How to make a car out of paper diagrams. How to make a car out of cardboard? Options for small and large cars

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Making toys and crafts from paper develops a child’s imagination and motor skills. In our article we will tell you how to make a typewriter out of paper. What child doesn't dream of such a thing? With your help, your child will understand the instructions and then enthusiastically make the car himself.
So let's get started!

The simplest

If you have just begun to be interested in making all kinds of things from paper, then this method is just for you - it is extremely simple and understandable. Take a sheet of A4 and cut a square out of it. Bend the workpiece in half different sides to get lines for further folds. Unfold the mold and fold the bottom edge up toward the center. Fold the corners down - these will be the wheels for the car. Once you have done this, fold the paper in half along the center line, and also fold and bottom part up. Bend the corner that is at the top forward. You managed to make a paper machine.

The resulting toy can be decorated with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. For production you can use and colored paper.

Making a racing car

The instructions given in this paragraph will help you make paper racing car. Any piece of paper, landscape sheet, sheet of paper will be suitable for the typewriter. school notebook. You need to fold the sheet in two layers, and then bend the corners on all sides and follow the instructions given below.

This type of car can be painted or decorated.

Colored paper car

In order to make a fake you will need:

  • scissors
  • colored paper
  • pencils
  • felt-tip pens

To begin, cut out a square blank. If the sheet is rectangular, cut off unnecessary parts. It is best to take double-sided colored paper; unlike plain paper, you do not need to paint it.

We bend the square in half twice - you will get lines for bending.

Fold the folded strips in half again and bend the corners. The shape of the machine begins to take shape.

We divide the upper part into three and begin to bend them.

Now we need to make the trunk and wheels of our car. For the wheels, we bend the corners of the sheets inward, and they can be trimmed so that they are parallel to the body. Now our car is running. To form the hood, we bend the front inward. To make a spoiler, you can bend the corners at the back.

Our machine is ready. We begin to color it or decorate it if you did not use colored paper. You can draw doors, windows and headlights - this will make the car more believable.

Origami car

Unlike previous version, in origami we will not use glue or scissors. You will only need an A4 piece of paper. Fold the sheet lengthwise and carefully run your fingers along the fold line. We begin to bend the corners as we do for paper airplanes. Again we draw all the fold lines and unbend the entire workpiece. Now you need to make an envelope - to do this we bend the shape into itself. We have a blank triangular shape. We turn the left triangle outward, upward, and begin to bend the internal parts of the workpiece. In this case, they need to be bent a little at the ends. Such actions must be performed very carefully, watch the edges and, if necessary, align them. If you followed all the instructions correctly, you will receive a workpiece in the form of an arrow that has two ends. At this stage we choose which side our hood will be on. For the hood, we bend the triangular corners inward, towards the center, and then unfold them. Now we need to fasten the front and back of the car. We will simply bend the part and secure it under the car fender. This action will allow us to do without glue. So, we got our car! Now you can start decorating and coloring it. Great idea will paint a racing number or car name on the hood. In the instructions below, you can see all the stages of creation.

So you've learned how to create simple models paper cars. There are more complex and detailed models - they can be found on the Internet. Despite this, if you are just a beginner in this matter, then ours will do. Over time you can learn to do modular origami- in it, the fake consists of many separate parts-modules. You can even find entire car templates online that you just need to cut and glue. Good luck to you in your efforts! We hope everything works out for you!

Video lessons

Today, looking at the world of adults, full of cars, boys and girls from childhood want to have their own cars, even toy ones. However, you don’t have to buy them; you can make a craft car from plasticine, paper, cardboard and other materials with your own hands.

There are many techniques and methods. The main thing is to interest them in such handicrafts. Read more in this article.

Features of self-made cars from paper

To create crafts, a paper machine can be used as ready-made diagrams, taken from the Internet, or use your own imagination and come up with something of your own.

In addition to plain white paper, it is advisable for you to purchase a set of colored cardboard, glue, markers and pencils. You may also need wooden sticks and matches.

Cardboard roll machine

Let's consider the most popular example - a diagram of a craft car. It is quite simple to implement it. Even your baby can handle this.

