How is the baby positioned at 30 weeks? Indicators and their interpretation


The long-awaited maternity leave has arrived, you can now fully devote yourself to pleasant household chores and preparing a dowry for the baby. There are about 10 weeks left before giving birth, that's less than two and a half months, two-thirds of the term is already behind. Now it’s already hard for you to carry your tummy, but it’s a pleasant weight, the baby is getting stronger and bigger, and your body is changing more and more. If a child is born this week, he has a high chance of life; with proper care, he will grow and develop normally, but it’s better to still reach due date.

Changes in the body at 30 weeks

Thirty weeks is the eighth obstetric month, its second week, or the end of the seventh calendar month, the third trimester of pregnancy. You went on maternity leave and now you are supposed to rest more and devote time to yourself and your unborn baby, prepare a place for him, pack your dowry and bags for the maternity hospital. Now you should always have yourself exchange card with all the data from your tests and appointments, in case labor suddenly starts earlier and outside the home. Always take it with you when leaving home. If you continue to work, you need to gradually slow down, you should not take on overwhelming work and overexert yourself, now you need not to be nervous and rest more.

Now you are actively gaining weight, and it is important to monitor your diet so as not to gain extra pounds. However, weight may also increase due to fluid retention by the body, which may be the beginning late toxicosis pregnancy. Carefully monitor the amount of fluid consumed and excreted, note signs of swelling and report this to your doctor. You should limit salt and sweets and follow your doctor’s recommendations.

Now the tummy is already big and you need to be careful to maintain your posture and walk more carefully to avoid pain and injury. It is important to choose comfortable clothes and shoes so that nothing restricts movement; wearing a brace for pregnant women will be a great help for back pain.

Fetal development at 30 weeks: weight, size and gender

Now the baby has grown to 40 cm in length and weighs about 1400-1500g, his subcutaneous fat is actively developing. From this time, the lungs actively begin to synthesize a special substance, surfactant, which allows the lungs not to stick together and collapse during exhalation. But not yet respiratory system imperfect and ripening with each week remaining until birth. The brain tissue is no less actively developing, in which there are more and more convolutions and grooves, and nervous system is gradually being included in the functioning of all departments. Nerve cells perform their main functions; special nerve fibers are formed, which are surrounded by a myelin sheath that protects them during operation. Gradually, the baby’s wrinkled skin smoothes out, and subcutaneous fat is deposited. The skin is still covered with vernix, which accumulates in the folds, but lanugo (vellus hairs) gradually begins to disappear, but some children may have hairs on their body until birth, then they will disappear in the first days of life.

From this time, the child’s liver begins to actively accumulate iron, forming its reserves for several months of life. If your baby is born premature, he may develop anemia due to iron deficiency. Iron is necessary for the synthesis and renewal of blood cells - red blood cells, which deliver oxygen to the fetal tissues. Now the fetus already has a clear heart rhythm - it beats approximately 130-160 beats per minute; during hypoxia, the heartbeat may slow down, and the doctor will note this fact. Girls and boys may have slight differences in heart rate, up to 10 beats.

At this stage, the fetus is very cramped in the uterus and it usually already takes its stable position for childbirth, head down, although within another two to three weeks if its position is incorrect, it can turn around. This may require special gymnastics or special provisions. Due to the limited space, the child can no longer actively move, he can only push, he can grimace, squint, yawn, hiccup. If there are no movements or they are too sudden, this should alert him, perhaps he is developing hypoxia. The child has developed vision, he can distinguish between light and dark, he hears and feels touch perfectly. The child constantly hears the sounds of the mother’s heart and the work of his intestines, experiences swaying when moving, which calms him down. sharp sounds on the outside he winces and freezes. Now it’s worth watching your emotions. The child already responds well to the release of adrenaline in the mother’s body. At this time, you can clearly determine the sex of the fetus; if you have not done this before, it will be clearly visible by ultrasound examination.

Feelings of the expectant mother

The constantly growing uterus puts more pressure on the internal organs, especially the intestines and stomach, changing their anatomical location, this leads to the development of frequent heartburn, constipation, bloating, and due to pressure on the kidneys and bladder Increased urination and discomfort may occur. Due to the pressure of the uterus on the spinal area with vessels passing nearby, attacks of dizziness may occur, especially when lying on your back - this is called “inferior vena cava syndrome.” Due to the upward elevation of the diaphragm, shortness of breath may occur during physical activity and even at rest, breathing becomes less deep and frequent. Due to your growing belly, it is increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position in bed and attacks of insomnia may occur; try to rest more often and sleep during the day.

