Is it possible to sell a wedding dress? There are different opinions. Selling a wedding or wedding dress - is it possible?

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Hello. Please tell me, is it possible to sell a wedding dress? They signed and got married in it. I heard that you can’t sell veils and shoes. And there are a lot of contradictions about the dress. Thank you in advance


Valentina, you can do as you wish with the dress, the veil, and other items of your wedding wardrobe. There are no special church rules in this regard, and everything else is superstition or prejudice.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! Father, please tell me, is it acceptable for a wedding to wear a dress that barely covers the knees and with sleeves above the elbow? Is it possible to get married on April 27?


Nina, such “technical” issues, as well as the wedding date, must be discussed with the priest with whom you are planning to get married. I think, however, it is unlikely that you will have time to agree on the wedding on April 27.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, please tell me, my husband and I want to get married, what clothes should we wear for the wedding? Is it possible to rent a dress for a wedding? Thank you.


Hello Milana. Can be rented. The dress should be light, strict, without a neckline and with long sleeves. The man, of course, is in a classic suit.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Good day! Please tell me, as far as I know, you can get married twice and get married three times, but the third time without getting married, is that so? A friend of mine says that you can only get married once in your life, the second time will definitely be unhappy, God will not give happiness to a woman or a man if, after getting divorced, a person decides to start a family again, she drew this conclusion from her situation with marriage. Can a woman wear white? Wedding Dress, if she gets married or is getting married for the third time? They say that under no circumstances should you wear it, otherwise you will be unhappy for the rest of your life; you can wear a dress of any color except white. Is it true that the groom cannot see the bride in a wedding dress before the wedding, otherwise the groom will be disappointed in the bride and the wedding dress cannot be worn just like that, for example, for a photo or something else? Or is it all fables and superstitions?


"About White dress“- no comments, everything described is gross superstition. The Church blesses no more than three church marriages (this means weddings); the registry office is not discussed in the canons at all. Another thing is that now there is no point in marrying many people even once. Too frivolous. But if a person repents for the mistakes of his first marriage, he becomes a Christian not just in words, he next marriage may well be happy and saving. There are enough examples.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Good afternoon What remains from my parents (unfortunately, they are no longer there) are wedding candles, rings and my mother’s wedding dress. Do I need to light these candles or just store them? And is it possible to wash a wedding dress?


Marina. Wedding candles can be lit or stored – at your discretion. The wedding dress can also be washed.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, father. During the wedding, namely, when we walked around the lectern, I fell behind my husband and the priest, and they went ahead a little. Almost six months have passed, and it’s unpleasant for me to remember everything. I don’t believe in omens, and there are no such signs. Every day I worry about my inattention. Are such cases common during weddings?


Hello Maria! All this is simply, let’s say, “technical issues” related to the pomp of clothing, and not related to the sacrament itself. It happens that witnesses step on the dress, and the veil falls to one side. Don't blame yourself. Well, if your thoughts don’t give you peace at all, I advise you to confess.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, I'm going to go to church for confession. I don’t wear skirts, can I come in trousers, but wear a raincoat on top just below the knees?


Dear Svetlana, imagine that you came to a restaurant and told the doorman at the entrance: I don’t wear evening suits, can I go into the hall in a quilted jacket, overalls and tarpaulin boots? Each place has its own generally accepted dress code. A cheap skirt in a second-hand store costs about a hundred rubles. You can buy it specifically for visiting the temple, I hope that you will come there more than once, and will visit the House of God more or less regularly. Besides, a dress and a skirt make a woman look so beautiful that they should be at least in small quantity, in any woman's wardrobe.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Hello! My husband and I got married on the day of marriage registration at the registry office, I was in a wedding dress. Can this dress be sold?


Elena, why can’t you sell a wedding dress? If the things are good and expensive, and you can get some money for them, then, of course, the dress, without any doubt, can be sold. Before you sell the dress, you need to sprinkle it with Holy water, since this must be done when the owner changes and when buying new things. There is in the prayer book short prayer for the laity, it’s called “At the consecration of every thing,” you can sprinkle the dress yourself, and then calmly sell it.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, father! During her lifetime she gave her dress to her friend, but after some time she died suddenly. At the funeral, I saw that she was buried in this dress! Her mother says that she didn’t know about it, and that it’s okay, because I gave it to her during my lifetime, and I was very scared! I don’t mind the dress at all, I’m afraid it doesn’t pose a danger to me? Then her mom gave me her things, can I wear them? I didn’t want to take it, again out of fear, but I couldn’t refuse. I know that my deceased friend would share with pleasure, and if she sees us, she doesn’t feel sorry. Can you please tell me what to do? Maybe my fears are simply due to the great stress from losing a friend, maybe I need to go to church? Thank you in advance.


