Properties of natural stones and minerals. Magical properties of stones and their esoteric meanings

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According to the Avestan legend about Heaven, split into thousands of pieces, we, being on Earth, can, with the help of these heavenly fragments, find our thread, our talisman, our fragment, with the help of which we have a unique chance to restore the once lost connection with Heaven. Of all the minerals that currently exist, several have been identified - those that, according to esoteric meanings, should embody the original essence of the manifested world. Legend says that initially the Firmament consisted of a translucent red stone - Ruby. And when the Sky split, tiny pieces of this very Heavenly Ruby fell to the ground, where people found them. Ruby- this stone allows us to see the natural manifestation of the world. When the spatial division of Heaven was completed with the further establishment of 4 sides of the World, 4 sides of Heaven appeared, consisting of 4 stones. Thus, there were 5 Heavenly Stones. The oldest stone is Ruby and 4 stones (one for each side of the world). And therefore, the model of Heaven is nothing more than a pyramid with 4 stones as its base. The top of the pyramid is the progenitor of everything, the original Sky is the ruby. However, the real top of the pyramid of minerals should be what is above the Firmament - the sparkling diamond. This design will look like an ancient Egyptian pyramid, on top of which there are corundum- ruby ​​and sapphire, and the remaining stones, which are part of the other 4 groups, are on the paws of the pyramid, becoming the guardians of the spiral of time - eternity. Diamond- This is a stone that has no color, but it will shine with magnificent colors if it is cut. 1. Beryls keep forever. These stones are directly related to the era of creation. This group includes: aquamarine, beryl, chrysoberyl, emerald. 2. Chalcedony (agates) - these stones, like the darkest recesses of our soul, will always preserve the past, which, alas, no mortal can keep. We can include agates, carnelians, sarder, heliotrope, sardonyx, onyx, chrysoprase, auropiment and heliodor among these guardians. 3. Quartz- these are the guardians of the present time, they give us a chance to capture the moment of the present and receive grace. This group includes: eye quartz, plasma, amethyst, prazem, citrine, morion, paychtopaz, rock crystal. 4. Grenades and similar minerals. They are connected with the future and can also look into the distance. There are a few such stones: garnet, olivine-peridot, pyrope and almandine. Minerals are divided according to the method of action and depending on their functions into seven classes:

  1. I. Corundums.
  2. II. This class includes the 4 groups of stones described above - time keepers.
  3. III. Stones are connectors (universal).
  4. IV. Cleaner stones.
  5. V. Guide stones.
  6. VI. Healing stones.
  7. VII. Seventh grade- the final one, it is formed by warrior stones or, as they are also called, changelings.
Stones belonging to the first two classes have already been written above. III. Connector stones. Almost all amorphous minerals play the role of connecting stones. They personify the transformation of one time into another, become a reflection of one event in another. The main stone of this class is opal. Universal connectors - turquoise, aventurine, jet, cacholong, obsidian, adularia, astrophilite, bloodstone hematite. Unpredictability and strangeness are often associated with connector stones. Stones - connectors- these are connecting stones that ensure the interconnection of all times, passing through the esoteric pyramid. In this group, opal is the main mineral. IV. Cleaner stones. These stones are called differently - indicator stones, magnets, pointers. They cleanse the aura of all living things and attract positive energy, they contribute to the development of a person’s intuition, and release streams of unused information. Stones of this group are of organic origin: pearls, amber, mother-of-pearl, corals, fossils. Including cleansing stones - biological magnets, all of them are associated with yin energy. V. Guide stones. These stones are like compasses that help determine the path. This class of stones usually includes: lapis lazuli, amazonite, jasper, charoite, rhodonite, malachite. VI. Healing stones. These stones act as protectors from troubles. These include jade and jadeite. They are related stones, although they differ in color - from greenish, pinkish to completely white. The “leader” in this group is jade. VII. Warrior stones. These stones are also called shifters. These include: fluorite, tourmaline, pyrite, spinel. They are located at the very base of the pyramid. Of these, only diabase and marble are considered sacred. All “changers”, except pyrite, are minerals that They don't fight with anyone. But they keep some kind of secret within themselves and are very unstable in their manifestations. Element of stones The division of stones occurs according to to the elements. Depending on the degree of transparency, minerals are classified as stones with “yang” energy (transparent) and stones with “yin” energy (opaque). We can conclude that transparent and translucent stones belong to the fire and air elements, while opaque stones belong to the earth and water elements. In terms of quantity, there are much more stones with “yin” energy.

