Orthodox calendar of the year Maslenitsa. There are special rules for the successful preparation of pancakes.

Other celebrations

Shrovetide is one of the most revered holidays among the people, symbolizing the farewell to winter and the imminent meeting of the long-awaited spring warmth, in this regard, we will tell you about what date it will be in 2017. Fun, sincere joy, provocative mass celebrations - this is what is characteristic of a special week of the year, filled with preparation for Great Lent and the anticipation of spiritual and physical cleansing.

This is one of the holidays that have come down to us through the centuries. Even the harsh canons of Christianity did not break the tradition, and after several centuries of desperate struggle, the hierarchs of the church were forced to include it in the calendar. So, if earlier Maslenitsa, or Komoyeditsa, was tied to the day of the spring equinox, now it is a mobile holiday. It begins a week before Lent, is celebrated for a week and ends with Forgiveness Sunday.

Date of Maslenitsa celebration in 2017

Features of Shrovetide: the history of appearance and customs

These days in Orthodoxy are imbued with a special meaning and symbolism. The main feature approved by the church charter is the rejection of meat and the use of dairy products, which is associated with the first calving of cows after the winter "downtime", as well as the preparation of pancakes, which are so similar to the sun. Another interesting detail is connected with the Ukrainian and Belarusian customs of the "reel life" - dressing up a thick stick in the form of a man. She was tied to all single guys and unmarried girls. By the way, it was on these days that engagements and marriages were most often made, and for already married youth they arranged public brides, with passionate kisses under the showering of snow.

Maslenitsa is also a typical women's holiday. Seven days of festivities are sometimes called Babskaya week, because the main role was given to the fair sex, the theme of girlish purity, host hospitality and motherhood.

Of key importance have always been the "seeing off Maslenitsa", which was accompanied by a symbolic kindling of a fire with the further destruction in the fire of an effigy of Winter, made of rags and straw. Instead of a doll, a living personification of the holiday was carried through the villages - a smartly dressed girl or woman. The most important day of the Cheese Week has always been considered Sunday - the day of the prayer for fasting, which received the popular name. On this day, relatives and friends wholeheartedly asked for forgiveness from each other for all the troubles and insults caused over the past year. It was also customary to visit deceased relatives in cemeteries and “treat” them with pancakes.

Every day is a holiday: symbolism of 7 days

Maslenitsa in 2017, according to historical tradition, will consist of 7 days, each of which is imbued with a unique meaning.

  1. The beginning of the narrow Maslenitsa, or Meeting - Monday, February 20th. On this day, it is customary to start baking pancakes, giving the first failed one to the dead, go out into the streets to build snowy mountains, make a winter scarecrow, send the daughter-in-law to the parental home, and visit the matchmakers in the evening.
  2. Tuesday, February 21 - Flirting is a time of entertainment filled with positive in the form of skiing, dressing up and organizing theatrical performances, fun concerts, visiting guests, skiing down ice-covered slides, brides watching. Those who on Monday did not show decent "sports" results, tried to recoup the fun and fun. On Tuesday, fun games began and treats each other with pancakes.
  3. Skoromnaya Wednesday, February 22, also called Gourmand, should be held under the motto of hearty feasts at the mother-in-law with all sorts of goodies (homemade beer, honey gingerbread, sbitny) and, of course, pancakes with a variety of fillings. In the middle of Shrovetide week, a pancake competition took place - who had more and tastier treats.
  4. On a turning point, or "Wide", Thursday, February 23, also called Revelry, falls in the middle of the festivities. At this time, it becomes really “hot”: from fisticuffs, funny dances, horse races and riding through the streets - all the negativity spills out through these actions. Household chores are replaced by all sorts of fun - swings, songs, competitions in jumping over fire and revels.
  5. Friday- this is Mother-in-law's evenings with the tradition of visiting sons-in-law, by personal invitation, as a symbol of showing honor to the wife's family. Each custom of this day is aimed at speeding up weddings and finding a couple for still free young people, so you can safely go “to the people”.
  6. Saturday- also gatherings, but already Zolovkins, when not only the husband's sisters are invited to visit, but also all his other relatives, who are given gifts. Unmarried girls can invite friends. The culmination of the holiday is coming - farewell to Maslenitsa, as bright and unforgettable as possible, so that it will be remembered until next year.
  7. February 26 close the Cheese Week Forgiveness resurrection or a kisser - a day of cleansing from everything sinful and remission of all voluntary and involuntary insults. On this day, it is advisable to thoroughly wash the dishes and burn all the remnants of the festive food, and scatter the ashes of the burnt effigy over the fields so that the coming year is fruitful. No one had the right to stay at home on Komoeditsa, neither an old man nor a baby. People came out to the ornately decorated square. Round dances were held here, ritual songs were sung, strength and dexterity competed. And at the end of the holiday they burned an effigy of Madder, as an image of the old life.

