Living wage in Ulyanovsk. Ulyanovsk region - living wage


Federal Law "On the federal budget for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019" the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Russian Federation as a whole for 2017 is set at 8,540 rubles. Taking into account the fact that the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Ulyanovsk region for the 2018 financial year established by this bill is lower than the subsistence minimum for a pensioner as a whole in the Russian Federation, established for the current 2017, and therefore will not exceed the subsistence minimum for a pensioner as a whole for of the Russian Federation for 2018 (to be established by the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2018" in December 2017), we believe that from 01.01.2018 social supplements to pensions in the Ulyanovsk Region will be made by the Branch of the Pension Fund of Russia in the Ulyanovsk Region from the federal budget .

The subsistence minimum in the Ulyanovsk region in 2018

Mandatory payments are paid to the state only from wages, i.e. this is VAT. This means that this group is included in the PM only of the working population. The consumer basket is the minimum set of products, goods and services most necessary for human health and social activity.
Since 2013, most of the cost of living has been taken up by the cost of groceries. The prices of other elements are calculated as a percentage of the cost of products. The socio-economic situation in the Ulyanovsk region is rather difficult.
Of the large industries - only mechanical engineering. As a result, other sectors are practically undeveloped. The region does not give the federal budget profits in the form of taxes, being only a recipient of subsidies. The region ranks 40th in terms of the standard of living of the population. The PM in the region is established by the Government.

Living wage in the Ulyanovsk region

The norms of federal legislation providing for the consideration of the subsistence minimum when providing social support measures to citizens in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have been established since 1997 by the Federal Law of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ “On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation”, when determining the social supplement to a pension - since 2009, Federal Law No. 213-FZ of July 24, 2009 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognition as Invalid of Certain Legislative Acts (Provisions of Legislative Acts) of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of the Federal Law “On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Funds.
The calculation of the living wage for a pensioner for the 2018 financial year was made on the basis of the consumer basket established by the Law of the Ulyanovsk Region dated June 4, 2013 No. 96-ZO “On the consumer basket in the Ulyanovsk region”, data from the Territorial body of the federal state statistics service for the Ulyanovsk region on the level of consumer prices for food products, forecast values ​​of the consumer price index in the subject for 2017-2018. The adoption of the bill will allow the authorized body to establish social supplements for pensions in 2018 for pensioners living or staying in the Ulyanovsk region. The bill was developed by the consultant of the Department of Employment, Labor and Social Partnership of the Agency for the Development of Human Potential and Labor Resources of the Ulyanovsk Region Olga Vladimirovna Ulanova.

Ulyanovsk region

  • st.

    Lokomotivnaya, 89.

For reference! Reception of citizens on any issues is carried out on weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00. Changes in 2018 The minimum pension provision for Ulyanovsk pensioners for 2018 has already been determined and will amount to 8,500 rubles. At the same time, the federal minimum for this period has not yet been established; in 2017, its value was 8,540 rubles, which already exceeds the regional value.

Given the legislative regulations, social allowances for Ulyanovsk pensioners will be charged from the state budget. Pension provision will continue to be indexed according to the actual growth of inflation. According to this rule, payments will be increased for all recipients: working and non-working pensioners.

However, the increase will be of a purely individual nature, and for employed citizens, its size will depend on the amount of wages.
Ulyanovsk region "On establishing the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Ulyanovsk region for the 2018 financial year" will not require additional financial costs from the budget of the Ulyanovsk region. Head of the Agency for the Development of Human Potential and Labor Resources of the Ulyanovsk region D.V. 2018 fiscal year" The adoption of the law of the Ulyanovsk region "On establishing the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Ulyanovsk region for the 2018 financial year" will not require recognition as invalid, suspension, amendment, addition or adoption of legislative acts of the Ulyanovsk region.

