Project for children, parents, teachers “Family Club. Family club for parents and children

With your own hands

Natalia Petukhova
Project for children, parents, teachers " Family Club»

Krasnodar city "Kindergarten No. 113"

Implementation base project: preparatory group municipal autonomous preschool educational institution municipality Krasnodar city "Combined kindergarten No. 113".

Address: 350090 Krasnodar, st. them. Tsiolkovskogo, 20

Scientific and methodological management: Rud Marina Vladimirovna, head of the Moscow Regional Administrative Educational Institution, Krasnodar "Kindergarten No. 113"


IN junior group Substantial part children come from family. Therefore, working with parents takes on special significance here. The emergence of such a method of communication as « Family Club» especially important for those parents, whose children are going to school for the first time preschool. Cooperation between kindergarten and family is one of the current topics of modern preschool education. Acquaintance parents with the kindergarten begins with a conversation with the manager. It plays a decisive role in the first impression of a child's preschool educational institution. The meeting with the teachers occurs later and takes on a slightly different turn in the relationship. Today Special attention devoted to new approaches pedagogical influence between educators, parents and children. Friendly tone, willingness to listen, dispel parent fear - required condition such conversations. The education system has changed, new opportunities for spending free time have appeared children. New toys, technical means, food, etc. create A New Look for life like children, so do parents. Before parents More and more new questions arise, the answers to which they cannot find, which sometimes creates an atmosphere of confusion and sometimes even despair in the family. Meetings « Family club» can purchase various shapes communication. This can be an individual or group conversation, but in any case it is advisable if parents learn about it in advance in order to prepare questions for teacher. For teachers- educators and specialized specialists of preschool institutions need, through their participation in such meetings, to increase the authority of the family, its stability, to promote humanization and democratization family relations . Harmonious development of personality is inconceivable without family education , which must be supported and combined with the public. What is a family in the mirror? "child"? main feature family education in that that it is emotional in content and implies love parents to children and reciprocal feeling children to parents. The microclimate and comfort in the home atmosphere shape the child’s views and desire to understand the world. All this is reflected in his behavior and relationships with peers. But we cannot help but say about families in which there is cruelty in relationships, lack of care for the child, which leads to the development of child crime, social orphanhood. It's bad that many parents They do not realize the danger of the current situation. And you can’t often blame them - they simply don’t have enough knowledge, they don’t have basic pedagogical culture. Awaken interest in life children in preschool educational institutions, attract parents to participate in events, increase their competence in matters of education and training, bring together children, parents and educators are facilitated by the use of such forms of work as « Family clubs» . Family meetings should awaken interest in the child’s personality and a desire to provide him with help and support. Parents and teachers in this complex process we must combine all our efforts and extend our hands to each other.

Object of study: integration of the efforts of preschool educational institutions and families in matters of education, interaction and development children preschool age.

Subject of the study: Natalya Viktorovna Petukhova, teacher at the Moscow Regional Administrative Educational Institution, Krasnodar "Kindergarten No. 113", parents and pupils of the preparatory group.

Purpose of the study:

Increased psychological pedagogical culture of parents, through their acquisition of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills;

Providing opportunities for communication and exchange of experience in solving problems;

Creating and maintaining conditions for preserving the integrity of the family and full development children in the family, harmonization family relations promoting the formation of equal partners;

Organization of equal participation children and parents in gaming and productive activities.

Research objectives:

Search and development of diagnostic tools for determining the effectiveness of scientific and experimental activities.

Development of new forms of social family interaction.

Enrichment family leisure cultural events.

Testing the effectiveness of the developed technology in scientific and experimental activities.

Research methods:



Pedagogical experiment.

Methods of mathematical statistics.

Expected result. Possibly implementation new form work with parents meeting in« Family club» based on the principles of humanistic pedagogy, will contribute to the creation of a full-fledged personality formation of students. Will increase pedagogical culture of parents and will change the nature of interaction teachers with parents, thereby increasing competence parents in relationships with a child. Will allow you to reconsider parenting stereotypes children, will deepen and broaden your horizons in the world of childhood. And in our time, there are families where there is cruelty in relationships, lack of care for the child, which leads to the development of child crime and social orphanhood. Many parents They do not realize the danger of the current situation. Family meetings should stimulate desire parents to self-knowledge, awaken interest in the child’s personality, a desire to provide him with help and support. Parents and teachers in this complex process they must act as like-minded people, partners, friends and mentors. Meetings in « Family club» must enter into a frank dialogue between parents, parents and teachers, teachers, parents and children. You shouldn’t be afraid to see a problem, you need to help solve it competently, without causing harm.

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I present to your attention the first family club in this academic year V middle group. I’ll most likely leave the same for the club name, though.

Today, in European and other civilized countries, which in the race for technological progress are moving further and further away from nature, from the principle of continuity of generations, family clubs are very relevant. Why? Looking around, we will see that many modern young people, when giving birth to a child, no longer so recklessly follow the experience of their parents, since much does not satisfy them. Trying to figure it out, they begin to study a huge amount of specialized literature, but there is so much of it that it is very difficult to find the truth hidden in it. Previously, in this sense, it was much simpler. A child, as a rule, was born into a large, multi-generational family. And since one of the main properties of the child’s psyche is copying the behavior of adults, he simply automatically learned how to behave in this or that life situation, watching the elders. Now everything is different. We can often observe contradictions in families when older generation imposes its own “rules” of education, and young people categorically reject their “outdated experience.”

