Su jock massagers. Massage ring on the finger "sujok"


Instructions for use

Massager medical ball with two rings instructions for use


Metal, plastic


Massager Su-Jok (Massage Ball complete with two springs) medical massager for intensive impact complete with two ring springs

It improves blood circulation in the area of ​​application, affects individual parts of the body and organs, as well as reflexively on all body systems.

Su-Jok acupuncture is the latest achievement of Eastern medicine. Each person can easily master the first stage of Su-Jok therapy and, without resorting to a doctor and medicines, help themselves and their loved ones.

Su-Jok therapy is high efficiency, safety and simplicity.

Su - brush, Jock - foot. The systems of correspondence of all organs of the body on the hands and feet are a "remote control" designed so that a person can maintain himself in a state of health by influencing certain points.

Su-Joya therapy can be attributed to the best methods of self-help. currently existing.

With the help of rings, it is convenient to massage your fingers - this has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Action massager "ring":

Increases the overall tone of the body;

Increases efficiency, potency;

It has a preventive general strengthening effect.

During the ring massage, a large number of points and zones located on the fingers and toes, which correspond to the organs and areas of the body, are simultaneously stimulated. Since the fingers are miniature projections of the limbs and the entire body, finger massage allows you to have a therapeutic effect on the human body as a whole.

In the massaged area, the capillary network expands, in the diseased organ, corresponding to certain points on the fingers, blood circulation and conductivity of nerve endings increase. These processes improve tissue trophism.

An excellent prophylactic for maintaining a high level of the functional state of the body, preventing cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, migraine, arthritis, rehabilitation of the body during the recovery period. Relaxes muscles and ligaments, promotes the restoration of the musculoskeletal system.

Finger massage is a powerful tool for the prevention and treatment of arthritis of the interphalangeal joints. It is recommended to massage the fingers after hard work with the hands, especially for musicians, doctors, athletes, after lifting weights, hypothermia of the hands.

Su-Jok massager: spiked massage ball complete with two ring springs

The massage ball is available in four colors: blue, yellow, red, green

We draw your attention to possible variations in the color design of the product.

Delivery is subject to stock availability.

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Along with traditional medicine, non-traditional treatment methods are widely used in the world, among which su jok therapy (acupuncture) occupies an important place. The advantages of this technique are its efficiency, availability and safety. Su Jok therapy can save a person from any disease. The only reason why a treatment technique can be ineffective is its incorrect application. Su jok methods are available for use at home, they do not require special knowledge and skills. Most people who have experienced the magical results of su jok therapy have given up drug treatment forever.

The founder of the direction of alternative medicine that is so popular today is the South Korean professor Pak Je-woo (1942-2010), who began to develop his methodology as a student, studying oriental medicine at the university. The doctor noticed that the hand very much resembles the human structural system: in both the first and second cases, 5 protruding parts can be observed. In the hand, these parts are 5 fingers, and in the body - the head and 2 pairs of limbs. The scientist found correspondences to all organs and systems of the body on the surface of the palm and foot of a person. After reviewing all the medical and philosophical literature, Pak Jae-woo did not find a single mention of correspondence systems and began to independently develop a completely new treatment technique, which is known to us as su jok therapy (translated from Korean, su is a hand, jok is a foot ). Professor Park Jae-woo published a large number of scientific papers on su jok methods throughout his life. These books have become a salvation for many patients who, having become disillusioned with the possibilities of traditional medicine, clutched at the eastern technique as a saving straw. Having studied the simple health-improving techniques of su jok, they began to help themselves on their own and almost always recovered.

According to the correspondence system used by su jok therapists, the nail phalanx of the thumb is the reflection of the head on the hand, and the neck is projected onto its lower phalanx. Parts of a person's face can easily be found on the pad of the thumb: in the place where the pattern on the skin converges, there is a nose, on the sides above it are the eyes, and under the nose is the mouth.

thumb - head

From the second phalanx of the finger (neck), the nasopharynx, part of the lungs, thyroid and parathyroid glands are projected onto the palmar surface.

Palm matching system

According to the correspondence system, on the tenor of the palm (elevation above the thumb), there is an area of ​​​​the chest with the lungs, heart, trachea and skeletal system. On the remaining surface of the inner side of the hand are the organs of the abdominal cavity. If we conditionally divide this part of the palm into 3 horizontal sections, then the upper one will contain the liver, gallbladder, stomach, duodenum, pancreas and spleen. The small and large intestines are projected onto the central part of the palm. The lower level of the inner side of the hand is occupied by the zone of correspondence to the organs of the small pelvis (in women - the uterus and appendages, in men - the prostate gland).

