgroups: create a verbal portrait of an ideal child. After the microgroups have worked, I write down a collective portrait of the child on the board. First I write two letters - IR, and then from each microgroup I write down 1-2 qualities of an ideal child in turn and conclude:

we dream about ideal child, we see him that way (obedient, kind, polite, neat, smart, loved).
But these two letters I R can be deciphered as « ideal parent» . Only you know if you are like that.

Teacher: Today you have successfully passed the test, I will ask you to stand in a circle. Let's congratulate each other on successfully passing the exam. I shake the hand of the parent standing to my left - and launch
circle of congratulations “in the sun”: I congratulated you, you congratulated the one to your left, and so on until the handshake reaches me.

This is how - hand in hand, parent and teacher, parent and parent, and most importantly - child and parent, we continue to work in the middle group of the kindergarten. We agree here and now:
believe in our children
to trust each other,
create a tradition: meet every month in the family club “Solnyshko”
fill our children's lives with joy
and may love for children help us in this.

Authoritative opinion. From the diary of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova:
“Seasons pass and return again, new flowers bloom, but youth never comes twice.
Childhood with all its possibilities is given only once. Whatever you can do to decorate your child’s childhood, do it boldly, without putting it off until tomorrow.”
Teacher: I suggest you turn into Good Wizards. Let's teach children to see the miracle in the usual painting of a sheet of paper. For this you need very little: autumn leaves (I prepared them for you), clean white or colored sheets of paper (lying on the tables) and bright soft colored pencils and wax crayons.
Reflection: Teacher: I will invite the children, and you, please, briefly write on small colored pieces of paper your impressions, feelings from our meeting today, put the date below, today is October 31, 2012, and your signature. The leaves can be placed in the box.

Co-creation between parents and children: autumn leaves put it under a clean sheet of paper and paint over the sheet of paper with colored pencils and wax crayons. Magic: on clean slate suddenly “trees and bushes” appear from autumn leaves placed under a white thin sheet of paper. Admiration: “Oh, what a beauty,” proposal: “Let’s decorate our group!”

What is a club? A club (from the English Clob) is a meeting place for people with common interests (business, educational, developmental, entertainment, collecting, etc.).

If the club is a meeting of people with common interests, we thought, why don’t we organize meetings with the parents of our students in an unusual setting. During which we could communicate, do interesting, practical things together, have fun, discuss, because when bringing and picking up a child from kindergarten, communication with parents is most often narrowly focused, ritualistic, one-sided in nature.

Our parents supported us! So in our group, was born children's and parents' club "Family Living Room".

The purpose of whichTeam work family and kindergarten in matters of spiritual and moral education and development of children preschool age.

This goal was determined at the first meeting. Parents noted that the topic of spiritual and moral education of children is relevant today, since modern child lives in a world of material values.

Thus, the topic of spiritual and moral education of children has become a common interest of our club participants.

The main principles of the club are voluntariness, competence, and adherence to ethics. Interaction is built on the basis of cooperation between children – teacher – parents.

The club's activities are carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the Parent-Children's Club. The work plan for the year is drawn up together with the parents; questionnaires and conversations with parents help here, where we identify the requests and needs of the parents.

Meetings with club members are structured in such a way that they alternate different types activities, taking into account age characteristics children. Conversations, viewing multimedia presentations, playing out game situations, using round dances, outdoor games, dynamic pauses. The meeting lasts on average from 45 minutes to 1 hour, where conditions are created for the implementation of one’s own ideas, the exchange of experiences in family education and the exchange of opinions. During the meetings, parents are taught activities that they can enjoy doing with their children at home. Educators at meetings act as presenters and characters.

Children enjoy joint activities with mom or dad, where they harmonize parent-child relationship.

We consider it important to include club members in the implementation of week-long projects where those traditional values, those fundamental qualities of the Russian people, thanks to which they became great. During the projects, our students get acquainted with the life and traditions of the Russian people, with the traditions of the peoples of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Get to know artistic creativity, holidays.