What has changed in the life of Ulyanovsk and the region since January 1, 2018

Draft law Article 1 In order to establish a social supplement to the pension provided for by the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”, set the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Ulyanovsk Region in the amount of 8474 rubles per month for the 2018 financial year. Article 2 This Law shall enter into force on January 1, 2018. Governor of the Ulyanovsk region S.I. Morozov EXPLANATORY NOTE to the draft law of the Ulyanovsk region "On establishing the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Ulyanovsk region for the 2018 financial year" The purpose of the bill is to regulate public relations related to the provision of state social assistance to citizens.

The cost of living for a pensioner in the Ulyanovsk region

How it is formed An application is submitted either personally by a citizen, or through an employer, or with the help of a representative by proxy. Documents can also be sent on the PFR website by opening a personal account. The day of applying for a pension is the date of payment assignment.

There are a few things to consider when applying:
  • if the documents are given to the FIU employees, the person receives a certificate with the date of the decision;
  • if copies of papers are sent by mail, the pension will begin to be paid from the date that is on the stamp;
  • when submitting documents through the multifunctional center, the date of receipt of the application is considered to be the date.

Pension provision for residents of Ulyanovsk and the Ulyanovsk region in 2018

Registration procedure The package of documents required to receive the due payments varies depending on the category of pension received. Labor:

  • passport;
  • a document confirming the length of service;
  • certificates of disabled dependents (if any);
  • certificate of income and an extract from the house management book (on request).


  • passport;
  • employment history.

By disability:

  • passport;
  • medical report on the disability group;
  • employment records (if any).

In any case, to assign payments, an application is written to the territorial office of the PFR at the place of residence. Where to contact The regional divisions of the PFR of Ulyanovsk are located at the following addresses:

  • st. Brestskaya, 78;
  • st. Karyukina, d. 6;
  • st. Karl Marx, 19;
  • Moscow highway, d.

military pensioners;

  • athletes who won prizes at European and world championships;
  • persons caring for a disabled child, elderly relatives (over 80 years old), disabled people of the 1st group;
  • parents with many children;
  • persons with state awards and Olympic medals.
  • In addition, people who have taken a well-deserved retirement in old age receive a number of non-material benefits:
  • free medical care;
  • purchase of medicines at reduced prices;
  • annual vouchers for treatment in sanatoriums;
  • free travel on public transport;
  • rent discounts;
  • exemption from property tax for 3 years from the date of purchase of real estate.

Important! Social allowances apply only to pensioners permanently residing in the region by registration.

In 2020, more than 400 thousand elderly citizens live in the Ulyanovsk region, about half of them count on the minimum pension.

Amounts in the region are received on a common basis and are subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation. However, the local government has the right to make small adjustments.

Who gets

There are 2 large groups of persons entitled to the minimum old-age pension:

  1. Women, if they:
    • have at least 9 years of work experience;
    • age from 55 years;
    • a sufficient number of individual points (in 2020, the amount is 13.8, it is gradually increasing, you can find out the amount in the FIU).
  2. Men, provided that:
    • work experience of at least 9 years;
    • age from 60 years;
    • a sufficient number of pension points.

Citizens who do not meet the conditions for the minimum pension receive social benefits.

How is it formed

The application is submitted either personally by a citizen, or through an employer, or with the help of a representative by proxy. Documents can also be sent on the PFR websiteby opening a personal account. The day of applying for a pension is the date of payment assignment.

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There are a few things to consider when applying:

  • if the documents are given to the FIU employees, the person receives a certificate with the date of the decision;
  • if copies of papers are sent by mail, the pension will begin to be paid from the date that is on the stamp;
  • when submitting documents through the multifunctional center, the date of receipt of the application is considered to be the date. Most MFCs do not work with representatives;
  • if a person has registered on the official website of the PFR, the pension will begin to be paid from the moment the electronic application appears in the system.

In some cases, the total income does not reach the subsistence level. It is calculated in accordance with the consumer basket and varies from region to region. Such citizens are entitled to an additional payment from the federal or regional budget.

