How to regain your magical power. How to restore energy

For children

Reading time: 4 minutes.

Do you want to regain your energy lost in the past, restore the balance of power and turn your life into a more joyful and active direction? Then let's figure out why we lose energy and what should be done to get it back. Our life story

Want to regain your energy lost in the past, restore the balance of power and turn life into a more joyful and active direction? Then let's figure out why we lose energy and what should be done to get it back.

Our life history is full of various events, some of which were pleasant, and some not so much. Everything that brought us any disappointments, negative emotions and losses took away part of our vitality and energy. Any incompleteness, a task abandoned halfway, unfinished relationships, emotional trauma once inflicted by someone, resentment, hatred, disappointment or other events with a negative connotation and still causing some kind of emotional response inside are potential devourers of our energy.

Without knowing it, we lose vitality in such acute moments. And over time, memory becomes dull and what happened seems unimportant. However, the energy does not return to us, it gets stuck in that past, and in the present we get illnesses, discomfort and things that don’t work out, which indicate that the events have not been erased from memory, that some kind of emotional connection with them remains.

And the more such connections, the less vitality remains at your disposal. And if you feel that something is going wrong, that unconscious dissatisfaction, lethargy, apathy, illness, or the strength to take an active position in life periodically surface in you, then you can try technique for returning your energy from the past.


It is best to do this practice lying down, so that nothing distracts or interferes with you. Take a comfortable position, relax, plunge into a meditative state. From there, start looking for areas of discomfort in yourself. Think about what is wrong in your life, in what areas of your life there is discomfort, be it health, emotional instability, heaviness or something else.

Next, ask yourself: “What event or chain of events corresponds to this state?”. Then be transported to the place where everything happened. One feature - this place should be in the present tense. That is, if you are transported to your childhood home, then not to its past state, the place should look the way it looks now, in the present moment. If this house (or place) no longer exists, then you should still be exactly where it was previously located.

Start walking slowly through this place, inspect it. You shouldn’t be interested in people, things that are there, don’t try to remember anything. Look for your energy with your eyes, this is precisely your task. If that house (place) is destroyed and does not exist in the present, then your energy will be on the trees, grass, stones, fence, etc. located there. It will be something abandoned, forgotten, but truly yours. Feel, recognize your energy in these objects. It can be in the form of clouds, cobwebs, dry tufts of grass or leaves. When you find a cluster of your energy, you can look at what specific event it is and what emotions it contains.

You collect it all, roll it into a ball, put it on your solar plexus and inhale it into yourself.

You can collect and absorb energy into yourself in other ways. Imagine what you have with you bowl. You need to choose its form yourself, the one that will be most pleasant and meaningful to you, it is the one that will help make the collected energy of high quality. And start putting the energy objects you find into this bowl. Then you simply drink its contents.

After you use the energy you have found (inhale, drink), this event will lose its emotional intensity for you, become indifferent, and you can calmly let it go, leaving it on the shelves of history. You will return to yourself the lost and forgotten particles of your vitality. However You will not feel the rise in vitality immediately, but only after a few days, when the energy is assimilated into you. Then you will feel a real surge of vigor and inspiration.

The peculiarity of this practice is that it does not destroy the cause-and-effect relationships of the event series of your life, everything remains in its place, however, those events that adversely affected you will lose their energy saturation and will no longer be able to have any impact on life and well-being. You will regain yours by de-energizing the past, restoring energetic integrity and filling the present with vitality and beauty.

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Every year it’s the same thing - the sun is shining on the street, and people around are complaining about depression and a complete lack of vitality.

So let’s try to look at the topic: “Restoring strength and energy,” which means we’ll find out how to avoid spring impotence.


No forces?

To know how to return vital energy, you need to imagine where it goes and how energy depletion occurs.

It is important to remember that constant experiences, negative emotions deprive a person of strength, and positive ones restore him, although not immediately.

By the way, right now, you can sign up for the next course on setting any of your goals, which starts from April 09 to April 19. Participation is completely free! Click on the banner:

Watch yourself, how many times a day have you been envious, afraid to say what you think? These are the primary absorbers of our energy. And then there is fear, which takes away vital energy.

There are remedies for all this, we just need to remember that all our temporary difficulties serve only one purpose - the spiritual cleansing of a person. So, there is nothing to fear from them, just calmly solve all life’s problems.

It's easier to cope if you don't have the physical strength. You just need to give your body a rest and get a good night's sleep.


Fears take up a lot of mental energy. Take a pen and for 35 minutes, write all your fears in a row on a piece of paper, and then burn it, thereby closing one of the channels for loss of vital energy.

Do the same procedure with your doubts and feelings of guilt.

The feeling of guilt gnaws at a person especially strongly, destroying the body. Ask for forgiveness!

Also throw out all the negativity on paper, then burn it and start the day with a clean sheet.