In such a difficult situation, the most main question For modern parents- how to build the foundations so that their children, dissatisfied with their upbringing, are not forced to change and rethink everything? Our kindergartens, schools, and universities offer thoughtful educational programs, prepare quality specialists. And who prepares quality spouses and parents? It’s hard not to agree that building relationships in a family where everyone is satisfied is an even greater science than any profession. Family clubs are called upon to fill this gap.

What is a family club? Firstly, this is a cozy room where everything is thought out in terms of convenience for both children and parents. Secondly, it's communication. Communication as equals in a circle of like-minded people.

The most active, of course, are families expecting a child. It is at this moment that we first encounter questions to which we do not know the answers. Why do you need to prepare for childbirth, what role does the husband play in this whole process, what conditions are needed for a newborn, whether to vaccinate or not, how to separate bad advice from useful? There are so many questions, and even more negative, scary information...

Unfortunately, in our society there are many misconceptions and prejudices about childbirth. Researchers of the life of lost tribes testify to how calmly and practically without pain women of semi-savage peoples give birth. However, we did not see this with our own eyes, but on TV we saw and heard enough about childbirth as a “terrible catastrophe”, when everyone suddenly panics, runs to the hospital, then the woman screams loudly and suffers, and then a wrinkled screaming creature is born, and , of course, all this is in a sea of ​​blood, like in horror films.

Sad picture, isn't it? If a young woman had experience of living in big family, and she watched how children were born to her mother and sisters without panic, in a joyful family atmosphere - this would be deposited in her head as completely natural process, causing neither fear nor other negativity. If a woman is calm, balanced, and not afraid of anything, then the waiting situation proceeds naturally, and there is no need to prepare for childbirth - the woman in labor understands well what needs to be done. But it often happens that a pregnant mother does not really know her physiology, has no idea how childbirth proceeds and is stuffed with prejudices and fears. Knowledge of this process, understanding feminine nature successfully overcomes any fears. Classes at the club are aimed precisely at this. All kinds of techniques for working with the body: relaxation, breathing, massage, pain relief, a woman learns to be a housewife own body. And the man understands how he can help, how to create an island of safety around his wife and the newborn child, giving them a sense of peace.

Of course, it is important that he master massage for pain relief and know the techniques correct breathing, but the main thing is its protective, protective role. Sometimes we observe among couples preparing for childbirth and giving birth together that sometimes it is easier for a woman to contact the outside world through her husband. She doesn't hear doctors or obstetricians. In this situation, you need to give information to your husband, and he will whisper in his wife’s ear - and she will understand everything. And this is wonderful, because the main thing in such an important matter is precisely the feeling of security.

If a man is afraid and has no idea how the birth process is happening, then he, being in a panic attack at the time of birth, will most likely only interfere. There can be no talk of any sense of security for a woman in such cases. The absence of this factor negatively affects the progress of labor, and even serious medical intervention may be required. The family club provides future dads with the opportunity to learn a lot, but the main thing is to feel like a protector of their loved ones. The classes are structured so that the decision matures within the family consciously and by mutual agreement, not under the influence fashion trends, but based on the real circumstances of each family.

By the way, the club offers an accompanying service during childbirth. After all, an experienced instructor can help with childbirth. This is also good, since the same security function is carried out, only with the help of another person.

When the baby is born, the young parents return home with him, where they receive the necessary help and advice from our patronage service. Very often parents experience serious physical activity due to a simple misunderstanding of the child's needs. At the same time, the peculiarity of our club is that we do not tell how to do it correctly, but only explain the basic principles: how a person’s immunity is formed, how his psyche develops, what you need to know about the physiology of children and much more. For our specialists, the main thing is that parents understand how everything happens. They make the decision completely independently.

Often young parents lack a sober, unbiased point of view, an outside opinion. Young people are convinced that they are right or, on the contrary, out of ignorance they doubt everything. Both situations negatively affect harmony in new family, which is why it is so important for inexperienced mothers and dads have support, both in the form of specialists and like-minded people, who can be found in the family club. For example, from the age of 2 months, we invite parents to the “Fundamentals of Parenting Skills” classes, where issues of competent interaction with the child are discussed, which will help to avoid serious problems in his upbringing. After all, what do they think? modern specialists, it is very important to build up to three years harmonious relationships with baby.

