Resuscitation of newborns, branch 2 of city hospital 24. Head of the branch - “Perinatal center”


The institution has comfortable wards for mothers and their children. For women there is the opportunity to choose a single or double room. But it will be comfortable not only for them, but also for their relatives, because they tried to create maximum comfort in the corridors and halls. Therefore, even the waiting time will be brightened up.

Maternity hospital No. 8 is equipped with high-tech equipment that allows for accurate diagnosis. Therefore, both women in labor and women in confinement can be confident that their health will be taken care of at the highest level. Ultrasound machines are available around the clock, whenever the patient is admitted. The main advantage is instant computer processing of data. Therefore, the doctor will always be aware of the condition of the mother and her baby.

In 2004, the maternity hospital opened an intensive care unit for newborn babies. Its capacity is 6 seats. To provide assistance, including emergency assistance, specialists have at their disposal not only all the necessary tools and equipment, but also special wards. They provide the opportunity to use the “Kangaroo method”, in which the premature baby will have maximum contact with his mother. Every day the baby is given to the mother so that she can hold him on her chest. This option can also be done with the father. This approach allows premature babies to gain weight faster and get used to the world around them.

The maternity hospital staff consists only of highly qualified specialists who know and love their job. That is why little patients and their mothers feel cared for and cared for even from the very first moment of their stay together. The institution actively practices placing the baby on the mother’s stomach or chest immediately after birth, even if the baby was born full-term. Every nurse and doctor tries to put in every effort to ensure that mother and child feel calm.

The institution has an obstetrics department with paid services. It has been working for more than 10 years. It provides personalized pregnancy introduction services, especially when it comes to difficult pregnancies or childbirth. This department has high-precision technology that allows us to identify even the slightest pathologies. Here, consultation is carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist, who prescribes ultrasound, laboratory diagnostics, Doppler and cardiac monitoring studies. Based on the results obtained, conclusions are drawn about the condition of the fetus. You can contact the department at almost any time, as there are programs for comprehensive pregnancy management from 12, 20, 28 weeks. Also, if desired, you can enter into a contract with a specific specialist who will deliver the baby and provide postpartum care.

Not every woman can easily endure labor pains. Therefore, the maternity hospital has a wide range of painkillers, including epidural anesthesia. Depending on the wishes of the woman in labor, as well as her individual characteristics of the body, the specialist will select exactly the type of pain reliever that will help her calmly endure childbirth. In addition, during the entire process, her attending physician, anesthesiologist, and neonatologist will be present next to the woman and will monitor the entire process. And if you also take into account the comfortable and soundproofed maternity wards, it becomes clear that in such conditions the expectant mother will feel much more comfortable. Young couples also have the opportunity to have partner births. After the baby is born, he and his mother are transferred to a single ward. Young parents have everything they need in their room to learn how to properly care for their child. In addition, during the day, specialists visit the ward to check the condition of the woman and child. Each room is equipped with a changing table, a baby crib, a toilet room with shower and toilet, a refrigerator and a kettle, as well as a TV. Relatives can come to visit the mother and child at any time. And when the time comes, the young family will be discharged, but this event will be accompanied by photos and videos, so that in the future the baby will be able to see, and the parent will be able to remember, the first days of their baby.

Hospital No. 8 is one of the largest obstetric and pediatric centers in all of Russia. The hospital's special focus is preterm birth, premature babies and their care. That is why, first of all, pregnant women from all over Moscow and the Moscow region flock here to treat miscarriage or to care for premature babies.

In 2014, City Clinical Hospital No. 8 was connected to City Clinical Hospital No. 24, after which it became known as Branch No. 2 of City Clinical Hospital No. 24. So when you go to Dynamo, don't panic when you see a sign with a different name.

Qualified personnel

Personnel No. 8 consists of academicians of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, professors, associate professors, doctors of science. The hospital houses departments of various faculties of the Medical University of the Russian State Medical University and the Central Institute for Advanced Medical Studies. This means that interns may be brought into your room or not only you and the doctor will be present at the ultrasound. But this doesn’t happen very often, and you shouldn’t be afraid of it. Treatment and delivery are carried out only by doctors of at least the first qualification category.

