Stay young after 30. What do beauty salons offer? Yeast natural mask


Every ten years of a woman's life, her skin undergoes major changes, and her skin care priorities shift over time. What was necessary at 20 is no longer enough at 30, and the further we grow, the more important it is to follow certain rules in our daily beauty routine. ELLE has collected the main rituals that are worth adopting for those who have already celebrated their 30th birthday.

Constant sun protection

More and more experts are coming to the conclusion that the sun's harmful rays can harm the skin even on the cloudiest day. This is why cosmetologists strongly recommend using cosmetics with UV protection every day. Whether it's a moisturizer or lip balm, be sure to check the label to see if it contains UVA/UVB filters.

Activation of cell renewal

At 30 years old natural process Cell regeneration begins to slow down, which, first of all, manifests itself in the loss of natural shine by the facial skin. Regular exfoliation - for example, several times a week - will help quickly get rid of dying cells from the surface of the skin, leaving it softer, more radiant and smoother. Responsible for excellent skin exfoliation glycolic acid, so it’s important to check for its presence in the scrubs and masks you use.

Invest in a good eye cream

The delicate skin around the eyes is the area where the first signs of aging show up, so the sooner you get a good eye moisturizer, the better. The cream should be applied twice a day - morning and evening: this will keep the skin as youthful as possible for a long time.

Stable schedule of cosmetic procedures

Regular visits to a cosmetologist can be a good solution to many skin problems and a guarantee of proper tone after thirty. After cleansing cosmetic procedures the skin looks healthier, becomes softer, and wrinkles are less noticeable. In addition, a professional cosmetologist will immediately notify you if something wrong happens to your skin and tell you how best to deal with this or that problem. The ideal schedule of cosmetic procedures for women after 30 is three times a year.

Relaxation and detox

It is difficult to argue with the fact that we live a busy and sometimes completely crazy life, without stopping for a minute. Often our skin gets forgotten in this eternal kaleidoscope of events and deadlines. Negative Impact It is also affected by everyday stress, without which city life is impossible today. After 30, all this becomes the main cause of acne, irritation and redness on the face. Therefore, it is important to set a mandatory time in your weekly schedule for relaxation - be it a yoga class, a long walk in the park, or a trip to the pool or spa.

What we eat is on our face

We must always remember that the condition of our skin directly depends on what we eat. This is especially true for women after 30. The further the body matures, the more important it is for it proper nutrition Therefore, following a balanced diet with an emphasis on fresh foods and a variety of vegetables and fruits is a basic prerequisite for maintaining healthy skin.

Lips, décolleté and other parts of the body

Facial skin healthy looking is not limited, so do not forget about the palms, lips, fingers and décolleté area. They also require constant hydration and sun protection, and, for example, lips also require regular exfoliation.

Choosing the right serum

After thirty, every young woman must have a proven serum in her arsenal, the action of which is aimed at specific individual characteristics skin. As a rule, by this age, almost every representative of the fair sex understands what her advantages and disadvantages are, so it is very important to start fighting the latter as early as possible. Red spots or dry skin, wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, bags under the eyes or general dullness of the skin - there are now highly effective serums for all these ailments that work wonders.

Fighting Sun Exposure

No matter how carefully we pay attention to protecting our skin from the sun, harmful rays still find a way to penetrate the epidermis, and the consequences of this exposure make themselves felt with age. If you have not been meticulous in protecting your skin from the sun until now, it is never too late to start fighting the consequences. To do this, it is worth introducing a tonic and cleansing milk containing vitamin C into your evening routine: it will help protect the skin from discoloration and give it a healthy glow.

With age, the structure of facial skin undergoes complex processes, and its appearance changes, alas, not in better side. The older a woman gets, the more she wants to keep her beauty smooth skin and stay young and attractive. But, as a rule, people begin to think about preserving the youth of their facial skin only when they notice the first signs of aging: wrinkles, a tired appearance, etc. Indeed, after 30 years, the skin of the face begins to gradually wither and fade; expression wrinkles, . In this article we will understand what skin aging depends on, how to resist this process and how to maintain youthful facial skin for as long as possible.

