Project “Folk doll. Project for older preschoolers "folk doll in the games of modern children" Folk doll project in children's art houses


Municipal state educational institution

Secondary school Chekhov-7

creative project

"Russian folk doll"

Performed: ,
3rd grade student

Introduction 3 Results of a survey of students about dolls 4 History of dolls…………………………………………………………… 6 Types of dolls…………………..………………………………… ……….. eight

4.1. Guardian dolls………………….………………………….…….. 8

4.2. Game dolls………………………...…………………………. 9

4.3. Ritual dolls………………………………………………….10

5. Making a Russian folk doll "The Comforter"……………... 12

6. Results of the repeated survey of students about dolls 14

7. Conclusion……………………….……….. 15

8. List of used literature………………………………... 16


The Russian doll is considered one of the most mysterious symbols of Russia. This is not just a children's toy, it is an essential attribute of ancient rituals.

During the summer holidays, my grandmother and I visited the exhibition of folk arts and crafts at the Museum of Folk Art in Penza. There I saw dolls that were made with my own hands from just a piece of cloth and thread, and not sewn in a factory. I became interested in how they appeared among the Russian people, what they were like, what significance each doll had, and up to what age children played in them, and also to learn the technology of making folk dolls. Therefore, the subject of my research was traditional Russian folk dolls.


I conducted a survey of students in our class, asking them to answer the following questions:

Do you know anything about Russian folk dolls?

Of the 9 people interviewed
3 answered "Yes" and 6 - "No".

Do you know the history of Russian folk dolls?

Do you have handmade dolls?

Of the 9 people interviewed, 1 answered "Yes", and 8 - "No".

From the survey, I concluded that the topic of my project is relevant.

The purpose and objectives of the project

The purpose of the project: to arouse the interest of students in the Russian folk doll.

Project objectives:

to study the history of the emergence of Russian folk dolls;

explore the types of dolls;

to make a Russian folk doll-amulet.


I want to tell you about folk dolls that were in ancient times in Russia. This topic seemed interesting to me, because the doll is the oldest and most popular toy.

Some scientists believe that dolls appeared simultaneously with the appearance of man. Others that we ourselves are toys of higher forces. Still others say that toy items are made by the person himself.

Exploring history, we can understand that in the ancient world, dolls were used not only for games, but also for rituals. These were the ancestors of folk toys.

Most researchers are of the opinion that the doll did not become a toy right away. And that's why. In ancient times, the world of children did not differ much from the world of their parents in the sense that the child entered adulthood early, joining its values.

That is why the ancient dolls were not exactly toys. They had a different purpose: participation in rituals, festivities, they were placed in graves or burned as an expiatory sacrifice.

Dolls were an indispensable attribute of the everyday life of our grandparents, an integral part of the holidays, the process of raising children. Over a lifetime of traditional, do-it-yourself dolls, more than a hundred were recruited, but they were by no means thrown away: a sin. Dolls were carefully kept, passed down from generation to generation, as the greatest value - a talisman of life.

In Russia, it was considered bad luck to interrupt a playing child. The longer the children played with dolls, the calmer the atmosphere in the family.
In the old days, magical properties were attributed to the doll. Dolls-amulets, dolls-patrons of the craft. Previously, for any holiday, a doll was made in the family, in which a particle of the master's soul was invested.

Dolls were made without a face, as it was believed that a doll with a face acquires a soul and can harm a child. It turns out that in Russia from time immemorial it was considered a bad omen to draw eyes, mouth, nose on a doll: the unclean spirit of "Anchutka" can move in. The exception was the little man-forester, who is already a representative of evil spirits.

Usually dolls were made very quickly and simply, because women had a lot of responsibilities and worries. The basis of five-minute dolls could be logs, tree bark, cardboard or a piece of dense woven fabric. All this was neatly folded, tied with a belt - this is a strong amulet, a scarf was tied - and the doll is ready.

So, a doll is a toy made in the form of a human figure. So the person tried to show the similarity of the doll with a person. And this is worth thinking about. The word "doll" is an animated noun. Animated means it has a soul! The master puppeteer, putting his soul into his work, like a creator, creates the likeness of a person.

He believes that such a doll will help in grief and share happiness.


According to their purpose, dolls are divided into three large groups:
amulet dolls, play and ceremonial.

Charm dolls

In the past, the peasant doll had different purposes. There was a belief that if there is a hand-made Fertility doll in the house, then the family will always have prosperity and a good harvest. These toys were small in size and in different colors, which developed the child's eyesight. The keeper of sleep drove away bad dreams with her wings, so she was hung over the beds.

1. Doll "Kuvadka". It used to be believed that if a Kuvadka hangs over a child's crib, then it drives away evil forces. Two weeks before the birth of the child, the expectant mother placed such a doll-amulet in the cradle. When the parents went to work in the field, and the child was alone in the house, he looked at these little dolls and calmly played.

2. Doll "Angel". An angel doll was made as a gift for a name day. This is an uncomplicated, but very pretty doll-amulet, which existed in many provinces of Russia. It was made using the old traditional technology, having at hand only shreds of light-colored fabric, scissors and threads. This doll is made from four squares of fabric. The largest square is used to make the head and torso, two identical smaller squares are used for the wings and a very small one for the halo.

3. Doll "Day and night". There were charms for every time of the day. Day and night are two little angels: one is made of dark fabric, the other is made of light. They are connected by a two-color thread and are inseparable; one was placed in front during the day, the other at night. It was a must in any home. The one who went to bed last turned the doll to the night side into the room, and the first household member who woke up immediately turned the doll to the day side. Such a charm protected the house from all misfortunes.

play dolls

Play dolls were intended for fun for children. They were divided into stitched and folded. Rolled dolls were made without a needle and thread. A thick layer of fabric was wound around a wooden stick, and then tied with a rope. Then a head with handles was tied to this stick and dressed in elegant clothes.

1. Doll "Spin". Play rolled dolls include dolls - twists, which were made very simply. The body is a piece of fabric twisted around its axis and fastened with a thread. The hands are made in the same way and, finally, a small ball - the head is attached to the body with the help of a thread.

2. Doll "Bunny on the finger." Such dolls were made for children from the age of three, so that they would have a friend, an interlocutor. The bunny is dressed on a finger and is always next to you. Parents used to give this toy to their children when they left home, and if you get bored or scared, you can turn to him as a friend, talk to him, complain or just play. It is both a friend and a guardian. Children are very responsive and see a kindred spirit in their favorite toy, open up and talk like with a living person.

3. Doll "for free". This doll was also a sewn play doll. She was sewed by girls up to 12 years old, and this was a kind of sewing exam and.

ritual dolls

The Russian land is rich in rituals. Ritual dolls were revered and placed in a hut, in a red corner. They had a ritual purpose.

1. "Veps doll" is one of the most ancient ritual dolls, symbolizing fertility and prosperity. It is made from scraps of worn-out clothes, and threads are pulled from them for a tangle (a skein of scraps of threads or a tuft of hemp or linen tow) and tying the details of the doll. That is, the details of this doll are not sewn together, but connected.

2. Doll "Corn". And in order for the house to be satisfying and rich, the hostess of the house made a doll Zernovushka, or Krupenichka. They did it after the harvest. At the heart of the doll is a bag with grains collected from the field. They stuffed it with different grains. Also, this doll was made by a woman so that she would have children.

3. Straw doll. A straw doll was placed at night in the cradle of a sick child. They believed that such a doll had the ability to take away the disease, and after that the toy was burned and all diseases disappeared.


I have a friend who lives in an orphanage. She cries very often because she misses her mother, and I want to console her. Therefore, I decided to make a doll for her, which is called "Comfort".

This "Comfort" was the strongest and surest remedy for children's tears. When a child is sad, crying, or suddenly injured due to negligence, and when he is simply naughty, then he was given such a doll. When the doll was taken out, the admiration of the child knew no bounds ...
And he forgot about his tears. I hope she likes this doll and stops crying.

In the manufacture of the doll "Comfort" is very simple.

We will need:

1. For the head, take a square piece of fabric (for example: 15x15 cm).
In the middle of the flap we put a ball of rags or synthetic winterizer.
We bend the fabric and tie it with a red thread (you can take a floss
in 6 additions), thus forming the head.

2. For a sundress, take a rectangular piece of fabric (11x23 cm).

Carefully lay the folds, distribute them along the neck of the rag doll in an eversion way and tie with a red thread.

We lower the sundress down.

3. We tie a ribbon on the head of the "Comfort". We tie a scarf on top of the ribbon on the head. We lower the ends of the scarf freely (without a knot) in front. And we tie a ribbon on top, it can be the same as on the doll's head.

The Comforter doll for my girl friend is ready. I hope she likes this doll very much.


I told this project to the children, after which I conducted another survey of students in our class, offering to answer the following questions:

Do you know everything about Russian folk dolls?

Did you like the history of the emergence of Russian folk dolls?

Of the 9 people interviewed, 9 answered "Yes".

Have you understood the technique of making Russian folk dolls?

Of the 9 people interviewed, 9 answered "Yes".

Do you want to make a Russian folk doll with your own hands?

Of the 9 people interviewed, 7 answered "Yes", and 2 - "No".


Conclusion: With the help of this creative project, I was convinced that the students in my class showed interest in the history of the origin of dolls, as evidenced by the results of the second student survey.
They liked the technique of making a Russian folk doll, as it is simple. And most importantly, my friend girl from the orphanage liked the Comforter doll. She stopped crying and smiled. So this doll, made by me, really has something magical, because a piece of my soul was invested in it.