Upon employment, payments stop. To receive support, a person must fill out an application, PFR employees assess the income of a citizen.

These include:

  • monthly allowances, lump-sum payments are not taken into account;
  • benefits, discounts and allowances for utilities and transportation;
  • the amount of the pension due to the citizen.

The size of the minimum pension in Ulyanovsk in 2020 from January 1

In January 2020, the following amounts of payments to pensioners and working citizens were established in Ulyanovsk:

  • the minimum wage for municipal employees is from 7,800 to 10,000 rubles, depending on the position held;
  • the subsistence minimum is 9,651 and 10,363 for able-bodied people and per capita;
  • the minimum pension provision is 8,271 rubles.

The amounts are set at the legislative level. If monthly allowances or pensions do not reach this value, a person receives a social allowance.

However, only citizens permanently residing in the region can count on the surcharge. People registered in another subject receive assistance in accordance with their amounts.

In area

In the region, the average pension is 13,600 rubles, the minimum amount is 7,900 rubles.

Pension increase

Pension increases can come from the regional or federal budget. The first is for citizens whose income is more than the subsistence minimum in the country, but less than that established in the Ulyanovsk region. The second is counted on by people whose income does not reach the subsistence level in the country.

If a citizen receives non-material support from the state, it is not taken into account when calculating income. Annual and one-time benefits (for example, maternity capital) are also not considered the main wealth of a person.

In 2020, the government announced that the indexation of pensions will take place without taking into account the inflation rate, which is 4.5%. It is already known that the approximate amount of indexation in 2020 is 4.4%.

The Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance announced that the regions should add about 4% to the pension, the figure does not depend on price increases. The authorities of the Ulyanovsk region made a recalculation in accordance with the Government Decree.

Pensions for employed pensioners will not be indexed. The Ulyanovsk deputies announced that the situation would not change in 2020 and 2020.

The pensions of non-working people are growing every year, while those of those who are working are not increasing. When a person retires, it is automatically recalculated taking into account the current inflation rate.

In addition to the mandatory additional payment to the subsistence level, a citizen can count on an increase for the following reasons:

  • 1 to 3 minor dependents;
  • loss of a breadwinner;
  • experience in excess of the required;
  • increased coefficient when working in conditions hazardous to health.

Additional payments and allowances

In the Ulyanovsk region, all pensioners received a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles in January of this year. In August 2020, an increase in the insurance part of the pensions of working people is expected, the amount will not exceed 235 rubles. The recalculation of the pension occurs automatically, applications do not need to be written.

For low-income pensioners in the region there is a special allowance, which equalizes the state maintenance of a person to the required level. The funds come from the regional budget.

Special allowances are also given to the following categories of citizens:

  • military pensioners;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • athletes who won prizes at world and all-Russian competitions;
  • persons who care for a relative over 80 years of age or a disabled person of group 1;
  • parents with 3 or more minor children;
  • citizens who have received Olympic medals.

Residents of the region who retire in old age automatically receive unique benefits:

  • purchase of medical services free of charge;
  • purchase of prescription drugs with a 50% discount;
  • free voucher to the sanatorium for treatment once a year;
  • free travel in public transport;
  • up to 50% discount on housing costs;
  • no property tax when buying property.

Terms of registration

Depending on the type of pension received, the package of documents varies slightly:

  1. Labor pension:
    • internal passport;
    • any documents confirming the experience;
    • if any, certificate of dependents;
    • proof of income for the last 12 months.
  2. Social pension:
    • internal passport;
    • employment history.
  3. Disability pension:
    • internal passport;
    • passing a medical examination;
    • proof of experience.

Regardless of the type of pension, PFR employees have 10 days to consider the application.

Minimum pensions in the Ulyanovsk region will continue to increase regularly in line with inflation. They can count on non-working pensioners who have gained a minimum length of service for a well-deserved rest.