Causes of skin aging

For each woman, facial skin aging occurs individually and depends on many factors. Only 20% of this process is regulated by hereditary factors. The remaining 80% includes the factors listed below.

Aggressive impact environment. First of all, this is solar activity. Ultraviolet rays are the number one enemy for our skin. Ultraviolet radiation causes irreversible processes in cells, pigmentation, and thickening of the stratum corneum. Under the influence ultraviolet rays Oxidants or free radicals are formed in the skin, which attack cells and destroy the elastic fibers of the skin. Long term exposure sun rays on the skin at any age causes accelerated aging of the skin - photoaging. Clinically, photoaging is characterized by hyperpigmentation, a decrease in the ability of cells to produce collagen, deep wrinkles, the appearance vascular network, dryness and roughness of the skin, the occurrence of benign and malignant tumors. In addition to sun rays, cold and wind, the skin of the face is exposed to polluted environments. These are emissions of waste into the atmosphere industrial production, various chemical compounds, exhaust gases.

Prolonged and intense stress with which our lives are so filled. Stress is the second main reason negative impact on the beauty and youth of facial skin, accelerated premature aging the whole body. During stress, the hormones cortisol and adrenaline are released. Cortisol causes an increase in blood sugar, the excess of which leads to the destruction of collagen. Natural production, which is a natural skin moisturizer, decreases. As a result, the properties of the skin change, it becomes hard and wrinkled. In addition, excess cortisol stimulates fat synthesis, which leads to the accumulation of fat in the body and increased production sebum. Under the influence of adrenaline, capillaries spasm, resulting in decreased blood flow. Lack of oxygen and essential nutrients lead to an unhealthy complexion, the protective properties of the skin are sharply reduced.

Poor nutrition, in which the skin does not receive the necessary nutrients. Sandwiches, chocolates, chips, waffles and various convenience foods from the store negatively affect youthful skin. Constant “sitting” on diets also does not add beauty to the skin. Harsh ones thin the subcutaneous fat layer, dehydrate the skin, which leads to the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Bad habits. Everyone knows that alcohol abuse catastrophically ages the skin of the face. But there are still many undesirable habits that can lead to premature wrinkles and sagging facial skin. Let's name the two most common. The first habit, oddly enough, is the habit of constantly chewing gum. As a result of chewing, the muscle tone of the lower part of the face weakens, the elasticity of the skin around the mouth decreases, and this leads to the formation of wrinkles. The second is the reluctance to remove makeup before bed. It will lead to dehydration, dullness and sagging skin. In addition, dermatitis may occur, allergic reactions And .

Wrong lifestyle often causes loss of beauty and youthfulness of facial skin. Everyone has probably heard that sleep is best medicine. The body needs adequate sleep at least 8 hours a day. Sleep gives strength, relieves fatigue, tones, improves mood. If you don't get enough sleep, your body begins to experience stress. Blood microcirculation slows down, the skin does not receive proper nutrition and is depleted. The result is circles under the eyes, dull complexion, tired appearance, skin rashes. Workaholics run the risk of becoming old before others ugly skin faces. Constant nervous tension, lack of rest and normal nutrition– resulting in lifeless skin devoid of healthy tone.

Diseases internal organs organism also negatively affect the condition of the skin.

It would take a long time to list all the factors that lead to aging of facial skin. Let’s try to figure out how to preserve youthful skin longer under these conditions, because you really want to remain beautiful, no matter what.

Facial skin care after 25 and 30 years

There's no need to wait for something of a certain age to start intensively caring for your facial skin. The beauty of facial skin should be protected from a young age. Up to 25 years old, the skin usually needs a simple foam and light moisturizing with a cosmetic product.

Products with good moisturizing and nutritional properties. It is necessary to use creams and masks taking into account age and age. One of regular procedures Should be cleansing the skin in the morning and evening. Do not use soap for this purpose; it dries out the skin greatly. It is better to use non-foaming foam for washing. Don't wash your face hot water, it helps to expand pores and increases skin oiliness. Cleansers are useful homemade masks and which can be done at home. Use high-quality decorative cosmetics.