Yes, Elena, your fears are completely unfounded. Please throw such superstitions out of your head: firstly, they have nothing to do with reality, and, secondly, they simply darken life.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father! Please explain the reason for the rule of women wearing skirts in the temple and the fact that they are not supposed to enter the temple in trousers? It is clear that each gender has its own clothing. But even priests don’t wear trousers and jeans in churches. And also, what is the reason for the fact that women must enter with their heads covered, and men vice versa? I really want to know. Thank you.


Lyudmila, at the beginning, let's immediately separate the spiritual vestments that priests wear from the ordinary secular clothes that lay people wear - the fact that priests do not wear suits or shirts with jeans to services is not an argument here.
And about the need to wear clothing appropriate to the sex, it is said in the Holy Scriptures: “A woman should not wear men's clothing, and a man should not dress in women's dress For whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God" (Deut. 22:5).
Regarding a woman's head being covered during prayer, please read the First Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians, chapter 11, verses 1 to 19.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello. There is one question regarding traditions. I heard from friends that unmarried girls It is customary to be buried in a wedding dress. Is there really such a tradition? What is it due to? Is she Orthodox? Thanks in advance for your answer.


Dear Alexey, this tradition, in my opinion, is religiously neutral and simply expresses the grief of loved ones that the deceased did not experience the joys of marriage and motherhood. There is no need to introduce it in areas where there is no such tradition, but it is also not worth fighting it if there are no superstitions around this ritual.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Good afternoon I have a question: what clothes should women wear to visit the Temple, skirts or trousers? I myself started visiting the Temple recently and noticed that almost all women come in skirts, but some also wear trousers and even tracksuits! Is there some kind of dress code for visiting Church, or maybe you can “run” into the church in a robe (excuse the sarcasm, father)?


Irina, in Old Testament times people were stoned to death for wearing clothes of the opposite sex. There were no trousers for women. In our, it must be said, godless times, both the clergy and bishops reason like this: it is better to come to church in trousers than not to come at all because of trousers. But when attempts begin to “legalize” this for women new type clothes, this is where the inflection begins. A woman must dress in clothes of her gender: a dress or blouse with a skirt and have a headdress. It is pious, feminine, graceful, beautiful and holy. And moreover, it does not cause any temptation - and temptation is unacceptable in the Church.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good afternoon Please tell me, is it possible to sell the wedding dress you wore when you got married?


Although the thought of this may cause superstitious fear, there are no prohibitions in this regard. On the contrary, sometimes pragmatism - best medicine from superstitions.

Deacon Ilia Kokin

Hello, father! Please tell me, is it obligatory for a woman to wear a skirt to church? I have always thought and believed that God first of all looks at his heart, so that it is open for communication, kind, filled with love, and what a person comes with is up to him to decide. Am I thinking correctly? Thanks for the answer.


Hello, Evgeniya! A person who just crosses the threshold of the temple finds himself in a world completely unknown to him, living according to his own rules that are not always understandable to the “newcomer”. One of the first rules he becomes acquainted with is the requirement for appearance. These requirements are Orthodox church(no headdress for men, skirt and headscarf for women, modest and neat appearance for everyone) is known to almost everyone these days. To our contemporaries they seem outdated, testifying to inert, “illiberal” church thinking. "After all, God looks at the heart, and not at appearance person!" they say. Church arguments seem unconvincing to them.
However, in the spiritual life of a Christian, everything matters: appearance, behavior, and internal structure. And these days, the requirements for appearance not only have not lost their meaning, but have also acquired a new meaning.
The Holy Scripture says: “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, and a man must not put on a woman’s clothing, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God” (Deut. 22:5). This was also the teaching of the Church Fathers: Tertullian, St. Cyprian of Carthage, and St. Ambrose of Milan. Agree, after all, clothing should correspond to gender, age and place, and most importantly, to Christian identity.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello Father! Please tell me one question. When I buried my mother, I dressed her in something old and ugly (unfortunately, I didn’t know about the customs), and now my conscience is tormenting me. I already bought a new one for her nice outfit, but I don’t know what to do with it. Tell me what to do.


