Flowers from candy ship for a silver wedding. Candy wedding gift: master class and interesting ideas

Gift Ideas

Wedding celebrations are impossible to imagine without magnificent flowers and memorable gifts that guests present to the newlyweds. Thinking about going to the wedding of people very close to me, I wanted to make an original one with my own hands. I really liked the idea of ​​creating a flower arrangement from corrugated paper and sweets. To give a sweet bouquet of wedding elegance, I supplemented my creation with a figurine of the newlyweds and mini-chocolates in the form of banknotes. Thus, the gift symbolized the wish for a sweet and prosperous life for a young couple. I will tell you about the method of making a basket of flowers from sweets.

To work, you need to purchase the following materials:
- sweets: truffles in bright plain wrappers and mini-chocolates with covers in the form of banknotes;
- corrugated paper in two colors: white and pink;
- wicker basket with handle;
- wedding figurine;
- transparent and double-sided adhesive tape;
- toothpicks;
- thin ribbon for wrapping gifts;
- Styrofoam;
- transparencies;
- threads;
- white and green paper;
- plastic green leaves.

Making a bouquet should start with making flowers.
We cut out a square 10 * 10 cm from a transparent plastic film. Place a chocolate truffle in its center. (You can take any sweets, they look very good in a bouquet of sweets in cone-shaped or round foil).

We take a toothpick, place its end in the center of the candy and twist the edges of the film around.

Fix with tape.

We make flower petals from two strips of corrugated paper. (Strip width 4-5cm, length 18-20cm).

We bend each strip of paper into 5 additions. At a distance of 3-3.5 cm from the edge, cut out a semicircle. It turns out a blank for 5 petals.

Next, the petals need to be shaped. The use of corrugated paper allows the flowers to look very natural. The paper holds the shape obtained as a result of slight deformation. We bend the bottom of the paper strip with our fingers inward, and bend the top with scissors outward.

We wrap the first layer of petals tightly around the candy and attach it to the base of the flower (the junction of the truffle and the toothpick), then securely fix it with threads.

You should get a half-opened bud.

We place the second layer of paper more freely, to give more splendor.

We also fasten it with threads and glue it with adhesive tape on top.

Cut out a small strip from green paper. It should cover the attachment point of the petals. The flower has a green calyx. It is fastened with tape.

The result is a lush rose.

How many flowers to make depends on the size of the basket. For my wedding basket, it took 11 pieces to make. Some of the flowers are made of pink paper, some of them are made of white paper. After all the flowers are made, you can begin to form the composition. At the bottom of the wicker basket we place a rectangular piece of foam. The choice of foam is due to its ability to hold its shape and softness, which will allow you to easily fix the stalks of toothpicks in the desired position. The rectangle should clearly fit in size and be 2-3 cm below the height of the basket. Attached to the bottom with packing tapes.

The remaining gap between the foam and the edges of the basket is tightly filled with white paper. The center and braided edge are glued with double-sided tape.

In the center, a figurine is installed on the adhesive tape, and mini-chocolates are laid out along the edge.

Packing tape can decorate the handle of the basket, and tie small bows around the edges.
We fill the basket with prepared candy roses, alternating pink and white. At a slight angle, we stick the wooden stems into the foam stand. Small gaps between flowers are filled with green twigs. I had a thin plastic that curled well (it turned out something similar to bindweed). In general, any leaves can be used. Still, if desired, you can decorate roses with beads or rhinestones, fixed on quick-drying glue.

Such an original candy-flower gift will pleasantly surprise the newlyweds. The most important thing is that things made by one's own hands carry soulfulness and warmth.

And complement it with unusual accessories. Candy wedding bouquets transform the girl's appearance, making it more tender and romantic.

This option is not new, but it can hardly be called banal, so the bride will achieve her goal and look irresistible.

A candy bouquet can be purchased at a flower shop, in a candy store, or you can make it yourself. The process of creating such an accessory is simple, but it will take some imagination and free time.

Sweet baskets

There are different types of candy bouquets, but the wedding bouquet is different from the rest. In its appearance, it is similar to the usual floristic composition of the bride from flowers, because, in addition to sweets, there are additional elements in it. These can be live plants or artificial buds made of fabrics, corrugated paper and other materials. A bouquet of sweets for a wedding is set in a flower porter, decorated with beads, rhinestones and ribbons, so the resemblance to the classic composition only intensifies.

This decision is suitable for young brides, as it will emphasize their lightness, femininity and some naivety. Since sweets can be of any color, each girl will be able to choose the best option for her palette. A candy bouquet is suitable for those brides who are allergic to natural flowers, or those who could not find suitable buds in the right shade, such as blue, brown or green.

style matching

The image of the bride must be tailored to the chosen style of the wedding, this also applies to accessories for the dress. A bouquet of sweets is not suitable for every theme of the celebration, so you should not choose it just because it is an unusual option. First you need to consider whether such a composition will be combined with the general surroundings of the wedding.