Answering the question “Why do we need a parent club in a preschool educational institution?”, we can say that a parent club is a system of working with parents, where not a simple transfer of a set of certain information is carried out, but a practical situations, parents’ experience of important factors in the child’s life. Parents get used to the role of children with interest and enthusiasm, show their Creative skills. This is parental love, and parental love is the most valuable thing children can have. And the proof parental love The fact is that parents come to such meetings regularly. This is a joy, because meetings in the Parents' Club are fun and useful, where gaiety, mutual sympathy, emotional openness and interest in each other reign, you never get bored! Therefore, a parent club is simply necessary in a preschool educational institution.

Good luck to you and us in your education!

Our children and parents club “Maslenitsa Pancake Eater”

Game situation"Carousel"

Making a “horseshoe of happiness”

Roe - symbol Yule holiday

Dance - game “Let's clap our hands”

Let's carol...

Aunt Matryona meets...

"Beauty Haze"

Dance - imitation

Beginning of work

Tea break

Guardian Mother's Day family hearth

Andreeva Natalya Dmitrievna,

Beketova Elena Valerievna,
teacherMDOU Child Development Center - d/s No. 17 1st category of the administration of the city district of ZATO, Gorny settlement, Transbaikal region, Russia;

Vedernikova Marina Anatolyevna,
teacherMDOU Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 17, 1st category of the administration of the city district of ZATO, Gorny village, Trans-Baikal Territory, Russia;

Fedoreeva Evgenia Alexandrovna,
teacherMDOU Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 17, 1st category of the administration of the urban district of ZATO, Gorny village, Trans-Baikal Territory, Russia.

The success of a teacher at a preschool educational institution (DOU) is determined not only by methodological literacy in interaction with children, but also by the ability to properly organize cooperation with parents for effective solution educational tasks. One of the methods for establishing contact with the families of pupils is the creation of a parent club in the kindergarten. But, like any other element educational activities, this work requires detailed study at all levels of the organization.

The essence of the concept

A parent (family) club is a way of organizing work with parents, aimed at involving the family in active participation in the educational process and strengthening the connection between all participants in educational activities in kindergarten.

Parents' club is important element organizing productive educational process at preschool educational institution

Goals and objectives of the parent club

A family club in the system of functioning of a preschool educational institution is a kind of university of pedagogical information with a whole arsenal of goals.

Consistent solutions to such tasks as:

  • increasing the level of general psychological and pedagogical preparation of the family (through the compilation and elaboration of a list of recommended literature, a selection of videos related to issues of family education and the work of preschool educational institutions);
  • identifying and communicating positive experiences family relations(for example, master classes, where parents whose children have a generally positive image of a preschooler/schoolchild, special educational, sports or other successes, describe their teaching experience, share experiences and describe solutions difficult situations, periodically arising in the educational process);
  • assistance in the adaptation of children associated with getting used to new social environment and requirements for adults (for junior group this, of course, is getting used to kindergarten; for older people it is preparation for starting school);
  • assistance in matters of uniting the team of parents, including to prevent the emergence of conflicts (if, for example, two boys of the middle group are constantly sorting things out and fighting, then mothers who are well known from the parents’ club will not shout and quarrel after the children, but will try to figure it out together a reason that may be quite banal - the guys are trying to attract the attention of a pretty girl in this way);
  • establishing trust-based equal relations between family and kindergarten regarding issues of choice optimal ways interaction with children (parents do not try to manipulate the teacher by offering homegrown school programs taken from the Internet early development, but they trust educational system in kindergarten, which has been proving its effectiveness for several decades).

How does the parent club work?

The work of the club is determined by the strategy of the educational process in a particular preschool educational institution. Club membership exists in two formats: general for the entire garden and private for a separate group. Typically, members of the entire garden club gather for meetings (club hours) once a quarter on music hall to work on issues that are not age-related. For example, discussing the problem “Child and Computer”. The parent club of a particular group does not meet separately, but works within the framework parent meetings, which raises issues that worry mothers and fathers of children of a certain age.

