Lunar calendar for cutting hair and nails. When is the best time to cut your fingernails, toenails or manicures and pedicures?

Church holidays

Interpretation of the movement of the Moon through the 12 zodiac constellations allowed astrologers to create amazing accurate calendars. They help choose the best time for all sorts of important undertakings and warn of potential dangers. However, even such a minor change in appearance as new manicure, can attract the forces of space to your side. And this is good news for women. It remains to decide when it is better to go to the master.

The most favorable days for cutting nails in September

If you are planning to grow your nails or do stylish nail art, do it on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th-12th, 19th-20th, 23rd, 27th and 29th-30th. By choosing the optimal day from an astrological point of view, you will cleanse your aura and be able to improve the situation in important areas of life - love, work, friendship, etc. Nail art will be successful, and your nails will be healthy and beautiful.

Bad days for manicure in September 2015

Avoid visiting the specialist on the 1st, 8th, 14-15, 17th, 22nd, 24th and 28th. These days are considered negative for any change in image, even something as minor as painting or cutting your nails. TO unpleasant consequences will lead to injuries nail plate. Therefore, be careful and try to reschedule your trip to the salon for a more favorable period.

Complete nail cutting calendar for September 2015

For your attention - detailed calendar nail cutting and manicure for every day of the first autumn month of 2015:

  • 1. Avoid going to the salon and do not disturb your nails at home. Be careful not to break them. Any change in the appearance of the nail plates on this dangerous day will lead to conflicts with superiors and subordinates. Dismissal and problems in personal business are possible.
  • 2. Feel free to paint your nails in any shade, experiment with bright colors. But do not cut or file them, otherwise they will become brittle and may begin to peel.
  • 3. A great day for nail art. Use varnishes and gels with a gold or silver tint for manicure, use rhinestones. This will help solve health problems, you will feel energetic and full of strength for any achievements.
  • 4. The negative influence of the 20th lunar day is minimized by the passage of the celestial satellite through the zodiac constellation Taurus. However, you should be careful when cutting your nails; it is advisable to simply adjust their shape, but not reduce their length.
  • 5. Any original nail art will bring an atmosphere of comfort, coziness and absolute harmony to your home. Experiment with shades and shapes, use modeling and rhinestones.
  • 6. If you are actively involved in sports or at least visit a fitness studio, feel free to go to a manicurist. Otherwise, reschedule your visit to another day, because any interventions in the structure of the nail plates can provoke a set of nails. extra pounds.
  • 7. Stylish nail art will help resolve conflicts with loved ones and employees. If you want to improve your relationship with your loved one new level– execute original manicure, for example, double-sided.

  • 8. A negative day for going to a nail art specialist; it’s better to stay at home and protect your nails from damage. Any defect will lead to a deterioration in financial condition (possibly even dismissal from work) and exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • 9. The negative influence of cosmic forces will be neutralized if, after a manicure, you take time to cosmetic procedures for the skin of the hands. Vitamin baths will be useful.
  • 10. Great day for new nail art. Show your imagination: use rhinestones, multi-colored varnishes, modeling, glitter. The forces of space will help you achieve favor with the person you have liked for a long time.
  • 11. Another favorable day. Having a new manicure, you will feel more confident and will be able to take an important step towards realizing your cherished dream. And ill-wishers will go into the shadows for a long time and stop trying to interfere with your activities.
  • 12. Visiting a nail art studio will help you become charming and sexy, you will be able to attract the attention of interesting men. We recommend choosing an ombre manicure.
  • 13. Negative impact The 29th lunar day is neutralized by the passage of our planet’s satellite through the zodiac constellation Virgo. Try to be careful when cutting your nails; any crack in them can be bad news.
  • 14. New moon - no favorable time for manicure. Otherwise, there is a high probability of getting an unpleasant injury in a domestic situation.
  • 15. It is not advisable to cut, extend or paint nails on this day - the immune system will become less resistant to pathogenic infections.

  • 16. Neutral day for professional or home manicure. The forces of space will not have any significant impact on the fate.
  • 17. Change appearance nails while the Moon is in the constellation Scorpio is undesirable. Risk increases food poisoning, serious disagreements with your loved one are possible.
  • 18. Feel free to extend or paint your nail plates, but refrain from changing their shape. This will protect you from exacerbation of chronic diseases and contracting colds.
  • 19. New nail art will give romantic date with a person who will later become that very soulmate. We recommend doing this classic manicure, should not be used bright colors and glitter.
  • 20. If you intend to radically change your image, start with a new manicure, thereby attracting the powerful energy of the cosmos to your side. This day is ideal for design experiments; any endeavor will be successful.
  • 21. Taking time to care for your skin and fingers will improve your health. It is not advisable to paint or cut your nails; such procedures will negatively affect relationships with work colleagues.
  • 22. A change in the appearance of the nail plates on this day will provoke the appearance of additional obstacles on the way to what you want.

