Scenario for the holiday "Yuletide carols" for children in the preparatory group. Scenario for the holiday "Christmas carols"

For teenagers

Carols of Mother Winter. Christmas script. On the side walls of the hall there are flat houses. They depict a village street. The children follow the leader to the melody of a Russian dance song. The presenter and children are dressed in Russian folk costumes. They stop near houses and dance. Some of the children

Owners, housewives, cat, dog

They go to their “huts”. The carolers and the leader stand in a semicircle near the houses. In the hands of the carolers

Cardboard solar disk attached to a stick and decorated with ribbons and paper flowers

Symbol of carols.


Here comes mother winter.

Open the gate!

The carol also came, but from Novgorod.

Children walk hand in hand, snake around the hall and sing.

A carol came

On the eve of Christmas.

Who will give me some pie?

So the barn is full of cattle,

Ovin with oats,

A stallion with a tail.


Let's go to Uncle Miron to sing carols.

The children approach Myron's house and sing a carol.


She arrived young!

We found a carol

In Mironov's yard.

Hey, Uncle Miron,

Take the good stuff out into the yard.

How cold it is outside

Freezes nose

Doesn't tell me to stand for long

He orders it to be served soon.

The light of Sergevna came out,

I collected pearls for my earrings,

Kolyada, Kolyada, give me some pie!

Won't you serve the pie?

Let's take the cow by the horns!

Serve some pie

The rye will be thick,

The rye will be clean and threshing,

There will be a loaf of bread,

From grain to pie.

The owner, the hostess and the cat come out and wash the guests.

Welcome, guests, I was waiting for you, my house is spacious, my cabbage soup is fat.


Butter cakes do not fit into the window.

The host and hostess treat the guests. Mechonosha

Girl with a big wallet in her hands

Accepts gifts. Carolers praise their owners.

1st child.

God bless him

Who's in this house?

2nd child.

You and buns with cottage cheese.

And a house full of kids.

The owners go into the house, and the carolers move on.


Let's go caroling to Uncle Nikolai.

Children follow the leader in a line and sing.

The carol arrived on the eve of Christmas.

We walked, we looked for the holy carol.

We found a carol at Nikolin's yard.

Nikolin's yard

Iron Tyn,

In the middle of the courtyard there are three towers.

In the first chamber

Red sun,

In the second chamber

The month has brightened

In the third chamber

Asterisks are common.

Red sun

That's the hostess

The month is getting brighter

The owner is here

Frequently asterisks

Little kids.

The carolers stop at Nikolai's house and knock on the window.

Carolers (talk).

Hello, master and hostess.

Happy holiday! Happy New Year, with all the family!

Open the chest

Get out the piglet!

Nobody is answering. The dog runs out with a loud bark and returns to the hut again.


Maybe Uncle Nikolai is fast asleep?

Let's sing him another carol.

Oats, oats,

You walked around everyone

Along the back streets, along the alleys.

Who will we sing songs to?

It will come true

It will come true, it will not pass away.

Come out, master, come out, boyar,

Receive guests from all parishes!

Uncle Nikolai comes out, yawns and stretches.


Who's yelling here?

Doesn't let you sleep?



And do you want to get up from a warm stove in such frost, sing and carol? (He goes into the house.)

Carolers (blaspheme with a tongue).

Well, you won't have any luck.

One was a cow

And she's not healthy

one was a rooster

And that busybody

one was a mare

And she forgot God.


From a stingy guy

(points to Nikolai’s house)

Born rye is good

The spike is empty,

Thick with straw.

Everyone goes to another yard with the song "Ovsen, osen." They stop at Ivanov's yard.

1st child.

Ivan has three towers in his yard.

2nd child.

Ivan himself

Mister bright month.

3rd child.

Red sun

His Varvarushka.

4th child.

Frequently asterisks

His kids.

The owner and hostess come out when they knock. The hostess is holding a baby doll in diapers.

Hello, good people,

Here's a treat for you

Cheese and cookies.


Gingerbread cookies, sweets

Eat up, kids!

The carolers take everything and put it in a bag.


Thank you, master and hostess,

Happy holiday to you, with a ruble and fifty dollars.

For fun for you, for nuts for us.

1st child.

Ivan Ivanovich will live a hundred years!

2nd child.

to his wife

Always good health!

3rd child.

And to all the kids:

Sons, daughters, young ladies!

Let's all live together for up to two hundred years!

So that your field turns green,

And the cattle didn’t get sick!


Well, that's enough, guys. A bag full of carols! Let's go to Aunt Arina's hut to warm up.

The children approach Aunt Arina's house.

Aunt Arina, let me warm up!

You are welcome, good people, come in!

We will while away the evening, sing songs and dance.

All children taking part in ritual action, come out and become a wide semicircle. They sing about winter.

White flakes are flying

It got colder

Just winter, guys

You weren't scared.

No! No! You weren't scared.

No! No! You weren't scared.

Children read a poem by A. Prokofiev.

Who's on the hill, on the mountain,

In a wide yard?

Who's skiing?

Who is taller

Who will run away

Who's on the ice?

Who's in the snow?

Up the hill

Bang! Breathtaking!

The girls gather in a circle, whisper, then scatter and announce: “Ditties.”

Play it, balalaika,


Three strings!

Sing along, don't yawn,

Come out, dancers.

Hey, stomp your foot,

Stomp, my dear.

I'll go dance

Even if it’s small!

I didn't want to dance

I stood and was shy,

And the harmonica started playing

I couldn't resist!

I walked through the village

And I saw Vanyusha,

I sat and cried under a bush

The chicken offended me!

I am a little girl,

I don't go to school

Buy me sandals

I'm getting married.

