Today is Old People's Day, October 1st. When is the day of the elderly

Other celebrations

International Day of Older Persons has been celebrated annually on October 1 since 1991.

History of the day

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) established this day to attract public attention to the problems of older people. The first World Assembly on Aging, which adopted the International Plan of Action, which defined the international community's approach to the problem of aging, took place in 1982 in Vienna. Eight years later, the UN General Assembly decided to recognize October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons, and in subsequent years adopted the UN Principles for Older Persons and the Declaration on Aging.

In addition, the Madrid International Plan of Action, adopted in 2002, proposed three priority areas in addressing the problems of aging: the active participation of older people in society, ensuring health and well-being in old age, and promoting the creation of favorable conditions for social development. The Madrid International Plan of Action provides for global monitoring (review and assessment) of the implementation of the actions proposed therein every five years.

Problem statistics

According to the UN, in 2017 the number of people on the planet aged 60 years and older reached 962 million people, accounting for 13% of the world population. The number of elderly people is growing at a rate of 3% per year. Today the largest number of people 60+ live in Europe (25%). Aging processes are accelerating in other regions of the world. The UN predicts that the global population of older people will reach approximately 1.4 billion by 2030, 2.1 billion by 2050 and 3.1 billion by 2100. The problems of population aging initially affected mainly developed countries, but today they are becoming increasingly relevant in developing regions.

The World Health Organization (WHO) report on the problems of population aging also talks about the fight against stereotypes that have developed in society regarding people of the third age; The article examines the phenomenon of ageism, which has become widespread in recent decades, that is, the creation of stereotypes and discrimination against people or groups of people based on age. Ageism can take many forms, including prejudiced attitudes, discriminatory practices, or institutional policies and practices that reinforce stereotypical beliefs. This phenomenon, which has serious consequences for both older people and society as a whole, can become a major barrier to effective policy development and have a serious negative impact on the quality of health and social care that older people receive, the Report says.

Support for the elderly in Russia

The Day of Older Persons is celebrated in Russia on October 1 based on the resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 1992. In most Russian cities, on this day, free concerts, excursions to museums, charity performances, film shows, and recreational evenings for older people are held annually.

According to Rosstat of the Russian Federation, as of January 1, 2018, the number of pensioners (men 60+, women 55+) in the country is more than 37 million people.

In the spring of 2018, the Moscow Longevity project was launched in Moscow, which is designed to help older people who have retired with socialization, self-realization and talent development. The project offers elderly Muscovites free participation in handicraft and drawing clubs, dance and vocal studios, yoga classes and other sports.


More and more older people continue an active social life: in recent years, a relatively new direction for the country has been developing - silver volunteering. People of retirement age are increasingly involved in organizing charitable, cultural, and sporting events of both federal and local significance.

Not so long ago, our country began to celebrate the holiday of the elderly. Young people do not consider it necessary to celebrate this date, and older people do not expect presents from their children. But if you think about it, thanks to this holiday you can instill respect in the younger generation. Europe has long had a good tradition of celebrating the Day of Older Persons. Today we will tell you the history of the holiday and interesting facts associated with it in this article.


The origin of the holiday goes back to 1982. It was at this time that the meeting of the First World Assembly took place in Vienna. The topic of aging was touched upon at the meeting. People from different countries shared their stories about the lives of retirees. It turned out that, despite the difference in cultures, mentalities and financial situations in many European countries, the government’s view of the older generation is the same. It is from this day that the history of the origin of the Elderly Person's Day holiday begins.

What date is the holiday celebrated?

Naturally, the UN supported the initiative of the assembly and even offered its assistance. By joint efforts, it was decided that October 1 will be considered the International Day of Older Persons. The history of the holiday does not end there. In 2002, another meeting of the World Assembly was convened. This time the question was already raised about what events to organize on October 1 and who to make the main participants in the celebration. Many supported the idea that pensioners need constant help and need to be given attention all year round, and not just on Older Person's Day. The history of the holiday in Russia dates back to 1992. But in fact, even in 2017, the holiday is not widely celebrated.

Russian traditions

The history of the Elderly Person's Day holiday goes back no more than 70 years, but during this time some traditions have already developed. The government annually tries to time the increase in pensions to October 1.

Benefits are also awarded to outstanding elderly people on the Day of the Elderly. The history of the holiday is small, but over 25 years many have already become accustomed to the annual celebrations. Therefore, every October 1st, concerts are held in almost all cities. In big cities, famous stars take the stage, and in small towns, local talented people perform. Pensioners often perform at concerts. By their example, they show that you can live an interesting life at any age.