  • 23. Great day for new nail art. You will give yourself a good mood for at least the next 2-3 weeks. You will feel cheerful and total energy, you will be able to find new hobbies, and perhaps get acquainted with interesting people. We recommend performing a classic (edged) manicure.
  • 24. Postpone your manicure until another day if you don’t want to become a victim of scammers or be fired from your job.
  • 25. When cutting your nails, try not to damage them, otherwise they may become brittle or begin to peel, and hangnails will appear.
  • 26. Neutral time. Significant impact on life path new nail art will not help.
  • 27. Girls who made fashionable manicure, in the coming days they will meet interesting man, which will later have an important impact on their lives.
  • 28. The full moon is a bad day for changing your image, even in such a minor aspect as painting or cutting your nails.
  • 29. Stylish manicure will help solve financial difficulties.
  • 30. New nail art will help radically change your life better side.

Beauty comes first for any girl. Particular attention is paid to manicure, because beautiful and well-groomed hands talk about the purity and decency of the lady. If favorable days for a manicure coincide with a trip to the salon, then this will benefit your beauty and will attract only the best, starting from positive energy and ending with financial improvement.

Favorable days

The most favorable day for manicure is considered the first day of the week, that is, Monday, as it carries masculinity. It is not recommended to cut your nails on Friday and Sunday; these are the best times for manicure.

Astrologers believe that each day of the week is protected by a specific planet. Therefore, manicure should be done on a certain day of the week.

Days of the week

Monday. The week starts with him. Monday's planet is Selena. On this day, it is advisable to get a manicure for people who struggle with depression and bad mood. A manicure performed on this day will charge you with positivity and a great mood.

Tuesday. The planet Mars. A favorable day for a manicure for someone who wants to improve their financial condition for the better. In addition, it will help improve general health body.

Wednesday. Is under the influence of Mercury. Cutting and trimming your nails will help you put your thoughts in order and achieve success in your life. labor activity. Some time ago it was believed that if you get a manicure on Wednesday, then good news should arrive on that day. People who feel low on energy should definitely go for a manicure on Wednesday to replenish their vital energy.

Thursday. Day of the planet Jupiter. A manicure on Thursday will help strengthen the immune system, as well as improve the condition of the whole body. For people in leadership positions, a manicure on this day will enhance the image of your subordinates and improve the general opinion of you.

Friday. Her planet is Venus. Despite the fact that this planet is guided by beauty and health, getting a manicure is not advisable. On this day, all processes in the body slow down, so tidying up your nails can lead to health problems.

Saturday. It is under the patronage of the planet Saturn. It will help you avoid getting into various unpleasant situations related to money. It will also help influence the health of the body and prevent diseases of various organs. People who are looking for love need to do their nails on this day.

Sunday. This day is no longer ruled by a planet, but by a star - the Sun. The last day of the week is perceived as a holiday. Therefore, it is not advisable to do any nail procedures on Sunday. There is a legend that holding cutting and piercing instruments in your hands can attract evil spirits.

Favorable days for manicure according to the lunar calendar

There are some days for a successful manicure. Basically, they depend on the phases of the moon. At the beginning of the month until the 15th, the moon is growing, and therefore nails that were cut on these days will grow back very quickly. And in the second half of the month the moon wanes, a manicure done during this period will strengthen the nail plate. Also these days it is recommended to treat hangnails and cuticles.

Days according to the Moon's zodiac sign

Favorable lunar days for manicure are also determined taking into account what zodiac sign the Moon is in. If she is under the sign of Gemini, then manicure is highly not recommended. And if you are in the constellation Libra, Cancer, Virgo or Aries, then you even need to do a manicure so that your nails do not break or peel.

Astrologers have come to the conclusion that a manicure done on favorable days will replenish vitality and can even improve health.

There is a certain table of zodiac signs that has a healing effect on nails.

  1. The most neutral. It includes such constellations as Taurus, Pisces and Aries. All procedures related to nail trimming should be done with great care. The risk of infection also increases.
  2. The most favorable. It includes the following signs: Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, Capricorn, Virgo, Sagittarius, Libra.
  3. Unfavorable. This includes Gemini and Cancer.

Is it possible to increase income by cutting nails?

Astrologers believe that favorable days for manicure can affect the financial side if the procedures are carried out in special days. To increase your income, it is recommended to do nail procedures in money days- Tuesday and Friday. But it will be even better if you put not only your nails in order, but also your entire hands. However, it is worth remembering the phases of the moon. The waxing Moon and the Full Moon are considered the most successful for this.

Manicure styles

IN Lately A manicure has become fashionable, where not all nails are decorated, but often the nameless one, since it is considered a passage for the Sun channel.