It is worth noting that Ancient Rus' turned into a huge theater of ritual actions for Shrovetide week: bright, festive and always cheerful. After all, it was supposed to part with the cold princess Marena, and the well-being of the coming year completely depended on each actor, how much he “got used to the role”, his future was supposed to be so effective. But if before the advent of Christianity, after Maslenitsa, a rich life activity and the following happy holidays began, now the days of great humility and sorrow are coming. Agree, the difference is cardinal.

How Maslenitsa is celebrated in 2017 in Moscow

In recent years, holidays have been organized in the capital on a grand scale. The Moscow authorities will prepare an extended list of events. The main site will be located on Red Square, and small Maslenitsa zones will be organized by municipal administrations. Bright design and pancakes with dozens of toppings, music and burning of effigies, competitions and folk festivals - everything will be the same as thousands of years ago.

Celebrate Maslenitsa in 2017 so that you remember it all year long!

Here comes, perhaps, the most pancake day of the year - Maslenitsa.

Shrovetide week will come on February 20, 2017, and will end on "forgiveness" Sunday. “Forgiveness” Sunday got its name from ancient times, when on this day it was necessary to repent before loved ones and also grant them forgiveness. In 2017, this day will be the twenty-sixth.

It is important that some Maslenitsa traditions have remained far in the past. For example, fisticuffs, which in Rus' in the old days were not at all comic in nature, but, on the contrary, were the causes of severe tragedies. Today, Shrovetide is exclusively entertaining and is accompanied by dances, competitions, chants and, of course, sweets. The first three days, of course, pancakes are baked and guests gather. This is a "small" Maslenitsa.

What is served on the table for Maslenitsa?

The first day of the week is the “meeting” of Maslenitsa, and Tuesday is the “flirty”. From the second day, the holiday begins to roam - young people gather and have fun. The third day was called “gourmet”, and on Thursday the most important entertainments begin, which is why it is called “binge”.

Friday - “mother-in-law evenings”, Saturday - “sister-in-law gatherings”. It is customary to see off Maslenitsa on Sunday. The celebrants stand in a circle and a large straw doll is set on fire to invite spring and spend the winter as soon as possible. It is symbolic that pancake is associated with Maslenitsa, because long ago people noticed its resemblance to the sun. And it was very important on these holidays not only to treat yourself to pancakes, but also to invite the poor to the table. On the holiday, any food is allowed to the table in unlimited quantities, except for meat. Why Maslenitsa is nicknamed "meat-empty".

When is Maslenitsa in 2017: customs and traditions.

It is generally accepted that if you spend the holiday well and cheerfully, the whole year will be blessed with a rich harvest, which is why all the holidays you need not to be sad and not lose heart for anything. And on Sunday, before the onset of Great Lent, which lasts seven weeks, people are in a hurry to get enough. Since believers have been fasting for almost two months, which requires certain abstinences, Maslenitsa is a great opportunity to prepare for Lent.

On the eve of Lent, Ukrainians will celebrate Maslenitsa.

At the same time, it is worth noting that Shrovetide as such is not mentioned in the Church calendar - this is the name of this holiday only among the people. The Church calls the last preparatory week before Great Lent Cheese Week. Cheese Week ends with Forgiveness Sunday.

