And the diversified development of children each. Diversified development of children

For children

What parent has not heard about the need for the comprehensive development of a child for his future success in all areas of life? We heard everything. The main goal of the educational system of all countries lies in one phrase: to raise a harmoniously developed person.

The best and main assistants in the development of a child are parents who are always with him, from the first cry, from the first step. They are the ones who rejoice at children's victories and empathize with children's defeats. First of all, it depends on them what their child will become.

Therefore, great importance is given to the development of the child at home. And parents understand and accept this. After all, it is not only a duty, but also a joy – to spend time with your beloved child.

Many parents are often afraid that they may miss something, not give their child enough. Our dears, there is no need to doubt! You will succeed! The main thing is not to spare your child your sincere love, to show it and, together with the child, to bask in the happiness that the moments of your closeness give you.

However, we have prepared a small reminder for you that will tell you how to touch all areas of his development in activities and games with your child. You can print it out and it will serve as an easy reminder.

Memo for home activities “Areas of child development”:

1.Physical development: outdoor games, sets of exercises accompanied by music and speech (pestushki, nursery rhymes), toys and devices for developing hand motor skills, strengthening other parts of the body (for example, trampoline, jump rope).

2.Cognitive and speech development: reading, games and activities for the development of thinking, speech games, work with didactic materials, project management (for example, “Space”, “Transport”), etc.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development: creative activities (drawing, sculpting, appliqué, decorating something, etc.), examining and jointly discussing the world around us, beautiful things, objects of art.

4. Social and personal development: role-playing games, situational games (to develop rules and norms of behavior), communication with other people, supporting the child’s initiative in something.

As you can see, everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Taking into account all of the above, you will be able to properly organize leisure time and activities with your child for his comprehensive development.

The main problem on the way to this can only be a simple lack of time, when parents are too busy people and work a lot. They might be happy to work with the child, but they don’t have time to prepare everything and organize it correctly. And then classes become unsystematic, and developmental goals become not fully realized.

To solve this problem, many child development projects have been created, in which everything is taken into account; you just need to take it and turn it into reality. One of such projects is the “Two Palms” project, the authors of which are developing thematic kits for the harmonious development and interesting pastime of a child. If you are interested, we invite you to check out this project right now.

Hello, friends! Today I want to talk to you about one very important issue: the issue of the harmonious and comprehensive development of the child.

What is comprehensive child development?

I recorded a video for you in which I talked in detail about how to develop a child comprehensively.

Comprehensive development- this is the harmonious and natural, timely development of the baby. This means that all areas of development are in balance, without being skewed in any direction.

Developing a child comprehensively means giving him exactly what he needs at a specific, specific age and not overloading him with unnecessary and unnecessary information. This is the natural development of sensory and motor skills, speech and cognitive abilities, logic and thinking, emotional and social spheres.

What are the areas of child development?

In that table you see all areas of child development. It is very important that your lesson plan includes games from all of the above areas.

I don't think it's worth saying about the consequences that may arise, if the mother pays attention to the development of only certain areas and “neglects” all others.

I would also like to draw your attention to one very important point!

In order to develop a child comprehensively, a balance of games alone is not enough!

There is something else about very often forgotten, but what, in principle, is the harmonious development of a child based on. Let me show you clearly what I mean.

On the one side - there is a child. And in order for it to develop harmoniously, it is necessary to maintain a balance between all areas of development (this is sensory-motor development, speech development, cognitive development, social, emotional, spiritual). With this, I think everything is clear.

And with on the other side is, of course, mom and her expectations and vision of the child’s development process.
The mother has a huge number of questions to which she needs to get answers and compare them with her inner vision of the child’s development process.

It is very important to find a precarious balance between these two categories, since otherwise it is very difficult for the mother to control the process of the child’s development, she may miss something, overlook something, pay attention to it in time, or, conversely, overload the child with unnecessary information.

In what cases can a child develop comprehensively?

It is possible to develop a child comprehensively and harmoniously only if mom controls this process sees what exactly it does or does not do for the development of a particular area. When a mother understands her goals and the future she wants to create for her child.