Water Element

TO water element usually include marble, sandstone, limestone, alabaster and gypsum. White marble is associated with all signs related to the element Water. Pieces of marble can change our lives for the better. Marbles always protect their owners. These stones can be used as cleansers, as they are able to absorb a lot of negative energy. Dark marble is most suitable for Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios. Limestone- a stone with a soft structure, easy to process and at the same time very fragile. Household astrology recommends using limestone as a protector for your home. Since ancient times, people have used lime to whitewash indoors and outdoors, and whitewash basement walls: limestone protects against dampness and mold. Gypsum- a very soft mineral. It easily absorbs water and hardens; it disintegrates when the water evaporates. In medicine, gypsum is used in traumatology. The cast fixes the broken bones, limiting the person’s movement, thereby relieving pain. From the point of view of magic, natural gypsum absorbs astral information, remembers and subsequently reproduces it.

Air element

From air by the elements All types of granite are connected. This stone is heterogeneous and always contains a large number of various inclusions - mica, spar, slates and the like. Granite- the stone is fragile, depends on the environment, and is subject to destruction over time. It interacts with the forces of Mercury; we associate granite with such concepts as knowledge and intelligence, because... Everyone is familiar with the expression “gnawing at the granite of science.” This stone has a beneficial effect on the development of a person’s communication skills and communication with people. Granite has 3 types, each of which belongs to one of the signs of the Air element. Red granite is suitable for Gemini, dark - for Libra, variegated - for Aquarius. Pieces of granite are best placed near walls, doors, between windows; the best option is when the entire base of the walls is lined with granite.

Fire Release

Flint is usually associated with signs belonging to the element of Fire. Fire is struck from it. Among the stones described above, flint has the highest hardness. Red flint is associated with the zodiac sign - Aries, yellow is suitable for Leo, gray - for Sagittarius. This stone nourishes a person with energy and gives the desire for creativity, provides an astral basis, energizes a person, and maintains his tone. In Indian astrology, flint is used to cleanse karma and in astral activities. Currently, flint is used to treat cancer. The treatment is quite simple. The cleaned stone is placed in a ceramic vessel with clean water and allowed to brew. Infused water is used as a healthy drink. In the house, flint is best placed as high as possible above the floor - on a cabinet, on shelves, mezzanines, etc.

Earth Element

TO elements Earth refers to all opaque and black stones that are mined from the very depths of the Earth or erupted from there (volcanic origin). Basalt and diabase are associated with the earth elements. Diabase - sacred stone. Has great magnetic force. Diabase helps with new beginnings, making everything solid and weighty. This stone strengthens attachment to home, improves family relationships, and is also called the brownie stone. Previously, diabase was used in the bathhouse, but now it is used in the Finnish steam room, as it retains heat for a long time and does not crack (unlike granite), due to its homogeneous structure. Previously diabase laid out at the bottom of a well or spring so that the water would be saturated with magical properties. At home, diabase is best placed under or on the floor. Basalt . It does not have magnetic properties, but it strengthens the spirit and stands in the way of preventing bad desires and wasting energy. Basalt promotes peace in the family, fidelity of spouses and limits quarrels.

Natural magic stones are an invariable attribute of the work of mystics and bioenergeticists. They believe that natural minerals are a powerful energetic tool that can affect physical well-being and transform the reality of its owner. From this article you will learn about the mystical properties of stones. We will tell you how to choose precious and semi-precious stones according to your needs, your zodiac sign, and use it as a talisman.