Don’t worry, it’s better to give the new dress to someone close to your mother or someone simply in need to commemorate her soul.

Deacon Ilia Kokin

I bought a dress for a wedding, white with red flowers, my husband had a red shirt. I heard that the priest can refuse a wedding. Previously, in Rus', young ladies in red dresses got married. Will they marry us now? I really want to get married.


Of course, the priest is unlikely to refuse a wedding because of the color of the dress; this is not specified anywhere. The main thing in a Wedding is not the color of the dress, but the very meaning of this Sacrament, which creates a new Christian family, you can find about him detailed information, including on our website, via the links http://site/Arhiv/??cid=2&id=264

Deacon Ilia Kokin

Hello, father! One question bothers me. WITH ex-husband we got divorced and divorced 2.5 years ago. We lived together for almost 12 years. We have been in court for almost a year now over the division of our joint home. I went through a lot during this time. I ask the Lord to enlighten him, to stop ex-husband do me harm. After the wedding, the dress and ring remained. One day I decided to collect the rings that he gave and take them to church. I asked them to decorate the Miraculous Icon of the Kazan Mother of God with them, which I love very much and feel helped by. And then I accidentally heard that you can’t give your wedding ring to anyone, especially to the Mother of God, otherwise I supposedly “got married” to her. I want a family again, I love one person. What do i do? Did I do something wrong? And what to do with the dress? I tried to sell it, but for six months there was not a single person willing to buy it...


Hello, Natalia! I think that if you think carefully yourself, you will understand that “getting married” to Holy Mother of God There's no way you can do it. Moreover, simply by giving a ring to decorate Her icon. They donated a ring - and thank God! Do not forget to turn to the Mother of God in prayer yourself. You are free to do as you wish with your dress.

Priest Alexander Gumerov

Hello, father, bless. My question is: is it possible to sell the wedding dress I wore in the church?


There are no church regulations or rules in this regard, and throw away superstitions and forget about them. Another thing is that for most women, a wedding dress is a symbol of new life, purity of thoughts and desires, joy and love, which many strive to preserve as a memory of a joyful event. I hope this desire of yours is not dictated by something negative in your relationship with your spouse, and you are not going to get a divorce and run away different sides? Or is this how you plan to solve your financial difficulties? In any case, think before you implement what you have planned, and I would advise - it’s better to save it, remembering when you look at it one of the happiest days of your life.

Priest Alexander Babushkin

Father bless! I have a question. Modern fashion focused on immoral clothing. In this regard, I have difficulty purchasing skirts and dresses of decent length on the market (I live in a village). I like Muslim clothing Long Dresses, skirts. Is it possible for an Orthodox Christian woman to purchase and wear Muslim clothing?


God bless you!

I don’t quite understand what you mean by the term “Muslim clothing”? After all, not everything sewn by Muslim hands is ritual, directly related to a person’s religiosity. Yes, in general, the clothes are Tatar, Uzbek - brighter than Russian, but it does not necessarily imply wearing, for example, a burqa. Of course it's impossible Orthodox woman wear clothes directly associated with Islam (hijab, etc.). But I think, most likely, the question is not posed that way. You just need to take the trouble to choose the one that suits your taste or, as has been customary for centuries, sew it yourself not only for yourself, but also for the whole family. After all, it seems like a universal tradition to buy ready-made clothes exists no more than 50 years. But little has changed in village life over the years. Unless people... Well, it’s time to learn at least to a small extent what our ancestors were fluent in - sewing, knitting, cooking, and knowledge in general household. Very soon, when your neighbors eat exclusively products with the Doshirak brand and wear tasteless clothes from popular brands, your children will learn from you and rejoice: “Mom can do everything!” God help you.

Archpriest Ilia Shapiro

Good afternoon, this is the second time I’m writing to you and I really want to get an answer. Please tell me why the church is not open late in the evening, why you can’t come to the temple at night and pray, why they don’t let people there, it turns out that it’s almost impossible to talk to the priest, because he can only do this in the presence of other people... And one more thing one question - I will soon have a baby, and we plan to have a wedding on April 21, immediately after the end of Lent, without a wedding for now, and my grandmother alone advised not to have a wedding until Radonitsa, she says that neither you yourself will live, nor your children will have a life , although all their lives they knew that weddings were held on the Red Hill... and how does the church feel about pregnant women wearing a white dress and veil, are there any prohibitions in this area? Thanks in advance for your answer, I really hope you can help me...
2. I apologize, but I have one more question - I was baptized under one name, and then, apparently for safety reasons, I was baptized a second time, in the church they said that I had never been baptized, but the name on my passport remained the same, now The question is - will such a sin affect me? I was little when this procedure was performed and didn’t quite understand, and now I don’t even know under which name to light a candle for my health, in the end I put two, for two names, but this is not right... what should I do?


