How to calculate the length of service of workers in various fields, as well as pensions for long service. Principles for calculating length of service for military pensions Program for calculating length of service

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We must remain sternly silent and wait for medals!!! 2. If you have something to be proud of, I’ll send it!!! 3. Service is just a routine..... 4. There is something to be proud of, but too lazy to bother! 5. I would tell you in words, but not in letters. 6. I have a story with a colleague, I’ll send you some advice! Results | Archive of surveys Total answers: 705 Quick access menu to sections and categories of the catalog Home » Files » Software » Programs necessary for the work of firefighters Program for calculating length of service Download from server (1.39Mb) 12/17/2010, 2:10 pm [ Report non-working link ] The program is designed to help the HR department employee when calculating the length of service of an employee. The program can be used both to calculate the length of service of an employee in a civilian enterprise, and to calculate the length of service of military personnel, employees of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and equivalent categories.

Calculation of work experience (length of service) v.2.3.2

Romanuk Materiel AdministratorPensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Information not available. Re: Programs Quote: Calculation of length of service 2.4.4 License: FreeWarePrice: $0/0 rub.

The program “Calculation of length of service” can be used both to calculate the length of service of an employee in a civilian enterprise, and to calculate the length of service of military personnel, employees of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and equivalent categories. The program allows you to save entered data for future use.

Calculation of length of service 2.4.4

December, 2015 Maxim [about the program “Calculation of length of service 2.4.4”] Hello, please tell me how to enter the coefficient three for four, thanks in advance. [Quote] March 14, 2014 Irina [about the program “Calculation of length of service 2.4.4”] Thank you, we took your advice. [Quote] December 11, 2013 Oleg [about the program “Calculation of length of service 2.4.4”] Why do I write: “beginning of the period 05/17/2000, end of the period 11/28/2004” does the program give the total - 06/04/12? Why 12 days? 28-17=11 Because you don’t know labor law. The day of dismissal is considered a working day. December 5, 2012 Anonymous [about the program “Calculation of length of service 2.4.4”] Why do I write: “beginning of the period 05/17/2000, end of the period 11/28/2004” does the program give the total - 06/04/12? Why 12 days? 28-17=11! [Quote] November 29, 2012 Andrey [about the program “Calculation of length of service 2.4.4”] Alexander! Thank you for telling me how to fix it. You are GOD =.

Online calculator for calculating pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with changes in 2018


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Program for calculating the length of service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

I'm getting used to it! Registration: 06/14/2010 Address: The best city on earth Age: 45 Messages: 41 Thanked: 12 Thanked 15 times in 9 messages Re: Programs Conclusion form for payment of percentage bonus for length of service in defense units state secret. Everything is similar to the previous “form”. hachik

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Program for calculating length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Federal Law of April 20, 2015 N 93-FZ "On amendments to the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2015 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2018" Share the link to this page with your friends. Attention! The calculator does not take into account the regional coefficient.


Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive a long-service pension after 2 years. The size of the pension is related to the length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, namely: 2.
In this case, half of the period of service must be spent in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The size of the pension is not allowed to be less than the amount of social benefits! To calculate pension payments, a coefficient is used that increases annually. So, in January 2, 2016, it rose to level 6.

Online program for calculating length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Site sections Alphabetical index ············································· ····· ········ Popular software By views: By downloads: New: New articles Briefly: The program helps to calculate the length of service (experience) of an employee. In detail: Calculation of length of service (length of service) - The program is designed to help the HR department employee in calculating the length of service (length of service) of an employee. The program can be used both to calculate the length of service of an employee in a civilian enterprise, and to calculate the length of service of military personnel, employees of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and equivalent categories. Programs » Business and accounting » Other Information about the program Interface language: Russian Author of the program: Visluga File size: 1867 KB License: FreeWare (free) Program cost: $0/0 rub.

Program for calculating length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

File: 1.4 MBOS: Windows 2000/2003/XP Language: Russian Author: Makletsky Alexander Nikolaevich Added: 04/30/08 Updated: 01/06/10 Quote: Express review: “Calculation of length of service”: The business program is designed for calculating the length of service of employees, keeping records work and work books for personnel. Description: The “Length of Service Calculation” program is designed to help the HR department employee when calculating the length of service (length of service) of an employee.

The program “Calculation of length of service” can be used both to calculate the length of service of an employee in a civilian enterprise, and to calculate the length of service of military personnel, employees of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and equivalent categories. The program allows you to save entered data for future use.

