How to hint to a guy that you don't want a relationship. How to hint about your feelings for a guy


There is no doubt - this is him, the same guy you have imagined in your dreams all your life. You want to date him, but he doesn't show enough interest. Or maybe she thinks that you are an unattainable girl, or is shy, doesn’t know how to take the first step. This way, he will never in his life guess what you like, and you would not mind striking up a closer relationship with him. But how can he hint about this? It is not customary to speak directly to the forehead - in case he gets scared. In this article we will talk about how to do it correctly.

Step 1. Collect information

The first step is to find out all the “ins and outs” of the candidate. What if he’s a womanizer, or in general, girls are “not his thing,” or some other flaw is present in him, incompatible with your happy future together.

We find out all this carefully from mutual friends and acquaintances. Believe me, if you want, you can find many sources of information, and besides, there are social networks - you can surf there and clarify the picture a little for yourself.

Step 2: Does he show signs of affection?

If everything is okay, we move on to the next point, namely, you need to make sure whether he really likes you. Suddenly he feels only purely friendly sympathy.

Usually, already at the first meeting, a man clearly understands how far he can go with this or that girl. This one is good for bed, with this one you can decide on a serious relationship, but with this one you can only laugh together in a common company, nothing more. Therefore, if he considers you as the second or first category, then there is a chance. But if he put you in the “friends” category, then I’m afraid that trying to “seduce” him into a relationship will be useless.

How do you know which category you are in? We'll have to keep an eye on him. If he likes you, he will try to close the distance, approach you, start a conversation - whatever you want, even about the weather, even about exchange rate quotes - it doesn’t matter, but he will take the initiative. He will look for you.

If it doesn’t fit, stays straight, doesn’t shorten the distance, most likely you are in the friendly category.

Step 3. Let's begin active actions

Let's assume that all the signs indicate that he is interested in you. In this case, you can move on to real active actions. But let him not consider them too active. At this stage, you need to try to catch his eye more often, organize “random” meetings. In other words, we get closer to him in every possible way.

Physical contact is very important here. Whatever, even if you don’t dance under the moon, but just, for example, jokingly push him down the hill when he goes sledding in the park in winter - this is also bodily contact. If he is interested in you, he will welcome any of your initiatives.

Good luck, everything will definitely work out!

Many girls ask questions: “How to hint to a guy that you want him? What needs to be done so that the young man understands everything literally without words?” Let's find out how to reach your loved one and move to a new level in the relationship. The most popular methods range from banal and obvious to ridiculous and unpredictable.

Say it directly

It's not a joke when they say that men don't take hints. Therefore, girls think about how to hint to a guy that they want sex, because random signs tell them absolutely nothing.

Sometimes the easiest way to reach your future partner is to speak directly. More precisely, talk about intimate topics and not be embarrassed about it. It is enough to start with a question about experience and former relationships, gradually liberating both yourself and him by talking about sexual fantasies. When your relationship reaches the peak of trust, you can enter a new phase and start talking directly about intimacy.

Interesting fact: guys note that it is much easier for girls to cross this barrier, which fetters and confuses. As a rule, men can avoid kissing and careless touching for months so as not to hurt the girl, while the fair sex begins to use all available means - sexy tight clothes, provocative poses, erotic messages for the night with arousing pictures. In our society, a girl will not be called a pervert if she shares a nude photo of herself, when men can be very

"Random" touches

How to hint to a guy that you want him and what you need to do for this? You just need to show assertiveness and courage, and not be afraid that you will be misunderstood. To do this, you need to touch your partner whenever possible. If you have already overcome the first kiss, then all other gestures will only break the wall between you and take you one step closer to each other.

You need to touch gently and carefully, without causing pain or discomfort. You can hold their hand while crossing the road and smile flirtatiously, saying that you are afraid of cars. You can also put your arm around your shoulder if a guy shows you a photo on his phone. Take advantage of the moment while on a date in a coffee shop or restaurant - run your hand over your cheek or shirt as if you were removing small crumbs. But at the same time, you must ensure that the young man is not offended by your actions. Perhaps a simple gesture will shame him and make him doubt himself. Always be guided by one truth: before you hint at intimacy with a touch or glance, evaluate how it looks from the outside.

