A plot not to sell the apartment for a long time. Strong conspiracies to sell real estate

March 8

There are many non-traditional ways to improve your financial well-being. One of them is a conspiracy to sell, which you can do yourself at home.

Special conspiracies will help increase sales

Conspiracies for a successful sale

A strong sales plot will help you quickly sell anything. For the ritual you will need:

  • clean water from a fast river or spring;
  • new key.

“Like a key unlocks and locks all doors, so a well-groomed merchant sells all goods. It does not lie, does not rot, but quickly floats into the hands of strangers, attracting buyers. The clouds of steam are thick, they lowered the fog on the little people, they bought everything that I had without looking. They didn’t bring down the price, they danced around the goods.”

The cooled water must be poured into a separate container and taken to work the next day. The key should be worn Before trading, you must wash your hands in elbow-deep water, sprinkle all the goods, add to the water to wash the floors and wipe the windows.

Rite of Salt

There is another effective common conspiracy for successful trading that will help. You need to read it. For the ceremony you will need:

  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • broom.

It is necessary to make paths from salt and sugar at home from the threshold to the living room in advance. A conspiracy for a quick sale should be read, sweeping the path deep into the housing with a broom:

“A daring fellow, a brave merchant, he gathered for the market, he collected goods. He came, and there such goodness, at least sweep with a broom. But he knows how it is. He paved the path with sugar, and protected himself from enemies with salt, stocked up with a good mood. The goods were all sold, the merchant went for a new one. His path is sweet, the cart is not shaky. Now the room is full of buyers, they spent a lot of money in it.

The swept mixture must be collected in a bag, in the morning sprinkle it on the threshold of your house and the trading pavilion, wipe off the dust on the windows and get to work. The broom should be set up with a whisk closer to the threshold of the store - this will protect against competitors and thieves. This plot for the sale of jewelry is especially good.

The ritual for salt is performed with the growing moon

Selling handicrafts

Not every buyer is able to appreciate manual work. For a successful sale on a newly made thing, you can read the following prayer:

“I do all my work on time. In my hands is a magic thread and a needle, they work really well. The mother moon will look out the window, but the servant of God (name) will illuminate the path, she will collect a full basket of money. He will start a new job, collect even more. Every customer now gladly goes to her room and takes a friend with him. Envious people and sluts do not go to me, but sit in their yard.

Similar rituals should be performed on the growing moon.

For sale through classifieds

Independent conspiracies for the instant sale of goods through ads should be read on the new moon. The picture with the image should be hung in the most visible place - this magic number attracts good luck and cash flows.

A conspiracy to sell a mink coat and other expensive items through ads requires careful preparation, because. on the site where the story about the product is placed, there will be many of them.

For the ceremony, you need to purchase the following attributes:

  • green candles;
  • natural green yarn;
  • rafinated sugar.

In the evening, you need to sit opposite the window, light candles, put sugar and a piece of yarn next to it. The plot should be read 3 times:

“Cold Alaska brings us frosts, buyers from other cities, like wasps on honey, pounced on my fur coat (any other name of the product). I will sweeten the path for them, treat them with tea. Candles are burning, buyers are ordered to lay out money. The first - looked, the second - asked, the third approached - bought without bargaining.

Sugar must be held over the flame of a candle, then tied with a thread and read the following part:

“Devoted girlfriend Luna, light the way for buyers, save from scammers. Let only money and use come to my sugar.

Then you should write an advertisement for the sale, without missing the slightest detail, and hide the sugar somewhere. It must not be thrown away until the product is sold.

Good trade conspiracy

For sale furniture

Conspiracies for the sale of furniture will help you quickly sell an already unnecessary set through ads. Conspiracy text:

“Good buyers come, don’t look at the ad with evil ones. Any weather is not a hindrance to buyers. Everyone needs a sofa (any other item) both in the rain and in the cold. He is the most comfortable, soft, solid. I will turn around three times, with money in my pocket I will return to my house.

It is important to imagine the person who is reading the ad at this moment that your offer attracts the eyes of buyers, and the rest look gloomy and dull against his background.

For sale real estate

Selling real estate can be tricky. must be chosen according to the situation. It is advisable to first carry out a general cleaning of the premises, and then start looking for suitable rituals.

For a successful sale, you can wash the floors with spring water and hang bay leaf sprigs in all rooms. You can lay out several tulip bulbs in the far corners of each room, while saying: "New flowers, new tenants."

To clean up the land, you can bring a little earth and scatter it over the entire area - this will renew the energy flows and attract people.

For a quick sale

A strong ritual that allows you to sell residential property should be read on the growing moon, preferably on Wednesday. You will need:

  • new broom;
  • a pack of salt.

With a broom, you need to sweep the dust from the center of housing to the threshold, saying:

“I sweep out the rubbish, I invite buyers. Opening rooms for new tenants.