Stones in the history of mankind

The magical properties of stones were used for various purposes. Many centuries ago, people noticed that wearing minerals had a significant impact on human health. With the help of amulets, amulets and talismans they treated ailments and influenced fate.

People who asked the stone for help changed their character traits, thereby achieving positive changes in their lives.

Special magical objects were created based on precious and semi-precious stones. These amulets protected the owners from fatal accidents, accidents and even premature death.

In the modern world, the properties of stones and minerals are practiced in lithotherapy. Despite the ambiguity of this treatment, its adherents confirm the high effectiveness of this interaction.

Basis for magic items

It is believed that amulets and charms based on natural stones will have a powerful effect on a person if chosen correctly.

Among the most effective crystals, which are characterized by energetic properties, are:

  • pink, smoky, aqua-aura quartz;
  • quartz hairy;
  • onyx;
  • danburite;
  • yellow, pink, watermelon tourmaline;
  • rubellite tourmaline.

If you want to protect yourself from force majeure situations and sudden incidents, use coral, tiger eye, dravite and diamond.

Tsavorite, indigolite, cat's eye, scherl, verdelite, mica contribute to success in life, self-realization and career growth.

Minerals according to the Zodiac, chakra and properties at the metaphysical level

Forms an energy shield, protects against apathy, depression, helps in creativity and work, a powerful amulet for a person suffering from mental torment.

Harmonizes the energy structure of subtle planes and the energy shell. Helps treat reproductive organs and also normalizes gastrointestinal function.

It has healing effects on the body during cleansing, detoxification, and removal of toxins. Helps in the search for love, calms, and normalizes the nervous system.

Restores the function of the liver and spleen, cleanses the body of physical and energetic waste. Attracts good luck, reveals the natural positive qualities inherent in the individual.

Types of talismans and amulets with crystals

The role of stones in magic is difficult to overestimate. Semi-precious stones and precious crystals are chosen based on what goals are being pursued.

In order for the magic of stones to benefit its owner, one should take seriously the choice of one or another protective attribute. Strong minerals carry creative and destructive power. So make smart choices.

Citrine, rose quartz, jasper: the magical properties of stones and minerals of this group are used by people who want to get rich and attract love into their personal lives.

Ruby, emerald, and sapphire are used as a talisman against chronic diseases and to attract good luck. Their properties have a noticeable effect on subtle human matter, since they are one of the most powerful stones.

Emerald, crystal and quartz are energy crystals. These stones contain a program for harmonizing subtle bodies, restoring energy “holes” in the aura and healing the soul. Magicians and healers most often use these gems in their work.

When everything is bad and there is no strength

Agate will strengthen self-confidence, help in making the right decision, relieve fears, and encourage you to take a step forward. The stone will comfort you after a difficult breakup or betrayal by a close friend.

Aquamarine activates willpower, helps you work on yourself for the better, charges you with optimism and vigor. An ideal stone for travelers. Psychics use him as an intermediary between worlds.

Thanks to amethyst, peace will reign in your home and soul. And goodness and love will come into life. The stone relieves anger, removes aggression, and helps to gain control over feelings. If you are tormented by nightmares, a mineral under the pillow will correct the situation.

Turquoise will instantly relieve bad mood and depression. This is a stone of harmony, allowing you to look at the situation from the other side. Under his influence, the right decision comes naturally.

Opal is another stone that can take control of negative emotions, get rid of depressive blues, and remove nightmares from dreams.

Calcite will help improve your mood and stimulate personal and career growth. He has the power to improve a person spiritually and cleanse him of other people’s negativity.

Features of the use of healing crystals

Even if you do not belong to the category of psychics and do not have the gift of healing, you can also use the properties of natural stones for your own purposes. The main thing is to understand how to do it correctly.

Wearing golden gems in your hair in the form of a hairpin or clip is recommended to attract success, fame and recognition.