It is possible to develop a child comprehensively only if there is a tool that makes it possible to look at the development process comprehensively and see whether there is a distortion in development, or, conversely, a lag.

So an effective tool is, thanks to which you can understand yourself and identify the future, the end point to which you want to come as a result of your development activities.

Your first step towards drawing up your strategy can be an analysis of your games and activities. Take a look at the table below and analyze which areas you are developing and which you may not. This exercise will be very useful and will help you begin to look at your child’s development holistically.

With love,

Marina Kruchinskaya

Message at the teachers' meeting:

2017-2018 academic year






Artistic and aestheticdevelopment

« alternation»

MDOU general developmental kindergarten No. 12 "Rainbow"

Message at the teachers' meeting:

"Various development of the child in constructive activities"

Educator: Kurdyukova Marina Borisovna

2017-2018 academic year

Message at the teachers' meeting: "Various development of the child in constructive activities"

In preschool institutions, design is given a significant place in work with children of all age groups, since it has extremely broad opportunities for mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education.

The main task is: the development of children's cognitive and creative abilities through the use of model and symbolic means in the construction of actions.

In design, integration of all educational areas takes place. With the help of the designer, you can easily integrate cognitive development, which includes technical design with artistic and aesthetic development, creative design with social and communicative development with other educational areas.

Social-communicativedevelopment Allows you to create joint buildings, united by one idea, one project, encourages the child to communicate and interact with adults and peers.


The development of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children is of great value for the intensive mental development of the child, his cognitive interests and curiosity, and logical operations (comparison, generalization, classification).


When developing the speech of preschoolers with the help of Legos, you can invite children to come up with a fairy tale about what kind of building this is, what it is made of, who will live in it, describe it, etc.


In addition to fine motor skills of both hands, Lego construction also contributes to the development of gross motor skills. The constructor can be used as equipment for conducting physical education classes.

Artistic and aestheticdevelopment

With the help of Lego pieces, you can introduce children not only to shape, size, but also to colors. Understand the concept of « alternation» and apply alternating colors in your own buildings, creating patterns using different colors. You can also use not only the construction set, but also paper, pencils and waste material to create a holistic image of the work. The ability for constructive creativity and the ability to make non-standard decisions develops; a child gifted with these qualities can grow into a sculptor, architect, or design engineer.

Thus, traditional means of construction with an integrative approach to development make it possible to develop the versatile intellectual and personal qualities of a preschooler.

Also, project activity with the help of legoconstruction makes it possible to educate a doer, not a doer.

Lego construction is an effective educational tool that helps unite the efforts of teachers and families in resolving the issue.

child upbringing and development is closely related to the implementation of all areas of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

Construction classes develop children's sensory and thinking abilities. With properly organized activities, children acquire not only constructive and technical skills (to construct individual objects from building materials - buildings, bridges, etc. or make various crafts from paper - Christmas decorations, boats, etc.), but also generalized skills - purposefully examine objects, compare them with each other and divide them into parts, see what is common and different in them, find the main structural parts on which the arrangement of other parts depends, make conclusions and generalizations. By performing all these actions, children are already beginning to master such mental operations as analysis and synthesis.

When teaching children to design, planning mental activity develops, which is an important factor in the formation of educational activity. When children construct a building or craft, they mentally imagine what it will be like and plan in advance how they will perform it and in what sequence.

Constructive activities contribute to practical knowledge of the properties of geometric bodies and spatial relationships. In this regard, children’s speech is enriched with new terms and concepts (bar, cube, pyramid, etc.), which are rarely used in other types of activities; children practice the correct use of concepts (tall - low, long - short, wide - narrow, large - small), in precise verbal indication of direction and definition of an object in space (above - below, right - left, down - up, back - front , closer, etc.).

Children also learn to more accurately observe symmetry and proportions in parts of buildings, identifying them by eye and selecting the appropriate material; learn to decorate buildings beautifully and expediently.