Family club in the group works at parent meetings

Parent club members

In addition to the teacher, 3-4 parents from each group (or all mothers and fathers who have expressed a desire to join the club), narrow specialists take part in the work, helping in solving specific problems:

  • teacher-defectologist (if there are children in the group with certain physical or mental development, requiring special attention);
  • teacher-speech therapist (his participation is very important for the second junior and middle groups, when children have age standards the entire scale has already been formed, which means it is possible to identify speech disorders that require timely correctional work in classes in kindergarten and at home);
  • psychologist (a specialist who examines and analyzes potential or real conflicts and helps find the optimal solution for them);
  • teachers primary classes(for working with parents of senior and preparatory groups);
  • methodologist, head of a kindergarten (usually in the role of moderators of the meeting).

What do they do at meetings?

Parent club members:

Forms of work of the family club

The parent club can work in several ways depending on the number of participants and the specific objectives of the meeting. The most universal forms are considered:

Club program

The topics of work of the general parents' club are planned by the methodological council of the preschool educational institution. However, it can be changed at the request of the parents. To do this, each group has a “Magic Mailbox” in which moms and dads can leave requests for questions of interest. 1–2 weeks before the next meeting, the kindergarten methodologist collects these requests, analyzes them and adjusts the topic depending on exciting issues. Within the group, the choice of topic for discussion most often occurs at the discretion of the teacher, but always taking into account the personal requests of the parents.

Topics of parent club meetings

In my practice at August pedagogical council The kindergarten's methodological council suggests about 10 topics for the parents' club. Teachers approve this list, and then during the year, each time before a meeting, members of the methodological council select the most current topic, clarify it and adjust it in accordance with the requests of the family and/or teachers.

An approximate list of topics could be:

  • “How to prepare your child for school”;
  • “How to teach a child perseverance and attentiveness”;
  • “Developing memory in preschoolers”;
  • “Intellectual games for the development of thinking in children”;
  • "Non-traditional methods of development fine motor skills children's hands";
  • “Recommendations for training and raising a hyperactive child”;
  • "Age crises";
  • "Childhood fears";
  • “Whims and stubbornness”;
  • “Child and computer”;
  • “Speech disorders and the causes of their occurrence”;
  • “Formation of vocabulary in children through speech games.”

Each topic involves not only theoretical, but also practical activities parents

Planning a club hour

The meeting with parents lasts 1–1.5 hours. The topic is developed in four stages.


The stage of preparation for work, which is carried out, as a rule, in the form of a game that unites the team and sets the desired atmosphere. In a group, such games usually become a ritual. The greeting lasts about 10 minutes.

Table: game options for greeting

The game form of greeting gives positive attitude to work

Main stage

At this stage, the theme of the club hour is being developed in two directions.

Theoretical aspect

Introduces himself as the host of the club hour, that is, a teacher, a specialized specialist or a parent, if this is due to the topic. To present theoretical material, the following techniques are used:

  • mini-lecture (to introduce new information);
  • parable (as a stimulus for further discussion, a kind of epigraph for the meeting);
  • demonstration of videos (in order to emphasize the importance of the issue).

About 15 minutes are allocated for theory.

Practical part

The practical part implies Active participation all club members. The most productive techniques for this are:

This is interesting. Usually, in order to maintain the interest of the audience, theory and practice are not separated, but interspersed with each other.

Practice takes up to 45 minutes.

Emotional relief

A stage of relaxation that promotes switching from exciting, possibly traumatic experiences to a harmonious state. Music is usually used to relax, simple breathing exercises(for example, inhale and exhale with your eyes closed). 5 minutes is enough for relaxation.

The final stage

Based on personal practical experience, I can say that Feedback is very important, as it allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the family club. Reflection or self-assessment can be carried out in two forms:

  • written (participants formulate answers to the questions “How is this meeting useful?”, “What would you like to discuss at the next meeting?”);
  • oral (for example, passing a ball to each other, participants talk about their impressions of work, or describe themselves in a hypothetical situation similar to the one discussed at the club hour).

The final stage lasts about 15 minutes.

Reflection can be in the form of figures cut out of colored paper, where each shade represents a certain emotion.