Bouquet of sweets - wedding baskets with sweets - an option for those celebration styles that are associated with Using suitable sweet elements, you can compose a composition that matches the chosen theme. For example, chocolate medals are suitable for a sports-style wedding, and cockerels on a stick are suitable for a wedding.

A candy bridal bouquet requires the same careful selection as a regular one. All elements should be suitable not only for the style of the wedding, but also for the color scheme. The composition should be combined with other design details: bouquets on tables, fabrics,. It is ideal for when fresh flowers can wither, but in the summer it is worth choosing another option, since melted candies are not the best component of the bride's image.

Important! A candy bouquet is not suitable for styles such as glamor, Chanel and similar elegant themes.

The image of the bride

All accessories of the main hero of the occasion should be combined with each other, and the composition of sweets should harmoniously fit into the overall look.

wedding planner

It is worth recalling that some types of such bouquets can bring inconvenience in the implementation of an established tradition - When the bride throws the bouquet while standing with her back to her friends. Take a spare bouquet of flowers with you.

Elena Sokolova


Do not include more than 2 types of sweets in the bouquet. Remember that each candy has its own bright wrapper. As a result, you can get an overly bright and tasteless bouquet.

Nadezhda Gritsenko

A sweet bouquet is suitable for girls with a romantic and gentle image, but rigor, elegance and chic in this case are not the best tandem.

The composition of sweets will be combined with a straight or tight-fitting dress, as well as an A-line silhouette. Ball models with a fluffy skirt and crinoline in this case will not fit into the image too much. If there are colored inserts, embroidery or a pattern on the dress, then it is advisable to add sweets in wrappers of the same color to the bouquet.

How to DIY

If the bride decides to create a bouquet of sweets for the wedding with her own hands, she will need to stock up not only with the sweets themselves, but also with additional decorations to make the composition look like a real one. Depending on the image of the bride and the overall style of the wedding, the following elements may be needed:

  • colored paper;
  • corrugated paper;
  • tapes;
  • lace;
  • translucent fabrics;
  • beads;
  • rhinestones;
  • decorative greenery;
  • gift wrapping paper.

Candies themselves will act as the main elements of the bouquet. They can be of one or more types - both chocolate and caramel are suitable. A hand-made wedding bouquet of Raffaello sweets is especially popular. In addition to this, you can use lollipops, chewing gum, for example, Love is, which is suitable for

Candies are glued to thin wooden sticks with adhesive tape wrapped around the base in several layers. Cooking skewers work well for this. To fix impromptu flowers in one position, you will need a boutonniere or a small pot filled with floral foam. Candy wedding bouquets, photos of which are presented in our article, can be made by hand.

The easiest option is a candy bouquet of "tulips". To create them, you need to do the following.

  • From a dense translucent fabric or paper, squares are cut to the size of the desired buds, then twisted into a bag, the edges of which are fastened with double-sided tape.
  • Selected sweets are fixed on sticks with adhesive tape.
  • Each bag is put on a candy so that its sharp tip is on top.
  • The ends of the bag are neatly fixed under the candy.
  • The stick is wrapped with a green ribbon of the same material as the buds.
  • Another tape of dense material is attached to the base, which is twisted into a spiral in the form of a sheet directed upwards.

If desired, you can make a bouquet not of tulips, but of roses. This will take a little more time and materials, but with the right execution, the result will be spectacular. To make a wedding bouquet of sweets with your own hands, you will need everything listed below.

  • Cut out individual petals from corrugated paper: some are slightly smaller, others are slightly larger.
  • Tape a round candy in a wrapper to a long wooden stick.
  • Using double-sided tape, glue paper under the candy - this will be the basis for attaching the petals.
  • Glue the petals under the candy in a circle, starting with small ones and ending with large ones, forming the necessary bends.

Sweets in a bouquet can be presented not only in the form of flowers, it is enough just to pack them in a beautiful wrapper. For example, you can wrap each sweet with a piece of tulle and tie it with a thin satin ribbon.

It is important not only to create wedding bouquets of sweets, the photos of which will decorate your holiday album, but also to think in advance what to do with it after the wedding. Throwing it to the bridesmaids or taking it apart into individual candies and handing it out to guests are not the best options.

To help the girls understand which of them will marry next, you can use an understudy bouquet, and it is advisable to keep the sweet composition. You can eat it with your husband at home after the celebration.

If corrugated paper is used to create "flowers", it can be shaped by spreading it with your fingers or winding a petal around a pencil. To organize an interesting composition, you can use not wooden sticks as a stem, but a thick wire. For curly bouquets of sweets, a piece of foam is suitable as a base.