There is contact!

Psychology answers the popular question of how to hint to a guy that you want to kiss him. For those who are especially shy, this method will be extremely painful, because they will have to establish eye contact, while playing with their eyes, like a cat.

To begin with, the best way to hint would be to stealthily catch your partner’s gaze, and then switch to total contact, when you not only look into the man’s eyes, but also inadvertently perform exciting actions. For example, you can straighten your hair with a smooth gesture, lightly lick your lips, adjust the strap of a dress or top, or unobtrusively smooth out your skirt. A man, perhaps unconsciously, will definitely notice these gestures.

Very, very intimate...

What if you've already had a few crazy nights, but just can't step into a new stage? And how to hint to a guy that you want cunnilingus? It would seem that only married ladies who have been married for 5-10-15 years should ask for this. However, cunnilingus is one of the ways of satisfaction and there is nothing shameful in it. Again, for those who are especially shy, this experience will not only be painful, but also difficult. However, smart men take advantage of modest girls, insistently demanding to satisfy them. Only the stronger sex does not hint that they want a blowjob, but loudly and clearly presents it with a fact.

Small gestures during a conversation

If you want to learn how to hint to a guy that you want him and what to do in this case, then you need to learn to make small but important gestures. For example, roll over while talking, but without slouching or rolling your eyes. Watch your gait and the way your hips move. On a date, watch your speech: do not use rude words, try to restrain too loud and ridiculous laughter, do not raise your voice, but on the contrary, speak in a sweet and languid voice.

To create the maximum effect, you can go on a date with your hair pulled up, and then suddenly let it down. You can achieve the same effect if you take off your jacket in a hot room, leaving only a tight dress on.

Kiss mi, my dear

Let's find out how to hint to a guy that you want him. What needs to be done for this? It’s simple: kiss, because it excites, brings you closer and satisfies. During a gentle kiss, become a passionate priestess who is ready to swallow the man whole. Don’t be afraid to wrap your arms around his waist, squeezing his hands slightly and digging your nails into the skin - this will only encourage the guy.

Try the French kissing technique by using your tongues, touching your neck, and running your hands through your hair. And if your young man is shy, then do not be afraid to control him and lead him, as if in a dance. If necessary, place his hand on your hips, lower them a little lower, and press yourself as close as possible. Even if these actions do not directly speak about sex and intimacy, but the instincts will do the job - the man will begin to get excited and desire you.

How to hint at a relationship - this question sooner or later arises for any person in love who wants to take communication with the object of their feelings to a qualitatively new level. Guys worry about how to hint a relationship to a girl, and girls worry about how to hint a relationship to a guy.

There are ten simplest ways. Five is for men who don’t know which way to approach women, and another five is for women who are racking their brains about how to hint to a man about a relationship.

Here are important tips for both green young men and mature husbands.

The first method is to establish eye contact with the girl you like. It’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. A glance can show a lot. It is important not to be shy and try to make eye contact with the girl of your dreams as often as possible in order to demonstrate to her your interest and willingness to get closer.

The second way is touch. Touch is an expression of tenderness, care and desire to be close. If an inadvertent touch of a girl’s hands or shoulders brought a smile to her face, then all doubts should be swept away - success lies ahead.

The third way can be a small present given to a girl for any occasion - both for Valentine's Day and in honor of the sunny weather outside the window. A beautiful, unobtrusive gift is the best hint.

The fourth method is the correct use of body language: smiles, glances, friendly facial expressions, touches...

And the fifth, most daring way. You need to ask a girl out on a date. Anywhere, in a cafe, to the cinema, to a dance, to an exhibition or performance, or, if she suddenly loves snakes, to a terrarium.

It is necessary to proceed from the interests of the girl - and choose a type of entertainment that she will fully approve of. In the end, you just need to be natural: do not scare away the girl with expensive gifts and overly intrusive touches, but attract her with sincere attention and caring.

Girls appreciate authenticity.

And here are the five ways that will help a girl communicate with a guy she likes.

First of all, flirting. Laughing cutely in response to a joke, smiling coquettishly and batting your eyelashes a little naively - this is enough to charm any man. However, the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to look stupid. From coquetry to falsehood - one step.

