How to arrange an original date. How to arrange an exciting romantic date with your beloved man


Some seducers are sure that romance not only doesn’t work, but also kills sexual attraction. But their opinion is valid only in the case when the guy is not confident in himself and acts from a position from below.

In fact, it all depends on why you want to know how to arrange romantic date. If then that you want to do it (you feel in yourself excess positive emotions) and behave confidently, this will only increase your attractiveness in the eyes of a girl. And then you can create the image of a sexually attractive male and romantic guy in one person. And this, believe me, is worth its weight in gold by the opposite sex and you can learn this at.

Therefore, I suggest you choose the option you like, put your plans into practice and look at the result. Here they are, possible →

Romantic date ideas

Imagine you're walking with a girl, great communication, good mood. Your companion doesn’t even suspect anything. But here (when you reach a certain place) you take out a pre-prepared dinner.

Having settled down in a convenient way for you, you begin your meal. And all you can do is watch round eyes girls and be happy that you succeeded.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to hide food there. You can hide a rose or some kind of teddy bear.

After making delicious sandwiches, go with your girl to the shore of the reservoir. There you can forget about the bustle of the city for a while. Instead of sandwiches, you can make a full-fledged one romantic dinner with a bottle of wine, basically there nice environment For .

This romantic date idea can easily become a continuation of the previous one. The main thing is to decide in advance what exactly you will “sail the seas” on. Alternatively, you can buy champagne or wine in advance and hide it on your ship.

Having sailed a little further, turn the boat/catamaran so that your gaze is directed not to the shore, but to the center of the reservoir. This way you can admire the surface of the water. And if this date takes place in the evening, then also look at the sunny path.

And it is magical because you will get it completely by accident right from under the bench on which you will sit.

The main thing is to attach it in such a way that it can only be seen from below, and do this without witnesses. And when you walk with a girl in this place, just offer her to sit down and after a while take out this rose.

And even if the girl has already heard about this idea of ​​a romantic date, surprise and romantic mood you are guaranteed for the rest of the evening.

  • Night, stars and... Ferris wheel

Try to negotiate with the amusement park employees so that you and your girlfriend will be allowed to ride one or a couple of laps on the Ferris wheel at night.

An excellent view of the night city, unexpectedly appeared champagne and your kisses will allow you to achieve desired result in the form of loving eyes and continuation.

(By the way, have you noticed that I often talk about continuing the date at your house? A little later I’ll tell you why. For now, let’s move on to next idea romantic date).

  • Jacuzzi/candlelit bath

When you both are at your place, leave the girl for a while and start preparing the bath.

As for candles, they must be placed in advance. You can also prepare champagne, wine, or make an olive martini, which will also add a little romance to your date.

  • Going to a dance class

This is a great romantic date that I recently came up with an idea for. I noticed that very few guys ask a girl out such place. After all, dance is great way bring romance to your date. The costs are minimal, and the effect is excellent.

  • Walking on air

Same good way of how else you can arrange a romantic date. During the air ride, tell her Interesting Facts about your city or about those objects that will come into your field of vision.

Preparing for a date

Remember that the girl needs to be warned exactly how she should dress. For example, in some cases, heels will be clearly unnecessary, but sporty casual will be very useful.

Also take into account the time at which you plan to make a romantic date. It is better to make an appointment in the late afternoon, when we all begin to work actively right hemisphere(it is precisely this that is responsible for emotions), if you still want to meet during the day, then it is quite possible.

Your goal: after a romantic meeting, have sex with a girl.

The fact is that if you do not use this chance, then she may “cool down” by the time of the next meeting. Of course, if you are an experienced seducer, then you can seduce her on the next date. However, if you don’t consider yourself that way, and if you haven’t had sex with this girl yet, then remember: you need to do it immediately after the end of the meeting.

You can not only use these ideas separately, but also combine, combine any other options from all those given, and also come up with your own. And in some cases, when arranging a romantic date, an idea may come spontaneously, and you will immediately put it into practice.

The main thing is to remember: you shouldn’t have romantic dates too often. Because frequent romance can become boring. In relationships, for the most part, other emotions should prevail. However, this is a topic for a separate article.

