How to make a friendship bracelet from beads. Making a DIY Friendship Bracelet

Gift ideas

Every person has his own hobby. For some it is collecting or sports, and for others it is handicrafts. One of the handicraft options is weaving bracelets.

This technique is complex and has its own nuances, but this hobby will be interesting to everyone, and a bracelet as a gift will become a sign of attention for your loved ones. Figuring out how to make a thread bracelet is not at all difficult.

Anyone can master the technique of weaving bracelets from threads; it is necessary to correctly combine colors and select the size of threads, as well as take into account various weaving techniques and nuances.

A small deviation from the count or dimensions can ruin the whole thing and affect the whole job.

Previously, such a product was called a friendship bracelet, since it was given only to friends, however, as the popularity of such a trend as “weaving baubles” grew, bracelets began to be used as a gift to loved ones.

Before weaving a bracelet from threads, You need to prepare some materials:

It is advisable to use floss threads, as they are quite soft, and the choice of colors is varied.

The color combination can be any. A decoration made from one thread color will not look good, so it is recommended to take at least two colors.

Also, floss threads allow you to make the product carefully, since the knots are thin.

The variety and brightness of colors allows you to choose what will really go together.

Crafts can have different shapes and weaving, since everything depends on the imagination and skills of the needlewoman.

However, it is better for beginners to start with simple forms.

Before you make a thread bracelet with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the techniques for making it.

Types of weaving

Exists several weaving methods:

  • oblique;
  • direct.

Initially it is better to use the oblique technique, as it is much easier.

As your weaving skills and proficiency increase, you can use other tactics and weave bracelets in different patterns.

This method is used by most needlewomen: it is much simpler and takes less time to complete.

The essence of the first method is that the pattern consists of knots that run diagonally after each other in different directions.

The most commonly used patterns are diamonds or stripes. Another common pattern is “herringbone”, but they are used less often.

Knitting a product using straight weaving becomes a difficult task for many.

This method requires perseverance and skill.

Usually he used for knitting names on a bracelet, allows you to create ornaments, as well as enter various phrases, usually initials, surnames or testimonies of love and friendship.

That is why this method is considered difficult, since the technique requires a lot of care and free time. In the second case, most often a thread of the same color is used under the background of the ornament.

Usually this color is white or black: both are standard and will fit any pattern.

Here the role is played not so much by the chosen background as by a certain ornament.

Having chosen a complex pattern, not everyone can cope with it, so you need to choose one that you can definitely do.

Before you make a beautiful bracelet, you need to carefully consider who you can give it to and what pattern it will have.

Each idea has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are also important to take into account when creating an ornament.

In addition, you should prepare an element that will indicate the beginning of weaving.

Usually a pin is used for this purpose.

But if it wasn’t at hand, You can always find the following items:

  • clamp;
  • scotch;
  • special tablet.

Before you begin, you need to check that you have all the necessary materials and safely follow the instructions.

Weaving is very similar to knitting, but there is no need for canvas or lining, just having threads on hand.

The design of the bracelet can be anything, it all depends on desire and capabilities. There is no need to start with heavy ones; it is better to first master a simple weaving technique and gradually move on to more complex patterns.

Using a clamp or tape, it is necessary to fasten the beginning of the weaving - the knots, so that they do not get tangled and do not interfere with further work.

You need to distribute them at the required distance and stick them with tape to a pole or table.

It is, of course, easier to knit on the table, since all the necessary materials will be at hand.

Many people find it more convenient to use a tablet for weaving, since they can make the necessary notes on it so as not to forget important details.

The easiest way to weave is in the form of a pigtail or knotted.

It allows you to quickly master the technique and begin more complex projects.

For a braid you need three threads, preferably in different colors, since threads of the same color scheme will not look good.

Braiding is simple.

Each thread is superimposed on the other by interlacing colors.

For a braid, you need to use thick threads, of which there should be a lot.

Yarn is suitable as such a material, but it is very itchy.

When studying the structure of weaving bracelets, you can also learn to read the patterns of various jewelry.