Note! Girls over 25 years old should not sunbathe for too long and only before 12 noon and after 4 pm. Be sure to apply sunscreen. Use in hot weather thermal water for application to facial skin.

If possible, lead healthy image life: get enough sleep, give up bad habits, play sports, walk in the fresh air.

Often, excessive facial activity causes the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead at this age. Try to watch your facial expressions. It wouldn’t hurt to use the services of a professional cosmetologist several times a year.

Caring for and maintaining youthful skin up to 30 years is not so difficult, the main thing is to pay enough attention to your facial skin and follow the recommendations.

More than one way to preserve youthful facial skin after 30 years careful care. At this age, the skin becomes thinner, moisture evaporates faster, so, first of all, the skin needs to be moisturized. Use moisturizers that promote collagen production. Such creams even out skin texture well and improve complexion. Drink at least two liters of clean drinking water per day. Besides water, very useful green tea, it is able to remove free radicals from the body.

Use nourishing creams with vitamins C, A, E, F. It is not recommended to use cleansers and peels containing surfactants. After 30 years it becomes thinner soft skin around the eyes, the first ones become noticeable age wrinkles. Buy special means To care for the skin around the eyes, do not use face cream for this purpose. Apply them in a circular motion, trying not to stretch the skin. At home, masks and compresses that you can prepare yourself will help against wrinkles around the eyes. In addition, at home you can do a facial massage once a week after a nourishing mask; In the morning, wipe your face with a piece of ice from a decoction of herbs.

If you have the time and money to visit a cosmetologist, use his services and take a course of lymphatic drainage facial massage. This massage improves blood circulation, fine wrinkles disappear, and the skin becomes smoother and more elastic. Ideally, this procedure should be done twice a year.

Note! To reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, use products with SPF protection 20 or more. Don't go outside in summer without applying sunscreen even in cloudy weather.

Don’t forget about your health; if something is not going well in your body, it will have a bad effect on the beauty of your facial skin. It is useful to take vitamins and drugs to improve immunity: tinctures of ginseng, echinacea, and Schisandra chinensis. Watch your diet. Unrefined vegetable oils, fatty fish, eggs, veal and lamb liver, nuts, and seeds are useful. Eat fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, drink natural juices. Sesame seeds are very useful for the beauty of facial skin, linseed oil, parsley, celery, wheat bran. It is better to completely exclude white bread from your diet, replacing it with bread products with bran.

And, of course, don't forget to go to bed early to get a good night's sleep. Try to sleep on your back to avoid skin creases and wrinkles on your face.

Facial skin care after 40 and 50 years

If before the age of 40 you could still afford to neglect facial skin care measures, then 40 years is the time to think about its rejuvenation and nutrition. Regular and proper facial care at this age is the key to maintaining beauty and attractiveness. Nature has programmed the onset of skin aging after 40 years and there is no escape from it, but we have the power to slow it down. age-related changes. After 40, the ability to regenerate skin cells decreases, as the content of the female sex hormone estrogen in the body decreases. In addition, the skin of the vast majority of women after 40 years becomes dry and loses elasticity. As a result, age-related wrinkles, bags under the eyes, sagging skin and pigmentation appear.

Note! After 40 years, it is necessary to avoid the influence of factors that can disrupt the lipid layer and reduce cell regeneration. These factors include: chlorinated tap water, soap, scrubs with large particles, alcohol-containing products, low-quality cosmetics, ultraviolet radiation, stress, unbalanced diet, smoking, sedentary lifestyle.

When caring for your facial skin, the main thing is to maintain regularity and consistency. Decoctions of chamomile, sage, linden serve excellent means for washing. It is useful to wipe the skin with a piece of ice. You need to cleanse your skin with milk. Buying daily cream, pay attention to whether it contains protective filters.

When going outside, be sure to use sunscreens with SPF 30 or more. Protect your eyes with glasses with UV-blocking glass. Use lip gloss and lipstick with SPF filters and a moisturizing effect. IN sunny days If possible, wear a wide-brimmed hat to keep your face in the shade. Do not sunbathe in a solarium.