Hello Inna, sorry for the delay in response. Churches are usually open from morning until evening services. There is no such practice for the church to be open all day long. Even in monasteries where monks live and they don’t seem to have to go home, the church is closed after the evening service. But this does not mean that God stops hearing our prayers - you can pray anytime and anywhere. As for the wedding, I think they may well meet you halfway, because White color is not only a symbol of virginity, but also of joy. As for the wedding date, you are right - traditionally people get married starting on St. Thomas Week (or “Red Hill”), but you can postpone the wedding for one or two weeks. Now about Baptism. Of course, being baptized twice is unacceptable, but let’s leave this on the conscience of those who did this to you for some superstitious reasons. By our actions we do not force God to give us the grace of Baptism a second time. I am sure that what happened will not affect you in any way. So you can honor both saints and, accordingly, pray to them and light candles, but you need to use the name that was given to you at Baptism for the first time.

Deacon Ilia Kokin


Features A wedding is a desirable and wonderful event in the life of every person, especially girls, who actually look forward to this event, and with early childhood. But often after the wedding, lovely girls don’t know what to do with wedding dress, because there is an opinion that it cannot be sold. Why can't you sell your wedding dress after the wedding? This is the most actual question many girls, and to get a detailed answer to it, you need to understand it in detail.

If you are one of those who believe in omens, then your wedding dress should be stored, because in ancient times, items were passed down from mother to daughter. After all, not everyone could afford to buy a wedding dress, as a result of which they were passed on from generation to generation. In addition, another opinion reigns in the world: the bride’s dress carries special energy, so when it falls into the hands of to an evil person, that is, the risk of encountering some problems. For example, it can negatively impact a marriage, which is something no woman wants to experience. This is another reason why the dress and jewelry were not thrown away, they were carefully preserved.

Should you sell your wedding dress? Modern views

Of course, all these signs were relevant only in ancient times, as for modern world, then things are different. For example, today a bride can rent a wedding dress and return it after the celebration. But again, many people do not want to do this because of superstition, if this does not apply to you, then no problems will arise. Many modern girls do not attach importance to signs that were relevant in ancient times, since not only the level, but also the quality of life has changed. Moreover, do not forget wedding fashion does not stand still, and if last winter one thing was relevant, it was next year other.

Everything leads to the fact that it is impossible to imagine a modern girl in a wedding dress that is more than twenty years old, since she perfectly understands that for all the assembled guests, she will become an object of discussion, and possibly ridicule. Ta modern girl, who has free funds, can always sew a dress for her wedding to order, thereby obtaining a product that is ideal in terms of figure, stylistic preferences will be taken into account. As already mentioned, many girls rent outfits without thinking about how many brides got married in them while living happy life, without thinking about any superstitions and signs.

On a note! Of course, if the bride has enough space in her house to save wedding dress, then you can leave it as a memory of the most desired and bright event.

Should I sell my wedding dress?

Of course, girls must decide for themselves what they should do so as not to worry about this. After all, there are a considerable number of examples when all the signs were observed, girls carefully preserved their outfits, and a short period of time after the wedding got divorced. There are also examples when girls bought dresses second-hand for a wedding, but as for family life, then she lived happily ever after. For example, if you are one of those people who is guided solely by common sense, then try to act according to the situation. But the majority of female representatives, even those who do not believe in superstitions, try not to get rid of their wedding dress and keep it in own home, as a family heirloom.

Sale, rental of wedding dresses

If you don’t believe in superstitions and omens, then you can always wear a dress, or you can make money with it, for example, by renting it, which is very fashionable today. Please note that there will be plenty of people willing to try on an original and luxurious dress.

Attention: But keep in mind that there is also a drawback, which is that the dress will not be returned in the same form as it was, so you should discuss this issue in advance so that unnecessary problems do not arise.

Second life of a wedding dress

If you have doubts about what to do with your outfit, you can always go to the studio and consult with specialists on this issue. For example, without wanting to sell it, you can always sew from it many unique, original things that will delight you for a long time, and as practice shows, today this is exactly what many representatives of the fairer sex do. For example, if you wish, you can remake a dress that the bride once wore to her wedding, as a result, wearing it at special events. As you know, today many girls do not want to choose a white dress, preferring beige or red, in this case, all that remains is to redraw some details.