“I will sow the grains as they sprout in the fields, so the buyers enter the house. There are many of them, one richer than the other, jingling with money, looking into the rooms. It is important to walk around, ask the price. They don’t bargain, but they look closely, they count the money, they give it to me. ”

Then you need to pour salt into small cups and read over it a conspiracy for sale and protection from deceivers and charlatans:

“I’ll sit at home, lay out the salt. I will put it on the windows so that the unclean force, the dark soul does not penetrate into it, does not drive away buyers. What is destined to happen will happen, the enemy will not be spoiled. Don’t fly past the black crow, don’t peck my money, don’t carry bad news, don’t tarnish my reputation.

Glasses should be placed on the windowsills and not removed until the transaction is completed. Don't tell anyone about the ritual.

To help the brownie in eviction

- this is the spirit of housing, which keeps order and protects the house. Even when changing the hostel to an apartment, you must first agree with him in order to successfully leave the old place of residence.

To leave him candy and milk for the night, to talk to him, politely offer to leave with you. When the spirit calms down, it is worth reading a strong conspiracy:

“Brownie, brownie, you, like a father, served faithfully, guarded our peace. The time has come to replace the mansions with the beauty of the palace vault. Help this time, your eye is like a diamond. Drive away dashing people, and good ones. Do not be angry for betrayal, but you want to dress up with me on the road. The sold apartment has already served us, now it's the turn of others to settle down and enjoy life in it.

Brownie will help you successfully change your place of residence

For the sale of land or cottages

Simple independent conspiracies for the sale of land are most effective if the performer does not even tell his relatives about them. The day before the deal, you need to go around every corner of the land, sprinkle it with sugar and say:

“I will inspect the land for the last time, I will give the dacha into reliable hands. As I cherished and cherished my lands all my life, so the new owner will be faithful to them.

A successful sale of the house and land is helped by a prayer to St. Nicholas:

“Nicholas saint, look at me. I need to quickly sell everything from my site. Not for self-interest, but for the sake of improving the family (your reason for selling). Help, point the right way. Do not be angry for the prayer, have mercy. I live without sin, I honor God, I greet you. Save from thieves. Amen".

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova offers to use a special prayer to quickly and profitably sell real estate. In the church you need to collect holy water and read once:

“Holy saints, my words are pouring oil into your ears. Help sell property for good money, so that grief is no longer seen. Get rid of the thoughts of sinners, save from hasty decisions. The sold apartment (cottage) will serve the benefit of people, let no one grieve in it. Amen".

At home, you need to spread the sprigs of myrtle or arrange violets and read the prayer again. If the buyer comes with dishonest intentions, the plants will wither.

For sale business

Conspiracy to sell your business:

“Just as mine was the premises of the store, so now it is passing into the wrong hands. Money is flowing to me, the buyers that they were looking for will find a long time ago. I will sell a profitable business, I will quickly start another. I don’t feel sorry for property, I’ll get more than I give.”

The ritual must be performed on the growing moon next to the store.

For the ritual you need On the new moon, you need to throw the ring into holy water and say:

“The lunar chariot rode across the sky, eclipsing everyone with its light. That is not the chariot of the moon, that is my car. People saw her, quickly ran to buy. I put on a ring, but I step towards the buyers, it attracts good luck to itself, it brings money into my pocket, now I am lucky in all matters.

The ring must be worn at a meeting with buyers.

The ritual for the sale of the car should be carried out on the new moon


During any ceremony, it is important not to regret the sale and remember about the exchange of the energy of the Universe - the more you give, the more you get. A well-sold item can improve the financial situation. The main thing is to believe that the desire will come true and make every effort to do so.

There are situations when you have put your apartment or house up for sale, but for some reason the property has not been sold for a long time. In order to quickly and profitably sell your home, you can resort to the help of magic. A magical assistant in this situation will be a conspiracy to sell an apartment or house.

The realities of modern life are such that quite often there is a need to use magic for certain purposes. And, even if progress is firmly established in all spheres of life for each of us, a person believes in the power of the word and often resorts to reading conspiracies.

For example, when you need to quickly achieve some result. In household magic, a separate niche is occupied by rituals that are aimed at material well-being.

And one of the very popular options is a conspiracy to sell an apartment.

Naturally, it should be used only when you actually need to sell real estate.

Rites of this type will help to carry out the transaction as quickly and profitably as possible.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment - preparation for the ritual

Sometimes it happens that you need to sell an apartment or house. And it seems that a lot of time has passed since the decision to sell, and buyers periodically appear, but it is not possible to complete what has been started.

In this case, a strong conspiracy to sell an apartment or house will come to the rescue.

However, before proceeding with the rite itself, certain preparatory measures should be carried out.

It is necessary to wash all the floors and corners of the house with water, which was previously infused for three days in a dark place.

You need to wash the floor with the words:

“My house, four corners, I renounce you.
Whoever brings me money for you will take it!

The words of the conspiracy are repeated at every corner in the apartment.

How to appease a brownie in an apartment or private house

Sometimes it happens that the brownie does not want to part with you and takes all potential buyers away from home. And if you fail to make friends with the brownie, then nothing will work with the sale of an apartment or house.

To solve this problem, before reading a conspiracy to quickly sell an apartment, you need to appease the brownie.