Congratulations on the holiday

How to congratulate loved ones on International Day of Older Persons? The history of the holiday may suggest the answer. Elderly people often feel lonely, and therefore the best gift for them would be to visit their family and friends.

On this day, you can set the table for your beloved grandparents or take the older generation to dinner at a restaurant. If there are children in the family, they can organize a mini-concert or even a circus performance.

It is not customary to give real or material gifts on the Day of the Elderly in Russia. The history of the holiday tells that pensioners should receive financial assistance from the government, and not from their loved ones, who already take care of them day after day.

The holiday has its own logo. It is surprising that all European countries use the same symbols, but Russia has developed its own. Perhaps this was done because our compatriots have a different mentality, completely different from the one that prevails in European countries.

The symbol of Russian October 1 is an open palm. It symbolizes the connection of several generations and the desire to help. After all, it is when a person finds himself in a difficult situation and cannot get out that a friend extends his hand, or rather, his palm.

The world logo is a drawing of the globe and ears of wheat wrapping around it on both sides. This sign symbolizes our planet, which is connected primarily by people and a common goal. The logo clearly reflects that no matter where a pensioner lives, he is still a cog in the world’s mechanism.

Despite the fact that the Day of the Elderly has a history that is common to all countries, the name of the holiday is different. In the United States, October 1 is considered “Grandparents' Day,” and in Japan, “Day of Respect for the Elderly.”

People in all countries respect the older generation. But nowhere does the celebration of an elderly person take on such a scale as in Scandinavia. Probably, it is there that children are instilled with the most reverent feelings for their parents.

Who should be congratulated on the holiday?

First of all, on October 1, we need to pay attention to our grandparents, and those lucky ones whose families have great-grandparents can congratulate them too. It is thanks to these people that we live and live happily. After all, many people of the older generation are veterans or children of war. They endured terrible hardships just so that each of us could be happy.

But pensioners who have just retired also need congratulations. Even if a person received a pension certificate only recently, he can already be called an elderly person. Many are embarrassed to do this, arguing that it will be unpleasant for him. This is not true, any person understands that he is not getting younger and you cannot escape from time.

Parting words from the older generation

Many people have learned from their own experience that grandparents find pleasure in talking. They like to tell stories from their youth or read instructive lectures to young people. There is no need to resist. This is how pensioners express their concern for us. They want their children and grandchildren not to make the same mistakes and to learn from their experiences. Indeed, only with age do you realize how priceless the stories you heard in your youth were.

But, of course, you need to visit your grandparents not only on holidays. It is worth visiting the older generation much more often. After all, this is how we can show love and care. Young people are not a government that issues financial assistance once a year and, until the next October 1st, forgets about the existence of older people. Grandchildren and children should take care of the older generation, if only because in the past these were the people who took care of us.

Do you need a holiday?

Many people don’t understand why invent holidays if the calendar is already full of them. The answer to this question is simple, Older Person's Day was created in order to educate the moral and moral responsibility of young people towards their elders. Children must understand that their grandparents are already old, it is difficult for them to walk, and they are no longer able to subject their bodies to heavy physical activity. If such a concept finds a place in the child’s mind, then he will not only automatically give up his seat to his grandmother on the bus, but they will also understand why he is doing this. Common sense will push him to do this, and not a sense of responsibility or remorse.

Young children also need to learn that their relatives have lived rich lives and gained a lot of experience that they are happy to share. Therefore, on October 1, you can introduce a tradition when grandchildren will come to visit their grandmother and get to know her better. After all, the holiday should not only instill a sense of respect for elders, but also make generations a little closer to each other. At such events, you can tell the story of the Elderly Person's Day holiday. For preschoolers, this will be a good chance to enrich their knowledge base.

Will the holiday become traditional?

In our country, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day have taken root well, so why not Older Person’s Day? The origin story of the holiday is highlighted above, and it shows that people all over the world are not indifferent to the fate of pensioners. Young people began to show more warmth and care not only towards their family and friends, but even towards complete strangers. And this is already a big plus. They say that young people have become rude and indifferent, but this is not so. Today it is difficult to meet a young man who will not open the door for a pensioner or give her a seat on the bus. But if such individuals do occur, then it is definitely not the government or modern morals that are to blame, but rather the grandparents who did not teach the child in childhood to give way to elders.