One of the pleasant and exciting sensations will be the movements of the fetus; the woman feels the growth and development of the fetus, its movements and emotions with her whole body. Due to the limited free space in the uterine cavity and tightness, the nature of the movements gradually changes. Now you feel jolts from your knees, legs, arms or elbows, hiccups, turning your head and stretching. It is worth monitoring the number of fetal movements per day; if they are too sharp and frequent, even painful, the fetus is restless, you should consult a doctor, the baby may be experiencing discomfort. No less alarming will be a prolonged absence of movements or very rare and sluggish movements. Usually, the nature of the movements is influenced by the nutrition of the fetus and the supply of oxygen to it; after eating, the baby is usually more active due to an increase in glucose levels; in a stuffy room, when the fetus has little oxygen, it may become quiet. During this period, at least five movements should be felt per hour, and at least twenty-five times per day.

Now, due to increased body weight and abdominal size, discomfort and even pain in the back and pelvis may occur, swelling and fatigue of the legs may occur, varicose veins veins in the area of ​​the lower extremities, hemorrhoids can often make themselves felt at this time. You need to rest more often with your legs elevated to prevent blood stagnation in the veins of the pelvis and legs.

Condition of the uterus at 30 obstetric weeks

The uterus has not yet reached its maximum sizes, but already quite large. Its bottom is located approximately 30 cm from the area of ​​the pubic joint and at a distance of approximately 10 cm above the navel. During this period, the walls of the uterus become thinner due to stretching, the weight of the uterus increases, the cervix is ​​completely closed, and in its pharynx there is a lump of persistent mucus (mucus plug), which protects the fetus and membranes from infection. During this period, Braxton-Higs training contractions, painless and irregular tension of the walls of the uterus to prepare muscle fibers for childbirth, become more frequent. These contractions do not dilate the cervix or cause severe discomfort, may occur more often when tired and in the evening. They go away when changing body position, resting in a supine position.

Rhythmic and painful contractions of the uterus, accompanied by vaginal discharge, pain and heaviness in the lower back, the appearance of blood on underwear or discharge, can be dangerous. amniotic fluid. In this case, the onset of premature labor is assumed and you need to immediately go to the maternity hospital.

The abdomen has increased significantly due to the growth of the uterus, it protrudes forward, the navel is inverted, and a pronounced dark color runs down from it. pigment stripe. A change in the center of gravity due to the abdomen affects the mother’s gait; she walks slowly and waddles, which is facilitated by the relaxation of the ligaments of the hip joint. With such a belly, you need to be more careful getting out of bed on your side, climbing stairs and walking down the street. Due to stretching of the skin, itching and stretch marks may occur; prevention should be carried out using moisturizers or oils.

Ultrasound examination (Uzi)

Often, at 30-32 weeks, a third planned ultrasound examination of the fetus is performed to identify late malformations and birth defects. In addition, ultrasound monitors the condition of the fetus, placenta and uterus. During this period, it is possible to conduct both a regular and 3D ultrasound, but from thirty weeks onwards it is difficult to see the baby completely due to its size; usually only parts of the body are visible.

The main ultrasound indicators determined by the doctor are the thickness and degree of maturity of the placenta, the state of the uteroplacental blood flow, the amount of amniotic fluid and its condition, the position of the placenta, the distance from its edge to internal pharynx cervix. The doctor also carefully examines all parts of the fetus’ body and its internal organs, especially the kidneys, heart, and brain. In parallel with ultrasound, Doplerometry is usually performed - assessing the state of blood flow in the heart and blood vessels of the fetus, the wall of the uterus and placenta, and the umbilical cord.

What tests to take

From the moment you go on maternity leave, you will be sent for the following tests:

  • you will need a general blood test and a general urine test,
  • biochemical analysis blood,
  • blood for clotting,
  • vaginal flora smear,
  • blood for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis,
  • Determination of Rh factor and blood group.

In addition, measurements of the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus, pressure and pulse, weight, and fetal heartbeat will be carried out regularly.


Normal discharge during this period may be a little more abundant than it was previously, due to the formation of a mucus plug in the cervix. At the same time, the nature of these secretions should not change, remaining physiological. Normal discharge is colorless or slightly white, almost odorless, without pathological inclusions. You should be alerted to discharge that is greenish or yellowish, gray, white or cream colors, with a foamy, crumbly character, admixed with lumps of mucus or pus, with a sharp sourish or rotten taste, fishy smell. It is also worth paying attention to such signs as itching and burning in the vagina, cystitis, redness of the perineum and genitals. All these signs may indicate the presence of candidiasis (thrush), bacterial vaginosis(dysbacteriosis of the vaginal flora) or the development of sexually transmitted infections. It is necessary to take a smear and carry out full treatment as soon as possible, so as not to provoke premature birth and not create a threat of infection of the membranes of the fetus and the baby itself. Particularly dangerous at this time bloody issues– brown, spotting or with the discharge of dark or scarlet blood. They indicate possible placental abruption, cervical pathology, or the onset of labor. You need to call immediately ambulance and to the maternity hospital.