This is done as follows: stand in the doorway and, turning to the far corner of the room, say the words with a bow:

“Accept the new owners in the house, brownie!
Not for an hour, not for a day, but for a century!
They will not offend you, but do not offend them either!

In the evening, leave a saucer of porridge in the corner. This ritual will help appease the brownie, who will show buyers the apartment in the best possible way.

In order to quickly and profitably carry out a property transaction, a plot for the successful and quick sale of an apartment or house with wheat can be used.

At first glance, this conspiracy to sell an apartment seems very simple.

However, in the very near future it will be possible to verify its effectiveness. Reviews about this ritual are only positive.

To carry out the ritual, you will need as many wheat grains as there are corners in the apartment for sale.

At dawn, in front of each corner, putting one grain, read the magic words:

“Golden grain, come out of the corner, when the money merchant comes,
Invite him to visit, tell about a happy life, show him the mansions!
So that the desire to buy appears in it, take gold from it well!
For every corner, for every piece, for every window!

In order to thank the magical forces for a successful deal, after selling a house or apartment, collect all the grains from the corners and bury them in the ground as far as possible from your house.

Rites and prayers for trade, sale or a successful deal are very popular and are considered extremely effective.

Their effectiveness has been verified by no one person and all reviews are only positive.

To perform rituals and read prayers, no specific items are required.

As a rule, you can limit yourself to improvised means.

To fulfill this conspiracy to sell an apartment, you need to speak a bucket of water:

“I’m reading a conspiracy for sale, for a good deal!
I renounce my house, I open the door to new owners!
Whoever brings me money for my house is not a guest,
And he will be the owner!
My word is strong, my word is law!

When the water is spoken, you should wash the floor and all the corners of the house, and then pour the dirty water under the tree.

Please note that if you meet someone along the way while you are going to pour out the dirty water, then the magic will not work, so it is best to perform the rite late at night.

Such a conspiracy will help to quickly sell the apartment with the greatest benefit for the owner. As a rule, within the first month everything should be decided.

If you need to sell real estate in a short time, then the rite with a pin is an effective means to achieve this goal.

You will need: half a glass of rice, sugar, salt and one new safety pin.

This conspiracy to sell an apartment or house is best read in the last lunar phase, when the month begins to wane.

At noon, mix the three ingredients and stick a pin point down in the center of the mixture with these words:

“For happiness, for well-being, I sell my house,
Not evil, but good people.
I will buy another one for myself, a servant of God (name)!
Let it be so!

A vessel with a charmed mixture and a pin should be removed to a secluded place, preferably near the very threshold. The buyer should be at your door very soon.

When the apartment is sold, bury the contents of the vessel in a deserted place and do not tell anyone about the ritual performed, even if it ended in the best possible way.

To thank the magical powers for their help, give alms to six needy people you meet along the way. After that, the rite is considered not only performed, but also correctly completed.

To carry out a successful, quick and profitable transaction with movable and immovable property, it is best to turn to magical help.

Prayers and conspiracies for the sale of an apartment, house or land are very strong and effective. And the effectiveness of such an impact is not long in coming.

The rites described above will be an excellent start on the path to the cherished goal and a good foundation for the main magical ritual.

Naturally, as with other magical rites, conspiracies of this type and their power must be believed. Only in this case the transaction will turn out not only profitable, but also happen very quickly.

In the old days, merchants often attracted rich buyers and good luck with the help of magic. They often used not one, but several rites. The conspiracies that have survived to this day for a quick and successful sale of an apartment are equally useful for both realtors and property owners who sell it on their own.

Few people know what needs to be done and how to successfully find a buyer even for an apartment that cannot be sold for a long time. So that magical rituals do not lose their power, they are performed alone, when no one is at home. Another obligatory condition is not to tell anyone about what has been done. They do not discuss the upcoming deal with acquaintances, relatives, so that they do not accidentally or intentionally jinx you.

The ceremony is carried out in order to sell an empty apartment, a house in which no one lives now. Only in this case it is possible to contact the brownie. You need to dress as if you are going to go out. If the action takes place in winter, then warm outerwear, in summer - a sundress or a light suit. It is time for the brownie to show the seriousness of intentions, the readiness to part with the property in any case. Then he will not interfere and will help you quickly find new owners for your home.

The ritual is carried out during daylight hours, the curtains are tightly drawn. You will need:

  • dry branches of sage;
  • lemongrass;
  • birch;
  • heather.

They are set on fire in turn, they go through the house with them, not missing a single room, pantry. At this time, the words are constantly pronounced:

Burnt twigs are left in the house until it is bought. After the sale, they are taken out into the street and buried under a large tree. After the ritual, they come to the apartment only during the day to show it to potential buyers. It is not worth spending the night in it, otherwise the rite will lose its force, and the offended brownie will never let you go. There are no negative consequences after contacting the keeper of the house, he, as a rule, agrees to accept the new owner of the apartment.

Conspiracies for household items

There are many rituals that do not require preparation. Folk remedies have proven effective, so they are passed on to the next generations. They are made using ordinary things that are in every home.