The history of the emergence of the Elderly Person's Day holiday is quite trivial. But despite this, every year October 1 is celebrated more and more widely. The holiday of the older generation, of course, will become traditional. Every year there are more and more elderly people, because the standard of living and, as a consequence, its duration increases day by day. And in our country they love holidays and gladly accept all innovations of this kind. Of course, it would be nice if there were at least 12 days of an elderly person in a year.

After all, then we would visit our relatives and friends of pensioners more often, give them gifts and receive smiles and warm words of gratitude in return. By respecting elders, people respect their history. And it is precisely because of this that what is today called the connection between generations is created. It is impossible to make a forecast with certainty, but it is quite obvious that the holiday appeared at the right time and thanks to this it became widespread. Perhaps in 100 years people will celebrate it on the same scale as on February 23 or March 8.

(International Day of Older Persons) is celebrated annually on October 1 by decision of the UN General Assembly since 1991.

The purpose of this day is to attract public attention to the problems of older people.

According to the UN, there are currently almost 700 million people over 60 years of age in the world. By 2050, the number of people over 60 years of age will reach two billion, making up more than 20% of the world's population. Issues associated with population aging initially affected mainly developed countries, but are now becoming increasingly important in developing countries as well. The most significant and rapid growth in the number of older people will be seen in the developing world. Moreover, the Asian region will account for the largest number of elderly people, and the African region will have the most significant increase in the share of the elderly population.

In 1982, the first World Assembly on Aging was held in Vienna, where the International Plan of Action was adopted, which determined the international community's approach to the problem of aging. That same year, the plan was approved by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Continuing such initiatives, on December 14, 1990, the UN General Assembly, in its resolution 45/106, designated October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons. In 1991, the General Assembly adopted the UN Principles on Older Persons (resolution 46/91) and in 1992 the Declaration on Aging.

In 2002, the Second World Assembly on Aging, held in Madrid, adopted the Political Declaration and International Plan of Action, which strengthened the political consensus on aging, with a focus on development and international cooperation and assistance in this area. Since the adoption of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging (MIAPA), it has guided the development of policies and programs at the national level, stimulated the development of national and regional plans and provided an international framework for dialogue.

The goal of the International Plan of Action is to ensure that the world's older population can live in safety and dignity and continue to participate in society as full citizens.

The Madrid Plan of Action proposes three priority areas for action at the national level: the active participation of older people in society and development; ensuring health and well-being in old age; promoting the creation of favorable conditions for social development. Each priority area includes priority issues, or problems; tasks and recommendations.

The Madrid International Plan of Action is not a set of universal prescriptions. It is a global framework strategy against which governments have committed to align the direction and content of action on aging at the national level. The choice and implementation of these actions depends on the conditions and capabilities of different countries. The primary level of action for implementing the MIPAS is national, with national governments having primary responsibility for implementing the broad set of recommendations contained in the Plan.

In Russia, according to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2018, there were more than 30 million people over 60 years of age.

The Day of Older People in our country is celebrated on the basis of the resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 1992.

Should we congratulate someone on the day of an elderly person and, in fact, with what? What do we know about old age?

When does retirement age begin in Japan or Chile and can old people drive? What do Russian gerontologists do?

1. What is an elderly person's day?

The International Day of Older Persons was established by the UN General Assembly in 1991 and has been celebrated in Russia since 1992. Then, in 1991, the UN adopted the document “United Nations Principles for Older Persons,” which states that older people have the right to independence, participation, realization of their potential and proper care, “regardless of their economic contribution.”

On October 1, various festivals are organized by associations for the protection of the rights of older people, conferences and congresses dedicated to their rights and their role in society.

The theme for Older People's Day 2014 is: "Leaving no one behind: promoting an inclusive society."

2. When is it time to retire?

Retirement age varies from country to country, ranging from 55 to 70 years. This difference is explained by differences in the average life expectancy and working ability of older people.

Russia has a fairly low retirement age, established back in 1932. For example, in Japan, Canada, Portugal, Latvia, Spain, Belgium, both men and women retire only at 65 years of age. In the USA, the retirement age is gradually increasing (from 65 years to the planned 69 by 2015). As in Russia, the retirement age for men is five years higher than for women in Austria, Georgia, Chile, Serbia, Romania, Turkmenistan, etc.

3. How many years of pension itself?

Government social programs to help older people survive in society have existed at some level since Roman times. The first European law on state responsibility towards older people was passed in England in 1601. Pensions were first introduced for naval officers in France in 1673. During the French Revolution, in 1790, a law was passed on pensions for civil government employees who had served thirty years and reached the age of fifty. Pensions themselves were first introduced in 1880 by Otto von Bismarck in Germany for people over 70 years of age.