The index finger and little finger are responsible for the condition of the hands, and the middle and ring fingers are responsible for the health of the legs. The kidneys and the entire spine, from the cervical region to the coccyx, are located on the back of the hand.

In the same way, all organs and parts of the human body are projected onto the foot. On the right and left limbs there are identical systems of correspondence to the whole body.

Especially effective is the use of the massager "MASSAGE BALL" in speech therapy and defectology.

The famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky owns the statement: "The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers." Indeed, the speech and intellectual development of a person depends on how well the subtle movements of the hands are developed. Su-jok therapy (“su” - hand, “jok” - foot) is gaining more and more recognition among teachers, speech therapists, speech pathologists.

One of the practical tools of "su-jok" is a massage miracle ball with elastic rings. The ball can stimulate the zones on the palms, and the massage rings are put on the fingers.

As the practical experience of using su-jok therapy shows, it activates the development of a child's speech, has a stimulating effect on the speech areas in the cerebral cortex, contributes to the correction of pronunciation (sound automation), the development of lexical and grammatical categories, and the improvement of spatial orientation skills.

In addition, systematic massage and various games with su-jok balls and rings allow:

Normalize muscle tone (which is especially important for children with various movement disorders, cerebral palsy, minimal brain dysfunction);

Activate interhemispheric interaction, synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain;

Stimulate speech areas in the cerebral cortex;

Increase the energy level of the child, develop tactile sensitivity;

To develop the cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres of the child.


Removal of pain of various origins and restoration of mobility in muscles and joints, increased efficiency, normalization of blood circulation, arthritis, including rheumatic.

Other indications depending on the individual characteristics of the body.


There are no contraindications to self-treatment with stimulants such as the Massage Ball, especially since a person cannot harm himself in this way.

Mode of application


Roll the "Massage Ball" between the palms or massage the feet for 10-15 minutes 2 times a day.

The annular spring is put on the finger and rolled intensively until the massaged finger becomes permanently red. Since the whole body is projected onto each finger, such a massage also has a preventive, general healing effect.

The time and strength of the impact are individual for each person and are determined empirically. The feeling of warmth indicates a high effectiveness of the impact.

If necessary, consult with your doctor about the individual features of the use of the "Massage ball" complete with two ring springs.

According to the canons of oriental medicine, our hands and feet are a miniature model of the whole organism. Here there are zones of correspondence to all parts of the body, each of which has its own “representation” in the form of biologically active points.

Massaging the reflex areas, we get rid of various diseases, we achieve a significant increase in efficiency and mood. Su-jok massager allows you to perform the procedure quickly, easily and professionally, without the help of a specialist.

Thematic material:

Everything ingenious is simple. These words can be fully attributed to the su-jok massager. An elementary device that looks like a part from a children's designer brings invaluable benefits to a person, strengthening health, developing motor and intellectual abilities.

The classic set consists of:

  • A ball covered with frequent spikes 1.5 mm long. It is squeezed in the hands, rolled with the palms or feet to have a point effect on the reflex zones. The massager is completely safe: it is impossible to injure the skin during the procedure, because the tips of the needles are slightly rounded. And the medical plastic used as a raw material eliminates the risk of developing allergic reactions. Lightweight and durable, this material will not burst or split under heavy weight and intense compression. The ball consists of two halves that can be untwisted and used for static impact on paired points. After the session, the parts can be washed and disinfected.
  • Two elastic rings of different sizes, made of strong springs. They are put on the fingers or toes and rolled at different paces until a slight redness and a feeling of warmth appear. Thus, it is possible to massage the points located along the circumference and responsible for the work of various internal organs: lungs, heart, stomach, intestines. To eliminate the risk of swelling and the development of inflammation, leaving a ring on your finger is not recommended.

It is not by chance that su-jok massagers are produced in several colors. Each of them symbolizes one of the six Energies that govern the human body, reveals and enhances it.

So a green massager is used when there is a deficiency of Wind energy, which is responsible for the functioning of the gallbladder, liver, joints, and intestines. Yellow - adds Humidity, correcting the lymph flow and the condition of the spine. Blue - brings with it Cold, reducing swelling, body temperature, fighting inflammatory and purulent processes.