Can I return my wedding dress to the salon?

Often girls understand that the wedding dress looked different in the salon, because the lighting and mirrors play special role in this case. As a result, there is a desire to sell the product to the salon before the celebration, and this is quite possible if you take into account the following points:

  • in order for a dress to be exchanged, it must retain its original, marketable appearance, without signs that it has been worn, and possibly more than once;
  • It is advisable not to hesitate, trying to exchange the dress no later than two weeks, if, of course, it has retained its presentation.


Now you know why you can’t sell a wedding dress after the wedding to those who believe in various signs and superstitions. If you do not fall into this category of people, then it will be easier, because you won’t have to worry about this, which means you can always “attach” it.

Where can you take your dress after the wedding to get something for it? Why should it and should not be sold? We will tell you how much it can realistically cost to do this, where and under what conditions it is accepted, and when it is necessary to put the outfit up for sale. You will learn about the specifics of renting a wedding dress, what papers are needed for this, what deposit to take from the renter, and what to pay attention to when returning the dress.

There are some signs among the people that absolutely cannot be used to sell a wedding dress. They say that it serves as a talisman for the newlywed and has healing power. If a husband or child falls ill in the family, then by wearing it you can cure the sick person. There is also a legend according to which a girl who sells a dress risks being left without family happiness.

If you nevertheless decide to put your wedding dress up for sale, you should know what you can and cannot offer to the buyer along with it. Thus, the following can be safely transferred for the use of others:

  • shoes;
  • gloves;
  • cape;
  • handbag;
  • decorations.

But in no case is it recommended to sell a veil or even just give it to someone to try on, because it is a symbol of family well-being and comfort. With its help, you can remove the evil eye or damage from children or from your husband. Another article talks even more about . You will learn what signs exist in this regard, what you need to do in order not to bring trouble upon yourself even after receiving funds.

How much can you sell a dress for after the wedding?

If you choose a consignment store, you will receive little for your outfit - no more than 25-30% of the original cost. This is due to the fact that its main visitors are people with little income.

The bridal salon may offer a good amount, but not the same amount as you bought the dress for. In this case you can expect approximately 50% of its original cost. Another 30% will come from the intermediary services of store personnel.

When selling a dress using a newspaper, the price for a used item will be 10-20% higher than in the case of consignment stores and boutiques. Then you will not need to pay for the services of intermediaries, you will only have to spend money on publishing the ad. Often it is offered for free.

To determine exactly how much wedding attire costs, you can contact the sellers of a specialized salon. You can also find out the approximate price by looking at advertisements on the Internet.

Dress for sale in a consignment store

The final cost is affected by:

  1. Product condition. If the outfit is damaged - torn or dirty, the price is reduced by more than 50%.
  2. Age of the dress. New dresses are bought more often because they look better.
  3. Color. The greatest demand is for the white palette; outfits in pink, beige and other shades are 10-20% cheaper.
  4. Brand. People are willing to pay for designer clothes with exclusive design. If your dress, for example, is from the designer Vera Wang, then you can safely ask for 80% of the cost of the product.
  5. Model and style. If the model and style of the dress are popular in the season, then the price for it will be quite high.
  6. Fabrics used. Clothes made from natural fabrics are more expensive than those made from synthetics.
  7. Availability of accessories. The fact is that additional elements(bows, brooches, belts, etc.) also increase the cost of the product.

If you want to sell the dress as quickly as possible, then you should reduce the price by 10-20% of the price set for a used item.

If you want to save money, you should prepare the dress for sale yourself. To do this, you need to wash and steam it at home.

Have you decided to look for alternative selling options? Then here are some options.

If you do decide to sell, the outfit must first be washed. , what to use for this and what should be taken into account, read in another article.

After washing, you can’t do without ironing. You want to earn as much as possible on your outfit, right? Then you should find out. Our other article will help you with this. From it you will learn how much this service costs and how to do it yourself at home so as not to spoil the thing.

Here, too, a lot has been written about what is possible and what is not.

Where and when to sell a wedding dress

You need to try to find people willing to purchase a wedding dress approximately 2-3 years after the celebration. They tend to lose their original beauty over time - turn yellow, tear, shrink. No one has canceled fashion trends.