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Length of service in situations with employees in the army, FSB, etc. - this is a special type of work experience in military (or other equivalent to military) service, which is used when. In order for a military pensioner to qualify for this payment, he must meet one of the following conditions defined in Art. 13 of the above law:

  • length of service is 20 years;
  • no less work experience 25 years, of which 12.5 years of service.

Which military personnel can receive a long-service pension?

The legal relations of military pensioners are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1. Entitled to this type of payment are warrant officers, officers, midshipmen, and private contract soldiers who served in the law enforcement agencies of Russia and the former Soviet Union.

Concept "serviceman" applies not only to those persons who are directly related to the Armed Forces. The military pension system also affects other categories of citizens:

  • Criminal-executive services;
  • Engineering and construction troops;
  • Fire Service;
  • External intelligence service.

A citizen is considered a military serviceman until he leaves the reserve due to retirement or for other reasons. Upon entering the reserve, the discharged person receives the status of a military pensioner.

What periods are counted towards length of military service?

The procedure for calculating length of service for establishment is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1993 No. 941. The required length of service includes service in various positions. in the following structures:

  • in the FSB, foreign intelligence, counterintelligence agencies;
  • in the penal system, drug control agencies, and the state fire service;
  • federal government information and communications agencies;
  • civil defense troops;
  • United Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the USSR;
  • border, railway, internal troops;
  • state security authorities;
  • other military formations of the state.

Resolution No. 941 has two annexes, which indicate the specific time of service and localities counted towards length of service for establishing a military pension on preferential terms- 1 month of service for 2 months, as well as 1 month of service for 1.5 months.

Does studying at a military school count towards length of service?

Rules for including periods of study in higher and secondary specialties. institutions, the length of service and length of service for establishing a military pension differ depending on which paragraph (“a” or “b”) of Art. 13 of Law No. 4468-1 provides security. Under paragraph “a”, the persons specified in Art. 1 of the law, who have 20 years of service on the day of leaving service.

According to clause 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1993 No. 941, officers assigned to serve from the reserve taking into account the specialty acquired at a civilian educational institution (OU), female officers assigned to service under the specified condition, who were not in the reserve, the time of their study before being assigned to serve in civilian higher educational institutions or in secondary specialized educational institutions in which there was a military department, within up to 5 years based on one a year of study in 6 months are counted towards length of service to establish a pension.

Under these conditions, the length of service includes the period of study at civilian higher educational institutions of officers who, being students, directly from the specified educational institutions before their graduation and are accepted to continue their studies at higher military educational institutions.

Additional periods counted towards length of service

In addition to military service, for length of service to establish a military pension under paragraph “a” of Part 1 of Art. 13 of Law No. 4468-1 includes the following periods (the most common situations):

  • service in the FSB, internal affairs and other law enforcement agencies in the USSR and Russia;
  • service in security agencies, armed forces and other law enforcement agencies of the CIS countries;
  • the time spent in custody of persons who were unjustifiably brought to criminal liability;
  • interruptions in service due to illegal dismissal.

Certain periods are included in the length of service for calculating a military pension in preferential terms(one year of service is counted towards the length of service in a larger amount, for example, 1 year for a year and a half, 1 month for 3, etc.). The list is quite lengthy to list in its entirety, so we will indicate some reasons for including these periods when establishing a military pension:

  1. Service in high mountain or remote areas.
  2. Periods participation in hostilities.
  3. Special conditions service:
    • work to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster;
    • skydiving, flight work, etc.;
    • periods of service that are associated with nuclear weapons (surface ships, nuclear submarines).

Periods of conscription service are included in the length of service for establishing a military pension on a calendar basis or, in the case of participation in hostilities, on a preferential basis.

Assigning pensions for long service to military personnel

It is established for those military personnel who have accumulated a certain amount of experience in a military position. Thus, this security can be assigned subject to the following requirements:

  • The pension is established for those dismissed from service if they have special work at least 20 years.
  • Upon dismissal due to the maximum possible age in service - 45 years, due to organizational and staffing events, or due to the inability to continue serving for health reasons, the serviceman is subject to a pension according to mixed length of service, if he has served at least 12.5 years and his total work experience is 25 years.

If these conditions are not met, then this type of payment cannot be assigned.

The security is established from the date of dismissal from the authorities and is paid for life or until re-entry into service.