Eh, I'll stomp my foot

Let me trample the other one,

I can't resist

What a character!

We are always like this everywhere

Morning, evening and afternoon,

Because we are ditties

Let's eat cheerfully.

Give it up, people!

The dancing takes me away;

I'll go and dance

I will show myself to people.

There is a glass on the table,

And in a glass

Goodbye, mom and dad,

I'm already a bride.

The ditty has a beginning,

The ditty has an end

Who listened to our ditties,

Let's face it

Well done!

During ditties, boys play rattles, spoons, and other percussion instruments, and girls wave handkerchiefs.


I don’t understand what’s wrong with the legs!

They rush left and right,

They don't stand still

That’s how people ask to join a square dance!

Boys invite girls to square dance and dance. Then they line up and walk toward the audience.

1st child.

To all kind people

We wish you goodness, gold, silver!

2nd child.

Lush pies,

Soft pancakes!

3rd child.

Good health!

Cow butter!

To whomever we sing songs, it will come true,

It will come true, it will not pass away.

The children leave the hall to the sound of a Russian folk melody being recorded.


The course of the holiday can be arbitrarily changed. New participants may be included in the action, content

Familiar games, songs, dances. For example, an option for completing this scenario could be as follows.

Having visited Ivanov's yard, the carolers want to go to the girls' party. To the soft sound of a Russian folk melody, girls come out from different directions. They bow to each other, greet each other, and sit down on the benches. Carolers knock on their door.


Kolyada, Kolyada, holy christmas.

Allow me, owners, to sing a carol.


We'll let you sing, we'll be happy to sing.


The frost is great, it’s not good to stand!


Frost, frost! Don't freeze our oats.

Come into the house, dear guests.


How Christ's Nativity

It rolled under the window.

Our carol

Not small, not big.

She sews under the window,

Serves pies.

Here in the master's house

They will give you a pancake in a honey bowl.

1st caroler (talk).

Who will give you the pie?

That's why the rye is thick,

A pie made from a grain,

From half a grain


2nd caroler (shouts out).

Who will give me some pie?

That's the yard of the belly,

Ovin with oats,

A stallion with a tail.

3rd caroler.

Who won't give pie

That's why a chicken leg

Yes, a shovel, a hunchbacked cow.

What will you girls give us?

(They ask one by one).

A bag of money or a pot of porridge?

A jug of milk or a piece of pie?

Pennies for candy

Or ten kopecks for gingerbread?


And you guys are cunning,

Guess the riddles!

(The girls vying with each other to make riddles.)

There is a patch in front,

Hook on the back

In the middle of the back

On the back


(Carolers guess: pig).

Not a horseman, but with spurs,

Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up.

(Carolers guess again: rooster).

Little boy

In a gray army jacket

Roams across the field

He steals hemp!

Flying around the yards

Collects crumbs!

(Carolers think... Sparrow)!


And now a riddle from us,

Tell us the answer.

You won't guess

Give me some gingerbread.

humpback cat

He rubs the girls' shoulders.

In the morning

Left the yard

Lying on the shore

And I didn’t swim in the water!


The girls find it difficult to answer.

In the forest, knock-knock,

There's a blunder in the hut,

In the hands of ding-ding,

Top top.

(The girls answer: “Balalaika”).



He knows his stuff!

She is in Vanya's hands

  • Christmas - script for a theatrical holiday for older preschoolers
  • Christmas get-togethers - scenario for older and older children preparatory group
  • Christmas festivities - scenario for Christmas
  • Kolyada has come - open the gates - scenario for children of senior and preparatory groups
  • New Year's Eve - scenario for children of senior and preparatory groups
  • Under the Christmas Star - holiday scenario
  • Nikola Zimny ​​- lesson-conversation for children of senior and preparatory groups
  • Carols of Mother Winter - script
  • Carols in kindergarten - Christmas scenario
  • Christmas Journey- for students in grades 4-6. Christmas scenario
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  • Carol came to visit - scenario for children of senior and preparatory groups
  • Bethlehem Night - play for school theater
  • Scenario for the event "Christmas Carols" (for junior schoolchildren)

    Shikhareva Svetlana Sergeevna, primary school teacher.

    Goals: expanding the horizons of younger schoolchildren about the holiday of Christmas.

      ensuring the development of culture in all national diversity;

      promote the development of cultural norms and cultural self-determination of students;

      creation of an ethnocultural educational space in the institution;

      introducing students to national culture, forming ethnic self-awareness and national value orientations;

      introduce briefly the history of the holiday;

      develop creative imagination;

      cultivate interest and love for folk traditions Orthodox culture.

    Direction: calendar and ritual folklore.Equipment: multimedia projector, masks, costumes, samovar, tea set, sweets.

    Progress of the event

    Presenter 1 (In Russian folk costume)

    Under cover of soft, snowy
    The Russian village is dozing,
    All roads, all paths
    Covered with white snow.
    The snow is silver under the sun,
    A bright light streams over him,
    And the words sound:
    "Hello, holiday,
    Light, clear,
    Majestic and beautiful,
    Christmas holiday!
    Presenter 2:

    The Christmas holiday is accompanied by carols. Oh, they love caroling here. All night long in all the courtyards they praise God and entertain the owners. Hello naughty people, look, you have some merit in the household, everything will go smoothly.

    Presenter 1:

    Do you remember the traditions of caroling? During caroling, the villagers walked around the courtyards, stood under the windows, and sang special songs of praise, called “carols” after their chorus. Caroling is, first of all, a wish for unprecedented, fabulous prosperity and wealth for the family. Gift giving during caroling is not just a payment, but a ritual that ensures good luck for the family in the coming year. The most fun entertainment on carols there was “massing”. The mummers caroled with songs and funny scenes. Favorite characters were the Bear, the Gypsy and the Goat.