List of used literature

1. Dine, a rag doll. Culture, traditions, technology [Text] /, .- M .: Culture and traditions,
2007.- 120 p.

2. Zimina, ritual dolls [Text]/.

3. Kotova, rituals and traditions. Folk doll [Text] /, .- St. Petersburg, Parity, 2008.- 240

4. Russian ritual dolls: [Electronic resource] http://club. osinka. en

Topic:"Folk doll in the games of modern children"
Age 5 – 7 years

Compiled on the basis of the exemplary program "The program of education and training in kindergarten" M.A. Vasilyeva, T.S. Gerbova 2007

It is no secret that over the past decades we have lost folk traditions and, along with them, most of the moral values. The results were not long in coming, we are reaping their fruits every day and everywhere. But in the upbringing of a child as a person, folk traditions play a huge role. In our time, when the words "immorality", "lack of spirituality" have become familiar, we are seriously thinking about what today's preschoolers will grow up to be. Introducing children to Russian folk culture is a hot topic today. Children definitely need to know the history of their people, their traditions, culture, crafts, in order to feel like a part of their people, to feel pride in their country. In order to preserve and pass on to the next generations the cultural and moral values ​​of our people, it is necessary to return a home-made doll to our life and the lives of our children. train memory.
Why did we choose a doll as a means of introducing children to folk culture? The doll is the first among toys, so it is close and understandable to the child. A hand-made folk doll is part of the folk tradition. Making it, the child learns the history of his people. A doll is not born by itself, it is created by a person, and the most inspired doll creators are children. Through the puppet world, they enter life and comprehend its patterns. The doll is a visible mediator between the world of childhood and the world of adults.
Classes with children with a folk doll will help to simply and unobtrusively tell about the most important thing - about the beauty and diversity of this world, about its history, they will teach the child to hear, see, feel, understand and fantasize. At the same time, in the process of these classes, perseverance, determination, the ability to complete the work begun to the end will be formed, fine motor skills will develop - all these qualities and skills will provide invaluable help to the child for successful schooling.
The traditions of using folk toys and dolls will help preserve the values ​​of human relations and ethnic culture in the family, society and pass on the social experience of the people to the younger generation. This work is of particular importance in modern preschool education. The process of modernization of preschool education, the introduction of FGT to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education involves the development of the child, familiarizing him with the roots of the people through play activities.
But in the modern world, our children's toys are stylized as American cartoon characters and the child does not have information about the traditional folk doll. And many parents do not know what toys our grandparents played with. Sometimes the flow of information is large and very complex. Children, having plunged into it, go with the flow, like adults. Lost interest in our folk tales, traditional games, national toys. They are replaced by foreign cartoons and computer games. In the family, and even in kindergarten, there is an abundance of toys that are constantly bought and do not carry artistic meaning and expression. The child's attitude towards them is spontaneous: he played and abandoned, tore and forgot. And it is easier for parents to throw away than to repair together with the child, to instill love and a good attitude towards human work. Even today, adults are not interested in their history, they do not know their family tree and do not pass on the skills and abilities of the older generation to children. We, teachers, are faced with the task of helping preschool children find ways to return traditions and customs.
However, here we are faced with problems:
- there is no sufficient methodological and play material on the folk doll;
- low level of interest of parents in working with children and teachers on this topic;
- insufficiently formed creative interaction between the parents of pupils and kindergarten.
- in preschool pedagogy there is no developed modern model for working with folk dolls.
1. Direction of the project:
This project is aimed at the comprehensive integration of educational areas in accordance with federal state requirements.
2.The project is intended for children of the senior and preparatory groups, teachers, parents, in order to familiarize children with Russian folk traditions.
3. Purpose of the project: development of an effective system of work to develop children's interest in Russian folk culture and folk dolls.
4.Project objectives:
- expand children's knowledge about the culture of the people (traditions, holidays, signs, riddles, sayings, nursery rhymes)
- to acquaint children with the history of the emergence of folk dolls (types of dolls, manufacturing technology)
- learn to make folk dolls.
- develop game interaction skills, creative imagination.
- develop children's speech, expand vocabulary
- cultivate respect for one's own work and that of others.
5. Predicted results.
- Children's interest in the folk doll and folk traditions will increase;
- Children's knowledge of the folk doll will expand;
- Formed interest in the manufacture of simple dolls;
- An approved system of activities will be created to form children's interest in the folk doll;
- Creative interaction with the families of pupils will improve during the implementation of the project.
- Children will develop the skills of caring for the results of their own and other people's work.
6. The most important indicators and indicators, indicators that allow assessing the progress of the project.
- A high level of development in children of interest in the folk doll and folk traditions;
- The share of participation of children in experimental research activities will increase;
- The quality of the educational process will increase;
- The process of socialization of children in the new environment will increase.
7. Conditions for the implementation of the project.
Legal support
- the presence of local acts (approval of the PEP and the FGT schedule) regulating the activities and educational process within the framework of the FGT
- availability of a data bank of legal documents of various levels
- teachers are interested in the introduction of innovative technologies
- teacher's possession of modern educational technologies
Scientific and methodological support
- the model of the educational process is determined in accordance with the FGT
- a comprehensive thematic planning and a system for monitoring the achievement by children of the planned results of mastering the SEP by children have been developed.
Information Support
- the interaction of the employees of the preschool educational institution with the parents of the pupils, with the society is organized.
- the presence of a subject-developing environment.
- creation of a corner for dressing up, a corner "Fairytale Workshop"
- creation of a mini-museum "Dolls of our grandmothers"
8. Stages of the project
Stage 1 preparatory
At the first stage, the literature on the topic was studied and analyzed, the volume of material, terms, direction for the project were determined. Improving the necessary material and technical base and the developing subject environment (albums, materials, didactic games, a selection of fiction, class notes), in order to accumulate ideas about folk culture, life, folk traditions. Senior group (September) - holding a parent meeting "Folk doll in the games of modern children"
Purpose: To establish interaction with parents in the organization of research activities on the topic "Creating a Folk Doll"
- Excursion to the library.
Purpose: search for material on the creation of a folk doll.
Senior group (October) - excursion to the museum of the House of Children's Creativity.
Purpose: to search for material on the creation of a folk doll, to acquaint with ancient household items of our area.
-Working with parents in order to involve parents in the production of albums, diagrams, drawings for the manufacture of folk dolls.
October-January - work with parents.
Involving parents in the manufacture of folk dolls (Kubyshka-herbalist, Kuvadka, Keeper of the house, Komi doll akan, Baby-log, Stolbushka, Angel, Bell, Haircut, Pokosnitsa, Helper, Doll on a spoon, Kormilkavepsskaya, doll for luck, Vesnyanka)
Thus, at the first stage, we try to form in children a steady interest in learning about the history of their people, to develop emotional responsiveness, a desire to get acquainted with folk dolls and their manufacture.
Stage 2 main
Long - from the senior group (January) to March of the preparatory group.
Target: study of pedagogical literature; development, verification of the effectiveness and efficiency of activities aimed at developing children's interest in the folk doll.
terms: from January of the senior group to March of the preparatory group - 1.5 years.
activities aimed at developing children's interest in folk dolls are implemented in accordance with the topics and deadlines developed in perspective-thematic planning.
performer: group educator, parents.


Month Action Purpose Summary Material
January Acquaintance with the log baby doll Introduce children to the image of a folk doll, the history of the creation of the doll and its purpose
Reading r.s.c. "Tereshechka" Doll baby log
January D / and "Who are you, my doll?" Consolidate children's knowledge about the log baby log doll

Doll Baby - log
January Making a folk doll Log baby Teach children how to make a doll, develop interest in a folk doll, Promote the development of creative activity in the process of creating a doll Joint creative activity of a teacher and children in the process of making a log log baby (30 cm), fabric, narrow ribbon, doll making samples
February Acquaintance with the folk doll Kuvadka Introduce children to the history of the creation of the doll and its purpose
looking at doll Kuvadka Doll
February Teaching game actions with dolls, folk games Round dance game "At Grandma Melania's"

Correlate the word and the expressive movement of the hands, fingers, facial expressions. Memorize words for the game
February Making a folk doll Kuvadka. To teach children how to make a Kuvadka doll by twisting, to develop interest in a folk doll, to promote the development of creative activity in the process of creating a doll Joint creative activity of a teacher and children in the process of making a Kuvadka doll, doll making patterns, rectangular and square fabric, threads.
March Acquaintance with the Vesnyanka doll Introduce children to folk traditions, spring play dolls using the example of the Vesnyanka doll A conversation about the Easter holiday and the purpose of the stonefly doll Vesnyanka doll
March Conversation "Russian Traditions" Expand children's ideas about the meaning of nature and its
phenomena in folk traditions
Acquaintance with sayings and signs about spring Doll Vesnyanka, illustrations on the theme "Spring"
March A gift for the Easter holiday - making a folk doll Vesnyanka To teach children how to make a folk doll stonefly in a nodal way, to develop fine motor skills of the fingers Creative activities of children in making dolls. Vesnyanka doll, manufacturing patterns, a rectangle of white fabric, a strip of fabric, a rectangular piece of fabric for handles and a skirt, a triangular piece for a handkerchief
April Acquaintance with the folk doll Stolbushka Introduce children to the folk doll with
Stolbushka, to develop children's interest in the doll. Conversation
Examining the doll, playing with the doll Doll Stolbushka
April Acquaintance of children with folk traditions, folklore, through
lullabies Introduce children to lullabies, their purpose, learning to play with dolls Learning a lullaby, listening to music Sviridov "Lullaby" Toy bed, dolls
April Russian folk outdoor game "Scarf" Introduce children to folk games Outdoor game with running Scarf

April Making a folk doll "Stolbushka" Teach children how to make a doll, develop creativity Joint creative activities of parents and children
Thick fabric (20x20), light fabric (20x20), cotton ball, thread
May D / and "Find out by description" Consolidate the knowledge of children about the studied dolls. To cultivate observation, attention, the ability to distinguish dolls by signs. Game activity Folk dolls: Log baby, Kuvadka. Vesnyanka.