In order for children to be able to create their own constructive ideas, they must be taught to talk about their future buildings: what, from what parts and how they will build. When analyzing these buildings, it is important to show that the design of the same object can be different depending on the building material and the methods of connecting individual elements.

Constructive activity is also a means of moral education of preschool children. In the process of this activity, such important personality qualities as hard work, independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving goals, and organization are formed.

Joint constructive activities of children (collective buildings, crafts) also play a big role in developing the initial skills of working in a team - the ability to negotiate in advance (distribute responsibilities, select the material necessary to complete a building or craft, plan the process of their production, etc.) and work together without interfering with each other.

The list of different types of construction in kindergarten shows that each of them has its own characteristics. However, the fundamentals of the activity are the same: in each activity the child reflects the objects of the surrounding world, creates a material product, and the result of the activity is intended mainly for practical use.

In games and construction activities, children acquire certain knowledge that is necessary in preparation for school, which is the main task of the education program in kindergarten.

Modern progress in global development affects not just the world around us and everything that surrounds people. It also affects the people themselves, especially if it concerns the youngest inhabitants of this planet.

Modern children, from the first years of their lives, communicate with all sorts of gadgets on a first-name basis, and use them for their intended purpose or not. The question of whether it is worth allowing a child to “communicate” so closely with technology from such a young age is quite acute, because previously children were not even recommended to watch TV until a certain age. Modern parents do not think about past prejudices and allow their children to fully enjoy the miracle of technological progress. Various computers, tablets and other such devices are already integral companions in the development of a modern child.

Having understood and embraced this trend in raising children, the creators of games and applications for the most famous operating systems and companies of various gadgets began to create educational applications with which children can learn colors, count, read, and speak another language. With the help of such applications, children can learn almost anything. This is a fairly profitable way to keep a child occupied for parents who are very busy with housework and in general, while the child will not lag behind his peers in development. Games and applications are created to be completely diverse, and the main criterion for dividing them is the age for which they are designed. There are games for the little ones, that is, those that allow you to identify and study the names of objects, colors, and allow you to compose identical pictures and figures. For older people there are games that teach reading. And for little puzzle lovers who are about to go to school, there are games that allow the child to learn basic things in electricity or plumbing. For example, a pipeline game, which consists of carrying out a process such as emergency plumbing repair. Here the child's attention is presented to a screen on which there is a certain set of pipes. They need to be positioned in such a way that water enters the selected tank at the right time.

Such tools greatly help to develop children who are so advanced in their intellectual development, and thanks to such applications, tools and gadgets, young parents have the opportunity not to worry about the future of their child and his development as a whole.

Date of publication: 05/06/14

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You can't teach a person to be happy,

but it is possible to raise him so that he is happy.

(A. S. Makarenko)

So how to raise a happy person? For myself, I decided that a happy person is a person who lives in harmony with himself and the world around him. And for this develop and it must be brought up harmoniously and comprehensively by facilitating the mastery of the entire spectrum of mental, social, physical, intellectual and moral qualities in full and without focusing on any one part. Harmonious combination of mental and physical development, moral purity and aesthetic attitude to life and art are necessary conditions for the formation of an integral harmonious personality.

The achievement of this lofty goal is greatly facilitated by the correct organization of education. children.

One of the tasks of modern preschool education is, first of all, development main neoplasms preschool age- creative activity, independence, arbitrariness, self-awareness, etc. In this regard, the indicator of the effectiveness of education should not be considered "training" children or the amount of knowledge they have acquired, and the level of mental development of each child. In this regard, one of the main directions of modern education is to ensure a high level of mental development, cognitive, creative and social activity of the child. During my work at the preschool educational institution, I worked in different age groups. In every age there are some peculiarities in the work, and I was interested in all of them, but I focused my attention on younger group. Age three to four years is very important in a child’s life.

Firstly, as a rule, in this age Many children are just starting kindergarten. And my main task during the period of children's adaptation is to create the most comfortable emotional environment, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child.

And secondly, in this age the child's characteristics can already be identified development, correct them in time, thereby warning various types of developmental delays. And the sooner you start development work, the easier it will be for the child to catch up with his peers. These are the reasons why I work with children. younger age. In his pedagogical activities, I work closely with the psychologist and speech therapist of our kindergarten, as well as with the music director and physical education teacher.

Mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, speech, etc.) are the most important components of any activity. Development mental processes are most effectively carried out during the game, since the emotional involvement that arises during the game liberates the child (removes the emotional barrier, increases performance, develops creative thinking and develops self-control. Therefore, all my educational activities take place in the form of a game.

It is the game that allows you to correct emerging age problems and difficulties in relationships. Without play, a child’s life is impossible! Particular mention should be made of didactic games, which are created and organized by adults and are aimed at developing certain qualities of the child. I widely use these games as a teaching and educational tool. children.

A child is attracted to a game not by the educational task inherent in it, but by the opportunity to be active, perform game actions, achieve results, and win. However, if a participant in the game does not master the knowledge and mental operations that are determined by the learning task, he will not be able to successfully perform game actions or achieve results. I use a set of games and exercises aimed at development all mental processes.

Didactic games with objects are very varied on game materials, content, organization. As didactic material I I use:

real objects (household items, tools, works of decorative and applied art, etc.,

natural objects (vegetables, fruits, pine cones, leaves, seeds)

Games with objects make it possible to solve various educational problems. tasks:

Expand and refine knowledge children

Develop mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, discrimination, generalization, classification)

Improve speech

Develop all mental processes

I also want to emphasize the role of board and printed games. Their variety in content, educational tasks, design. They help clarify and expand ideas children about the world around them, systematize knowledge, develop thought processes.

Types of desktop-printed games:


Cutting pictures, puzzles

Play actions are ways of demonstrating a child’s activity for play purposes.

Rules – ensure the implementation of game content. They make the game democratic - all participants in the game obey them.

There is a close connection between the learning task, game actions and rules. The learning task determines the game actions, and the rules help to carry out the game actions and solve the problem.

I use didactic games both in class and in independent activities. children. Communication preschooler with peers occurs mainly in the process of playing together. While playing together, children begin to take into account the desires and actions of the other child, learn to defend their point of view, build and implement joint plans, so that the game has a great influence on development communication skills children.

The great importance of the game for development of all mental processes and the personality of the child as a whole gives reason to believe that it is this activity that plays the leading role in preschool age.

Everything that a child sees, feels and does is absorbed by consciousness like a sponge, replenishing his piggy bank. experience about the world around us, becoming the basis for further development. Therefore, I consider one of my tasks to be the creation of substantive developing and subject-game environment in the group. In the creation of which I use the following principles:

activity, independence, creativity by attracting children in creating your own subject environment;

stability - dynamism, providing for the creation of conditions for changing and creating the environment in accordance with tastes, moods, changing depending on age features and capabilities children, period of study, educational program;

integration and flexible zoning, realizing the possibility of building non-overlapping areas of activity and allowing children to study at the same time different types of activities without interfering with each other;

aesthetic organization of the environment, combination of familiar and extraordinary elements (our group is not only cozy and comfortable, but also beautiful);

children and teacher on the design of a corner of nature.

Team collaboration children and teacher on the design of the traffic rules corner.

The created aesthetic environment evokes children feeling of joy, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, a desire to attend it, enriches with new impressions and knowledge, encourages active creative activity, promotes intellectual development development.

For development sensory abilities, our group is equipped with a sensory board, massage balls, a sensory mat (which I made myself using materials of various textures, including natural ones), sensory cards and jars containing various fillers: peas, beans, semolina, rice, buckwheat (also made by me).

In respect of development mental processes, physical education is also of great importance. Movement is the basis of life. And the motor act itself underlies many skills and abilities that a person uses. As the child grows and matures, the motor sphere is more closely connected with the cognitive, speech and intellectual. During the period of 3-4 years, active growth of the child’s body continues, the size and proportions of the body change. Physiological changes in the brain also occur. In that age it is quite difficult to draw a line between motor, sensory, cognitive, intellectual and speech development. And yet the motor sphere in this age is almost central. Motor exercises form an image of the child’s own body, which helps to better understand himself, control his body and navigate in space.