    Presenter 2:

    Yuletide evenings are unthinkable without carols. Let's listen to the song performed by the guys.

    Song "Oh, Kolyada, Kolyada"

    1.Oh, carol, carol,
    Full beard!
    Tausen! Tausen!
    2.Open the gate,
    Bring out the pie!
    Tausen! Tausen!
    3.Who will serve the porridge?
    Golden bowls.
    Tausen! Tausen!
    4.Who gives fresh food -
    Golden cast iron.
    Tausen! Tausen!
    5. Who will serve the flatbreads -
    Golden windows.
    Tausen! Tausen!
    6.Give, don’t break,
    Bring a whole loaf!
    Tausen! Tausen!
    And who won't give a penny?
    Let's close up the loopholes
    4. Whoever does not give the cakes -
    Let's block up the windows.
    5.Who won’t give the pie -
    Let's take the cow by the horns.
    6. Whoever does not give bread -
    Let's take grandpa away
    7. Who does not give fresh food -
    Then we will split the cast iron!
    8. Open the chest,
    Give me a piglet,
    Damn it,
    At least the fat wedge!
    Presenter 1:

    Let's go back to the history of this holiday. The winter solstice (in Russian culture - solstice) has been celebrated since ancient times by many peoples of the world. In the Roman Empire, even before the advent of Christianity, a holiday winter solstice, which falls on December 21-22, was dedicated to the sun god Mithra and was called accordingly - the Nativity of the invincible Sun. The ancient Anglo-Saxons called the longest night of the year, which occurs on the eve of the winter solstice, Mother's Night, because this night was considered the mother of the Sun, and the next day they celebrated the Sun's birthday. Among the Slavs, the holiday of the born sun was called Solstice or Kolyada. On the night before the holiday, a large fire was lit, which was supposed to burn for 12 days. They danced around the fire, danced in circles, and sang special songs - “carols”. Set fire wheels were lowered from the hills - a symbol of the dead and reborn sun. With the advent of Christianity, the Solstice holiday was replaced by the Nativity of Christ. But people’s memory cannot be deceived so easily - for example, Belarusians still call Christmas “Kaleda”. All Eastern Slavs who previously celebrated this pagan holiday, preserved Yuletide rituals- chanting or carols.
    Presenter 2:

    The history of these rituals dates back to pre-Christian times. ancient times, from the first millennium AD. At that time, all Slavic peoples had a cult of ancestors and revered ancestral spirits. Carolers dressed up in unusual clothes and, acting as “spirits of ancestors,” sang “carols” and visited the houses of their relatives. It was believed that such a visit by the “spirit of ancestors” would bring good luck to the house and be the key to a good harvest and prosperity. Of course, the carolers were treated to various festive dishes and even given them to take with them. Later, after the Slavs adopted Christianity, this ritual was preserved, and carol songs were replaced by ones glorifying Christ and his Nativity.

    Presenter 1:

    Usually children gathered on the outskirts of the village and walked from house to house with mallets, bells, and rattles.
    Presenter 2:
    With the words: “Kolyada came, she brought Christmas,” carolers go around the houses.


    - Hello, master and hostess, happy holiday! Happy New Year, with all the family. Open the chest, take out the patch.

    How the carol came to us
    On the eve of Christmas,
    Give us a cow
    Oil the head!
    And may God grant that
    Who lives in this house?

    At the owner's house
    If only the boys would behave
    If only the calves would be killed
    There would be lambs
    There would be foals
    There would be piglets
    Little goats would fight
    There would be chickens
    If only the ducklings would fly!
    Three boys sing:
    How the carol came to us
    On the eve of Christmas,
    Give us a cow
    Oil the head!
    And may God grant that
    Who lives in this house?
    (There is a re-dance between the verses)
    At the owner's house
    If only the boys would behave
    If only the calves would be killed
    There would be lambs
    There would be foals
    There would be piglets
    Little goats would fight
    There would be chickens
    If only the ducklings would fly!
    Mistress: Don't shout, don't trample,
    I won't give you anything, go home.
    Carolers: (All together) Fedula had a very greedy wife,
    Her fur coat is not sewn up and her shirt is not washed.
    Owner: What are you, what are you? Stay.
    Help yourself to whatever you want!
    Mistress: Sit down, dear guests.
    A red guest gets a red seat.
    Here are some pies and cookies for you -
    For your treat.
    Master: Oh, thank you, carolers, for stopping by. Now goodness, warmth, luck, and peace will live in our house. Now let's go into the yard and play a little.

    Game "Wolf and Geese"
    Several children stand in a row with the name of the geese and hold on to each other’s dress hems; in front of them stands a lively boy, the so-called gander: he protects the rest of the geese from the attack of the wolf, which is trying to carry away the goose or gosling. The wolf cannot grab from the middle or from the first, but must carry away from the end. He runs until he upsets the row and grabs from the end, and thus continues to catch. Then he attacks the gusaka himself and torments him.

    Game "Golden Gate".
    A girl and a boy stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their hands up. The result is “collars”. The rest of the children stand one after another (boy, girl) and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front or simply join hands. The resulting chain passes under the “collars” to the Russian folk melody “Like under our gates.”
    "Vorotiki" pronounce:
    Golden Gate
    They don't always miss!
    Saying goodbye for the first time
    The second one is prohibited
    And for the third time
    We won't miss you!
    After these words, the music stops, the “collars” suddenly lower their hands, and those children who were caught also become “collars”. Gradually the number of “gates” increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all children become "gates".