Try not to envy, not to judge, not to get angry and you will see how your life will improve. More humor and positive emotions!


After an illness, a person feels severe weakness and loss of strength. Try aromatherapy. Use invigorating citrus essential oils at the beginning of the day, and mint, lemon balm, and lavender in the evening.

A quick restoration of energy occurs after a morning contrast shower and an evening hot bath.

Also do a simple exercise: sit on a chair, close your eyes and breathe slowly deeply, and the exhalation should be a little longer than the inhalation. Speed ​​up your breathing rhythm and open your eyes.

A massage will help you quickly restore your strength. Find the point on your hand between your index finger and thumb. At this point, make 8-10 circular movements clockwise with the index finger of your other hand, then the same amount counterclockwise. Press until you feel numb.

Place your hand on your knee and find the hole under your little finger. Press this point on both legs at once for 3-5 minutes. This massage can be done at work, at home watching TV.

Spread your fingers, place them on your head, massage the scalp with “screwing” movements.

Lao Gong point

The Lao Gong point is one of the most secret acupuncture points. Its name literally translates as Palace of Labor. And this is no coincidence, because Lao Gong is located in the center of the palm, which is responsible for the strength of a person’s grip and is naturally associated with labor.

The point is located on the triple heater channel and refers to the fire element. It is useful to massage it in case of loss of strength, fatigue, weakness, heart disease, shortness of breath.

The sacred qualities of this point, which are almost not described in sources in Russian, are the ability to block the feeling of fear and give a feeling of security.


To prevent nervous exhaustion from turning into depression, find other treatments:

eat 1 tbsp before meals. a spoonful of garlic mixed with honey.
ground garlic - 400 g, juice squeezed from 24 lemons, place in a glass jar, stir, tie the neck with gauze.

Take 1 teaspoon daily, diluting the mixture in 0.5 tbsp. boiled water. This remedy will quickly relieve loss of strength, improve well-being, and increase performance.


Pay attention to your daily nutrition. Maybe you don't have enough fruits and vegetables in your diet? Fill this gap urgently.

Eat more seafood, porridge, red meat, fruits, and vegetables. And less coffee. This drink gives a boost of energy, but only for 30 minutes. And then? Then apathy and lethargy sets in again.

how to regain strength If you find it difficult to stick to proper nutrition, pay attention to vitamins.

It is important to take vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system and improve performance. Its daily intake should not be higher than 90 mg.

If you want to sleep If you feel an incredible loss of strength, then for better absorption of vitamin C you should also take rutin (P). These two vitamins complement each other perfectly, being a “shock” technique against stress and fatigue.

What other drugs are ready to help a person? Of course, vitamin A, which improves performance, helps increase energy.

Don't forget the fat-soluble substance or vitamin D. It keeps the human immune system healthy.


How to cheer up if you have no energy at all? Try a few simple tricks:

  • drink a glass of water;
  • go out into the fresh air for 10 minutes;
  • walk quickly
  • to lower blood sugar, after eating, do a few vigorous movements;
  • choose a herb - ginseng, astragalus, lemongrass or rhodiola rosea, drink a few drops of their tincture.


The technique of breathing through your nose will help you stay alert all day long. If you have had a sleepless night and don’t have the strength to work, then try to master the simple “solar breathing” technique. She really helps!

To know how to restore strength and vital energy, you need to imagine under what circumstances it is lost. It is necessary, first of all, to close the holes through which energy leaks. Otherwise, we will be like a person trying to draw water into a sieve.

There are several main loopholes through which strength is lost, leading to a feeling of constant fatigue and exhaustion, both mental and physical, as a result.

Psychological or emotional fatigue occurs due to nervous tension, stress associated with experiences and worries, obsessive thoughts, active constant mental activity. Any type of experience overloads the nervous system, thereby developing fatigue and sometimes causing a feeling of complete indifference towards the entire world around us.This is a kind of payment for the once overpaid price - in emotions, experiences. Therefore, it is so important to remember that our supply of feelings is not endless, strong experiences, negative emotions deprive us of strength, and positive ones restore them, and even then not immediately.

Keep track of how many times a day you doubt yourself? How many times have you been afraid to say what you think? How many times have you compared yourself to someone? How many times have you been jealous? Stop! These are the primary absorbers of our energy.

Almost every person experiences the negative effects of fear at some point in their life. Fear keeps a person in high mental tension, constantly taking away mental and vital energy, freezing muscles. In childhood, a person is afraid of the dark, pain, surprise, water, heights. In adolescence, he is afraid of his unattractiveness, inferiority, and loneliness. In adulthood, he is afraid of losing a good job, human judgment, betrayal, and worries about his children. In his declining years, he is afraid of illness, loneliness, poverty, and death. It is important and necessary to remember that all our obstacles, difficulties, bad situations actually serve one purpose - the spiritual growth of a person. And if this is so, then there is nothing to be afraid of them, we must accept them and solve life’s problems as they arise. You can also write “fears” to neutralize your fears. The point is this: sit down and for 40 minutes, without stopping and without analyzing, write all your fears in a row on a piece of paper, and then either bury them or burn them, thereby closing the channel of loss of vitality and energy.