One of the easiest ways to speed up a property sale is with a broom ritual. You will need to buy a new broom and sweep the whole dwelling with it, uttering a conspiracy:

After these simple steps, you can quickly and profitably sell any property.

Conspiracy house cleaning

Before selling a home, a good landlord cleans it up. They read a plot for a quick successful deal and attracting buyers during cleaning. The floors are washed with one bucket of water, without changing it, in all rooms. Exceptions are not made even for pantries, balconies or loggias.

Until nightfall, dirty water is untouched, make sure that it is not poured out. As soon as 3 hours come, read the slander three times:

“I let you go in good hands so that boredom does not arise. Call a good tenant to your place - a nice fellow, and free me. Amen".

After that, a bucket of water is taken out into the street and its contents are poured onto the ground. In a private house, this is done behind the gate; in multi-apartment buildings, the best option is a lawn, a flower bed. You can't look back and talk until you get home.


Many have noticed that money is attracted to money. This rule is triggered in case of sale of the apartment. A coin spell is the simplest ritual available to everyone. It will require several five-ruble coins. They are dipped in pure spring water, heated over a candle flame and the words are pronounced:

“Tempered with water and fire, fit for a quick sale. I'll put you in the corners, help in my affairs. Amen".

Coins are laid out in all left corners of the room.


If you need to sell an apartment as soon as possible, a strong conspiracy on rice is suitable for successful trading. In addition to cereals, you will also need salt and sugar. It is necessary to pour half a glass of each ingredient into a glass container and mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. Then stick a new pin in the middle so that the point is at the bottom. While doing, say the words of the conspiracy:

Remove the container to a place where no one will see it near the front doors of the house. This ritual is done on a waning moon. After the sale of the apartment, give alms to the six needy who will be the first to catch your eye. Bury the charmed container along with its contents in the early morning, when the sun is just starting to rise, in a deserted place.

There is a second version of the rice ritual. Groats are bought on Thursday, the action itself takes place on Friday. It is necessary to pour a little rice into all corners of the apartment, a spell is pronounced over each:


If you do not know how to sell suburban real estate with the help of magic, then it will be interesting to learn about the old way to attract a buyer of a private house. To do this, a simple ritual is performed with poppy seeds and consecrated water. A prerequisite is to memorize the plot. The rite is designed to clean the property from negativity, to attract a buyer.


  1. pour poppy seeds into a glass;
  2. pour into a small jar of holy water;
  3. put both containers on the table in front of you;
  4. take poppy seeds one pinch at a time and pour them into a jar, pronouncing a conspiracy;
  5. when the seeds in the glass run out, close the container with a lid and hide in the far corner;
  6. after selling the house, take out the jar, say thank you and pour water under any tree near the house.

Conspiracy text:

spruce needles

A ritual with Christmas tree needles can help in the sale of an old apartment. They will need 7 pieces in any condition (fresh, dried). Place it in your right palm and whisper softly:

Then put the needles under the threshold, after the transaction is completed, take it with you and bury it in a secluded place.

Sale of real estate at a distance

There are no barriers to magic, even the owner of the apartment, who is at a distance from her, is able to perform the ritual. It will require holy water, a thick church candle, freshly brewed tea grounds. Stages:

  • cover the table with a light tablecloth, put a plate of water;
  • place a candle behind it and light it;
  • read the spell.

“Like the sun, burn, bring buyers to my house.”

Slowly pour the tea leaves into the water, saying:

“Buyers happen like tea leaves. Honest and monetary comes to me. Let him buy a home, he does not know grief and trouble with him.

The candle is lit for 7 days, the water is poured under the tree. If you want to know how soon a buyer will be found, you can play solitaire for desire or fortune telling online will tell you the answer to this question.

Nikolai Ugodnik is a patron saint who is turned to for help in any difficult situations. There is a prayer for the sale of an apartment, its essence is an appeal to higher powers. It is just right to read it if there is a sincere disposition towards God in the soul, otherwise there will be no benefit. The best place for prayer is the church, but this is also done at home in front of the icon of the saint.

Siberian healer N. Stepanova

Prayers and rituals from the Siberian clairvoyant are popular, they are considered very effective, reviews about them are only positive. For their implementation, specific items are not needed, they manage with improvised means. A plot to sell real estate is read over a bucket of clean water:

With charmed water, floors are washed in all rooms, corners of the house. Then it pours out under a tree. If you meet a passerby along the way, then the magic will lose its power, so the best time for the ceremony is the dead of night.

A conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova from her book will help speed up the sale of real estate. It is used if it is not possible to sell it for a long time or the house has negative energy. It is desirable to get rid of it as soon as possible, and powerful words and a few ordinary things will help in this. For the ceremony, you will need several items:

  • a mop and a new rag for the floor;
  • bucket and broom;
  • salt and water.

Ritual sequence:

  1. fill a bucket with water and add some salt;
  2. stir everything with a broom;
  3. wash the floors in all rooms using prepared water;
  4. kneel down in front of a bucket of used water;
  5. bend down in front of him and read the plot three times;
  6. go out onto the road leading to the threshold of the house, pour out the water;
  7. put a broom on top of a whisk near the front door.