Jewelry with an orange gem, located in the area of ​​the head and solar plexus, activates cash flows and promotes enrichment.

Bracelets are universal jewelry. In the case of such an accessory, attention is paid only to the properties of the precious stones present in it.

Rings with crystal amulets

The description of these amulets is wide and varied, since rings and rings have the most extensive spectrum of action. The features of these jewelry are determined both by the mineral and by the goals pursued by the owner.

According to esoteric teachings, the hand and finger are also of great importance. The left hand is the area responsible for mental well-being. The right one is for external circumstances.

The ring on the little finger is responsible for mental abilities, sharpens logic and ingenuity. Recommended for wearing by people engaged in intellectual work and business.

The ring finger is “responsible” for personal life and family well-being.

The role of the ring on the middle finger is to increase the owner’s self-esteem and strengthen his leadership abilities.

A ring with a crystal on the index finger gives power over other people.

A ring framing the thumb makes its owner attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Magic amulets in your home

It is not at all necessary to inlay the crystal into the jewelry. When studying the characteristics of such products, remember: not only the content is important, but also the form.

An amulet in stone form is a powerful shield for the home and all family members. Such amulets are produced in the form of ornamental figurines, animals, monks, horseshoes, angels, mythical heroes, geometric bodies.

Strangers should not be allowed to touch the talisman. Otherwise, its magical and healing properties will weaken or disappear. Such a totem will have to be “cleansed” and “programmed” again. Read about it below.

Using other people's magic items is also prohibited. Bioenergetics experts claim that stones and their former owners have a strong energetic connection. Therefore, all the negative energy from the previous owner will come to you.

If you inherited a talisman, be prepared for the fact that it will have a strong impact on your life. If it changes for the worse, show the bioenergy mineral.

The effect of mineral color on health

The meaning of stones of one group is determined by their color scheme.

Crystals of red shades help normalize the cardiovascular system, improve blood flow, and fight inflammation.

Yellow and orange crystals help in the restoration of epidermal tissue, improve appetite, and activate the function of the gallbladder.

The blue-blue range of minerals helps restore the endocrine system, adds energy and strengthens the shaky psyche.

The meaning of green gems is ambiguous. On the one hand, they help improve hormonal levels and improve mood. But long-term and continuous wearing of such gems leads to the formation of kidney stones.

White and transparent minerals relieve depression.

Black stones remove causeless anxiety and fears, increase concentration and develop willpower.

The Importance of Minerals for Health and Soul

The table of properties of precious and semi-precious stones will help you find your stone according to your personal needs.

For centuries, stones have been used by humans not only as decoration, but also for medicinal purposes. They were used to make amulets, talismans, and amulets. Back in the Stone Age, men and women wore jewelry made from stones. They protected their owner from harm and disease.

In the tombs of those ancient times, stones are found that their owners did not part with even after leaving for another world. It was believed that there was a single magical inextricable connection between the stone and its owner.

They were widely used in ceremonies and ritual initiations. The stone on the owner's chest said what power and strength its owner had.

When going to the store for your next purchase, think about whether it might be worth buying jewelry with a stone that will amaze you not with its beauty, but will bring certain benefits.

They can give energy, cleanse the aura, attract wealth, increase your intuition, mental abilities, give confidence, bring abundance and even attract love.

The influence of stones on humans

In addition to the aesthetic pleasure of wearing, precious stones have many other interesting properties, including magical ones. In principle, perhaps magic became the main reason for wearing jewelry made from them. It was believed that some of them could be interconnected with the world of spirits and could gain their favor.

If you hold your “luck” stone between your thumb and index finger and look at it for a long time, while in a relaxed state of meditation, new horizons of spiritual development may open up for you.

Magic, beauty, mystery, spirituality, energy - these are not all their properties. They contain healing powers that help solve health problems and give the owner hope for a better life.

Agate, the stone of farmers and gardeners, is believed to give its owner longevity and health.