The appointment is carried out authorized departments of departments, in which the citizen served before dismissal, according to his statement. The application is accompanied by the necessary documents that give the right to increase the size of the pension (about awards, dependents, etc.) and confirm the lack of work (within 3 months from the date of submission of the application). After submitting all necessary documents within 10 days pension provision is assigned.

Supplements for military pensions

To the security that is established for the persons specified in Art. 1 of Law No. 4468-1 (calculated in the minimum amount), allowances are due:

  1. Military pensioners - disabled people of the first group or having achieved 80 years old, to care for them in size 100% of calculated size(RR) military pension specified in Part 1 of Art. 46 of Law No. 4468-1.
  2. Non-working military pensioners who are supported by disabled family members:
    • 32% RR military pension - if there is 1 dependent;
    • 64% RR pensions - 2 dependents;
    • 100% RR pensions - 3 or more dependents.

    This bonus can only be assigned to family members of a former military personnel who are not paid an insurance or social pension.

  3. For WWII participants from among the citizens specified in subparagraph. “a” - “g” and “i” subp. 1 clause 1 art. 2 laws "About Veterans":
    • 32% RR military pension - those who are not disabled;
    • 64% RR military pension - to citizens from among them who have reached 80 years of age.

The allowance provided for in paragraph “c” of part one of Art. 17 of Law No. 4468-1, are not assigned to military pensions calculated with the increase provided for in Art. 16 of the above law.

The mechanisms for calculating the length of service of military personnel are of particular concern not only to the military themselves, but also to their families. More recently, its size has reached a decent level, but economic problems in the country make everyone worry, without exception.

To receive a military pension, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, you must answer following requirements:

  1. The length of service must be at least 20 years by the time of leaving service from the armed forces of the Russian Federation (the same condition applies to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, firefighters and investigators).
  2. In the event that the length of service is at least 12 and a half years, but the work experience is over 25 years, and the serviceman leaves work due to the maximum age for the current rank, for medical reasons or restructuring in the service.

If none of the above points are met, the length of service will be counted towards the length of service, and the pension will be assigned to general principles.

Depending on the rank earned maximum retirement age the military can vary greatly:

  • 45 years– women soldiers;
  • 50 years– ordinary military personnel;
  • 55 years– captains;
  • 60 years- middle generals;
  • 65 years old- highest military ranks.

To calculate the length of service of military personnel, it is taken into account service in the following structural divisions:

  • armed forces of the Russian Federation, USSR and CIS;
  • FAPSI, responsible for communications and information under the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • border services;
  • Russian Civil Defense and Emergency Troops;
  • intelligence and national security services;
  • state security units;
  • fire services;
  • Federal Drug Control Service of Russia (drug control);
  • all units related to the penal system of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the time of direct military service, the length of service also includes periods:

  • work in the civil service or in law enforcement agencies, if it preceded military service;
  • being in captivity;
  • terms of unjustified stay in places of detention or in the case of rehabilitation of repressed military personnel;
  • in some cases, length of service takes into account training time.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the number of years served is equal to the number of years of service, but in some cases preferential calculation may be applied.

For example, service in the Far North, in the presence of other necessary conditions for military personnel, is taken into account in double the length of service. If the terms of study are included in the length of service, 1 year of study will be equivalent to 6 months of service.

Current military pension size directly depends on the amount of the established monetary allowance (DS) of the military personnel, which consists of the following components:

  • official salary;
  • rank allowance (additional payment for service in difficult climatic conditions is not taken into account);
  • surcharge for length of service.

Legislative regulation

Issues of pensions for military personnel are regulated the following regulations:

  • Federal Law No. 4468-1 dated 02/12/1993 (last edition dated 07/01/2017) “On pension payments for citizens who were in military service, for employees of internal affairs bodies, the criminal system, etc.”;
  • Federal Law No. 306 of November 7, 2011 (last amendments of July 18, 2017) “On monetary allowances for military personnel and other additional payments”;
  • Government Decree No. 992 of December 5, 1992 (last changes dated May 17, 2017) “On the establishment of monetary allowances for military personnel serving under contract.”


Until 2012, the amount of the military pension was equal to the amount of monetary allowance.

But after a significant increase, it was decided to use reduction factor when calculating pension payments.