Month Activities Purpose Summary Material
September d / and "Find out by description" Fix the names of the studied dolls, cultivate attention, observation
Game activity Folk dolls: Kuvadka, Vesnyanka, Baby-log.
September acquaintance of children with the Pokosnitsa doll Introduce children to the folk doll Pokosnitsa, its origin and purpose. Talk to children about summer. Examination of the painting by Kustodiev

Doll Pokosnitsa, painting by Kustodiev "Haymaking"
September Drawing "Haymaking" Consolidate children's knowledge about the season-summer, about the work of adults. Develop creativity Considering illustrations on the theme "Summer" Paints, albums,
September D / and "Who are you, my doll?" To consolidate the knowledge of children about folk dolls. Game activity Folk dolls: mowing, log baby, kuvadka, springfly.
september Making a folk doll kosnitsa To teach children how to make a doll from fabric and cotton wool, to develop skills in working with threads. Joint creative activity of children and parents in the process of making a doll Folk doll mowing, a scheme for making a doll. Patch of white fabric 10x20, colored fabric 10x20, red threads, cotton wool, triangular piece of fabric for a scarf, strip of fabric 1x7 cm
October Acquaintance with the folk doll Strigushka Introduce children to a doll made of bast Conversation with children Strigushka doll
October Conversation "From seed to linen" Introduce children to the process of making a folk costume

Conversation Pictures "Flax blossoms", "Spinner", illustrations of a spinning wheel and flax.
October Ushinsky's story "How the shirt grew in the field" Acquaintance of children with the story, listen carefully and answer questions on the content. Reading fiction. Illustrations for the story
November Acquaintance with the folk doll happiness Introduce children to the doll happiness, its purpose Conversation Painting by F. Bulkin “Girl in front of a mirror”
November Conversation “Meet by clothes” Explain to children the meaning of the outfit, hairstyle of the doll and its status in the game. Examining dolls, playing activities. Doll happiness, doll Strigushka.
November Norwegian fairy tale "Doll in the Grass" Introduce children to the fairy tale, talk on content Reading fiction Doll happiness
November Making a folk doll happiness - as a gift to mothers on Mother's Day. To teach children how to make a happiness doll, to cultivate love for loved ones, a desire to take care of them. Children's creative activities Cotton wool, white material, hair threads, skirt material, red threads.
December Acquaintance with the Komi akan doll To acquaint children with the doll, its purpose, manufacturing technology. Conversation
Examining the doll. Doll Komi akan
December Drawing “Doll in national costume” To introduce children to the Komi folk costume and ornament, to develop creativity. Examining a doll in a Komi national costume, examining Komi ornaments. Album, gouache, brushes, jars of water, sample for drawing.
December Excursion to the museum "Komikerka" To introduce children to ancient utensils, to develop children's interest in their native land.

Examination of household items of the Komi hut, explain to the children how they were used. Antique utensils, furniture
January Conversation with children about the holiday of Christmas. To acquaint children with the holiday, its meaning and customs. Conversation.
Looking at Christmas cards. Illustrations, postcards
January Acquaintance and production of a folk doll Angel To acquaint children with a folk doll angel, manufacturing technology. Joint creative activity of the teacher and children in making dolls. Angel doll sample, cotton wool, square patch, red threads.
January Acquaintance of children with a doll on a spoon. To acquaint children with a folk doll on a spoon, its origin and purpose. Examination of various spoons and a doll on a spoon. Doll on a spoon, spoons made of various materials.
January Visiting Grandma Arina. Expand ideas about Russian folk, family customs. Develop attention, memory, imaginative thinking, fine motor skills. Looking at antiques. wooden utensils
January Making a folk doll on a spoon. Teach children to make a doll on a spoon. Joint creative activity of a teacher and children in making a doll A sample of a doll on a spoon, a wooden spoon, a square piece, cotton wool, red threads.
February Acquaintance of children with the folk doll Herbal Pod. To acquaint children with the folk doll Herbalist, its origin, purpose and manufacturing technology. Conversation Doll Kubishka - herbalist.
February D / and "Who are you, my doll?" To educate in children attention, observation. Game activity. Folk dolls
February "Plants that heal us" Introduce children to the medicinal plants of our area, their appearance, place of growth. Conversation.
Consideration of herbariums, illustrations with medicinal plants. herbaria
March Acquaintance with the folk doll Bell. To acquaint children with folk costumes, using the example of a bell doll, to show the multi-layered folk costume. A story about the Russian dress in which the doll is dressed. Details of the Russian outfit and their meaning. Folk doll Bell.
March Reading the fairy tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful" Introduce children to the fairy tale, teach them to listen carefully. Content conversation. Reading fiction. Fairy tale illustrations.
March Making a folk doll Bell. Teach children how to make a bell doll, develop creativity. Joint creative activity of children and parents in making dolls Sample bell doll, three round shreds of fabric of different colors. One is smaller than the other, cotton wool, threads, a triangular patch for a scarf.
March Drawing "My favorite doll" - an exhibition of works. To teach children to draw a doll they like, to develop creativity. Examining dolls, artistic creativity. Folk dolls, paints. Brushes, landscape sheets.

3 stepsanalytical
Analysis of the implementation of project tasks at each stage.
Preparatory group (April - May) diagnostics to determine the achievement of the goals and objectives of the project.
April - May (preparatory group) - final diagnostics of the level of formation of children's interest in the folk doll; analysis of the effectiveness of work on this project at the final stage. (Appendix No. 1)
Creative Progress Report
- Showing the fairy tale "Grandmother's dolls"
-Participation of children in the research conference "I am a researcher"
-Creation of a mini-museum "Dolls of our grandmothers"
Results of the project:
Based on the results of the work of the project “Folk Doll in the Games of Modern Children”, it became clear that acquaintance with the history of the folk doll and the technology of its manufacture can be started from kindergarten. This work provides opportunities for children's creative self-expression, the formation of skills in working with various materials - natural and household. The folk doll is closest to children and at the same time is associated with many aspects of national culture. Making folk toys with children has great educational opportunities. Children develop a sense of color, rhythm and proportions, an eye, an aesthetic taste. One of the important points in making a toy is that it can be made without a needle and scissors. Children made dolls from various materials. Thus, they acquired the necessary labor skills, they began to form a good taste.
The classes that we conducted made it possible to introduce children to the world of folk dolls, to Russian folk songs, rituals, and thereby introduce children to the folk traditional culture of Russia and Komi.
In the process of working on the project, friendly creative interaction was formed with the families of the pupils, 90% of the parents and children of the group were involved in the work on the project, the level of knowledge of parents and teachers on the problem significantly increased, the subject development environment of the group was replenished and updated. The final stage of the project was the creation of a mini-museum dedicated to folk dolls made not only from fabric, but also from other materials "Dolls of our grandmothers"
Further development of the project:
- the use of hand-made dolls in the play activities of children:
-participation in competitions, exhibitions, promotions;
- publications

The final results of the work on the topic
Control and measuring materials
Integrative quality: "Inquisitive, active"
- interested in the new, unknown in the world around;
- asks questions to an adult, likes to experiment;
- able to act independently (in everyday life, in various activities);
- in cases of difficulty seeks help from an adult;
- takes an active and interested part in the educational process;
Integrated quality "Emotionally Responsive".
- responds to the emotions of loved ones and friends;
- empathizes with the characters of fairy tales, stories, stories;
Integrated quality "Having mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers."
- actively uses verbal and non-verbal means of communication, owns dialogic speech and constructive ways of interacting with children and adults;
- is able to change the style of communication with an adult or a peer, depending on the situation;
Integrated quality "Able to manage one's behavior and plan one's actions on the basis of primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules."
- able to plan their actions aimed at achieving a specific goal;
Integrated quality "Able to solve intellectual and personal problems adequate to age."
- can apply independently acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve new tasks set by both adults and themselves; depending on the situation, it can transform the ways of solving problems;
- is able to offer his own idea and translate it into a drawing, a story;
Integrated quality "Having primary ideas about himself, family, society, state, world and nature."
- has ideas about society, its cultural values;
Integrated quality "Having mastered the universal prerequisites for learning activities."
- knows how to work according to the rule and model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions;
Integrated quality "Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities."
- the child has formed the skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of various activities;
Educational area "Socialization".
- independently selects or invents various plots of games;
- adheres to the intended plan during the game, leaving room for improvisation, finds a new interpretation of the role and performs it;
- can simulate the subject-game environment;
Educational area "Labor".
- shows diligence in work on a doll;
- can plan their work activities; select the necessary materials for work;
Educational area "Cognition"
- can perform models of dolls according to the drawing and verbal instructions;
- has a variety of impressions about the objects of the surrounding world;
- has ideas about his native land; its attractions;
- establishes elementary causal relationships;
Educational area "Communication".
- owns sufficient vocabulary, freely communicates with teachers, parents, peers;
- retells and dramatizes small literary works; compiles according to plan and model stories about the subject, according to the plot picture, according to a set of pictures with the plot development of the action;
Educational area "Artistic creativity"
- distinguishes between the types of fine arts, decorative and applied and folk art.

1. Elena Berstneva, Natalya Dogaeva “Puppet chest”, publishing house “OOO Bely Gorod”, Moscow.
2. Dine G. D. “Russian folk toy” - M .: Light and food industry, 1981.-192s., ill.
3.Tsygvinskaya O.A. Workshop of folk dolls. Theoretical and practical foundations of manufacturing. -SP b .: LLC "Publishing house" Childhood - press ", 2013.- 80s., color. Il.

Group No. 8

Educator: Kopytova I.N.

"Russian Folk Doll"

Cognitive and creative project

Medium term project (two months)

Children age: 6-7 years old


  • Interest in folk crafts in the modern world is increasing. And this happens because once there was a gap, a void. And now there is a great need to fill it. Our current desire to know what a folk toy was, how it was played, and what it meant, this is not only a cognitive interest, but also a natural desire to know and remember the past of our people.
  • The Russian doll is considered one of the most mysterious symbols of Russia. This is not just a children's toy, it is an essential attribute of ancient rituals. From time immemorial, craftsmen have mastered the art of making such dolls, which have absorbed all the cultural traditions and customs of Russia.
  • It was believed that do-it-yourself dolls from improvised materials had magical properties. Our ancestors believed that dolls were able to drive away evil spirits and bring happiness to the house. This is probably why these dolls were often worn as talismans.