Another channel for the drain of strength and energy is doubt. Doubts about the correctness - incorrectness, necessity - uselessness, timeliness - untimeliness of the decision being made. In such cases, it is important to trust your intuition, past experience, or take a piece of paper and write down all the pros and cons in two columns. And remember that reflection is good in moderation - otherwise it takes a lot of strength and energy. And any decision made will bring relief and peace. The main criterion for the correctness of a decision is freedom of expression of feelings and emotions. Unexpressed feelings retain the charge of emotions for a long time, and it falls heavily on the shoulders of their bearer. Express your feelings in a timely manner, do not put them “in the bank at interest,” so that later you do not have to withdraw an impressive capital of grievances, disappointments, and fatigue.

Another channel for the leakage of energy and strength is guilt. The dangers of guilt have already been discussed in detail earlier. Let us note here that a moderate feeling of guilt is familiar to many, especially often it appears at critical stages in life - loss of loved ones, divorce, dismissal, etc. Moderate and transient feelings of guilt in such cases are normal and natural. The main thing is that it does not get out of control, does not take over all thoughts and does not “dictate its terms” at every step. To get rid of the feeling of guilt, it is enough to be able to accept yourself for who you are, take care of yourself and treat yourself in a friendly manner.

And the last significant channel for loss of strength and energy is prohibitions or thought viruses. They were also mentioned earlier. The important thing to remember here is that you need to start every day with a clean slate. And to do this, you need to release and neutralize all negativity in a timely manner. And to do this, you need to allow yourself to be angry and not consider it something inappropriate, bad, forbidden. Moreover, by allowing yourself to be angry, you will notice one amazing change in your life - you will want to be less angry. Or the anger will not reach some catastrophic proportions.

When allowing yourself to express negative emotions, remember - the world is imperfect, we came here for experience and development. You need to learn to accept, forgive and be tolerant of the shortcomings, mistakes and mistakes - both of your own and of other people.

So, constant fatigue is a consequence of negative emotions. They are the ones who steal psychic energy and drag us down. There are two ways to neutralize these energy absorbers - by understanding their cause, allowing yourself the freedom to express feelings and emotions, and learning to accept yourself for who you are.

All positive emotions treat fatigue and help restore strength and energy.

It is the achievement of significant life goals that is the tool through which a person’s level of vital energy increases. A realized life goal increases a person’s level of vital energy. Any obstacle you overcome gives you its power. Unfulfilled goals or desires weaken vital energy.

We cannot always accumulate positive emotions, especially when there are not enough reasons for them. In this case strength and energy are restored, who would have thought, healthy indifference and sense of humor.

Sources of strength and energy also lie in passion for your work, and the process should be more important than the result. It is very important for people who are inclined to be able to positively evaluate the work done. Because dissatisfaction with yourself only takes you away from your intended goal and deprives you of energy reserves. You cannot compare the quality and quantity of the results of your work with the results of others - this distracts you from completing your tasks and prevents you from adhering to your value system. And, consequently, it reduces satisfaction from the work done, deprives one of strength and, in general, reduces the quality of life.

Sometimes, in order to clear your head of negative thoughts and your soul of negativity, it is enough to do a general cleaning at home or in the workplace, throw out everything unnecessary and carefully put the essentials into shelves.

Fatigue can be treated by changing activities - for example, a new activity, or a change of environment. Also, additional means of restoring mental energy are physical exercise, running, and outdoor recreation.

Constant, chronic fatigue or how to restore strength and regain energy.

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Loss of vitality can be caused by various reasons. If you know why you stopped enjoying the new day, it will be easier to solve the problem. What if there is less and less strength left, and why is this happening, you have no idea? There are 2 options here. You can determine the cause of the loss of strength and eliminate it, or strike on all fronts at once, carrying out preventive work in each area. The choice is yours. Start with something simple: pay attention to the subheadings of the article, perhaps you will find out the reason that led you to a state of apathy.


Nutrition is a way of eating behavior that we automatically adhere to. If you have managed to become a lover of healthy lifestyle, you eat according to the rules every day and do not feel discomfort. The same goes for fast food lovers - since you are used to chewing fried food, you do it all the time. But the body, although it supports your habits, remains dissatisfied. Determine if your diet is affecting your well-being.

There are several ways. The first is called “American”. American researchers recommend eating red meat no more than once a week, as it is difficult to digest. If you are a vegetarian, make up for the lack of protein by eating beans and lentils. Even in the USA, it is recommended to exclude fast food or eat French fries and hamburgers no more than once a month.