How to recognize leakage of amniotic fluid

No less dangerous can be the presence of leaking amniotic fluid. If water leaks, this indicates a violation of integrity amniotic sac, the possibility of labor starting at any time or infection entering the fetus. This condition requires immediate hospitalization in a maternity hospital to decide how to further prolong the pregnancy or give birth to the woman. To determine the leakage of amniotic fluid, there are special tests, the simplest of which is to use a special gasket with an indicator; when water leaks, it will change color. The water may leak copiously or very little at a time, which is why a woman may mistake it for discharge, and in this case it is important to determine defects in the amniotic sac.

Stomach ache

At 30 weeks of pregnancy, discomfort and pain may periodically occur as a result of the growth of the uterus and changes in the body. Pain in the back and lower back, numbness of the arms due to compression of the nerve roots due to swelling and a shift in the center of gravity are common. It's not dangerous, you just need to get more rest. Ligaments and joints are also relaxed due to the action of the hormone relaxin, which can lead to a change in gait and a pulling sensation on the sides of the abdomen and in the pelvic area. Wearing a bandage, pregnancy exercises, and frequent rest will help relieve discomfort. During this period, it is worth taking the knee-elbow position several times a day to rest the internal organs, especially the kidneys.

Abdominal pain may also occur as a result of constipation, poor diet, and bloating. IN late dates During pregnancy, due to changes in metabolism and increased estrogen, there is a predisposition to stagnation of bile and provoking cholelithiasis. Then there may be heaviness and pain in the right side, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, and when the stones move, attacks of biliary colic may occur. It is important to see a doctor quickly for adequate treatment and diets so as not to provoke complications.

Due to pressure fluctuations, headaches can occur, which can occur in the evening or during emotional stress. It is worth resting more and sleeping in a well-ventilated area; it is better not to relieve a headache attack medications(sleep, cool compress, shower, walk in the air).

Pain in the lower abdomen can be dangerous if there is a feeling that the lower abdomen is pulling and the lower back is aching. These may be harbingers of premature birth, uterine hypertonicity. Particularly dangerous similar phenomena along with thickening of the walls of the uterus, regular contractions or discharge of a bloody or watery nature, discharge of amniotic fluid. Immediate calling an ambulance and hospitalization is necessary.

Childbirth at 30 weeks

Childbirth at this time will be premature, the baby will be premature and immature. Labor should begin at least 38 weeks, which is when the baby is not yet ready for birth, and the mother’s birth canal is not yet ready for childbirth. But if, as a result of any changes or processes, labor begins this week, the child has a very high chance of survival, almost 100%, if he is provided with proper, comprehensive care. Now all of his major systems and organs are developed, but he may still have difficulty maintaining body temperature, weighs little, and may have difficulty breathing on his own due to surfactant deficiency. Therefore, such babies are nursed in conditions children's department and special incubators with oxygen supply, assisted breathing and temperature maintenance. Usually, after a few weeks, babies gain enough weight and strength to survive independently.

Colds and treatments

Although the baby is already quite large and his body is developed, colds and flu at this stage are extremely undesirable for the mother. Firstly, the functioning of the nervous system may suffer and developmental delays occur; secondly, viral infections affect the condition of the placenta and lead to its early aging. This increases the chance of the formation of feto-placental insufficiency and fetal hypoxia, which can ultimately slow down growth and weight gain, and fetal maturation. Extremely negatively affects the health of the fetus elevated temperature, and cough and runny nose lead to disruption general condition moms. If you have questions about how to treat a cold during this period, you should definitely consult a doctor; self-medication and taking medications are prohibited, as this can negatively affect the child.

Mom's diet and weight

Third trimester - time active dialing weight by the fetus, and therefore by the mother. During this period, you need to carefully monitor the gains on a weekly basis in order to adjust your diet and timely notice fluid retention in the body. By this time, the total weight gain averages about 10 kg, but fluctuations may be adjusted for the body type and initial weight of the mother before pregnancy. Plump women should gain less weight (about 6 kg) than slender women (about 12-13 kg). Most of the weight gained is made up of the fetus itself, amniotic fluid, the weight of the uterus and placenta, fluid retention in the body, and very little - fat reserves for the first weeks after childbirth and breastfeeding.

To gain weight at the right pace, you need to adhere to a rational diet. The diet should contain enough protein and vitamins with minerals, fiber, but you shouldn’t consume a lot of fats and carbohydrates, they give excess weight. Of the carbohydrates, you should prefer complex ones - cereals, starch, which saturate and give a gradual increase in blood glucose levels. It is worth limiting sweets and sugar, white flour products. You need to eat less salty and spicy foods, marinades, canned food and foods with food chemicals. You need to give up sugary carbonated drinks and fast food. To reduce intestinal discomfort, it is important to reduce the consumption of legumes, grapes, cabbage and dark bread.