If you don't get enough vivid impressions within your couple (and this is a common thing when life together gets into a comfortable groove), that is, there is a risk of going somewhere else for them or starting to unconsciously “rock the boat” by clinging to your partner over trifles. To prevent this from happening, organize a little adventure for the two of you!

Ideas to spice up your dates

Let a weekend on a yacht in the Mediterranean, a helicopter flight and other dizzying dating options known to you from films remain within the confines of the television screen. A fun rendezvous should not require preparation comparable to a special operation and cost you loans.

City Tour

The streets along which you walk to and from work are sure to conceal some kind of history. The beautiful building in which the tax office of your district is located was quite possibly once a merchant’s mansion. It turns out that at that intersection, in the last century, an attempt was made on the governor’s life, and a famous children’s writer spent his summer in this inconspicuous house. To become a guide for your companion, you don’t need to bury yourself in dusty archives - just download and study a guide app in advance or read a couple of articles by local historians, which are easy to find on the Internet.

Picnic on the roof

It sounds almost unrealistic, but in fact there is nothing complicated here. You can climb to any city roof by asking the keys from the house manager or the HOA representative. A bottle of wine, fruit and light snacks will be enough for dinner at altitude - the main course will be watching the stars and city lights from an unusual height. Don’t forget a couple of blankets: one can be used to spread out treats, the other can be used to cozy up for the two of you.

Outdoor cinema

You've probably seen or read about American drive-in cinemas, when the screen is installed in a large clearing, and the audience watches the film each in their own car. The fashion for such film screenings has spread throughout Russia, but even if it has not yet reached your city, it doesn’t matter - you only need a laptop with your favorite film, a car (your own or rented), a secluded place if possible and a companion who agrees What rear seatsideal places for kissing.


Wine shop, cheese factory, chocolate confectionery self made... Any place where they can give you a short lecture and treat you to something tasty will do. IN in this case What is important is not so much the opportunity to try several types of product, but the atmosphere itself. Therefore, take an interest in reviews about the chosen establishment in advance and talk through everything controversial issues when booking. Say that you want to have a romantic date, which means that the presence of other participants is undesirable. If this is not possible, discuss what surprise you can prepare for your loved one.

Cooking master class

If your man says that he doesn’t like to cook, it means that he simply doesn’t know how to do it very well and is embarrassed to admit it. IN culinary schools“one day” will help you either master the secret of preparing some complex holiday dish, or, conversely, they will teach you how to cook an everyday dinner with a minimum of hassle and expense. Places to find teachers in chef's hat, a lot: such master classes are regularly organized by restaurants, cafes, training centers and even consulates of countries famous for their cuisine!

Relaxation for two

An option that a man may have come across in collections of ideas for Valentine’s Day, but was never inspired by, is a joint visit to a SPA salon. It may include a simultaneous couples massage, a “health barrel”, a tea ceremony, a hammam or a sauna. You can get by budget option— buy passes for a one-time visit to the pool and just swim side by side.

Who will pay?

If you are determined to arrange a turnkey date, then you pay - and not from your general budget. Another thing is that not every man can calmly watch a girl take out her wallet, so decide everything financial questions in advance.

check yourself

If you are used to taking on any task with Stakhanovite zeal and seem to get a little carried away when planning a date, check yourself with the checklist!

■ The budget should not go beyond what is reasonable - for example, the amount of your weekly expenses in the supermarket. This is still a date, albeit not quite an ordinary one, but still not a celebration crystal wedding.

■ Respect time and space limits. A date cannot last three days and take place five hundred kilometers from hometown. Otherwise, this is already a mini-vacation, which, by the way, you better organize together - it brings you incredibly closer together.

■ The format of the date should be interesting to both of you. There is no need to use a plausible pretext to drag a man to a jazz festival if he only listens to Russian rap.

What your man is unlikely to like

If you got inspired and made your own list original ideas for a date - re-read it carefully and cross out everything that your man is unlikely to like.