  • Nowadays, on the shelves of stores you can see a lot of beautiful toys, they are made in a factory and these toys carry the warmth of the soul of their creators.
  • Therefore, we believe that in the 21st century, children should once again see not only toy robots and various automated dolls, but also toys made by their own hands, and not by machines. Each doll made by this or that author is individual in its own way. It has its own history and its own unique image. Now the need for original products has become especially acute.

Objective of the project

  • awakening children's interest in Russian culture and traditional folk doll

Tasks of working with children to familiarize themselves with traditional rag dolls

  • To instill interest and love for the Russian rag doll as a type of folk art
  • To promote the development of aesthetic perception of samples of folk toys
  • Familiarize yourself with folk traditions
  • To form knowledge, skills, practical skills in working with textile materials and the ability to create and perform independently artistic products in the traditions of folk art
  • Develop children's creative abilities, the desire for independent creativity
  • Learn to correctly select the color range of materials for the manufacture of folk dolls
  • Cultivate love for the customs of ancestors, diligence, artistic taste

Stages of project implementation

  • 1. Studying the history of the origin of the folk doll
  • 2. Studying the types of dolls
  • 3. Studying the technology of making dolls
  • 4. Making a Russian folk doll "Martinichki" or "Lovebirds"
  • 5. Making a Russian folk doll "Maslenitsa"
  • 6. Making a Russian folk doll "Easter"
  • 7. Demonstration and gifting of dolls by children to parents


  • Introduction
  • Explanation of new material (acquaintance with history and traditions)
  • Determination of the sequence of work
  • Making the base of the doll
  • Making a doll costume
  • Doll decoration
  • Summary of the lesson

Types of traditional rag dolls by purpose




baby naked







Doll with a scythe

Pancake week


Day and night


Doll elegant



Grandma's doll









Kozma and Demyan










Easter dove

Vladimirskaya pole

Types of rag dolls by manufacturing method

Doll base - 2 rectangles

Kuvatka, Easter, Lovebirds, Kozma and Demyan, Ten-handled, Vesnyanka, Bellflower, nodular, wedding

A doll in which the head is a ball placed in the center of a square or rectangle, and the arms are made of the same square diagonally. Sometimes a chest is attached to this base.

Day and night, angel, bell, spin, insomnia

Puppets-pillars, the basis of which is a roll of fabric

Vladimirskaya Stolebushka, Bereginya, Likhomanka

Dolls based on a bag

Ash, Grain, Krupenichka

Why does the folk doll have no face?

The traditional rag doll is faceless. The face, as a rule, was not indicated, it remained white. A doll without a face was considered an inanimate object, inaccessible to evil, unkind forces, and therefore harmless to a child. She was supposed to bring him well-being, health, joy. It was a miracle: from several rags, without arms, without legs, without a marked face, the character of the doll was conveyed. The doll had many faces, she could laugh and cry.

Charm dolls

In ancient times, dolls had a different purpose, it was a person's protection from illness, misfortune, evil spirits. The doll took care of a person, they called her that: a talisman or a coaster. As a rule, the most protective were dolls made without a needle and scissors. When making dolls, they tried not to cut the fabric, but to tear it (sometimes the dolls were called that - "rvanki").

Swaddle - the oldest doll-amulet. The diaper was in the cradle until the child was baptized (At baptism, the baby acquired the status of a person). This doll was kept in the family along with the baptismal shirt. The doll was easy to make; pieces of worn, often homespun clothes were used for it. The swaddled doll could be used by children in games.

A doll was widespread in the North of Russia - birch bark, the doll was made of birch bark rolled into a tube. Prayer (or conspiracy) was put inside. It was a strong amulet. As a rule, this doll was made for a child and given to him by his own grandmother (that's why she was sometimes called " grandma's doll ").

Marriage is an important moment in a person's life. There was a special ritual doll for this occasion. "Couple" sometimes such a doll was called "The Lovebirds" . The female and male figures have a common hand - a symbol of a strong marriage union. The wedding "Couple" was made from three red flaps of the same size. The doll was given to the young at the wedding, fixed on a towel. When the first child was born in a young family, they began to use the towel, and the doll was given to the child or kept all his life as a talisman of the family and marriage.

grain - the doll, which symbolized prosperity in the house, was a kind of family talisman. Sometimes it was called "grain" or "grain". This doll was made after the harvest. At the heart of this doll is a bag filled with grain. Also, this doll could be made by a woman so that she would have children. This the doll symbolized wealth, well-being in the family. It lived in areas where cereals were grown.

"Day and night" (it refers to two-faced or paired dolls). As a rule, it was done on New Year's Eve. It was made from fabrics of dark and light colors. The light fabric symbolized the day, and the dark fabric symbolized the night. Early in the morning, every day it was turned to the light side (for the day), and in the evening - to the dark side (for the night). They said: "The day has passed, and thank God, let the night pass in the same way."

Doll - broom helped the hostess "sweep the rubbish out of the hut." Of course, this was not material garbage, but rubbish, because of which there were quarrels, discord in the house. It was made, as a rule, from herbs, straw, bast. The doll's clothes consisted of a sarafan and a scarf. According to the outfit of the doll, it was possible to determine the place of her "birth". This doll existed in the central and southern provinces.

dolls- fever . Twelve dolls, swaddled like babies, fastened together. They were placed behind the stove so that no one could see them. Fever saved from disease.

ritual dolls

Among the peoples of Russia, dolls were used in various rituals and holidays of the folk calendar. Dolls were largely associated with all kinds of rituals during the holidays.

Haircut Doll was associated with a rich harvest. Shearers were made from straw, bast, flax waste. Sometimes she was dressed, but sometimes she was decorated with colored woolen threads. Straw dolls made from the first "nominal" sheaf were considered sacred.

"Goat". This doll was made on a cruciform basis, and the face, horns and beard were made of bast. The "goat" was dressed up in a beautiful dress and had ritual items: bells, beads, earrings, rings and bags of herbs. This doll was used in caroling ceremonies.

On Epiphany days they made a doll Sacrum , put it by a bucket of water, necessarily consecrated. It was believed that these days the water was holy. The doll was made on a cruciform basis, it was decorated with ribbons and ribbons.

were very unusual red-faced easter dolls that were made for Palm Sunday, always from a red flap. They were given for happiness, joy, she could be present at the Easter table along with Easter gifts, and then these dolls were given to pilgrims (the next year such dolls were made new).

Home Maslenitsa

On Maslenitsa week, such a doll was hung out of the window. This was a sign that the mother-in-law was waiting for her son-in-law and daughter to visit for pancakes. Most often, these dolls were made from straw and bast. The face was covered with linen and dressed in traditional attire.

On the feast of Ivan Kupala, a doll was made on a cruciform basis Kupavka , dressed up in women's clothes (shirt, sundress, belt). Ribbons were hung on Kupavka's hands - cherished girlish desires, then they were sent to swim along the river. Ribbons floating on the river took with them misfortunes and hardships. Doll "Kupavka".

tenhandle - a doll intended for a young woman (a girl who has recently married). Such a doll was often given to the bride for a wedding, so that she could do everything, and everything in her family went well. Traditionally, this doll was made of grass, straw, bast and beautifully decorated.

play dolls

The peasants did not consider playing with dolls an empty pastime. They believed that the harder a child plays, the greater will be the prosperity in the family, and if the dolls are mistreated, troubles cannot be avoided. Not only girls and teenagers played, but also girls of marriageable age. Girls brought their dolls to gatherings, to visit, in the field.

A bunny on a finger was made for children from the age of three, so that they would have a friend, an interlocutor. Parents used to give this toy to their children when they left home, and if you get bored or scared, you can turn to him as a friend, talk to him, complain or just play.

The Butterfly doll was hung over the cradle, both girls and boys played with it. The doll is a play doll, even small children could make it with their own hands. As a rule, the “Butterfly” was made of plain fabric.

Knot doll

The knotted doll is the most suitable first doll for a baby, but for all its simplicity, it is suitable for almost any age.



Project on:

"The Magical World of the Rag Doll"

Moscow, 2011

Project Manager:

Isaeva Yulia Vladimirovna - primary school teacher of the Education Center of 1430 in Moscow, class teacher of the 4th "B" class.

Relevance of the topic:

In modern society, there is an acute revival of interest in the history of the Russian people, in its culture, traditions, customs, and way of life. And this is not only a tribute to fashion! People who are tired of constant stress, the crazy pace of work and overcrowded cities, are subconsciously drawn to nature, the measured life of their ancestors, their worldly wisdom, experience and tranquility.

In the absence of technologies for preserving large amounts of information in antiquity, folklore in all its variety of genres and manifestations is an invaluable source of knowledge about Russian culture. One of the most interesting folklore trends, of course, is a rag doll. At first, she interested me as a toy, then a simple interest grew into a serious hobby, perhaps the work of a lifetime. I had a desire to distract my friends from imported cars, and my friends from Barbie and open the magical world of a rag doll for them.

And taking into account the directions of development of public interest in Russian folk art, I do not feel that the theme of my project is “out of touch with life”. I was convinced that the information I collected was in demand and relevant! And I am determined to bring it to as many of my peers as possible.

Project issues:

Despite the awakening interest in the rag doll in society, my peers do not realize its important place in Russian culture and do not perceive it as an attractive toy. A bright and interesting project will show the historical value of dolls, encourage peers to make them with their own hands, open up the possibility of using such products in everyday life for games and gifts.

Objective of the project:

To study the rag doll as an important component of the culture of Russian village life and to develop interest in the topic of the project among peers.

Project objectives:

1. Collect information about the role and place of the rag doll in peasant life.

2. To study and put into practice the technologies for making various types of dolls.

3. Organize and hold events aimed at drawing attention to the subject of the project, at increasing the popularity of the rag doll, encouraging peers to read the books presented during the presentation of the project, and find other publications on the same topic.

4. Determine further directions for the study of the rag doll as an important component of the culture of Russian village life.

Stages of work:

Stage I - preparatory: determination of areas of work, study and evaluation of various types of information sources for the project;

Stage II - research: search, accumulation and systematization of information about the rag doll, awareness of its place in Russian culture;

Stage III - creative: study and manufacture of various types of dolls, creation of an information stand and preparation of a project presentation;

Stage IV - project protection;

Stage V - determination of ways for further development of the project.

Defining a Project Theme

March 2010

Setting goals and objectives of work

March 2010 - April 2010

Study of specialized literature, search for other sources of information

May 2010 - August 2010

Studying and making different types of dolls

May 2010 - September 2010

Stand preparation and project presentation

September 2010 - November 2010

Conducting a creative lesson dedicated to a rag doll and making dolls with classmates

November 2010

Continued work on the production of dolls and stand design.

December 2010 - March 2011

Creating a distribution kit with instructions for making a bunny doll yourself

March 2011 - April 2011

Defense of the project at the school competition

April 2011

Identification of further directions for the development of the project

April 2011 - May 2011

Traveling around Russia in search of thematic exhibitions, replenishment of the doll collection

June 2011 - August 2011

Presenting the project to my summer vacation friends

August 2011

Using the collected material, a creative event was prepared and repeatedly held, including a demonstration of a colorful stand, a fascinating story, independent production of dolls by peers from handouts under the guidance of the author of the project, and presentation of thematic publications.

Practical use:

For creative activities.


Part I. The rise and development of my interest in the study of the rag doll;

Part II. The role and importance of dolls in the life of the Russian people;

Part III. Organization and holding of events aimed at drawing attention to the subject of the project;

Part IV. Determination of further directions for the study of the rag doll as an important component of the culture of Russian village life;

3 conclusion;

List of used literature;



Like all children, I love to play! What are games without friends? But sometimes I want to think alone, read, play with myself, take those toys that are not suitable for a big company.

Most of all I love stuffed dolls, as well as something small, attractive and touching. And one day a question appeared in my head: why do I want to use some things for the game, and some do not arouse any interest in me? For the first time I thought about the history of toys. First of all, I was interested, of course, in dolls.

Remember the beginning of the Russian folk tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful":

In a certain kingdom there lived a merchant. He lived in marriage for twelve years and had only one daughter, Vasilisa the Beautiful. When her mother died, the girl was eight years old. Dying, the merchant's wife called her daughter to her, took the doll out from under the blanket, gave it to her and said:

Listen, Vasilisushka! Remember and fulfill my last words. I am dying and, together with my parental blessing, I leave you this doll; take care of it always with you and do not show it to anyone; and when something bad happens to you, give her something to eat and ask her for advice. She will eat and tell you how to help misfortune.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows. Here, on the example of this fairy tale, we see how serious the attitude of people towards dolls was. After all, the mother, dying, left her daughter instead of herself not a simple toy, but an assistant, adviser and guardian - a magic doll. And in the fairy tale, the doll does an excellent job with mother's assignment: she helps Vasilisa with deed, advice and protects her with her love. And the girl does not forget about her assistant, takes care of her, feeds her, leaving her the most tidbits.

The plot of the tale reflects the special attitude of people towards dolls. The mystical properties of the toy are described. In fact, the dying woman invested in the doll a piece of her maternal love, care and attention, which every mother wants to give her child. It is difficult to find a more vivid illustration of the importance of the role that dolls played in the life of Russian people!

PartI. Developing my interest in studying the rag doll

The whole family knew about my interest, and my parents and I went to Sergiev Posad to the toy museum. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, on this day we ended up in a completely different place - the Karetny Dvor Museum, where one of the expositions was dedicated to peasant life.

At this exhibition, we met with a wonderful puppet artist Maria Dmitrieva, who told us a lot of interesting things about the history of the appearance of a rag toy, showed us her work, which immediately captivated me, and presented the first doll that appeared in our house. I drew attention to the unusual look of Maria's author's toys, noted that they were made from old shreds. This gave the dolls a special charm, I wanted to take them in my hands and not let them go. I asked Maria questions, and she patiently answered them, told doll stories, described her travels around the country, during which she studied dolls, learned from old masters.

On this day, we also became the owners of the wonderful book "Russian Rag Doll" written by Galina and Maria Dayn. Maria Dmitrieva, seeing my interest in her products, made in the book on the page where her doll is presented, a memorable entry for me and my sister Vera. Later I learned that Galina and Maria Dayn are famous puppet masters. Their dolls, feature articles, and books have become widely known, largely due to the fact that they adhered to ancient toy-making techniques in their work.

At home, I did not let the new book out of my hands and almost immediately tried to create my own doll. Meet: here she is - my first beauty, a toy that I made with my own hands without the help of adults. And even though all her shortcomings, as they say, are “obvious”, or rather, on her face, she is very dear to me, and we carefully preserve her in our doll collection.

PartII. The role and significance of dolls in the life of the Russian people

A traditional toy in the life of the Russian village, even in the poorest peasant families, has long been a rag doll.

Dolls were not only girlish fun. Until the age of 7-8 all the children played while they were wearing shirts. But only boys began to wear ports, and girls began to wear skirts, their playing roles and the games themselves were strictly separated.

Almost all village holiday ceremonies were played in puppet games. Most often, weddings are a particularly impressive, solemn and beautiful Russian folk ceremony. They took the game very seriously, keeping the sequence of the ritual, memorizing and repeating the conversations of adults, ritual songs performed by them.

Like other peoples, the Russians put a certain meaning into the toy. She was endowed with the magical power of fertility. That is why often a toy is a wedding attribute. Dolls dressed in red chintz rags adorned "kulichka" and "gingerbread" (that was the name of sacrificial bread in Russia).

The doll was given into the hands of the bride to provide a new family with offspring. This ancient custom has now become a joke ceremony. At the wedding table, an offering was made to the bride, and she had to "publicly" look at it. The gift was wrapped, wrapped, and in it was a small doll.

Of course, ceremonial dolls cannot be considered a child's toy. After all, the traditional rag doll is faceless. The face, as a rule, was not indicated, it remained white. In the villages, they explained this simply by the inability to beautifully paint the face, and there were no such colors. But the meaning is much deeper. A doll without a face was considered an inanimate object, inaccessible to evil, unkind forces, and therefore harmless to a child. She was supposed to bring him well-being, health, joy. This is a miracle: from several rags, often without arms, without legs, without a marked face, the character of the doll was conveyed.

The very image of a village rag doll is close to folklore: "White-faced, busty and scythe by all means, and dressed up anywhere." Here the beauty of the girl materialized in a doll that corresponded to the symbol - a beautiful image of girlhood.

Made from rags and amulets dolls. Usually they hung in a hut near the stove, protecting the owners from diseases.

There were many of them in a peasant family, and everyone had their place. Here is such a doll, for example, was given with the wishes of contentment and fertility. It is called a "grain", and cereals or grains were poured inside it. In the manufacture of such a doll, a needle, scissors and other sharp tools were not used, and while working, the craftswoman should have only bright and kind thoughts in her head.

And inside such a doll, hops were sewn up and placed by the pillow for a sweet dream. It was called "herbal".

When making these dolls, my mother and I tried to follow the old traditions, and used buckwheat and dried hops to fill the bodies.

Our family travels frequently, and more and more I began to notice that I am not alone in my interest in rag dolls. In many areas of our large country there are puppet masters, their own traditions of making puppets and their own exhibitions dedicated to this topic.

We brought this doll from the city of Kirillov,

this baby is only five centimeters tall - from Vologda,

and this one is from the Solovetsky archipelago.

Interestingly, the last doll is male. But in a village doll they preferred a female image, even in children's games, if they needed a groom doll or a man, they just took a sliver.

Personally, the idea of ​​making a couple of dolls seems attractive to me, and in the near future I plan to make a man, a woman, and possibly children. With a doll family, you can come up with many more games than with one doll.

When I got the second book about dolls - "Doll's Chest" by Elena Bersteneva and Natalia Dogaeva, which describes in detail the schemes for making several types of dolls, I determined for myself a "favorite doll".

This is a toy - a bunny, not too complicated, but very touching. It seemed especially attractive to me that for the manufacture of such a doll, the measure was taken from the palm of the baby. Then the bunny tightly "sat down" on the child's finger. And while the big-eared nanny entertained the baby, mom could do her own thing.

By the way, look at what different dolls can be made based on a bunny. You just need to fantasize a little.

PartIII. Organization and holding of events aimed at drawing attention to the subject of the project

It was at this stage of work on the project that I had a desire to tell my friends about my hobby. And the whole family started to create a stand, which turned out to be like a fairy-tale house with windows. But this is how a “casket” with dolls should look like!

With special pride, I placed on the stand photographs of dolls made by a real doll maker, the author of the book “Puppet chest-chok”, Natalia Dogaeva, whom I met much later than her wonderful work. Somehow, considering the scheme for making one doll on the website, I saw the cover of a familiar book and was very happy.

Natalia Dogaeva turned out to be one of the creators of the site. Without much hope for an answer, my mother and I sent her a letter in which we talked about my passion and work on the project. And when the answer came, to which the photographs were attached, our happiness knew no end!!! Natalia's dolls are a miracle, and I would like to eventually learn how to create the same masterpieces!

In the fall of 2010, I presented my project to my classmates. The guys reacted with great interest to my story, and then, under my guidance, they made their own bunny dolls.

The stand clearly shows the scheme for making a bunny, but I had to work hard before everyone got a neat chrysalis. All the guys were happy and made plans for the use of the toy. Someone wanted to make a gift to their mother, someone decided to hang a bunny on a New Year tree, someone put it on a desk. But most of all I was pleased with those who decided to start collecting their own collection of dolls. So, I managed to pass on my love for the rag doll to other people, and soon I will have like-minded people with whom we will share our experience in making toys and exchange our creations.

For convenience, I decided to prepare a bunny making scheme in the form of a separate leaflet that I could distribute to friends along with a set of materials for making a doll. These kits are in constant demand. I hand them out every time I present a project, or just when I meet interested people (Appendix 1).

