Questions for a psychological examination of a child to determine the place of residence. Psychological examination of parent-child relationships

For teenagers

A fairly popular type of examination, which establishes the psychological characteristics of intra-family interaction between children and parents. The need and popularity of this type of examination is caused by the large number of cases considered in court that decide the future of the child, his place of residence, as well as which parent (or some third party) will raise the child in the future.

Examination of parent-child relationships conducted by an expert in the field of psychology. The law does not establish strict rules in choosing an expert. However, a psychologist or psychotherapist of a given family cannot be involved as an expert, since he works with the family, is emotionally involved in intra-family relationships (even within the framework of his professional competence), and may have a biased opinion about the situation in the family. The therapist's apparent knowledge of the situation may distort the results of the study. Standard psychological and sociological diagnostic methods are used as a methodology for analyzing relationships:

  • Conversation.
  • Survey.
  • Test.
  • Projective techniques.
  • Creative tasks.

To determine the child’s relationship to a parent or teacher, projective techniques are used on a large scale - family drawing, fairytale therapy, the same “Complete the Sentence” technique and others. An expert psychologist uses certain signs to determine the true relationship of a child to an adult. It should be noted that projective techniques, for all their effectiveness, can often be interpreted incorrectly or in a deliberately false way. Therefore, great attention should be paid to the research procedure to ensure the reliability of the examination results. So, for example, in order to avoid speculation when interpreting the results of the projective test “Drawing of my family”, it is necessary to strictly follow the following rules for conducting research:

  • Clear task definition.
  • Request feedback from the child to ensure that the meaning of the task is completely clear to him.
  • Detailed recording of the child’s behavior during the task, his posture, degree of comfort, gestures, facial expressions, etc.
  • Mandatory recording of all comments that accompanied the completion of the task.
  • Clarifying questions to the child after completing the task.
  • Conversation with the child following the completion of the task.

During the examination of parent-child relationships, not only the emotional side of the relationship between parents and children is established. The following range of questions is also subject to research:

  • A thorough study of the personal characteristics of each parent (or teacher).
  • Level of psychological development of the child.
  • The level of social adaptation of the child, the degree to which the child assimilates socially acceptable norms of behavior, moral principles, and considerations of decency as a result of upbringing.
  • Presence of signs of social maladjustment in the child or parents.
  • The child's level of attachment to each parent.
  • The psychological and social ability of a parent (educator) to create comfortable conditions for the proper upbringing of a child.

Examination of parent-child relationships is carried out in a calm, comfortable environment, preferably with the subjects being removed from their usual everyday environment - to create a relaxed atmosphere and free (especially children) from fears and pressures that may arise in everyday living conditions.

Our conclusions meet the requirements of objectivity, comprehensiveness and completeness of research; all examinations are carried out using modern achievements of science and technology.

If you are not sure about the correctness of the conclusions of a third-party organization, our experts will help you find procedural or methodological errors and give an appropriate conclusion (review).

Procedure for the examination of parent-child relationships

Production examination of parent-child relationships carried out on the basis of an agreement with an individual or legal entity, a court ruling or resolution, a resolution of an inquiry officer or investigator, a tax inspector, a resolution of a customs investigator, within the framework of public procurement.

Before concluding a contract, the customer can receive a preliminary consultation, at which the expert will explain the main features, clarify the customer’s goals, formulate questions for the expert to answer during the examination and explain the possible results of the examination.

Who can conduct an examination of parent-child relationships:

  • Expert (solely). The examination is carried out by one specialist in the field of psychology at the request of the court or at the request of any of the parties. Any interested person or his representative can apply for the appointment of an examination.
  • Commission of experts. Commission research is resorted to in complex cases when the opinions of various specialists from related fields are needed. For example, a psychologist and sociologist. Often, a panel of experts is formed as a result of counter-petitions to conduct research. If both parents, or parents and third parties, insist on the study, then the parties' experts can work on commission. If the experts agree, a general expert opinion is drawn up. In the case where the opinions of experts are divided, several expert opinions are drawn up. As a rule, a separate conclusion is drawn up for each differing opinion.
  • An expert or a commission of experts as part of a comprehensive examination. There are cases when, in addition to the psychological and social examination of parent-child relationships, other types of examinations are prescribed (psychiatric, forensic, and so on). Then the expert psychologist works in collaboration with other specialists involved in the examination. A comprehensive examination is used in controversial situations concerning the upbringing of mentally or physically disabled children, in the event of detection of child substitution, in cases of psychiatric examination of parents.