Believers who fast during Cheese Week are forbidden to eat meat, but milk, eggs, sour cream can still be consumed, as well as pancakes.

What date is Maslenitsa in 2017

In 2017, Pancake week begins on February 20 and will last until February 26. Immediately after it - from February 27 - Great Lent starts.

Narrow and Wide Shrovetide

Among the people, the whole week was divided into two periods: the Narrow Maslenitsa (the first three days) and the Wide Maslenitsa (the last four days). Moreover, every day of Maslenitsa had its own name.

In the first days of the oil week, it was possible to do chores, and from Thursday all work stopped.

Maslenitsa begins with Monday, which has the name Meeting. On the first day of Maslenitsa, snowy mountains and swings were built for folk festivals. Wealthy families started baking pancakes. The first pancake was given to the poor, in remembrance of the dead. The children made a straw doll, which symbolized Shrovetide, and dressed her up in old clothes. It was the children who started the holiday: riding down the hills, singing songs in houses, etc. Adults joined the festivities from the middle of the week.

Tuesday(Zagrysh) was considered the day of the newlyweds. Since after Epiphany weddings were played in the villages, on the second day of Maslenitsa, all married young couples who had recently walked at a wedding had to slide down the mountain. On this day, pancakes continued to be served - relatives and friends were invited to visit. Guys and girls looked at each other these days, and those who made the choice arranged the bride's bride.

IN Wednesday(Gourmet) mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law to their pancakes, thus the mother-in-law showed her disposition towards her daughter's husband. Other guests were also invited to the house. On the third day of Maslenitsa, young people dressed the way they were dressed for the wedding. Unmarried guys and unmarried girls rode down the slides. For guys who were not lucky enough to get married this year, the whole village came up with comic "punishments", from which they paid off with pancakes and sweets.

IN Thursday(Walk around) the holiday was gaining full strength. Fisticuffs were arranged, the capture of snowy towns, horseback riding, various competitions, which ended in noisy feasts. The meaning of the games, as well as the whole Maslenitsa, is to throw out the negative energy accumulated over the winter and resolve various conflicts between people. The villagers could dress up as they liked on this day. And the effigy of Maslenitsa, seated on a stake, was raised up the mountain so that everyone could see it.

On Thursday evening, the son-in-law personally invited the mother-in-law to pancakes at Friday(Teschiny evenings). In response to an invitation, she sent everything that was necessary for baking pancakes: a tub for dough, frying pans, and the father-in-law passed on a bag of flour and butter. Daughter baked pancakes. Mother-in-law came to visit with her relatives and friends. The son-in-law had to demonstrate his disposition towards her and her relatives.

IN Saturday(Zolovkina gatherings or Seeing off), the young daughter-in-law invited all her relatives to her place. On the same day, they could say goodbye to Maslenitsa (in some villages the effigy was burned on Sunday): the effigy of Maslenitsa was taken out of the village on a stretcher, they gave him a pancake and “buried” with songs, making a big fire and burning it in it. The fun continued around the campfire. The remains of festive food, old baskets, brooms, wheels, barrels, etc. could be thrown into the fire. Ashes were scattered across the fields.

Maslenitsa culminated in Forgiveness Sunday. At the end of the holiday, people asked each other for forgiveness with the words: "Forgive me, please, if I am guilty of something before you." The answer should have been: "God will forgive." On this day, all grievances were forgiven. It was customary to go to the cemetery and leave pancakes on the graves.

In the Church calendar, there is no such name for the holiday as Maslenitsa. This name is taken from the common people, and the last preparatory week for Great Lent is Cheese Week. That is, the celebration of Maslenitsa (Cheese Week) begins on the last week before Lent, and ends with Forgiveness Sunday. It is also worth noting that a week means one calendar week. Believers who observe fasting are forbidden to eat meat during Cheese Week, but milk, eggs, sour cream can still be consumed, including pancakes.

: in a kindergarten, at school, on a city street, in a village.