The next time I came up with a project at a school competition. Before the start of the event, I was worried that the topic would not be of interest to older students. What was my surprise when not only students, but also adults lingered with interest near my stand. In a few hours, I gave more than 50 bunnies. I was especially pleased that the strict members of the commission that evaluates the projects awarded me the first place.

When preparing the stand, I left the lower folding part of the box free. At first it seemed to me that the guys would not want to take their bunnies home. And I decided to place all unnecessary toys in this free space. I presented the project many times already, but none of my students parted with their bunny. Soon I'll have to fill the void with my dolls! After all, new items in the collection appear constantly, and all the dolls no longer fit in the upper part of the stand.

My project seemed interesting both to my country friends and my friends from the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky.

PartIV. Determination of further directions for the study of the rag doll as an important component of the culture of Russian life.

There are many varieties of dolls. Some are easy to make, others require experience and skill. I started making dolls from the age of seven, and my distant ancestors in peasant families, having no other toys, took up shreds much earlier - from infancy. While the children were very young, mothers, grandmothers, older sisters sewed dolls for them. But from the age of five, any girl could already make such a toy.

The ability of the child was evaluated by adults. The doll was considered as a standard of needlework, often for gatherings, along with a spinning wheel, teenage girls took a cart with dolls. They judged the skill and taste of their owner. In puppet games, children involuntarily learned to sew, embroider, spin, comprehended the traditional art of dressing.

In fact, dolls replaced fashion magazines; with their help, the best traditions and technologies of tailoring and decorating clothes were preserved. And I'm trying to collect information about the Russian folk costume. Fortunately, many museums now display such products. And I am especially interested in really old things, albeit dilapidated, but keeping the history of the owner. They attract, open up new directions for study. To create a complete costume is not yet within my power, and I decided to focus on the details. For example, I have always liked such elements of clothing as lace jewelry. In Vologda, I learned that in the old days they were made on bobbins of linen thread. In the Museum of Cunning and Ingenuity of Pereslavl Zalessky, I managed to see an ancient device for making flax fiber. It turns out that in the photo archive of our family there is a picture of a similar device taken on the Kizhi skeleton in the Museum of Wooden Architecture. This determined the theme of my next project: Russian linen.

I'm interested in everything: how to get a thread, and the types of spinning wheels, and weaving lace. So far, my aunt and I have grown a bunch of flax seeds in the garden and are preparing to make a fiber suitable for creativity from it.

Then I plan to learn simple ways of weaving bobbin lace. And with my very first product, I will decorate a rag doll. In ancient times, this was accepted: everything that a girl could do best from needlework could be seen on the dolls she made. There were lace, and gold embroidery, and beaded jewelry, and multi-colored braided cords, and much more. And the devices for creating linen products themselves are works of art. We admired such painted spinning wheels in the museum of the Ferapontov Monastery near Vologda.

By the way, the linen toy is interesting in itself. We brought a wonderful linen horse from Belozersk, which has amazing properties: it is pleasant to the touch, warm and touching. But I still would like to use linen in the manufacture of a rag doll. For example, weave a braid for a patchwork beauty from linen threads. No wonder they said: "flaxen hair." So the color suits me.

So, I have linen, it remains only to make fiber from it and start making a new doll.


The Russian rag doll has become the prototype of a soft toy, which both children and adults love so much. What is the secret of her charm and attractiveness? I think that she is never cold, always gentle and affectionate. Like these chickens that we made to decorate Easter cakes.

By the way, a good soft toy is considered an excellent gift even today.

There are entire workshops for the manufacture of such toys. This bunny was made by the masters of the puppet studio Oksana Yarmolnik. And our foreign guests often take such toys with them as souvenirs along with Russian nesting dolls and felt boots.

Now in the production of toys various materials, complex tools and machines are used. But the Russian rag doll is always made by hand, so it is she who carries the charge of warmth and kindness, which the skillful hands of the craftswoman put into her.

I made these toys for you with the best wishes and with the hope that you will be interested in the magical world of a rag doll!

List of used literature:

1. G.L. Dine, M.B. Dine, "Russian Rag Doll", Culture and Traditions, 2007

2. E.V. Bersteneva, N.V. Dogaeva, "Doll's chest", White City, 2010

3. “Vasilisa the Beautiful. Russian folk tale”, Amphora, 2010

4. N.V. Shaidurova, “Traditional rag doll”, Childhood-press, 2011

5. Encyclopedia of children's folklore "Ladushki", White City, 2008

6. Yu.E. Kashtanov, "Russian costume", White City, 2009

Attachment 1

Dear friend!

To make a bunny, you will need: a rectangular piece of fabric the size of your palm, a thick thread, scissors and a wad of cotton wool in a compressed state the size of a hazelnut.

1. Fold the fabric in half along the dotted line.

2. Insert the tip of the workpiece, adjacent to the fold line, between the two parts of the fabric to make a triangle. Wrap the workpiece with thread as tight as possible 4-5 times. Got ears.

3. Trim the ends of the thread.

4. Open the workpiece and put a ball of cotton wool inside as close to the ears as possible. Close the cotton with the edges of the fabric.

5. Pull the workpiece with a thread to get the neck of a hare. Turn the workpiece with the cut towards you, straighten it and tuck the bottom of the fabric 4-5 times. Get a roller.

6. Turn the workpiece over, fold it so that the roller is at the level of the neck. Pull the torso with a thread crosswise and along the line of the belt.

7. Cut off the ends of the thread, straighten the ears and tuck the edges of the workpiece inward.

Bunny is ready! Congrats on your first doll!



Design and research work on the topic:

« Dolls - amulets ».

The type of work:

Information - research.


Formed competencies: general educational, information, research.


Learn the history and process of making toys.

Make a doll amulet.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

Studying the history of the native land.

The study of literary sources about dolls amulets.

Making a doll amulet.

Theoretical part of the design and research work

Project relevance

Reflections of eyewitnesses and old-timers.

The history of the toy

Guardian dolls

Materials and tools used in the implementation of the amulet





The relevance of the project.

Folk toy has a deep meaning. A toy is a phenomenon of civilization, in which different stages of spiritual and religious life, as well as everyday human activities, are visible. “Where does the formation and development of a person begin, in what, first of all, can one see his future character? From the game and in the game. Moreover, from the choice of a game - to war or chess, to football or to the theater ... A person tries himself in the game, finds it or does not find it - and this ultimately determines his fate ... ”Life is like a game, a game is a way of life.

A toy is a charm that has the ability to protect its owner from various disasters. A rag folk doll, which in the old days was made by mothers, grandmothers or children themselves from rags, straw, simple yarn or other materials, is a very kind and useful toy. All work is done by hand. That is what makes her unique. Making a homemade toy is not at all difficult, you just have to want to.

The relevance of the study lies in the fact that many are now trying to follow and study our folk Russian traditions and follow them.

Tradition - transmission, legend - elements of cultural and social heritage, transmitted from generation to generation and preserved in certain social groups for a long time.

Traditions are a peculiar way of accumulating the social experience of people, and the best for a certain period of time, as well as a condition for the development of human culture. Traditions do not automatically pass from one generation to another, they must be maintained, correlated with reality, only then they turn into an effective means of shaping a person.

For example, it was for this reason that I became interested in such an ancient folk craft. I know that there are more than 90 different types of amulet dolls, but so far I have mastered only a small part. At first, she just twisted the dolls, and then, the dolls began to "open". And it became clear why they did it this way and not otherwise, why they used this particular color or material.

In the folk doll, first of all, I was interested in its spiritual world, universal human values, which were simply and clearly passed down from generation to generation.

The object of the study is a toy.

The subject of the study is the process of creating toys.

The purpose of the work: to study the history and process of creating toys.

For a detailed study and study of Russian folk traditions, I conducted a survey of the opinions of the inhabitants of the Kipchakovsky rural settlement. To do this, everyone was asked the same questions:

What toy do you prefer?

A) purchased B) made by hand

The purpose of the survey was to study the opinions of different segments of the population about what kind of toys the inhabitants of the Kipchakovsky rural settlement prefer.

Research results

A selective cross-section of the opinions of representatives of various age and social categories of respondents showed that the vast majority prefer a toy made by one's own hands (62%). It is believed that such toys do not require large material costs, they can be easily and quickly made by hand. They are unique and you can't find another one just like it. And most importantly, they carry the warmth of the human soul. Purchased toys are preferred by 34%. This is explained by the fact that there is a huge selection of toys on sale using new modern technologies. And 4% abstained in their choice. It has to do with financial resources.

Thus, the sociological study determined the relevance of the project topic.

I was interested to know the opinion of the old-timers and residents of the Kipchakovsky rural settlement about the traditional folk toy. Reflections of old-timers and villagers

One of my friends, who was sick, came to me and said: I know that you make charm dolls. I heard that they are good at helping people. Make such a doll, maybe it will feel a little easier for me ... ”I made her a herbal doll that is stuffed with useful dried herbs: oregano, mint, lemongrass, nettle. When you move such a doll, it makes not only a soothing sound, but also a strong aroma. Of course it's good for health. And my friend got better.

Will the doll help? Imagine that you want to achieve something, but do nothing at the same time. Also with the doll. If you decide to do something, instruct the doll to do it, but you yourself forgot about everything, then for a long time you can tell everyone what a useless doll you have. The doll will not help if all responsibility is shifted to it, and nothing is done by itself. And if you work to achieve your goal, but at the same time ask the doll to help - then she will “believe” you and will definitely help. I think it's important to rely on yourself. A doll is a symbol of well-being. And now at our house for many years such a doll "Hostess - Welfare" has been preserved

I also remembered the doll-amulet when I wanted to get rid of some misfortune. She turned it three times counterclockwise, saying: "Turn away evil, turn good." That is why earlier in almost every house there was a doll amulet "Bereginya". Even V. Hugo wrote: "A little girl without a doll is almost as unhappy and just as unthinkable as a woman without children." And I still have this doll.