List of cases in which they resort to examination of parent-child relationships:

  • When determining which parent the child should live with after the parents’ divorce.
  • If a question arises about depriving one of the parents of parental rights (also in the case of deprivation of the rights of both parents).
  • When determining which third party will raise the child.
  • When one of the parents requests permission to communicate with the child.
  • When one of the child’s parents requests a ban on the child’s contact with the other parent.
  • In cases of disputes between adoptive and biological parents over how the child should be raised.
  • In cases of intentional or accidental substitution of a child - along with genetic examination.
  • When establishing the level of psychological and intellectual development of a child.
  • If it is necessary to assess the viability of a parent (or parents) in terms of raising a child.
  • When deciding on the issue of cohabitation of a child with a parent who has been deprived of parental rights.

Questions to the expert

  • What is the child’s attitude towards his father (mother, teacher)?
  • What is the degree of attachment of a child to his father (mother, teacher)?
  • How can you characterize the attitude of a father, mother or teacher towards a child (cold and indifferent, warm emotional, caring, etc.)?
  • What personal qualities does the father (mother, teacher) of the child have?
  • What is the main personality characteristic of the parent?
  • What is the level of psychological development of the child?
  • What level of social adaptation does the child demonstrate?
  • How does the child relate to his father (mother, teacher)?
  • Has the child learned the basic norms of behavior characteristic of his age?
  • Does the child’s intellectual development correspond to his calendar age?
  • Do the calendar and psychological ages of the child correspond to each other?
  • What can be said about the development of a child’s personal qualities?
  • Is the father (mother, teacher) wealthy as a child’s teacher?
  • What can be said about the level of psychological comfort in the family?
  • What is the difference between the declared and real attitude of a parent towards a child?
  • Does the child’s stated intention to live with his father (mother, teacher) coincide with the child’s true desires?
  • Are there factors in family relationships that cause the child to be in a state of fear (depression, depression)?
  • Are there signs of psychological pressure on a child?
  • Are there signs of psychological pressure from one parent towards the other that negatively affect the child’s condition?
  • Does the child’s psychological comfort suffer from intrafamily conflicts?

Psychological examination of child-parent relationships, children and parents arises in the course of judicial and other legal disputes, during which the fate of children is decided.

These disputes relate to determining the child’s place of residence, resolving the issue of the frequency of meetings with a parent or guardian, as well as resolving the issue of depriving one of the parents of parental rights.

Examination of a child and child-parent relationships - what does the law say?

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 65 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, “The place of residence of children in the event of separation of parents is established by agreement of the parents.

In the absence of an agreement, the dispute between the parents is resolved by the court based on the interests of the children and taking into account the opinions of the children.

In this case, the court takes into account the child’s attachment to each of the parents, brothers and sisters, the child’s age, moral and other personal qualities of the parents, the relationship existing between each parent and the child, the possibility of creating conditions for the child’s upbringing and development (occupation, work schedule of the parents , financial and marital status of parents, etc.).

An examination of child-parent relationships, children and parents, allows us to identify and describe these legally significant psychological factors in a language understandable to the court and the parties.

At the request of the parents (one of them), in the manner established by civil procedural legislation, and taking into account the requirements of paragraph two of this paragraph, the court, with the obligatory participation of the guardianship and trusteeship authority, has the right to determine the place of residence of children for the period before the court decision to determine their place enters into legal force residence.”

In accordance with Article 24 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, “In case of divorce in court, spouses can submit to the court an agreement on which of them will live with minor children, on the procedure for paying funds for the maintenance of children and (or) a disabled spouse in need, on the amount of these funds or on the division of the common property of the spouses.

If there is no agreement between the spouses on the issues specified in paragraph 1 of this article, as well as if it is established that this agreement violates the interests of the children or one of the spouses, the court is obliged:

determine which parent the minor children will live with after the divorce;

determine from which parent and in what amount alimony for their children is collected; at the request of the spouses (one of them), to divide the property in their joint ownership;

at the request of the spouse entitled to receive maintenance from the other spouse, determine the amount of this maintenance.”