Food should be steamed, baked, boiled and stewed; frying in oil is not very healthy. You should also avoid eating raw or half-raw, poorly cooked foods (seafood, sushi, fish snacks, rare steaks). They are dangerous in terms of helminth infection and poisoning. Gradually, you need to reduce the allergenic load on the body by eliminating foods such as caviar, honey, chocolate, bright and exotic fruits from the diet.


During this period, sex may be contraindicated multiple pregnancy, threat of premature birth, low location of the placenta or its presentation, isthmic-cervical insufficiency or uterine hypertonicity. In all other cases, provided wellness and desires, sex will be a useful and enjoyable activity for future parents. But during this period there is a gradual decline sexual desire due to the occurring physical and emotional changes in organism.

The basic principle of sexual intimacy is caution and the absence of sudden movements, deep penetration and uncomfortable positions with pressure on the stomach. It’s also worth slowing down the pace intimacy, you need to do everything measuredly, gently and carefully. Then sexual relations will bring pleasure and pleasant sensations.

If you're 30 weeks pregnant, you're about to enter your eighth month - one step closer to cherished day when you have your own baby in your arms. Your baby is already fully formed and now, during the third trimester, he continues to develop and take on the appearance of a baby, ready for life in our world. Most often, at 30 weeks, a woman goes on maternity leave (if she hasn't done so before), which means you have a little more time to enjoy the last carefree weeks of pregnancy.

You are 30 weeks pregnant, which means the baby’s weight is in the range of 1300-1500 g, and the baby’s height is just over 40 cm. The baby can boast that his lungs themselves begin to produce a sufractant - this is a substance thanks to which the lungs will not stick together during pregnancy. exhale. True, the respiratory system has not yet fully formed, so the baby needs intrauterine life.

Appearance of the baby at 30 weeks of pregnancy

At this stage, the child’s brain pattern is more clearly defined, and as its development continues, the convolutions acquire a more familiar relief for us. The nervous system also “turns on”: cells begin to function, formation occurs nerve fibers and a protective sheath - myelin.

The baby's skin is wrinkled, but in the eighth month it will begin to take on its usual appearance - smoothing occurs gradually. The baby at 30 weeks of pregnancy is covered with lubricant on top, while the lanugo - fluff - begins to disappear. True, for some children this period is prolonged, so they are born with little hair on their bodies. There is nothing wrong with this - in a couple of weeks the skin will take on its usual appearance.

Starting from the 30th week, the baby’s liver is actively working - it accumulates iron in order to be able to supply the baby with this substance throughout the first year of life.

At this stage, babies’ hearts beat clearly, strictly observing their rhythm. At the same time, boys’ heartbeats are calmer, while girls’ heartbeats are chaotic.

How does a baby feel at 30 weeks of pregnancy?

Now the baby becomes uncomfortable - after the 30th week of pregnancy he will generally feel cramped in the uterus, so by this time the baby most often takes the head position - this way it will be comfortable for him to be born.

At 7.5 months of pregnancy, the baby begins to behave calmly, so if the baby begins to worry and behaves differently than usual, for example, pushes hard and sharply, then this should alert the mother; it may be necessary to see her doctor.

Dear mothers, a fetus at 30 weeks of pregnancy is already a fully formed baby. How many emotions begin to appear on the baby’s face! The baby frowns and smiles, squints and yawns, he can open and close his eyes, he can play with his fingers or touch himself. And, by the way, in the mother’s stomach it is not as dark as it seems at first glance - a bright light penetrates through all obstacles and reaches the child. Experts say that the baby can see him and is even able to cover his eyes with his hand if he doesn’t like it.

Ultrasound at 30 weeks of pregnancy

In fact, if the pregnancy is progressing normally, gynecologists prescribe an ultrasound examination at 32 weeks of pregnancy, but in Lately Ultrasounds are increasingly being performed at 30 weeks.

The reason for the research is to monitor the development and condition of the child at 30 weeks of pregnancy. Thanks to ultrasound, the doctor can determine:

  • child's height;
  • baby's position;
  • type of placenta;
  • volume of amniotic fluid;
  • defects (if they exist, of course) in the development of the child (for example, heart disease or gastrointestinal tract).

30 weeks of pregnancy: what happens to mom

At 30 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus has grown even more, now it puts pressure on absolutely all internal organs. It is because of this that women often have accompanying troubles: constipation, heartburn, nausea, and frequent urination. If the uterus puts a lot of pressure on the lungs, headaches and dizziness, shortness of breath, and insomnia may begin. True, many women do not pay attention to these temporary difficulties and are preparing to meet the baby soon!