Friendship means a lot to every person, and you want to express your love for a friend in various ways.

One such option is to weave a friendship bracelet.

Design may vary:

  • baubles with friends' names;
  • original bracelet "Friendship".

When choosing the main color For bracelet designs, needlewomen usually choose red - as the color of mutual understanding and love.

Before making a red thread bracelet, you need to think about other dilution colors.

Usually use black or white, as the red color will stand out more clearly.

Usually, a heart or the name of the person for whom the bracelet is intended is chosen as a pattern.

Before starting work, you need to select several threads of different colors that will suit your taste.

At the same time, you need to understand that there should not be too many red threads, so as not to spoil the look of the whole picture.

If you want to make a narrow bracelet, you will need 4-6 threads of different colors.

If the bracelet is wide, you need to use 8-10 pieces.

The more threads are used when weaving a bracelet, the thicker it will be in width.

The size of the thread is selected as follows: you need to take the thread and position it from the tips of your fingers to your shoulder.

This will be the required length of the bracelet.

In this case, you do not need to press the thread too hard against your hand; it should be freely located at the specified distance.

If you have doubts about the length of the thread, it is better to cut it a little longer, as you can eventually remove the excess part.

Thus, it is necessary to prepare threads of all colors.

You can do something more cunning and cut all the rest along the length of the first thread.

Before starting work you must make a small knot at the ends of all the threads and fasten it with a paper clip or attach it to a flat surface so that the threads do not intertwine.

First you need to throw the first thread over the second so that a loop is formed.

You don't need to make the knots on the loops too tight, otherwise the bracelet will look ugly.

It is enough to tighten the knot to maximum tension. The same must be done with all threads. After the knot on the last thread will end, you need to go back to the first one.

This method is considered one of the simplest, which is why most needlewomen like it. In this case, you can use all the materials you have at home and spend less time on work. You will get an original and unique gift that you can give to a friend. It is important to choose the right colors and have the desire, and then the master will definitely be lucky.

The friendship bracelet was worn by Indians a long time ago. In the last century, interest in it returned during the hippie era. Since then, these unusual baubles have not lost popularity. Depending on the complexity, both elementary school students and high school students can make such an accessory. Moreover, now friendship bracelets (baubles made from floss threads) are back in fashion.

You can wear these jewelry with jeans, sundresses, and almost any casual wear. Today it is fashionable to wear not one, or even two, but several bracelets at once.

When choosing a color scheme, it is worth, of course, taking into account what shades your friend most often uses in clothes. But in order not to get into trouble, you need to study what each color symbolizes in the hippie subculture.

If you don’t know how to make a friendship bracelet with your own hands, don’t worry: you’ll probably master the simplest patterns during the school break. I offer an excellent option for weaving just such simple bracelets.

Creating beautiful and meaningful accessories is a lot of fun. But first I suggest you familiarize yourself with basic principlesmaking bracelets:

  • At first, you will need to very well secure the ends of the threads while weaving. They can be connected with a pin or glued to the table with tape; there are also special boards with a clamp.
  • The bracelet should not squeeze the wrist; two fingers should fit freely between it and the hand.
  • The bauble itself or its ends can be decorated with rhinestones, beads, and pendants. This will make the gift more original.
  • Once you start weaving, try not to put it off so as not to get confused with the pattern.

How to make friendship bracelets with hearts

The bracelet with hearts looks very cute and delicate. Plus, it looks different if you make it in different colors.

For weaving you will need floss threads of two colors: 4 threads of one color and four of another.

Fold them one by one, tie them in a knot (about 8 cm from the edge) and secure them in a convenient way. Check that the far right and left threads are the same color.

Now in more detail about how to make friendship bracelets with hearts. Weaving should begin on the left. Make two knots, wrapping the outer thread twice around the next one. Also make two knots, intertwining the same thread with thread No. 3 and No. 4.

Now we repeat all these steps on the right side. This completes the work on the first row. Do the second row exactly the same.

It is necessary to weave the heart. We start work on the left. Using the second thread, you need to intertwine the one on the far left, making two knots each.