Help Vanga

In a difficult situation, when it is impossible to sell a house with a land plot, the rite left over from Vanga will come in handy. For its execution you will need:

  • wax;
  • natural threads;
  • matches;
  • home keys.

The ritual for the sale of real estate is simple, carried out on the waning moon in several stages:

  1. melt the wax on the full moon, put the threads in the middle, wait until the homemade candle cools down;
  2. when the moon begins to wane, take one candle with your right hand and the keys with your left;
  3. lightly tapping on the walls, say the plot 7 times;
  4. light a candle and wait until it burns out completely;
  5. The ceremony is repeated for three days.

The famous seer for a quick sale of real estate advised to read a conspiracy for salt. They take it in their hands and, rubbing it in their palms, pronounce the words:

After that, salt is scattered under the front door and on all window sills.

Magic abilities are inherited, their keepers sometimes share their secrets. An effective ritual from Sophia Vedunya is carried out early in the morning on Friday. He will need a new broom and holy water. Sequencing:

  1. wake up before dawn;
  2. mentally tell yourself that you are giving up your home;
  3. sprinkle holy water on the broom;
  4. with the first rays of the sun, start sweeping the house, uttering a plot.

“I sweep out all the rubbish, clean the house so that it shines with cleanliness, the buyer feels good in it. Amen".

To enhance the effect, the action is carried out continuously for three days. There is a more complex ritual from Ivan Vedun, which takes place in one of the rooms. It is advisable to choose the one where negotiations with potential buyers will take place. The plot is designed to attract a client, evoke positive emotions in him, a desire to purchase real estate. You will need:

  • aroma sticks;
  • four coins of the same denomination;
  • shallow water tank;
  • compass to determine where the east is.

The ritual is performed in several stages:

  1. put coins in all corners of the room;
  2. stand in its center facing east and light a fragrant stick;
  3. kneel down and lower your left hand into a bowl of water so that only your fingers touch it;
  4. take a few deep breaths, say the mantra "UuuuMmmmAaaa";
  5. speak the text of the conspiracy loudly and sprinkle water in front of you;
  6. collect coins in a wallet that you will take with you to a meeting with buyers.

After the transaction is completed, give them to the beggars or throw them into running water. Text:

This ritual belongs to black magic, it is able to make a person decide to buy. Then he will not be able to understand how it happened.

Not everyone knows what danger is fraught with rituals that suppress someone else's will, their consequences. Violence against a person in any form is an invasion of his life path, a violation of a higher purpose. Outside interference does not go unnoticed. Problems will appear in any sphere of life: work, health, family.

Conspiracies to attract buyers

There are conspiracies for realtors that help sell not only residential premises, but also commercial real estate. They allow you to find a buyer for an office, store, warehouse. The rite is performed on a red sworn handkerchief. For sale of large premises, this is the most suitable option. The thing is carried through all the rooms, first 3 times in a clockwise direction, then 3 times in the opposite direction. They tie it in a place so that it does not catch the eye, they say the spell:

“I don’t call the devils, I don’t want losses, I only knit for successful trading. The term is short, but the money is big.

In conclusion, they spit three times over the left shoulder. The ritual on the sworn handkerchief contributes in any matters related to finance, suitable for real estate transactions. Protects from scammers and ill-wishers. Before meeting with a client, wash your face with clean water, to which a little linden honey is added. Wipe your face dry with a bright yellow or red handkerchief. Say the words:

Carry a handkerchief with you when you go to a meeting with a client. To achieve the favor of buyers in order to speed up the sale of real estate, you can not only speak of a personal thing, the apartment itself, but also individual items related to it.

Strong rituals include a rite for the keys to the apartment. To carry it out, you will need to boil water in any suitable container and dip the keys to the home that is for sale into it. Words are pronounced over boiling water:

Wait for the liquid to cool, pour it into a jar wrapped in clean paper or foil. Before showing the living quarters where the magical action on the boiled keys was carried out, moisten your hands in the slandered water. The same is done before signing the documents on its sale. Then there will soon be buyers for the home, and the deal will be profitable.

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From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 33 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To sell a house or apartment When a buyer should come to look at what you are selling, you need to go around the rooms crosswise before he comes, that is, from corner to corner, and say: May the one who comes, He who will enter my house. Let

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 04 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

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From the penetration of a thief into the apartment, the Master from Omsk called me and said: “Natalya Ivanovna, a woman is eager to see you. She convinces me that her little sister is not all right in the head. It always seems to her that someone in her absence penetrates the apartment. She supposedly

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How to clean an apartment from black energy Prepare the following items: - a lamp; - incense; - church charcoal; - a candle (church made of wax, ordinary New Year's paraffin is not good); - holy water; - new needles. Before starting the cleansing, you need to make a general

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Protect the apartment from thieves Order an additional key to the apartment or take a spare key from the set of keys that neither you nor the other tenants have ever used before, and, having said it, contrive to put it in the coffin of the deceased. If you can't do it,

In order to profitably conduct a transaction for the sale of your real estate, you need to have great luck and luck. Therefore, most often this business is entrusted to an experienced realtor, who should be paid a considerable monetary reward for the services rendered. And if you want to sell an apartment at a bargain price on your own, without involving company employees, then maybe you should turn to magic for help.