4. Elderly – old – long-lived

In different periods and in different cultures, the beginning of old age was defined differently: Pythagoras considered old age to be 60 years old, Chinese scientists - 70 years old, English physiologists of the 20th century - over 50 years old. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ages 60 to 74 years are considered old; 75 years and older – old people; those aged 90 years and older are long-livers.

In the Russian peasant tradition there is no stable age limit for the onset of old age, although, as a rule, people who have reached the age of fifty were considered old men and old women. “In Western Siberia, the term “old people” could be applied to people who had reached 45–50 years of age: if a peasant married his eldest son, he already considered himself an “old man” and separated with the “old woman” in a special room (sometimes five more children were born from such a peasant ).<…>The tax period had a great influence on the norm of old age: traditional ideas about physiological changes were “adjusted” to its end...” writes T.A. Bernshtam.

5. Long-lived record holders

Among the women in the world, the longest-living woman was the Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment (February 21, 1875 - August 4, 1997) - 122 years, 164 days. As a child, she helped her father in the shop, but at the age of 21 she married a prosperous merchant and never worked again, but loved tennis, swimming and roller skating. She smoked for 95 years, ate up to a kilogram of chocolate a week, and loved wine. Jeanne gave birth to her only daughter and outlived all her heirs. Until her death, she maintained a clear mind, although she almost lost her sight and hearing, and from the age of 115 she moved in a wheelchair after falling and breaking her leg.

Among men, the record was set by Izumi Shigetie (June 29, 1865 - February 21, 1986) - 120 years, 237 days. Izumi worked as a school teacher until he was 105 years old, started smoking at the age of 70, and throughout his life he drank “sethu” - an alcoholic drink produced by distilling sugar. True, there are doubts about the authenticity of his birth certificate - according to scientists, his age at the time of death was not 120, but only 105 years.

The oldest resident of Russia is considered to be Magomed Nasibovich Labazanov (May 1, 1890 – September 7, 2012), who lived in Dagestan. However, if there was a birth certificate, it was not preserved, and the date of birth was entered into the modern Russian passport from his own words. Magomed Labazanov retained not only his health, but also a sound memory into old age, although he never learned to read and write and did not engage in mental work. Unlike other record holders, he never drank alcohol, did not smoke, strictly observed marital fidelity, and always ate moderately and rationally. Magomed Labazanov considered physical activity, work and movement to be the main condition for longevity.

At a time when documents were not yet so important, they used to talk about centenarians who died at 180 years of age or older.

The only photograph of a participant in the Battle of Borodino: Pavel Yakovlevich Tolstoguzov at the age of 117 years, 1912. Participant in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78 Konstantin Vikentyevich Khrutsky (112 years old) on Red Square in 1963

6. Pensioners rule

Most countries have a minimum age for driving a car, but no maximum age. However, after 70 years of age, it will be difficult for you to rent a car in almost any country in the world.

In the USA, there are so-called “refresh” driving courses for older people.

Sociologists in the UK believe that a car driver reaches maximum inner calm and composure at age 59. He is very attentive to what is happening on the road. At the same time, the driver remains composed and reacts quickly to changing situations. At the same time, drivers over 75 years of age in the UK were required to re-take traffic knowledge tests and have their vision checked.

7. After 70, we are athletes again

In 2012, there were 75 thousand people over 100 years old in America. By 2050, according to forecasts, there will be more than 600 thousand.

According to a survey published in Managed Care Weekly Digest, 100-year-old citizens in the United States are about as physically active as the so-called. “baby boomers”, citizens approximately 30-50 years younger. More than half of the respondents are so-called. Centenarians said they exercise almost every day. 40% go to the gym, 11% practice yoga, 5% run. Their athletic performance differs little from survey data among 50-year-old Americans.

Social connections and a sense of humor are also important for longevity. Centenarians, like baby boomers, often talk to friends or family members every day (80% each), participate in social events (26% of 50-year-olds vs. 24% of centenarians) or find something funny per day (87% of 50-year-olds vs. 80% of centenarians).

8. Old age as a childhood disease and non-aging as a disease

Among the rare genetic diseases is progeria - no more than 80 cases have been recorded in the world when children begin to age at 2-3 years. The child's growth slows down sharply, the skin becomes thinner, becomes dry, wrinkled, and veins show through. The child usually has a large head, the frontal tubercles protrude above a small, pointed (“bird-like”) face with a beak-like nose, and the lower jaw is underdeveloped. The average life expectancy for childhood progeria is 13 years.