A manicure with real banknotes glued to your nails looks very unusual; this leads to an increase in money. First, you need to chop up any banknote (the size must be selected according to the nail plate), then glue the resulting pieces onto your nails. It is recommended to make not ten pieces in advance, but several more, so that if one suddenly goes bad, you have others on hand in stock. All usual procedures with nails are done first, that is, trimming, filing. Afterwards the nails are covered transparent base, a piece of banknote is immediately glued onto it. The final step is to apply the fixative. Thus, this manicure serves as a magnet for attracting money.

Each person is guided by his own method, some wait for favorable days for manicure and pedicure, while others rely on the lunar calendar. According to some experts, the main thing is that the procedure is enjoyable; nails should be done in good mood.

Manicure in May

May is the most spring month of the year, when everything turns green and blooms. It is with the arrival of this month that I want to change something in myself. If this concerns manicure, then the desire to change it becomes greater than usual. Let's consider favorable days for manicure in May.


1st of May. The moon is waning and is in the constellation Scorpio. This is not the best day to perform any nail procedures. May lead to a deterioration in general condition.

May 2 and 3. The moon is under the sign of Sagittarius. May 2 is a good day for a manicure; it’s good if you completely change the image of your nails. It is advisable to select bright and rich colors for nails. If you get a manicure on May 3, it will attract attention, but if you think about the color of the manicure, astrologers recommend delicate and discreet shades.

May 4, 5, 6. The moon is waning, constellation Capricorn. May 4 and 6 are good for manicures if you want to radically change both the length of your nails and their shape. These are the best days for this. But on May 5, astrologers believe that it is better not to do any procedures with nails in order to avoid cuts and further infection. It is better to make soothing masks and nail baths on this day to soften the cuticles.

May 7 and 8. The moon is under the sign of Aquarius. Nail procedures done on May 7 will help you find a common language among colleagues. Astrologers advise not to change the length and shape of nails unless filing is required. It is advisable to paint a manicure done on May 8th in bright colors. It will also help to attract good luck in your work life.

May 9, 10, 11. Moon in the constellation Pisces. These are not the most favorable days for nail procedures. Astrologers do not recommend cutting or changing the style of nails. It is better to devote this time to caring for your hands: massage and various sedatives.

May 12 and 13. Waning Moon under the sign of Aries. A manicure done these days will help you calm down and achieve peace of mind. It is better to choose shades that you like, preferably delicate color so that they are liked and not irritated. On May 13, it is also better not to do a flashy manicure, this will help you overcome troubles.

May 14 and 15. Moon in the constellation Taurus. May 14 is not the best day for a manicure. Changing your nail color can attract you bad people. And on the new moon, May 15, a manicure can add vitality and help you avoid running into trouble.

May 16 and 17. Moon in the constellation Gemini. To charge yourself positive energy you need to get a daring manicure. Astrologers advise making bright and bold designs on your nails. A winter shades made on May 16 will help avoid unwanted problems.

May 18 and 19. Moon in the sign of Cancer. It is not advisable to do nail procedures these days, since Negative influence The moon may also affect you. It is recommended to take refreshing nail baths.

May 20 and 21. The moon grows under the constellation Leo. Bright orange colors are recommended these days to increase wealth.

May 22 and 23. Virgo constellation. It is not advisable to get a manicure on the 22nd. The 23rd is considered a neutral day.

May 24, 25, 26. The moon is under the sign of Libra. It is not advisable to do it on the 24th, but it is necessary to do it on the 25th and 26th bright shades on nails to avoid unwanted encounters.

May 27 and 28. Waxing Moon under the sign of Scorpio. Astrologers advise not to do a manicure these days; you can take care of your cuticles.

May 29, 30, 31. Full moon under the sign of Sagittarius. On the 29th you can get a manicure, but on other days it is better to devote time to medical procedures.

It is better to choose favorable days for manicure according to the lunar calendar for May at your own discretion. Just decide for yourself what you want: wealth or health. Lunar calendar for manicure for June favorable days almost coincides with May.

What you should pay attention to

The moon greatly influences our planet - even powerful sea and ocean tides prove this. It can be quite logically assumed that this celestial body also has an influence on living organisms living on the blue ball - right down to the growth of nails.

Moreover, it is not only the Moon that acts, but even the zodiac sign in which this celestial object may “stand.”

Every zodiac sign is responsible for this or that energy. Therefore, astrologers say: there are days when you can sign up for a manicure, and there are days when it is better to sit at home before the series and do nothing with your nails.

Moreover, it is imperative to take care of your nail plates; the balance of energies in your body depends on this. In order not only not to lose, but also to increase mental strength, you should cut your nails on certain days, which the lunar manicure calendar will tell you.

Zodiac signs and “manicure days”

Capricorn . This sign is responsible for the nails of the toes and hands, as well as the skin, so on the day of the Moon in Capricorn you can do everything: extensions, haircuts, manicures. Everything will end well!

Taurus and Aries. Neutral nail signs. You can get a manicure, although it is not necessary.

Twins. Bad day - all manipulations with nails can end badly.