By this time, the baby’s movements can bring painful sensations: The little man can now push with his elbows and kick with his legs. Wherein loud noise The baby may “not like it” and he will let you know about it with his fists. But remember that the baby can knock his legs due to lack of oxygen!

Usually, according to the Law, at this stage of pregnancy a woman can safely go on maternity leave for 140 days: 70 days “prenatal” and 70 days “postpartum”. If a woman is expecting two or more children, then her maternity leave increases and amounts to 194 days: 84 “prenatal” and 110 “postnatal”. At pathological childbirth maternity leave may be increased.

Remember that maternity leave is not a reason for dismissal! The mother and her baby are protected by the Law: not a single enterprise, not a single structure, no matter whether it is a private company or a state enterprise, has the right to fire a woman on maternity leave (unless, however, the enterprise ceases to exist).

30th week of pregnancy: baby activity

At this stage of pregnancy, the mother needs to carefully monitor the baby’s movements. It is by the child’s activity that one can determine whether everything is okay with the baby, and is there anything threatening the pregnancy?

Measurements are made as follows:

  1. Hour interval. Choose a time of day when your baby is very active. Notice how many movements you will feel? The norm is at least six.
  2. Six hour interval. In six hours, the baby must disturb you at least 10 times.
  3. Twelve hour interval. From morning to evening, the baby should make itself known to you at least 24 times.

If suddenly you doubt something - either the movements are too sluggish, or the baby is not so active and his movements are far from the concept of “norm”, immediately contact your doctor at the hospital!

Belly at 30 weeks pregnant

By the 30th week of pregnancy, the belly has already grown enough. Now it can interfere with movement, which affects gait as the muscles are weakened and stretched.

Experts advise women to be very careful: get up from the chair slowly, holding your stomach with your hands. When getting out of bed, you first need to roll onto your side, and only then get up.

During pregnancy, the skin stretches greatly, and even more so on the stomach, which is why you should treat it very carefully so that stretch marks do not appear. Stretch marks are sometimes very upsetting for women, because they are very difficult to remove after childbirth. To try to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon (namely try, because no one can give 100% confidence that you will never have stretch marks), you need to take care of the skin of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, back - in general, all those places where you have gained a little (or a lot) weight. Best to use special creams, gels, oils that are created for pregnant women. But, as many say experienced mothers, for the same purpose you can use ordinary oils - olive or almond, and if there is no allergy, then citrus.

30th week of pregnancy: tests

During this period, the woman visits the doctor once every fourteen days. The gynecologist will definitely prescribe the following tests during the next visit.

  1. Urinalysis (as usual).
  2. Flora analysis (vaginal smear).
  3. Blood for HIV infection.
  4. Blood to determine the Rh factor (if this test has not already been done).
  5. Sometimes, along with ultrasound, doppleometry is prescribed at this time - this study will help doctors assess the uteroplacental blood flow, as well as fetoplacental blood flow.

Pain at 30 weeks of pregnancy

  1. Very often at 30 weeks women complain of nagging pain– this is normal, as the body undergoes physiological changes. Mostly painful sensations arise in the lumbar region, as the abdomen grows, so the center of gravity shifts, softening of the joints and ligaments occurs. To alleviate the condition, a woman should engage in physical exercise, which will relieve the load on the spine. You shouldn't overwork, you need to rest more.
  2. Often the pain that occurs at 30 weeks in the abdomen is associated with poor nutrition. Eliminate foods that cause gas and bloating and everything will be fine.
  3. Abdominal pain often occurs during the 30th week of pregnancy due to sprain of the ligaments that support the abdomen.
  4. Sometimes nagging pain accompanies the uterus, which contracts and stretches.
  5. Headache at 30 weeks of pregnancy due to the fact that the body undergoes great changes. It is undesirable to endure this pain, but it is also undesirable for a woman carrying a child to swallow pills. That is why it is necessary to do everything possible to prevent headaches: walk in the fresh air, go to bed on time, don’t get nervous and don’t get overtired. If you still have a headache, use the old traditional method– cover the place where it hurts, cabbage leaves and wrap your head in a scarf. Lie down in dark room– sleep or just relax. You can put a cold compress on your head or do a light scalp massage.

Swelling at 30 weeks of pregnancy

By this time, women often experience swelling of the extremities, since by the eighth month of pregnancy the amount of fluid in the body increases noticeably.

Edema is bad, so it is imperative to prevent it.