Table: example of a summary of a club hour “Adaptation of a child in kindergarten” (fragments)

Stage Content
Greetings The presenter invites the participants to get to know each other in the game “Business Cards”. Each of those present is invited to identify themselves and briefly tell about their child attending kindergarten...>
Basic <…Адаптация - приспособление к условиям окружающей среды. Психологическая адаптация предполагает, что человек находится в гармонии с самим собой, партнёрами по общению и окружающим миром в целом.
What psychophysical reactions do you think may be characteristic of a child during the adaptation period?
There is a discussion, at the end of which the presenter offers a poster with this information...>
<…Упражнение «Ситуация»
The presenter reads out the situation and offers to answer questions.
Today Shurik turned three years old, and his mother took him to kindergarten for the first time, warning him that she would very soon take him away from the group. At first, Shurik liked it in kindergarten. He had never seen so many new wind-up toys and an endless number of cars. Forgetting about his mother, Shurik rushed to the toys, but the teacher called everyone for a walk, and Shurik had to go with the children. But he could not, like other children, dress himself, lace his shoes, tie a scarf. Mom wasn't here, and Shurik asked the teacher to help him a little. All the children started laughing that he was so stupid, and after that no one wanted to play with him in the yard. And Shurik remembered his mother again, he remembered what she said, and ran to the gate, expecting that she would come for him any moment. But mom was not there. And instead, a teacher appeared and began to scold him for leaving the group without permission. She forced him to return to his children. He became stubborn and did not want to go. Then he burst into tears and began calling loudly for his mother. Shurik refused dinner and did not want to go to bed. He sat down by the door and, wailing, began calling his mother again. But mom came for him very late, after dinner. And, having found out the details of today from the teacher, she became terribly angry and attacked Shurik in front of everyone, cursing that he was behaving so badly. She promised that she would put him in a corner and took him home crying, not understanding why he burst into tears. And he cried more and more.
Questions: Did Shurik’s mother do the right thing when she left him in kindergarten for the first time for the whole day? Did she behave correctly when she came for him to take him home? What would you do in her place?
Games “On the way to kindergarten”
To make your child want to go to kindergarten, you can play with him:
  • “Everything is round (square, triangular): the child and the adult take turns naming round-shaped objects encountered along the way;
  • “Red (green) objects” - according to the principle of exercise No. 1;
  • "Magic figures". Together with the child, we imitate the gait of a bunny, bear, fox, etc.;
  • “What’s missing?”, “What’s changed?” The adult removes the glove from his hand or attaches a badge to his jacket and asks the child to say what has changed. You can observe what has changed on the way to kindergarten...>
Relaxation Exercise “My Mood” Participants are asked to draw on a piece of paper something that corresponds to their current mood. Analysis of the exercise: What was depicted and why? Has the mood changed compared to what it was at the beginning of the meeting? Which way? What caused the change?..>
The final stage <…Ведущий предлагает участникам встречи рассказать о своих впечатлениях, мыслях, чувствах, пожеланиях.

Parents' club "Family Hearth"

Long-term work plan for the parent club “Family Hearth” for the 2016–2017 academic year

Target: harmonization of parent-child relationships.


1. Psychological and pedagogical education of families of pupils, expansion and deepening of parents’ knowledge in the field of preschool psychology and pedagogy.

2. Promoting the preservation and strengthening of the psychological health of children and parents.

3. Providing qualified advisory and practical assistance to parents on problems of child upbringing and development.

4. Formation of a unified space for the family and preschool educational institutions in the education and development of preschool children, their preparation for school.

5. Activation and enrichment of parents’ educational skills, supporting their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities.

6. Involving parents in cooperation with the preschool educational institution staff in terms of common approaches to raising a child.

Organization of activities of the parent club “Family Hearth”:

1. The activities of the parent club “Family Hearth” are carried out in accordance with the regulatory documents regulating the activities of the preschool educational institution.