Cancer. Another taboo day: if you shorten your nails, they will begin to peel and completely “refuse” to grow back.

A lion. Golden time to decorate your nails. You can draw flowers, stick rhinestones - all astrologers bless you for this!

Virgo. This is a healing day: in addition to decoration, hands can also be treated. Trim manicure, cutting calluses, baths - everything will go well and give maximum effect.

Scales. Day of departure. You can cleanse your skin and nails, steam them in enriched essential oils"bathhouses".

Scorpion. If the Moon is in this sign, then vice versa - baths are contraindicated. Today they can burn your skin. But getting a manicure is not forbidden.

Sagittarius. On this day you can do whatever your heart desires.

Aquarius. Want a manicure? Yes please! But it’s even better on this day to start treating inflammation or a crack in the skin.

Fish. Be careful: when doing a manicure (which is not prohibited today), avoid sharp objects. Today you are in danger of getting hurt. Also, do not try new cosmetics - today your body may develop unexpected allergies.

It is also important to remember: all trimming procedures are strictly prohibited during the new moon and full moon. You also need to be careful three days before and the same period after the specified days.

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure by day of the week

Astrologers say: if you cannot follow the movements of the heavenly bodies, then you will definitely find a calendar on your wall!

Monday - it's a lunar day. Although it is traditionally considered “heavy”, Monday really “loves” all manipulations with marigolds. Moreover, having started the week with bright nail art, you can ask yourself great mood for the next six days. And besides, according to astrologers, a successful manicure or pedicure on this day is a healthy genitourinary system.

Tuesday. Mars Day. Having time to cut your nails today, you will make them strong and strong, and in addition (believe it or not) you will attract new cash flows into your wallet.

Wednesday. On this day, getting a manicure is allowed and even recommended for tired, exhausted people. This creative activity will give you strength for new achievements at work or study.

Thursday. This day is “supervised” by Jupiter himself, so it is traditionally considered a day of growth (including spiritual), purification and renewal. By making your nails beautiful, you improve the condition of not only your hands, but your entire body. On such a day, the “claws” are put in order by people who for some reason cannot get along among the employees.

Friday. There are two days of the week that place a taboo on all manipulations with nails, and Friday is the first of them. Today all the processes in your body are slowed down (of course, after such and such work week!), so even trivial cutting of nails can worsen your internal condition.

Saturday. Saturn day. Astrologers call it the day of deliverance. You can even get rid of too long nails - and in general, today you can do whatever you want with your “claws”. Salon (or home) nail procedures are especially recommended for people who are lonely or tired of financial debts.

Sunday. A day off on all “fronts” - according to religion, on this day God himself rested from the creation of the world. Working with nails on this day is also not allowed - even this seemingly small deviation from religious rules can attract evil spirits into your life. Relax and think high!

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure - 2019 by month

Lunar manicure calendar for January 2019

January 2, 3, 4, 12, 15, 17, 18, 24, 26 and 31lucky days for a manicure. Best time for all types of manicure and relaxing spa treatments. It will look especially incomparable aquarium design nails that will highlight your unique image in the coming New Year's days.

January 5, 13, 19, 21 and 28unfavorable days. To avoid quarrels and failures, do not perform a manicure procedure during this period.

Lunar manicure calendar for February 2019

February 1, 2, 8, 11, 14, 16, 17, 22, and 25

February 3, 12, 18, 19 and 27 – unfavorable days. Do not do manicures or any manipulations with your nails during this time to avoid troubles at work and in your personal life.

Lunar manicure calendar for March 2019

March 2, 3, 4, 10, 13, 16, 18, 19, 25, 27 – favorable days for a manicure procedure. Perfect for treating nails Japanese manicure, which will refresh their appearance and make them strong, healthy and well-groomed. Choose light and calm shades of colors at this time.

March 5, 14, 20, 21, 29 – unfavorable days for applying manicure. Cutting your nails these days is also not recommended to avoid unexpected financial costs.

Lunar manicure calendar for April 2019

April 1-3, 9, 12, 15, 17, 18, 24, 26 – favorable days for manicure. Any, even the most original experiments with nail design will do.

April 4, 13, 19, 28 – unfavorable days. Do not visit a nail salon at this time if you do not want problems in business and in relationships with loved ones.

All other days of April are neutral. During this period, it is good to massage the nail plates using chamomile and calendula oils, or a bath based on a decoction of these plants.

Lunar manicure calendar for May 2019

1-3, 11, 14, 16, 17, 23, 25, 30, 31 May – favorable days for manicure. Try to do the procedure in the salon at this time, since the lunar calendar promises an important business meeting on the side, which can happen, including during a visit to the master.

May 4, 12, 18, 19, 27 – unfavorable days. Any manipulation of the nails can cause feelings of depression and irritability.

All other days of May are neutral. Don't cut your nails. During this period, massage your hands and apply masks with nourishing creams to them.