In my work I pay special attention development of fine motor skills, since fine motor skills are closely related to the acquisition of speech - both oral and written. During the day we play various finger games with the children, perform finger exercises, also using massage balls. The finger gymnastics games themselves multifunctional: they are cooking count children, develop speech, help the formation of interhemispheric interactions, and also help the formation of spatial thinking.

Physical education exercises and finger exercises can and should be combined with singing; thanks to such exercises, rhythmic components that are superimposed on speech components are more easily absorbed, which helps the child in the future to clearly perceive texts and poems by ear, as well as learn them by heart. Therefore, in my classes I use exercises with musical accompaniment according to the unique program of E. Zheleznova. Imagery music and game stories contribute not only to general physical development, but also stimulate creative thinking, imagination and fantasy, development motor skills and coordination, and children are liberated and receive a positive emotional and energetic charge.

For general health children, and also to relieve emotional stress, I use elements of massage and self-massage. Light stroking movements on the baby's back with your hands or massage balls, rubbing your arms, hands and fingertips in a playful manner - all this allows you to stimulate the growth of nerve cells, and also helps to establish emotional contact and relieve tension.

I consider aesthetic education aimed at development of preschool children's abilities to perceive, feel and understand the beautiful, notice the good and the bad, act creatively independently, thereby becoming involved in various types of artistic and theatrical activities.

(We made this house together with my students and use it for both educational and play activities.)

Use by children various means of expressive speech is the most important condition for timely intellectual, speech, literary and artistic development. Expressive language includes verbal (intonation, vocabulary and syntax) and non-verbal (facial expressions, gestures, posture) facilities.

For development expressive speech requires the creation of conditions in which every child could convey his emotions, feelings, desires and views, both in ordinary conversation and in public, without embarrassment from listeners. Drama classes are of great help in this; This is a game, and every child can live and enjoy it. Educational opportunities of theatrical activities huge: its topics are not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires of the child. By participating in it, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity - through images, colors, sounds, music. In the process of working on the expressiveness of characters’ remarks and their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is activated, the sound culture of speech and its intonation structure are improved, dialogical speech and its grammatical structure are improved.

In my work, I actively use theatrical activities, as they develop the emotional sphere of the child, make him sympathize with the characters, empathize with the events being played out, develop creative thinking.

Creative thinking is characterized by originality, flexibility, imagery. The basis of creative thinking is the synthesis of logical thinking and imagination. For development creative thinking in educational activities I use non-traditional techniques of drawing, appliqué and working with plastic materials (plasticine and dough). In classes in visual arts using non-traditional techniques, children develops tentatively - research activity, fantasy, memory, aesthetic taste, cognitive abilities, independence. The child uses color as a means of conveying mood, experiments (mixes paint with salt, applies watercolors to the depicted object with colored crayons). By direct contact of fingers with paint, children learn about it. properties: thickness, hardness, viscosity. In the depiction of fairy-tale images, the ability to convey signs of unusualness and fabulousness appears.

Working with non-traditional image techniques stimulates positive motivation for drawing activity and evokes a joyful mood in children, relieves the fear of paint, the fear of not being able to cope with the painting process. Many types of non-traditional drawing help improve the level of development visual-motor coordination. For example, pastel chalk on textured pastel paper.

Imagery techniques can help reduce arousal in those who are overly emotionally disinhibited. children. I would like to note that unconventional drawing, for example, playing with blots, is fascinating children, and the more passionate the child is, the more he concentrates. Thus, the use of non-traditional imaging techniques promotes cognitive activity, correction of mental processes and the personal sphere preschoolers in general.

"City landscape" in mixed media using wax crayons, watercolor paint and salt.

"Bouquet in a vase" made with watercolor pencils (Vika A., 4 years old).

the process of drawing "Flower Meadow" using the blotography technique.

