Moonstone is a stone made from the solidified light of the moon. Mineral moonstone


Moon rock- This is potassium spar and is one of the varieties of orthoclase. It is bluish-silver in color and translucent. Spar creates a glow around itself that most closely resembles moonlight, which is why it got its name.

The mineral is called adularia, aglaurite, ice spar, and also fish eye. In India, where it is more revered than others, it is called jandarakand (meaning “moonlight”).

Many peoples value raw moonstone for its magical, healing properties. It is used to create talismans and jewelry.

Moonstone appears in ore, most often gold-bearing, veins or in pematites. Was found in a quartz vein of the Alps in places where there is also ilmenite, rhinestone, titanite, chlorite, hematite and rutile. It is formed in igneous rock at a temperature of 650–700 o C. Adularia can also grow in hot water rich in potassium and silica. It is formed in rock (or rather, in its cracks), including effusive volcanic rock.

Feldspar was first discovered in the Adula Mountains. Many believe that this is where the second name came from – adularia. However, there is a version that it was named in honor of Mons Adular (as the St. Gotthard massif was previously called).
Today, Sri Lanka has almost exhausted the deposit. Rich reserves are found in:

  • Brazil.
  • Australia, Burma and India (here is a mineral that has a star effect).
  • Madagascar.
  • New Zealand.
  • USA. Near Oliver, adularia has been mined since 1958, which is similar in quality to stone from Sri Lanka.
  • Tanzania (Africa).
  • Russia.
  • Ukraine.

IN Russian Empire unprocessed moonstone was found in the Urals (namely in Mount Mokrusha), in the Inaglinsky massif, which is located in Siberia. The gem was discovered near a quartz deposit. Chukotka is famous for its minerals: adularia-quartz (it has a banded-cockade texture) and adularia-rhodochrosite (it includes native gold, quartz).

Glistens in blue and white reflections reminiscent of moonlight, hence the name. Gloss creates a reflection of light from the internal structural layers. Thin layers of albite reflect an attractive blue color, while thicker layers of feldspar are white.

It has long been believed that moonstone has strong magical properties, characteristic connections with the night luminary and all sorts of ancient cultures familiar with this stone used it during the waxing moon in rituals of love and sexuality, as well as during the waning one to predict the future.

Is sacred in India it is allowed to be worn only on top yellow clothes. In Indian culture it is called Chandra Kandra and it is believed that the light of the full moon gives this crystal occult magical powers. It is estimated to bring good luck and provide a glimpse into the future.

Gemological properties

It is a transparent layered mineral with a monoclinic prismatic crystal structure, usually colorless or pale yellow, having a Mohs hardness of 6 with chemical formula KaISi3O8 (potassium aluminum silicate). Density is 2.56 to 2.59, refractive index is 1.518 to 1.526. Light refraction is two-beam, luster is glassy, ​​turning pearly, fluorescence is weak, from bluish to orange.
It belongs to the feldspars, the largest group of terrestrial minerals (60%). They contain two groups - plagioclase feldspars and potassium feldspars. In addition to it, potassium feldspars include orthoclase and amazonite.

A characteristic property of adulariscence is floating light, which is caused by internal structural anomalies, due to which light is scattered or refracted. To maximize this effect, the stone is cut into a cabochon shape.

Play of color shades on the surface moonstone possible due to the diffraction properties of light passing through its layers. But to do this, it should be held at a certain angle to the light rays.

Until the crystal is processed, it looks quite ordinary, and few people are able to discern its beauty. But when it is cut, it will reveal all its charm. However, in order for the gem to shimmer, it must be given the correct shape.

Identification and origin.

The main sign of authenticity is the property of adulariscence. Minerals like it do not have this property. And the composition of potassium aluminum silicate is quite easy to determine.

The three-dimensional depth of color that is characteristic of moonstone is not found in similar stones. All this allows you to avoid identification errors.