The bride can start creating accessories for her image on her own, in this case she will not only save money, but also emphasize her dignity, imagination and creativity. A candy bouquet will be an excellent substitute for a live one: it looks original, does not require complex care, does not smell and does not weigh down the image.

Not only the bride and groom and their parents, but also the invited guests carefully prepare for the wedding ceremony. Everyone wants to look at the wedding in a special way, smartly, so that it would be pleasant for themselves and for the young. But perhaps the most important concern is the choice of gift. I would like to please the young couple and surprise the guests with their imagination. And for this occasion, a gift of sweets is perfect.

What to give for a wedding to young people?

Yes, you can hide the present in a beautiful box, decorated with ribbons and rhinestones. A gift set can be issued in a special department of the store.

But most of all, a hand-made gift will be pleasant. It will be exclusive if no one else intercepts the idea. But even if the idea is not new, but embodied with one's own hand, then such a gift will become much more expensive than a purchased one. In addition to an originally decorated gift box with some object inside, there are many more ways to decorate wedding gifts.

The most win-win option is a cash gift. But here you need to think about how you can present it in an original way. Money in an envelope, even a very beautiful one, is banal. You can roll the banknotes into a tube and insert them into balloons, which you then inflate. This will be both an unusual and fun way to present a gift. Now it has become very fashionable to give a gift in the form of a decorated tree of money.

Candy original wedding gift

But one of the most popular in recent years has become a gift of sweets. Such a "sweet" gift will please the young and become a real decoration of the wedding table. Yes, and making such a “candy” bouquet is very interesting.

At the heart of such a bouquet is a wicker basket, at the bottom of which a piece of foam cut into the shape of the bottom should be placed. It is needed so that flowers can be installed in it. On the sides of the basket you need to lay white paper and secure it with double-sided tape.

But the most important thing is the candy bouquet. To do this, you need to buy a box of good chocolates in beautiful wrappers. It can be truffles, Raffaello and others like them.

From corrugated paper, preferably in two colors, white and pink, cut out two blanks of rose petals 20x5 cm in size. Then each candy must be wrapped in a 10x10 cm square of cling film or cellophane. But before that, in the center of the candy, you need to place a toothpick, around which you twist it, and then fix it with adhesive tape.

Now around each candy wrap first one, then the other petals. Get a lush pink flower. The stem can be wrapped with a piece of green paper and fixed again.

In the basket you need to place an odd number of roses, sticking toothpicks-stalks into the bottom of the foam plastic. Such an original bouquet can be "diluted" with the help of mini-chocolates wrapped in real banknotes, which will become an original gift for the bride and groom.

"Chocolate" money can be placed around the bouquet in a basket, securing it there with adhesive tape. You can add a few more strokes from spiral ribbons or green leaves. And to complete the design, you can install a figurine of the bride and groom in the center of the basket. But even without it, the wedding gift will be very unusual and original.

The composition of sweets can also be made in the form of a heart filled with sweets. Packages having a similar shape can be decorated with candies alone, colorfully decorated in accordance with the wedding theme, or with “chocolate” flowers, as described in the previous version.

The color scheme used in decorating can be from delicate pastel colors to bright red. It all depends on the mood and tastes of the performer.

Candy wedding gift in the form of rings

Another option for decorating a gift is wedding engagement rings made of sweets. The tradition, which appeared in the West, has become popular with us. Such a present looks very original, creates a certain atmosphere of celebration.

In general, there are many ways to arrange a wedding gift without repeating other people's ideas. You just have to turn on your imagination. Magic boat and swans on the lake, wedding pavilion and Little Red Riding Hood with a basket. In any of these compositions there is a secluded place where you can put a "sweet" gift.

In any case, in the process of working on a hand-made gift, you should adhere to certain rules:

It is better to choose sweets or other sweets for a gift in a round shape, because it is more convenient to make flowers from them or use them for decoration in general;

The confectionery products chosen for decoration should not be glazed, as they can “float”, but they must be distinguished by their beauty and good taste;

All parts where there are fasteners should be well hidden with paper, napkins, lace, etc.;

The composition itself does not need to be overloaded with details, the number of colors used should not exceed three;

And the main thing in the design of a gift, as in any creative work: everything should be in moderation.

If fantasy fails or something doesn’t work out, there are many photos on the Internet with suggestions for a phased design of gifts with your own hands. Better yet, watch a video in which graphic designers give a master class on creating "sweet" gifts.

Video related to the article

A wedding bouquet and flowers for room decor are an invariable attribute of every wedding. Recently, wedding planners have begun to increasingly offer sweet candy bouquets for weddings.