At the time of buying anti-aging cream pay attention to its composition. It is desirable that it includes antioxidants: vitamin E, selenium, retinol. To exfoliate the stratum corneum of the skin, the composition should include fruit acids: grape, lemon, glycolic and others. To care for aging skin hyaluronic acid in low-molecular form is useful for the face. Each of its molecules is capable of holding a huge number of water molecules and delivering them to where it is most needed. This is a unique skin protector from aging, as it moisturizes even the driest skin from the inside.

You can prepare nourishing night creams at home. They are made on the basis vegetable oils or beeswax with addition essential oils, plant components, fat-soluble vitamins. Don’t forget about perfectly rejuvenating facial skin masks made from the pulp of berries, fruits, honey, oatmeal, and fermented milk products.

If you have enough money to take care of mature skin faces can be included placental cosmetics, hardware lifting procedures, photorejuvenation, hyaluronic acid injections and much more, specialist cosmetologists will help you choose what is necessary and safe for you.

This is especially true for women over 50. Skin withering at this age accelerates significantly, facial muscles weaken, and the oval of the face “floats.” The main reason for negative changes in skin condition is hormonal disbalance happening in female body, that is, a consequence of the onset of menopause. To preserve the beauty and youth of your facial skin after 50 years, you need an integrated approach and maximum effort. A woman over 50 should use products and carry out procedures according to her age. Use only products based on natural substances. Be careful when using intensive repair creams that contain hormones, as they may cause facial hair to grow.

Note! After 50 years, creams should contain hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, C, B, retinoids, collagen, elastin, amino acids or polysaccharides. Serums with a lifting effect will help reduce wrinkles around the eyes. Massage will help to significantly tighten the oval of the face, sagging cheeks and chin.

An important point in caring for and rejuvenating facial skin at this age is regularity and consistency. In addition, skin care should be carried out in conjunction with the treatment of menopausal symptoms, that is, monitor hormonal levels.

Good day, friends! Do you know how to maintain youthful facial skin after 30? In fact, many women think about this at a very young age.

The modern pace of life leaves negative imprints on the appearance; constant stress, unhealthy food and habits lead to rapid aging of the skin. Let's find out what can be done to maintain youth and health longer.

After all, you don’t have to visit expensive salons; you can do a lot yourself.

By the way, expensive creams and serums are not a panacea for dark circles and age spots. First, try to reconsider your diet.

  1. Eat more fruits, especially apples, pears, apricots, melons and watermelons. For vegetables, click on spinach, asparagus, carrots and bell peppers.
  2. Instead of white bread use black with cumin.
  3. Consume more seafood, which is rich in Omega 3 vitamins.
  4. Eat at least one citrus fruit every day, as these foods promote collagen formation.
  5. Replace black tea with green tea and use mint infusions. You can drink coffee no more than once a day. However, it should be diluted with milk or cream.
  6. Drink at least three liters of water per day. 2 liters of water, and a liter of juices and tea.
  7. Reduce the amount of salty, spicy and flour foods. For sweets, use raisins, dried apricots and dried fruits.

Do you know that peppery foods cause larger pores to expand and contribute to the formation of blackheads. It is also important to get rid of bad habits. Smoking and alcohol negatively affect the healthy appearance of the skin.

Lack of sleep can cause the appearance. It's not worth it either for a long time be in the sun. Use to protect your skin.

Beauty care

Proper care is especially important for youthful skin.

Use the advice of a cosmetologist:

  1. Do not leave makeup on overnight, as during this period the skin is restored and needs to breathe.
  2. Use moisturizer twice a day.
  3. Don't forget to take care of your neck and décolleté area. For example, a toner or lotion used on the face would be suitable for these areas.
  4. Do not overuse acne medications as they have a drying effect. Use moisturizing and tightening masks that gradually normalize sebum production.
  5. It is recommended to change face cream every three months.
  6. Thermal water can moisturize the skin even with makeup applied.
  7. You can use peelings and scrubs no more than once a week.

How to keep a man's skin youthful

It is worth paying attention to the skin of men after 35–40 years. For many men, all care consists of daily shaving and using eau de toilette. For them, wrinkles are not as bad as for women.

