What to make a voluminous rooster from. The brightest and most interesting crafts for the New Year


By eastern horoscope, the “master” of the New Year 2017 will be Fire Rooster. Violent temperament, cocky character and truly fiery temperament this fighting bird will accompany us in next year. And in order to “appease” the bird and gain his favor and patronage, let’s try to make a New Year’s craft on a “rooster” theme. So, on the agenda is a do-it-yourself rooster made from simple and available materials. This craft can be used as a New Year's tree decoration, a surprise gift for mom or grandma. We have prepared interesting master classes With step by step photos and a video on making your own symbol of 2017 - the Fire Rooster. In our lessons you will find step-by-step description the process of creating cute roosters from cotton pads, paper, plasticine. True, the youngest handicrafts will require the help of adults, since not all children know how to operate scissors and other tools. The most successful rooster crafts made by children in kindergarten and school, can take part in festive exhibition or competition.

DIY New Year’s craft “Cockerel” for kindergarten – a simple master class with step-by-step photos

Christmas tree decoration on New Year- one of many favorite holiday rituals. Shiny balls, stars, angels on fluffy branches look simply magical. However, homemade Christmas decorations no worse than store-bought ones, and even better - after all, a piece of the soul and the warmth of human hands are invested in their creation. We invite you to take our simple master class with step-by-step photos on how to make a paper cockerel. This lesson can be taught in kindergarten with pupils aged 5 years and older.

Do-it-yourself toy New Year's rooster for kindergarten - necessary materials and tools:

  • paper
  • knitting threads
  • scissors
  • double sided tape or glue

The procedure for making a toy rooster with your own hands for kindergarten:

A touching DIY craft for the New Year at school - “Cockerel made from cotton pads” - a step-by-step master class with photos

Cotton pads are a simple and seemingly ordinary item. However, it’s just right for creating New Year’s crafts with your own hands! We invite you to take our step-by-step master class on production touching crafts with your own hands for the New Year - “Cockerel made from cotton pads.” This applique craft is quite feasible for both kindergarten students and school students. So let's get started! Ready product You can put it “under the Christmas tree” for your mother or keep it as a “talisman” for the whole of 2017.

DIY rooster craft for children for school - list of materials and tools:

  • cotton pads
  • cardboard
  • watercolor paints
  • plasticine
  • green napkin

Step-by-step master class for children at school on making a rooster from cotton pads with your own hands:

It turns out to be a very touching cockerel on a green background. Such an applique craft can be placed on a special stand or stand at school. Every time you look at this cute tiny chick, your mood immediately rises and the “spirit” of the New Year 2017 is felt.

Do-it-yourself original plasticine craft for the Year of the Rooster - step-by-step master class with photos

Plasticine is truly universal materials, from which you can fashion anything you want. In kindergarten or school, children enjoy making crafts from plasticine on various topics - animal figurines, characters from their favorite fairy tales and cartoon characters. On the eve of the New Year 2017, you can often see plasticine cockerels in different variations and colors at handicraft lessons. So, the topic of our today step-by-step master class with photo - do-it-yourself rooster made of plasticine. Such original craft By the year of the Rooster it can become an exhibit at a school exhibition children's creativity– however, you need to try a little and show imagination.

List of materials for making crafts for the Year of the Rooster with your own hands:

  • plasticine of different colors
  • modeling knife

The procedure for making crafts for the Year of the Rooster with your own hands:

  1. First we take plasticine yellow color and make three balls - small, medium and large. This is the head, neck and torso of the future cockerel.
  2. The resulting parts must be carefully connected to each other, smoothing the surface with your fingers and giving the product the appropriate shape.
  3. Now we make a cut on each side - for the wings of our “bird”.
  4. For the scallop you will need red plasticine, for the beak - orange. We make eyes from black plasticine.