  1. Use as little salt as possible.
  2. Limit fluid intake to 1.5 liters per day.
  3. Remove all foods that can retain fluid in the body (for example, smoked foods, sweet water, spicy foods, etc.).
  4. From time to time during the day, elevate your legs (for example, place a pillow under your shins) when you lie down to rest.
  5. Put it away narrow shoes and clothes that restrict your legs (leggings, tights, etc.).
  6. Don't wear rings.
  7. Walk as little as possible, or at least rest more often - you shouldn’t move continuously for how many hours.

If swelling does not go away long time and the methods described above do not help, you need to consult a doctor, since swelling can occur for a reason - sometimes this indicates the onset of gestosis - a pregnancy complication.

Weight at 30 weeks of pregnancy

By this time, on average, women gain 10-11 kilograms. This is how much the baby itself and the uterus, the placenta and amniotic fluid weigh, as well as the fat layer that the expectant mother “acquired.”

By the end of the 40th week, a pregnant woman on average gains from 15 to 18 kilograms. Very low, as well as very high weight, can be a sign of some kind of pathology, so it is better to consult your doctor so that he can reassure you. Moreover, heavy weight can cause complications during childbirth, so it is better to control what you eat and adhere to the regimen prescribed by the gynecologist.

Discharge at 30 weeks of pregnancy

At 30 weeks of pregnancy, the discharge is abundant - it has a milky hue and a sour smell. If the discharge has bad smell, look like clots or “curdiness”, their color is green, gray or yellow, you should immediately go to the hospital. Discharge that is not normal appearance, mainly indicate an infection.

If bloody discharge appears, you must go to bed and immediately call an ambulance. Perhaps you just overworked yourself, or perhaps it’s a placental abruption, so you need urgent hospitalization!

You should immediately consult a doctor if a woman’s water begins to leak - it’s clear. watery discharge. If the process is not stopped, the membranes may deplete, which is very harmful to the baby's health.

Childbirth at 30 weeks of pregnancy

A baby born at 30 weeks of pregnancy will certainly be premature, but the survival rate of such babies is 100%!

Certainly, given period is not the norm for the birth of children, but if this happens: the baby was born much earlier and does not have any pathologies, then with proper and timely care, very soon you will go home, clutching your baby to your chest.

Nurse premature babies quite difficult, but since at this stage all their organs and functional systems are already formed, and perinatal centers today are equipped with last word technology, then the risks for the baby are minimal.

30th week of pregnancy. Video

30th week of pregnancy - important stage development of pregnancy. The baby is already an almost fully formed person. You need to apply for maternity leave. Get ready for childbirth, which is just around the corner.

In the ultrasound images you can clearly see what your baby is like, how he breathes and performs his first movements.

Fetal development at the thirtieth week of pregnancy.

Your baby already knows a lot: stretch, wince, shrug, clench his fists, react to everything he likes and doesn’t like. Also, the child already understands you well. It reacts in response to positive and negative circumstances.

At 30 weeks of pregnancy normal development eyes your little ones are wide open, they react to light. The baby moves them in the cavity of the orbit. His lungs form, his hair grows, and his sleep and wakefulness patterns are developed. This is the period when the mass of the baby’s brain increases and, accordingly, the number and depth of grooves and convolutions. The development of brain functions will occur after the birth of the baby.

Baby size at 30 weeks of pregnancy.

The weight of the baby is already 1.4-1.5 kg, and the height is 37-38 cm. At the thirtieth week of pregnancy, the baby still freely changes its location in the tummy. After two weeks he will take a certain position - or head down ( cephalic presentation), or booty ( breech presentation).

Your little one is the size of a winter melon.

Movements at 30 weeks of pregnancy.

At the thirtieth week of pregnancy, be attentive to movements inside the abdomen, to how often and how actively your baby moves. In order to determine whether fetal development is normal, you need to measure the intervals between movements: at least 6 movements per hour ( active period movements), 10 movements in a six-hour interval and 24 movements in a twenty-hour interval.

Vellus hairs on the body at 30 weeks of pregnancy.

At this stage of pregnancy, there are fewer and fewer vellus hairs on the baby's body - lanugo. But it happens that some of them remain after the birth of the baby.

Everyone has their own hairline characteristics, so some babies are born bald, while others are born with long hair. Both are within normal limits.

Mother's well-being at 30 weeks of pregnancy.

Pregnant women begin to feel some discomfort in the thirtieth week of pregnancy, since the baby has grown significantly recently. The uterus begins to put pressure on the internal organs. You can no longer move quickly, but walk, swaying from foot to foot, the so-called “duck” gait.

Even though the center of gravity moves, do not forget about correct posture. Due to your increased metabolism, you may feel hot even in cool weather. As a result, increased sweating is observed.

Many women may experience anemia in the third trimester, and oblong red spots may appear on the abdomen.

The uterus rises very high in the thirtieth week of pregnancy: 7.5-10.2 cm above the pubis and 29-30 cm above the pubic symphysis. This causes the diaphragm to put pressure on the heart so much that it changes position and lies on its side. As a result, you may have difficulty breathing. Shortness of breath may also occur.