Amethyst is suitable for lovers, relieves stress and tension.

Lapis lazuli helps people suffering from insomnia, skin diseases, fever, and blood diseases.

Fluorite restores and strengthens bone tissue.

Tourmaline is a stone of confidence and firmness, helps to dispel fears and negative thoughts.

There are stones that help with kidney disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. This list can be continued endlessly.

The strength of a stone depends on its color. According to astrology, color attracts like and reflects other colors.

For example, emerald is the green energy of nature. It gives harmony with nature. In a sense, this property can be compared to water stored in vessels of different colors and can be used for medicinal purposes.

It is believed that the color and vibration of the radiation can cure many diseases.

People whose bodies do not have enough infrared radiation are prone to blood diseases. It is very useful for such people to wear jewelry with ruby ​​or red coral. When in contact with the human body, they emit red energy.

The stones can be used to prepare medicinal essential oils. To do this, they need to be put in oil. Place a vessel under something that has a pyramidal or triangular shape formed from crystals.

Then place 3-4 drops of this elixir under your tongue. This remedy should be taken in a calm, peaceful state. If you feel any discomfort, you should stop taking it immediately.

The influence of stones on human health

People who study stones and minerals, the chemical elements of the planet, energy, vibration and everything connected with it, note their amazing properties. Radiation, color, surface features are all interconnected. It can cure many diseases, even those that cannot be cured by medicine.

They restore the balance of the human aura and body. For example, moonstone, its crystal structure attracts the rays of the moon, it is associated with water. This property helps with mental disorders and gastritis.

If a child suffers from lactose intolerance, this is exactly the stone that will help in such a situation.

Healing and magical properties

Abolon. This beautiful mother-of-pearl shell of a sea mollusk. It is believed to have great healing and calming energy and encourage calm behavior. Shimmering pastel colors of the rainbow, creates a feeling of peace, beauty, compassion, love. Native American Indians consider this clam shell to be sacred. They present gifts to heaven in it. Abolon is good to wear for those who need to establish or maintain good, calm relationships.

Agate. It is one of the oldest healing stones. As a stone of power, in ancient civilizations it was used on chest armor to give strength to warriors and bring them victory. It gives courage, emotional strength, and self-confidence. It is often used in amulets.

Amethyst. Relieves stress, restores internal strength. This is a stone for businessmen that can bring wealth to its owner.

Crystal of spiritual growth and protection. Gives its owner a clear mind and harmony with his feelings.

Amethyst repels negative energy. Attracts the positive, which makes it an excellent protector of your home.

Aquamarine. Clears the mind, balances emotions, strengthens personal power. In ancient times, sailors took aquamarine with them on voyages to protect them from the dangers that awaited them at sea. He also gave them courage.

Aquamarine connects with the heart chakra, helping to realize deepest desires and promoting self-expression.

Aventurine. This is one of the leading stones for attracting good luck, abundance, and success. Protects the heart. Can bring good luck in love. Aquamarine is the stone that can help turn your dreams into reality.

Azurite. It is often called the heavenly stone. And not just because of its color. It helps you understand yourself, develop your intuition and abilities. Calms, relieves stress, clears the mind, dissolves any negative energy. The ancient Mayan people used azurite for mystical and sacred communication with spirits.

Cornelian. Gives personal power, physical energy. Wearing carnelian will strengthen your will and give you confidence in achieving new plans and dreams.

Wear it when you go to your interview. It will bring confidence and luck, awaken hidden talents.

The ancient Egyptians buried their relatives with it, as they believed that it would protect loved ones on their journey to the afterlife and relieve fears about rebirth.

Chrysoprase. Activates and opens the heart chakra, filling the heart with a strong flow of energy to the heart, filling it with universal love. Chrysoprase is a stone of grace and compassion. It encourages self-acceptance, banishing feelings of superiority or inferiority.