Why is an examination of the child and child-parent relationships carried out?

Most often, a psychological examination of a child and child-parent relationships is aimed at establishing the degree of attachment of the child to his father or mother, as well as the psychological compatibility of the child (children) with his parents and their surrogates.

A psychologist’s study of a child, parents, and child-parent relationships during a forensic psychological examination is aimed at establishing significant psychological and psychological-social circumstances and factors of interpersonal interaction in the “parent-child-parent” system.

This is necessary in cases where the investigation or court needs to give a legal assessment of the relationship between the child’s parents.

An examination of the child is also carried out to assess the relationship between the child and a particular parent. This is mandatory, including in situations of divorce and separation of parents or their substitutes (guardians, adoptive parents).

A forensic psychological examination of a child and child-parent relationships can answer the following questions:

Is the microclimate in the family favorable for the upbringing and development of a child? - From a psychological point of view, do the mother or father have circumstances that prevent them from communicating with the child?

To which parent is the child more attached?

How often would a child like to communicate with his mother if he lives in his father’s family?

How often would a child like to communicate with his father if he lives in his mother’s family?

What objective conflicts exist between the child’s parents? What is the child’s perception of these conflicts?

What is the child's anxiety level?

What is the possible negative impact of the individual psychological characteristics of each parent on the psychological state and characteristics of the child’s mental development?

What is the actual attitude of the mother and father towards the child?

What is the child's actual relationship to each parent?

What is the attitude of the minor to his parents together and to each of them separately, to which of the parents is the child attached to a greater degree than is characterized?

What is the child’s real psychological attitude towards other family members (grandparents and other relatives)?

What is the real psychological attitude of a child towards his stepmother?

What is the child’s real psychological attitude towards his parents?

What are the individual psychological characteristics of both parents and their influence on the child’s condition and the characteristics of his mental development?

What are the individual psychological characteristics of the child?

Which option for a child living with his parents will cause the least damage to the child’s psyche?

Which parent has the greatest authority and influence for the child?

A break with which parent can be the cause of the most severe psychological trauma for a child?

Did the child independently or under the influence of third parties develop a desire to live with his mother (father)?

The list of questions presented above is not exhaustive. Questions for consideration of a forensic psychological examination of child-parent relations must be selected in each case individually in accordance with the requirements of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, based solely on the need for special psychological knowledge of the inquiry, investigation and trial.

In order to clearly understand why the court needs a forensic psychological examination of this type, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated May 27, 1998 No. 10 “On the application of legislation by courts in resolving disputes related to the upbringing of children.” In this document, the Plenum of the Supreme Court clearly defines the legal priorities of judicial proceedings in cases related to divorces and determination of the child’s place of residence, his rights, and the rights of divorcing spouses.

The need to conduct a forensic examination of a child and child-parent relationships arises, as a rule, in cases when conflicts and squabbles come into the family, when a husband and wife get divorced and cannot reach an agreement on the place of residence of their child and (or) the place and the order of meetings between the child and the parent who does not live with the child.

The purpose of any examination is to help the court deal with issues that require special knowledge of a psychologist and teacher. However, simply psychological knowledge is not enough. The psychologist must also master the legal conceptual apparatus so that his Conclusion is clear and understandable to the court and other participants in the trial.

Why is an examination of the child and child-parent relationships carried out?

Most often, a psychological examination of a child and child-parent relationships is aimed at establishing the degree of attachment of the child to his father or mother, as well as the psychological compatibility of the child (children) with his parents and their surrogates.

A psychologist’s study of a child, parents, and child-parent relationships during a forensic psychological examination is aimed at establishing significant psychological and psychological-social circumstances and factors of interpersonal interaction in the “parent-child-parent” system. This is necessary in cases where the investigation or court needs to give a legal assessment of the relationship between the child’s parents. An examination of the child is also carried out to assess the relationship between the child and a particular parent. This is mandatory, including in situations of divorce and separation of parents or their substitutes (guardians, adoptive parents).