Lunar manicure calendar for June 2019

June 1, 7, 10, 13, 15, 16, 19, 22, 24, 29, 30 – favorable days for applying manicure. You can carry out any manipulations with your nails. Shellac, French shellac, nail decoration with rhinestones, and gel polish coating will look great.

June 2, 11, 17, 26 – unfavorable days for manicure. Avoid any procedures with them at this time to avoid injury to your nails.

The remaining days in June are neutral. Do not cut or file your nails at this time.

Lunar manicure calendar for July 2019

July 1, 6, 9, 11, 14, 15, 20, 22, 28, 29, 30 - favorable days. Visit nail salon at this time it will bring good luck in business and add romance and passion in relationships.

July 2, 10, 16, 17, 24, 31 – unfavorable days. Do not apply manicure during this period to avoid quarrels with family and friends.

The remaining days of the month are neutral. Pamper your nails with a relaxing spa treatment.

Lunar manicure calendar for August 2019

August 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 19, 21, 27-29 – favorable days for applying manicure. This procedure will improve your mood and increase your performance.

August 9, 15, 23, 30 - unfavorable days. Do not apply manicure at this time unless you want to get a leak. vital energy and loss of strength.

The remaining days of the month are neutral. You can do a manicure at this time, but it’s better to wait auspicious days.

Lunar manicure calendar for September 2019

The best days for manicure in September - 3, 6, 9, 11, 12, 17, 19, 25-27 of the month . This is the period of embodiment of the most bold ideas regarding your marigolds. They'll go great hot manicure, all types of varnish, as well as restorative and relaxing procedures.

September 7, 13, 14, 21, 28 – unfavorable days. Give your nails a rest to avoid problems in business and personal relationships.

The remaining days of the month are neutral. This is not the most favorable time to visit a nail salon.

Lunar manicure calendar for October 2019

October 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 16, 18, 24-26, 31 – favorable days for manicure. This is the period of recovery vitality when you feel a real woman, capable of seducing dozens of men. An American manicure, Spanish manicure, gel nail polish, or painting done at this time will look great acrylic varnishes under gel.

October 6, 12, 14, 20, 27 – unfavorable days. Do not perform procedures with your nails to prevent waste of money and failures in relationships with loved ones.

The rest of the days are neutral. This time is also favorable for applying manicure and will not lead to problems with your health and personal life.

Lunar manicure calendar for November 2019

November 3, 6, 8, 9, 14, 16, 22-24, 30 - favorable days. Carrying out a manicure procedure during this period will bring you good luck in newly starting business and bringing to life the most daring projects.

Many people believe that any part of the human body carries certain information. This also applies to nails, which contain our energy. According to ancient signs and superstitions, it is believed that it is necessary to cut nails only in certain periods. There are several basic ways to determine a favorable time for a manicure. Superstitious people follow the lunar calendar very carefully to know exactly the right day to cut their nails.

Beliefs and signs associated with nails

With nails different nations There are a lot of signs and superstitions associated with it. Thousands of years ago people devoted them Special attention, decorated with improvised means, painted. Commonly used natural dyes, such as henna and antimony. In India and China long nails were an indicator of the high status of their owner, since their owner did not resort to physical labor or housework.

Because of this, there was even a superstition that long nails bring wealth.

Fingernails grow faster than toenails. On average, complete renewal of the nail plate occurs in about 4–6 months, depending on its length. The average growth rate is 0.7 mm per week.

  • Many people believe that small white spots that appear on the nails of the left hand are “gifts,” although they are not always positive. Depending on which finger they formed on, you can expect the following events:
  • thumb - receive an unexpected gift;
  • index finger - you will find a good friend;
  • middle finger - a new enemy will appear;
  • ring finger - a fan will appear;

little finger - you will go on a trip.

White spots on the nails are considered “gifts”, with the exception of their occurrence on the middle finger, which indicates the emergence of a new enemy dark spot, then this may indicate some kind of misfortune or failure in business. It is believed that you need to cut them off and burn them as soon as possible.

Black spots on the nails are considered a bad omen; it is better to cut them off as soon as possible

Some superstitious people try not to cut their nails until they have completed some important task or until a certain important day has arrived. It is believed that this will protect against failures and possible failure of plans.

When should you cut your fingernails and toenails?

Very important point is the selection of a specific favorable day for a manicure. You can simply select it by day of the week if you don’t have a lunar calendar at hand. Of course, it will be better if you know suitable days every month, depending on the lunar day.