Citrine. It is a stone of light and happiness. It does not carry any negative energy and therefore does not need to be cleansed. It gives its owner clarity of mind, helps to show his talents, everything that you want to bring into your life.

Citrine warms, cleanses, energizes, tones and strengthens the solar plexus.

Quartz. Quartz awakens and activates the energy centers in the body. Helps the owner to think clearly, focus on their dreams and desires, and promote spiritual development.

Coral. It is believed that coral can help prevent misfortune and protect against skin diseases. Ancient civilizations believed that Mars was made of red coral. It is often used for meditation or visualization as it symbolizes life and energy.

Pearl. Pearls are considered the arbiter of light, beauty and love. It also helps us realize the problems that happen to us. This is the stone of innocence. Helps you see life through the eyes of compassion.

Pomegranate. Garnet is a stone of health and energy, passion and pleasure. Pomegranate is suitable for those who suffer from depression as it brings joy and hope and helps pacify anger. It also cleanses the chakras of negative energy, activating processes in the body.


This section contains detailed information about all the stones existing in the world. You will be able to find out where and how stones are mined, what properties they have, both natural and medicinal and magical.

Few minerals can warn their owner of impending disaster. One of these magical patrons is considered to be Sultanite. In the event of impending negativity, the stone will simply begin to crack, breaking into pieces. The peculiarity of the mineral is that there is no need to perform any rituals on it - it is already a powerful protector.

Star sapphire is a rare gemstone with a unique optical effect. The reason for the uniqueness of the mineral lies in the content of titanium dioxide crystals. The molecules combine intricately and form rays that resemble rays. In some cases, the image is more reminiscent of a pictogram, which makes the stone even more mysterious. Interestingly, “star-likeness” can appear after jewelry processing, and at first glance the stone will look like an ordinary sapphire.

Sunstone or heliolite, named after a celestial body, at first had a more prosaic name. Geologists placed it in the category of feldspars and called it oligoclase. But jewelers noticed that there are examples of the breed that are worthy of becoming precious jewelry.

White quartz is a common mineral, which in chemistry is called silicon dioxide. The crystalline composition of the mineral gives it good thermal conductivity and strength. The shades of such quartz can be either completely white or milky. Sometimes white quartz is classified as a variety such as rock crystal, but this mineral has a transparent color.

Hyacinth is a rare gemstone. It is distinguished by its diamond shine and red-orange color of varying intensity. According to one legend, the mineral received its name in honor of a young man. The young man enjoyed the favor of the god Apollo. In one of the fights, he died, and drops of his blood turned into crystals of extraordinary beauty. The stone has other names: topaz, ligurium, yakinite, jargon.

Cacholong is considered a powerful talisman for pregnant women. It helps to bear and give birth to a healthy child. These are not all the magical and healing properties of the Kahalong stone. This mineral holds many secrets and is of great importance for some zodiac signs.

We know from history that silicon was almost the very first mineral to appear on our planet. It was thanks to this stone that the development of modern civilization began, starting from the Stone Age. Primitive tools were made using flint.

Bronzite is a variety of the mineral enstatite. The significant difference is the increased iron content. Other impurities of the stone include magnesium. The mineral is characterized by brown and yellowish colors, sometimes with a green tint. The attractiveness of the gem lies in its heterogeneity of color with many shade transitions and a characteristic bronze reflection.

Since ancient times, people have known that natural stones, in addition to their bewitching and pure beauty, have powerful magical and healing properties. Each stone has a specific meaning and connection with a person. A correctly selected natural stone can bring you happiness and good luck, improve your physical and mental well-being, improve your health, and fill your life with positive energy. When buying silver or gold jewelry with natural stones, it is very important to know about the individual properties of a particular stone.

Garnet is a stone of love and passion

The most commonly used garnet in jewelry is a dark red color. Jewelry with garnets has an exquisite look and fascinates with its beauty and charm.

