Copybook coloring book for children 5 6 years old. Copybooks for children - letters, numbers, games

To mom

The book is compiled in accordance with the new Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and Upbringing and will be an excellent assistant in the training and development of children 6–7 years old. The tasks, arranged in order of complexity and focused on the real capabilities of children, will help develop graphic skills and teach the child to write letters and numbers. While studying from the book, the baby will first write sticks, hooks, elements of letters, letters, and then words and sentences; will be able to complete the drawing halves of the drawings in the cells and depict symmetrical objects; write numbers in the cells and draw geometric shapes. Learning to write begins with tracing along dotted lines, and only then is it suggested to write individual letters, syllables, words, sentences and numbers. The book is addressed to talented children, parents and teachers and can be used both in group classes and for home schooling.

The work belongs to the genre Books for children: other. The book is part of the "Presidential School" series. On our website you can download the book "Copybooks for children 6-7 years old" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

The book is compiled in accordance with the new Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and Upbringing and will be an excellent assistant in the training and development of children 6-7 years old. The tasks, arranged in order of complexity and focused on the real capabilities of children, will help develop graphic skills and teach the child to write letters and numbers.
While studying from the book, the baby will first write sticks, hooks, elements of letters, letters, and then words and sentences; will be able to complete the drawing halves of the drawings in the cells and depict symmetrical objects; write numbers in the cells and draw geometric shapes. Learning to write begins with tracing along dotted lines, and only then is it suggested to write individual letters, syllables, words, sentences and numbers.
The book is addressed to talented children, parents and teachers and can be used both in group classes and for home schooling.
For older preschool age.

“Copybooks for children 5-6 years old” are included in a set of educational and visual aids, developed in line with the author’s pedagogical technology for teaching preschoolers the elements of literacy. In them, children are offered game tasks and exercises to develop graphic skills in order to prepare the child’s hand for the next stage of learning (“Copybooks for children 6-7 years old”). Together with fairy-tale characters, he will trace objects along dotted lines, write block letters, complete the missing elements of block letters, and draw symbolic images of objects in cages. The characters will also offer him tasks to develop visual attention: “Color according to the model”, “Help me find”, etc. In the process of performing game exercises, the child will develop the prerequisites for learning activities - the ability to understand an educational game task and independently solve it, he will develop self-control and self-esteem skills. The copybooks are recommended for all participants in the educational process: teachers, parents, and most importantly, the child for whom they were made by the creative team of our publishing house.

Stork suggests:
Draw the sticks to form the letter A.
Write the letters A to the end of the line.
Draw and color the nesting dolls to the end of the line.
Color the pansies in the picture on the right the same way they are colored in the picture on the left.

Belka offers:
Draw the sticks to form the letter B.
Write the letters B to the end of the line.
Draw and color the beads to the end of the line.
Fill in as many circles as there are differences between the two pictures.

Crow offers:
Draw the sticks to form the letter B.
Write the letters B to the end of the line.
Draw and color the cherries to the end of the line.
Paint the vase with cornflowers the same way the crow painted it.

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Download the book Copybook for preschoolers 5-6 years old, Kolesnikova E.V., 2016 -, fast and free download.

  • Mathematical copybooks for children 5-7 years old, Kolesnikova E.V., 2008
  • Mathematical copybooks for children 4-5 years old, Kolesnikova E.V., 2008

The following textbooks and books:

It is important to immediately position your child’s hand correctly when writing. The need for calligraphic writing, as well as the choice of the correct posture when writing in a notebook, is dictated by life itself. Many children write in any position they want, and hold a pen or pencil as they please. The kids explain that it is more convenient for them to hold a pen or pencil clenched in their fist. But as a result of the lack of necessary support, the hand may twist, the arm quickly becomes numb, and the shoulder joint swells. In this situation, there is no question of good technique and writing. There are special recipes for children 6-7 years old that help children easily, playfully learn to draw beautiful circles, sticks, and curls. You can download the copybooks on the Internet in your free time so that you can study with your child on occasion. It is difficult and problematic to subsequently change an incorrect posture or an erroneous writing technique, and it is very difficult to break the habit of something that becomes a habit.

When learning writing techniques, you need to use gentle persistence. The child will initially place his fingers the way he wants, so in all cases, the help of an adult is necessary during classes.

Correct posture and hand position when writing

If the elbow joints protrude slightly from the edge of the table, it is necessary for the child to sit down and place his hands completely on the table. It is impossible for the baby to lean his chest on the edge of the table, this can lead to curvature of the spine and deterioration of vision. Moms and dads, looking from the side, will immediately understand how the baby sits and whether his back is level.