Since ancient times, many merchants have resorted to the services of a magical celestial circle. A conspiracy to sell an apartment is also useful for those who have not been able to find worthy buyers for their property for a long time.

The origins of trading magic

Even long before the existence of us, rituals associated with trade were used by almost all merchants who sought to sell goods at a bargain price. At the same time, traders did not disdain to combine two or three ceremonies at the same time.

So, in order to sell their housing faster, thoughtful people used conspiracies and prayers to quickly sell an apartment. Moreover, after conducting pagan rites, many of them went to church to pray for their sin before the Almighty.

And although in those days the chosen ones were engaged in witchcraft, carefully hiding secrets from the townsfolk, today anyone who believes in the power of magic can turn to the power of the magical heavenly circle and get what they want.

Most of the rites of this kind were devoted directly to the sale of real estate. Perhaps this will be a discovery for you, but transactions for the sale of houses and apartments were popular in ancient times.

In the process of conducting rituals for successful trading, they used items that are associated with housing and everyday life. These were rituals with rice, salt, a broom, and keys. Some took the poppy for the ritual, and someone spoke the sacred water.

Due to the fact that the conspiracy to quickly sell an apartment is not aimed at negativity, the use of such an approach in order to speed up the transaction is justified. Especially if a person has reason to conduct a profitable transaction as soon as possible.

As before, today you can put into action a conspiracy to quickly sell an apartment even at home, but for this you need to know the rules for conducting rituals of this kind. Although white magic is not as strong as black magic, if you make a mistake while casting a spell, or unsuccessfully perform a ritual, unpleasant consequences await you.

Rules for holding

A conspiracy to successfully sell an apartment will not work if you do not follow the basic rules for activating magical trading rites.

  1. Many people perform various kinds of rituals just to check if magic exists. And this is not correct. If you read a conspiracy to sell an apartment, but you are not going to do it, you can invite yourself into trouble. Well, if the ritual does not work, in the worst case, instead of selling the apartment that you ask for from higher magical powers, you will lose other benefits. Good luck, luck, happiness, love, finances, health - this can be lost if you “disturb” magic in vain.
  2. Only with faith in the power of the heavenly magic circle in your soul will you succeed and get what you dream of. If you do not believe in a ritual of this kind, then it is better not to waste your time and energy.
  3. When setting in motion a conspiracy to sell an apartment, you need to have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat you will forgive from the heavenly magic circle. Therefore, in order to conduct a successful sale and purchase transaction, you need to concentrate on your problem.
  4. Reading a conspiracy in order to sell an apartment should be done in all seriousness, as well as carrying out other deeds with the participation of a magical celestial circle. Only a serious approach will help to achieve what you want.
  5. The process of attracting good luck in trading matters is a personal matter. When conducting a ritual to speed up the sale of an apartment or house, you must be alone.
  6. Magic does not welcome evil intentions. So, if you are reading conspiracies to sell an enemy’s apartment or house against his will, then be prepared for the opposite effect. What does it mean? In any case, you will answer to the higher powers for what you have done. A magical ritual should help the person who needs help, and not harm him.
  7. Try not to talk about the fact that you used a strong conspiracy to sell an apartment or house. Even people close to you should not know about the ceremony you performed. With this approach, you will be able to achieve the desired goal.
  8. Before asking the magical powers for the successful sale of an apartment, turn to the Almighty. Prayers to God will bless you for good luck in trading.
  9. If a conspiracy to sell a home involves the use of an object (pin, broom, bowl, personal item, etc.), but there is none in your house, then it is better to resort to the help of another magical deed, for which there are all the necessary things.
  10. Women are not recommended to perform magical rites during menstruation.
  11. In the process of preparing and executing a conspiracy to successfully sell your property, make sure that gilded coins are present at home. Also, do not forget about holy water and a church candle.
  12. You need to read a conspiracy to sell your property faster without hesitation, reservations, clearly pronouncing every word, understanding its meaning. Therefore, it is better to learn words by heart.

Preparation for trading ceremonies

Sometimes it happens that you need to sell a house or apartment. It seems that they have found a buyer, but the matter is not moving to its logical conclusion, and you are thinking how to quickly sell the apartment. In this situation, a strong conspiracy will help you.

Coaxing a brownie is one of the ways to sell housing faster

But, before putting it into action, it is necessary to carry out two preparatory measures: we wash all the floors and corners of the house, using settled water for this. In the process of such cleaning and preparatory procedures, you need to say the following words:

“My domina, four corners, refuse you. I want to sell you. Get away from me forever. Whoever brings money for you will get you. Let it be the way I want. My words are strong as a stone block. Do not break them and do not cut them down. Amen!".

We pronounce this slander three times, bypassing each corner of the housing.

To quickly sell your apartment or house, you need to appease the brownie. Brownie - a creature that lives with you in the same room.