In our family, the Krupenichka Doll has always stood in a prominent place. It was she who was considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth of the family. My grandmother also said that such dolls were in almost every family. They filled it with wheat. When sowing, the first handfuls of grain were taken from a bag sewn in the image of this chrysalis. The grain in it symbolized the saved forces of the Nurse of the Earth.
After the harvest season, the chrysalis was again filled with selected grain of the new crop.

Grandmother (parable)

This story was told to me by my grandmother, and to her in turn by her grandmother.

The voivode Vseslav had an only daughter, named Krupenichka. Year after year passed, and from a fair-haired girl with blue eyes, Krupenichka turned into a rare beauty. Parents began to think about whom to marry her. They didn’t even want to think of giving their daughter away to someone else’s side and chose such a son-in-law so that they could all live together and never part with Krupenichka.
The fame of the marvelous beauty spread far around, and Vseslav was very proud of this. But old mother Varvarushka was afraid of such fame and always got angry when she was asked about the beauty of Krupenichka.
“We don’t have any beauty!” she grumbled. “Over there, the neighbors have really beautiful daughters. And we have a girl like a girl: there are many like ours everywhere.
But she herself could not stop looking and looking at her Krupenichka. She knew that there was no one more beautiful than her; and there is no more beautiful, and kinder, and no sweeter. Old and young, rich and poor, friends and foes, all loved Krupenichka for her kind heart.
Flew, flew the glory of the beauty of Krupenichka and flew to the infidel camp, to the commander Talantai.
- Goy you, brave warriors, daring riders! Show me what a beautiful daughter of governor Vseslav, Krupenichka is, said Talantai.
Three riders got on their horses, put on robes: one put on a green robe, like grass; the other is gray, like a forest road, the third is brown, like a pine trunk.
The horsemen screwed up their cunning eyes, smiled at each other with only the corners of their lips, fervently shook their shaved heads in shaggy hats and rode off, galloping with shouts of youth.
And a few days later they returned and brought Talantai with them, for their khan, a gift; marvelous beauty Krupenichka.
She went with mother Varvarushka to swim in the lake, and in the forest, as if on purpose, berry after berry - ripe strawberries lures deeper into the thicket. And mother tells her all about the grass that grows like white stars in the middle of the lake; it is necessary to collect this overpowering grass and sew it into a belt, and then no misfortune will happen to a person; overcome, the grass will take away any trouble. And before they both had time to cry out, gray dust suddenly rose in front of them from the path, on one side a pine stump fell from its place and rushed under their feet, and on the other side a green bush jumped at them. They picked up Krupenichka, and only then did mother Varvarushka see what kind of green bush it was. She clung to him with all her strength, but the infidel twisted cunningly and slipped out of his clothes. Varvarushka just fell to the ground with a green robe in her hands. And what happened next, she did not know, did not know, as if her mind had been eclipsed with grief.
She sits all day long on the shore of the lake, looks at the expanse of water and keeps saying:
- Overcome-grass! Overcome high mountains, low valleys, blue lakes, steep banks, dense forests, let me see my dear Krupenichka!
She was sitting over the lake in such a way, grieving and crying, when suddenly a passer-by old man came up to her - short, thin, with a white beard, with a bag over his shoulders - and said to Varvarushka:
- I'm going to the far side of the Basurman. Do not take down a bow from you?
Varvarushka looked at him and asked:
- And who are you, good man? What is your name?
- And my name is Odolen-grass.
Varvarushka was overjoyed, threw herself at the old man's feet, weeping, and again began to wail like a mad woman:
- Overcome-grass! If you had overcome the evil people: no matter how hard they thought of us, they would not do bad things to us. Give me back, old man, my Krupenichka!
The old man listened to her and kindly answered:
If so, be my faithful companion on the road, helper in my work!
So he said to mother and waved his sleeve over her head. And that hour Varvarushka turned into a travel staff. With him, the old man went on his way, the road. Where the mountain is steep, the staff serves as a support for it, where the thicket is thick, it pushes the bushes apart, where the dogs are angry, it drives them away.
The old man walked and walked and came to the Basurman camp, where Talantai lived and where at that time a caravan was equipped to send precious gifts to the khan. They sent gold, furs. The stones are semi-precious and equipped beautiful slaves on a long journey.
Among them was Krupenichka.
An old man stopped by the road along which the caravan was supposed to go, unfolded his bundle and began to lay out various sweets as if for sale - here he has honey, and gingerbread, and nuts. He looked around to see if there was anyone, raised his walking stick over his head and threw it on the ground; then he waved his sleeve over him, and instead of a staff, she got up from the grass and stood in front of him, mother Varvarushka.
“Well, now, mother, don’t yawn!” the old man says to her, “Look with all your eyes at the road: a small grain will soon fall on it. As soon as it falls, take it quickly, hold it in your hand and take care of it until we return home. Look, do not lose the grain, as long as your Krupenichka is dear to you.
So the caravan set off from the camp; he passes along the road past an old man, and he is sitting on the lawn, spreading sweets around him and shouting affably.
-Eat, beauties, honeycombs, fragrant gingerbread, roasted nuts!
And mother Varvarushka agrees with him:
- Eat, beauties: you will be happier, you will become rosier!
The infidels saw them, ordered them to treat the beauties with sweets right away. And the old people brought them their treat:
- Eat, eat for health!
Girls surrounded them; some chuckle, others silently look, others are sad, turn away.
- Eat, girls! Eat, beauties!
Even from a distance, Krupenichka saw her mother Varvarushka. Her heart leaped out of her chest and her face turned white. She feels that it was not without reason that the old woman came here and that it is not without reason that she does not recognize her, but goes to her as if she were a stranger; does not greet, does not bow, goes straight at her, stares wide-eyed, and only repeats the same thing in a loud voice:
- Eat, darlings, eat!
The old man also shouts, and in all directions he distributes some nuts, some honey, some gingerbread. And all of a sudden it became fun.
The old man came closer to Krupenichka, and when he threw into the air, to the left of her, above everyone's heads, a whole handful of goodies, and even a handful. Only a small buckwheat seed fell on the road instead.
Mammy Varvarushka rushed after him, grabbed the grain in her hand and squeezed it tightly, and the old man waved his sleeve over her too - instead of Varvarushka, he picked up a traveling staff from the ground.
- Eat, beauties, eat for health! ..
He quickly distributed all the leftovers, shook the empty bag, bowed goodbye to everyone and slowly went on his way, leaning on his staff. The infidels also gave him an ox bladder with koumiss for the road.
No one noticed that there was one less slave.
How long, shortly, the old man returned safely to the very shore, where he met with mother Varvarushka, where green wide leaves spread along the lake, and grass-grass bloomed like white stars on the water. He threw his travel staff to the ground - and again stands the barbarian mother in front of him: his right hand is clenched in a fist and applied to his heart - you won’t tear it off.
The old man asked her:
- Show me where is your field here, never plowed, where the land is never sown?
- And here near the lake, - answers Varvarushka, - the glade is never plowed, the land is never sown; it blooms than it sows itself.
Then the old man took a buckwheat seed from his hands, threw it on the unsown ground and said:
- Krupenichka, red maiden, live, bloom, look younger for good people for joy! And you, buckwheat, fade, mature, curl - be you to please all people!
He spoke - and the old man disappeared, as if he had never been here. Mother Varvarushka looks, rubs her eyes, as if awake, and sees Krupenichka in front of her, her beloved beauty, alive and well.
And where a small grain fell, a plant that had never been seen before turned green, and it spread flowery fragrant buckwheat all over the country, about which, even now, when it is sown, they sing an old song:

Krupenichka, red girl.
You are our feeder, joy-heart.
Blossom, fade, rejuvenate,
Wise, curly curl,
Be good to all people!

History of TOYS

The toy has very ancient roots. She accompanied a person throughout his life. "The nursery rhyme" (the so-called toy) was not only a toy, but also a talisman protecting from evil forces. From birth, the baby's cradle was hung with colorful patches, bells, ringing pieces of metal. The Russian word “doll” is related to the Greek “kyklos” (“circle”) and means something rolled up, for example, a piece of wood or a bundle of straw, which the girls swaddled and wrapped. There were toy dolls in every peasant house, and in some families there were up to a hundred dolls, because children began to twirl them from the age of five.

Doll- this is

1. children's toy in the form of a human figure.

2. in a theatrical performance: a figure of a person or animal, made of different materials and controlled by an actor (puppeteer). Puppets on strings (puppets), cane (on canes), glove (put on the hand), mechanical. Riding puppets (glove or cane, playing over the screen). Shadow puppets (plane reed puppets projected onto the screen as shadows or silhouettes). Puppet Theatre. To be a doll in someone's. hands (transl.).

3. A figure that reproduces a person in full growth. Dolls in shop windows.

The dictionary of V.I.Dal says: DOLL. chrysalis, chrysalis, puppet puppet, -night m. will diminish. made of rags, leather, broken paper, wood, etc., the likeness of a person, and sometimes an animal. Children's doll, toy. Living doll, automatic. Anatomical iln midwife doll, phantom, collapsible likeness of a person, for training. | Valyalytsiks and other craftsmen: blockhead, uniform. | Psk. about 20 pounds of pure linen, bundled. | Kaluga eagle wrapping, twisting, twisting in bread, howl of ears by a healer, sorcerer, for damage and death to the one who removes the doll. | In the horse gate, dolls, bars, on which the driver's arbor hangs. Graduation doll, mechanical, that she runs, alive; | *a dapper but stupid or soulless woman. Dress like a doll, shegolski. The soldier turns to the right, and the forest doll does everything bravo! the driver says to the bear. The doll will diminish. You are my idle doll! kindness, praise. | An insect, in its penultimate stage of development, is in a state of fading: the first stage is a testicle, the second caterpillar, the third larva, or chrysalis, the fourth moth, the fly, etc. Doll of the next. translated, inconsistent and superfluous: caterpillar (Raure; chenille) and larva (Lavre, Rurre; nutrha, chrysalide). Damn doll! expletive Good: before the devil - a chrysalis! Kuklin, belongs to the doll, as if taking it for something alive. puppet, pertaining to dolls. Puppet show? performance through puppets. Puppet comedy, the same: dialect. about some feigned and vulgar human trick. Puppeteer m. -nitsa w. who makes dolls, toys. Puppet making, making dolls, playing with them.