Types of massagers

Su-jok is one of the youngest methods of alternative medicine, but it is based on the centuries-old experience of oriental reflexology. In fact, it is a kind of acupuncture massage. We know that biologically active points are tiny, about a centimeter in diameter, areas where a large number of nerve endings are concentrated. It is not always possible to qualitatively work them out with your hands, so su-jok masters widely use various devices during the session. In addition to classic balls and spring rings, these can be:

Traditionally, therapists use plant seeds as massage applicators, which not only stimulate acupuncture points, but also transfer part of their energy potential to a person. Therefore, it is important to choose seeds that are alive and capable of germination. In diseases of the internal organs, “massagers” of a similar shape are used: for problems with the kidneys, beans will help, grains of buckwheat will heal the lungs, figured bones of viburnum will support the heart, black peppercorns will restore vision.

They are attached to the corresponding reflex points with a plaster and several times within an hour and periodically pressed against the body with force, sending a signal asking for healing to the brain.

The use of massagers in health practice

No one is surprised by the use of su-jok in a clinical setting. After all, this massage, which has practically no contraindications, has long been recognized by doctors and is recommended as an effective remedy for:

  • Headache - alternately for 2-3 minutes, press the ball to a hard surface with fingertips.
  • Insomnia - with a ring massage the zones of correspondence to the back of the head, cervical spine and epiphysis, located on the thumb.
  • Osteochondrosis - roll a ring along the fingers where, in accordance with the insect system, there is a projection of the spinal column. The manipulation is repeated until a persistent sensation of warmth appears.
  • Pain in the heart, tachycardia, shortness of breath and an increase in anxiety associated with these conditions - for 2-3 minutes, press the needle surface of the ball on the area corresponding to the heart.
  • Gastritis, pancreatitis, impaired intestinal motility - massage the areas indicated in the picture. The fingers are rubbed with a spring ring, the palms and feet are rolled with a spiked ball.
  • Liver dysfunctions - actively push the lower part of the palm and sole with a needle surface.
  • Violation of the kidneys - put a ring on the index finger and massage it intensively.

The site responsible for the failed organ is not difficult to find: it becomes very sensitive and responds to pressure with sharp pain, numbness, burning or tingling. By massaging this area, we send a signal to the brain that a problem has arisen that requires an urgent solution, and we immediately receive a response command aimed at normalizing the disturbed functions. Thus, it becomes possible to cope with the disease due to the internal reserves of the body, without the help of medicines and other means of therapy.

Massage balls for children

The first seven years of life account for the most rapid, most intensive development of a small person. After all, during this period, his internal organs are formed and improved, personal qualities are laid, character formation takes place, the foundation of physical and mental health is created. That is why it is so important in childhood to pay great attention to the prevention of diseases, strengthen the immune system, and comprehensively develop the baby.

Educational standards recommend that parents and teachers use health-saving technologies when working with children, including su-jok gymnastics. Bright prickly balls are usually very popular with children and turn the procedure of a boring and incomprehensible massage into a fun game.

What problems are used

Classes and exercises with su-jok balls and rings are used for preventive purposes, as well as for the treatment of a number of diseases. This is an emergency for:

  • a cold;
  • nasal congestion;
  • angina;
  • cough;
  • toothache or headache.

Elements of su-jok therapy are used for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities. Particularly good indicators are observed in children suffering from impaired motor and mental activity: cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism.

Most often, a masseur in their practice is used by speech therapists. The well-known statement of the classic of Soviet pedagogy V.A. Sukhomlinsky that the child's mind is at his fingertips is based on the anatomical features of the structure of the cerebral cortex. The centers responsible for speech and fine motor skills practically overlap each other. So, by training the baby's ability to make fine coordinated finger movements, we teach him to speak, develop diction, memory, logical thinking, eliminate various speech disorders, even such severe ones as dysarthria.

How to use a massager

The leading activity for young children is the game. Therefore, all therapeutic and preventive classes should be held in an exciting, fun, and most importantly, accessible and interesting form.

It is possible to effectively train the coordination of the movement of the handles and stimulate the reflex points:

  • Holding the ball in an open palm.
  • Squeezing it in a fist.
  • Pressing fingers on the needles.
  • Grasping the ball with three fingers: thumb, index, middle.
  • Rolling the "hedgehog" between the palms or on a flat surface.
  • Moving it from the fingertips to the wrist joint and back.
  • Tossing the ball and trying to catch it with one or both hands.
  • Massaging each finger with a spring ring.

All these manipulations are built into an interesting game plot, accompanied by songs, poems or nursery rhymes. How educators do it, the article "Su-jok therapy for children: how to turn treatment into a fun game" will tell.

Buying su-jok massagers will not be a problem. They are sold in any pharmacy at a price of 50 to 100 rubles. A set with magnetic balls of different diameters, allowing you to work out the hands and feet, costs a little more - about 350 rubles.