Sometimes, he tries to prevent the sale of property. Therefore, before conducting a strong ritual to attract a buyer, try to appease the brownie. And this is done as follows: we stand in the doorway and, turning to the far corner of the room, make a bow and say the following words:

“I ask my brownie to help me in difficult times. Please accept new neighbors. Do not offend me and the owners who have settled here again. And they will try to live with you in harmony and harmony. Let with the advent of new owners, you will not experience infringement. If you help me with my urgent problem, I will thank you with delicious dishes!

At the end of this ceremony, you should cook tasty and sweet porridge, and in the evening put it on a plate and leave it overnight in the corner that was addressed the day before. This ritual will help appease the brownie, who will not only "lure" the buyer, but also present housing in the best possible way.

These rituals will be a good start on the path to the desired goal and help for the main magical rite.

Types of conspiracies

There are a lot of conspiracies that help you quickly and successfully sell an apartment or house. We present to your attention the most effective of them. At least those who have resorted to the help of these rituals confirm the effectiveness of magic in trade matters.

Holy water conspiracy

To find a buyer and sell your property as quickly as possible, this powerful and effective rite will do.

We collect holy water in a bucket and put it in a dark corner of the room for three days. Upon the occurrence of the specified time, it is necessary to wash the floors in all rooms, then squat down and read the following words of the conspiracy over the bucket:

“Four corners, my home and an invisible friend - Brownie! I ask you to help me in my problem and understand me. I refuse you, from every door and keyhole, from all corners and the brownie along with them. I want to buy a new apartment in another city. Let me go, I ask you from the bottom of my heart! It was my house, but it became a stranger! Amen".

As soon as the words are spoken, we take out the enchanted holy water into the courtyard and pour it under the tree. Returning home, we do not talk to anyone and do not turn around until we go back into the house. If the prescription is not followed, this rite will not work.

Well, if you put your house up for sale, then there will be fewer questions from annoying neighbors. More difficult with an apartment. When you take out the water in the yard, try not to be seen by anyone. For this reason, sorcerers and magicians advise to conduct this ceremony in the late afternoon.

We attract a profitable buyer

It happens that during the sale of real estate there are various kinds of problems. For example, potential customers walk every day, but they either do not want to buy a home, or offer too low a price.

If you notice that most of the people who come to the “bride-in-law” of your apartment turn to you with noticeable rudeness, stinginess and hostility, then most likely there is damage or a “seal of denial” on your soul or your house, imposed with malicious intent.

You can resort to additional magical rituals to get rid of the evil eye. Or you can just read this slander, which with its power will block the negative of the dark tricks of the unclean.

To carry out this ritual, we take 2 tsp. honey, 12 gilded coins and 3 church candles. Having waited for the growing moon, before the first rays of the sun appear, on Thursday, we sit down at the table and arrange the candles in front of us so that they form a triangle.

In the center of the triangle we place a bowl in which we put coins and pour honey (if it is not liquid, then it needs to be slightly melted before the ceremony).

Rite of passage for a quick sale of real estate.


A very powerful ritual for the sale of an apartment.

Very strong conspiracy to sell an apartment

Universal plot for the sale of real estate.

Conspiracy to urgently sell the apartment.


Ritual for the sale of property. samir ali

How to quickly and profitably sell an apartment, a car ✦ Powerful mantra for sale and money mudra from Pravdina

HOW FAST AND 100% TO SELL a house, car, apartment, etc. in 2018 I QUICKLY A Duiko

With the appearance of the first rays of the sun on the horizon, we set fire to the candles clockwise and say the following phrases:

“With the advent of a new day, a new light illuminates my home. I do not kindle the flame of candles, but glimpses of the sun give them warmth. The day will fill my new house, add shine to coins, and add voluptuousness to honey. Let the one who wants to buy my housing do not be stingy in paying. Let it be so. Amen!".

Then we take out the coins from the bowl and, without wiping them from honey, put them under the threshold. We distribute the honey that remains in the bowl in a thin layer along the door jamb and along the route of potential customers.

Simoronsky ritual for the sale of an apartment

An effective Simoron approach will help sell real estate quickly and expensively. Come up with a name for her that she can win the attention of any buyer.

Simoron offers to give a new name to his housing. Let it be “the most beautiful”, “the best” and “the most comfortable apartments”. Imagine a happy buyer who is so excited about a new property that he is ready to pay you a decent amount of money right now.

Do you see how he gives you money and puts his signature on the documents transferring him the ownership of the apartment, house? Take a closer look at banknotes and papers, feel how they feel to the touch, try to imagine what feelings you experience from concluding a transaction for the sale of property.

Make yourself a bow tie, take a children's toy hammer and bang it on the walls of the dwelling you are selling, saying in a loud voice "Sold!" Knock on the windowsill, threshold and front door. Don't forget to announce loudly: "Sold!".

Help sell real estate and poetry. If you can come up with at least some rhyme, then try to rhyme a poetic appeal to the Universe with a request to sell your property. Here is one of Simoron's poems:

“You, my dear, today I let go, my beloved apartment. I again hand over my keys to the owner and I receive money in return. Let there be benefit from this sale, I ask, O my Universe, and advise me and the buyer, let him generously endow me. For the last time I bow to you, my beloved apartment. Be happy, I bless you and I’m moving to a new house!”