According to Japanese rules, you need to act differently. Japanese doctor and scientist Michio Kushi suggests restoring strength and love of life using the way Japanese monks eat. Their life lasts 90-97 years, and their health is strong. Monks give up meat, milk and sugar. They eat vegetables and grains, as well as fish and seafood (once or twice a week). How do you like this option?

Changing eating habits is difficult. Start gradually. Stop eating meat every day, reduce the amount of sugar and forget about some dairy products. Over time, you will accept the new way of life. Remember the movie "Kill Bill 2"? There, Uma Thurman climbed the steps, broke her fingers into blood and carried water to the monk. And it saved her life.

Personal life

What condition is she in? There can be many options here, the main thing is that none of them is drawn out or “zombie-like”. You may be in a romantic stage of communication, a long-term relationship with your other half, or a period of separation or conflict. All options are possible. But if you have been unsuccessfully searching for love on social networks for three years or continue to cling to relationships that are destroying you, you should think about it. It will help you to ask yourself: can I be in this situation all my life? If the answer is “no,” then you need to change at least something through an effort of will. Otherwise you will find yourself in an energy vacuum.

Physical activity

Sedentary work and lying down on weekends are the best way to lose energy. Psychologists know why you don’t move: when you remember the gym, physical education and running, you feel bad. But the choice of exercise is up to you. If you are not a fan of activities, choose the load option that you can handle. Do something nice for yourself: go to the pool, yoga, Pilates, tennis. Master the sport you've always dreamed of.

The only danger is that your optimistic mood will be replaced by disappointment when you don’t find time to exercise: an hour to train, an hour to travel, an hour to get ready. Keep this in mind right away: to gain energy, you need to sacrifice time.


How long has it been since you made something with your own hands? Do you get creative in your free time? Is there something that distracts you from routine and bustle? Each of us must have a “strength occupation.” Don't take advice lightly. If you want the energy to return, return your individuality. Just don't limit yourself to stamps: cross stitch, applique, knitting. You can breed bugs, photograph cats, write ten-word stories, play the harmonica. As long as you like it. An additional bonus will be joint activities in interest groups. There you can share your successes, participate in competitions, and communicate.


We are used to thinking that work is a way to be left without strength and energy. Don't forget that apathy and fatigue are two different things. You may not have any strength left, you may be squeezed like a lemon, but at the same time you are satisfied with yourself and energetic. What situations at work lead to loss of energy?

  • Lack of encouragement and constructive criticism from management
  • Uninteresting matter
  • Responsibilities that are annoying
  • Unfriendly staff
  • Lack of prospects
  • Routine

If some points are about you, you need to change the situation. You can talk to management, set up a team, and see prospects. Much depends on you. Energy is not only the amount of your strength, but also your mood, desire, motivation. If you feel like you are stuck in your job and nothing can be changed, change it. It is important to make such decisions consciously. Start by writing a resume and searching for a vacant position. It is better not to take sudden steps. Assess your abilities objectively: what can you offer an employer? How relevant is your knowledge in this or that area? Once a new location is found, you can leave. The energy will return with new challenges and adequate leadership.


In communication, it is not quantity that matters, but quality. How often do we wait until the interlocutor completes his remark in order to speak out ourselves and demonstrate our knowledge of all issues! More like a way of self-affirmation. How do you communicate with loved ones, friends, strangers in line or service staff? All these people want sincere attention.

Do you think there are many people who completely understand you? To the smallest detail? Until slight changes in mood? Probably a little. But you understand everyone. You “know” “what he was thinking”, “what’s on her mind” and “why they do this”. This approach prevents people from truly getting close. Everyone puts a stamp and asks “how are you?” for show and imposes his vision of the world.

Try to change your personal attitude towards people. Find something interesting, unusual in them, something you haven’t noticed before. Only ask questions to which you do not know the answer. Then you will be interested in listening to your interlocutor and he will feel it.

Exercise: remember those situations that can be called the happiest and brightest in your life. They may be related to childhood or events that happened a week ago. Imagine them in detail. Surely during these states the energy was with you. And this energy was enough. Now answer the question: were these events connected with other people? Probably yes. After all, endorphins are produced at the moment when something unites you with other people. And endorphins are also energy.

Psychological condition

Energy is the desire to do something, motivation, desire, a feeling of life inside. If the energy is gone, it could be depression. Depression is a defense mechanism that limits your desires in order to protect you “from the outside world.” You are sitting at home sad, but safe and sound. This reaction may occur in response to stress or mental trauma. If all of the above tips do not help, contact a professional psychologist. But first you should try to change your habits - start right now.

The rhythm of life of a modern person encourages constant movement. The strength we lose throughout the day constantly needs to be restored. If energy reserves are not restored, the body can become exhausted. After some time, depression or stress may occur. In addition, our chakras are constantly at work. The resources passing through them also need to be cleansed.

Restoring energy resources is as important for a person as restoring physical strength. Sleep, food, communication - all this replenishes a person’s strength, however, others are also required to create a comfortable life.

Energy leakage channels

Not many people know that there are certain channels through which our energy can flow. Loss of energy and strength leads to an exhausted state that needs to be corrected and restored as soon as possible. Each channel is responsible for a specific area.

  • Fears. Our phobias play a huge role in our energy potential. Constant or periodic fears destroy a person, his consciousness and subconscious. Information and strength begin to leave the spiritual body, since fear is their most serious destroyer and absorber.
  • Doubts. Doubting people are constantly in a struggle of opposites. The inability to make the right choice indicates closed and insufficiently functioning chakras. In this case, a person needs to think about cleaning his channels and restoring them in order to avoid further energy leakage.
  • Guilt. You can restore strength using several methods, but this process may be completely ineffective if a person constantly experiences a feeling of guilt. You need to learn to immediately express your feelings and not accumulate negativity in your mind.
  • Bad actions. Unkind words and wishes, envy, irritation, negative emotions - all this has an extremely adverse effect on every person, in particular, on his strengths. It is possible to restore them, but a vicious circle can arise if you have a negative attitude towards most aspects of life. Only positive emotions can give a person a truly happy life.

All channels require cleaning. Chakras are in constant work. Our task is not only to learn how to restore lost energy, but also to control that it does not leak through such channels.

If a person can get rid of the negativity in his life, fill his home with comfort and love, after a while his life will become much brighter and more beautiful.

Energy Recovery Methods

In order to restore strength and energy, there are special methods, each of which you can choose for yourself. If you don’t like one, you can choose another. Or you can use all the methods.

The most important way to recharge to restore strength is a positive mood and good, pleasant emotions. Only a feeling of joy and harmony can reward a person with the same joyful events. People who are constantly gloomy and gloomy often experience setbacks along the way because their energy needs to be cleansed and restored.

In order to restore your strength, you can use a balanced diet. Food has a powerful potential for restoring strength. Not only the physical body needs food, but also the spiritual one. Our chakras are also nourished, but in a slightly different way. Each food has its own energy potential. A dish beautifully laid out on a plate, consisting of fresh vegetables, fruits, and having a pleasant appearance, will replenish your strength and cleanse the channels.

Much attention should be paid to breakfast. Because it is the first meal that is most important for human health. Breakfast carries a lot of energy. It will fill a person with vigor and movement for the whole day. A high-quality and satisfying breakfast is the key to health.

One of the methods of restoring strength is physical activity. At least several times a week you should pay attention to physical activity. Regular training heals the body and fills the soul with more energy. With the help of training, a person receives restoration of strength, a surge of vigor, his well-being improves and his immunity increases. It is important to properly create a training program for yourself, since each person is unique. What one person likes may not suit another person at all.

Healthy sleep is extremely important for the human body. With its help, you can restore both physical and spiritual strength. The bed should be comfortable and not too soft, the pillow should be of the correct shape. The blanket is warm. It is best to ventilate the room before going to bed. The air temperature in the bedroom at night should not exceed 20 degrees. It is better to use a humidifier in the apartment, or use other methods to improve the air quality in the space. Healthy sleep allows you to restore strength not only at night, but also during the day.

Daytime sleep has a beneficial effect on the health of every person, not only children, but also adults. During sleep, we receive the necessary amount of nutritional restorative power that cannot be obtained from any other source. For an adult, about 8 hours of sleep per day is enough. But there are people for whom this time is not enough. This means that their strength is depleted and they should be restored.

Massage. This can be self-massage or massage performed by a professional. This method is suitable for every person and is great for instant restoration of strength. After a massage, a person feels relaxed, cheerful, and problems recede into the background.

Physical body

Movement is extremely important for any person. Movement is life. Such an unspoken law really carries important information. While playing sports, a person replenishes his energy, despite the fact that he also spends it at the same time.

By engaging in physical activity, a person receives a huge amount of strength and energy, thanks to which his spiritual layer and chakras become healthier. You don't have to exercise every day. Two to three times a week is enough to maintain your potential.

Etheric body

The vital forces are enlivened by the influence of energy. Every person has one. It is the essence that fills all life in the Universe. The etheric body can change in connection with the emotions that a person experiences at the present moment in time.

Feelings of resentment, anger, irritation - they all negatively affect the etheric layer. He weakens, loses his potential. The presence of phobias, negative feelings and emotions have a destructive force for a person’s etheric body.

When a person experiences positive feelings, his ethereal layer is filled with energy, becomes bright and clean. A good mood, positive emotions, a sense of harmony and peace bring harmony to our chakras and etheric body.

In order to restore strength, you need to learn to receive and give feelings of love, joy and harmony. In this case, information will constantly circulate and linger in a positive way in the etheric layer, ennobling and improving the functioning of the chakras.

Astral body

The astral body is a certain type of human energy potential. Expressed in the feelings and emotions of each of us. Everything that a person experiences at the emotional level is perceived precisely by the astral body.