Secondly, physical contact. A girl who allows herself to briefly touch a guy during a conversation, hug him when meeting him, or even kiss him on the cheek goodbye, shows the guy more than just a friendly disposition.

Thirdly, smile. A smile makes a person beautiful, and even more so a girl. A smiling girl attracts glances. In order to show a guy your sincere affection, you need to smile often to prove to the object of your love how joyful and pleasant it is to be around him.

Fourthly, geographical proximity. In order to push a guy into a relationship, you need to try to spend as much time as possible next to him. Don’t run after him like a devoted dog, but “accidentally” catch your eye, find yourself at the same desk with him, at the same dinner table, in the same interest group. Thus, the chance of a conversation, and then a date, increases significantly.

Fifthly, compliments. Who doesn't like compliments? Men, perhaps, love praise even more than women.

And you can play well on this: admire a new haircut, a new shirt, or even better - some action. The main thing is not to embarrass, but only to demonstrate your sympathy. Here are ten sure-fire ways to hint to a girl or guy about a relationship.

Of course, the approach to each person is individual, but this is a base that is usually difficult to do without, because these methods are drawn from thousands of years of experience in relations between a man and a woman. We need to be attentive and gentle to each other.

What to do if you like a young man, but he is unaware of your feelings for him. Perhaps you work together, study together, or meet every morning at the bus stop, or maybe he is one of your older brother's friends?

Situations are different, and love can come from anywhere. And in such a situation, sooner or later the question will arise: “How can I hint to a guy that I like him?” And how to let him know that you would be glad to get to know each other better?

How to carefully hint to him about your feelings?

  • Intelligence service

First of all, it won’t hurt to conduct a little investigation, especially if you have mutual acquaintances, friends, colleagues, fellow students - you need to choose your words carefully. You should find out what the guy thinks about you and his attitude towards you. It also wouldn’t hurt to establish exactly what type of girls he likes and whether he currently has a permanent companion. If it turns out that the guy is not dating anyone right now and thinks positively about you, then you have a good chance of starting to date him.

  • "Random" encounters

It will be useful to start seeing him “casually” as often as possible. At the same time, you should be more careful about your appearance, so that every time he sees you, he likes this picture. Look, soon he will be able to say some words to you.

  • His leisure time

It is useful to find out where exactly the guy prefers to spend his free time. Maybe it's a certain gym, or a nightclub, or maybe he goes to the library, or has some hobby. If possible, then you should unobtrusively come there and catch his eye.

The main condition is that it should look random. The guy shouldn’t suspect that you joined the kennel club for his sake, despite the fact that you’re deathly afraid of dogs.

  • Flirting

Start slowly flirting with him. You can come up with many reasons for this, you will always find something to say if you want. You can even flirt with strangers. The main thing is to do it easily and naturally and not stoop to too vulgar and vulgar hints. And do not allow him to make such hints, otherwise your relationship may not have the romantic development that you expect.

  • Touch

Tactile relationships are very important, try to slowly begin to reduce the distance between you. If you are in a group of people, then doing this is as easy as shelling pears - you can sit next to him, brush something off your shoulder while saying some pleasant words, touch him unobtrusively with your hand or knee - there are a lot of options. If he is pleased with your closeness, and guys notice this literally instantly, he will not move away from you.

  • Good mood

When communicating with him, radiate positivity. Leave all your problems and troubles in another life. When remembering you, the guy should only have sunny, positive, joyful impressions. Don’t be angry with your tongue, don’t gossip, don’t discuss mutual friends in a negative way. You should be fair, but at the same time know your worth and be confident in yourself.

  • First messages

What to write to the guy you like? You can somehow “throw” him a beautiful note with a declaration of love without a signature, let him think and wonder who it could be. Or confess via SMS from a number he doesn’t know.

Praise him - without fanaticism, of course, and, preferably, there should still be a real reason for praise. Guys are not stupid. The words should not be too sweet and enthusiastic.

  • Present

You can give him a small, non-binding gift, but nevertheless pleasant. At the same time, you can say some pleasant words for him. The main thing is that there is also a real reason for this. Otherwise, a gift to a guy with whom you are not in a relationship may seem strange to him.