Conspiracy for a good deal

It is extremely difficult to find a buyer for an apartment who is ready to immediately and without bargaining give the seller the amount of money that he asks. The plot that we offer below will help sell the property at a bargain price, whatever it is.

To carry out this ritual, you will need a couple of church candles, an old clock and a broom that has not yet been used. The ceremony is performed on the growing moon. So, having waited for the right moment, at exactly three in the morning we sit down at the table and put a broom between the candles. Now you need to light a fire with matches and bring the flame to both wicks. As soon as the candles flare up well, you need to read the following plot:

“As the old watch goes, so let there be no end to the buyer. Outside the earth there is no such apartment as mine: beautiful, clean, comfortable and pleasant. As I sweep out the garbage with a broom, so I attract buyers to me. I ask the Universe about the quick sale of my house, because I already need to move into a new apartment. Please help, please attract a decent buyer with a good price for my home. Yes, it will be the way I want it. My words are forbidden. As said, so done. Amen!".

In the morning, when the first rays of the sun appear, we take a charmed broom and sweep the house with it, starting from the front door to the far corner. Perform this ritual for three nights in a row and very soon you will sell your apartment at the price you want.

Thanks to this magical deed, you can sell real estate at the price it deserves. Moreover, you won’t be able to earn too much, even if you increase the cost of the apartment, it will not be such a significant amount.

These are the best methods of selling a home for those who entrust the execution of a sale and purchase transaction to relatives. Thanks to this conspiracy, your relatives will not be able to earn extra money. This method is also good because it can be carried out not only at home, but also at a distance from the housing you want to sell.

One condition - you must have the keys to the premises that are for sale.

If you are selling the most ordinary, inexpensive apartment, then you need to read the plot three times. When selling a cottage, a country house, the cost of which is not so low, the number of repetitions of the plot increases. Depending on the price of housing, the hex is read three, five, seven, nine, twelve, nineteen, fifty-one times.

The speech itself looks like this:

“As plowmen plow in the fields, as blacksmiths forge in forges, so traders sell. Let my home be sold easier. Let buyers give a good price for it. The first one will come, the second one will come, and the third one who enters my house will become its new owner. To that I will give this bunch of keys to a good, bright and prosperous apartment. Let it be as I ask. My words are forbidden. As said, so done. God help me. Amen!".

Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova

The working conspiracy of the Siberian healer will help you quickly find a buyer for housing.

Natalya Stepanova helped many people in need. Some go to her to return a loved one, others - to get rid of extra pounds, others - with the help of her prayers, they attract good luck.

So, for an urgent sale of real estate, you need to stand in front of a mirror and read the following slander:

“As all people crave bread, so let them all want to buy my apartment. Can I offer luxurious apartments, or can I offer a cozy house. To each his own. Let them give me big money for a profitable purchase. I am an important merchant, my buyer is well done. Come into my house well done, but with a big ruble. Take my good goods. With an apartment located in a cozy place, your life will be comfortable. The one who first enters the bride of the house of the future will take it. Let my home sell quickly. I ask you to help, Universe, help bring my meta closer. My words are forbidden. As said, so done. Amen!".

Christmas tree needles to help the seller

This plot for successful trading came from the lips of Vanga, who helped everyone who needed her help. And although this ritual is simple, it is highly effective, helping to sell even the most "stale" goods.

Moreover, buyers are willing to pay the amount that the seller himself calls. But do not raise the price excessively if your property is not worth it. Property appraisals must be fair.

Christmas tree needles will help sell your home profitably

To carry out such a ceremony, you will need five or six Christmas tree needles. And note, Christmas trees, pine is not suitable for this ritual. Fresh and dried needles will fit - this does not affect the effectiveness of the conspiracy.

So, we take needles in our hand, squeeze them in a fist and hold it for a quarter of a minute. Then we open our hand and whisper the following phrases:

“Needle, needle, attach along with the goods to a worthy buyer. Let him no longer look at other housing, let him stay in this house forever. Spruce needle, make sure that a good merchant immediately likes this dwelling. My words are forbidden. As said, so done!

A handful of charmed spruce needles are hidden in the house that is for sale. But we choose a secluded place so that not a single living soul finds the needles and does not even see them. It is undesirable to leave them in the sold apartment.

If property was bought from you thanks to this slander, the needles are taken out of it and thrown away immediately after signing the contract of sale. This conspiracy is used to sell real estate, as well as for the successful sale of a car and other goods.

Tips for selling a home

In addition to conspiracies, there are also current folk signs with which you can quickly and profitably sell real estate.

In general, magical rites for the sale of property are excellent helpers when you need to sell a house, apartment, or garden plot in a short time. But at the same time, relying on the power of magic without making any effort on your part is in vain. If you do not place a single ad, then hardly anyone will come to you, no matter how effective the conspiracy you use.

We wish you success, positive mood and good buyers!