Simple balls and rings actually turn out to be magical. After all, they return to a person the most valuable thing in life - health. And it cannot be otherwise, because these massagers are auxiliary means for the healing system, donated to us by nature itself.

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  • In our online store ECOORGANIC or by phone: 8 (495) 133-61-74
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How much does Su-Jok cost: a ball and 2 rings massager for intense impact?

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One of the important elements of treatment in the systems of the hands and feet (Su Jok) is the massage of the zones corresponding to the affected organs and areas of the body. Among the various devices for massage, the most popular is the elastic spring ring - Su Jok massage ring (massage ring), which has many protruding corners on each turn of the spiral, which is convenient for uniform stimulation of the selected area.

Spring rings (massage rings) are called elastic, as they stretch well. But to get the greatest effect, it is better to choose a massage ring in size. When rolling the massager over your fingers, a pleasant feeling of tight coverage and light squeezing should appear. Massage with a ring that is too tight quickly causes discomfort, which forces the patient to shorten the duration of the procedure. In addition, sometimes tight massage rings damage the delicate skin of the fingers. Massage with a ring, weakly covering the finger, is less effective.

The massage technique in Su Jok is simple: a massage ring is put on a finger or toe and rolled either over the entire finger or along its part until a slight hyperemia appears and a feeling of warmth in the massaged area. By moving the fingers of the hand supporting the massage ring along its circumference, you can adjust the degree of pressure and, consequently, the force of impact on different points of the massaged area. At the same time, the most painful points of Su Jok are massaged especially carefully.

The elastic ring (Su Jok massage ring) allows you to influence the correspondence zones located not only on the fingers, but also on the palms, feet, auricles, face and other parts of the body. To do this, the ring put on the finger of the hand is rolled along the correspondence zone, for example, along the correspondence to the spine on the hand or in the area of ​​the projection of the kidneys in the standard Su Jok correspondence system.

The ring massage procedure does not require much effort, is painless and, most importantly, pleasant to the patient.

Elastic Su Jok massage ring allows you to simultaneously produce rapid and intense stimulation of multiple Su Jok points located around the circumference of your finger. Therefore, ring massage is indicated in the treatment of diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, trauma, disc herniation, etc.), large joints and long bones).

Ring stimulation (Su Jok massage ring) causes expansion of the capillary network in the massaged area, and in the corresponding diseased organ - increased blood circulation and nerve conduction and, as a result, improved tissue trophism. This effect explains, in particular, the successful use of massage rings for skin lesions, trophic ulcers, osteomyelitis, osteoporosis and nonunion fractures.

In the recovery period after a stroke, the therapeutic effect is achieved by stimulating the area corresponding to the head with an elastic massage ring, and special attention should be paid to the projection of the affected area of ​​the brain. With paresis and paralysis of the limbs, the fingers corresponding to the paralyzed arms and legs are massaged with a ring. This not only improves the function of the limbs, but also affects the state of the affected part of the brain, since in the large system of the "insect" the brain is projected onto the fingers.

Finger massage with a massage ring is indicated for vegetative-vascular dystonia, diseases accompanied by cold extremities, a feeling of muscle weakness and pain. It is useful to combine it with a massage of the Su Jok correspondence areas of the head, heart and spine.

In cases of varicose veins, lymphostasis, stagnation of bile and other conditions associated with impaired movement of biological fluids, elastic massage rings are also successfully used: when moving the massage ring in the direction of fluid movement, they press it with their fingers, and in the opposite direction, the massager is passively rolled without pressure .

Depending on the intensity of the procedure, Su Jok massage with a massage ring has a relaxing or tonic effect. Soft slow movements with a massage ring with a gradual increase or decrease in the force of pressure on the ring cause relaxation, which is used, for example, for muscle spasms in athletes, with an increase in muscle tone in infants and patients with cerebral palsy.

Intensive Su Jok massage with a ring of fingers is indicated to strengthen and increase the tone of the muscles of the affected limb in case of injuries, paresis, paralysis.

Su Jok finger massage with a massage ring can also be considered as a general massage of the whole body in the “insect” systems. It has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole: it enhances metabolic processes in obesity, increases nonspecific resistance to infections, normalizes appetite and sleep, relieves fatigue and stress, improves blood circulation, raises vitality, and restores broken connections.

If the disease is acute and caused by the predominance of Hetero-tendencies, then Su Jok massage ring made of silver metal is used for treatment. For the correction of homo-conditions and chronic diseases, a golden elastic massage ring is used.