You will need:

  • cardboard roll from toilet paper;
  • gouache;
  • cardboard sheet;
  • colored paper;
  • polymer glue;
  • several push pins.

For tools, prepare scissors, a brush, a compass, and a ruler.


  • Paint the roll in the chosen color. This will be the body of the machine.
  • Take cardboard and cut out four circles from it, paint them black. These will be tires.
  • From a sheet white cut out the disks - four circles of smaller diameter, and glue them to each wheel.
  • Make a steering wheel and additional decor. You can use flames, stripes, arrows, etc. as decoration.
  • Cut through the cabin, not forgetting the seat. Attach the steering wheel.
  • Attach the prepared wheels to the vehicle body using buttons. All is ready!

Fire engine

As you can see in the photo of the fire truck craft, you need to prepare:

  • two boxes (one in the shape of a parallelepiped, the other - a cube);
  • cocktail straws of different sizes;
  • some cotton swabs;
  • sheet of foil;
  • napkins;
  • cord;
  • corrugated paper;
  • acrylic based paints;
  • glue, regular masking tape, black felt-tip pen

Assembling the product is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Here is the order of steps:

Connect the boxes using tape. Make wings out of cardboard rolls. Place paper napkins on the surface of the workpieces.

Make a hole for the compartment with the hose and the compartment itself using cardboard, string and a suitable button.

Insert it, cover the wheel blanks with corrugation and cover the ends with circles cut out of cardboard. Make a radiator grille and bumper.

Paint the wheels and corrugated elements, glue the door to the one that will open onto a piece of fabric - this will ensure its mobility. Make a stopper on the inside using a plastic lollipop stick.

Paint the entire car, draw necessary details. Don't forget to make the back ladders of cotton swabs and the two top pipes from tubes wrapped in foil. The craft is ready!

Advantages of cars made from waste material

As children age, their interests change. If at one or two years old a child is happy to have one car of the simplest model, then, as he gets older, he will be interested in toy cars of a more complex design.

In addition, he will want to create a whole fleet of vehicles. For a parent’s budget, such a desire for a child can cost a pretty penny. Exit – manufacturing Vehicle from waste materials.

The advantages of such crafts:

  • interesting pastime;
  • financial availability of the material;
  • cost savings;
  • originality;
  • no need to have work experience.

In addition, such creativity helps to form children's fantasy and imagination, as well as develop fine motor skills.

To create a car craft with your own hands, you only need to have desire and free time.

If you want to do something useful winter evenings, then start making toy cars for your child.

You can also involve the child himself. Crafting together is always more interesting. Offer, for example, to create a craft car of the future. Time will fly by.

Photos of car crafts

Creating crafts for parents and children gives excellent result: observed active development abstract thinking, finger motor skills, creative skills and, of course, imagination.

Every boy will be interested to know how to make simple craft in the form of a cardboard car for children. Therefore the task caring parents- suggest the right direction for creative process, purchase necessary materials and stock up on a wonderful mood for exciting game with your kids with cars.

Racing cars

Cars made of paper and cardboard occupy a special place among crafts for kids. Entertaining little ones every day with toys from the store is quite an expensive pleasure. In addition, the child quickly gets bored with the same toys. Therefore, we suggest taking advantage of the master class without unwanted financial investments.

You will need toilet paper rolls, which should be covered with multi-colored paper. As soon as adhesive composition When it dries, you need to make a rectangular cutout on the rolls, without cutting to the end on one of the sides, and by bending the paper, it will be like a driver’s seat.

You can color the inside of this seat using a marker. Using snow-white cardboard, you need to cut out a circle and stick it on the side opposite from the seat - this is the steering wheel, which should also be painted.

Decorate your car with applications made from a contrasting shade of paper. Glue the wheels with bolts or lids from plastic containers.

Now you know how to create a racing car out of cardboard, thanks to the car-themed craft workshop discussed above.

Fire trucks

To create such a craft you will need matchboxes and colorful paper. Four boxes should be glued together. The created structure must be covered with red paper. Another Matchbox you also need to paste it over and then glue it at the top of the turret.