Undergoes certain changes as a result of a person’s mood. If he feels depressed, tired, angry, his astral object will be depressed. If a person’s wishes are fulfilled, he feels joyful, peaceful and happy, which means that his chakras work harmoniously, they are restored and the body is in a positive mood.

The astral layer has its own shape and color. They also depend on the person’s mood. It is formed in every person, thanks to his feelings and mood. Each person builds his astral body and receives it exactly as he is capable of.

Body size depends on a person's ability to receive and give. People who have cleansed and harmonious chakras receive a large and clean astral body. They replenish their strength much faster, since their potential is greater than that of those whose bodies are smaller in size.

The astral layer has the ability to cleanse itself in the same way as the chakras do. Depending on the purity of the chakras, a person receives one or another type of his astral body. If the chakras work harmoniously, they are open, balanced and restored, most likely the astral body will be smooth and of sufficient size. Those people who have learned to keep their consciousness in a positive way do not allow negative emotions to reach their astral body. They won't destroy it.

Mental body

The most subtle of bodies is the mental one. Much less than the etheric and astral. The mental consists of a person’s perception of the world and space around him. The mental layer stores a person's life experience. Everything that a person acquires during his life, all his advantages, range of knowledge, baggage of memories - everything is stored in the mental body. Also called the mind body.

The mental body has its own shape and size. Each person has their own. It is not like other bodies and is completely different from the physical body of a person. It resembles an oval in shape. Surrounds the astral body and the physical. Much wider than them and more extensive.

The mental layer has its own aura. It can grow thanks to a person’s positive thoughts and memories. Spiritual improvement has a beneficial effect on replenishing the strength of the mental layer.

Clumps of various images and memories form the basis of the mental layer. A person can only use it during reincarnation. During life, people do not see him. Available only to special individuals. It may be busy and not clean enough, so you should periodically cleanse it of the baggage of unnecessary negative knowledge.

The astral-mental layers have certain information. When these bodies lose their sensitivity, become less charged and dark, then it’s time to cleanse and restore their strength.

Meditation allows a person to restore his strength with the help of positive mental images. Visualization brings a positive spectrum to all human bodies.

How to quickly restore energy

A person's strength may become less and less due to many factors. not only physical fatigue plays a big role in this matter, but also the spiritual state. To quickly restore strength, there are many ways, each of which has its own advantages.

Stress and a constant feeling of fatigue take a lot of energy. In order to replenish these reserves, a regular walk will do. Fresh air and beautiful views of nature have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and spiritual world of a person.

After hard work and a long day of work, healthy, long sleep will help restore strength. You need about 8 hours of sleep per night for proper rest. The chakras are cleansed not only through meditation, but also during sleep, and the channels are closed so as not to release the necessary resources.

Sunlight will allow you to quickly restore strength. The sun carries a huge flow of benevolent information. If you mentally let a ray of sun into the area of ​​the top of your head, imagine that it takes all the negativity with it and goes through your feet into the ground, taking away all the bad things with you, this method will help you restore strength in a fairly short period of time.

Visualization allows you to restore strength quickly and very effectively. This method is suitable for every person. It is good to combine it with meditation if there is time and suitable conditions for this.

If time does not allow you to engage in full meditation, you can quickly restore your strength with the help of a visual representation of the flow of water. You can enhance your sensations with sound effects. Mantras are great for relaxing and help cleanse the chakras, and simple relaxing music or sounds of nature will restore strength and life balance in a short period of time.

The restorative power of massage

One of the methods of restoring strength is massage. You can do it yourself to restore strength, or make an appointment with a professional massage therapist.

Massage not only relieves fatigue and relieves many diseases, but also helps cleanse and restore the chakras. An energy or aroma massage would be good. These types of influences have a beneficial effect on every level of human development.

Self-massage mainly consists of working out some active points. Some of the vital points are located between the thumb and forefinger on a person’s hand. You should press on these points using circular movements, placing mental emphasis on cleansing the body of negativity and restoration.

You can massage your head with a comb, directing it down along the hair growth. Thus, a person clears away negativity and restores strength.

Massaging the neck muscles will not only remove blocks from this area, but will also relieve the upper chakras. By performing a neck massage with stretching, you can forget about headaches and tension in energy channels.

Many professional massage therapists face such a situation when they engage in energy massage as a loss of their own resources. In order for a massage therapist to restore his strength, it is necessary to understand how massage affects energy. In the morning you need to take a contrast shower, thereby protecting yourself and protecting your strength. In the evening, be sure to wash off everything that has accumulated during the day.

Every person can use this method. It's not labor intensive. You can shower as often as the recovery and wishes of each person require.

The reasons for loss of strength can be completely different, from ordinary chronic fatigue to clogged and closed chakras. In the latter case, you should pay attention to visualization and meditation. In addition, exercise is a great way to regain strength. Even a few squats and bends will make you feel much better and recover.