Commission shop

To hand over such an item to a consignment store, you need to make sure that it is more or less in good condition. The outfit should be clean, ironed, no holes. You can prepare it yourself or take it to the dry cleaner. For such a service they charge 1700-1900 rubles.

In a thrift store, you must sign an agreement. It contains information about the product:

  • Name;
  • quantity;
  • quality;
  • price;
  • Owner's full name;
  • telephone number for feedback.

The product is stored in a consignment store for up to 6 months. For its storage, a mandatory fee is charged - 10% of the cost of the item per month. If they don’t buy it, the client is called back and asked to pick up the dress.

  • saving time on searching for those willing to become the owner of the outfit;
  • there is no need to meet with potential buyers;
  • no need to make beautiful advertisements.
  • clothes can be ruined in a consignment store, since so many brides will try them on;
  • wasting money on interest;
  • Often such things are returned back;
  • a lot of paperwork;
  • You cannot take the outfit back until the contract expires.

Sale in a wedding salon

As for wedding salons, they very rarely take on such responsibility. Some of them offer brides to rent their dress. The price for such a service can range from 25 to 50% of its original cost.

  • you can sell a dress profitably in a salon;
  • the measuring process takes place without you;
  • guaranteed receipt of money after the sale.
  • there are few salons where you can donate your wedding attire;
  • before sending to the boutique, the dress must be cleaned, mended (if necessary) and ironed;
  • big competition.

In the Internet

A popular way to sell used dresses are online sources:

  • websites (Flea market, Avito and;
  • forums;
  • groups in in social networks(Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, etc.).
  • Due to the fact that young people often use Internet resources, there are high chances of selling or renting dresses.
  • You can sell the outfit even at the price at which you bought it. You just need to work on the ad, post beautiful ones wedding photos in it or video. Another option to interest the buyer is to offer him accessories as a gift. It could be a handbag, shoes or something else.
  • it takes a lot of time to register accounts;
  • photographing the dress;
  • drafting advertisements;
  • independent meeting with potential buyers.

How to create an ad

The first thing people notice about an ad for online sales is how it is presented. Here you need to correctly compose the text so that it is selling. You can hook the reader with unusual content by writing, for example:

  • “It will bring good luck, my wedding was just perfect in it and I am very happy in my marriage.”
  • “In a single copy” (this is relevant if we're talking about about a designer dress).
  • "Exclusively handmade."
  • "Attention, discount!"
  • “You will receive as a gift...” Here you can offer some kind of wedding accessory.

Be sure to indicate in the text the size, model, style, color, style and general state dresses. Write only the truth, and if it is dirty or torn somewhere, offer a 5-10% discount. Describe its advantages and place photographs of the item at the end of the ad.

Add at least 3-5 pictures of you in the dress. Take them from different angles to capture the trim, seams, style, length and other details as accurately as possible.

Don't forget to download bright videos, it is possible from the celebration itself.

An example of a successful ad on a website selling used wedding dresses


The auction takes place in 4 stages:

  1. A lot is created (text, photo, video, initial bid, expiration date).
  2. Bets are placed.
  3. The goods are paid for.
  4. The item is sent to the winner if he is in another city, or a personal meeting is scheduled with him.
  • rapidity;
  • gambling;
  • good income.
  • not many people take the risk of making a deal with newcomers;
  • big competition;
  • Buying a wedding dress in another city or even country is inconvenient.

A lot of interesting options can be found on the following sites:

  • (Japan);

An example of a successful advertisement for the sale of a wedding dress on a specialized website


You can sell a dress by placing an ad in a newspaper. It's important to think about in an unusual way its design. But you need to keep in mind that in this case you won’t be able to use videos and colorful illustrations. This will significantly reduce the chances of a successful sale.

  • inexpensive advertisements, sometimes even free;
  • variety of newspapers in a big city.
  • small target audience;
  • the need for an appointment to show the dress.

How to rent a wedding dress

To rent it out, you need to sign a wedding dress rental agreement. We suggest you familiarize yourself with it in advance.

It is also necessary to prepare and write a receipt for the money taken from the tenant. A sample of it can also be found on our website.

The wedding dress is given to the tenant 1-2 days before the wedding and is returned no later than 3 days after it.

For proper rental, do not forget to indicate to the renter about the fines that must be paid if the dress is returned with defects. In this case, the security deposit is not given to the tenant in full or not at all.

You can place a file on your computer with the cost of restoring your wedding dress. They can be used as a guide if any defects are detected.

  • dirt (stains from alcohol, coffee or tea);
  • mechanical damage (torn places, tightening, broken straps);
  • burnt areas (from cigarettes or fireworks).

Benefits of renting:

  • speed of revenue generation;
  • repeated rental.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • constant search for clients;
  • spending on dry cleaning;
  • regular meetings;
  • quick deterioration of the outfit - the color changes and the fabric wears out.

The rental price should be selected individually. If the wedding dress is still in fashion, is in demand, or you bought it at a high price, then it can be raised a little. If on the contrary, then in order to attract customers, it should be reduced by 50-60% of the original cost of the outfit.

Please note that when you hand over the dress from hand to hand, some difficulties may arise. Among them are possible:

  • the tenant's reluctance to sign the contract;
  • attempts to reduce the price of a service;
  • damage to the item upon return;
  • numerous fittings;
  • client inadequacy.

For more ideas on what you can do with your wedding dress after the wedding, watch the video below. From it you will learn how to prepare an outfit before renting it out, approximately how much such a service will cost and under what conditions it is offered.

Many girls are at a loss as to whether it is possible to sell a wedding dress, will this act affect the newly-made family? Be that as it may, but faith in folk signs ingrained in the minds of many. How could it be otherwise, because this is an invaluable experience previous generations, which has been accumulating since the beginning of the world? These beliefs are so deeply embedded in our subconscious that they have become part of the genetic chain. And this is not an exaggeration, because even if your mother or grandmother did not pass on this knowledge to you, then the inner voice does not allow you to sell a dress or veil, asking: “No, you can’t, this is your talisman in which you were happy, is it worth selling?” ? And as soon as you hear it, the fight begins inner voice with the external realities of life. So, is it possible to sell a wedding dress? What is more important than superstition or real life? Let's get through this thorny path and let's try to find out the answer to this question.

Undoubtedly, a wedding is one of the most significant days, the moment when it is born new family. It is during this period that the bride loses all sleep and peace in order to choose such a wedding dress that the whole world will gasp. Some of these outfits are not cheap and can cost several thousand dollars. But the holiday had long passed, the husband and guests were impressed, all this was captured on photo and video cameras, and so gorgeous dress hanging in the wardrobe and simply taking up space. What to do now with this beauty - store it or sell it? Opening and closing the closet in such thoughts, after a while most girls come to the conclusion that this is a useless thing after all.

So, let's delve deeper and think about what internal “knot” is preventing you from selling your fabulous dress.

Is it possible to sell a wedding dress of superstition and real life?

The above points are only superstitions that were relevant in the old days; modernity does not determine so much importance for these items.

Firstly, a lot has changed since that time; few people would agree to wear their grandmother’s or even their mother’s dress. Fashion trends are so fleeting and have become significant that spiritual aspects and knowledge “ subtle world" have gone far into the background. Secondly, the quality of life has improved significantly. More important in in this case the opinions of others. The bride, of course, wants to be beautiful, but she does this mostly for her lover and guests, since her outfit will be judged for a long time, especially relatives, friends and work colleagues. For this reason, brides order dresses under individual tailoring, where all their parameters and features of the figure are taken into account, and those who cannot afford it most often choose rental models, regardless of who wore it and when - the moment is more important, when everyone gasps and shudders at her appearance in the registry office.

It is also worth considering that if you have a huge closet in which you can store such a beautiful thing with complementary accessories for a long time, taking it out from time to time, admiring it, sighing and occasionally trying it on, refreshing your senses, then you can leave it. But, under more cramped conditions, this relevance is sharply lost and it is quite natural if you want to sell it. Perhaps by this act you will make some girl happy who has already lost hope of finding just such a model and dress size. Don’t forget that even the most luxurious fabric tends to turn yellow and lose its appearance, so over time, a fabulous outfit will still only have one name left - a rag that needs to be thrown away. And your efforts, which tried to extend the life of your amulet as long as possible, will sink into oblivion.

We examined many options in detail, delved into superstitions, perhaps a decision has already come to you, the only thing that is important is that it must be consciously yours! If you are still tormented by doubts, you can remember a couple of moments where the family followed these traditions in vain, as they subsequently quickly divorced, beating all the happy “family pots”. And those who didn’t even think about it, bought an outfit “from hand” and lived happily in marriage for a long time.

It's not about the sign, but about your faith. The reality of life is that everything superstitions and omens come true only for those who firmly believe in them. Tune into a positive mood, do not think that any thing can change your life, you should be the mistress of the situation, not your prejudices.

What is the best way to sell your wedding dress after the event? First, let's decide on a question that worries many girls - is it possible to sell a wedding dress after the wedding? and signs that prohibit the sale of wedding attire.

It's amazing how adults can believe such stories that a wedding dress has a certain healing power and can replace treatment if someone in the house gets sick! Similar beliefs exist regarding shirts for bathing in holy springs. In fact, neither the wedding dress nor the shirts from the source have any healing power. If we consider the mystical influence, all the power lies in our faith.

Therefore, you can safely sell the dress and that’s it Wedding accessories, including a veil. Selling wedding items does not deprive us of family happiness. Well-being and love leave the family for completely different reasons.

Sell ​​via Avito

The easiest option is to sell a dress through Avito. All you have to do is create an ad, post a few photos and wait for calls. If you are lucky, you will sell the dress right away, but if not, you can spend a very long time selling. Personally, I don't like having different people at home. strangers, but you will have to take it at home. Meeting at a bus stop or in a park will not work, because the buyer will want to not only carefully examine the wedding dress, but also try it on.

It may happen that a girl tries it on and says - I’ll think about it and then call. Then another one will come and also try it on and think. All this takes time and is not always pleasant, especially if they voice shortcomings and ask you to lower the price, because this concerns your wedding dress!

Sell ​​to a wedding dress rental salon

Dress a real princess After the wedding, you can sell it even more than the original price, but if you are not a princess, your outfit will lose a lot in value. Selling for 50% of the cost would be a fabulous success, but in general you have to come to terms with losing money and count on even a third or a quarter of the original cost. Think for yourself, would you pay more for a dress in which another bride celebrated her holiday?

All of the above applies to dresses in excellent condition, which have no stains, snags, cigarette marks or other defects. Selling an outfit with various defects and losses will only bring you disappointment and wasted time.

In addition, you need to take into account the initial cost of the outfit. If you bought a wedding dress for 150,000 rubles, don’t even think about getting 75,000 or 50,000 for it. For that kind of money a lot of new ones are sold beautiful dresses. Therefore, your losses will be much greater than 50-70% of the initial price.

Rent out a dress several times

If you like chatting with different people, you can try to rent the dress yourself. You can search for potential clients through Avito and offer two options at once - selling a dress and renting it. If you agree on a rental, you will need to take a deposit and discuss all the details. For example, if the dress is damaged or even stained, the deposit will not be returned.

To rent a dress, it is advisable to conclude a rental agreement. There are ready-made samples on the Internet that you can download, review and fill out. Signing an agreement may seem like a waste of time, but you will be able to stipulate all the conditions in detail, so that later there will be no misunderstandings and conflicts.

Sell ​​in wedding salon

You can choose a free day and arrange a walk through wedding salons, where you can show photos from the celebration and offer to buy this dress from you. You need to go to salons with photographs in good quality, don’t think about calling by phone, they will immediately refuse you everywhere. The likelihood of selling it to a salon is small, but if your dress is very beautiful, in excellent condition, has a running size, and you are willing to sell it for 25% of the original cost, there is a chance of an agreement.

What the bridal salon does with this dress should not concern you. It is quite possible that they will clean it and put it up for sale as brand new at the original price. Perhaps they will use it to decorate a window or sell it at a slight discount, the main thing is that you received your money and put on the dress.

Particularly prudent brides can, even when purchasing a dress in a salon, agree in advance that after the wedding they will return the dress for a certain price, if there are no losses on the dress. It’s not always possible to reach an agreement like this, but you can try.

Where to sell designer wedding dresses and Haute Couture outfits

Sell ​​wedding dress Elie Saab It’s not easy at all. If you are willing to give it away for 5% of the cost, there will be buyers, but if you want to get more, you will have to look. In this case, you should go to ebay and sell there, but selling an expensive wedding dress without trying it on is a very dubious idea. Therefore, it is better to sell in your city and nearby regions, placing an ad over and over again.

You can wait 10-15 or 20 years, the Elie Saab dress will acquire vintage status and then it can be given to the collection of a museum or fashion historian. In this case, you will not be offered significant money, but the dress will be on display, where it will be preserved and displayed as a museum exhibit.

Finally, it is worth considering the last option - not selling at all. If you live in a house or a spacious apartment, is there really no room for a wedding dress? Some girls keep wedding dresses and outfits with prom, sometimes they arrange photo shoots in them or give them to their girlfriends to feel like a princess or queen for one evening.