Reviews about doctors

For every woman, the moment of childbirth is incredibly exciting. Some people are very worried that the attitude of the staff will be bad. But, after reading reviews on forums and Internet sites, many decide to go to maternity hospital No. 8 at Dynamo. Reviews about doctors and all staff in general are overwhelmingly positive. Mothers note that although some medical workers are taciturn, they do not hear any rudeness or rude words from anyone.

Of course, the attitude of the doctor or nanny towards you will depend on your attitude towards them. And although it is possible to give birth in a maternity hospital on a paid basis, the attitude towards “free” patients is no worse.

Mothers write that some doctors could advise something in a motherly way, and hug, and joke. With enormous cross-country ability, the attitude is always on the level. Of course, everything also depends on the shift, and there are often reviews of silent nannies or doctors. You always need to ask questions, doctors do their job and do not always comment on every action. Ask if you want to know everything and a little more.

Opportunities of the maternity hospital

Recently, partner births have become especially popular. The maternity hospital at City Clinical Hospital No. 8 on Dynamo also provides this opportunity for a fee. It is possible to give birth for free, using a birth certificate. You can also enter into a paid contract with the hospital. Maternity hospital number 8 (Dynamo) provides single-bed maternity units with the possibility of vertical birth. Epidural anesthesia is given at will or according to indications. They will not do anything to you by force, everything is agreed upon. There are pediatric and adult intensive care units, as well as 2 departments of the second stage of nursing children.

Postpartum wards are divided into single and double rooms, just like the wards in the pathology department. Each block, consisting of two rooms, has a separate shower and toilet. Postpartum rooms have a sink. A separate overnight stay for mother and baby is possible, if desired. If there are no indications, stay together. Visits from loved ones are allowed only on a paid basis at the 8th maternity hospital on Dynamo. Reviews from mothers on this matter are negative, because this is direct discrimination against those who give birth on a general basis. It is possible to transfer personal items and food.

Paid services

The perinatal center provides a wide range of paid services, ranging from normal childbirth and training in child care skills, to nursing premature babies and various types of research. The cost of the package of services for from the 36th week and childbirth without complications is 111,730 rubles, with complications - 129,580. A set of services for premature birth from the 25th to the 35th week is 61,170 rubles. Prices for the first quarter of 2016.

When concluding a contract for paid childbirth, it is possible to choose an individual doctor who will not only participate in the process of childbirth, but can also monitor your condition afterwards.

Visits are allowed only to paying patients from 16 to 19. Walking is strictly prohibited. It is also not allowed to move freely on the floors of the hospital.

Partner births are also possible only on a paid basis. If the child's father is present at the birth, a closed birth unit is provided. Women giving birth without the support of a significant other are located in birthing units with Sometimes you can see what is happening in the next cabin.

Individual single rooms of improved comfort are provided under the contract. There is a TV and a shower with toilet. Be prepared for the fact that, even after paying, you may end up in a double room. This is due to the popularity of the maternity hospital; there are often too many patients there.

How to get to maternity hospital No. 8 (Dynamo)

Address of the maternity hospital: Moscow, 4th Vyatsky lane, 39. You can take the metro to the Dynamo station or to the Savelovskaya station. Walking distance from the metro is about 10 minutes.

If there are indications for which this maternity hospital is suitable for you, then, most likely, the gynecologist will refer you there. However, many women, playing it safe once again, are looking for several options on how to get to the 8th maternity hospital at Dynamo.

The first option is to come for a conversation with the head doctor of the maternity hospital and try to come to an agreement with him. It's not always paid. He will make a corresponding note on your card, and you can safely come to give birth.

The second option is to enter into a paid contract for childbirth with the institution. Even if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, you can give birth in this perinatal center.