Energy cleansing

There are several ways to restore vitality. Energy flows constantly change in a person, illuminating him. A high level of human energy will provide him with health and good mood. If this is not the case, you should start cleaning your channels.

Cleaning can be performed at different levels. At the level of the physical body, to recover, you can do physical exercise, eat tasty and healthy food, and relax. In order to prevent information leakage, a Russian bath will restore your strength well. In the bath, the chakras open and the person receives cleansing.

The ethereal layer also needs cleaning. There is a certain respiratory system that helps clear this level. As you inhale, you should imagine how a ray of light illuminates the body, passing through it, taking away all the negativity, and, going down, leaving the body through the feet.

Meditation allows you to cleanse not only the physical and etheric bodies, but also the mental and astral ones. This is a very universal method, following which a person can feel the restoration of strength in a fairly short time.

Many people around us are capable of absorbing information. You should distance yourself from such people and communicate with them to a minimum. But if this happens and a person feels depressed and tired after communicating with such people, you can take a shower and imagine that the water washes away all the bad things and restores the body.

Cleaning and restoration can be done with more than just water. A good method is. This is a cleansing of the body with salt water. Using this method rejuvenates the body, cleanses the chakras, restores and makes you feel renewed.

Another method is purification through fire. You need to take a candle, cleanse the apartment and yourself using a special ritual. It is good to light candles indoors as often as possible. Fire cleanses space of negativity and gives light, restoring positive emotions. If the spark plug begins to crack during the cleaning process, then this area needs to be worked on as thoroughly as possible. A negative clot has accumulated in this place that needs to be eliminated.

With the help of nature, you can quickly restore your strength and get cleansed. By touching trees, a stream, snow, flowers, you can get a sufficient amount of strength without expending your own.

Cleaning with water

Cleansing with water can be done daily. This ritual does not require serious effort on the part of a person. A simple shower will remove all the negativity that has accumulated during the day.

After communicating with unpleasant people, you should definitely wash your hands and wash your face. Water is an excellent source of energy. With its help you can quickly restore your strength and resources.

Salt cleansing

Salt water cleansing is called Shankh Prakshalana. It can only be performed by those who have no contraindications. It is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, people with heart disease and stomach ulcers. Others can try the shankh. In case something goes wrong, you can always end the cleansing by inducing vomiting.

If the shankh continues well, there is no need to stop. If you start performing it early in the morning, then during the day and then for about six months the person will feel that he has regained his strength, has become renewed and completely healthy.

Cleaning with a candle

Candles, like other fire resources, cleanse the room and the person. With the help of a candle you can quickly and efficiently clean the room and restore strength. You need to take a wax candle, light it and walk around the apartment. In those places where it will crackle, negative energy has accumulated. It can be restored by first cleaning this area.

If the candle does not crackle, it means there is good energy in the apartment and the cleaning can be completed.

Egg rolling

For this method, you need to take a chicken egg, preferably a fresh country egg. It should not be washed. It must be constantly in contact with a person. You need to sit the person on the surface, move the egg over the head, then move to the neck, making spiral movements.

Then begin rolling out your arms and legs. Next, you need to put the egg in a glass of water and crush it in it. The shell should be buried in the ground. The water from the egg will need to be flushed down the toilet or sink, the glass should be washed and not used again. After this, you will need to wash yourself to get rid of other people’s energy and recover.

Help trees

Nature has enormous energy potential. Trees give restoration of strength. By touching them, you can recharge yourself with enough of them for some time to come.

The most valuable are large mature trees that have been growing for many years. Trees must be thanked for restoring strength.

Chakra Cleansing

Visualization and meditation will help you maintain your strength and restore it. The visualization method is good in all its manifestations. Some people like to imagine a ray of light, others like to imagine water, and still others prefer to mentally imagine fire or earth. Any element brings a large amount of power to a person. The vital force replenished using such methods lingers in a person for a long time.

An important rule when cleansing the chakras and restoring strength with their help is to always start with the lower chakra, gradually moving higher.

Effective ways to gain energy

There are many ways to restore human energy. Each of them has its own characteristics. During cleansing and recovery, you may feel some unusual sensations, such as a burning sensation in the area of ​​each chakra being worked or a slight increase in temperature and blood pressure.

The best ways are meditation and visualization. They are easy to implement and can be used daily if you want deep cleaning.

From a natural object

Natural objects allow you to enhance the effect of visualization. By imagining a ray of sunshine or the energy of the earth, which fills the body and takes away negativity with it, you can get rid of many existing problems.

All natural objects fill a person with energetic vibrations, which improve health and open the chakras. The best objects are a stream, a waterfall, trees and flowers.

Solar set

The main source of light and vitality and information is the Sun. It fills all living things, gives a feeling of peace and tranquility. The power of the sun can be used during meditation and spiritual practices.