Even shopping mall along the way, even if you just need to pop into one department for a minute and even if you decided with the best intentions to be a stylist, devoting the whole evening to selecting new looks for your “half” or “family look” for the two of you - cross it out! For a man, going shopping together is torture, and for you it is also a ruinous option, because you pay for an atypical rendezvous yourself, as has already been agreed upon with you.


The result will probably be sweet and romantic, but the process itself with changing clothes and freezing in awkward poses is quite tedious. It is unlikely that the man will be delighted. It's better to put it off until your wedding anniversary (or even completely).

Double date

It doesn’t matter whether you invite a couple you know to join or agree to take a single boyfriend and girlfriend with you and at the same time try to arrange their personal life. In any case, the focus of attention will be partially shifted to strangers. Is this what you wanted in the first place?


Go to an animal shelter together to walk a dozen dogs, or volunteer to deliver boxes of food and toys. large families. This is a wonderful initiative that honors both of you, which, however, does not fit in with the very idea of ​​devoting time to each other. So another time.

Usually, most dates follow a standard scenario - a walk along the city streets, a trip to the cinema, a visit to a cafe. At the very beginning of a relationship, even such meetings bring a lot of emotions and impressions, but over time they get used to them and not a trace remains of the former storm of feelings. If this happened to your couple, or if you want to impress a new acquaintance, it’s time to organize unusual date, which you will not be able to forget about for a long time.

First date

One of the main problems of any first date is the feeling of stiffness. When people know each other very little or absolutely, it is very difficult to overcome it. It's hard to pick general theme for conversation, find the right line behavior. The correct way to deal with this problem will be organized first date. If you think through everything well and plan it so that the question of what to do on a date does not arise, your meeting will probably go well.

First of all, you should avoid visiting places where you will have nothing to do. These include such ideal, but only at first glance, places for dates as cafes and restaurants. Think about what you will do there? You will have to constantly talk about something. Of course, if you are with a man soul mates and you have a lot in common, finding interesting topics for both of you is not a problem. However, this does not happen very often. In most cases, when talking to unfamiliar people, especially if they are worried, the conversations reach a dead end, and many awkward pauses arise.

Then where to invite the person you like on a first date? In reality, the choice is not so small. For example, you can go bowling. Almost everyone likes this game, but even beginners can master it quite quickly. In addition, the bowling club is a public establishment, so you don’t have to be alone with stranger, which can sometimes be unsafe.

Another one not bad idea for a date - attending a master class. Joint work brings people very close, and this is one of your goals. You can choose a wide variety of master classes. A good choice would be to make chocolates. Such a meeting will be not only dynamic and fun, but also quite romantic.

You can also spend a date at an amusement park, dolphinarium, or roller skating rink. And for the meeting to really be a success and for both to enjoy, if possible, it is worth finding out about the hobbies and preferences of your opponent.

How to arrange a romantic date

Sometimes you want to do this for your other half a pleasant surprise. You definitely won't go wrong if you choose a romantic date. It will allow you to bring something new into your relationship, help renew former passion or add even more fire to the flaring flame of love.

Organizing a romantic date is not that difficult. This should be done taking into account the preferences of your other half, because your ideas about romance may well differ. For example, dinner on the roof, recommended by many glossy magazines, can be hopelessly ruined if it turns out that your partner is afraid of heights. There are many options for how to spend a romantic date. The ideas of some of them are extremely simple and will not require much effort from you. To organize others, you will have to thoroughly prepare and think through every little detail. Let's consider several interesting options:

  • Picnic in nature. It can be carried out on the edge of a forest, on the bank of a river, or even in a field next to a haystack. Beautiful landscapes and birdsong create a wonderful romantic atmosphere and set the mood for intimate conversations.
  • Boat trip. Such a date can turn into a real romantic adventure. When planning it, you will need to take care of light snacks and wine.
  • Extreme date. Perfect option For active people. This could be horseback riding, biking or skiing, playing paintball, bungee jumping, or diving.
  • Karaoke club. If you have good vocal abilities, prepare a musical number (for this you should choose a beautiful romantic song), then invite your partner to a karaoke club and sing for him. Your efforts will certainly be appreciated.
  • Taking a bath together. Perhaps this idea of ​​a date may seem banal to some, however, taking a bath in the appropriate environment has a magical effect on lovers. To spend such a date at the highest level, be sure to stock up on candles, bubble bath, and a bottle good wine or champagne, as well as fruit. In addition, rose petals and essential oils may be useful to you.
  • Sauna. If a girl offers to go on a date in the sauna, it will probably be a very pleasant surprise for the guy.