Haircut calendar by day of the week

The easiest way is to choose the appropriate day not according to the calendar, but according to the day of the week, each of which has its own meaning and energy. Depending on the chosen day, cutting your nails can bring both positive and negative aspects:

  1. Monday, as the first day of the week, allows you to “start life anew.” You can get rid of bad memories, past grievances, melancholy, worries and troubles. Manicure on this day helps prevent diseases genitourinary system. Some will be able to get rid of their complexes.
  2. Tuesday will help you strengthen your intuition and allow you to react adequately in an emergency situation. Also, by cutting your nails on this day, you can attract good luck and increase your concentration on achieving your goals. You will become more focused, serious and purposeful. A manicure on Tuesday helps relieve headaches and prevent diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs.
  3. Wednesday is suitable for those people who want to hear good news. The thought process is also enhanced, it will become easier to learn and perceive new information. People are starting to accept right decisions, eliminate confusion in their affairs. Beneficial influence It affects the nervous system and eliminates stress.
  4. Thursday is best chosen for those people who have been waiting a long time for a promotion or hiring. You will become more confident in your abilities and will finally be able to achieve your goal. If you regularly cut your nails on Thursdays, you can significantly increase your life expectancy and improve liver function.
  5. Friday has a very beneficial effect on feminine beauty. If you regularly cut your nails on this day, you can significantly prolong your youth and stop worrying about the appearance of new wrinkles. However, despite this positive influence, there is a risk of worsening the processes occurring in the body. Swelling, obesity and excessive fat accumulation may appear. There is also an opinion that a manicure on Friday is a sign of trouble and imminent bad news. Therefore, it is better to avoid cutting your nails on this day.
  6. Saturday is one of the most favorable days; it has a general strengthening effect on the entire body and strengthens the immune system. Many astrologers recommend this day to their clients, as you can get rid of some karmic debts and cleanse your energy. There is a saying: “Whoever cuts his nails on Saturday pays off his debts.” Manicure on this day also has a very positive effect on relationships. The chances of finding your soulmate or strengthening feelings with an existing partner increase.
  7. Resurrection is not the most best day to cut your nails, you just need to rest. You can weaken your health and harm your finances. According to signs, on this day you gain strength, recover and contact your guardian angel. Therefore, cutting off a part of yourself is considered very harmful, and you can lose your protectors for a long time.

Video about what days of the week are best to cut your nails

When to cut your nails for money

To attract more money into your life, you should choose Tuesday. Moreover, it’s better not just to cut your nails, but to get a full manicure. If you carry out the procedures on Friday, you can significantly increase your chances of getting it done. good deal. Saturday is more suitable for those who love gambling. However, there is also a sign that the only money day Thursday is the day for cutting nails.

To attract money, by various signs, you should cut your nails on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday

Video on how to attract money by cutting your nails

Lunar calendar in 2018: favorable days for cutting nails

The phases of the moon greatly influence a person’s well-being. This is why even hairdressers and manicurists use the lunar calendar. Using knowledge about favorable days throughout the year, you can plan all procedures in advance. It is best to choose a new moon or a waxing moon to cut your nails.

In January, the following dates are best suited for manicure: from 10 to 17 and 23. The period from January 1 to 9 is considered the most unfavorable. These days it is advised not to carry out any procedures. If you want to remove hangnails, file your nails or do any other manipulation, it is better to prefer favorable or neutral days.

In February have a nice day for manicure much less: 10–11, 17–19. It is better to keep within these five available days. The following dates are considered the most negative: 4, 14 and 26. On these days it is worth taking a break from any procedures, this applies not only to cutting nails.

March is even less rich in favorable days; there is only one - on the 15th. Try to book it with your master in advance. But the first month of spring is full of negative periods: from 2 to 8 and from 23 to 30 March. And also in March it is worth choosing varnishes neutral color, without screaming tones and large quantity decorations

April is also not very encouraging, only on the 16th, 21st and 23rd you should get a manicure, you can use bright colors, do extensions and various decor. But there are a lot of negative days - from April 8 to April 15 and April 30. If you cut your nails at this time, you may harm your financial situation and worsen relationships. On neutral days, you can do a hand massage and relaxing salt baths.

In April you can choose bright colors, different design, even do nail extensions

In May, the number of favorable days increases significantly; almost half of the month is suitable for cutting nails (from the 16th to the 29th). From 1 to 7 is a negative period, it is better to postpone all procedures. During neutral times, you can also file your nails, do baths and massage.

June is also rich in favorable days - from 13 to 17 and from 20 to 26. At this time, you can do any manicure, nail extensions, bright designs are allowed. On negative days (28–30), avoid any procedures. On neutral days, it is better to do strengthening procedures and use medicinal varnish.

On neutral days of each month you can do easy manicure, strengthening nail baths and hand massage

In July, you should get a manicure from the 13th to the 16th and from the 18th to the 27th. Best to use neutral shades, avoid extreme designs and rhinestones. From 29 to 31 is a negative period.

In August you can get a manicure on the 11th, 12th and from the 18th to the 25th. By choosing these dates, you will improve your energy, which will help you achieve your goals. If you cut your nails from August 4 to August 10, you can reduce your strength and overall tone.