2. The parent club includes parents of kindergarten students, educators, and preschool education specialists.

3. The work of the club is led by a teacher-psychologist.

4. Community meetings are held once a month in a group, music hall or gym.

5. Duration of the meeting is 1 – 2 hours.

6. The topics of the meetings are determined by the statutory objectives and the request of the parents.

The essence of the parent club “Family Hearth” is based on:

  • on close cooperation and partnership with families of preschool children;
  • on joint child-parent interaction under the guidance of teachers;
  • on the possibility of a differentiated approach to the family;
  • on the voluntary participation of parents;
  • on an active position of parents;
  • on the planning and sequence of activities.

Principles of interaction with parents:

1. Purposefulness - involving all club members in the direct and conscious implementation of targeted activities to harmonize parent-child relationships.

2. Planned, systematic - consistent complication of content, connection of the new with what has already been learned.

3. Differentiated approach – interaction with parents, taking into account the multidimensional specifics of each family.

4. Individual approach – taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children when interacting with parents.

5. Consciousness, activity, dosage - the conscious attitude of parents to the proposed activities and the information received.

6. Stimulating the family’s internal resources – setting the family up for self-help by changing lifestyles and restructuring relationships with children.

7. Goodwill, openness, partnership - combining the efforts of preschool educational institutions and families for the most effective interaction.


Lesson topic






3 week

Organizational meeting, introduction to the work plan for the year


Parent committee, preschool specialists, teachers

1. To interest parents in the idea of ​​working together with preschool employees in raising children.

2. Introduce the parent club’s work plan for the year.

3. Discuss thematic requests of parents.

1. Getting to know the club members (game “Getting Acquainted”).

2. Game "Bragging".

3. Familiarization with the work plan for the year.

4. Questionnaire

5. Game “I am a child.”

6. Game "Suitcase".

7. Memo “Your Expectations”

8. Game "Magic Ball".

9. Collage “What did I like?”

1. Questionnaires

2. Memos “Your Expectations”

3. Glomerulus

4. Whatman paper, markers


3 week

Round table “The child has the right”


Parents of “at-risk” families

1. Foster respect for the human person.

2. Contribute to fostering a sense of respect for the family.

3. Contribute to raising awareness of children and their parents about the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

4. To promote awareness of the importance of the adoption of this international document in the development of all mankind.

5. To intensify cognitive activity and systematize parents’ knowledge about children’s rights.

6.Show the significant role of the family in the implementation of this law.

1. Ball game “Catch and throw, call the right”

2. Discussion “Why respect the rights of the child?”, illustration of the consequences of violating the rights of the child “Sheet of paper”

3. Presentation “The child has the right...”

4. Game “Rights of fairy-tale heroes” - work in creative groups

5. Lecture-conversation “Psychological rights and responsibilities of a child in the family”

6. Analysis of pedagogical situations and parental statements and attitudes

7. Independent work “The right of the child is the responsibility of the parents” (filling out the “daisies”)

8. Summing up, distributing booklets

1. Questionnaires “Do you know the rights of your child?”

2.Booklets “The child has the right”

3. Books with fairy tales “Little Thumb”, “Cinderella”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, etc.

4. Cards with situations and sayings

5. Daisies “The right of the child is the responsibility of the parents”


2 week

Pedagogical lounge “Safe road of childhood”

Senior teacher, music director, speech therapist

1. Attracting the attention of parents to the problem of ensuring children's road safety

2. Formation of a socially acceptable position of a road user in parents

3.Increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents in teaching children traffic rules

1. Speech by the propaganda team “Traffic Light”: “Road rules are reliable rules!”

2. Blitz survey “I know and follow the rules”

3.Presentation “Safe Road for Childhood”

4. Workshop “Road Traps”

5. Questionnaire “Literate pedestrian”

6. Exhibition of didactic games and manuals on traffic rules, children's fiction on the topic, posters

7. Distribution of booklets “Traffic rules are worthy of respect!”

1. Posters

2.Preparing the presentation

3. Cards “Road traps”

4. Questionnaires “Competent pedestrian”

5. Booklets “Traffic rules are worthy of respect!”

6.Games, manuals and literature on traffic rules


1 Week

Oral journal “Ethics of family relations”



Parents of preschool groups, teachers

1.Draw the attention of parents to the ethics of family relationships.