But not all categories of military pensioners fall under these conditions. Some pensioners are provided increase in pension provision regarding the size of the social pension established on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • military personnel who have become disabled due to military trauma – from 175 to 300%;
  • disabled people of the Second World War and residents of besieged Leningrad who received disabilities - from 100 to 250%;
  • WWII participants, prisoners of concentration camps and besieged Leningrad without disabilities - 32% ;
  • military personnel who served at least 6 months during the Second World War, as well as those awarded medals for service and labor activity during the Second World War - 16% increase.

Increasing the pension amount by 15-100% from the established amount of social pension is provided for following citizens:

  • the title of Hero of the USSR, the Russian Federation and the Order of Glory, 3 degrees;
  • title of Hero of Labor;
  • winners of the Olympic, Deaflympic and Paralympic Games;
  • holders of the Order of Labor Glory, 3 degrees, or the award “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR”, 3 degrees.

If you have several titles or awards, the pension increases in each specific case.

Article 17 of Law No. 4468-1 describes cases when military pensions are applied the following types of allowances:

  • 100% of the pension amount– disabled people of group 1 and pensioners over 80 years old, for the necessary supervision;
  • 32, 64 and 100%- depending on the number of disabled dependents and the absence of any other source of income for the family other than the applicant’s pension;
  • 32% - to all WWII participants without disabilities and 80% upon reaching 80 years of age.

If a citizen fulfills all the conditions for the number of years served, he can apply application for a military pension. It is important to note that it is necessary to apply specifically to the military departments at the place of the applicant’s previous service.

A citizen will need to contact the Pension Fund with a written application for the establishment of a pension, as well as present documents justifying the increase in pension payments or the establishment of allowances.

Usually the document verification period takes no more than 10 days, if Pension Fund employees do not have any additional questions.

A military pension is assigned from the moment the pensioner completes his work in the authorities and is paid for life.

If the pensioner applied for pension payments later than the date of dismissal from service, the pension will be paid in full, but no more than 12 months before the date of application.

Calculation scheme

The amount of a military pension depends on the number of years served and the rank of the serviceman. In 2018, the size of the reduction coefficient (RC) was set at 72,23% (as in 2017), by which the base amount of military pay will be multiplied to determine the amount of the accrued pension.

For military personnel whose service exceeds 20 years, the following formula is used to calculate pensions:

PO = DD * (50% + 3% * B) * PC, where

BY- pension provision for military personnel, DD– amount of monetary allowance, IN– length of service exceeding the minimum period, PC– reduction factor.

For mixed experience, a different calculation is used:

PO = DD * (50% + 1% * B) * PC

Operation of services and programs

The availability of various services on the Internet allows citizens to even calculate the approximate size of their future pension. To do this, you need to use any of the proposed pension calculators, in the information fields of which you usually need to enter the following information:

  • place of work and position;
  • rank;
  • amount of military or mixed experience;
  • total service life.

Typically, such services offer to use a base of salary values ​​that are established by law. If there is no such function, then the amount of salary and additional payments will have to be entered manually.

All information provided by various pension calculators is for informational purposes only and the data obtained may differ from actual figures.

From this video you can find out the details of increasing the military retirement age.

Pension issues in our country are regulated with an eye to which category the pensioner belongs to. If a person served in military formations, he may qualify for additional cash benefits, while ordinary “civilian” pensioners will receive only a labor pension.

However, in the case of military personnel, there are many nuances and subtleties that should be taken into account. Let us consider in more detail how to calculate the length of service for assigning a pension to military personnel.

Which military personnel are entitled to a long service pension?

All issues affecting the military pensioners' rule for long-service payments are governed by the provisions of . The right to such payments will be guaranteed for all citizens serving in law enforcement agencies, security agencies, etc.

In particular, employees of the following departments and divisions will be able to apply for a military pension:

  • Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs and FSB;
  • penal authorities;
  • fire departments;
  • intelligence and related institutions;
  • engineering and construction troops;
  • law enforcement agencies related to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the USSR;
  • railway, internal troops and border service;
  • military formations founded by the state.

What goes into military service?

  1. The length of military service will include all periods of time that the user served in law enforcement and paramilitary associations. In addition, study at a university can also be included in the length of service, but this will have its own characteristics and nuances.
  2. Some legislation also sets out the specific time period and locality that will affect the length of service for determining pension benefits under preferential and special conditions.
  3. Also, special attention should be paid to certain periods that will be included in the length of service despite the serviceman’s absence from service. For example, if he is illegally arrested or dismissed, the entire period until justice is restored will be counted toward his length of service.