The third option is to come to them with contractions. As practice shows, no one is sent back if labor has actually begun. Here you can note that you will be accepted in any maternity hospital if you come there with contractions. If it turns out that these are false contractions, then nothing prevents you from coming to them later.

There are cases when women, having felt contractions in the early stages, came to the nearest perinatal center to confirm the onset of labor. Having made sure that they could get to maternity hospital No. 8 without any risks, they left to give birth there.

We are going to the maternity hospital

For those who go to the pathology department before giving birth, the list is quite simple. Personal hygiene products, robe, nightgown. Bring a cup, spoon and fork. You can immediately take some food with you for a snack, because mothers write that if you are admitted on the same day, you may not be fed normally. They didn’t count on you and they didn’t prepare food for you. But, of course, they won’t leave you completely hungry. Don’t forget to charge your mobile phone and have some entertainment for yourself (books, crosswords, laptop or tablet).

Almost all pregnant women collect in advance. A very important point: if you want to get to maternity hospital No. 8 (Moscow, Dynamo), then be sure to put all your things in bags. Bags are prohibited, even ladies' leather ones. Also put universal kits that are sold in specialty stores or pharmacies into bags.

For your convenience, collect several packages. Each sign with your first and last name. Some women sign and appointment. For example:

  • FULL NAME. rodblock.
  • FULL NAME. postpartum.
  • FULL NAME. for a child.

Upon arrival at maternity hospital 8 at Dynamo, you must change completely, put your clothes in a bag and either give them to your relatives or leave them for safekeeping with the nurse.

List of things in maternity hospital 8 (Dynamo)

In the first maternity ward bag, put:

  • Rubber or leather slippers, always washable.
  • Disposable diapers.
  • Telephone.
  • Water 1.5-2 liters without gas (it’s more convenient in small bottles of 0.5 liters).
  • Hats and socks for children.
  • Documentation.

For convenience, put a large bag in it to put the things you will be wearing. You will be given hospital clothes for childbirth. Shave your bikini area at home; if that doesn’t work, you will be shaved in the hospital. Reviews say that it is unpleasant and sometimes painful, and that the hospital razor is dull.

You will be given a cleansing enema, so you may want to bring some toilet paper with you just in case. Some women are allowed to shower during labor, in which case you will need a towel and gel or liquid soap.

All other things are either brought to you later by your relatives, or, if you came with them, the medical workers will bring them to your room.

Package for the postpartum ward:

  • Mobile phone charger.
  • Disposable diapers.
  • Disposable panties.
  • Postpartum pads.
  • Regular maxi or overnight pads (more convenient for discharge).
  • (you can also use inserts for it).
  • Nipple cream (Purelan, Bepanten or something of your choice).
  • Breast pump (optional).
  • Postpartum bandage.
  • Cup, spoon, fork.
  • Shower gel, shampoo, conditioner (there are disposable bags).
  • Toothpaste and brush.
  • Toilet paper.
  • Regular soap for intimate hygiene.
  • A small snack in the form of cookies or marshmallows.
  • Comb, care cream, cosmetics, hair tie.
  • Socks (more comfortable with them).
  • A camera if you plan to take pictures of your child other than with your phone.
  • Glycerin suppositories (will help with constipation after childbirth).

For the baby, you will need a little for the first few days. It is more convenient for him to put everything in a separate package:

  • Diapers.
  • Diaper cream.
  • Powder.
  • Pacifier.
  • Cotton swabs for children.
  • Cotton pads.
  • Wet wipes.
  • Baby liquid soap.
  • Children's clothing, if you don't want to swaddle (slips or undershirts with rompers, scratchies, socks, hats).
  • Diapers, if you plan to swaddle for the first time.

Maternity hospital 8 at Dynamo provides clothing for mother and baby. Mother's shirts are changed daily and several diapers are provided for the baby. Reviews about hospital clothing are varied. It all depends on the case. You may come across a new set, or there may be washed diapers and a sewn shirt. You can only wear hospital clothes for your mother, but you can wear your own clothes for the kids.