  • Your "skeletons in the closet"

There is no need to report to him about your fans and former relationships. Don't share your worries about this with him.

No guy wants his girlfriend to have any kind of relationship with him at all - even if you're not his girlfriend yet. What if you will? That's when he can remember these stories.

What not to do

The most important thing to avoid is that you cannot impose your company on him, no guy will appreciate this. Respect his personal space if you want to someday become an integral part of this very space. More errors:

  • We've already found out that chasing a guy is mistake #1.
  • You should not stoop to cheap tricks to arouse jealousy in him. No man in the world will appreciate this vulgar trick. And why should he be jealous of you if nothing has happened between you yet?

  • You should not tell “in secret to the whole world” about your unearthly love for him. If everyone around you is aware, then he, of course, will soon find out, but it is unlikely that such awareness of all your acquaintances about your feelings will tell you about the seriousness of these very feelings. Rather, on the contrary, he will consider it pure childishness. If you’re still thinking about what to write to the guy you like, then be careful with this too, don’t overwhelm him with declarations of love every day
  • There is no need to pretend to be a character from a youth series, a glamorous diva or a cartoon heroine. When trying to win him, it’s better to be yourself, because he should like you - a real, not a fictional character
  • Eye contact is very important in this matter. Often, just by looking you can understand whether you have a chance. If you look at him, and he catches your gaze and immediately looks away, it means things are bad, the chances are minimal, he has no interest. But if he catches your gaze and continues to look at you, perhaps also smiles, says some words - he’s hooked, and he likes you no less, and perhaps much more, than you like him

  • A good option, if a guy is good at something, for example, in computers, cars or some other topic, ask him for a small favor. As a rule, if a girl is absolutely not interesting, then guys don’t give a damn at all, and even out of politeness they won’t help this girl. They are not interested, period. But if the guy willingly agreed to help, you have a good chance. This means that he is pleased to be around and is pleased to see that you are happy
  • We read by gestures and body position: if a guy has a positive attitude towards reducing the distance between you, it means he likes you too. If he takes “open” poses, this also speaks of his positive attitude towards you. Closed poses are, for example, arms crossed on the chest, legs crossed, hands in front of the face, etc.

Direct confession

But what to do if you come across a unique “instance” that does not understand the hints at all? Or one who skillfully pretends to do so. Although, most likely, he really doesn’t understand. In this case, we tell him about our feelings directly.

This will help you not to drag out a losing relationship in advance and switch in time to another, more pliable object. Yes, you can muster up the courage and tell him about your feelings directly - guys respect direct speech very much and understand it much faster than some hints.

But keep this trap in mind: for most guys it is very, very difficult to directly refuse a girl and tell her the following words: “I’m sorry, dear, but this definitely won’t work out for us.” And if the guy is still quite young, he often simply cannot say this. It’s easier for them to mumble something, which can be regarded as yes and no at the same time, and then avoid your company with all their might. And think about what he meant there. Therefore, demand a direct answer - yes or no. Believe me, he already knows this answer for sure.

Suitable Occasion

It is important to choose a favorable time and place for such a conversation. It is important that no one bothers you while doing this. Get rid of him and your friends and your girlfriends for this time. We need you to be face to face.

At the same time, it is important to have enough time in reserve; you should not confess to a boy if you only have half an hour, and then you have to run away - he simply will not have time to digest everything and react adequately.

Soft eyeliner

Not everyone will dare to say words about their love directly to the forehead either. So start somewhere distant and slowly move towards the final goal.

But at the same time, don’t confuse him completely - men get confused in women’s reasoning very quickly and literally after 10-15 minutes of a woman’s monologue they are already “drowning” and they need a lifeline, in the form of an urgently formed case.


Before the decisive conversation, psychologists advise saying your words of recognition in front of the mirror, thinking through the image as a whole, and working on gestures. It is important to look convincing, but at the same time casual and attractive. Don't wear too much makeup or dress up too much.

The most important thing is not to be too afraid that you will be harshly rejected by him. This rarely happens - at least out of pure curiosity, but the guy will want to know how far you can go in conquering and seducing him. If he nevertheless decides to say his firm “no” or somehow makes it clear that he does not intend to have a relationship with you, you should not be upset either.