  1. Get rid of bad habits. Tobacco smoke provokes the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. Exercise, as regular exercise stimulates blood circulation and improves skin health.
  3. You need to shower every day and then dry yourself with a hard towel.
  4. Avoid excessive tanning, which can dry out your skin.
  5. Should not be used hormonal agents to increase muscles.
  6. The diet should contain fortified foods.

Essential care for women

Let's consider what products every woman should have to provide complete care. This is a cream for day and night use. Products for skin care around the eyes.

You will also need a cleanser and toner, as well as a mask, serum and peeling. Which cosmetical tools It’s better to buy, you can find out if you study the reviews.

The beauty of your skin will last longer if you provide proper care at home:

  1. Cleansing the skin removes residual oil, sweat and dust. Use milk or foam to wash your face. Decoctions of medicinal herbs are also suitable.
  2. Toning is applied after cleansing. Instead of tonic, try using green hour with lemon juice.
  3. Liquid products are used to treat the area around the eyes.
  4. Basic care includes the use of day and night cream.
  5. It is necessary to carry out periodically special procedures to exfoliate dead epidermal cells. A scrub is suitable for this.
  6. To saturate the skin with nutritional components, use masks. This procedure should be applied twice a week.
  7. Rejuvenation is carried out using courses of special serums. These products help restore firmness and elasticity to the face, and even out the color.

Masks to prolong youth

To rejuvenate and prolong the beauty of your skin, do not forget to use masks. If you don’t want or don’t have the means to buy them in the store, then try folk recipes.
For example brewer's yeast mask.

Prepare for her:

  • 50 ml kefir;
  • 30 grams of honey;
  • 20 grams of yeast;
  • 20 ml olive oil.

First, pour the yeast with kefir and wait until it swells. Melt honey in the microwave or in a water bath and pour oil into it. Then mix all the ingredients.

Apply this composition to your facial skin. The mask can also be used for the area under the eyes.

Effective and based mask.

For this you should take:

  • 30 grams each of white, blue, green and pink clay;
  • 40 ml lemon juice;
  • 50 grams of sour cream;
  • 30 grams of honey;
  • 20 grams of sea salt.

Pour the clay into a glass warm water and then add sour cream and lemon juice. Melt honey and combine with other ingredients. Place the mixture on your face.

Do green tea mask:

  • 30 grams of tea;
  • half a green apple;
  • 40 ml olive oil;
  • 40 grams each of honey and rye bran.

Grate the apple. Brew tea with hot water and add honey. After 40 minutes, pour in the oil and add the bran. Spread the mixture over the surface of the skin for 50 minutes.

Girls, let's talk about the most intimate? What do we not admit to our friends, loved ones, relatives and colleagues? What scares each of us? Let's talk quietly, almost in a whisper... about old age. ABOUT fine wrinkles under the eyes, about those nasty circles under the eyes, about the dullness of the skin on the face, in general, about what we all struggle with every day.

What is facial rejuvenation after 30 years? This is a complex of simple and safe procedures, the main condition of which is regularity and relevance. I remember with a smile my twenty-five years, when after a stormy night in a nightclub, having slept only a couple of hours, I washed my face, applied mascara and powder and calmly went to work.

My young body did all the hard work for me. What now? I’m thirty-five and the slightest stress, lack of sleep, and any holiday immediately shows up on my skin. The primary signs of aging can and should be fought. And age 30+ good period start this fight!

At home or your own director

What can we do at home? Almost everything! The fight against wrinkles begins not in a beauty salon, but at home. Using ordinary products, means, desire and your own hands. I suggest ten main ways:


Each of us is unique, just like our skin, but absolutely everyone needs cleansing. Without effective cleansing all subsequent procedures (creams, masks, serums) bring absolutely no effect. The most important thing is to do it correctly. For those with oily skin, I advise you to wash your face twice – morning and evening. In this case, you need to use gels containing salicylic acid(until 3%).

They will clean greasy shine, will muffle inflammation, prevent the appearance of acne and prepare for the use of anti-aging products. Girls with normal type One wash is enough for the skin - in the evening. Herbal gels and foams are suitable. In the morning, you can wipe your face with cubes of frozen herbal infusions. I advise girls with dry skin to use light foams and mousses for washing. It is advisable that they include vitamin E, shea butter and herbal extracts.