Deposits have been discovered in Australia, Brazil, Tanzania, USA, India, Myanmar and in Sri Lanka and Madagascar. Coming from India of blue color and rainbow ones. There are also in the mines of Switzerland.


Peach or apricot colored moonstone brings calmness, feminine energy. Calms and refreshes the senses, thereby helping to improve self-esteem. Reminds us of our own importance and divinity. It evokes sensuality and tender passion. The color evokes the enchanted feeling of a huge orange-red moon rising low on the horizon.

Rainbow, matches with feminine wisdom and energy with the waxing and full moon casting reflection with a calming effect. It helps strengthen intuition and psychic sensitivity and brings balance and harmony to the whole. The rainbow effect plays with the spectrum of color and has an effect of cleansing and inspiration.

The most valuable stones are those from the island of Sri Lanka - transparent, emitting a pale blue glow. Crystals from India are prized for their shades of beige, brown, orange, green and the rarer blue, black, red, peach, smoke and champagne.
Typically, such minerals are not transparent enough, and the higher the transparency, the more valuable. When a moonstone is cut, its vitreous body gives off a pearly sheen. There are gems with the effect " cat eye"and asterism, that is, stellar. These specimens are highly prized because they are extremely rare.

Meaning, history and legends

The moonstone is the official symbol of Florida, which it became after American astronauts landed on the moon. However, crystals have never been found in the state, nor on the earth’s satellite itself. Perhaps it should have been made a symbol jewelry house"Chanthaburi" in Thailand. Moreover, from Thai the word “chanthaburi” is translated as “moon city”. But the founders of the jewelry house did not declare it their symbol, despite the fact that this house is one of the largest. The reason may be that the city's wealth came from other stones - rubies and sapphires.

It is the most famous precious mineral of the orthoclases (potassium aluminum silicate), belonging to feldspar. A special feature is its “lunar” shine, which appears under certain lighting. Its name sounds magical and mysterious, and the science of gemology defines the bluish-white flickering with the term “adulariscence.”

This effect is possible due to its structural features. In the layers, potassium silicate is mixed with small inclusions of albite and sodium aluminum silicate. This is how the stone acquires a “scaly” structure, which gives the corresponding light effect.

Depending on the thickness of the layer, the properties and gloss manifest themselves differently. In thick layers, the shine of the stone is closer to white shades, but thin layers cause a multi-colored shine. Scattered and refracted light gives a play of different color shades, and it seems as if the crystal is glowing inside with a ghostly fire.

There are a lot of myths associated with moonstone. different cultures. Hindus believed that it came from the rays of the moon. And if a person held a moonstone in his mouth throughout the full moon, he could see his future; in India it is considered sacred, giving good luck to its wearer.

Arab women sewed it into their underwear because it brought abundance and prosperity. The Romans attributed romance, femininity, and dreaminess. It was appreciated by lovers, since the magical properties of the moonstone could awaken passion and help them see the future, if this couple had one.

In J.F. Kanza's book Interesting Facts about precious stones" tells the story of a moonstone, white dot inside which it changed its size depending on the waxing and waning of the Moon.

Usually associated with romantic relationships. After all, he awakened passion and tenderness and could predict the future for those who asked him about it. It was believed that if lovers put on jewelry with a moonstone at the peak of the night star, their love would be all-consuming.

The gem was considered feminine, giving the joy of motherhood. But travelers also revered the moonstone, considering it a talisman. A crystal of emotions and sensuality, intuition and insight, to which pragmatic thinking is alien. It was customary to give it as a gift on the 13th anniversary of family life.

Magic properties

Helps strengthen intuition and mental sensitivity, bringing balance and harmony to the Universe. Has the power to fulfill desires. It helps with diet, gardening, psychic awareness and meditation. Relieves stress, anxiety, regulates hormones in women, increases intuition by increasing sensuality and preventing obsession with personal feelings. Gives more vitality and flexibility.