Yes, this will be a blow to pride, but, in the end, the circle of searches narrows, and the likelihood of meeting your one and only has become greater. Would it be better to continue to pine for him unrequitedly?

Very often, girls find themselves hostage to the stereotype about love relationships.

In order not to break this rule, every girl should know little tricks that allow her to attract the attention of a boy without being too persistent.

After all, you can hint to a guy about a relationship in a variety of ways.

Where do relationships begin?

Only in romantic films does it come suddenly like Cupid's arrow truly pierces two hearts at once.

In real life there is much more prose. Often lovers look closely at each other for a long time, not deciding first.

It is possible that he will be the first to decide to approach each other exactly the girl. If warm feelings have visited her soul, you should not wait until the guy notices languid sighs addressed to him.

It is quite possible that such carefully hidden feelings will be completely mistaken by him for indifference.

Little tricks will help the girl make sure that the guy himself gets closer. To do this, the lady will not have to openly admit her feelings.

Viewing an object from a distance

The first thing you need to do before taking a decisive step forward is to check whether this very step is worth taking. — a kind of lottery.

You never know who the mysterious stranger will turn out to be. In order not to fall into the clutches of a scoundrel, the girl should collect some facts about the “experimental subject”.

In addition, the interested girl may well remain anonymous, which is very important at the first stage of the “offensive”.

Should study all the information available on the page. Everything he wanted to tell the world is important to analyze. Statuses, wall posts and uploaded photos. All this will allow you to sketch out some sketch of the character.

It is worth paying attention to the manner of communication. Comments under the posts will be enough to evaluate the level of education. Swearing and other unpleasant remarks may testify to bad character.

After looking through the list of friends, it is important to find your acquaintances among them. You can establish contact with them in order to find out interesting facts about your chosen one.

But you shouldn’t ask the guy’s friends too persistently, because they might let it slip.

Thanks to the page on social networks, you can learn about hobbies young men. Information about his family, hobbies and even pets will be useful when you get to know him better. It is worth paying attention to the places where the “object” is located. Perhaps you should join the same gym?

Dating and friendship

It only appears in movies and novels lightning fast.

In life, a guy and a girl will need some time to get to know their partner better.

It's good if you've already met the guy. This will allow you to bypass perhaps the most difficult stage in "convergence". If the guy doesn’t yet suspect the existence of a beautiful lady, she will have to get a little clever and “rig” the cards.

How to meet a guy:

  1. Set up a meeting. After observing the object of attention, the girl can easily determine where this very object most often happens. The best option is a supermarket. Candies unobtrusively scattered at the guy's feet will give him the opportunity to woo the confused girl. You should not choose products that are “difficult” to clean.

    It is unlikely that the boy will want to collect sugar from the floor. The ideal option would be an orange rolled under the counter.

  2. Request for help. Option for brave girls. Having loaded your bag with heavy things, you can meet the guy on his way to the house. If a man has even a modicum of gentlemanly character, he will definitely agree to help with a heavy burden. The main thing is to ask him about it.
  3. Phone searches. An old but effective method that has become a classic of the genre. You should hide your cell phone in the deepest pocket of your bag. Feigning genuine confusion, we ask the boy to dial his number, simultaneously assuming that the phone is lost. When the melody starts to sound, we thank the assistant and leave. With the guy's number on the missed calls list.

Of course, there are many other ways to meet people. The main thing is not to show excitement and act as succinctly as possible.

Gradual rapprochement

Wait for attention You can get away from a guy for a very long time without taking any action.

Sometimes you can even see him falling in love with another girl.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to use all the tricks and quietly capture his attention.

Before taking the initiative, it is worth making sure of the intentions of the young man himself. An interested man is very easy to spot. In company, he tries in every possible way to close the distance, finding himself close to his passion.

He won't miss either opportunities to talk and socialize. In this case, the guy will choose topics that are interesting only to you two, avoiding the participation of the rest of those present in the conversation.

Will reveal the interested person and. Eye contact for more than 2 seconds indicates increased interest in the person. A girl can also use this trick when playing short staring games.

If a guy's behavior shows his interest, you can't hesitate. It's time to get closer. The main thing is not to overdo it:

To move communication away from friendly notes, the girl is advised to act actively, but carefully. By violating the boundaries of personal space, you can greatly interest a young man.