The rooster's tail is the most “outstanding” part, so it must be done with special care. For the tail, choose the most bright colors palettes. We make the wings from red plasticine, giving the pieces of material an elongated teardrop shape. To better define the feathers, you need to use a modeling knife to make shallow grooves on the wings and sides of the cockerel.

In the photo you can see a finished DIY rooster craft made from plasticine. As you can see, you can fantasize on this topic endlessly.

DIY paper cockerel craft for kindergarten or school - original master class with photos

Beautiful paper crafts will become a great gift for New Year or other holiday. In connection with the theme of the Fire Rooster, which is relevant in 2017, in kindergarten or school children are preparing their hand-made surprises for parents. So today we will do beautiful cockerel or a chicken made of colored paper. Let's master it original master class with a photo on how to make such a touching and cute paper craft.

We stock up on materials and tools for making a paper cockerel with our own hands in kindergarten or school:

  • scissors
  • colored paper - a couple of sheets
  • paper boxes of different sizes

Step-by-step description of a master class on making a paper cockerel with your own hands:

How to make a children's rooster costume with your own hands for the holiday - video master class

All children love costume parties for the New Year and are happy to dress up as “Pirates”, “Batmen”, “Princesses”. Today we will try to make a rooster costume with our own hands - using our detailed master class on video. Try it - and you will definitely get a cute “bird” suit for your beloved child.

So, 2017 is the Year of the Fire Rooster, bringing us changes and new bright events in life. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to make yourself a small talisman that will always be with us. A DIY rooster craft can be one of the most simple materials– paper, plasticine, cotton pads. We have prepared for you simple and interesting master classes with step-by-step photos and videos on making crafts for the Year of the Rooster with your own hands - in kindergarten or school. So beautiful New Year's toy will definitely give festive mood and “rooster” enthusiasm. Happy New Year 2017!

By Chinese calendar Every year it is endowed with its own patron - one of 12 animals. There are beliefs that in each coming year a specific eastern sign influences people's lives. That is why, on New Year’s Eve, it is advisable to find out all the subtleties and features of the patron. the coming year in order to properly meet and achieve his favor.

Having learned the preferences of the patron, you can try to appease him in order to achieve his favor and have success in all your endeavors throughout the 12 months. On January 28, 2017, the Red Monkey will pass the baton to its tenth comrade, the Fire Rooster.

The Fire Rooster is the embodiment of thriftiness, self-sufficiency and extravagance. With the exception of the animal, you also need to become familiar with its preferences.

It is not difficult to guess that the Fire Rooster carries with it fiery and bright colors: orange, red. Sages have long been of the opinion that fire symbolizes a continuous upward striving and has a powerful living energy, which has a sense of purpose and self-improvement.

Red colors have always symbolized love and passion. So we can conclude that 2017 will be full of romantic adventures and adventures.

For established couples, the year promises turning points: marriage, rebirth former passion etc..

In accordance with eastern calendar, The Rooster appears as a sophisticated, witty and insightful animal. In all his endeavors, he strives for perfection and tries to bring everything he starts to an ideal end. In addition, he simply cannot ignore attention and loves compliments in his direction.

When celebrating the New Year 2017, its symbol should be present in every home, so in this article we will look at how you can make a rooster with your own hands. Such cute souvenirs can also be used as a gift, because they are always priceless.

There are always a few balloons at home. If from the yellow ball of yarn there is a thread about 1.5 m long left, and somewhere in the bins there are scraps of cotton fabric lying around, we will take out the listed wealth, PVA glue, a piece of cardboard and scissors. Let's make a colorful Christmas tree toy - a rooster.

In order to make a rooster with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  • a ball of yellow yarn
  • balloon
  • scissors
  • red fabric
  • ready-made eyes for toys
  • PVA glue, or better yet superglue.

First, let's inflate the balloon to the size we need. This makes it easier to decide what size to make the paws, beak and comb of the cockerel.

From red fabric we cut out a triangle - a beak, two legs and a trapezoid. Last geometric figure will soon turn into a real comb. We won’t decorate the earrings, too many red details spoil it appearance toys.