Pomegranate has very strong magical properties. First of all, it is a stone of love and strong feelings. The stone is able to cheer the heart, attract happy love, and enhance the feelings of lovers. It is recommended to give products with garnets to loved ones and friends - this only enhances the magic of the stone.

Pomegranate is capable of invigorating the soul, driving away sorrows and worries, attracting a great charge of energy and optimism to the owner, and uplifting the mood. Wearing jewelry with garnet can cause creativity, increased activity, and cheerfulness. If you want to feel a surge of energy in your life, this stone will be a real find for you. If, on the contrary, you want to rest or relax, it is recommended to remove the jewelry and not wear it for several days.

The healing properties of the stone are not inferior in their benefits. Since ancient times, items with pomegranate have been worn to protect oneself from wounds and illnesses. It was even believed that the stone could stop bleeding. And now, with modern medicine, the stone has not lost its popularity as a natural healer. Pomegranate is known for its properties to relieve headaches, reduce fever, and help with sore throat, cough, and bronchitis. This is surprising, but the stone has the ability to eliminate inflammatory processes, improve immunity, stimulate blood circulation, and promote rapid healing of wounds and cuts.

Pomegranate helps with diseases of the pelvic organs, stabilizes the hormonal system, and increases sexuality. It is also recommended that pregnant women wear products with pomegranates; they will give strength and energy to the body, help reduce pain and ensure a successful birth.

Topaz is a stone of peace of mind and spiritual growth

No person can remain indifferent to the pure, natural beauty of topaz. Topaz of a delicate blue hue is most often used in jewelry. This transparent stone attracts with its heavenly beauty, lightness and naturalness. The internal play of light of natural topaz can be observed endlessly.

Topaz has subtle energy and a special connection with humans. This stone helps a person achieve peace of mind, brings goodness and harmony to life. It is believed that topaz develops intuition, helps to make the right decisions, and easily get out of difficult situations. It has long been believed that this is a holy stone that promotes spiritual growth and enlightenment. Natural topaz has powerful protective properties. It can be used as an amulet that will protect against evil eyes, negative influences and influences.

Topaz brings its owner happiness and true enjoyment of life, helps to pacify dangerous passions and negative emotions, such as anger, hatred, and helps overcome fear. This amazing stone encourages its owner to do good deeds, friendliness and helps to win over those around him. This is a stone of sincere friendship and pure intentions. Stone of calm and tranquility.

Jewelry with topaz will come in handy when traveling, especially if it is a sea voyage. It is not for nothing that this stone has always been called the “traveler’s stone”, because it is able to calm the storm and pacify nature.

Topaz helps treat nervous disorders, depression, improves sleep, and relieves nightmares. It is also known that topaz has long been used as a remedy for poisoning. In addition, it helps treat diseases of the liver, spleen and gall bladder. Increases sensitivity to food, sharpens taste.

Jewelry with topaz is also worn to prevent colds and improve immunity.

For a woman this stone is a symbol of beauty, for a man it is a symbol of wisdom.

Amethyst is a stone of sincerity and fidelity

Amethyst has been loved at all times. And this is not strange, because the owner of jewelry with amethyst receives true pleasure and enjoyment from the beauty of this stone. Natural amethyst has a purple hue, which can change depending on lighting, temperature, and angle of inclination. The stone is sensitive to weather conditions; it was once even believed that by carefully observing the shade of the stone, one could predict the weather. If the stone has darkened, expect rain; if, on the contrary, it has brightened, expect sunny weather. Jewelry with amethyst will adequately decorate both an evening outfit and will delight you every day.

Amethyst is a stone of fidelity. It is believed that the one who wears this stone can be completely confident in his chosen one, in the fidelity and sincerity of his feelings. The stone promotes family well-being and harmony in relationships between lovers.

This stone drives away evil thoughts and mental anxieties, fills the aura with pure light and encourages a person to good intentions. It is even believed that amethyst is able to cleanse the room in which its owner is located and the environment from negative energy. If you want to fill your life with harmony and happiness, be sure to purchase jewelry with this stone. But remember, it is not recommended to wear amethyst all the time; remove the jewelry periodically. It is recommended to wear this stone in a silver frame - then it will fully reveal its charms to the owner.