2. Formation of parents’ understanding of the rules of behavior in the family.

3.Increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents in matters of instilling in children the concepts of ethics and aesthetics of family relationships.

1.Game “Getting Acquainted”.

2. A collage of scenes about family life and the role of children in them.

3. Distribution of booklets and reminders.

4. Testing “Am I conflicted?”

5. Message “Manipulation in the family”

6. Summing up

1.Memos for parents:

Mom can...

Dad can...

Grandma and Grandpa can….

2. Test


3 week

Lecture-conversation “The impact of deprivation of parental relationships on the development of a child and his health”


Parents of “at-risk” families, psychologist, social worker. teacher

1. Give parents an idea of ​​the concept of “deprivation”.

2. To form in parents an understanding of the role of communication in the development of a child.

1. Game in a circle “Communication: good - bad”

2. Report on the topic based on the presentation

3. Game with a ball “It has become important for me...” (feedback)

1. Presentation

2. Glomerulus


4 week

Discussion club “Child on the threshold of school”


psychologist, group teachers

Parents and teachers of the preparatory group

1. Find out the position of parents on the problem of preparing children for school.

2. Instill in parents the correct concepts about the child’s psychological readiness for school.

3. Discuss parents’ concerns when their child enters school.

4. Explain the testing requirements for admission to school

1.Open display of educational activities.

2. Questionnaire “Your position on the problem of preparing children for school”

3. Discussion “Factors for successful preparation and adaptation of a child to school”

4. Message “School Readiness Options”

5. Game “I’m afraid that at school...” (game - drawing, color cards - determining the degree of concern of parents in connection with the child’s upcoming school life)

6. Workshop “Parental attitudes and school difficulties”

7. Speech by a primary school teacher “Modern school - what is it like?”

8. Distribution of the memo “Parameters of a child’s readiness for school”, booklets “For parents of future first-graders”

1. Instructions “Parameters of a child’s readiness for school”

2. Booklets “For parents of future first-graders”

3. Questionnaires “Your position on the problem of preparing children for school”

4. Color cards

5. Whatman paper, pencils

6. Cards with parent statements


2 week

Workshop “We do theater ourselves”

Music supervisor, speech therapist

Parents of preschool groups, teachers

1. To acquaint parents with the importance and features of organizing theatrical activities for preschool children

2. Introduce parents to different types of homemade theaters and ways to use them

3. To develop the ability to make attributes for children’s theatrical activities with their own hands from available materials

1. Game “Theater is...”

2. Presentation “Organization of theatrical activities for preschool children”

3. Familiarization with the exhibition “Theatre with your own hands”

4. Game "Teremok"

5. Workshop “Making a theater with your own hands”

6. Summing up, distributing booklets “We do theater ourselves”

1. Different types of homemade theaters

2. Material for making theaters

3. Booklets “We do theater ourselves”


1 Week

Training “Portrait of my child”


Psychologist, educators

Parents and educators of all age groups

1.Help parents understand the child’s role in relationships with parents.

2. To help understand parental transfers of their personal desires to the child.

3. Determine what the child really wants and what the parents want from him.

4.Help in harmonizing relations between children and parents in the family.

1.Game “Getting Acquainted”.

2. Projective test “Portrait of my child”

3. My child through the eyes of other parents

4. Game “Do you need a circle?”

5. Game “Have pity and scold”

6. Test “Portrait of my child”


2 week

Final meeting of the parents' club, report on the work for the year

Educational psychologist, educators

Parent committee, educators and preschool specialists

2. Get feedback from parents about the work of the club.

3.Identify thematic requests of parents for the next year.

1. Presentation “The work of the parent club “Family Hearth” in 2016-2017”

2. “What did the parents’ club give me?” - drawing test.

3. What would I work on next year? -a game.

4. Tea drinking: “I liked it!”

1. Pencils, sheets of paper, pens, a ball of thread.

2. Presentation

3. Attributes for tea drinking