Fold the trapezoid in half and round the fold line in two places. After this, shorten the base of the ridge slightly.

Lubricate the balloon generously and quickly with PVA glue. We take the ball in our hands and wind the thread around the ball in any order. The number of turns is not limited, only the second row will have to be additionally lubricated with glue.

On the last turn we decided to leave a loop, with which we will hang the cockerel on the tree.

All that remains is to glue the parts cut out of red cotton onto the yellow base. I must say, the work is not easy. PVA takes a long time to dry. It is better, if possible, to use Moment glue or any other superglue.

While part of the Christmas tree decoration is drying, let's work on the wings of the cockerel. We will cut out a blank from cardboard that is similar in appearance to the crown shown in the picture.

We wind a thread of yarn between the teeth of the cardboard in several layers, after which we fix the bottom of the wing by stretching the thread between the rows. We remove the finished wing from the machine. Let's repeat the procedure again.

We glue the wings to the toy using PVA. We are waiting for the result - completely dry glue for at least an hour. Well, all that remains is to attach the ready-made eyes purchased at the craft store.

We can't wait to put the cockerel on the Christmas tree and admire the toy we made with our own hands.

Everything is fine, just the ball orange color looks more harmonious with yellow yarn. We recommend using fleece instead of cotton.

How to make a rooster from plasticine - master class with photos

Now let's look at how to make such a colorful rooster from plasticine.

For this we need plasticine of various types. bright colors and stack.

Take half a yellow block.

And give it the shape of an egg.

We sculpt a red beak.

Attach the comb as shown in the photo.

Then - the eyes and beak.

We make blanks for wings from green plasticine.

And three blanks for the tail of different colors.

Craft for children: paper cockerel. Five master classes for preschool and younger children school age With step by step photos and creative tasks.

Craft for children: paper cockerel

In this article you will find five options for making a craft - a cockerel with children of preschool and primary school age.

Master class 1. Craft - cockerel based on a cone

In the first master class, the children and I will make a toy - a cockerel - very simply and quickly. Finished craft It can be either a toy for the Christmas tree, or a toy for dramatizing a fairy tale, or just a gift - a souvenir. Even kids can do it together with adults.

Tools and materials for making paper cockerel

To work you need to prepare:

  • yellow and red colored paper,
  • colorful stripes quilling paper (you can use a ready-made set or cut them yourself from colored paper),
  • glue stick,
  • black felt-tip pen,
  • scissors,
  • pattern - circle.

Step-by-step description of making crafts

The base of the cockerel should be made from half a circle. Any round form, which can be traced onto paper: a tea cup, a lid or any jar. Decide for yourself the size of the toy.

Step 1. To make the blank, draw a circle of the size you need on paper (I used the lid from a jar of hand cream as a circle template). Cut out a circle and cut it in half.

Step 2. Twist a cone from half a circle and glue it together.

Step 3. Cut out from red paper:

  • two parts for a cockerel comb,
  • detail of the rooster's goatee in the shape of an inverted heart (you need to cut out half of the detail along the fold),
  • part for the beak (we also cut out half of the part along the fold in the shape equilateral triangle, when you unfold it, you get a diamond shape).

By the way, we drew these details by hand, by eye.

Step 4. Lubricate the upper part of the cockerel comb parts with glue halfway and glue them together. Then bend back bottom part parts and coat it with glue.

Step 5. Glue the parts onto the craft.

  • Glue the resulting scallop blank onto the cone.
  • Glue the beak and beard parts onto the cone.

Step 6. Make a rooster's tail from strips of paper and wings. For this:

— Cut multi-colored strips of paper 10 cm long, fold them in half and glue 3-4 together different colors. These are the tail parts

— Wings can be made in a similar way, only smaller size. Or you can simply glue short strips together and slightly twist the edges, giving them a concave shape.

Step 7. Finish the design of the craft.

— Glue the resulting blanks to the cone in the area of ​​the tail and wings of the cockerel.