In building romantic mood Many seemingly insignificant little things play a role, and even how to ask for a date. This can be done different ways. For example, send your loved one beautiful postcard indicating the time and place of meeting. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to write that a romantic date awaits him; even if he remains in the unknown until the last moment, this will make the surprise even more pleasant. You can notify about the meeting using an intriguing SMS or email.

A good option is to simply meet your significant other after work and, under the pretext that you need help or support in some difficult matter (visiting a sick aunt, walking a friend’s dog, etc.), take him to the meeting place.

It's much more difficult to ask someone you don't know well on a date. There aren't many options here. The best way to do this is in person or using social media. If you doubt that a person can answer your proposal with consent, try to pose the question in such a way that he cannot tell you unequivocally “No”. For example, a phrase can be formulated as follows: “I want to go to a cafe with you, keep me company.” To such a question you will have to give a more detailed answer than just “No”.

How to make an impression

Everyone wants to make the best impression on a date, and especially on the first. How you are perceived depends on several factors: appearance, behavior and conversation skills.

The folk wisdom that says that people are greeted by their clothes has not been canceled. So think carefully about your outfit. Even if you have known your partner for a long time and are planning a date at home, you don’t need to meet him in worn-out slippers and a washed-out T-shirt. In this case it would be more appropriate sexy clothes and erotic lingerie. For meetings in in public places try to choose a beautiful and comfortable outfit. In addition, it must correspond to the location of the date. If it is planned, for example, in nature, high-heeled shoes and a miniskirt will not be the best best choice. And don’t forget that in addition to the outfit, all other components of the image must be in order - hair, makeup, manicure.

Regarding how to behave on a date, there is one universal advice– be natural. This is the most important and inviolable rule. Don’t try to seem worse or better; unnaturalness, if not immediately, then a little later, will definitely be noticed; it certainly won’t make a good impression. There can be exceptions only if you are planning a date using role playing games, but this is only acceptable for couples who have been dating for some time. Be friendly and open, respond to jokes and do not find fault with your opponent’s words. Make it comfortable and interesting to be with you.

In addition to behavior, the ability to maintain a conversation has a great influence on impressions of you. If couples who have managed to get to know each other don’t even think about what to talk about on a date, then for people meeting for the first time, finding suitable topics for conversation can be very difficult. To avoid such difficulties, you should think in advance about what your conversation will be about, what questions you will ask and what you will tell about yourself. But remember the conversation should not be a continuous monologue. Be sure to listen to your interlocutor, this way you will get to know the person better and win him over.

Try to avoid conversations about anything and too serious topics. Weather, political situation, global problems, and even more so, it’s better to discuss things you recently purchased with friends. In addition, you should refrain from talking about your past novels and current problems. Be interested in your interlocutor, encourage him when he talks about himself, nod and clarify details. Well, try to ask questions that he would like to answer.

How men and women perceive dating

It is generally accepted that men and women perceive a date differently - for the former it has much more higher value than for the latter. In fact, representatives of the stronger sex worry and worry no less, and sometimes more, than girls. Although there are always exceptions. This behavior is typical only of men who are truly interested in developing relationships. Those who are looking for entertainment perceive a date as a simple meeting that gives them the hope of having a good time. After a date, such a man may disappear from your life forever or not make himself known for a long time, and then suddenly appear and disappear again.

There are many ways to identify such unreliable gentlemen on the first date. An alarming sign can be considered if he came to a meeting with empty handed and sloppily dressed, this shows his indifference and suggests that he was absolutely not prepared for her. After a date, a girl should not expect a serious attitude from a man who “let loose” his hands during the date and tells vulgar jokes. A man who is really not indifferent to a woman is unlikely to allow himself to be pestered at the first and even at the second meeting; on the contrary, he will try to make every effort to produce positive impression and she will like it.