After parents have mastered the “Basics of Parenting,” the family club offers children’s developmental classes that show moms and dads how to gently and unobtrusively expand the scope of their baby’s development. Now stores are filled with various “smart” toys, but if you look at them objectively, it will become clear that these are just substitutes real life- substitutes parental attention, care, love. If you approach the issue from a child's point of view, it is impossible to tell the difference between toys and ordinary things, and a normal, “adult” saucepan or spoon is even more interesting for him. And if adults, instead of expensive and necessary, but easily breakable and breakable toys, came up with plastic toys for the child, this does not mean that this has any meaning for the child. It's just convenient for adults. It is very important here that parents understand how they can help the child’s development, stimulate him, and not slow him down. You should not go to extremes, indiscriminately using a sea of ​​techniques. After all, as a rule, if parents are too passionate about this process, the child, as if defending himself from a barrage of information, loses interest in learning, denies it, and becomes depressed. Therefore, it is very important that parents are as sensitive as possible. About this in an accessible and interesting form at specific examples is told during family club classes.

Family and kindergarten- two educational phenomena, each of which in its own way gives the child social experience.

But only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for entry little man V Big world.

In the field of preschool education, a situation arose when working with families no longer gave the same results. positive results, since the old ways of working are morally outdated and do not work in the new conditions of the information society.

Project type: gaming

Project duration: long-term (1 year).
Working hours: 2 hours per week.
Project participants: preschool children senior group“Sun”, teacher Kozekaeva T.S.

Working hypothesis:

Close interaction with the families of pupils is the key to the successful development of a child’s personality in society.

Objective of the project:
Creating conditions for the social development of preschool children through close interaction with parents through the creation of a family club.

Project objectives:

— Creating conditions for organizing socially positive leisure.

— Draw the attention of parents to the interests and needs of the child.

To develop and introduce into kindergarten practice various forms and methods of interaction between kindergarten and family.

The following is defined as a personal task of social development:

— creating conditions that optimally influence individual development every child.

Active involvement of parents in preschool life, partnership activities are one of the tasks of all kindergartens.

According to the Law Russian Federation“On education in the Russian Federation” equal, creative, interested interaction between family and educational institutions is important aspect development of domestic education.

Organization interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in the form of a family club is an interesting modern model work to involve parents in active participation in the educational process and helps to strengthen the connection between the preschool institution and the families of the pupils.

Therefore, our preschool institution today is focused on searching for such forms and methods of work that allow us to take into account the current needs of parents and contribute to the formation of an active parental position.

My project is focused on the interests and needs of children, has developmental and educational potential and socializing effect.

Basic principles partnership preschool educational institutions and families:

Openness and accessibility.

Expected results:

the emergence of a conscious attitude among parents towards raising children;

strengthening friendships and partnerships between children and parents;

parents will become more active in organizing joint leisure time and interacting with other families;

professional development preschool education specialists in working with families;

establishing personal contact between the teacher and parents.

Project stages:

1. Preparatory

Selection methodological literature;
— Development of a set of measures to organize the work of the family club;
— Attracting the attention of parents to organizing joint leisure time.

2. Main stage
Organization of family club interaction:

family projects;

master classes;

sporting events;

exhibitions of children's works made with parents;


joint holidays.

Interaction in the family club with parents is carried out in the form of various joint events: from educational, sports, to events related to life safety.

All this gives social experience not only to children, but also to parents.

Therefore, families in our club are interested in close cooperation with the kindergarten.

Positive dynamics began to be observed in the relationship between children and parents, and the activity of parents in relations with the kindergarten.

The use of various forms of partnership transforms parents from “spectators” and “observers” into active participants in a large and friendly community of children and adults.

Our family club is developing, attracting people to our community social organizations our city.


A family club for thoughtful parents who think about the future of their children and want to communicate with like-minded people. The main profile of the club is to give joy to parents and their children. Family Club "Big Turtle" is a club for parents and children. Our club was created for everyone who goes through life holding a child's hand! For those who, like us, believe that with the birth of a child, life only becomes brighter and richer! For those who develop together with the child and want to spend interesting time with benefit both for themselves and for the child, who are close to the principles natural parenthood or simply interested in this, who wants to find like-minded people and communicate with them in a pleasant, almost family atmosphere. Our club will be interesting for everyone, including children and adults different ages. In our club you can find friends for interesting communication; get advice from experts in various fields; have an interesting time for yourself and for the child, or devote time only to yourself, while entrusting the child to a conscientious and reliable nanny; celebrate a birthday or any other holiday; visit many interesting and educational activities and master classes; travel to fun company and many more interesting things. Our club also operates a full-fledged kindergarten with a Waldorf focus.

In our club you can develop diversified as parents: by coming to painting classes, clay modeling classes, yoga classes, various seminars on raising children, etc.; and for children: music, folklore, sports activities, creative workshops. They also take place regularly different views and performances that will be of interest to all family members. The club offers babysitting services.

During the week, our club has a short stay group where you can bring children from 1.5 years old to play and social adaptation. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, yoga classes are held, which mothers and children can attend, as well as baby yoga and baby contact. Creative workshops are held and organized by talented craftswomen. There are wonderful events on Wednesdays and Sundays music lessons, developed according to the author's methodology, including knowledge of the musical world in the form of games, communication, and playing the flute. On Fridays and Sundays - Myashka School classes - fun sports activities for children and adults. On Saturdays there is a folklore studio where funny Games with live music and dancing. Seminars are held regularly experienced psychologist on the development and education of children of different ages, as well as other seminars for parents. During the holidays, plays, theatrical performances and other family events are organized.