During meditation, the sun's rays penetrate the body, fill it with positive currents and give a feeling of harmony.

solar breath

By inhaling solar energy and its messages, you can get rid of illnesses and stress and recover. A visual representation of solar energy allows you to fill and open your chakras and restore strength. Solar breathing is one of the best methods of restoring strength.

Full breath yoga

Yoga involves a certain type of special breathing. Such gymnastics fills the body with health and gives strength. Restoring strength with the help of special breathing can be practiced not only during meditation, but also in everyday life, combining it with walking, rest and even work.

The main thing in breathing exercises is to breathe with your stomach, using your shoulders and chest to a minimum. When breathing with the stomach, completely different parts of the lungs and the diaphragm are involved, which helps the energy circulate intensively and not encounter obstacles in its path and restore the body.

Rhythmic breathing

This type of breathing helps to fill yourself with harmony and restore strength. Inhalations and exhalations of equal duration allow you to restore strength in a short period of time.

It is best to perform the exercises while sitting in a comfortable position. Each time you can increase the breathing intervals to improve the effectiveness of the gymnastics.

Zen breathing

This type of breathing allows you to fill the body with strength. You need to breathe with your stomach. Shoulders are used to a minimum. When breathing, you should try to turn off your consciousness and concentrate on one object. The look is absent-minded.

The recovery with this method is almost invisible, but in fact it happens very quickly.

Recharge from space energy

Performing this practice will fill a person with vitality. As you inhale, the body absorbs energy and strength from space. As you exhale, all the negativity passes through your legs.

Eye of rebirth

This system consists of five practical methods. Each of which is a regular exercise. They help restore a person’s vitality. This type of gymnastics is reminiscent of yoga practice, but has some differences from it.

Working with the main energy flow

A person can receive energy flows from any space. The energy and forces of the Universe surround us. The earth and sun energy flows are considered fundamental and are often used during visualization and spiritual practices.

At the end of the working day, you can restore your strength through meditation. The flow of energy from the Universe fills a person with strength and gives him health.


This method is aimed at obtaining forces from two channels that visually resemble a fountain. Energy enters one part with a positive flow, and leaves another part, taking away the negative.

Forces and energy are absorbed from Space, exhaling into the earth. In the opposite direction, one can imagine a flow of force from the bowels of the earth, which opens like a fountain from the top of the head and carries with it all that is bad into space.


This technique is also aimed at restoring vitality. It is used as follows. You need to imagine a ball held in your hands above your head. The ball needs to be visually moved with your hands down the spine. Imagine that he absorbs negativity and takes it with him into the bowels of the earth.

Another visualization option is filling the ball and transferring energy to the Cosmos. In this case, the movements are performed in the reverse order, from bottom to top.

Fire Breath

Concentrating on fire allows you to quickly and effectively restore strength. During the technique you need to do rhythmic breathing, but it helps practice. As you inhale, the energy of the cosmos enters the human body and fills it with light, and as you exhale, it leaves through your legs into the ground.

The method is called fire breathing because the rhythmic breathing should be done in such a way that the person will resemble a blacksmith's bellows.

Recharging the chakras

You can be charged with cosmic power through various practices. Two peaks of cosmic energy penetrate a person, filling him with strength and health. At the center of each chakra, the forces of the cosmos linger and purify them.


A large number of meditation practices allows you to choose the most suitable one for yourself. During meditation, you need to completely turn off your consciousness and visually imagine the energy and power of space, earth and other elements that fill the human body.

For more effective meditation, you can use yantras, runes, mantras and other additional accessories. They greatly simplify the process of entering a trance and allow you to meditate more effectively.

Loop or closed ring

This method affects the restoration of strength. It lies in the fact that you need to visually imagine the flow of cosmic forces that circulates throughout the body, taking with it the negative and charging it with the positive.

Cylinder with piston

You need to imagine that the body is a cylinder with a piston inside. With its help you need to take the energy of the earth and throw it up through the top of your head. Each chakra is filled and opened. The body receives a huge amount of cosmic force.

Emergency dial

Quick restoration of strength can be achieved using this technique. Visualization of flows coming from different elements, evenly distributed over each chakra.

Energy and strength are absorbed through these flows. This method is fast. 10 minutes is enough to restore your strength.

Wu-shin technique

This technique involves movement. While walking or running, the power of the earth penetrates through the feet and fills the forehead. It flows like a fountain, passing through all the chakras. You should imagine an energy fountain around your feet.

When the feet have received a sufficient amount of strength, visually you can proceed to other parts of the body, filling and enriching them. Gradually you can work on your fingers, hands, and internal organs. Linger on each chakra.

All methods and techniques are aimed at restoring strength. Some act instantly, others require some time. However, they are all very effective. To restore your strength, you can practice meditation daily. They will also help close energy channels so that strength does not leave the body due to various circumstances.