Charm dolls

Slavic amulet dolls not only decorated the interior or played in childhood, they have always been very powerful helpers in everyday life, in the social and personal life of our ancestors. Dolls were made on the occasion of folk holidays, for example, for Shrovetide or Ivan Kupala Day, as gifts or ritual symbols for celebrating family events, such as a wedding or the birth of a child, and were also simply made as companions-guardians of peace, health, prosperity, love.

Imagine the life of our ancestors - no TV series, no Internet, no mobile phones, no offices, no airports - all life was built on the cycles of nature, merging into one whole with the calendar and climatic conditions of agricultural life. Ritual pupae were made for various events, such as a new harvest, the passing of winter and other vital stages of the year, and each of them was filled with its own meaning and had its own personal purpose - some pupae were burned as a symbol of purification, and some vice versa, filled with cereals and put in a prominent place in order to attract prosperity to the house. The pupae were very different, not only from fabric - they were made from clay, and from straw, even from ash.

Patchwork amulet dolls. These are small dolls that can be everywhere - in pockets, in all corners of the house, in the car, and wherever you think of. You can do them in different ways.

Role of color:

1) White. Associated with the idea of ​​Light, purity and sacredness (White Light, White King - king over kings, etc.)
2) Red - Fire, (and the Sun - like heavenly Fire), blood (vital Force).
3) Green - Vegetation, Life.
4) Black - Earth.
5) Golden - Sun.
6) Blue - Sky, Water.
7) Violet is rare in Russian embroidery.

Charm dolls found in the Kipchakovsky rural settlement:


This is a multi-armed doll "Ten-armed". It was made from bast or straw on October 14 on Pokrov, when they sat down for needlework. In the manufacture of used threads of red color, which is protective. At the bottom of the sundress, 9 red thread-bows are necessarily tied in a circle. The chrysalis was intended to help girls prepare their dowry and women in various activities such as weaving, sewing, embroidery, knitting, etc.


The chrysalis "Krupenichka" (other names are "Grain", "Pea") is a charm for satiety and prosperity in the family (for housekeeping). Traditionally, this doll was filled with buckwheat or wheat. This is the main doll in the family.

In times of famine, they took grits from the chrysalis and boiled porridge from it. It was believed that this porridge transmits the powers of Mother Earth.
A guest entering the hut could determine by the chrysalis whether the family lives well. If the doll was thin, then the family is in trouble ...

Herbal Egg

The herbalist is still making sure that the disease does not enter the house. Warmth emanates from her, as from a caring hostess. She is both a protector from evil spirits of illness, and a good comforter.


All Christmas carols went with Kolyada. This doll is a symbol of the sun and good relations in the family. She was a woman dressed in everything new and smart. On her behalf, carolers wished happiness and prosperity. They sang joyful songs glorifying the owners.
With her arrival, happiness, peace and harmony between family members will settle in the house.
Kolyada doll is made from saw cut wood. Bread and salt are in bags suspended from the belt. A broom is stuck in the belt, with which Kolyada drives away evil spirits.

Day and night

Dolls "Day and Night" - dolls-amulets of the dwelling. Pupae protect the change of day and night, order in the world. During the day they put forward light, and at night - dark.


Doll Bell - a doll of good news. The ringing of the bell protected people from the plague and other terrible diseases. The bell rang under the arc on all the celebratory troikas. The bell has a domed shape, and from above it resembles the sun.
The doll has three skirts. Man also has three kingdoms. Copper, silver, gold. And happiness also consists of three parts. If the body is well, the soul is joyful, the spirit is calm, then the person is completely happy.
This doll is cheerful, perky, brings joy and fun to the house. Charm of good mood. Giving the Bell, a person wishes his friend to receive only good news and maintains a joyful and cheerful mood in him.


The people call her a Changeling, Pinwheel. It can be called a doll of dolls, because it contains 2 heads, 4 arms, 2 skirts. The secret is that when one part of the doll is visible, for example, a girl, then the second, a woman, is hidden under a skirt; if the doll is turned over, the woman will open, and the girl will hide.

A girl is beauty, a bird that will fly away from her parents' house, carefree, cheerful, playing in the street. And the woman is economic, sedate, she has all the worries about the house and family, she does not run into the street, she has a different condition. She looks more into herself and protects her home. The Maid-Baba doll reflects 2 essences of a woman: she can be open to the world and give beauty and joy, and she can be turned to herself, to her unborn child, and keep peace.


In many Russian fairy tales, there are dolls to whom the heroes trust their sorrows and joys, share their thoughts. And little helper dolls do not leave their owners in trouble.
Vesnyanka is a cheerful, perky doll that young girls made for the arrival of spring. Traditionally, she is very bright, with hair of an unusual color. Such dolls girls gave each other.
Vesnyanka is a talisman of youth and beauty. Having presented such a doll to a man, you wish him to remain young and cheerful for a long time, to a woman - to always be charming and attractive.


The dolls were hung over the cradle after the baby was baptized, still protecting him from the innumerable machinations of evil spirits. As a rule, these toys were small in size and all of different colors, this developed the baby's vision. Usually there are from 3 to 5 dolls made of multi-colored fabric in a crib. Bright and cheerful, they replaced rattles.


In the Russian village, the peasants believed that evil spirits were trying in every possible way to harm defenseless people. To protect the child, the doll was placed next to the baby in the cradle, where it was before the child was baptized, in order to take on all the misfortunes. Only after baptism was the doll removed from the cradle. The doll was kept in the house along with the child's baptismal shirt.


This little doll, called Plantain, is a faithful keeper on the road and is given to those who leave to travel. She is only 5-6 cm tall. The bag will not weigh down, but will always remind you of your Homeland or an interesting trip. In her bag, she carries either a handful of earth, or a little ash, and you can still add a piece of bread or a grain there so that the traveler is full.

wedding doll


The Lovebird doll is a symbol and a talisman of a strong union, therefore it is done, as it were, on one hand, to go through life hand in hand, were together in joy and trouble. The tradition has been preserved to this day.


When the hostess of the house decided that the house was "littered" with negativity (quarrels, evil eye, spoilage, illness, bad deeds and thoughts of residents and guests), she took the Metlushka doll and clockwise, moving from the edges to the center, swept away the "garbage" -negative in one pile (on a rag or piece of paper). After that, the rag or piece of paper was collected in a lump and thrown away or burned. Usually, the purification ceremony is performed on the waning moon (ideally before the new moon). Before the ceremony, the house had to be cleaned. After the purification ceremony of the house - a discharged atmosphere is immediately felt, it becomes easier to breathe and relations between family members become harmonious.The rite can be performed every month - then negative energy will not accumulate in the house.

Button twist doll


Protector of the family hearth. From ancient times it was believed that the house from the evil eye keeps the column. This is a rag doll without eyes and ears. She does not see or hear anything, it was believed that by acquiring facial features, such a doll gains independence and loses its magical and protective properties.

Hostess - Benevolent

For luck

In the Happiness doll, the main thing is the hair, it has female strength. The braid twists up and serves as a support for the doll, making it stable. Few traditional folk dolls can stand on their own. The doll for happiness has a kind of paws that help her on the path to finding your happiness, because the path can be long.

She touches and touches everyone who sees her for the first time. You can play it without fear that it will unwind, as in the version of folk dolls of spins, which should only stand in a place of honor. You can wear such a doll for good luck as a talisman as key chains on bags and mobile phones. It can be placed on a desktop or nightstand.

Lucky doll is both a funny cute doll, and a talisman, and your assistant on the way to achieving the goal, and hope for the most beautiful future.

Materials and tools used in making dolls



Technological map for making a Krupenichka doll.

Krupenichka (Zernovushka, Pea) - a doll stuffed with cereals. This is the image of the keeper of wealth in the house. At the heart of the doll is a small kitty (a leather or canvas bag with a round bottom, the neck of which was tightened with a rope loop). Nowadays, the Krupenichka doll is experiencing a rebirth as a tactile toy - the development of the child's fingers affects the activity and fluency of his speech.

We take a rectangular piece of bleached linen or cotton fabric in size, fold it in half and sew it with a running stitch.

We fill the bag with grain, tighten the neck, tie the free ends of the lace and mask it - the base of the doll is ready.

We step back from the neck down by about a third of the height of the base and wrap it with a harsh thread - we select the head.

From the flap we fold a tight roll - hands, on top we wind another fabric - shirt sleeves - so that the palms protrude; we impose 2-3 dense turns of thread and fasten it with a knot, bend the edges in the form of frills. We attach the hands to the body (winding along the body in front and behind cross-to-cross).

We select a flap of bright fabric, fold it in half and make a cut in the middle - an armhole, pull a sundress on a doll, iron it along the base and fix it with turns of a strong thread or ribbon. The costume can be supplemented with ribbons.

We prepare a headdress: we tie a scarf.


The history of the development of the doll dates back to ancient times. The appearance of the doll is associated with the appearance of man.

A toy is a phenomenon of civilization, in which different stages of spiritual and religious life, as well as everyday human activities, are visible.

Dolls, in the old days, played a huge role:

they were participants in many holidays;

were amulets;

were symbols of happiness, kindness, prosperity and procreation;

the child, playing with them, joined the culture and traditions of his people.

rag dolls provide great opportunities for creative self-realization and development of the child's personality and imagination.

Charm dolls are necessarily made with good (bright) thoughts, their task is to protect a person from "evil forces", take on illnesses and misfortunes, improve a person's well-being, and also help children through the puppet world enter "adult life" as full members of society and adults feel like children again. When making dolls, a person conveys a piece of soul and good wishes


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