    Presenter 1: That's a great game you guys played. Christmas games and carols were a tradition. Nowadays, these traditions are gradually being revived.. It was also customary in Rus' to tell fortunes, and we invite you to tell your fortune. We give everyone candy with wishes (candy is handed out).

    Boys. Would you like to treat us, fair maidens?


    And you guys are cunning,

    Guess the riddles!

    There is a patch in front,

    Hook on the back

    In the middle of the back

    On the back there is a bristle (piglet).

    Not a horseman, but with spurs,

    Not a watchman, but a rooster who wakes everyone up.

    Little boy

    In a gray army jacket

    Roams across the field

    He steals hemp!

    Flying around the yards

    Collects crumbs! (sparrow)

    The old man at the gate dragged away the warmth.

    He doesn’t run and doesn’t tell him to stand. (Freezing.)

    Aunt Felitsa has four sisters:

    Of them, two of them boast: “We are great at doing it!”

    And the other two boast: “We walk a lot” (Arms and feet.)

    Presenter 2:

    People have long believed that on these frosty January days, on the eve of the Nativity of Christ, the good goddess Kolyada walks around the world, bringing joy and health to homes. Thank you, dear carolers, for your good words and congratulations.

    Presenters together:

    We wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
    Let all the people have fun
    Let everyone smile!
    Let them dance and sing
    Everything in the whole world!
    Adults and children live in peace and joy!

    1st child.

    To all kind people

    We wish you goodness, gold, silver!

    2nd child.

    Lush pies,

    Soft pancakes!

    3rd child.

    Good health!

    Cow butter!


    To whomever we sing songs, it will come true,

    It will come true, it will not pass away.

    Children leave the hall to a Russian folk melody playing in the recording. Round dance.

    Goals and objectives:

    1. Maintain children's interest in the origins of Russian national culture;
    2. Continue to introduce children to ritual holidays;
    3. Learn musical folklore material, use it in everyday life;
    4. Instill love and respect for the traditions and culture of your country, cultivate a sense of patriotism.

    The progress of the holiday

    We enter with the song “Christmas”.


    Christmas haze all around
    Bells ring in the darkness
    And let the words sound in harmony
    Peace on earth and happiness to all.
    We are glad to meet you
    Let's light candles today
    Let them burn between us
    Magic lights.

    Song "Let's light the candles."

    Parsley: Guys, today you have good mood I think it will be even better after the game “Merry Minute”

    Leading: Each of our questions must be answered unanimously: “That’s it!” and repeat the gesture after us. Let's try.

    • How are you?
    • How are you going?
    • Are you running?
    • Do you sleep at night?
    • How do you take it?
    • How do you give?
    • How are you being naughty?
    • Are you threatening?
    • Well, how do you tease?

    Parsley: Oh, we love caroling on New Year’s Eve. All night long in all the courtyards they praise God and entertain the owners. Hello naughty people, look, you have some merit in the household, everything will go smoothly. Let's find out, guys, who will come to us today.

    Leading: Do you remember the traditions of caroling? During caroling, the villagers walked around the courtyards, stood under the windows, and sang special songs of praise, called “carols” after their chorus. Caroling is, first of all, a wish for unprecedented, fabulous prosperity and wealth for the family. Gift giving during caroling is not just a payment, but a ritual that ensures good luck for the family in the coming year. The most fun entertainment at carols was “massing”. The mummers caroled with songs and funny scenes. Favorite characters were the Bear, the Gypsy and the Goat. Adults act out a skit.

    Gypsy enters and leads Bear.
    The Bear walks, “clapping his hands,” both stop, the Bear bows in all directions.

    Gypsy: Happy holiday, good people, congratulations! I didn’t come to you alone, but with Mikhailo Ivanovich himself. He is not an ordinary bear, but a scientist - he will do whatever you want, he will amuse all the guests!

    Come on, Mishenka Ivanovich,
    Born a boyarych,
    Walk and walk around
    Talk, talk,
    Don't bend over backwards
    Like a tight bag
    Well, turn around, turn around,
    Good people show yourself!
    Amuse the honest people,
    Dance, my dear!

    The bear shakes its head and growls.

    Gypsy: So what is it? We forgot about music, Mikhailo Ivanovich cannot dance without music. Let's call the drummer! Yes, call not in simple words, but in a song, and the song will be like this... (sings to the melody of ditties):

    Come on, Misha, dance,
    Your legs are good!
    The goat house caught fire.
    The goat jumped out
    Her eyes bulged
    The cockroach was chopping wood,
    My feet got stuck in the mud!

    Clapping their hands, the children sing along with the Gypsy. They sing 2 times, and on the 3rd time, while singing the words “The goat’s house caught fire,” a Goat in a sundress jumps out - “drummer.” A Russian folk dance melody sounds (optional), the Goat drums, the bear dances.


    The Bear and the Goat were having fun,
    They were surprised at each other.
    From that time on we became friends
    We learned music and dancing together.
    We went to live in the service of the owner,
    Play, dance and entertain people.

    Dance of the Bear and Goat r. n.m. "Lady".

    Gypsy(comments): Come on, Misha, show me how grandma baked pancakes at the holiday and got crazy, her head hurt!

    Goat, how do red girls comb their hair, bleach their hair, blush, look in the mirror, dress up for the disco?

    Misha, show me how the boys steam in the bathhouse, lie on the shelf and use a broom - how, how! Oh, good! The bear tips over and, lying on its back, dangles its legs and waves its front paws. The goat “butts” him.

    Gypsy: Cheer up, Mikhailo Ivanovich, bow down, thank you for the honor, for the respect, for the treat, for the work! Now, Mishenka, play with the kids!