Assessing the disease according to the Six Energies, you can choose a Su Jok massage ring of the appropriate color: the green ring is used when there is a lack of Wind energy, the red one - when it is necessary to add Heat, the orange one is used in case of weakening the Heat in the diseased organ, the yellow ring will increase the energy of Humidity, the white ring will bring energy Dryness, black - Cold.

Thus, massage with a massage ring provides not only mechanical stimulation of painful points in the Su Jok correspondence system, but also a correction of the energy state. This is an excellent therapeutic and preventive method of Su Jok, which can be used as an independent or in combination with other types of influence, including for self-help and mutual help. Therefore, the doctors and patients of Su Jok unanimously called the elastic massage ring a "miracle" ring.

Based on the materials of Su Jok Academy

tatiana grebneva

The influence of manual (manual) influences on the development of the human brain was known as early as the 2nd century BC. e. In China, experts say that games involving hands lead to a harmonious relationship between body and mind.

Currently, non-traditional forms and means of working with children are attracting more and more attention. Sujok therapy is one of them (“Su” in Korean means hand, “jok” means foot). Only those points that are located on the hands and feet are used for exposure. Su-jok therapy can be aimed at influencing the areas of the cerebral cortex in order to prevent and correct speech disorders. Su-jok is also used to strengthen the small muscles of the hand. This procedure significantly improves fine motor skills of the hands.

Su - Jok - massagers are used in the form of massage balls, complete with massage metal rings. The ball can stimulate the zones on the palms, and the massage rings are put on the fingers.

With the help of balls - "hedgehogs" with rings, children like to massage their fingers and palms, which has a beneficial effect on the whole body, as well as on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, thereby contributing to the development of speech.

Su-Jock massage with balls. (children repeat words and perform circular movements with a ball on their palm)

The cat sat on the palm,

Scratched a little

Played, played

And ran away somewhere.

(First, they perform circular movements with a ball on the palm, then roll on each finger, starting with the big one)

Mice run in circles

One after another, one after another!

The mice stole the cheese

The mice are having a feast!

The mice lead a round dance,

The mustachioed cat divides the cheese:

Here you have a piece

Wrap it up in a scarf!

Here's a piece of cheese for you

Wash it down with kefir!

Here you go, don't miss it

Quickly eat up.

And you got a piece

You didn't go hungry.

And the last one, finally!

That's the cat, well done!

Finger massage with an elastic ring. (Children alternately put massage rings on each finger, starting with the thumb, reciting a finger gymnastics poem)

finger boy,

Where have you been?

With this brother I went to the forest,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother

This finger wants to sleep.

(Alternately put the ring on the fingers of the left hand, then the right.)

I love walking around the city

Nevsky - time. Winter - two.

Three - beautiful Neva,

And four - Palace Bridge,

Five - I walk along the garden.

I'll go to Isaac at six

And look at the dome.

Seven - of course, the Summer Garden,

How beautiful is his dress!

Eight - a fortress near the Neva,

You were probably there.

Nine - met me

Bronze Horseman on horseback.

Ten - around the corner

I see the Narva Gate.

(Starting with the little finger, shake your hands on the last two lines of the poem)

This finger wants to sleep

This finger - jump into bed,

This finger curled up

This finger is already asleep.

Hush finger, don't make noise

Don't wake up your brothers.

Fingers up - hooray!

It's time to go to kindergarten!

There are a lot of poems for finger games, and with any one you can have a small massage.

Using Su-Jok balls to develop memory and attention.

Children follow the instructions: put the ring on the little finger of your right hand, take the ball in your right hand and hide it behind your back, etc.; the child closes his eyes, the adult puts the ring on any of his fingers, and he must name which finger of which hand is wearing the ring. Thus, attention, memory and the ability to work according to instructions develop, which is very important for success in school.

Dots on palms:

dots on fingers

With young children, it is better to start the massage with soft "cat" balls.

If you carelessly, relaxedly perform the exercises, then there will be no effect. We need to pay special attention to training movements that we do not do in everyday life. It is this training of children's fingers that gives a visible and quick effect.

Sujok therapy is another method of preparing preschoolers for learning to write.

In a group, with the help of su-jok balls, we memorize poems, and come up with sentences and fix the score. The children really like it, they themselves remind: “We didn’t roll balls today.”

Photos of children are posted with the permission of the parents.

Materials used:

Yandex. Pictures

Tsvyntary VV We play with fingers and develop speech. - St. Petersburg. Publishing house "Lan", 2002.

Nishcheva N.V. Card file of outdoor games, physical education, finger gymnastics.