Glorification of the pagan god Yarila as a symbol of the sun and the coming of spring.

According to some sources, the celebration of Maslenitsa is deeply rooted in paganism. During the celebration of Maslenitsa, people praised Yarila, the god of the sun, spring and fertility. In glorification of the Sun, the Slavs baked cakes, according to tradition, they took a handful of flour in their hands, dipped it into water, and then baked a round cake from the resulting dough - a symbol of the solar disk. Later, people began to bake pancakes from dough and sourdough. A hot, ruddy, round pancake is a symbol of the sun, it was believed that biting off a pancake, a person, figuratively speaking, bit off a piece of the sun, along with its warmth and life.

Maslenitsa and Christian church.

Long before Christianity, the Maslenitsa festivities began seven days before the spring equinox, and continued for another seven days after it. When Christianity appeared in Rus', new holidays also came. But, since Maslenitsa was slightly shifted due to Lent, nevertheless, the Slavs celebrated the holiday in the same way, on a grand scale. According to pagan ideas, the Slavs held wide festivities, danced round dances, burned an effigy of the “Shrovetide”, the personification of winter. After the baptism of Rus' in the tenth century, and the adoption of Christianity, the church adamantly fought against this kind of pagan rites, however, many centuries have passed, and the tradition of burning a straw effigy of the “Shrovetide” has survived to this day, but the people of believers who observe Great Lent, the church still warns against this kind of entertainment. Since, it must be remembered that Cheese Week is a preparation for Great Lent, during which an Orthodox person, a believer, must pray, repent, seek himself spiritually, seek the meaning of life ... But all this, of course, does not prevent a person from participating in such festivities, the main thing so that these festivities do not harm the human soul, the abuse of alcohol is excluded, since it is believed that the use of alcohol only alienates a person from God.

Celebration of Maslenitsa, rituals and traditions.

A well-known custom for Maslenitsa is the baking of pancakes. This custom has its roots in pagan times. Pancakes were baked golden, ruddy, hot - all this is the personification of the Sun, the meeting of spring. During the festivities, the people led round dances, decorated cart wheels and carried it around the streets, all this is connected with the round shape of the Sun, all these rituals were considered as if “causing” the Sun, hence, by the way, the name Maslenitsa comes from.

Another tradition is jumping over the fire, this custom is also deeply rooted in paganism, since it was believed that by jumping over the fire, a person, as it were, singes his sins. But today, if such a tradition has been preserved, it is more for the sake of fun, fun. As for the sinful side of a person, an Orthodox person needs to go to church and bring their repentance to God, and not burn them by jumping over the fire.

At the end of all the festivities, at the end of the celebration, a scarecrow of the “Shrovetide” was burned, the personification of the outgoing winter, and the arrival of spring, the approach of the period of field work. Burning an effigy, people always waited and believed that the year would be fertile and fruitful.

Forgiveness Sunday

The seventh, last day of Shrovetide is considered forgiveness Sunday, on this day all people, preparing for Great Lent, asked for forgiveness from each other, commemorated the dead.

Evening services dedicated to the rite of forgiveness are held in the temples, when the rector asks for forgiveness from the parishioners, and the parishioners, in turn, ask for forgiveness from each other, answering the request “God will forgive.”

Why do we celebrate Maslenitsa seven weeks before Easter?

As we know, the most important Orthodox holiday Easter falls on different dates every year. Every year this holiday is celebrated on different Sundays of the month. This is due to several factors, in accordance with the lunar calendar, the spring equinox, as well as the celebration of the Jewish Passover. And since Easter is a mobile Orthodox holiday, that is, it falls on different dates, other church dates of certain holidays are counted from the date of the celebration of Easter.

Accordingly, the celebration of Shrovetide falls annually on different dates, or rather, just seven weeks before Easter. But since the Maslenitsa holiday itself has pagan roots. And the Orthodox Church is against various pagan worldviews. The last week before Great Lent, which is commonly referred to as simply Shrovetide festivities and seeing off winter for people who believe in fasting, this week is a preparation for Great Lent, that is, half-fast, when it is already forbidden to eat meat products, but eggs, cheese, you can still eat milk.