Organizing a romantic date for two is easy, because every city has interesting places, where you can invite your loved one. Even if your significant other is not romantic, an unusual date will not only pleasantly surprise her, but will also leave her unforgettable experience. The main thing is to want to give pleasant emotions and surprise your life partner.

Romantic date ideas:

1. Date at a restaurant

Of course, this is the traditional, simplest and most popular option, but we cannot help but dwell on it.

To make the meeting romantic, you can choose not an ordinary restaurant, but a sushi bar, a restaurant with winter garden, with closed cabins for couples, etc.

2. Date at the cinema

This option is also a classic, but it can be made unusual. For example, arrange an exclusive screening of a film where you yourself play the leading role. Of course, a separate cinema hall is ideal for such a session.

On the other hand, you can simply invite your significant other to a good melodrama and take a comfortable seat. An evening session, twilight, the touch of beloved hands, places for kisses - what else is needed for romance?

3. Date on the roof

Sunset, starry sky, night city lights, beautiful views, romantic dance and dinner on the roof of the house will not leave anyone indifferent.

But, in addition to all this, you need to take care of a light dinner, beautiful music and a warm blanket.

4. Date at home

On the one hand, this is the easiest and simplest option, but on the other hand, it is quite complex. Why? If in a restaurant, for example, the surroundings are already ready, then at home you need to prepare it yourself.

To make the date romantic, the house can be decorated with candles, flowers, rose petals, photos of you together, etc. Prepare a light dinner, choose good music.

5. Date at an amusement park

This is a good, slightly extreme option. Every city has such a park. Try to return to childhood: ride various rides, roller coasters, buy ice cream, cotton candy, popcorn.

Walk together, relax, have a blast, holding hands.

6. Date in a hotel room

What could be more mysterious and sexier than such a date? A small party in a luxury hotel room will surprise everyone. Stock up on champagne, have a light dinner, and then...

7. Date at a country boarding house

This option can be used at any time of the year. It will help you escape from daily worries and problems, allow you to retire and be alone. Give such a gift to your loved one, he will definitely be pleased. Organize barbecues, a sauna, horse riding, swimming in the moonlight and get unforgettable emotions.

8. Date on a bus or tram

This is already out of the ordinary unusual options. Such a romantic trip can be the beginning of an interesting love story. To do this, of course, you need to try: find a suitable transport, decorate it with balloons, flowers, rose petals, set the table and prepare a light dinner, invite a talented artist, etc. Your other half will definitely want such a trip to last forever!

9. Date at the skating rink

This option is especially interesting when it’s warm outside. You can create a corner of winter in the middle of a hot summer. Have fun with ice skating. And you can end such an unusual date in a nearby cafe, sharing your impressions.

10. Boat ride

If it’s warm outside (weather permitting), a romantic date can be arranged in the form of a boat ride. But don't forget to take a picnic basket with you. Light breeze, pleasant Sun rays, quietly splashing water, a loved one nearby - isn’t this happiness?

11. Date on the ship

The main components of such a meeting are a walk along the river, the sea, a candlelight dinner, live music, and a romantic atmosphere. Such an evening will definitely be remembered as amazing and unforgettable.

12. Date in a cave

This is definitely an original version. You can have a beautiful and unforgettable date in the cave.

Silence, play of light, shadows from burning candles and full feeling the fact that there are only the two of you in this world – isn’t this really romance?

13. Date on the bridge

In order to organize it, you need beautiful bridge. It will be an unusual evening when, after a walk in the park or city, you come out to the bridge, and there a beautifully laid table, live music, and balloons will be waiting for you.

14. Date in nature

The main thing is that the weather is good. IN warm time year, a picnic date is a win-win. Invite your significant other on a date in the park, forest with tea from a thermos, sandwiches, board games. It's simple.

If you like to play sports, you can go for a bike ride or roller skating and end it with a picnic.

15. Date on the cliff

If you and your significant other enjoy an active lifestyle, book a few rock climbing lessons. Under the guidance of an instructor, you and your loved one will be able to get acquainted with most interesting view sports and see the beautiful places that nature gives us. And also get unforgettable impressions and emotions. After class you can have a small picnic. Read about how to organize a picnic in nature.