    Guys, stand in a circle
    Play with Mishutka.

    Round dance game "Opanki".

    Goat: I brought you interesting game, it’s about fairy tales, called “Additions”. Will you play with me? (Children answer.)

    Ok-ok-ok - it rolled... (bun)!
    Su-su-su - the cockerel drove away... (the fox)!
    Tso-tso-tso - the chicken laid... (an egg)!
    Yat-yat-yat - Gray wolf didn’t eat... (kids)!
    A"na-a"na-a"na - the swans are carrying... (Ivan)!
    Yok-yok-yok - don’t sit on... (stump)!


    I went to the store and bought some balloons for you.
    There is a secret in each ball - will we guess it or not?
    Whoever guesses the secret gets a gift!

    (Summoned children are invited to pierce in any way balloon with a note – “announcement” inside. Parsley reads the note and the child guesses who sent the letter. Each participant receives a small prize.)

    • “I offer a new trough, a hut in exchange for washing machine"Indesit". (Old woman.)
    • "I lay golden eggs." (Chicken Ryaba.)
    • "Lost key from precious metal». (Pinocchio.)
    • “Veterinary services with travel to any part of the world.” (Dr. Aibolit.)
    • “I’ll wash everything!” (Moidodyr.)
    • “A travel company is organizing an air trip along a milk river with jelly banks.” (Swan geese.)


    Once on Epiphany evening.
    The girls were guessing.
    A shoe behind the gate,
    They took it off their feet and threw it away.

    Guys, do you want to tell your fortune? (Divination.)

    Leading: Now God has been born to people for salvation. People rejoice at the Great Birth.


    Kolyada, Kolyada,
    Christmas Eve
    Kolyada has arrived,
    Christmas brought.

    Round dance song with children “Merry Christmas to you.”

    Among all the holidays, a special place is given to carols and New Year's. This is understandable: the customs and rituals cultivated by the people for centuries have sacred meaning, therefore they live and are passed on from generation to generation as special traditions. Another difference between them is that celebrations are organized in the family, in the city, in the village, and also in kindergartens, schools, etc. educational institutions, At work. They say that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will live it. Is this so - in fact, it depends only on ourselves!

    We are offering to you Christmas carol script, which is sure to please children.

    The corner of the hall is decorated with country house. In it, the hostess (teacher) sits at the table, winding threads from a spindle to a ball. Barkers (children) come out.

    1st barker:
    Good evening good people!
    Happy New Year!
    Happy New Year and everyone!
    Happy holiday! Happy Carols!

    2nd barker:
    The tower stands higher than the palace,
    And in the mansion there are three windows:
    The first is a clear month,
    The second is the red sun,
    Third - small stars.
    Clear month - Mr. Vasily,
    The red sun is his wife,
    Small stars are his children.

    1st barker:
    We invite everyone to Kolyady!
    Whoever comes to visit is well done!
    Treat himself to sausage, try kutia
    And he will celebrate with songs and games!

    The barkers disperse in different sides and leave the hall. The boy Petyunya comes out into the middle of the hall.

    I - a little boy, climbed onto the flap
    Play the pipe, amuse Jesus.
    The children sat down to eat, but I had nowhere to sit.
    I - hop for the pie and run out the door.
    The children caught up with me and tore me by the forelock,
    The pie was taken away.
    I’ll go to Vasily’s folder and ask for a pie (enters the house).

    Mistress (addresses the boy): Oh, fidget, where have you been? What did you see, what did you do?
    Petyunya: Mommy, I was running down the street, I was very hungry. I want to refresh myself and treat myself to some sausage. What are you doing?
    Hostess: Be patient a little. Soon we will all sit down at the table together. And I wind the threads into a ball. Do you see how many balls there are, a whole sieve! This is so that our potatoes will produce well this year.
    Petyunya: Where are dad and Alyonka?
    Hostess: They went for hay. Need to festive table cover, take the kutia out of the oven.
    The owner Vasily (adult) and the girl Alyonka (child) enter the hall and carry hay.
    Host: Lay out the tablecloth and take out the kutya. Let's try the rich kutya and celebrate the New Year.
    The owner spreads hay on the table, the hostess covers the table with a white tablecloth.
    Owner: Mother, you set the table here, and the children and I will go to tie up the garden.
    Alyonka: Dad, why tie him up today?
    Owner: Because today there is such a sign: if you tie the trees with unmilled straw, they will produce as many fruits as there are grains in the ears.
    They approach the tree (model), the owner ties it.
    May God grant that the apple tree blooms green
    And white, and a wide leaf,
    I waited for spring and warm summer,
    And she gave birth and fed my children!
    The children and the owner bow to the tree and return to the house.
    Owner: Now, children, take oak branches and stick them into the windows and doors.
    Petunia: Why is this, dad?
    Owner: So that our farm is strong and healthy, like an oak tree.
    Stick in the prepared branches.
    Owner: God grant, in the fields - in kernels, in the yard - in good ones, in the meadow - in haystacks, in the threshing floor - in heaps, in the pantry - in boxes, in the oven - in pies.
    Hostess: Well, sit down to try the rich kutya and celebrate the New Year.
    Owner: We need to treat Frost to kutya so that neither our winter crops nor our little children freeze.
    The owner puts a spoonful of kutya on a plate, goes to the window, and knocks.
    Host: Frost, Frost, go eat kutya. Help yourself, eat your fill, but don’t bite your cheeks.

    At this time, guests (children) enter the hall with a carol star, with “Goat” (child), and sing a song.