— Draw the rooster’s eye with a black felt-tip pen.

The cockerel is ready. If you want to hang a craft, all you have to do is thread a thread through the comb, make a loop and hang the toy on the Christmas tree.

Creative tasks for children

It is very important that the child, having mastered making crafts based on a cone, learns to come up with his own versions of similar crafts according to his own plans, changing the details.

Think and discuss with your children:

  • What animals can be depicted using a cone?
  • What Christmas decorations can be made based on a cone?
  • Try to make yourself, based on the cone, toys of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden or others that your child wants to invent and make.

Creative success to you!

Master class 2. Cockerel - bookmark for books made of paper

In the second master class we will learn how to make a cockerel together with the children, which will a wonderful gift. It can serve as both a toy and a bookmark. Children of senior preschool and primary school age can make such a cockerel together with adults.

We will not just make crafts, but also try ourselves as a designer! So let's begin.

Tools and materials for making a cockerel

To work you will need:

  • double-sided colored paper,
  • any glue,
  • black gouache and brush,
  • scissors.

How to make a cockerel: step-by-step description

Let's imagine a little and test ourselves in the role of a designer in making a craft - a cockerel made of paper.

Step 1

First, let's work with the template. We need to cut out such a pentagonal blank from paper of any color according to the template (see photo below).

Step 2

Like any designer, you and I must be able to use the tool. Our tool will be a ruler.

— Place a ruler so that the angles align along it: the top of the pentagon and the right corner at the base.

— Pressing the ruler tightly against the workpiece, lift its right corner up.

This is how it should turn out (see photo below).

Step 3.

Fold the left corner of the pentagon up in the same way.

Step 4. Cut out and glue the details of the craft.

- The beak, legs and comb of the cockerel can be made according to the template. But the children and I decided to express ourselves each in our own way and cut out these details without a template, but independently, whoever could and whoever came up with it.

— And the beard can be made in the shape of a heart and glued by turning it upside down.

— Glue the folded edges of the cockerel body blank together. Glue the comb and paws to the workpiece.

Downside brushes, using gouache, put 2 dots - the eyes of the rooster.

And already the image of the cockerel appears!

Step 5.

— Glue the beak (it is made in the shape of a rhombus or can be flat, triangular shape).

- Glue on the beard.

And now the mischievous cockerel is ready!

Step 6.

If you want to hang a craft, you need to thread the thread through the comb.

You can also make a bookmark from this craft. To do this, you need to cut out a strip of paper and stick the resulting toy - a cockerel - on it. Daryana and Vika wanted to make bookmarks. This is what happened with the children.

Creative task for children

— What other image can you come up with using the pentagon template as a basis?

— Try to make a toy based on the model and come up with a new image yourself.

Good luck in your creativity!

Author of the first two master classes: Vera Khiglod, technology teacher, head of the children's club artistic creativity, regular reader of the site “ Native path" The article presents photos of crafts made by Vera’s little pupils - children preschool age from her studio.

Master class 3. Cockerel made of paper using the origami technique

This cockerel is more complex craft for school age children. It is performed in traditional technique origami from a large square of paper measuring 20 x 20 cm. The detailed sequence of making such a cockerel is shown in the video. This craft is intended for beginners in the origami technique - try it!

Master class 4. Craft - a cockerel with a surprise

This is a basket designed like a toy cockerel, made of paper. You can put sweets, gifts or surprises in it. Very interesting craft and clear description in the video. Video taken from the youtube channel “CreativeClub”.

Master class 5. Cockerel made of self-adhesive paper

The cockerel is a traditional children's craft, the hero of many children's songs, fairy tales and games. We hope that the options for cockerels from this article will help you make crafts with your children and get pleasure and joy from it. We wish you creative success!

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Despite the fact that the New Year 2017 has not yet arrived, you can already plan souvenirs and gifts that can be presented in New Year's Eve. The best gifts are those that are made with your own hands. After all, during their production you put your soul and a piece of love into them.