Increases are guaranteed to all citizens permanently residing in the region. No major changes to local legislation are planned in the near future.

Video: Minimum pension in Russia in 2020

In 2018, the government announced that the indexation of pensions will take place without taking into account the inflation rate, which is 4.5%. It is already known that the approximate amount of indexation in 2019 is 4.4%. The Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance announced that the regions should add about 4% to the pension, the figure does not depend on price increases. The authorities of the Ulyanovsk region made a recalculation in accordance with the Government Decree. Pensions for employed pensioners will not be indexed. The Ulyanovsk deputies announced that the situation would not change in 2018 and 2019. The pensions of non-working people are growing every year, while those of those who are working are not increasing. When a person retires, it is automatically recalculated taking into account the current inflation rate.

Living wage in the Ulyanovsk region

DV Gerasimov FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC RATIONALE for the draft law of the Ulyanovsk region "On establishing the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Ulyanovsk region for the 2018 financial year" Federal legislation establishes that the pension should not be lower than the subsistence minimum in the region. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of October 24, 1997 No. 134 - FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation", the amount of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation is established annually by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in order to establish a social supplement to pension for the corresponding financial year and brought by the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation to the attention of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation no later than November 1 of the year preceding the financial year for which it is established.

The subsistence minimum in the Ulyanovsk region in 2018


If monthly allowances or pensions do not reach this value, a person receives a social allowance. However, only citizens permanently residing in the region can count on the surcharge. People registered in another subject receive assistance in accordance with their amounts.

In the region In the region, the average pension is 13,600 rubles, the minimum amount is 7,900 rubles. Pension increase Pension increase can come from the regional or federal budget. The first is for citizens whose income is more than the subsistence minimum in the country, but less than that established in the Ulyanovsk region.

The second is counted on by people whose income does not reach the subsistence level in the country. If a citizen receives non-material support from the state, it is not taken into account when calculating income. Annual and one-time benefits (for example, maternity capital) are also not considered the main wealth of a person.

Pension provision for residents of Ulyanovsk and the Ulyanovsk region in 2018

The norms of federal legislation providing for the consideration of the subsistence minimum when providing social support measures to citizens in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have been established since 1997 by the Federal Law of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ “On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation”, when determining the social supplement to a pension - since 2009, Federal Law No. 213-FZ of July 24, 2009 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognition as Invalid of Certain Legislative Acts (Provisions of Legislative Acts) of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of the Federal Law “On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Funds.

What has changed in the life of Ulyanovsk and the region since January 1, 2018

Ulyanovsk region "On establishing the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Ulyanovsk region for the 2018 financial year" will not require additional financial costs from the budget of the Ulyanovsk region. Head of the Agency for the Development of Human Potential and Labor Resources of the Ulyanovsk region D.V. 2018 fiscal year" The adoption of the law of the Ulyanovsk region "On establishing the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Ulyanovsk region for the 2018 financial year" will not require recognition as invalid, suspension, amendment, addition or adoption of legislative acts of the Ulyanovsk region.


If the regional minimum of a pensioner exceeds the federal one, and the pension is calculated less than it, the region must pay the missing amount to pensioners. If the regional level is below the federal level, the social supplement to the pension is paid from the federal budget. The federal minimum for 2018 has not yet been set. But, as indicated in the documents to the bill, the regional level planned for 2018 will be less than the federal minimum of 2017.

It is now 8540 rubles. Thus, social benefits to Ulyanovsk pensioners will be made by the federal budget, no expenses from the regional treasury will be required. Rate the news:
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Ulyanovsk region


What is the cost of living in the Ulyanovsk region in 2018? The living wage in the Ulyanovsk region for the 4th quarter of 2017 is set: per capita 9062, for the working population 9732, for pensioners 7457, for children 9202 rubles. Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2017 decreased:

  • per capita -557 rubles. (-6.15%);
  • for able-bodied -594 rubles. (-6.1%);
  • for pensioners -432 rubles. (-5.79%);
  • for children -619 rubles. (-6.73%);

Decree of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region dated March 14, 2018 No. 115-P. Table of the subsistence minimum in the Ulyanovsk region Period Subsistence minimum value (rubles) Decree of the Government of the Ulyanovsk region per capita for the working-age population for pensioners for children Q1 2018 The cost of living for Q1 2018 in the Ulyanovsk region is expected in early June 2018.