    "Holy Carols"

    Holy Carols have come to us,
    Star of Bethlehem light up the lights.
    Holy Carols, pancakes and pancakes,
    Kutya on the table, Kolyada in the yard.
    The tops of the great kutya have dried up,
    For dinner, take it off and give it to the chickens.
    Invite frost to the first spoon.
    He will give you a great harvest.
    Rich kutya " Generous evening"sing,
    Behind good songs collect gifts.
    With rich kutya you will know your fate,
    Take your carol happiness.
    Holy Carols have come to us,
    Star of Bethlehem light up the lights.

    1st guest: Good evening to your home! We wish you a rich life!
    2nd guest: She was generous, she was generous, and she looked through the window. Whatever your neighbor baked, bring it to our table.
    3rd guest: Generous, generous, I smell sausage. Holy evening to good people!
    4th guest: Is there anything to give in this house? The gentleman himself walks and gives birth to rye!
    Host: Good evening, dear guests! Please pass! Tell us where you’ve been, what you’ve seen, who you’ve met?
    5th guest: We’ve been to a lot of places, lavished a bag of goodies, and now we’ve come to you.
    Guest guide: We go from house to house and take the Goat with us. So that there is wealth in every home, so that there are cattle and wheat is born! Master, give us a sieve from the pantry, and a pie from the oven.
    Hostess: Wait, wait. We'll see what you came to us with. And then we’ll decide what to treat you with.
    6th guest: We came to you with generosity and a carol star. May your cows be good and you yourself be healthy!
    7th guest: May your goats kick and your rams kick! So that cabbage will make all people look amazing!
    8th guest: May you have calves, chickens, piglets and ducklings!
    Guest guide: Live a hundred years, raise children! We came to you with a gray and very brave Goat.
    Mistress: Let your Goat show what she can do. Let him jump, dance, and harrow the floor with his hooves.

    The guests sing a song, the Goat dances.

    Go-go-go, Goat, go-go-go, sulfur,
    Where are the horns?
    - I ate it for salt.

    Where the Goat goes, happiness awaits.
    Go-go-go, Goat, go-go-go, sulfur,
    Where the Goat walks, there will be rye,
    Go-go-go, Goat, go-go-go, sulfur,
    Where there is a Goat with a foot, there is a shock of rye,
    Go-go-go, Goat, go-go-go, sulfur,
    Where there is a Goat with a tail, there is rye with a bush,
    Go-go-go, Goat, go-go-go, sulfur,
    Where the Goat has a horn, there is a stack of rye.

    Guest guide: Come on, Goat, go away. Walk around the entire yard and tickle the owners with your beard.
    The goat jumps, waves its beard, then falls to the floor.

    Guest guide: What happened? My Goat fell, withered and disappeared. Bring, hostess, a piece of bacon so that the Goat will get up.
    1st guest: Bring a measure of oats so that the Goat can go.
    2nd guest: Bring another measure of oats so that the Goat is full.
    3rd guest: Bring sausage to cure the Goat.
    4th guest: Bring a sieve of eggs so that the Goat can stand on its hooves.
    Hostess (treats the Goat): Here, Goat, refresh yourself, treat yourself to delicious dishes.
    Guest guide: So, the Goat got up, everyone immediately became more cheerful!
    Host: Come on, Goat, don’t be lazy, take a walk with the guests and have fun. Come on, dear guests, let’s play a game called “Goat-Dereza”.

    Game "Goat-dereza".
    In the middle of the hall there is a hoop on the floor - the Goat's house. Children are divided into two groups. One group lives in a “house” at one end of the hall, the second group lives in a “house” at the other end of the hall. The space between two houses is called a field. Children are placed in their “houses” and the game begins.
    The goat will look to the right, look to the left and shout: “Who is afraid of me?”, and the children answer: “Nobody!”
    After the answer, the children run from their “house” to another across the “field”. They run and tease the Goat: “Goat-dereza, shaggy fidget! The horns are crooked, the legs are thin! The goat jumps out of its “house” and catches the children. You need to try to get out of the Goat. The one whom the Goat grabs becomes her assistant and, together with the Goat, catches others. This continues until everyone is caught. Children can run into their “house” to relax, but they cannot stay in it for a long time.

    Guest guide: My goat was tired and fell under the fence. Give her honey leaven and green hay!
    5th guest: Yes, hostess, treat us too!

    Hostess: The goat deserved a treat, now you will deserve it too! Guess my riddles.
    Small, round, you can roll it up, but if you grab it by the tail, you can’t lift it. (Clew.)
    A weaver sits in a corner, weaving thread on a loom. There are a lot of threads, but you can’t wind them into a ball. (Spider and web.)
    The owner jumps on the floor on one leg. He gathers the guests in a heap and throws them out. (Broom and trash.)
    Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and doesn't let him into the house. (Lock.)

    Host: But I want to hear from you, guests, why they put hay under the tablecloth at Kolyada? Well guess what! Whoever says it correctly, the hostess will anoint his lips with lard!

    Different versions are heard, someone answers correctly. (So ​​that the harvest will be better next year.)

    Hostess: True, true, this is a sign: the longer the grass, the better the harvest.
    Host: Clap your hands, you’ve guessed all the riddles! Get a treat!
    Hostess: Oh, okay, okay!
    Carols have arrived!
    Kolyada has arrived! We baked pancakes!
    Oh, okay, okay! And sweet honey!
    Let's pour forest tea into saucers.
    It will smell like heather, thyme,
    May you feel comfortable in the harsh winter!
    Take the candy canes from the plate!
    Treat yourself, little doves,
    Help yourself, but don't spoil your teeth!
    1st guest: Thank you, hosts! Live peacefully and richly so that there is always something to give in your home!
    2nd guest: Thanks to this house! It's time for us to go to someone else!
    3rd guest: You need to respect generous hosts and sing them a farewell song!

    Everyone sings the song “For the New Summer” together

    Song "For the New Summer"

    For the new summer, let the rye crop up,

    Rye, wheat, all arable land,
    Generous evening, rich evening! (2 rubles)
    We wish you, master,
    Generous evening, rich evening! (2 rubles)
    Boil honey, marry sons,
    Generous evening, rich evening! (2 rubles)
    Collect oil, give away to daughters.
    Generous evening, rich evening! (2 rubles)
    Live in wealth, harmony and happiness.
    Generous evening, rich evening! (2 rubles)
    Live and live without knowing grief
    Generous evening, rich evening! (2 rubles)

    Host: Well, our guests have left. It's time for you kids to go to bed so you can have good dreams. And we will go to our neighbors, be generous and wish them a Happy New Year!

    Holiday "Yuletide Carols"

    Scenario for children of the preparatory group

    Introducing children to the origins of Russian national culture.
    - introduce the concept of Christmas Eve and the content of the Christmas holiday;
    - introduce the ritual of caroling;
    - introduce children to folk games, songs, carols, ditties, dances;
    - develop emotional responsiveness and attention. Foster interest and respect for the past, history and culture of your people.
    Sports chips, 2 brooms, 2 flat horses, gymnastic sticks 5-6 pieces.
    Progress of the event:

    Children enter the hall to the music “We’ll Meet You” New Year" They stand in a circle.
    Hello, dear guests! There are a lot of holidays in winter. One of them is Christmas, Christmas Carols and Christmastide.
    Children! Ordered for you
    Bring a decree at this hour,
    Prepared by myself
    Our mother - Winter!
    "Every year, on this date,
    As the guide says,
    People are always told
    Come in for the holiday!
    And of course everyone should
    Be at the Winter Festival!

    Mother - Winter"

    Host - hostess:
    Hey, hurry up everyone here!
    Kolyada came to visit.
    We will joke, dance,
    Run, have fun playing.
    Oh, we won't be bored, Let's dance together!

    Dance “Christmas tree, balls, firecrackers”

    Host - hostess
    Come to us for Christmastide,
    Carols have arrived!
    Happy New Year!
    We wish you all happiness!
    My dear guests,
    We have gathered for a conversation,
    We've gathered for some fun!
    Just like our great-grandfathers once did,
    Well, our great-grandmothers are with them!
    They came to the merry Christmastide,
    To songs and riddles for the whole world!

    What is Christmastide?
    This holiday is the longest.
    It's fun and vintage.
    Our ancestors drank, ate,
    We had fun for two weeks.
    From Christmas to Epiphany,
    Having prepared a treat,
    Various carols were sung,
    We walked around the courtyards on Christmastide.
    Dressed up and joked
    The holiday was awaited and loved.
    So let's do it now
    We will meet him here!

    Song - dance “Christmas and Christmastide” Accompanied by a noise orchestra (tambourine, rattles, wooden spoons, whistles) carolers in masks and costumes enter.

    Host - hostess:
    The carolers did not bypass ours either. kindergarten. Meet us!
    Carolers are knocking on the door
    Come in, dear guests!
    Carolers in chorus: (Goat, bear, children 4 people)
    Hello, hostess! The carol was born on the eve of Christmas!
    The carol has arrived, open the gates
    Kolyada, young
    Kolyada needs food
    God bless whoever is in this house!
    Goat :
    Holy day, good day, good health to the good owner!
    We are not walking ourselves, we are leading the goat!
    Where a goat goes, it will give birth! (stomping feet)
    (The goat bows, comes forward and everyone bows to the mistress)
    Carolers in chorus: (goat and bear)
    I sow, I sow, I sow, Happy New Year!
    Let me come to you - the carol has a year on its way.
    Hostess, can we sing carols?
    Carolers in chorus: children
    1. What, hostess, will you give us?
    What, hostess, will you give us?
    2.A jug of milk or a pot of porridge?
    A piece of pie or a bag of money?
    They didn't dance or sing,
    Would you like some treats?
    Wait, wait,
    Dance and sing!
    We'll sing for youcomic ditties - carols Goat: Kolyada, Kolyada
    There is food on the table
    Oatmeal porridge,
    Pork head
    Bear: Kolyada, Kolyada
    The star rolled
    Come here for Christmastide,
    Burnt my heels

    Kolyada, Kolyada,
    Grandfather has a beard.
    A cheerful cockerel
    Wears a red comb!
    Kolyada, Kolyada,
    Serve food here
    Candy boxes
    Just in time for the New Year!

    Who gave the pie
    That's why the rye is thick,
    Half grain pie.
    Wide from the top!

    Carolers in chorus:
    3.Happy New Year,
    With all the family!
    To be healthy
    They lived for many years.
    4. You are born with wheat,
    There is always pie on the table,
    Always have an easy road for you!
    Greetings in turn:
    We wish you a Happy New Year in all your endeavors
    Bear: Good weather, may everything you have in mind come true
    Goat: Let children honor their parents
    Let grief bypass the house
    Let your life be easy and rich with song!
    Host - Hostess:
    Ah, thank you guys
    That they came to our house for Christmas!
    They wished us well!
    Here's a treat for you -
    Delicious cookies
    Sweet candies,
    Eat up, kids!

    Thank you, hostess,
    Happy holiday to you,
    With a ruble and fifty dollars
    For fun for you, for nuts for us!
    Host - hostess:
    Well, which one yuletide holiday no jokes, no funny competitions? At get-togethers, guys and girls always competed and boasted about their intelligence and ingenuity.
    Look how many children we have, both girls and boys. Let there be two teams - “Fun Girls” and brave “Well done Daredevils”. So we’ll see who’s smarter, and it’ll be more fun.