We repeat the same steps on the right side. We start weaving from the left again. With the thread that turned out to be the second one, you need to intertwine threads No. 3 and No. 4. On the right side we do everything in the same way.

We weave again on the left: with the thread that turned out to be the second in a row, we weave the leftmost thread twice. On the right we repeat the same thing.

After this, you need to use the thread that turned out to be second from the left to intertwine threads No. 3 and No. 4. Same on the right. The heart is over.

It is necessary to repeat two regular rows (as at the very beginning). Then weave the heart again, and so on until the required length is reached. After this, tie the threads into a knot. That's all!

Friendship bracelets with hearts can also become an original Valentine's card. Having mastered this easy-to-follow pattern, you can move on to weaving baubles with various images, names, and important words.

Today we’ll tell you why friendship bracelets are called that way and what they are like. In the master class you will see one example of how you can weave a bright friendship bracelet with your own hands.

Friendship bracelets are popular among the younger generation. Surely, many of us will remember ourselves at this age, sitting at weaving some kind of bauble with a beautiful pattern. Bracelets were most often made in pairs and given to each other as a sign of friendship, believing that the relationship between the donors would be as strong as the knots in this bracelet. At the same time, the colors in the bracelets had their own meanings, depending on their definition; the combination of colors in the decoration was compiled at the request of the author.
In modern fashion, such bracelets are also in demand. They have come a long way in improvement and today they look quite diverse and original. For work, the authors use floss threads, which are often replaced with waxed or satin cords. But one thing remains unchanged, the main principle of weaving these bracelets is the macrame technique.

Friendship bracelets made from a braid pattern.

Spiral weave friendship bracelets.

Standard friendship bracelets come in a variety of patterns and colors.

Wide friendship bracelets.

Friendship bracelets with various types of weaving.

Modern friendship bracelets, simplified and vice versa, where various types of jewelry accessories have already been added to the work.

Friendship bracelets, Shambhala style.

A friendship bracelet decorated with additional rows of cords, beads, chains, etc.

Friendship bracelets with spacers.

Friendship bracelet using beads and seed beads.

Friendship bracelet decorated with cabochons.

Friendship bracelets, where the weaving is applied to a rigid frame base and decorated with various elements of jewelry fittings.

Non-standard friendship bracelets, with original wicker elements.

Master Class


Waxed black cord - 100 cm

Waxed pink cord - 150 cm

Waxed yellow cord - 150 cm

Tools: scissors.


We place the pink and yellow cord parallel to each other. Next, fold them in half. Where the bend is, we form a loop as shown in the photo diagram and make a knot. The remaining loop will serve as a lock for the future bracelet.

For convenience, press down or secure the edge with a loop and start weaving. Straighten the cords as shown in the picture. In order: yellow, pink, pink, yellow. On top of these cords, place a black cord horizontally. We throw the two outer cords over the black cord.

We also throw the other two outer cords over the line of the black cord, but in the opposite direction. We gradually tighten all the cords to the base. Thus, we wove a black cord into the bracelet. Its segments should be located at the edges of the cords. Now we place the outer sections of the black cord on top of each other in a horizontal position so that they are again on top of the central cords. Again we throw the two outer cords over the black cord. The other two extreme cords, as we remember, are thrown in the opposite direction.

We gradually tighten the pieces of black cord to the base, and then stretch the central cords.

Next, we repeat our steps until the end of the desired length of the bracelet: We place the outer pieces of black cord on top of each other in a horizontal position on top of the central cords. We throw the two outer cords over the black cord. We throw the other two extreme cords in the opposite direction. We tighten it. At the end of the weaving from the residual cords, also make a loop as at the beginning and tie a knot. The remaining threads after the knot can be trimmed and left for beauty or cut off completely.

The friendship bracelet is ready!

Many of us wove multi-colored baubles from floss threads, knot by knot, or received them as a gift from a friend or friend - these are friendship bracelets. And it’s not surprising, because true friendship, like a knot, tightly binds two people. According to one version, baubles made of threads came to us from the culture of the Indians, who exchanged them as a sign of friendship.