Even if you do not have the talent of a needlewoman, with the help of our article you can make a truly cute DIY symbol of 2017 (Rooster).

There are many crafts with the Cockerel: appliques, paper volumetric figures, plasticine rooster, puff pastry figurine, knitted toy, embroidered picture. Choose the technique that you like and start creating a wonderful New Year's gift.

To make a knitted heating pad you will need:

  • yarn of raspberry, beige, blue and yellow colors;
  • hook number 3.

Step-by-step creation of the torso:

Step 1. Take a raspberry thread and knit a chain of 55 air loops in two folds. Close the chain into a ring.

Step 2. From rows 1 to 16, knit with a single crochet stitch.

Step 3. From rows 17 to 41, also single crochet, but decrease 2 loops. Pull those loops that remain working thread. Thread the end of the thread into the product.

To tie a scallop you need:

Step 1. Knit 3 with yellow thread air loops and connect them into a ring. Knit 6 single crochets into the center of the ring. In each subsequent row, double each loop.

Step 2. Next, knit 4 rows with a single crochet. In the next six rows, decrease 1 stitch evenly. You will need to knit three of these pieces. To make the middle part of the scallop, you need to knit 3 air loops and connect them into a ring. Make 7 single crochets in the center.

Step 3. In the next row you will have to double each loop and knit 7 single crochets. In the next seven rows, remove 1 loop evenly.

Step 4. All three parts need to be combined with each other and knit 1 row with a single crochet. Sew the comb to the top of the cockerel's head.

Making the beak:

Step 1. Tie three air loops with blue thread and tie them into a ring. Knit 4 single crochets into the center of the ring.

Step 2. Now you should knit 9 single crochets, adding 1 loop in each row.

To make legs:

Step 1. Take a beige thread and make 3 air loops out of it, connecting them into a ring. In the center of the ring you need to knit 6 single crochets. In the next row you need to double each loop.

Step 3. Using the same principle, tie the second leg.

To make a flower you need:

Step 1. Make 4 air loops, then connect them into a ring. In the center of the ring, knit 10 single crochets.

Step 2. First row: single crochet, then 5 chain stitches (knit the next row through one loop).

Step 3. Second row: in each cell of the previous row you should knit 1 single crochet, 1 half crochet. double crochet, 1 half double crochet, single crochet.

Step 4. Using this principle, knit 3 flowers of beige, yellow and blue.

Step 5. Sew them to the body.

A diagram that will help you create a cockerel for a New Year's gift is presented in this article. The most important thing to remember is to use large beads. It will make your work even more beautiful and voluminous. And there won’t be such a hassle as with small “grains”.

To make a beaded cockerel you will need:

  • green, light green, red, blue, light blue, yellow and orange beads;
  • brass wire about 2 meters;
  • scissors or nippers.

To make this rooster, familiarize yourself with the parallel threading technique and the “toward” technique. First, start with the head, then move on to the body, at the same time, do not forget to weave in wire for future legs. Once you start creating the legs, you only need to thread the wire once. Don't forget to add wires for each feather. Make the blue or light blue feathers last.

If you strictly follow the diagram, you will get this wonderful rooster, from which you can make an excellent keychain.

This souvenir is very easy to make, you can even involve your children in making it. The creation process will captivate little creators and help them have a little fun. To knead the dough, it is better to use a mixer. This way you will get a soft, homogeneous mass that is pleasant to work with.

Salt dough recipe

Take 200 grams of flour and half a glass of salt (fine). Pour in 125 grams of water, stir. And add 20 grams of PVA glue.

First sculpt the head, beak, wings, tail and comb. After this, connect all the parts together, dry and paint as you wish. It is best to paint crafts with watercolors or gouache.

Creation Tips:

  • scallop - make a semicircle, cut and shape into a scallop, as shown in the photo;
  • beak - roll up a small carrot and cut in half;
  • eyes - form two small balls;
  • tail - make 4 drops, connect them together. Use a toothpick to draw feathers;
  • wings - roll up a drop, make slits in it.