Is studying at a military school included?

Studying in a military-type educational institution will be counted towards length of service only if if the security is assigned under paragraph “a” Law No. 4468-1. Regarding point “b”, there will be some nuances here.

According to this paragraph, the right to long-service payments will be established for military personnel who have at least 20 years of service at the time of leaving service.

Also, the period of study will be included in the length of service for those citizens who received their education at civilian universities, but which had a military department. To include training in the calculation, it is necessary that the profession acquired within the walls of this institution be taken into account when calling for service.

But even here there are some peculiarities. The full period of study will not be counted. In the calculations, a formula will be used according to which 1 year of study will give an increase of 6 months to length of service.

Service under special conditions

According to current legislation, length of service is not always determined in calendar terms. There is such a concept as special conditions that apply to certain categories of employees:

  1. Thus, for participation in power operations in the Caucasus, a month of service will be equal to 3 -m.
  2. If military service took place in regions with particularly severe climatic conditions (the Far North and equivalent zones), the approved regional coefficients will be taken into account here.
  3. These values ​​are approved at the municipal level, but the maximum size here will be 1,5 .

List of additional periods

To determine a military pension, additional periods can also be used, which include:

  • serving in the FSB and law enforcement agencies of the USSR and Russia;
  • service in security agencies operating in the CIS countries;
  • the period when a military man was illegally prosecuted, but on the condition that the charges against him were dropped and the serviceman himself was rehabilitated;
  • interruptions in service due to illegal dismissal;
  • military service in combat areas, remote and high-mountain areas;
  • elimination of the dangerous consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, parachute jumping and flight service, as well as periods of work that are associated with nuclear weapons.

How to calculate length of service for assigning a pension to military personnel

The procedure for calculating long-service pensions is approved at the highest legislative level and is mandatory for everyone. Here you should take into account not only the serviceman’s work experience, but also a lot of additional points.

In particular, the calculation uses the formula:

PVL = (OVD + OVZ + NVL) x 55% + 3%

PVL– long-service pension;
HIA– official salary depending on military rank;
NVL– an allowance depending on length of service and other factors.

Thus, it becomes clear that when determining pension benefits based on length of service, a lot of key points will be taken into account that will affect the final amount of payments.


Conditions for granting a long service pension

Pension benefits based on length of service will be guaranteed to all military personnel who have some length of service at the time of leaving service. Hence, Pension benefits will be assigned subject to certain mandatory conditions:

  • special output is at least 20 years, then the military pensioner will be able to qualify for;
  • dismissal from service of citizens who have reached the maximum permissible age limits, as well as employees who cannot continue to serve due to health conditions, a mixed pension system will be applied: according to its conditions, you can apply for payments if you have a total length of service of 25 years, but provided that at least 12,5 He was in military service for years.

Second pension

Every serviceman who, after retirement, continues to work under a contract, has the right to receive a second pension through the Pension Fund. However, there is a number of mandatory conditions that must be met:

  1. Reaching the age limit for the right to pension payments. For such a right comes in 60 years, For - at 55 years old. At the same time, it is worth noting that in some situations the age limit for receiving a pension may come earlier. For example, if a person works in the Far North, or lives in a territory recognized as affected by the Chernobyl disaster.
  2. Work experience in civilian life. The second pension will be paid if you have a certain length of service. For the current year it is set at 7 years, and will increase in subsequent years until the 15-year mark in 2024.
  3. Minimum amount of pension points. In 2019 it is 11,4 with an upward trend in subsequent reporting periods. Growth will stop at 30 points in 2024.
  4. Availability of pension payments for long service or disability established by the department where the military man served.

Supplements to payments

Federal legislation also defines certain cases when Pension provision for a military pensioner will be accompanied by some allowances:

  1. Group I military pensioners, as well as those who have celebrated their 80th birthday, will receive an increase in the amount of 100% of the established payment for length of service.
  2. who are supported by disabled family members. Here, the level of the supplement will depend on the number of dependents and is set at 32%, 64% and 100% for one, two and three dependents, respectively.
  3. Participants of the Second World War belonging to the categories specified in (subparagraphs “a” and “i”, paragraph 1, article 2). The pension will be increased by 32% for non-disabled citizens and by 64% for users who have crossed the 80-year-old threshold.