The examination is carried out for:

— Determination of the child’s individual characteristics;

— Determining the frequency, place, duration and method of communication between the child and one of the parents;

— Determining the possibility and duration of a child’s stay on vacation with one of the parents;

— Determining the child’s place of residence;

— Definition of the role of the father (mother) in raising a child;

— Determining which parent is more comfortable for the child to live with;

— Determination of the psychological characteristics of the relationship between the father (mother) and the child;

— Determining how much communication with the father (mother) negatively affects the child;

— Determination of circumstances that may interfere with communication between the father (mother) and the child;

— Determining the degree of attachment of the child to the parent(s);

- Other questions.

An examination of a child is usually carried out in order to establish to whom the child is psychologically attached to a greater degree, with whom he expresses a desire to live after a divorce, and what psychological factors determine this desire. Also, during a psychological examination of the child, it is possible to determine how often he wants to meet with his parents, whether he has any psychological trauma, how and to what extent negative influence from someone from the minor’s immediate environment is reflected on the child’s psychological state.

An examination of parents is usually carried out in cases where the court or participants in the trial have reason to believe that one of the parents has a negative influence on the minor or has psychological or psychiatric contraindications to independent education or communication with the child.

-Is the microclimate in the family favorable for the upbringing and development of a child? - From a psychological point of view, do the mother or father have circumstances that prevent them from communicating with the child?

To which parent is the child more attached?

How often would a child like to communicate with his mother if he lives in his father’s family?

How often would a child like to communicate with his father if he lives in his mother’s family?

What objective conflicts exist between the child’s parents? What is the child’s perception of these conflicts?

What is the child's anxiety level?

What is the possible negative impact of the individual psychological characteristics of each parent on the psychological state and characteristics of the child’s mental development?

What is the actual attitude of the mother and father towards the child?

What is the child's actual relationship to each parent?

What is the attitude of the minor to his parents together and to each of them separately, to which of the parents is the child attached to a greater degree than is characterized?

What is the child’s real psychological attitude towards other family members (grandparents and other relatives)?

What is the real psychological attitude of a child towards his stepmother?

What is the child’s real psychological attitude towards his parents?

What are the individual psychological characteristics of both parents and their influence on the child’s condition and the characteristics of his mental development?

What are the individual psychological characteristics of the child?

Which option for a child living with his parents will cause the least damage to the child’s psyche?

Which parent has the greatest authority and influence for the child?

A break with which parent can be the cause of the most severe psychological trauma for a child?

Did the child independently or under the influence of third parties develop a desire to live with his mother (father)?

Does the child’s level of mental development correspond to age standards?

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 65 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the place of residence of children in the event of separation of parents is established by agreement of the parents. In the absence of an agreement, the dispute between the parents is resolved by the court based on the interests of the children and taking into account the opinions of the children. In this case, the court takes into account the child’s attachment to each of the parents, brothers and sisters, the child’s age, moral and other personal qualities of the parents, the relationship existing between each parent and the child, the possibility of creating conditions for the child’s upbringing and development (occupation, work schedule of the parents , financial and marital status of parents, etc.). At the request of the parents (one of them), in the manner established by civil procedural legislation, and taking into account the requirements of paragraph two of this paragraph, the court, with the obligatory participation of the guardianship and trusteeship authority, has the right to determine the place of residence of children for the period before the court decision to determine their place enters into legal force residence.

In accordance with Article 24 of the RF IC, upon divorce in court, spouses may submit to the court an agreement on which of them the minor children will live with, on the procedure for paying funds for the maintenance of children and (or) a disabled spouse in need, on the amount of these funds or on the division of the common property of the spouses. If there is no agreement between the spouses on the issues specified in paragraph 1 of this article, and also if it is established that this agreement violates the interests of the children or one of the spouses, the court is obliged to: determine which parent the minors will live with children after divorce; determine from which parent and in what amount alimony for their children is collected; at the request of the spouses (one of them), to divide the property in their joint ownership; at the request of the spouse entitled to receive maintenance from the other spouse, determine the amount of this maintenance.

Today, it is becoming quite obvious that child abuse is not only about physical impact, i.e. in beatings. It can represent hidden, unobvious everyday psychological violence, which can only be established after a special psychological study.

Most often, a psychological examination of parent-child relationships is aimed at establishing the degree of attachment of a child to his father or mother, as well as the psychological compatibility of the child (children) with parents and their substitutes.

Various questions can be raised to resolve a forensic psychological examination of the child-parent relationship.

It is interesting to know the typical questions posed to an expert in this category of cases.