You can glue the parts with water or glue.

This cute figurine can become not only a gift, but also a decoration for your holiday table.

Toy “Cockerel”

This small toy can be a wonderful gift for both loved ones and friends.

To make a toy you will need:

  • linen fabric - size 15 by 15 cm;
  • red fabric - size 5 by 20 cm;
  • synthetic padding polyester or hallofiber (or other filler);
  • satin ribbons(multi-colored);
  • red threads;
  • jute;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • birch twig;
  • wand.

Step-by-step creation of a modular toy:

Step 1. Make a square out of linen fabric diagonally.

Step 2. Cut off one of the corners of the resulting triangle. It is into this hole that we will insert the twig.

Step 3. Sew the fabric on both sides, leaving the area marked with a pencil unstitched. You will need to push the filler into this hole and insert a stick.

Step 4. Turn the craft inside out and insert the twig into the hole for the beak.

Step 5. Fasten it tightly and tie the thread as shown in the photo.

Step 6. Fill the body of the cockerel with padding polyester.

Step 7 Insert a stick into the same hole, wrap it tightly with thread and tie the rest around the edge. Secure with small knots.

Step 8 Fold a strip of red fabric in half, step back about 2 centimeters from the middle, tie it with thread and make a knot. This will be a scallop.

Step 9 Now you need to fold the long parts of the red stripe narrower and hug the head from both sides, right under the bird’s beard. Now you should tie this neck with jute.

Step 10 Step back 2 centimeters from the tip of the tail and secure satin ribbons of different shades with red thread.

Step 11 From the remains of these ribbons you need to form the wings of a rooster.

Step 12 Add eyes and your souvenir is ready!

Such a gift will not only be pleasant, but also practical, because it will be able to keep the kettle warm for a long time.

You can give this bright Petya to your grandmother, sister or mother. We think they will be delighted with such a present.

This warmer is quite easy to sew, so stock up necessary materials and get started.

To make a heating pad you will need:

  • drawing of a rooster-warmer;
  • multi-colored fabrics of different textures;
  • satin ribbons;
  • buttons for eyes;
  • ruffle.

Step 1. Print out the drawing for the rooster-warmer on paper. The drawing itself is presented below.

The following details are marked on the drawing:

  1. body - 6 parts;
  2. head - 2 parts;
  3. scallop - 2 parts;
  4. beak - 2 parts;
  5. beard - 4 parts;
  6. wing - 4 parts;
  7. tail - 2 parts.

Step 2. Stitching cockerel

Decorate those parts of the toy that you will sew from plain fabrics. bright applications from pieces of drape, cloth or elegant braid. Use your own discretion, because this is a designer toy and there are no templates in it.

First of all, take hold of the rooster’s “suit,” which consists of six wedges. Using the same pattern, you should sew a heating pad shaped like a cone. The lining can be made from any filler known to you.

Once you've made the head, attach the eyes using black fabric or buttons. Sew on the comb and beak. Also fill with filler, for example, padding polyester. Sew on the remaining parts of the bird and decorate as you wish.

It is worth noting that this heating pad can be used not only for the kettle, but also for pots and pans. To make it slightly larger than shown in the figure, simply increase the height and width of the wedges.

Beautiful New Year crafts are great for decorating your home, school classrooms and rooms in kindergarten. Such products can be easily made by both children and primary and secondary school students. Do-it-yourself bright rooster made from paper, cotton pads, plastic bottles does not require any special skills - they can be easily made from inexpensive and simple materials. And to make the symbol of the 2017 New Year a bright fiery one, you can use different combinations materials with colorful colors. The considered toy master classes with photos and videos are great for fast execution. They can be used for entertaining handicraft activities in schools and kindergartens. The article also presents an original craft for parents - a rooster costume for a matinee.

How to make a beautiful Rooster symbol of 2017 with your own hands - an idea for kindergarten

Very bright and beautiful craft for the New Year, a rooster can be made from such simple materials as plastic bottles and plates, glasses. Unusual symbol year, a rooster can be made with your own hands quite quickly. It can be made to decorate a corridor or office or bedroom. The colorful craft will fit perfectly into the overall interior and will be a wonderful addition to the New Year tree.

Master class materials: bright DIY rooster craft

  • plastic bottles (brown) - 3 pcs.;
  • plastic plates (red and yellow) - 2 pcs.;
  • plastic glasses (red and yellow) - 5 and 6 of different colors;
  • disposable spoon - 2 pcs.;
  • yellow ball (for the pool);
  • stapler, marker, tape.

Master class on making a rooster with your own hands - an interesting decor for school and kindergarten

  1. The top parts of the bottles are cut off and firmly fastened with ordinary tape, as shown in the photo.

  2. Upper parts disposable glasses cut into fringes and put on the bottle one by one. 2 top glasses and cut into fringe on the other side.

  3. U disposable plates you need to carefully cut off the sides. Finely cut the inner sides with scissors to create a bright fringe. Connect the parts together with a stapler.

  4. We make a small cut on the bottle and insert the prepared tail into it.

  5. We decorate the tail with gift or wrapping paper. From the remaining parts plastic plates The wings are cut out and attached to the body using double-sided tape. The ball head is also attached to the craft with double-sided tape.

  6. A comb, beak and “earrings” are cut out of plastic plates. The parts are glued to the rooster's head with double-sided tape. From disposable spoons Eyes are made and glued to the head. The pupils are marked with a marker.

  7. Additionally, you can make a small stand. For example, from a flower pot.

Original do-it-yourself paper rooster for school and kindergarten - crafts with photos and videos

It is very beautiful to make a rooster - the symbol of 2017 with your own hands using plain paper. This craft can be supplemented with a magnet, photo, to get original decoration for the refrigerator. Do a simple rooster Both kindergarten and school students can make their own paper crafts. Entertaining New Year's craft Can handle even babies 3-4 years old.

DIY materials for the “Rooster Magnet” master class for kindergarten and school

  • multi-colored paper;
  • glue gun;
  • PVA glue;
  • magnet, photographs.

A simple and clear DIY master class - New Year's rooster 2017 for school and kindergarten

Do-it-yourself soft New Year's toy Rooster for the senior group of kindergarten and school

Not just paper or plastic crafts can be prepared in the form of a symbol of the New Year 2017. To solve this problem, you can also use felt. A beautiful DIY Christmas rooster toy can be a wonderful gift for mom or good friend. The idea is suitable for average and high school: kids from primary school and it will be difficult for a kindergarten to make such a New Year's toy.

Materials for the master class DIY Rooster toy for the New Year 2017 for school

  • felt;
  • beads;
  • needles, threads;
  • padding polyester (can be replaced with regular cotton wool).

Step-by-step instructions for the master class: DIY New Year's rooster as a gift

Unusual DIY crafts for the Year of the Rooster 2017 - for school and garden with photos and videos

Every child and adult knows how pleasant it is to give and receive. new Year gifts. For such an occasion, children can make a simple craft that can become excellent decor for the kitchen, room, hall. Making gifts for the Year of the Rooster with your own hands is not at all difficult: you just need to follow specified instructions and observe the correctness of their execution.

Materials for the master class: DIY paper rooster

  • paper plate;
  • newspapers;
  • paper tape;
  • dye;
  • PVA glue.

An interesting master class for kids - simple DIY crafts for the Year of the Rooster

Do-it-yourself small New Year's rooster made from cotton pads - crafts for school and kindergarten

Funny small rooster can be made from scrap materials. Regular cotton pads are perfect for this task. Even primary and secondary school students can make a small rooster with their own hands in kindergarten. preparatory group. Fun craft is a simple children's applique.