Possible oligohydramnios at 30 weeks of pregnancy.

At 30 weeks of pregnancy Don’t neglect your body. Be attentive to yourself, listen to your body. Be sure to follow all the recommendations of your gynecologist: get tested, do an ultrasound when necessary. This way you can ensure that your pregnancy proceeds easily and without complications.

At this stage you may be given a diagnosis such as oligohydramnios. It is diagnosed if the amount of amniotic fluid less than normal for 500 ml. The formation of amniotic fluid can be affected by its excessive absorption or insufficient formation. Also, oligohydramnios can be a signal that there are disturbances in the functioning of the pregnant woman’s body. Only full examination may be the basis for making this diagnosis. In case of oligohydramnios, the woman will be prescribed special treatment.

Step on the march to maternity leave!

At the thirtieth week of pregnancy, prenatal leave begins, which is provided to all working women, according to current legislation. You have a whopping 126 vacation days! Relax, walk in the fresh air, get enough sleep, gain the strength you will need during childbirth.

As was noted long ago, our women cannot find golden mean, rush from one extreme to another: either they become overly active during prenatal leave (trying to finish all unfinished tasks), or they fall into hibernation.

But you should remember that neither one nor the other will benefit the baby. Don’t forget that you can’t redo all the work, especially in your position. And remember that constantly lying on the couch does not mean proper rest.

Be active, but don't overdo it, rest, but don't lie low. Your baby needs a moderately active, cheerful, healthy mother. After all, your condition directly affects the condition of your baby.

Neither prose writers nor poets can describe the feelings of a woman who finds out that she will soon become a mother. Spending every day in this state means being born again with the child. Even if mommy is young and inexperienced, the feeling of life within herself, the responsibility for it, makes her unusually attractive, mysterious, and inspires respect.

So what happens at 30 weeks of pregnancy? Now you will find out everything! Week 30 is the third trimester of pregnancy or seven and a half months from the beginning of conception. At this time, the fetus reaches 1400-1500 g, in fact, it is an already formed child.

The woman begins to gain weight, which is completely legal and acceptable. An increase of up to 11 kilograms is considered normal. If she gains more, then the likelihood that the child will be large increases, and this is undesirable. Often in such cases complications occur during childbirth.

During this period, it is necessary to monitor your diet and attend special courses for mothers. Flour and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. Instead, eat fish, dietary meat, vegetables, and fruits. Products, causing allergies, which include honey, chocolate, caviar, enter into daily menu it is necessary gradually, checking their effect on the body.

The expectant mother needs to be careful in everything, remembering that the muscles weaken every day. You cannot make sudden movements or bends, everything should be smooth and leisurely. You should also get up from a chair or armchair slowly and carefully.

Walking around fresh air are useful for both mother and child, but they should not be long-lasting. You shouldn’t go on a festivities alone, let better husband will take on the responsibility of breathing fresh air every day with his wife.

How a woman feels at 30 weeks

At the thirtieth week, a woman’s body adapts to the child. Internal organs put pressure on the diaphragm, causing discomfort to the heart, liver, stomach, etc. Women suffer during this period frequent urination, there are problems with the intestines, and dizziness may occur from physical activity.

It is better to delegate all housework to other family members; a pregnant woman should learn to sleep in a comfortable position, and while sitting on a sofa or chair, it is better to place her legs on a chair or other object so that they do not swell and varicose veins do not develop in the future.

During pregnancy, the spine and lower back take on most of the load. How more fruit, the more the load increases. At night, many pregnant women complain of cramps, and women with weakened walls of the venous vessels (and this is transmitted genetically) will certainly experience complications in the veins after childbirth.

Therefore, you should take care of your feet. During pregnancy, in case of swelling, be sure to take baths and lubricate the legs and feet special ointments or solutions such as menovazin, horse chestnut tincture, heparin ointment, Sophia cream and others. You just need to follow the instructions for use and consult your doctor for allergic reaction for ointment or solution.

Because the body physically changes, women often experience headaches. They also appear due to high blood pressure.

Hot days, hot dry air, and rooms with many crowds of people have a bad effect on pregnant women.

Baby development, what the fetus looks like

You should visit your doctor regularly at 30 weeks of pregnancy once every two weeks. The fruit is growing and already occupies all the space. The child's height reaches 35 centimeters. It becomes more and more difficult for him to move inside the uterus, as he takes up all the space.