Per capita 9,062 rubles / month -557 rubles. For the able-bodied population 9,732 rubles / month -594 rubles. For pensioners 7,457 rubles / month -432 rubles. For children 9 202 rubles / month -619 rubles. Expectations for resolutions of the government of the territorial body on the establishment of a living wage Average waiting time for the publication of a new Government Decree on the value of the living wage: 63 days Q3 2018 02.12.2018 Q2 2018 02.09.2018 You calculate the indicators, the calculation of which is related to the cost of living in the Ulyanovsk region:

  • Calculator for calculating the indexation of alimony by the level of the subsistence minimumAccording to Art. 117 RF IC
  • Calculator for calculating the increase in the amounts paid for the maintenance of a citizenAccording to Art.

Ulyanovsk - city of news

In addition to the mandatory supplement to the subsistence level, a citizen can count on an increase for the following reasons:

  • 1 to 3 minor dependents;
  • loss of a breadwinner;
  • experience in excess of the required;
  • increased coefficient when working in conditions hazardous to health.

Additional payments and allowances In the Ulyanovsk region, all pensioners received a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles in January of this year. In August 2018, an increase in the insurance part of the pensions of working people is expected, the amount will not exceed 235 rubles. The recalculation of the pension occurs automatically, applications do not need to be written.

For low-income pensioners in the region there is a special allowance, which equalizes the state maintenance of a person to the required level. The funds come from the regional budget.
military pensioners;

  • athletes who won prizes at European and world championships;
  • persons caring for a disabled child, elderly relatives (over 80 years old), disabled people of the 1st group;
  • parents with many children;
  • persons with state awards and Olympic medals.
  • In addition, people who have taken a well-deserved retirement in old age receive a number of non-material benefits:
  • free medical care;
  • purchase of medicines at reduced prices;
  • annual vouchers for treatment in sanatoriums;
  • free travel on public transport;
  • rent discounts;
  • exemption from property tax for 3 years from the date of purchase of real estate.

Important! Social allowances apply only to pensioners permanently residing in the region by registration.
Upon employment, payments stop. To receive support, a person must fill out an application, PFR employees assess the income of a citizen. These include:

  • monthly allowances, lump-sum payments are not taken into account;
  • benefits, discounts and allowances for utilities and transportation;
  • the amount of the pension due to the citizen.

The size of the minimum pension in Ulyanovsk in 2018 from January 1 In January 2018, the following amounts of payments to pensioners and working citizens were established in Ulyanovsk:

  • the minimum wage for municipal employees is from 7,800 to 10,000 rubles, depending on the position held;
  • the subsistence minimum is 9,651 and 10,363 for able-bodied people and per capita;
  • the minimum pension provision is 8,271 rubles.

The amounts are set at the legislative level.

The minimum cost of living in 2018 in Ulyanovsk

Registration procedure The package of documents required to receive the due payments varies depending on the category of pension received. Labor:

  • passport;
  • a document confirming the length of service;
  • certificates of disabled dependents (if any);
  • certificate of income and an extract from the house management book (on request).


  • passport;
  • employment history.

By disability:

  • passport;
  • medical report on the disability group;
  • employment records (if any).

In any case, to assign payments, an application is written to the territorial office of the PFR at the place of residence. Where to contact The regional divisions of the PFR of Ulyanovsk are located at the following addresses:

  • st.
    Brestskaya, 78;
  • st. Karyukina, d. 6;
  • st. Karl Marx, 19;
  • Moscow highway, d.