    Girls stand for the goat, boys stand for the bear

    A broom decorated with a bow is passed around while music plays. Whoever still has the broom in his hands after the end of the music comes out and dances.

    Host - hostess:
    Carols, carols, these are our children.
    Let's go through the village,
    Yes, we found a carol.
    Kolyada, Kolyada,
    I called all the children
    Don't sit, don't be bored,
    And everyone has fun playing!

    Game "Golden Gate"
    "Vorotiki" pronounce:
    Golden Gate
    They don't always miss!
    Saying goodbye for the first time
    The second one is prohibited
    And for the third time
    We won't miss you!
    According to the principle of a trickle, the hostess leads the children at the end of the words, the gate with the mummers is closed and the children are not allowed through Leading and hostess:
    The carol started
    Yes, walk the streets,
    Happy New Year to everyone!

    2. COMPETITION GAME “Ditties”

    Ditties (odd numbered girls sing, even numbered ones sing boys)

    1. I start singing a ditty

    The first, initial,

    I want to cheer

    Sad audience!

    2.Give up, people,

    Now the dancing will begin!

    I'll go and dance

    I'll look at the people!

    3. Our girls are small,

    A little more felt boots,

    Everyone in the area will be surprised!

    4.Oohs and aahs,

    What little guys

    Because of the hummocks, because of the stumps

    You can't see our boys!

    5. And I’ll put on felt boots.

    I'll drink yogurt,

    The whole soul is yearning

    For my beloved Masha

    6. My darling is little

    Puts on boots,

    And when he puts on his shoes,

    How the bubble will inflate!

    7. Oh, the floor is falling,

    The ceiling collapsed

    I'll stay on the board

    I won’t part with the ditty!

    8. We sang and danced for you,

    Dear audience,

    Don't hold on to your pockets -

    We won't take a single ruble!

    Leading and hostess:
    Well done “Fun Girls” and brave “Well done Daredevils”

    Children sit down

    Carolers (Goat, Bear)

    They throw grain in different directions, saying sentences.
    We sow, we sow, we sow,
    Happy New Year!
    By guessing now we wish!

    Leading and hostess:
    On holy evenings people sang carols and told fortunes. You want to tell fortunes and find out your fate.

    The light turns off, a pot of cereal is taken out, various things are hidden in it. The hostess sits down on a chair in the middle of the hall and says:

    “A pot from the top,

    Tell us, my friend,

    What will come true, will happen,

    Let the bad things stay!”

    Calls the children one by one, they take out one item.

    Ribbon - for new things, they will buy you a lot

    new things, outfits.

    Carrot cabbage – to health, all year round

    you won't get sick.

    Button – will be available this year

    brother or sister.

    Pencil - to success in studies.

    The bell - they're waiting for you all year long

    good news.

    Comb - you will go all year

    neat and beautiful.

    Nail – you will often have a guest,

    or you will visit often.

    Two interlocking paper clips - will appear at your place

    new friends this year.

    Beads – get it this year

    a lot of gifts.

    Candy - You will eat sweets all year long.

    Threads - you will be a lot this year


    Candle - you will be hard workers.

    Scissors children's - hairdresser

    Centimeter – tailor

    Book - writer, scientist

    Musical instrument - musician

    Paints - artist

    Thermometer - doctor

    Car - driver

    Coin - accountant, cashier, banker.

    Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas,
    And at Christmas time everything happens,
    Any fairy tale comes to life!
    Slowly come to us for the holiday, from far, far away
    The welcome guest is coming!
    Father Frost:
    Hello, here I am,

    Happy New Year to you friends!
    I decided on Christmas Day
    Come visit you again
    Play some naughty things
    And then after baptism
    It's time for me to go to the forest,
    add frost
    Forge ice bridges on rivers
    Blow more snow onto the fields
    To make Mother Earth bigger
    Gave it to the harvest.
    Near the green Christmas tree
    I call you to dance
    May it be a happy holiday
    A wonderful dance will sound.

    Song "Hot Time" Father Frost:
    I see that friendly guys have gathered in this hall
    Show strength and dexterity
    Surprise me old man.
    Come on, well done, show your agility and speed in riding a horse.

    Father Frost:
    And now I offer you a game,
    Measure strength, as it happened in the old days.
    I invite the strongest guys,
    Come on, join the funny row of strongmen.
    Kolyada has arrived
    Brought fun to everyone
    Start up, children, round dance
    We will continue to celebrate the New Year.
    Dance "Dance with me my friend"
    Carolers in chorus: (Goat, Bear)
    We walked, we walked
    According to Holy Rus'.
    Congratulated and honored
    We wished everyone well and happiness.
    Host - Hostess:
    Kolyada has arrived
    Brought fun to everyone
    Don't sit, don't be bored
    Get some treats.

    Mistress, bear, goat hand out treats on trays

    Carolers in chorus: (Goat, Bear)
    Happy New Year!
    May you be healthy and live for many years!
    There will be a mountain of happiness for you, a great harvest.
    If you were born oats, you would be two meters tall.
    You will have wheat, and peas, and lentils.
    So that there will be too many guests in the house whole year!
    There is always pie on the table, and lungs are always dear to you!
    They bow and under cheerful music leaving the hall. Father Frost:
    What a miracle - a treat!
    Goodbye, hostess
    Goodbye guys until next year.

    Leaves to the music

    Host - hostess:

    Our holiday has come to an end,
    Be healthy, be happy,
    Live without troubles for many, many years!

    Children leave the hall to cheerful music