Be sure to remind your relatives not to forget the car seat for transporting the baby.

Department of Pathology

If you were sent in advance to maternity hospital No. 8 (Dynamo metro station), then there is a reason for this. The pathology department is practically no different from any other department in a regular hospital. Repairs, of course, are desirable, but even without this everything is not so bad. Quite modern plumbing and equipment of the rooms, according to the reviews of the expectant mothers who were lying there, was “four-star”.

The boxes consist of two chambers. There are both double and single rooms. In each room, in addition to the bed, there is also a chair. There are televisions in some rooms. There is a common TV in the hallway. The toilet and shower are separate, one for each block. That is, it turns out one bathroom for two or four people. This is quite enough, and this layout complies with the standards.

A very sensitive drawback, also according to reviews from expectant mothers, is the absence of any shelves in the shower. Bath accessories have to be left either on the floor or on the tiled sides of the shower. But bending over for them during advanced pregnancy is tantamount to acrobatics. Let's hope this changes soon.

The ancestral hall. Place X

At that very exciting moment, when your contractions have started, or the time has come for a caesarean section, you are brought or brought to the delivery room.

Separate blocks for women in labor. Each delivery room has one delivery chair, a baby table and a bed. There is a private shower, which can be used at the very beginning of labor, as well as a toilet and bidet. There are large windows in the walls between the halls, through which you can see what is happening in the neighboring block. This is made exclusively for doctors. You don’t have to worry that someone will spy on you at such an intimate moment. Believe me, the woman in labor from the next block has no time for you.

If you give birth together with your husband, then the birth block will have a closed window or without it at all.

Many women in labor are connected to a CTG machine. Some write that lying with a CTG sensor on your stomach makes it more difficult to endure contractions. If this happens, you can ask your doctor or midwife to remove the sensor and let you walk around. If there are no contraindications, they will definitely meet you halfway.

Since maternity hospital No. 8 (metro station "Dynamo") is quite popular and is a perinatal center, there are always a lot of people giving birth there. Don't expect any medical personnel to be nearby at all times. They will visit you regularly and find out how you are doing. If you need anything, just call your sister or doctor. Unfortunately or fortunately, this is a feature of almost all maternity hospitals in our country. If you want someone to be with you all the time, take your husband with you.

The birth of your baby. Moment X

Immediately after birth, the baby is placed on your chest so that he can smell his mother’s smell and a special relationship is established between you. Afterwards it is transferred to the changing table, where all the necessary procedures are performed, and again returned to you. Nurses most often monitor the flow of colostrum, apply pressure to the nipple and put the baby to the breast. With the baby on your chest, you will lie in the maternity unit for another 1.5-2 hours. This happens after natural childbirth.

If you give birth by caesarean section or have had a very difficult labor and feel unwell, your baby will be taken to the children's ward. But before that, he will definitely be placed on his mother for at least a few seconds. If there was a partner birth, the child can be given into the father's arms.

Most reviews about the birth process in the eighth maternity hospital are positive. The staff is responsive and positive, even if it is the end of a shift or a holiday. Of course, there are negative aspects. And you can find negative reviews about doctors and their bad behavior during childbirth. But we should not forget that a lot depends on how we behave ourselves.

Postpartum department

After the baby is born, you are transferred to the postpartum ward. The composition of the wards in the pathology department is distinguished by the presence of a changing table and a sink in each ward, as well as a special cot (cot). Single paid superior rooms have bedside lamps and a TV.

The child can be with you or in the children's department, which is located on the same floor as the postpartum department. Depending on the location of the block, you can hear children crying in the children's department.

According to indications or by paid agreement, you can leave the child with you only during the daytime. At night, the baby can move away from his mother to let her sleep and restore strength faster.

Supplementary feeding is given only if the mother does not have milk or if she refuses to feed. Many mothers note that the staff does not show or teach how to properly latch and attach to the breast. Therefore, if any difficulties arise or you are not confident in yourself, seek help at the post. They will not refuse you training, but they will not be the first to offer it.