September provides a very short period favorable for manicure - from the 17th to the 24th. You can make a design of any complexity, choose bright colors, and extend your nails. In the period from 3 to 8 and from 25 to 27, it is better to avoid cutting your nails, as you will be dissatisfied with the procedure.

October is rich positive days, and more than half of the month is suitable for manicure and pedicure (from the 9th to the 23rd). Busy days are from 24 to 31. On other days you can also do all kinds of procedures both at home and in the salon.

November is suitable for manicures and nail cuttings from the 7th to the 22nd. 1 to 3 and 21 to 25 are considered unfavorable days. The rest of the time it is better to do strengthening and rejuvenating procedures.

In December, favorable days fall on the numbers from 7 to 21. Just before the New Year (from 22 to 26), it is better not to do any procedures, as they can disappoint and even bring negative consequences.

In 2018, you should stick to the lunar calendar to choose correct dates for manicure and pedicure

Cutting nails according to the lunar calendar or according to Rempel: which is better

Rempel is a famous astrologer who took into account many factors to compile a calendar of days favorable for haircuts and other procedures. According to his data, you should not cut your nails during the new moon itself or during the first quarter of the waxing moon. During this period, the element of earth is dominant, and the human body is especially susceptible to various influences and is significantly weakened. The most favorable period is the second quarter of the waxing moon and the third quarter of the waning moon.

What exactly to choose - the lunar calendar or calculation of a favorable date according to Rempel - open question. However, it is worth listening to the eminent astrologer and following his recommendations, as he approaches this issue in more detail.

When can you cut your nails according to the Oracle?

Some people adhere not to lunar calendars and days of the week, but to the advice of the Oracle, which is considered a magical divine advisor. The most beneficial days for cutting nails are those numbers that are divisible by 7 (7, 14, 21, 28). They carry a special meaning; a manicure will bring good luck, improved financial condition and normalization of the body’s energy balance.

Also positive, but less powerful are the dates: 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 and 31 of any month. By carrying out any nail procedures, you can improve your well-being, normalize family relationships, and attract good luck. It is possible to do manicures, extensions, and choose any bright design.

The following numbers of each month are considered neutral in their energy: 2, 4, 11, 18, 25, 30. On these days, you can safely go for a manicure or cut your nails yourself, but you won’t get much of an effect. It is best to choose neutral shades of varnish or transparent varnish.

The most negative numbers are considered to be: 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23, 26, 29. Try to avoid not only cutting your nails, but also any other procedures. According to the Oracle, these days a person’s energy is significantly weakened, and doing a manicure can greatly harm your body, get sick, end up in the hospital or lose money. Considering the not-so-pleasant consequences, it is better to be careful and postpone all planned trips to the salon and even procedures at home until another day.

The number 7 is considered magical, and it is favorable to cut your nails on those days of the month that are completely divisible by it.

Is it possible to cut nails in the evening and at night?

Nails should only be cut in the morning or at daytime days. If you do this in the evening or at night, you can significantly harm your wallet. It is believed that you are blocking cash flow which will lead to loss of money. Muslims also say that a manicure before bed leads to shortening your life by one day for each nail. If you cut all ten fingers, you will take away ten whole days. According to another opinion, in dark time days in the house begins to accumulate negative energy, and the person becomes unprotected and can attract trouble to himself.

Some people believe that it becomes more active at night devilry. By cutting your nails at this time of day, you weaken your defenses. Evil spirits can harm you, make you feel worse, and feed off your energy.

Is it possible to cut nails in a hospital?

Many people, when they get to the hospital, become even more suspicious and try to protect themselves as much as possible from any complications. If the patient has undergone surgery, it is believed that it is not necessary to cut the nails until all the stitches are closed. Otherwise, the wounds will take a long time to heal. The same applies to those persons who are in the ward after fractures and various injuries.

If a pregnant woman is in the hospital before giving birth, then she is also not recommended to cut her nails or get a manicure, especially when it is prescribed C-section. According to signs, this can lead to the child being entangled in the umbilical cord and various complications during surgery. Of course, you shouldn’t go to extremes and you need to remember that long nails can interfere during childbirth and in the first minutes of a child’s life you can scratch him.

If you are in a neurological department, trimming your nails may cause you to feel worse and increase the risk of injury. Also emotional condition may become unstable, and the patient will be irritable and suspicious.

Cutting your nails while in the hospital - Bad sign, the procedure may slow down the healing process

When not to cut your nails

According to superstitions and signs, a newborn baby should not have his nails cut until he is ten days old. This is due to the fact that at the very beginning the child is still very weak and you can deprive him of energy and cause illness. Also, the fingers are still so small that you can accidentally injure the baby and introduce an infection into the wound.

Many students and pupils believe that they should not cut their nails before important exams at least a week in advance. It is better to wait out this time and accumulate energy to successfully close the session.

There is another belief according to which you should not cut your nails on your birthday, as this can leave a negative imprint on the entire next year. It is only possible to do a light manicure and file your nails a little with a file.

Where to put your nails after cutting

Since cut nails are part of a person and carry his energy, you need to be very careful about where you put them after a manicure. We must not allow them to fall into the hands of ill-wishers. Also avoid throwing them in the trash. It's best to flush it down the toilet. Typically, witches, magicians and sorcerers used human nails and hair in their rituals. They could cast a spell, cast a love spell, and have various other negative influences.

You can also burn cut marigolds at the stake. At the same time, some believe that it is necessary to pronounce some words aimed at protection, increasing energy, and improving health. You can even come up with them yourself, depending on your desires.

If a person is sick, then his cut nails should be burned and the ashes buried at a crossroads. It is believed that this will help him accumulate strength for recovery and quickly get rid of ailments.

According to Islamic traditions, cut nails and hair must be buried in the ground, they cannot be thrown away anywhere, they must be hidden from prying eyes.

Video about what to do with nails (according to Muslim traditions)

There are a lot of superstitions and signs that are associated with cutting nails. Some people trust the lunar calendar, others trust the Oracle. It all depends on personal preferences and faith. You shouldn’t follow all the advice fanatically, but if possible, you can stick to one of the selected calendars. You need to be especially careful at night and during illness, since during these periods it is better to avoid manicures and nail cutting.

Cutting nails by day of the week (curious)

Nails are not just some biological part of the human body, but also an element of the energy charge of any organism. Surely many of us cut our nails solely as needed, without even thinking that a specific day or time of this hygiene procedure can somehow affect the overall functioning of the body.

Meanwhile, experienced astrologers have been studying this question. Moreover, certain conclusions have already been drawn about exactly what effect cutting nails on a certain day of the week has on a person. By the way, some consider this statement to be just another superstition, but they cannot prove it yet.

Cut your nails on Monday

Those who decide to get a manicure on this day, according to astrologers, will remove the burden of anger and negative energy. Moreover, this procedure carried out on this day is considered a good prevention of any diseases of the genitourinary system (gynecological and urological). From which we can conclude that cutting your nails on Monday is possible and even necessary. The memory of past adversities, all complexes, as well as melancholy and sadness are cut off.

Cut your nails on Tuesday

If you decide to cut your nails on Tuesday, you may even get rid of headaches without the use of medication. The procedure will also help you react correctly in some situations. emergency situations. You cut your nails with head and blood diseases, as well as all sorts of troubles.

Cut your nails on Wednesday

Want some good news? Then you need to cut your nails on Wednesday. On this day, with the help of this manipulation, you can strengthen the thinking process, which will make it possible to find a way out of any current situation as quickly and efficiently as possible. Moreover, on this day from cutting nails nervous system will come to a state of complete peace and tranquility. You will bring some good news closer to you, and your success in communication and studies, as well as the overall immunity of the body, will increase. On Wednesday, the accumulated confusion in business and thoughts is cut off with nails. One of the most favorable days for manicure-related procedures.

Cut your nails on Thursday

For those who need to occupy a specific niche in society, it is necessary to cut their nails on Thursday. This day will definitely help you. Those who need to boost their self-confidence should also get their manicure done on Thursday. Moreover, you will extend your life (scientists say that it is indeed possible to increase your life expectancy, but for this you only need to cut your nails regularly on Thursdays), and also get rid of liver diseases.

Cut your nails on Friday

This is recommended for those who want to gain the physical beauty of their body. However, based on some sources, it can be argued that manicure procedures on this day will inevitably lead to some kind of imminent grief. According to other sources, cutting your nails on this day means deliberately dooming your body to a fairly strong slowdown in all biological processes. Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from this procedure on Friday if possible. This is especially true for representatives male half humanity.

Cut your nails on Saturday

But all astrologers without exception recommend cutting your nails on Saturday. Moreover, they claim that this particular day is the most favorable of all seven days of the week. A Saturday manicure will help you believe in yourself and strengthen your general state body. It significantly improves asceticism and relieves you of all “karmic debts.” By the way, it is also recommended to cut your nails on Saturday for those who want to meet their soulmate as quickly as possible.

Cut your nails on Sunday

This is a day off in every sense of the word. No source recommends cutting your nails on Sunday. The fact is that it is on this day that the body gains strength for the entire next week, and the connection with the guardian angels on Sunday is as strong as possible. It is believed that they will not like the fact that a person cuts off a piece of himself. And as a result, you can be left without patronage higher powers for a long time.

Of course, the most important thing is to always ensure that your manicure is in good condition. in perfect order. But if there is an opportunity with the help of this procedure to somehow positively influence your future, why not do it? And why tempt fate by manipulating your nails on days when the stars do not recommend doing this (more precisely, we are talking about Thursday and Sunday). After all, astrology is a serious science based on precise formulas and calculations, so treating it with sarcasm is, at least, not entirely correct.