In any case, it helps our tenderness, femininity (Yin), takes sides. Especially good for water signs. It helps to be more aware that all things are part of a cycle of constant change. It is also a boon for farmers and gardeners, artists, dancers and young men.

If you dreamed of a moonstone, then this means travel and good health, but it also symbolizes the spiritual and psychic level.

The crystal brings love and reconciliation. It is said to change its luster as the phase of the moon changes, becoming brighter with a rising or full moon and darker with a waning or new moon.
Brings wealth and the gift of prophecy, helps in establishing a connection with the feminine side of human nature. Magic properties Moonstone works well in combination with garnet thus revealing the truth hidden behind illusions and helping to expose hidden enemies.

Strengthens mental condition, and also helps when kept in divination instruments. For true seekers of spiritual growth and wisdom, it opens the doors to the subconscious, and does not allow those who are not ready for it to pass on. Helps facilitate communication with leaders.

If you are a sensitive person, it is best to avoid wearing it during a full moon as it can open up psychic perception as well as other areas that can be quite challenging.

Medicinal properties

Healers and shamans highly valued moonstone. It was believed that it should be applied to the skin in the place where the pain was felt. Then they believed that the gem was removed pain symptoms. Most often, it was used to treat back pain and headaches.

They believed that it helps with women's issues and at birth. Removes the protection of the lymphatic system, it can be cured and balance the stomach, pancreas and pituitary gland. May reduce swelling and excess bodily fluid. Placed under your pillow, it will help you sleep peacefully, and is often used as a remedy for insomnia along with amethyst.
But this is only part of the legends that should not be blindly believed. In case of illness, it is still better to consult a doctor.

Zodiac sign.

Stone of Cancer, Libra and Scorpio.

Has a positive effect on Cancer, while being more effective for Pisces, and is considered a protector during travel, especially at night or on the water.

Classification of chakras.

Is most beneficial to the second, Sacral/Umbilical Chakra, but is also associated with the sixth chakra/third eye to impart emotional balance and grace.

It can also be used to balance the fourth or heart chakra, which helps us differentiate between what we want and what is important and necessary... because they come from the same place, can help with acquiring the necessary things in life, helping us discern what , what you are looking for most and realistically.

The magical properties of moonstone help to achieve balance between the heart and mind, without losing attention and tenderness. Helps keep emotions under control to enable normal functioning.
One of the most famous and accessible precious minerals. Romantic works were dedicated to him, and he, like the moon, had “tides” - peaks of popularity that occurred during Victorian era and the era of Art Nouveau, then the sixties of the last century, and the “low tides” - times when there was little interest in him.

Moonstone is a blue crystal that gives an extraordinary silvery shine, comparable to the glow of the moon. Translucent mineral gives the glow of the moon, silver starry sky, the flickering of mysterious celestial beings.

History and origin of moon rock

The beautiful appearance of the lunar mineral has led to its use by people. The stones were admired, admired and their properties were studied.

Other names used for crystals:

  • adularia;
  • aglaurite;
  • pearl spar;
  • jandarakand.

Translated, the stone means “the radiance of the moon.” In the photo of the stone you can see all its features and amazing beauty. Adularia got its name from the place where it was discovered. This is the mountain of Switzerland - Adul. Admirers of the Moon, the magic of the planet and the secrets of the night recognized the mineral and became its fans. There is also an unusual name for the stone - fish eye. This is a very rare find, it has light color The lunar surface, perceived from Earth, as a yellow tone.

The stone is an amazing, phenomenal discovery by scientists. The light flickering of the surfaces of the mineral is explained by the internal structure. Light hits the slats, passes through refraction and is scattered in the eye. This property of the stone has made it desirable and unique in jewelry, decorations and design items.

The history of the stone is described by chroniclers different countries and peoples.

  1. Ancient mythology recognized petrified moon rays in crystals. They believed that minerals were particles of the lunar surface, messengers of the sky.
  2. In India, the mineral was valued as a symbol of passion, luck and love. He gave mystical powers to penetrate into the unknown future and control one’s destiny.
  3. In Greece, the gem was considered a gift from the Hyperboreans. It evoked revelations and gave the ability to see what was hidden from ordinary eyes.
  4. In Southern Mesopotamia, among the Chaldean peoples, lunar crystals were used by priests. They pronounced spells and prayer speeches while holding the stone under their tongue. All their thoughts and requests became prophetic.

Many legends and beliefs are dedicated to gems. The stones absorb the energies of the moon, acquiring magical powers. In 1868, W. Collins’ book “The Moonstone” was published. Not many minerals can boast of such an event, listen to the masters of words. The image of the mineral has become the main character of mystical events that actively change human destinies. There are others interesting stories about the influence of stone on humans.

Physical properties

Appearance The mineral is similar to synthetic spinel. Adularia is fragile, easily destroyed by mechanical pressure or pressure, and does not withstand impacts. Moon rocks have interesting structure, they consist of thin plates and transparent prismatic crystals.

The structure has different shapes internal structure:

  • prism;
  • pillar;
  • table.

The mineral has no direct connection with the Moon. It is formed by the Earth. By chemical composition belongs to the group of potassium aluminum trisilicates. The properties of the stone are very heterogeneous:

  • syngony – monoclinic;
  • translucent structures;
  • hardness on the Mohs scale is on line 6;
  • density – 2.6 g/cc.

Despite the internal glow, refraction conductivity is low. The indicators are located on a scale of 1.5. Surface and internal shine - silk and glass. The mineral has properties that are unique to it. This is a specific effect of iridescence. Optical capabilities are called in physics – schillerization. The translation of the term is the play of colors. A description of the crystal can be found in textbooks studying this process. Under X-rays, the lunar gem begins to luminesce.

Place of Birth

High quality crystalline formations are supplied to other countries from the island of Sri Lanka. The main place of production, known throughout the world, is in India.

Adularia is mined only in a few countries - India and Burma. Sanidin was discovered already in our century in Mongolia. Adularia is located in ore and quartz veins, in pegmatites. The island of Labrador pleases with finds of unique specimens. In Russia, production takes place in deposits discovered near the cultural capital of St. Petersburg.

Healing properties of moonstone

Moonstone protects against all negative manifestations that are associated with the Earth’s nocturnal satellite.

Healing properties of the stone:

  1. Eases attacks of epilepsy;
  2. Reduce irritability;
  3. Normalizes night sleep.

Sorcerers recommend wearing a piece of raw crystal or adularia jewelry. The mineral has a beneficial effect on brain activity and the pituitary gland. Works as a sedative that reduces the causes of psychosis and fear. A stone under the pillow or at the head of the bed will improve sleep. TO therapeutic possibilities Some healers consider help for diseases:

  • genitourinary system;
  • gastrointestinal systems;
  • cardiovascular organs;
  • improves blood circulation.

Lithotherapists recommend the stone to women who are afraid upcoming birth. The crystal will help if pregnancy occurs with complications. The heart chakra is influenced by moonstone.

The stone secretes tears, “cries,” on bright moonlit nights. At this time he acquires special healing powers, replaces the help of psychotherapists. All emotional outbursts and experiences, problems and difficulties pass easier and calmer. Men give moonstone rings to women prone to hysteria.

The magical powers of moonstone

Moonstone is endowed with special powers. The meaning of the mineral is to attract love to a person. Moreover, magicians say that a gem can help a person find love and get away from loneliness. For this purpose, a brooch or other product made of adularia, jewelry made of natural stone worn on the left side. The stone helps a person learn to love. If the owner is selfish, closed or closed in his feelings, callous towards partners, the gem will reveal true love in him. To do this, it is recommended to wear the product on your left hand.

  1. Relieves stress;
  2. Takes away from conflicts;
  3. Adds patience;
  4. Makes you more merciful and tender;
  5. Corrects sensuality.

Gem decorating right hand, has a relaxing effect. It will become an impetus for the revelation of imagination, talents and abilities that a person has not realized on his own.

Useful video: Moonstone and its magical properties

Talismans and amulets

Since ancient times, the stone has symbolized harmony with nature. It was valued more than gold and was revered as a sacred mineral. The moon gem is used as a talisman.

He helps people in creative professions:

  • writers and poets;
  • literary reviewers;
  • musicians;
  • actors;
  • artists;
  • journalists;
  • art critics

The crystal will help you find inspiration and see everything from the original side. The mascot will create the atmosphere creative impulse and imagination. The stone helps lovers. It is given to the other half to strengthen and consolidate the newfound feeling. The gem will become protection tender feelings. Mages and shamans wear an amulet made of moonstone. They believe that he protects their ability to look into the future and strengthens it.

Special power moon crystals appears during full moon. The glow and shimmering shine saturate the owners with dreaminess and tenderness. The amulet will help get rid of excessive self-confidence, constant feeling fear and tension will create conditions for the upcoming meeting with your loved one.

Moon Crystal Colors

The colors of the lunar gem are set off by an outer brilliance and an inner shimmering glow. The golden glitter is reminiscent of moonlight. The stones have a wide range of shades:

  • dairy;
  • white;
  • colorless;
  • lilac.

There are samples light gray. The shimmer of such stones is gentle and blue. Particularly valuable are specimens with a pattern of a starry sky. Rare shades of stones with a reflection effect - “cat's eye”.

Varieties of lunar crystals are described in textbooks on mineralogy. dense opaque structure has several independent types of minerals.

  1. Labrador. Discovered during excavations in Canada. Later it was discovered on other lands and in Russia. Boulders are widely used in various industries. Special place occupies in construction. Facing stone can be found in metro stations and in the exterior decoration of buildings.
  2. Aventurine solar mineral. It stands out with sparks of golden shine coming from the depths of the gem. It was discovered in Norway, Russia and the USA.
  3. Belomorit. This mineral species is distinguished by its snow-white color. The stone is transparent in structure. The glitter has a blue tint.

Real stones, types of lunar mineral, are a welcome find for a geologist and jeweler - adularia and sanidine. They are found extremely rarely, so their cost is very high. The price of jewelry depends on the color saturation.

Interesting video: Moonstones - Adularia, Belomorite, Selenite and Labradorite

Blue gems are distinguished by three-dimensional color play. If the mineral is rotated, the shine and color change. Such specimens are highly valued by collectors and jewelers. Due to their rarity, they command a high price. Multi-color samples are cheaper. They are found in India. Because of affordable price Almost anyone can buy such stones.

How to spot a fake

Other natural formations also have the glow effect of a lunar mineral:

  • plagioclases;
  • oligoclases;

After processing, they give the same shimmering reflections, reminiscent of moonlight.

Caring for products with moonstone

Beautiful natural (real) stone has weak spots. It has relative hardness indicators. When processing, craftsmen approach the material with extreme caution. Over time, products lose their attractive shine. The appearance can be returned to the original. For this purpose, moonstone jewelry is sent to a jeweler’s workshop. There, with the help of repeated grinding and polishing, the stone will shine again.

Moonstone and zodiac signs

Astrology singles out one sign among the signs with which the gem has close compatibility. This is Cancer. For them it will become a talisman of good luck and success. All hidden abilities will gradually appear in a person, life will find harmony and correct meaning. There are signs for which the mineral is dangerous. The power of the moonstone will prevent them from developing, attracting misfortunes and problems.

These are fire signs:

  • Aries;
  • Lions;
  • Sagittarius.

Leos gain confidence in their actions and find inner peace. The stone balances negative and positive features character.

Virgos become wise, prudent, and practical. Decorations are protected family relationships and love. Virgo women gain determination, success in business and career. Sagittarians easily find a way out difficult situations, solve problems of any kind. The stone will not harm the rest of the zodiac constellations. He fits the horoscope and is able to improve a lot in their lives.

Moonstone - magical properties and who is suitable according to the zodiac

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Why was this stone called the moon stone? It's simple! It got its name for its very beautiful bluish-silver tint, which resembles the shine of the moon. This flickering light simply captivates the eye and excites the mind! And this is not in vain, because the night luminary has always attracted the curious gaze of people... Since ancient times, this mineral has been considered a magical talisman and amulet. There was a time when shamans decorated their staffs with this stone in order to “charge” them with lunar energy at night.

The mineral has various properties. Magical properties make a person more gentle and soft, and medicinal properties help protect oneself from the evil influence of the Moon. What is its magic?

Magical properties of moonstone

Handle it with care!

Moonstone loves to be treated tenderly, as it is a source of endless energy that can protect a person from misfortunes and troubles. Jewelry containing this mineral must be stored strictly in designated places that can prevent it from coming into contact with other jewelry. Otherwise, scratches will form on the stone. Remember that the mineral does not accept daylight, as well as direct rays of the sun (after all, it is lunar!). Store it in dark, cool and always dry places.

Where can I find it?

Today there are many places where finding moonstone is not a problem. It is found both in our country and abroad. The most famous deposits of this magical mineral are Australia, India, Madagascar, Brazil, Sri Lanka and other countries. It is quite sensitive to various impacts, and if handled incorrectly, it loses its wonderful polish. Therefore, when extracting it, accuracy and caution are required.

Attention, double!

The real moonstone has a double! This is another gem of non-jewelry origin - ornamental gypsum. It is very similar to the original, since it has the same sheen as the moonstone, the price of which, naturally, is noticeably different from the “imitation” one. I just want to say - beware of “counterfeits” made of plaster!

It is interesting that moonstone, despite its name, is only indirectly related to the Moon. Amazing, misty crystals emitting a pale light were once found in the Alpine mountain range of Mons Adular. The beautiful mineral got its due scientific name at the place of discovery and description of the rock. The common name - lunar - was assigned to it by jewelers, uniting several completely different gems under this trade designation.

It is interesting that moonstone, despite its name, is only indirectly related to the Moon

Depending on the variety, prices for products with iridescent stones can vary significantly. In addition to natural samples with similar structure and properties, you can also find on the shelves a large number of imitations from frosted glass. How to distinguish the original from analogues and artificial crystals that do not have magical powers?

All types of minerals, which are commonly called moonstones, belong to the group of feldspars. The difference is only in the internal structure, which suggests the presence or absence of microcracks, air inclusions, layers growing into each other and other features. Based on these characteristics, in geology it is customary to distinguish orthoclases, oligoclases and plagioclases. What the processed gem looks like depends on its structure.

The magical properties of the moon stone are ensured by its structure: thin plates of crystalline substance pressed together. Regardless of the name, all representatives of this “species” belong to the element of Water, influencing their owner in a very specific way. That is why esotericists do not single out any particular mineral as a real moonstone. The magic of all varieties is of the same nature, differing slightly in the power of manifestation. But in geology, this name refers to only one type of orthoclase - adularia.

In retail outlets, the following minerals may be called lunar:

  1. Adularia differs from other representatives of its group in the absence of microcracks in the internal structure. This is a rather rare and therefore very valuable gem. Samples of high jewelry quality mined on the island. Sri Lanka, India, northern Russia (Chukotka, Siberia, Ural). The gem differs from other varieties of moonstone by its blue iridescence (adularization). It is not characterized by rainbow tints or multi-colored flashes. This elegant stone When cut as a cabochon, it exhibits single-ray asterism (the “cat’s eye” effect). The ghostly bluish glow is not similar to the glow of other varieties. Only adularia has an amazing, visually three-dimensional crystal depth.
  2. Rainbow - plagioclase, or white labradorite - is similar in appearance to the previous one, if you do not pay attention to the iridescence. Unlike adularia, it is much less valuable; in its raw form it is almost opaque, white in color with a pearlescent sheen on the fractures. When cut into a cabochon, it is devoid of asterism, but acquires translucency and iridescence with an iridescent tint, reminiscent of gasoline stains on the surface of water. Along with the blue glow, you can see yellowish, pink and purple reflections. When contemplating the stone, there is no feeling of its extraordinary depth, like the adularia.
  3. From the group of plagioclases it was once isolated and named own name mineral belomorite. Unlike adularia, it iridates in multi-colored small flashes in blue-green and reddish shades. The surface of even a polished sample often has noticeable cracks.
  4. Labradorite, or black moonstone, has an iridescent blue-green and purple tint to its polished surfaces. People often call it peacock for the similarity of shades of iridescence. Translucent plagioclase is darker in color than other varieties, which makes it possible to distinguish it from other related rocks.

In addition to those listed, the number of gems, as if illuminated by the light of the moon, includes chalcedony, albite, microcline crystals and other types of translucent feldspars. Despite their own beauty, they do not have the effect of iridescence. The jewelry value of such stones is extremely low, and they are used as ornamental stones.

Moonstone and its secrets (video)

How to distinguish an imitation from a gem?

Along with similar varieties of natural minerals, synthetic spinel is often passed off as moonstones. When growing its crystals, defects sometimes occur, expressed in the inclusion of air microbubbles in the monolithic structure. The resulting iridescence resembles the effects of belomorite or rainbow plagioclase. Products with defective spinel are often passed off as jewelry with moonstones, but their price is relatively low compared to natural gems. The easiest way to recognize this fake is by the price.

Decorative varieties of frosted glass with glitter inclusions are sold as inexpensive jewelry. Nevertheless, manufacturers consider it possible to designate inserts as “moonstone”. Purchasing such jewelry as amulets or talismans will be a waste of money.

Those hoping to purchase not just a piece of jewelry, but a magical companion in their own life, need to know how to distinguish from a fake natural minerals. The main feature, noticeable even to the inexperienced eye, is the constant iridescence of synthetic or glass “jewels”. The absence of asterism, that is, a clearly visible luminous stripe moving along the surface of the cabochon, should also be alarming.

Thanks to its layered structure, natural moonstone is able to glow, give the effect of flashes or pearlescent tints of color only at a certain angle to the surface. Turning it a little jewelry with inserts made of adularia or other representatives of the species, even an inexperienced buyer can notice that the semi-precious inserts have lost their glow. The glass will shimmer constantly, since the sparkles are distributed evenly throughout its entire body.

Another sign natural gem- its high heat capacity. Glass (or synthetic stone) will become noticeably warm when squeezed between your palms. Natural crystal Keeps cool for a long time, practically without heating up from the warmth of the hand. This method can help to accurately determine the naturalness of a gem.

Gallery: moonstone (25 photos)

How are moonstones used in magic?

Even in ancient Indian treatises on the properties of minerals, moonstone (jandarakand) is mentioned. For its extraordinary glow effect, it was credited with magical properties to reveal the future. Similar abilities to give mystical revelation to someone contemplating the depths of a crystal were known in Ancient Greece. Chaldean magicians used a shimmering shard by placing it in their mouth. The prophecies pronounced at this time were considered very truthful, especially during the full moon.

They were endowed with adularia and medicinal properties. It was believed that the moisture released by the crystal on a moonlit night could cure malignant fever. Medieval healers used the gem as a remedy for epilepsy.

Modern lithotherapists take into account that these minerals belong to the element of Water. Their ability to help in treatment is widely known urolithiasis. For nervous disorders and depression, one should contemplate the play of shades inside the crystal. This helps relieve anxiety and achieve good sleep without nightmares.

Who is the gem suitable for?

The mobile and receptive energy of the element of Water is not suitable for every character. It is possible to determine for whom a moonstone is suitable only by taking into account the person’s date of birth. Constant contact with him will be favorable only for signs belonging to the Water trine: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces.

The main properties of the gem - dissolving negativity, peace, relaxation - will help to contain outbursts of anger and calm down during stressful conditions. He will be able to give even aggressive and energetic representatives of the Fire signs (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries) a little prudence. But for representatives of Air, constant contact with the mineral can result in apathy and reluctance to act. For those whose zodiac sign belongs to the element of Earth, not too frequent communication with the powerful energy of the gem can be beneficial by moderating excessive ambitions.

For magical and healing purposes, the gem is best worn only on the waxing Moon. At this time, and especially during the full moon, the energy of the stone grows. As soon as the luminary moves into the 3rd and 4th quarters, the strength of the mineral also decreases. At this time, it is better to use it to reduce negativity and relieve pain.

Moon rocks (video)

Moonstone Jewelry

Both its ability to help the owner and the effectiveness of the jewelry itself depend on how the moonstone is worn. Its characteristic as a discreet, faded-colored mineral does not allow combining such an insert with a gold frame. Moonstone in silver with blackening is very good: the dull shine of the metal does not suppress the material of the inserts. The rainbow tints of labradorite or the bluish glow of adularia are successfully emphasized by the calm color of the metal.

Jewelry made from a stone that shines like the moon is very rarely decorated with faceted inserts. Iridescence on the facets is not so noticeable, and asterism does not appear at all. Therefore, adularia, belomorite, and labradorite are often cut as cabochons. Combinations of moonstone with other gems are practically never found: a silver pendant or ring usually contains a single large insert. This is the only way to truly appreciate the beauty of the mineral and see the exquisite play of light in its depths.

From lunar minerals They also make necklaces. Large adularia beads can be quite expensive, and a necklace 45-50 cm long reaches a price of several tens of thousands of rubles. Therefore, such jewelry is quite rare.

You also need to combine products made from these gems with clothes with taste. A shining droplet on a little black dress will look elegant. Very elegant combination can also come from strict classic suit with pendant and earrings with shimmering stones.

A moonstone ring can also be worn by a man. Typically, such jewelry is purchased by people with a penchant for practicing magic. A silver ring with an adularia is considered to be an accessory for clairvoyants and psychics. In this case, what is considered is not the correspondence of the stone’s energy to the owner, but its significance as an amulet that causes visions. The decoration most often serves these purposes, since it has sufficient contact with its owner, and the silver of the frame further enhances the magical properties of the insert.

Large adularia beads can be quite expensive, and a necklace 45-50 cm long reaches a price of several tens of thousands of rubles

Known gem deposits

From ancient times to the present day, it is believed that the most beautiful adularia are mined in Myanmar and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). This is where the most expensive varieties with bluish iridescence and a three-dimensional effect come from. The mineral is located in the thickness of volcanic rocks, where it crystallized millions of years ago from a melt of silicon and other substances.

A large amount of adularia is mined in Russia. Domestic samples are famous for their inclusions of gold and silver nanoparticles. This provides unusual game light in the crystal, although it does not cause the flickering characteristic of belomorite.

This variety also belongs to the Russian variety. A deposit of belomorite was discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century in Karelia. Geologists accidentally noticed the release of light rock with an unusual pearlescent tint. It is believed that only a poetic description of this oligoclase allowed it to receive its own name.

Labradorites are found both in the Russian North and on the American continent, where they have been mined for more than a century. Rainbow tints made peacock stone very popular among urban fashionistas back in the 19th century. The relatively low cost of the stone makes jewelry with it quite affordable in price.

Soothing cold shine, related moonlight, makes the gem desirable for many representatives of the fair sex. But we should not forget that its magical properties and energy may conflict with the character of the owner. Beautiful product with iridescent or shimmering precious adularia or iridescent labradorite can bring more than just joy. When choosing a moonstone for yourself, you need to take into account some subtleties, and then you will not have to regret the money spent on its purchase.