In the morning, it is mandatory to measure the temperature with a regular thermometer; it must be taken to the post. If your baby is given formula, bottles must be brought and collected.

Meals in the maternity hospital

The food in the maternity hospital is excellent. According to the reviews of everyone who was there, the food is delicious, and there is enough for both a pregnant and lactating woman. The difference in nutrition between the pathology department and the postpartum department is small. In the pathology department, food is distributed throughout the wards, but in the postpartum department, plates are prohibited in the ward. Meals are taken in the common dining room at strictly designated times. You can drink tea or have a snack in your room.

And finally, an extract

After all the tests have been carried out for the baby and mother, the doctors in the pediatric and postpartum departments must agree on your discharge. To speed up this process, mothers write, you need to run a little. During the daily examination, the doctors of each department tell you all the information about discharge, and not each other. To combine this information, go to the post. If you are not in a rush, relax and as they say, have fun.

According to established tradition, maternity hospital No. 8 at Dynamo gives gifts to every mother. These are advertising brochures, educational books on baby care, samples of children's cosmetics and several diapers. On behalf of the mayor, the baby is given a suit and a diaper. You can contact your nurse at the post to receive your gift.

When you leave maternity hospital No. 8 (Dynamo), a photo as a souvenir, of course, will be very appropriate. There is almost always a photographer and videographer in the maternity hospital. According to reviews from women, their services are quite expensive. A few minutes of video and a dozen photos will cost you at least 6-7 thousand rubles. At the same time, some mothers note that the quality of services does not correspond to their cost. We recommend taking care of the photographer or videography yourself. Think about this moment in advance if you want to get great photos for a long memory.

We wish everyone health and an easy birth!

City Clinical Hospital No. 8 is a public medical institution of the capital’s health department. It combines a maternity hospital and a hospital for caring for low birth weight children into a single functional and administrative system. It was this maternity hospital that was the first large medical institution in the USSR for premature babies and premature births.

Currently, City Clinical Hospital No. 8 of Moscow is one of the largest obstetric and pediatric complexes in Russia, specializing in the management of premature birth, treatment of miscarriage and nursing of low birth weight infants.

Structure of the 8th City Clinical Hospital

The 8th City Clinical Hospital of Moscow includes the following departments:

· maternity ward;
· 2 pregnancy pathology departments;
· obstetric physiological;
· maternity unit;
· resuscitation;
· children's;
· intensive care and resuscitation of newborns;
· children's building.

In the maternity block of City Hospital No. 8 there are individual maternity wards in which women are located directly during childbirth.

Conditions of stay in City Clinical Hospital No. 8

Among the main advantages of Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 8, it is worth noting the fact that only experienced, highly professional specialists work here. It is thanks to the highest professionalism of the medical staff in the maternity hospital of the 8th City Clinical Hospital that even those patients who do not have pregnancy pathologies and factors aggravating the course of childbirth strive to give birth. Any woman who does not have indications for childbirth in a specialized maternity hospital can come here to receive qualified assistance. For those who want to see an individual doctor, the clinic offers prenatal care from 36 weeks.

After the birth of the child, the mother and the baby are moved to a shared room for 1-2 people, with a toilet and shower.

In 2 departments of pathology of pregnant women, patients with various abnormalities of fetal development and the threat of miscarriage are provided with care. In addition, women are prepared here for adequate childbirth.

The children's building of Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 8 includes an intensive care unit and 2 departments for nursing premature babies. Newborns who require treatment after the mother is discharged from the hospital are transferred to the second building, where the child is kept with the mother.

Among other things, the medical institution also has a specialized consultation “Family and Marriage”, which provides assistance in the treatment of the reproductive system in women with infertility and miscarriage.

Obstetric physiological department of the 8th city clinical hospital

The obstetric physiological department of the 8th City Clinical Hospital is distinguished by a calm, cozy atmosphere and friendly atmosphere. It provides medical care to patients after caesarean section and natural childbirth.