Do not rub your face after washing - this will damage the thin top layer of the epidermis. It is enough to blot your face with a napkin or towel.

And remember that cold water blocks skin nutrition and impairs blood circulation. Hot water expands the walls of our blood vessels, but at the same time dries out the face, depriving it of elasticity. Optimal temperature water for washing – 36-39°C.

Deep cleansing

Facial peeling is the key healthy skin. Every day we expose her to hundreds of negative influences: dust, poor ecology of large cities, unfavorable weather conditions, bacteria, etc. In this case, daily washing means maintaining the cleanliness of the upper layer of the dermis, while peeling means keeping the skin clean from the inside.

I'm afraid to disappoint you, but when you are over thirty, an ordinary scrub no longer works. It is necessary to introduce stronger agents little by little.

I have been using everything known for many years pharmaceutical productbadyaga. I dilute the powder with water to the consistency of thick sour cream and apply it to the face for 10-15 minutes. I wash it off warm water. Another great tool is calcium chloride and baby soap. Using a cotton swab, apply a 5% chloride solution to your face. We wait completely dry. We repeat three times. After this, using baby soap, roll the solution off your face with your finger and wash with warm water.

A drug " polysorb"has a wide range of applications - from hangover prevention to cleansing the body. Its unique absorbent properties will help cleanse our skin. To do this, dilute the powder with water and apply to the skin for 10 minutes, and then rinse with clean water.
All of the above types of peelings will cleanse pores, tighten the skin, and give you a feeling of freshness and youth.

But I do not recommend deep cleansing for girls with thin, inflamed and very dry skin. When applying the preparations to the face, do not forget about the neck and décolleté area - after all, they are also susceptible to aging and the formation of wrinkles.


After every wash and deep cleansing It is necessary to moisturize the skin, because dryness and dullness are the first signs of aging. To do this, we select a complex of creams and serums.

Main conditions when purchasing creams:

At the age of 30+, we need two types of hydration - light, non-clogging pores in the morning and deep, most effective at night. We buy two creams – day and night.
The composition of the cream must be tailored to our skin type and age.

Read product labels carefully. The cream should contain as much as possible natural ingredients and as few preservatives as possible.

The issue of saving should be in last place. Face cream is not something you can skimp on in the fight for youth.


Anti-aging face masks - the most popular cosmetic products in Europe. But we don’t chase trends, we just want to avoid wrinkles. Therefore we do effective masks at home.

Procedures based on yolks, honey and oils are recognized as the best in the fight for youth. I use this: I grind three quail yolks with a spoonful of peach or almond oil, add a couple of drops of honey and apply it to your face for twenty minutes.

Another simple recipe is warm milk and Rye flour in a 1:1 ratio. Ten minutes is enough. An express method is suitable for oily skin: flour from oatmeal and one chicken egg - half an hour and the skin glows with health.


You can help your body fight aging not only from the outside, but also from the inside. In autumn and spring, introduce a complex of vitamins and minerals into your diet. Buy mono vitamins in winter and summer. Beneficial for our skin:

Vitamin E(promotes tissue regeneration, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, nourishes the skin)
Vitamin C(helps collagen production)
Omega-3(prevents wrinkles)
Vitamin A(keratin prevents skin from sagging)

Now let's move on to salon methods rejuvenation:

Mesotherapy - a cocktail of youth

You can start the fight against wrinkles in the salon with a more or less safe method - mesotherapy. It is based on the introduction of special drugs deep under the skin. This technique is quite effective, has few contraindications and gives good results for a long time.

Botox is a radical method

There are probably no women left who have not heard about Botox injections, which can smooth out nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead in a matter of hours. After reading a lot of literature, I came to the conclusion that Botox is really effective means, however, I still recommend using it for those who are approaching the forty-year mark.

Elos - let's cool our wrinkles

I mean the ELOS system for combating age-related skin changes. Perhaps one of the most comfortable and gentle techniques. Cooling gel promotes cell renewal and regeneration. Suitable for all skin types.