It was believed that such a bracelet should be worn until it breaks on its own. In the 60s, baubles became extremely popular among hippies. In addition to the fact that it was a bright decoration that perfectly matched the hippie outfits, they were given the same meaning as the Indians - they were not sold, but given to friends and loved ones as a sign of love, friendship, or just as a keepsake. Nowadays, friendship bracelets have not lost their relevance, because friendship and love are eternal values ​​that cannot be bought with money. A bauble accidentally found in a box of jewelry, given by someone N years ago, evokes bright nostalgic feelings in everyone.

As an accessory, friendship bracelets go well with jeans, bright dresses and hippie-style sundresses; they are great to wear on vacation.

In this photo master class you will see a diagram of how to weave a friendship bracelet with an interesting pattern in the shape of hearts. It is perfect as a gift to your “other half” for Valentine's Day or a memorable date.

What will you need for work?

  • Floss threads 2 colors
  • Adhesive tape or board with a clip
  • Scissors

So, let's begin!

Prepare 4 threads of each color, approximately 60 cm long, for a total of 8 threads. Before tying the threads in a knot, arrange the threads of different colors alternately. Leave the end about 8 cm and tie the threads in a knot.

Secure the threads to the board and divide them into two groups of 4 threads of two colors each. Arrange the threads in each group symmetrically in relation to one another, as if in a mirror image - there should be threads of the same color along the edges.

Now let's start weaving. We start from the left side. Using the leftmost thread (it’s red in the photo), we make a turn around the 2nd thread on the left, we get a knot, as shown in the photo. Pull the red thread to completely tighten the knot. Every time you need to make 2 knots , so let's do it all again.

Continue weaving the red thread around the 3rd and 4th threads, so it should end up in the center. Do not forget that each time you need to make 2 knots in a row around the thread.

Now we move on to the group of threads on the right. We do the same thing, only in the other direction - from right to left. If you did everything correctly, then the rightmost thread, which is your leading thread, should be in the center. This completes the first row.

In the same way we make the second row of binding. Your leading threads will again be the leftmost and rightmost threads (they are blue in the photo). When finished they should be in the center.

We do the same on the other side: with the 2nd thread on the right we make a binding around the rightmost thread.

Now again take the 2nd thread from the left (this time it is red) and make knots around the 3rd and 4th threads, moving it to the middle.

We do the same thing symmetrically with the 2nd from the right red thread.

Now with the 2nd thread from the left (red) we again make 2 knots around the leftmost one. We do the same on the right side.

“Fill” the heart with blue: with the 2nd thread from the left we make knots around the 3rd and 4th threads towards the middle. Likewise on the right side.

Anahit Gevondyan

« Friendship Bracelet»


Embroidery threads

Simple pencil or pen

Cut out a small circle from cardboard.

Determine the middle of the cardboard circle and use a ruler to draw lines, dividing the circle into segments (total 8) Make a small hole in the place where the center is marked, Make small cuts (approximately 5 mm) from the edge of each line.

Embroidery threads must be the same length (approximately 25cm) one or different colors. The ends of the latter must be tied in a knot and the threads must be threaded into the circle so that the knot is on the back side of the circle, and the threads are where the lines are drawn. All threads should be placed in the slot.

Since there are only 7 threads and 8 slots, 1 slot will remain without a thread.

If the weaver is right-handed, then you should hold the knot with your left hand and start weaving with your right.

At the cut that is left without a thread, you should count 1, 2 and transfer the third thread to an empty cell, turn the circle towards you, count again in the same way and again transfer the third thread to an empty cell, and so on in a circle, The braid itself the string will come out of the other side of the cardboard.

After the monochromatic or multi-colored rope is ready - bracelet, you can attach any pendant, small toy or pendant to a string.

Such bracelet could become a symbol children's friendship if everyone does bracelet is not for myself, and for a friend and will give it to him. Or you can make identical pairs bracelet, one of which to keep for yourself, and the second to give to a friend.

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