The unit has created all the conditions to ensure that the mother and her baby feel comfortable. Not long ago, a major overhaul was completed and a complete re-equipment of this unit was carried out. Currently, all halls and wards are equipped with new furniture, and the unit itself is provided with modern high-tech equipment and the necessary medications.

Postpartum women at City Clinical Hospital No. 8 in Moscow are provided with single or double wards equipped with toilets and showers. In addition, the rooms have a cot for a baby, a convenient sink for washing a newborn and a changing table.

Doctors monitor the health of the patient and her baby around the clock. Medical staff talks with mothers and provides methodological recommendations about hygiene, nutrition, gymnastics, contraception during the postpartum period and rules of conduct after discharge and the maternity hospital. Particular attention is paid to supporting breastfeeding.

City Clinical Hospital No. 8 provides effective care for women with pregnancy pathologies and low birth weight newborns.

- Both the maternity hospital and the staff are mostly good

Advantages: Staff, doctors, conditions in the maternity hospital. Honesty and integrity.

Disadvantages: not significant

Good day to all readers who have glanced at this page. I want to dedicate my review today to the 8th maternity hospital with 24 hospital beds. (Perinatal center City Clinical Hospital 24 m.

Dynamo) and my experience of successful childbirth there.

I gave birth to my youngest daughter there in August last year. I gave birth there for free, using a birth certificate. I chose this maternity hospital based on reviews and the fact that it is closest to my house on Savelovskaya (near the Dynamo metro station). So my husband and relatives didn’t have to travel far. So, the first time I visited this maternity hospital was when I was sent for preservation at 22-23 weeks. After lying there, I decided that I would give birth in this maternity hospital, I liked it so much, the atmosphere and the doctors. I also lay there for conservation several times, as I had severe swelling.

By the way, do not confuse maternity hospital No. 8 on Vykhino and this maternity hospital on Dynamo. These are two different maternity hospitals. Maternity hospital No. 8 is actually a mountain. hospital No. 8, and maternity hospital No. 24! And maternity hospital No. 8 is located on Vykhino. This is the former maternity hospital number 8, and now it is called the perinatal center at 24 GKB, branch number 2.

All things are accepted exclusively in packages; visits to the ward are allowed only to those patients who are in the maternity hospital on a paid basis. The rest of the women in labor meet with their husbands and relatives in the corridor on the first floor. During visiting hours, there are a lot of people there, so you won’t be overcrowded.

The atmosphere in this maternity hospital is very spartan, but the attitude of doctors and nurses towards patients is very good. My midwife was just super, and I liked the anesthesiologist too. Everything is very hectic in the postpartum period, although pediatricians try to explain everything in detail. Nurses are different. The food we were fed was quite edible. No frills, of course, mostly simple soups and porridges. But my relatives brought me almost all the food from home, so I didn’t go hungry during the hospital meals.

Now I’ll tell you a little directly about my birth. I arrived at the maternity hospital myself with contractions. The epidural anesthesia was performed very well. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the doctor’s name (it was a woman). The team itself is good, excellent obstetricians, but I didn’t like the doctor - he was kind of rude. It seems that she perceives all childbirth and women in labor as a conveyor belt. And yet, on their website they write a lot about free behavior during childbirth, but it turned out that this is not true. They refused my request to walk, they don’t accept vertical births, there is no fitball (although they all promise this on the website). But overall, everything went well, the baby was born healthy and everything is fine with me. I gave birth myself and didn’t even tear, although my daughter was born quite large, weighing almost four kilograms.

When staying in the postnatal unit with your baby, all the medical staff are friendly, responsive and attentive. They help a lot with babies and explain everything in detail, especially for first-borns.

In the postpartum wards, two people stay together with the child, although there are also single rooms. Each room has a sink, shower and toilet. The maternity hospital promotes breastfeeding and feeding on demand. They teach mothers how to do it correctly. Artificial formula is supplemented only when the baby loses more weight than normal. but I was lucky and I fed my bead myself with breast milk. They discharged it quite quickly; my baby and I were already at home on the third day.