Using plasticine, you should create a flashing light, a mount for a ladder formed from pre-glued matches. Next, you need to add windows to the car, as well as headlights, using yellow paper.

Origami machine

Fans of Japanese art will appreciate beautiful crafts on the theme of origami cars made of cardboard. This technique was invented when cars did not exist. But progress is constantly moving forward, and now many schemes for folding origami products have been proposed. This and volumetric options, and schematic figures, and a fairly accurate view of the model.

Let's take a closer look at the instructions for making a Volkswagen car. with my own hands. For these purposes, watch the video on the resource called origami car.

Thus, the scheme for assembling such a car is considered the personal development of Esseltine, who gave it to those who like the art of origami.

It is important to understand that the expected result when creating volumetric products origami can be obtained by using a special paper sheet for such crafts. It has the required rigidity for ease of manufacture and creation of folds, while the car is in finished form will keep the given shape perfectly.

Convertible made of cardboard

You can make an original convertible, as in the photo of car crafts, yourself using triangular modules. Folding should begin from the hood. Its width should reach eight modules; we are gradually moving on to glass production.

In order for the paper structure to withstand many modules, as well as thin elements, we use an adhesive substance, and instead of the bottom we arrange cardboard paper, to which the parts are glued. This trick will enable the product to acquire maximum strength.

Papercraft kits

If you are wondering what kind of car can be made for kindergarten, then papercraft kits will help you. They are templates for cutting out parts, which are subsequently transformed into extraordinary beauty cars that resemble real cars.

Similar models can be used to decorate a toy track drawn on thick paper. IN this option, it will completely resemble the real thing, since various cars will ride on it, so much like the large prototypes.

We create paper car diagrams

Do you want to collect Papercraft children's cars, but there is no way to purchase ready-made templates? Then Runet can help! Here you will find countless recommendations on how to create cars from cardboard, diagrams that help you create and cut out the model you like.

The series offered on the pages of magazines include a variety of service vehicles, without which it is impossible to imagine exciting children's games: tractor, ambulance, excavator, dump truck and many others. Retro car collectors will be delighted different variants 20s. It was during these times that a car was considered a great luxury

For competent and quick assembly, the minimum required is to cut out automotive elements from the cardboard on which the drawing will be printed.

Please pay Special attention on unpainted elements, that is, snow-white areas are areas for gluing. It is on their surface that you should apply a small amount of glue when you bend them and also attach the elements.

Choose the simplest white glue, as it will not leave any marks on the product, but will firmly hold the attached elements.

It is unknown, but probably your child’s hobby of collecting paper cars will become the most interesting and entertaining hobby for many years, will give unique opportunity Fully understanding the nuances of mechanics will help you fully understand how a real machine works.

It is possible that if parents support their children’s passion for cars, it is possible that they will accept Active participation when choosing a suitable profession for your child.

Photos of car crafts

You don't have to be a billionaire to create your own unique collection of hand-built racing cars.

An excellent racing car, no worse than a Ferrari, you can even make it out of paper with your own hands if you put in a little effort.

Cardboard roll racing car

So, what will you need to create a mobile cardboard machine with your own hands, a photo of which you have already seen:

  • several cardboard tubes of the same size;
  • paints, brush and water;
  • very thick cardboard;
  • a compass or any object with a round base of a suitable size;
  • colored paper for design (it will be more convenient to work with self-adhesive paper);
  • glue (PVA or polymer);
  • Nickel-plated push pins.

A paper machine will be stronger and more durable if you use it as a basis. paper sleeve from toilet paper. This cardboard tube can be easily turned into a car body, and the remaining parts can be cut out from ordinary cardboard.

First of all, we paint in bright colors our cardboard tubes will be the bodies of sports cars.

We cut out circles from thick black cardboard - four times more than the prepared tubes. These will be the wheels. If you don't have black cardboard, you can use non-colored cardboard and then paint it.

We paint a disc for each wheel with white paint. You can cut out discs from white and glue them.