The only opposite case has been scientifically described. In 1993, a girl was born in the USA and lived for 20 years, who was practically not subject to age-related changes. In 2009, 16-year-old Brooke Greenberg was physically and mentally at the level of a one-year-old child: she is 76 cm tall, weighs 7.3 kg, has baby teeth, bone tissue corresponding to a 10-year-old age, and has undergone only minor changes in her brain. changes from early childhood.

9. What is gerontology

Gerontology is a science that studies the biological, social and psychological aspects of human aging, its causes and ways to combat it (rejuvenation). The components of gerontology are geriatrics (the study of age-related diseases, their prevention and treatment), gerohygiene (issues of general and special hygiene of people in older age groups) and gerontopsychology (psychological and behavioral characteristics of elderly and elderly people).

In Russia, unfortunately, gerontologists focus on the medical aspects of aging and rejuvenation. On the website of the Gerontological Society at the Russian Academy of Sciences, 10 out of 10 priority areas of research concern genetics, processes in cells and tissues, and not psychology or social aspects of aging.

10. The Bible on Old Age

Holy Scripture speaks of old age both as a blessed crown of life and as a period of difficulties and impoverishment. “Abraham was already old and advanced in years. The Lord blessed Abraham with everything” (Gen. 24:1). “And Abraham passed away, and died in a good old age, aged and full [of life]” (Gen. 25:8). “Do not reject me in my old age; when my strength fails, do not leave me” (Ps. 70:9). “The righteous blooms like a palm tree and stands tall like a cedar tree in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they bloom in the courts of our God; even in old age they are fruitful, juicy and fresh, to proclaim that the Lord is righteous” (Ps. 91: 13-16).

Forefather Abraham; modern greek letter icon
Elders of the Apocalypse; Santa Maria Maggiore, mosaic of the triumphal arch (432-440)

The elders are given a special place in the Kingdom of God: “And around the throne are twenty-four thrones; and I saw twenty-four elders sitting on thrones, clothed in white robes and having golden crowns on their heads” (Rev. 4:4).

The Bible also describes cases when an old man falls into dementia and is unable to assess reality, as well as senile weakness.

Any person on earth needs society: some need approval, some need help and support, some assert themselves by caring for others, and some simply compete to determine a leader. One way or another, each of us has a close person whose opinion we value very much. For most, these are parents and immediate relatives - brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents, who are often far away from us. Sometimes even children living in the same city and their older parents do not find time to see each other at least once a week. In order to protect the rights of the elderly, an international holiday was created.

The content of the article

When is it celebrated?

On October 1, the International Day of Older Persons is celebrated around the world. The date was created with the goal that children remember their parents and relatives, show politeness and concern to their neighbors, and simply once again lend a helping hand to those who are often embarrassed to ask for it. The holiday was established at the initiative of the UN (Resolution No. A/RES/45/106) on December 14, 1990. In 2020, celebrations at the international level are held for the 30th time. He came to Russia a little later, in 1992, after the adoption of Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation No. 2890/1-1 “On the problems of older people.”

Who's celebrating

On International Day of Older Persons 2020, all attention is paid to older people: grandparents, older housemates, older work colleagues.

history of the holiday

Although the official consolidation of the event occurred thanks to the activities of the UN, the idea of ​​honoring the older generation is one of the fundamental stones in the culture and traditions of any nation. Conflicting facts and customs have followed each other for several centuries. And although many peoples had cruel rules according to which the elderly were left to die (or, as a matter of fact, weak children were killed), they were always replaced by more worthy traditions and the cult of ancestors.

Today, in many countries, the problem of demographics and aging society is acute. According to the UN, in the absence of fundamental changes (a surge in the birth rate), by 2015, with a global population of 8.5 billion people, more than 1 billion will move beyond the age of 60. Already in Russia, the share of elderly citizens of the country is more than 20% (20.7%), and the average age of a Belarusian at the beginning of 2011 was 39.6 years (despite the fact that the average inhabitant of the planet has only reached 28 years old). There is a sad trend of reduction in the difference between the population aged over 65 and children under 16.

We can proudly state that the International Day of Older Persons is gaining more and more positive connotations every year. The term “elderly people” has ceased to be offensive, and assistance is becoming targeted and directed.

Rector of the Public University of Health in Minsk V. Kamenkov believes that teaching computer literacy has a very positive effect on the brain activity of older people. Together with dosed muscle load and proper nutrition, this ensures the maintenance of the necessary balance in the body and even slows down aging. The fact that poorly educated people age much faster has been confirmed by researchers at University College London.