The pen should not constantly be pointed at the child’s shoulder during writing lessons. Using copybooks for children downloaded on the Internet, you can achieve the correct movement of the hand. The most important thing is that during such activities, children’s fingers hold the handle in the correct position, do not squeeze it too much, and that the body position is not too tense.

During classes, you should massage your hands; it is useful to do it several times daily. They do it as follows: starting to massage the fingers, lightly stroking, and rubbing. Then, the fingers are lightly pressed and pinched, bent and unbent all together or in turn. While bending and extending the fingers, they usually read a nursery rhyme, for example: “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired. We'll rest a little and start writing again. When finishing the massage, you just need to shake your hands.

Today's school places quite serious demands on 6-7 year old children entering first grade. It is no longer possible to count on the fact that, as once in the past, children will come to school and be taught everything there. One of the most important signs of a child’s readiness for school is the development of fine motor skills and initial writing skills.

It is to solve this problem that experts have developed recipes. These simple squiggles, lines, pictures help him get used to the pen, develop his hand, and develop the skill of writing future parts of letters and numbers. To help preschoolers prepare for school, parents, thanks to the Internet, can print out copybooks for children 6-7 years old for free.

But you need to start preparing in advance. The first prescriptions can be given to children as early as three years old. For this purpose, special educational funny pictures and patterns are being developed for children 3-4 years old, by tracing which they begin their first acquaintance with pencils and pens.

To print, click on the picture, it will open in a special window, then right-click on the picture and select “Print”

Coloring books with pictures and the simplest lines and shapes become the first stage of learning for children. The baby gets used to holding a pencil or brush in his hands, coloring his favorite characters. Some coloring pages also include a copybook element, when the silhouette of the drawing is made in the form of a thin dotted line. The young artist traces it to make the drawing bright and clear, learning to draw smooth lines this way.

Copybooks for children 3-4 years old do not include either letters or numbers. Preschoolers learn to trace simple geometric shapes, large drawings and lines. Sticks and hooks are built into the coloring pattern. The child can first color the drawing and then trace these elements.

Adults make sure that the line the baby leads is not interrupted and does not go far beyond the contour.

Even if your children have passed the age of 3-4 years, it is worth checking how easily they work with coloring pages and the simplest copybooks before moving on to the next stage. The more a preschooler draws in coloring books (any kind), the more fine motor skills of his hands develop, the easier it will be for him to write.

Copybooks for children - learning to write in a playful way

Letters and numbers

At the age of 5-6 years, children begin to be introduced to letters and numbers and master their writing. First, they learn to write the elements of letters correctly - hooks and squiggles, sticks and lines. Printed letters are necessarily included in the copybooks for children aged 5-6 years, which they trace along the dotted lines.

When teaching children to write letters, one should not forget about numbers. Learning to write them is no less difficult for kids. At this age, the preschooler also begins by mastering the correct spelling of numbers.

Initially, at the first stage of working with writing letters and numbers, parents hold the baby’s hand in theirs. This way he can feel the correct order of hand movement. This is very important for the subsequent beauty and correctness of writing. After the preschooler understands how to act, he will trace the lines himself.

Alphabet for schoolchildren

At the age of 6-7 years, children come to school and begin to learn the Russian language. The correct order of writing letters determines the speed of writing in the future, the beauty and clarity of handwriting. The teacher at school does not have enough time to work on this. Here parents and copybooks come to the aid of the student. At 6-7 years old, children should already be able to master capital letters. In the copybooks, arrows indicate the direction of hand movement. Parents must ensure that the beginning student follows these instructions.

Copybooks - mathematical

In order for children 6-7 years old to have success in mathematics, parents should use mathematical copybooks. They include examples of writing numbers and their elements, simple examples, and geometric shapes. If a little student practices writing numbers at home until it becomes automatic, without confusing, for example, 6 and 9, this will give him more time in mathematics at school to understand the essence of the examples, problems and rules that the teacher explains.

Copybooks - English language

Often, children aged 6-7 years already begin to learn English. Writing the English alphabet has its own specifics. It includes both letters corresponding to the Russian alphabet and those completely unfamiliar to children before. Even letters similar to Russian are written slightly differently, and completely new ones are especially difficult to master. Here, copybooks with English letters will also come to the aid of students. All these necessary and educational copybooks can be downloaded and printed completely free of charge.

Capital letters for children, learn to write Russian capital letters