When communication becomes regular, you can move on to more active actions. However, if the guy shows signs of attention, it is advised to wait and pretend to be a “victim” and not a predator.

Reducing the distance

How to shorten the distance:

  1. Don't be afraid to touch. After joking, lightly push him on the shoulder. Invade his space slowly but surely. Stay within arm's length as often as possible.
  2. Arm yourself with humor. Kind jokes will help defuse the atmosphere if there is an awkward pause in the conversation. Making fun of a guy's appearance will also make him more interested. “After all, if a girl notices a wrinkled T-shirt, it means she’s not indifferent to me.” The main thing is not to offend the guy with barbs.
  3. Be weak. Ask a man for help, even if you can handle the problem yourself. Destroy Windows on the laptop and ask the young man to install the system again.
  4. Hide behind the guy's courage. Cling to his hand while watching a horror movie or don't let go of his hand in a dark park.

    For a man, even a young one, there is nothing sweeter than a demonstration of his own strength.

Strengthening communication

If the tricks used did not give the expected result, and the guy is still hesitating, A girl shouldn't give up. All you have to do is arm yourself with “heavy artillery.”

There is no need to be afraid of failure. If a young man communicates with a girl for a long time, it is unlikely that he will completely rule out a romantic development of events.

Relationships between a guy and a girl are rarely fast-paced.

Most often happens more than a dozen meetings, before the young people become a couple.

At the same time, there is no clear boundary when love begins.

To accelerate the emergence of relationships, the girl is advised:

  • give him a little surprise. Give your guy a nice little thing, like a keychain or a cool cup. Let a thing appear in his interior that reminds him of his passion;
  • treat him to baked goods. Invite a guy for tea, justifying the invitation with sudden culinary inspiration. The young man will definitely connect your flight of fancy with his special one. If a cake seems like unfathomable magic, just buy some cookies at the store and pass them off as your own;
  • leave. Get out of the guy's sight for a while. The sudden disappearance of an active girlfriend will further inflame the man’s thoughts;
  • inquiry. Find out if the guy was interested in you during the artificial “separation”. If yes, you are to be congratulated;
  • appearing after disappearing must be fantastic. Don't skimp on your hair and makeup. Let the hero understand how much he missed him.

If, after all the measures taken, the guy asks the girl out on a date, it’s a done deal.

What is better not to do?

The opinion that in love and in war all methods are good, for the initial stage of a relationship is not entirely appropriate.

Hints that seem quite understandable to a girl can push a guy into space.

What a girl should not do:

  1. You should not talk to a young man about his potential girlfriends. Advising on how to behave with other ladies, the girl personally writes herself into the “friends” category.

    It will be very difficult to get out of it, because the girl will know all the ins and outs of the young man, which he is unlikely to accept.

  2. No need to voice your big dreams. Dreams of a strong family and four children will certainly scare away a guy if the relationship is just beginning. It is important to focus not on plans, but on the personality of the young man.
  3. Immediately introduce him to his parents. Serious intentions are good, but you should not invite a young man to a family dinner in the first week after meeting. First, it is better to make sure that the friendship has already turned into a love affair.
  4. Be unrestrained. Men claim that they love sexy ladies, but in reality they prefer modest ones.
  5. Don't talk incessantly. Men love it when a girl listens carefully. Try to act interested, even if you don't know what a carburetor is.

How to continue to meet?

In order to not only strengthen, but also continue, the girl should stir up the guy’s interest, but don't be too intrusive.

There is no need to completely consume a young man's free time.

Deprive him of your participation in some of his leisure time. And never tell your chosen one that you have nothing to do without him. Respect your partner and don't take it as entertainment for my own bored nature.

Look for common interests. Joint activities bring us closer together. If you are not interested in a guy's hobbies, look for new points of contact.

Play tennis or sign up for a dance class together. Or maybe you both would like to bake cakes?

Thinking about how to hint to a guy about a relationship, It’s worth using simple feminine tricks. Later, when friendship turns into romance, you can laugh together at girlish tricks to conquer a man’s heart.

What should I do to get a guy to ask me out? Find out from the video: