Empaths feel bad around fake people. Ikea: “people feel less and less at home in rented apartments signs of a fake person that only empaths will understand


About how people live and treat certain objects in their homes. Since 2014, the company has studied morning routines, food, kitchens, and household disagreements. This year's survey took on a more existential tone, exploring themes of loneliness, belonging and the consequences of living in cities.

Two years ago, IKEA surveyed 22,000 people from 22 countries about where they felt “at home.” 20% of respondents said that they do not have such a feeling in their apartment. Two years later, that number had risen by 15% among respondents living in urban areas. In other words, 35% of city residents do not feel at home in their apartment.

On the one hand, people find a sense of belonging outside of ordinary living spaces - in a park or university. In fact, almost a quarter of those surveyed who live with someone feel more comfortable living outside. At the same time, living spaces are increasingly linked to people's livelihoods, with one in four respondents working from home more often.

On the other hand, 53% of young families do not feel that a rented apartment is their home. Only 57% of those surveyed, whether living with family or on their own, feel comfortable in their own apartment, and this number drops to 34% if you live with friends or strangers.

One man from Rome shared that he often hides in his car to find mental solitude. There are many such people: almost half of Americans seek privacy in cars, 72% go to the bedroom for this, 55% go to the bathroom. Only 45% feel comfortable and safe at home. “Life at home is changing dramatically around the world,” the report concluded.

This is consistent with much of the early 20th century research on the changing definition of home. But the surprising thing about this report is that Ikea, being one of the world's largest retail chains selling furniture and home goods, played an important role here. The corporation has more than 400 stores in 25 countries. Last year they were visited 936 million times. Today we are more renters than owners, so inexpensive furniture is a must. Writer Sarah Amandolare noted several years ago that the home has become less permanent than ever, and as a result we have stopped seeing it as a place for self-expression.

Ikea certainly helps people create a sense of comfort and belonging no matter where their home is. The report ends with an interactive quiz asking you questions about how you feel at home. Your responses are noted in an icon and then offered a personalized “manifesto” on how to make time and build community. “Everyone should feel a sense of home comfort, this is important,” the report says.

NEAR, adv., with whom and without additional. 1. One next to the other. We sat down next to each other. I stood next to my brother. Two chairs are standing next to each other. The table was in front of the sofa, and now it was placed next to it. 2. In the neighborhood, near someone. The garden is located next to… Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

See closely, around all the time... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. nearby close, about; near, nearby, close by, not far, nearby, near, next to; side by side, side by side,... ... Synonym dictionary

It didn’t lie [what’s with what]. Razg. What's l. about? unlike anything else, completely different. SPP 2001, 68. Do not sit nearby. Kar. Never seen anyone before. SRGK 5, 609. Walk nearby. Kar. Walk down the street and sing to the accordion. SRGK 5, 609 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

- (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

- “NEAR”, Russia, YANA DRUZ, 1994, color, 68 min. Parable. The main character of the parable is a shepherd dog. The film is intended for adult audiences. Cast: Alexander Bukhartsev, Marina Neelova (see NEELOVA Marina Mstislavovna), Alexander Pashutin (see PASHUTIN... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

Near- see next to whom than, in the sign. preposition 1) In close proximity to someone, something; near, near someone, something. School is close to home. Sit next to your father. Live near the station. 2) In comparison, in comparison, compared with whom, than l. Near … Dictionary of many expressions

adv. 1. Near, about. The mother approached her son and sat down. The boy walked to the bus stop, r. the dog was running. Put p. with whom, than l. (also: equate to whom, what l.). 2. Next door, very close. Live r. Somewhere r. there was a highway. It smelled like mint... encyclopedic Dictionary

near- adv. see also next to 1) Near, about. The mother approached her son and sat down next to the house. The boy was walking to the bus stop, and a dog was running nearby. Place next to/house with someone than l. (also: equate to whom, what l.) 2) Next door, very close. Live in a row/house… Dictionary of many expressions

near- Quite often and (or yes) nearby (colloquial) often, almost always. Such cases happen all the time... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

Suggestion with creativity; = next to Efremova’s Explanatory Dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


  • Next to the father. Memoirs of spiritual children about the holy righteous father John of Kronstadt, “Next to Father” - a book of memories about the holy righteous father John of Kronstadt by those closest to him, spiritual children who communicated with the great shepherd for many years. Thanks to these... Category: Lives of Russian saints, biographies of church figures Publisher: Father's House,
  • Next to the Prime Ministers, David Schechter, 'Next to the Prime Ministers' is documentary evidence of the colossal change in Israeli society that occurred as a result of the arrival of a million-strong Aliyah from the USSR - CIS. Moreover,… Category: Journalism Series: Israel. War and Peace Publisher: Bridges of Culture - Gesharim, Manufacturer:

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I woke up, brushed my teeth, ate breakfast and set off on an unforgettable journey across the expanses of the Galaxy. Sounds intriguing, right? But this is exactly the schedule that Neil deGrasse Tyson, the famous American astrophysicist and popularizer of science, lives on. Every day, watching the stars, Neil is convinced: our life is cooler than any science fiction movie, we just forgot about it. And to remember, you just need to change your perspective.

website I have prepared for you a selection of the most striking, funny and original statements of the scientist. Get inspired and don't forget to look at the sky more often!

1. I look into the night sky and know that we are part of the Universe, we are in it. However, perhaps more important than these two facts is that the Universe is within us. When I think about this, I look up. Many people feel small because the universe is so big. But I feel big because the atoms that make me up were once part of those stars.

2. Our molecules came from stars that once exploded and scattered throughout the galaxy. Take a look at the Universe through the eyes of the participants in this event, and you will feel like you are huge, and not small grains of sand in space. Any astrophysicist looking into space feels big.

3. Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that make up those molecules, originated in the melting pots that were once the cores of heavy stars. These stars spilled their element-rich interiors into galactic space and enriched the primordial clouds of interplanetary gas with the chemistry of life. So we are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the Universe at the atomic level. That's cool, I'd say!

4. Children are not a problem. They are born scientists. The problem is always the adults. They kill children's curiosity. They outnumber children. They vote. Manage resources. That is why in my public work I focus primarily on them.

5. If there was life on Venus, we would probably call it “Venusian” - just as we call people from Mars “Martians”. However, according to the rules of Latin grammar, "associated with Venus" is "venereal". Unfortunately, doctors found this word earlier than astronomers. You can't blame them for this. Sexually transmitted diseases appeared long before astronomy, which itself is only the second oldest profession.

6. Newton discovered the optical laws, the laws of universal gravitation, the general laws of motion, invented differential and integral calculus, found out that white light is a combination of all the others, and then... he turned 26.

7. If people one day become extinct due to some catastrophe, it will be the greatest tragedy in the history of life in the Universe. Not because we weren’t smart enough to protect ourselves, but because we didn’t foresee our end. The dominant species that will replace us on a post-apocalyptic Earth will be left to wonder, from looking at our skeletons in natural history museums, why big-headed Homo sapiens succeeded no more than the chicken-brained prehistoric dinosaurs.

8. To settle once and for all: first there was an egg. Only it was not laid by a chicken, but by another bird.

9. If you claim to be telling the truth, first make sure that it is not just an opinion that you are desperately trying to pass off as such.

10. Science tells the truth, whether you believe it or not.

IF YOU ARE AN EMPATH, YOU CAN'T bear being around insincere people!

By definition, empaths are emotionally sensitive people who absorb the emotions and feelings of others. Sounds like tedious work, right? Imagine being able to absorb all these feelings while being around a fake person. It's puzzling, frustrating and excruciating.

Have you ever spent time with someone who seemed quite nice and kind to look at, but when you were close to them or sat next to them, you felt... terrible? You could barely form a sentence. In a conversational manner, it's because your sensitive antenna is picking up what's wrong. You know that what you see and what is actually happening are not the same, and this usually means that someone is hiding something.

Highly sensitive people need honest, deep, and meaningful relationships with others.
Why empaths behave strangely around insincere people:

Empaths are gifted at reading body language and energy. They do not tolerate lies or deception.

7 signs of a fake person that only empaths will understand:

He acts like a weak-willed person, so others automatically accept him.

He smiles and acts friendly, but in reality he is seething with anger and hatred.

He feels vulnerable and unprotected and tries to act tough.

He forces himself to act in a certain way that goes against his personality.

He constantly says nice things to get recognition.

He lies or exaggerates stories to make others like him.

After recognizing a fake person, empaths behave like this:

Avoid them. It's not that they're doing anything wrong, empaths just don't get positive vibes from them.

They form logical sentences and speak extremely complexly.

They feel fear approaching and discomfort around them. This only dissipates when the fakes go away.

Feel physically ill when spending long periods of time near them.

Feel helpless and exhausted.

Empaths don't think that they are better than anyone, but there are people with whom it is simply impossible to be tolerant.

Increased sensitivity to the world makes them physically and emotionally sick.
For most people, their biggest cause of unhappiness comes from not knowing themselves. When we hide parts of ourselves from the world without knowing why, it hurts us. Be your true and authentic self - it's emotionally liberating!

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Many people feel small because they are small and the Universe is big - but I feel big because my atoms came from those stars. There is a level of interconnection. This is what you really want in life, you want to feel connected, you want to feel important, you want to feel like you are a part of the happenings and events around you. This is what constitutes our essence, just to be alive...

If you want to know what you did in a past life, look at your current state.
If you want to know your future, look at your actions today.

People are the way you want them to be, look at them with kind eyes, and you will feel good, they will too, this will make them even better, and so will you! It's simple!

If you want to achieve a goal, you must “see it happening” in your mind before you actually achieve it.

Selfishness does not mean living the way you want, it is a requirement for others to live the way you want.

What you don't want to do for yourself, don't do to others.

Life doesn't give you the people you want. She gives you the people you need. They hurt you, they love you, they teach you, they break you in order to mold you into who you are meant to be.

If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to a goal, not to people or things.

Living the way you want is not selfishness. Selfishness is when others should think and live the way you want.