Amethyst strengthens friendships, has a positive effect on business meetings, negotiations, helps resolve conflict situations and achieve mutual understanding.

It has long been believed that amethyst is the stone of youth. Women wore this stone because they believed that it smoothed out wrinkles, made the skin soft and smooth, and the face fresh and radiant.

Amethyst helps in the treatment of mental disorders, improves memory, and helps improve intelligence. It is also an excellent assistant in the treatment of skin diseases.

Since ancient times, amethyst has gained popularity as a stone for alcohol addiction and intoxication. Even translated from Greek " amethystos "translated as "not drunk." It is believed that if you drink water infused with amethyst, you can overcome your addiction to alcohol.

Citrine – stone of light and joy

Citrine is a charming stone of a yellow, golden, orange tint. Just looking at the stone, an association with the warm sun arises. Undoubtedly, this sun stone makes you fall in love at first sight. Citrine looks beautiful in both gold and silver jewelry, filling it with a warm light.

Citrine is a stone of joy and sunny mood, a stone of positive attitude. It is able to absorb the warm energy of the sun and give it to its owner. This stone will fill you with light and joy, warmth and kindness. His abilities have become especially relevant in our time, when a person simply needs additional energy and recharge. This stone helps fight chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. Filling a person with sunlight from the inside, citrine gives its owner a charge of vivacity and energy.

Citrine helps improve family relationships. Activates mental activity, helps with work and study. This stone also has a positive effect on concentration and helps you concentrate. Citrine brings good luck in all matters and endeavors.

Citrine is believed to be a powerful cleanser. It cleanses the skin and helps remove toxins.

Also, products with citrine can be an excellent gift for creative people, as well as for travelers.

Chrysolite - a powerful amulet

Peridot is a natural transparent stone of a green hue. Jewelry with this stone acquires a sophisticated, refined beauty. Sometimes it even seems that this stone is for the elite.

In ancient times, peridot was worn as a protective amulet, which was believed to drive away demons. People also believed that this stone gave the gift of prediction and helped to foresee the future.

Nowadays, products with chrysolite will become an excellent amulet and protection against envy, the evil eye, and other negative influences. They say that the stone will help show its owner the right path and protect him from unreasonable actions. This stone is even considered to be a talisman for people who administer justice (lawyers, judges, for example) - since it guides a person to the right actions and making the right decisions. The stone also increases intelligence and develops memory.

This is a powerful amulet that will protect against fires, disasters, bad luck, various dangers, and injuries. Peridot will be an excellent helper for insomnia and nightmares, and will bring pleasant dreams.

It is also believed that chrysolite is the guardian of the family hearth, bringing comfort to the house and peace to the family.

This stone also has medicinal properties - it is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, for pain in the stomach and kidneys.

Rauchtopaz - a stone of calm and tranquility

Rauchtopaz is a natural stone of a brown smoky hue. Such a mysterious, unique color has brought the stone great popularity among millions of women; jewelry with rauchtopaz is beautiful and elegant, and has a special charm.

In ancient times, rauchtopaz was considered one of the most powerful stones in terms of its magical properties. There is evidence that it was used in magical rituals. Eastern sages believed that with its help you can achieve the highest state of trance - nirvana. They believed that this stone was able to remove all negative energy from the human body.

And now they believe that the stone has special magical properties and influence on humans. They say it eases the psychological state. This stone relieves irritability and stress, removes negative emotions, eliminates anger, hatred, envy, and resentment. It has a calming and pacifying effect, balances the human psyche.

They say that if you put rauchtopaz under your pillow, a person will see prophetic dreams.

The stone has an analgesic effect and relieves spasms. Positively affects the function of the adrenal glands and kidneys. Increases libido, has a beneficial effect on reproductive function.