Video: Latest news 2019

Instructions for using the experience calculator

  1. If you know your length of service as of a certain date, then enter in the “Experience as of date” field the specific day and the number of years, months, days of experience as of that day. These fields are optional, but if you have this data, it will significantly reduce your calculations.
  2. In the “Date of hiring” and “Date of dismissal” fields, enter your dates, for example, according to your work book. You must fill out at least one line of this table.
  3. The “Additional periods” may include such periods as: being in the state or municipal service, the period of work as an individual entrepreneur, the period of receiving unemployment benefits, caring for a disabled person or an elderly relative, and others. The full list of such periods is described below, in the paragraph “What is included in the insurance period”.
  4. Select the desired value from the drop-down lists if you served in the military or were on maternity leave.
  5. Click "CALCULATE". You can save the result as a doc file.

Please also take into account:

  • Use the Today button (circle with a dot) to quickly insert the current date.
  • Use the appropriate buttons to add, delete and clear required fields for faster and more convenient entry and change of information.

Legislative basis for calculating seniority

Citizens of the Russian Federation calculate their length of service according to the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” No. 173, which entered into force on January 1, 2002.

Currently, the law does not contain the concept of “work experience”; since December 31, 2001, it has been replaced by a clarified term "insurance period", that is, the period during which a working citizen made contributions from his salary to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and other legally justified periods added to them. However, the phrase “seniority” is often used synonymously.

Insurance experience is the duration of periods of work and other activities during which insurance contributions were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Why know your insurance record?

The insurance period is used to calculate payments and various preferences due to a citizen:

  • payments for temporary disability due to health - payments for sick leave (the time during which the employee was insured on this basis is taken into account);
  • the possibility of taking annual paid leave (continuous time of work for the same employer is taken into account, after which such a right begins).

What is included in the insurance period

The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly defines the periods that are taken into account as insurance period. These include, first of all, those months of work in which deductions were made as contributions to the Pension Fund. They may be:

  • cooperation in accordance with the concluded employment contract;
  • being in the state civil service;
  • municipal service;
  • period of work as an individual entrepreneur.

Citizens accumulate insurance experience not only during actual work, but also during other periods provided for by the Federal Law, if after or before this period the person was officially employed:

  • time of military service or equivalent activity;
  • the first part of maternity leave (for pregnancy and childbirth);
  • the period of receiving unemployment benefits, the period of participation in paid public works and the period of moving or resettlement in the direction of the state employment service to another area for employment;
  • in the case of detention of persons unjustifiably brought to criminal liability, unreasonably repressed, as well as in the case of these persons serving their sentences in places of imprisonment and exile;
  • care for a baby up to 1.5 years old (separately for mom or dad);
  • caring for a disabled person of group 1, a disabled child or an elderly relative who has reached the age of 80;
  • for spouses of military or diplomatic representatives - the time that they accompanied their spouses and at the same time did not have the opportunity to find a job (no more than 5 years in total).

In the length of service required both for calculating the pension and for sending on paid leave, the following periods are included:

  • actual days worked;
  • weekends, holidays and time off;
  • the time for retaining a position for an employee who, for some reason, does not actually perform work duties (maternity leave, vacation, sick leave, etc.);
  • travel time to another location in the direction of public service;
  • unjustified detention;
  • forced absenteeism;
  • time of public works, if they are paid.

What is not included in the insurance period

All other periods of time not provided for by law.

Counting Features

When entering data into the calculator, you must adhere to the requirements prescribed in the relevant article of the Federal Law on the calculation of pensions.

  1. Calendar order. It is necessary to take into account the dates indicated in the work book or tax returns (for individual entrepreneurs). If two or more insurance periods coincide, as a rule, one of them is taken into account (more profitable for the pension recipient).
  2. RF only. If a citizen has the right to a pension according to foreign laws, then to the extent that they do not coincide with the norms of the Russian Federation, this time will not be taken into account when calculating the length of service.
  3. Subsistence work. Self-supporting people, members of farms and various communities can include their labor time in their length of service if they have made contributions to the Pension Fund.
  4. Working for an individual. If a person worked for another person in accordance with a concluded contract, this period is considered an insurance period if the corresponding contributions were paid.
  5. Royalties. Persons who sold copyrights to their works, as well as licenses, patents, etc., if they paid contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from the funds received no less than the established amount, can include a period proportional to their contributions in their length of service.
  6. Does not have retroactive effect. If, according to the previously effective legislation of the Russian Federation, certain periods were included in the length of service, which was subsequently changed, they can be added to their total insurance experience.