Easter traditions

For one of the main church holidays, Easter, Orthodox people prepare in advance, during Holy Week. On Monday, for example, they start a general cleaning of the house, on Tuesday they prepare smart clothes, if necessary, wash them. On Wednesday, you can also continue cleaning the house and yard. On Pure Thursday, it is imperative to complete all the work to restore order in the house. On Good Friday, on the day when Christ was crucified, they brought candles consecrated from the church, and burned them all day in different rooms, they also began to color eggs and bake Easter cakes for fasting and believers, on this day the church forbids the use of any food . Saturday is a day of sorrow, on this day it is forbidden to have fun, drink alcohol, enter into an intimate relationship. Easter services begin in churches. And the resurrection is the onset of Easter, when Jesus Christ was miraculously resurrected. The celebration of Easter takes place at a generously laid table, in the circle of relatives.

On the day of Easter, all Orthodox people are christened, that is, they break each other, or they exchange colored eggs with the words “Christ is Risen” and in response “Truly Risen”. The tradition of cooking eggs for Easter symbolizes the birth of a new life, as a new creature emerges from it. And the tradition of dyeing eggs red is the so-called krashenki or pysanky, a symbol of rebirth through the blood of Christ. Coloring in other colors is more of an innovation, and symbolizes the joy of the Great and Bright celebration of Easter.

The celebration of Maslenitsa is one of the most famous and beloved by many traditions. Today, Shrove Tuesday is a preparation for Great Lent, and is also marked by the farewell to winter and the welcome of the long-awaited spring.

Shrovetide is an ancient Slavic holiday. This is the last week before Lent, in which people had the opportunity to eat their fill and celebrate the approach of warm, fine days. In the church, the festive week is called Myasopust and Cheese Week because of the ban on meat products and the abundance of cheese products on the table. During this period, people arrange mass celebrations and entertainment, because according to the beliefs coming from the depths of centuries, it is believed that fun will bring prosperity and joy to every home.

Maslenitsa in 2017

This year Maslenitsa falls on February 20-26. Her arrival varies from the beginning of Lent to Easter - the time of the resurrection of Jesus. It is during this period that mass festivities begin and pancakes are traditionally baked, a symbol of abundance and prosperity. Also, the pancake, with its shape and color, repeats the sun, so our ancestors believed that the delicacy drives away the cold and contributes to the early approach of spring.

During Shrovetide week, the church encourages Orthodox Christians to devote more time to communicating with loved ones and doing good deeds. Good intentions and daily prayers help to cleanse ourselves before Great Lent and enlist the support of the Higher Powers.

From February 20 to 26, all people remember the traditions of the ancient Slavs and follow them in order to honor the memory of their ancestors and call for good luck and abundance. Seeing off winter is marked by the burning of an effigy, symbolizing the cold and long days without life-giving sunlight. Also, the rite is dedicated to the expulsion of negativity, and the fire acts as a symbol of purification and renewal. The ashes from the scarecrow were scattered over the fields so that the year turned out to be rich in harvest. In ancient times, people took out stale things from their houses and got rid of unnecessary trash and damaged household items - all this was burned at the stake.

The last day of Maslenitsa on February 26 is called Forgiveness Sunday - at this time everyone has the opportunity to ask for forgiveness for their deeds and forgive others. This rite helps to free oneself from doubts weighing on the soul and enter the temple with a pure heart to pray to the glory of the Lord. On this day, it is customary to visit the cemetery and offer prayers for the souls of departed relatives.

Maslenitsa is one of the oldest holidays that have survived to this day. Many traditions that were honored by our ancestors are still observed today. We wish you a happy holiday week and a happy Easter. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.02.2017 02:02

Maslenitsa is an ancient holiday dedicated to seeing off winter and meeting the warmth of spring. For a long time it...

Seeing off winter for our ancestors was not just a holiday, but also a way to get rid of life ...