16. Date in a cottage or country hotel by the fireplace

A date by the fireplace always looks romantic, it's like an episode taken from good movie. This option will appeal to even the most demanding people.

To organize it, you need to find a suitable cottage or hotel with a fireplace, decorate the room beautifully and prepare a light snack.

17. Date in a greenhouse, botanical garden

An original place for a date could be a botanical garden or greenhouse.

For the evening to make a positive impression on a woman, it is enough beautiful flowers and a romantic atmosphere, and for a man - you need to add a pleasant atmosphere, live music, good dinner.

18. Beach date

It's beautiful and very romantic. You can set up a small tent, decorate it with flowers and candles, serve a light dinner for two, invite a good musician and photographer.

19. Date - excursion

An unusual option for organizing a date could be excursions to historical places, viewing interesting buildings, ancient estates, beautiful churches and cathedrals, and palaces. Each city has its own attractions, architectural and cultural monuments.

20. Walk through quiet streets

This is a classic of romance - a walk in the labyrinthine streets of your hometown. Isn’t it romantic, holding hands and enjoying pleasant touches to each other, kisses and hugs, walking through a beautiful evening city?..

I think we have helped you answer the question: “ How to organize a romantic date?" With our ideas you can arrange both a classic and an unusual date.

Read about how to organize a romantic dinner, and about what to cook for a romantic dinner by clicking on this one.

Today, a banal dinner in a restaurant or a trip to the cinema will not surprise anyone. But you really want every evening spent together to be remembered for a long time. Good unusual places There are plenty of places where you can enjoy romantic communication, you just have to turn on your imagination. ELLE offers original options dates for every taste and budget.

PHOTO Getty images

Is dinner at a restaurant too old an idea? Then try dine together on the roof of Moscow skyscrapers. In any social network, in a matter of minutes you can find “stalkers” who will lead you to the roof (be it the main building of Moscow State University, or a high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment), and if necessary, help you organize a dinner there with wine and a white tablecloth. Of course, not for free and with the risk that the residents of the house may well consider your romance to be petty hooliganism and call the police. For those who are not carried away by dubious adventures, there is always a luxurious alternative - say, dinner at the Romantic restaurant on the roof of the Radisson Royal Hotel(under the very spire of the high-rise building known as the Ukraine Hotel): it has a table for only one couple in love. You can prepare dinner yourself by ordering an individual (for a couple) culinary master class from the chef - “team work” brings you closer together! True, it is better to plan such a lesson in advance: this way you are guaranteed to find the “right” chef and select a menu to suit your taste.

A good alternative to dinner could be exquisite tasting- say, wine or high-quality Chinese tea. And if both sound too simple, there is also something exotic: cooking cocoa according to Indian ritual traditions or matepitiya ceremony(both are available at the Mate club on Shabolovskaya).

PHOTO Getty images

An original date doesn't have to be too far-fetched: sometimes the simplest things are the most touching - ride boats in the park, walk around the old city center, rent a couple of bicycles(or one tandem) and To set a picnic. In addition, the Appstore has up to a dozen good (and free) applications that will help take your loved one on a themed excursion– at least according to the architectural monuments of Art Deco, at least according to the favorite places of Bulgakov’s heroes. Visit to the museum can be no less exciting, especially if you don’t test your friend’s knowledge of modern painting, but take him to the Museum of Retro Cars, Soviet Slot Machines or the Bunker Museum, hidden at a depth of 65 meters.

PHOTO Getty images

Intellectuals (as well as those who are happy to join their circle) will like this date option as lecture or public lesson . Poets, musicians, artists, architects - almost every week in the capital you can get (often free) to unique master classes . True, it is better to use such a dating scenario at the very beginning of communication: firstly, it will help you get to know your counterpart better, and secondly, after the lecture you are guaranteed to have something to talk about over a cup of coffee. And if cultural trips are already a common thing for your couple, choose more piquant “lessons”: for example, body art or exotic massage.karting, wake boarding (or water skiing, which is said to be easier), shooting from a firearm or crossbow. The main thing is that the extreme hobbies of one of you do not frighten the other too much!