Laser - nanotechnology

By using laser rejuvenation You can “awaken” our cells and force them to fight wrinkles on their own.

Lifting - for dessert

Last on the list, but definitely not in terms of effectiveness! With its help, you can tighten the oval of the face and restore the muscle frame. 100% guarantee of youth for a long time.

Read my other blog articles, stay young and attractive! Smiles and gifts to everyone!

With love Galina Baksheeva

help me write such a post..

In general, I’m almost 33, I try to take care of myself and my skin, I love beauty reviews, read reviews, etc. But in Lately I come to the conclusion that home treatments are no longer enough for me. I’m already a little familiar with meso and botox. But still a clear understanding of the list of necessary procedures, starting with cleansing and nutrition, ending cosmetic procedures, I have no.

Therefore, I want to discuss with you what procedures and rituals you do to maintain your youth.

So that the Post is not just a flood, below I will give excerpts from articles on the topic of Facial Care after 30.

I'm also interested in the money side of the issue. For example, if you do at least a year:

Botox (between the eyebrows and on the forehead) - 2 times - this is approx. 16,000 rub. (Moscow time prices)

Facial cleansing (4 times) - approx. 10,000 rub.

Mesotherapy (3 times 5 procedures) - 30,000 rub. or Biorevitalization (2 times 3 procedures) - 48,000 rub.

Total 56,000-74,000 rub. only for procedures. and that's the minimum.

What do “experts” write to us on this issue:

Tips for skin care after 30 years:

If you don’t want your face to swell in the morning, don’t drink a lot of liquid at night (not more cup tea, or mineral water, or juice no later than 2 hours before bedtime).

Apply face cream and eye cream forty minutes before bedtime, blot the remaining cream with a napkin. Since these creams contain a large number of moisturizing components, and if they are not absorbed into the skin, your face will be swollen in the morning.

Be sure to visit a cosmetologist once a month.

We do lymphatic drainage for the face 2 times a year (5 sessions) - this procedure improves blood microcirculation, the skin becomes younger, tones, and small wrinkles disappear for 2 months. If you do not have the opportunity to go to this procedure, once a week after performing the cleansing mask, we do a facial massage ourselves (performed according to massage lines circular movements, while the skin tingles a little).

Use protective cream, which promotes the production of collagen by cells, it smoothes out fine wrinkles, makes the skin smooth, and strengthens it lipid barrier, helps improve complexion.

For dry skin, we use a nourishing cream, because it includes: vitamins A, E, C, which are antioxidants, vitamin F, which relieves skin irritation and eliminates tightness.

Creams and decorative cosmetics The ones you use must include an SPF filter, especially if you work at a computer.

Along with cream, use facial serums. Apply the serum under the cream in the morning. The serum contains biologically active ingredients in higher concentrations, they will quickly penetrate into the deep layer of the epidermis. But we use the serum in courses - twice a year (autumn, spring).

Twice a week we apply a mask to the face: cleansing, restoring, toning, moisturizing. They include: collagen, elastin, vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin E, minerals, fruit acids. What helps us nourish the skin, saturate it with moisture, gives the skin tone. Masks that tighten the skin should be used once every 2 weeks.

It is necessary to regularly care for the skin around the eyes, because... age-related changes are immediately reflected under the eyes. We choose care products based on your problem: swelling under the eyes - use eye cream with a lifting effect, dark circles under the eyes - use special cream from dark circles under the eyes.

Include in your diet: celery juice, fresh cabbage, parsley - they will help you maintain skin tone.

To gain beautiful skin It is useful to wash your face with cold mineral water every morning.

When caring for your face, do not forget about the skin on your neck, otherwise it will reveal your true age. You can take care of your neck using your face cream. We also do gymnastics for the neck once a week: stand in front of the mirror, strain the neck muscles, pull the head up. Let's relax. We tense our muscles again. We do ten repetitions.

What are the types? salon procedures for facial skin after 30 years?

Laser peeling: The main difference between this procedure and other cleaning methods is the principle double exposure. During cleaning, the following occurs: removal of dead and damaged cells, making up the surface layer of the skin, due to which the processes of regeneration and renewal are launched. And the destruction of existing contaminants, blackheads, accumulations of sebaceous secretions, and foci of inflammation occurs.

Chemical peeling– helps restore a healthy appearance to the skin, makes the skin younger, removes fine wrinkles.

Face massage- helps tighten the skin and restore the oval of the face.

Lymphatic drainage– helps improve blood microcirculation, improve complexion, smooth out fine wrinkles. This procedure must be done in a course - once every six months.

Microcurrent therapy. The goal is to tighten the skin and eliminate the signs of age. Carried out at the expense of electric current affecting skin cells.

Elos-rejuvenation. Implies complex impact through electricity and light radiation. The purpose of the procedure is to heat the deep layers of the dermis to increase collagen production.

Biomechanical stimulation. It is carried out using mechanical vibrations that stimulate muscle endings, increasing their tone and promoting skin tightening.

Photolifting. It involves stimulating collagen production by heating cells with a laser. Additionally, the rejuvenating effect is achieved due to microdamage to cells, on the restoration of which the body devotes all its resources.

Myolifting. The technique is intended to eliminate ptosis ( this is an omission upper eyelid ), positive results achieved through the action of electric current on muscle endings.

Plasmolifting- a method of skin auto-rejuvenation, which is based on the injection of a solution of purified patient plasma into the deep layers of facial skin. Plasma stimulates the formation of new epidermal cells and improves the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, which prevents the aging process of the skin and helps smooth out facial and deep wrinkles. The course consists of 2-6 sessions..

RF lifting- a method of hardware rejuvenation of the skin, based on the activation of processes of internal rejuvenation of the epidermis and dermis through intensive heating of the skin with radiofrequency energy. Heat causes compaction of connective tissue fibers, which has a positive effect on the turgor and elasticity of the dermal framework and prevents the appearance of wrinkles and signs of soft tissue ptosis. The course consists of one RF lifting session.

Biorevitalization. Repeated injections of hyaluronic acid into the superficial areas of the dermis. By interacting with cell receptors, it stimulates tissue regeneration. This acid is a natural component of our skin and is produced in the body independently; it is responsible for the natural moisture of the skin, its elasticity and youth. The purpose of the procedure is to moisturize the skin, eliminate facial wrinkles, and improve complexion.

Laser (hardware) biorevitalization. This method is beginning to gain momentum in popularity. With this option of biorevitalization, hyaluronic acid is introduced through exposure to a “cold” laser.” This method allows for a more even distribution hyaluronic acid in skin tissues. This procedure is carried out by seven laser sources that evenly disperse energy over the surface of the skin.

Mesotherapy. Repeated injections of special preparations (meso-cocktails) consisting of a complex of vitamins, plant extracts, microelements and other useful components into the superficial areas of the dermis. The purpose of the procedure is to nourish and moisturize the skin, improve its overall health and prevent age-related changes.

Botox. This drug consists of botulinum toxin, a substance that is poisonous. When administered intramuscularly, it is almost safe for health. The principle of its action is to temporarily block muscle activity, due to which smoothing of the skin is achieved.

Botox injections

Threads: But skin tightening at this age is most often carried out by implanting soft fabrics special threads made from biodegradable and biocompatible materials. The threads are fixed skin in a new position due to their physical presence and over time dissolve into their constituent components, which are then excreted from the body naturally. Such processes are accompanied by increased collagen production and the creation of an internal framework that helps retain the skin.

Thread lifting

Well, in conclusion... I want to remain beautiful, but all procedures and rituals require money and time, but I also want them (time and money) to remain for other benefits necessary for life.

I would like to create a useful post where gossips will share their experience of maintaining themselves beautiful in the optimal ratio of methods and costs.

Now I am faced with the choice of procedures, I want to try biorevitalization. I think a separate post can be dedicated to this topic alone, to find out where, how much and what to inject.

But let’s at least understand where to start and figure out the minimum set of things necessary to stay beautiful and young!

Ps I can’t live without my additions)): Tell me, should I give up sleeping on my stomach/face (well, you get the idea)? I really see that there are more wrinkles under one eye, because... I fall asleep only in one position on my stomach. How to continue to live?