These techniques are not tiring preschoolers, they remain highly active and efficient throughout the entire time allotted for completing the task.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “A child by nature is an inquisitive explorer, a discoverer of the world. So let a wonderful world open before him in living colors, bright and vibrant sounds, in a fairy tale and in a game, in his own creativity, in the beauty that inspires his heart, in the desire to do good people" Following the words of one of the greatest teachers I try to enrich most of my art classes with the accompaniment of classical musical works, as well as music with sounds of nature, for maximum development creativity, imagination and sensory abilities children. I try to conduct my classes in an integrated form using a mixture of areas such How: fiction, music, field of knowledge, communications, speech development. I try to design classes so that children discover something new every time, so that a surprise moment remains until the end of the lesson, and, of course, so that children enjoy the results they receive, so that their self-esteem and desire for cognitive and productive activities are constantly grew up.

In my work, I try to use all my creative potential, constantly improve myself, and look for new methods. I actively maintain my blog on the international Russian-language social educational Internet portal (, where I share and exchange pedagogical experience with other teachers. Also for sharing pedagogical experience I regularly visit methodological associations and take part in them. So in November 2012, at a methodological association for educators preschool education based on MBDOU No. 66 "Fidgets" I gave a presentation on topic: “Neuropsychology to help educators.”

At a methodological association for specialists in art activities preschool education on the basis of MADOU No. 63 "Sparkle" made a co-report at topic: « Development creativity and imagination children through artistic creativity using non-traditional drawing techniques.” In October 2012, she took part in a methodological panorama for educators and specialists preschool education, where I conducted an open lesson with children junior preschool age on the topic: "A story from the life of flowers".

By purchasing the appropriate experience drawing in non-traditional techniques, and thus, having overcome the fear of failure, the child will subsequently enjoy the work and freely move on to mastering new drawing techniques.

In work with I use different ones for preschoolers non-objective techniques drawing: monotype, leaf printing, poking method, drawing with salt, blotography, etc.

Each of these methods is a small game that brings children joy and positive emotions. By creating images, conveying a plot, the child reflects his feelings, his understanding of the situation, and imposes his own scale "evil" And "of good". In classes with non-traditional drawing techniques, you need to teach a growing person to think, create, fantasize, think boldly and freely, outside the box, to fully demonstrate their abilities, develop self-confidence, to the best of our ability.

An important direction in its pedagogical I consider working with parents to be an activity. I use various organizational forms: holding joint holidays

Dear Mommy!”, November 2012, master classes for parents ( "My sun", using application technique, October 2012, individual work with discussion and development of recommendations for supporting the child during the adaptation period, for joint creativity with the child at home. This kind of work with parents unites our team of kids and their mothers, fathers, grandmothers, raises the creative potential of parents, who, after master classes, gladly participate in creative competitions for joint crafts and take prizes (Arina Z., “The white birch has let down its braids”, 2nd place in the Moscow region). I'm like a mother of two myself children, Mohamed and Saida, I take an active part in all competitions (Ba-Alvi Mohamed, 5 years old, 1st place in the Moscow region for the work “I will give a name to the big ship "Mother",

2nd place in the Central Federal District for work based on the books of Korney Chukovsky.

Information boards for parents about life children in the group, recommendations for age and personal characteristics young children.

Thus, based on the work done, daily observations of children and the processes occurring in the group, I saw that children have grown interest in the learning process, knowledge of the environment, children happily go to kindergarten, they began to creatively peer into the world around them, find different ways to realize your plans, acquired experience aesthetic perception. Children have gained self-confidence and are interested in new games, activities, toys, joint creativity with the teacher, and new theatrical fairy tales.

Educational activities on the use of non-traditional fine art techniques also have a beneficial effect on development of fine motor skills of hands, formation and development of figurative and spatial thinking, memory, perception and attention, and therefore help solve the tasks of a comprehensive harmonious child development.

I believe that “childhood is the most important period of human life. Not preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life!” (V. A. Sukhomlinsky). And even though we cannot teach a person to be happy, we can educate him versatile harmonious personality. Develop he has the best human qualities so that he receives joy from the perception of his surroundings and gives joy to others, completely within our power. After all, it all starts from childhood!

Thank you for your attention!