  • The baby's fatty tissue increases noticeably, which makes it possible for him to be protected even during premature birth. The baby's skin is still wrinkled and has a reddish tint. The hairs or fluff of lanugo on the body gradually decrease, and many babies are born with this fluff. The fluff on the head does not disappear.
  • Internal organs begin to work harmoniously, the brain is almost completely formed, the heart beats clearly and rhythmically.
  • At this time, the mother is again prescribed an ultrasound examination to identify the position of the fetus, its activity, and check the lungs, the movements of which are clearly visible on the ultrasound.
  • At the 30th week of development, the baby’s eyes are wide open, he can already wince, shrug his shoulders, reacts very sensitively to sounds, and distinguishes his mother’s voice from his father’s.
  • It is not for nothing that a pregnant woman is advised to look at everything beautiful and recharge only positive energy, since the baby feels and understands everything.
  • In addition to all this, the fetus begins to develop a sleep-wake pattern, and there are fewer hiccups. Since the baby cannot twist and turn, he actively moves his legs and arms and “beats” his mother.

During this period, attentive mothers count the number of strokes or movements of the child per day. The norm is the number of movements per day up to 28 times.

Examination and mandatory tests

IN last trimester Pregnant women undergo examinations:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • Flora smear;
  • Measuring pressure and abdominal size.

A blood test must be done to detect the presence or absence of HIV infection and determine the mother's Rh factor. All these tests are recorded in the medical history. During contractions, on the way to the maternity hospital, the woman takes them with her so that the doctor can navigate during childbirth.

Ultrasound helps doctors study the child’s heart and urinary tract patency. If defects or other abnormalities of these organs are identified, they will know what to do in this or that case.

In addition to ultrasound, pregnant women are often prescribed a Doppler study, which determines the speed of placental blood flow.

During this period, the uterus rises quite high above the navel, approximately from 7.5 to 10.5 cm. The woman experiences shortness of breath, as the uterus presses on the diaphragm, which in turn presses and somewhat displaces the heart. Sometimes a woman feels minor pain in the abdomen, which does not need to be paid too much attention to. This normal phenomenon, since the uterus can become toned.

If, however, severe, nagging pain, similar to pain during the menstrual period, bothers a pregnant woman, then she should consult a doctor.

As a last resort, the doctor will prescribe a drug such as no-spa. When the tone of the uterus reaches its peak, that is, it becomes hypertonic, women are asked to lie down “for preservation.” Under the supervision of doctors, it is much easier to eliminate the causes of hypertension.

During pregnancy, many women experience a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in their blood and anemia occurs. It appears due to a lack of iron, protein, folic acid in the mother's body. In some cases, lack of hemoglobin led to premature birth, to delay in fetal development and so on.

If a pregnant woman behaves inappropriately, eats chalk, the skin has a pale tint, nails and hair become brittle, and other unpleasant signs, then the likelihood of developing anemia is high. If the case of anemia is not so advanced, mommy should balance her diet, include beef, rabbit, liver, and eat fruits and vegetables in her diet.

During pregnancy, nutritionists advise drinking milk, four times a day. Of course, if a woman does not have an individual intolerance to this product. Milk contains a lot of vitamin B, calcium and proteins, which help development internal organs child.

Brown bread and bread with bran, beef, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, fresh fruits, all these products are important for the baby at 30 weeks of development, when the liver is in full swing.

Expectant mothers must strictly remember that alcohol and tobacco are harmful to the baby’s health, therefore, even if a woman smoked in the past, then this bad habit it is necessary to quit, and as for vodka, cognac and other strong drinks, they are out of the question.

If a pregnant woman does not want to gain excess weight, which is not as harmless as it may seem, then she should refuse:

  • Floury foods, sweets, which lead to obesity and caries;
  • Animal fats, which are bad for the heart and fetal development;
  • Salty foods that cause high blood pressure and swelling;
  • Coffee and green tea in large doses.

All these products negatively affect not only the mother, but also the child. If a woman cannot independently create her daily diet, then she should use the services of specialists.

During pregnancy, all mothers need to be attentive to their health, prevent a decrease in immunity, avoid those with ARVI, and not get a runny nose or infectious disease. Caring for the baby's health should be a top priority.

You should use various painkillers as needed and only with the blessing of your doctor.

If, nevertheless, the baby chose to be born prematurely, you should not panic, modern medicine guarantees that 100% of children will receive qualified medical care. You just need to pull yourself together and get to the maternity hospital on time.

Such babies are now connected to special equipment that supports their vital functions at first.

During this period, the child is fully formed, his organs are functioning well, all that remains is to help them a little.

At 30 weeks of pregnancy, working women receive maternity leave. The first thing they should think about is the future child, therefore, the calmer, more disciplined the mother, the healthier baby. Maternity leave should be spent usefully, exploring all possible literature about children, about caring for them, and raising them.

Small physical exercise and walks in the fresh air will only benefit mother and child.

You can learn some more information about the 30th week of pregnancy from the following video.