We make circles in advance, which we paint like a car steering wheel. You can also prepare different decorative elements– arrows, stripes, flames. We turn the dried body of the car into a real racing car: we cut out the cabin (we bend one part of it upward, like the back of a seat). On the other - opposite side - we glue the steering wheel. Be sure to give each car a number and decorate it. We attach the wheels to the body with nickel-plated push pins, and now our sports car is ready for real tests!

And if desired, with kids younger age You can use such machines as material for consolidating mathematical skills. For example, compile a ranking table in which the car numbers are marked in the order of their arrival at the finish line. The child must arrange the cars in accordance with the table.

Fire truck out of the box

From a box you can make a very impressive fire engine. For this we need a rectangular box, for example, milk. We wrap it in red paper or paint it red.

Glue the window, wheels and ladder to it.

We can “revive” the car by gluing eye windows and a mouth to it.

Fire engine out of the box - ready!

Now we can make from a cardboard roll.

There are a lot in various ways how to entertain yourself. One of these options is origami. This activity will interest not only children, but also adults, and will also allow you to spend a good time together. In this article we will look at unusual and simple ways creating cars out of paper without extra costs and using improvised means.

Origami technique

Origami is a fairly ancient technique, originating in China. The technique was primarily used in religious rituals; later it became available to the upper strata of society. Over time, the technique spread and found a huge number of fans.

Today, not only adults, but also children of all ages practice origami, and there are a huge number of different templates and designs for paper cars.

The technique has several varieties:

  • modular - the most popular and widespread system, characterized by the creation of several blocks and volumetric figures;
  • simple – designed specifically for beginners or people with limited mobility;
  • wet folding - carried out by using water to give the lines smoothness and expressiveness.

Origami - a technique for creating models and figures various topics from paper. This method helps develop logic and spatial thinking. In addition, the creative side of the personality develops due to active work thought processes.

Types of paper machines

There are a lot of options for creating beautiful cars from paper. Let's look at the most common of them.

Assembly according to instructions. Exist special instructions, how to make a paper machine, which can be easily found on the Internet. In order to make such a machine, you will need to download the diagram, print it on a printer, then you just have to cut it out and glue it together.

Sports option

To create, you will need a rectangular sheet of paper. It is important that its sides have a ratio of 1:7. The top right corner is folded first and similar way bottom left. After fixing, the corners return. As a result, we get outlines.

After this, you need to bend the top element, tucking it inside at the same time. Next, bend the triangles again towards the central part of the sheet. The side parts of the sheet are folded, and the bottom part is folded.

At the final stage, the figure is folded in half, and the protruding pieces of paper are carefully tucked into the resulting pockets. If desired, the car can be decorated.

Simple option

A square sheet of paper is folded in half from bottom to top, then unfolded. You should roll it up in the same way on the perpendicular side. The result should be an outline and a central element determined, as shown in the photo of paper machines. The bottom quarter is folded over to the top, and the corners are folded back.

The part located on top bends down, while obscuring the lower part. The upper right corner must be bent, thereby we will get a windshield. Finally, it is recommended to unfold the figure.

Racing car

You will need a sheet that needs to be folded in half along the long side. Connect the corner to the opposite side. Carry out a similar operation with all corners. This will create two squares with intersecting lines. Triangles belonging to the long side are bent inward.

The triangle, located on the other side, is tucked into the folds formed on the hood. All that remains is to bend the fragment that will represent the spoiler.

Fire engine

When creating such a model, paper alone will not be enough, so you should prepare glue and scissors in advance. To create it you will need a special blank made of dense material.

In addition to the main elements of transport, additional parts should also be transferred. After this, the blanks are cut out and carefully glued together. If necessary additional elements Can be glued using PVA glue.

Machine made from improvised means

No less exciting activity It may be possible to create a machine not only from paper, but also from improvised means. To create, you can take several cylindrical figures from cardboard, pre-gluing them with multi-colored paper.

After this, a small rectangle is cut out and slightly bent. It will be Car seat. You can use covers from plastic bottles. At the end, all that remains is to decorate the car.

In conclusion, it should be noted that creating paper models is a very exciting and useful activity, the main thing is to stick to step by step instructions how to make a machine with your own hands. The video shows a master class on paper cars.

Photos of paper cars