Bouquet of sweets in the design of the wedding

Such bouquets of sweets for the most part will not differ in any way from the usual wedding bouquets, however, instead of flowers, various sweets are used in their design. Such bouquets of sweets are made in different ways.

In the need to decorate wedding tables with such bouquets of sweets, the brides were very divided in opinion. However, the majority still believes that such bouquets are very beautiful and original, and most importantly tasty, but not entirely practical to use. First, they are very high in calories. Secondly, in the warm season, sweets can simply melt. Thirdly, using such a bouquet as a tradition for throwing at a banquet is not at all safe.

One way or another, the majority agreed that such bouquets of sweets at a wedding can be a decoration for a banquet table and look very harmonious. Moreover, you can always eat candy and do not have to wait for this sweet table. In addition, such bouquets of sweets can be used as a prize at wedding games and competitions.

And also such sweet bouquets of sweets at the wedding can be used as an addition to the gift, both for newlyweds and guests, it will be original and fresh.

Candy bridal bouquet

If you decide to organize a candy wedding, then pay attention to how unusual and bright candy bouquets look in the hands of the bride.

Do-it-yourself bouquet of sweets for a wedding

It is not at all difficult to create such sweet bouquets of sweets with your own hands, you just need to have all the necessary materials for this and, of course, sweets. Many are interested in how to create a bouquet of sweets on their own and what kind of sweets it is desirable to use.

Here everything will depend only on what kind of bouquet you want to get as a result of the work done. You can use both regular caramels and chocolates. You just need to have foil, bright colored paper, sticks for stems made of wood, a container for decorating compositions on hand. As basic tools, you will need glue, tape, scissors and colorful ribbons.

In a glass vase, flower pot, or other suitable container, you need to lay the basis for composing a bouquet and for it to hold tightly. It is necessary to wrap the sweets in the selected paper or you can create a semblance of a paper flower. In this case, the candy will be a surprise!

The stick can be fixed by simply piercing its candy from the underside. To hide the junction, you can wrap the candy with pretty paper or floral mesh and tie it with ribbon. Ready-made candy flowers are inserted into a pre-created base, thereby forming a bouquet composition.

How to create candy bouquets? As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this. You just need your imagination, patience and accuracy.

Every bride wants to look beautiful on her wedding day, so the girls work hard to create a festive look. They begin to prepare, as a rule, a few months before the celebration, choose a dress and accessories ... Then it's time to select and order a wedding bouquet. This important attribute of the solemn day attracts attention, reflects the character, taste preferences of the bride. A candy bouquet has become an unusual alternative to the classic flower arrangement.

What are candy wedding bouquets?

A wedding bouquet made with the same or different sweets is an interesting solution that will attract the attention of guests. The original version of the accessory will suit girls who are allergic to pollen, as well as those who organize a celebration according to a certain style. For example, this solution will perfectly reflect a childhood-style wedding, designed to remind guests of a carefree time. This version of the celebration can symbolize the farewell of the newlyweds with a single life.

There are many options for wedding candy bouquets - these are beautiful mono-bouquets with expensive Raffaello, Ferrero, cheerful color compositions with lollipops, bouquets with chocolates made to order. Future spouses should think about ordering candy wrappers with their initials - it will be possible to choose a color palette, style, arrange everything according to the general decor of the holiday. There are many options for such a bouquet, so every bride can find the right one.

Chocolate figurines depicting newlyweds will be excellent sweets for a bouquet. Such bouquets are decorated with various details: these are beads, rhinestones, pearls, real and artificial flowers, floral nets, paper.

Handmade bridal bouquet from Raffaello sweets

What should be the bride's bouquet? If a beautiful classic wedding is planned, mono-bouquets will be an excellent solution - for example, with ferrero and rafaello sweets. Raffaello is best suited for a wedding, because they are combined in color with the white dress of the hero of the occasion and with the main decor in beauty. This sweet treat is good because it will please the eye for a long time, until its owner finally wants to enjoy delicious coconut candies.

There is a widespread belief that at the end of the wedding evening the bride will have to say goodbye to her accessory, but this is not at all necessary. Make an understudy bouquet for unmarried girlfriends, which will be a nice gift for the winner. So you will please your wedding guests with an interesting tradition and keep the festive bouquet with you for a long time - even after a month it will be able to remind you of a wonderful day of your wedding.

It is worth noting that there is no need to eat sweets that decorated this important attribute of the celebration. It is unlikely that the composition will look beautiful if it turns out that several treats are missing, and open wrappers begin to show off instead.

Gift bouquet of flowers and sweets in a basket

Wedding bouquets from different sweets will be a wonderful option not only as an accessory for the future wife, but also as a gift from dear guests. This attribute will become a memorable event during the holiday, and after the celebration it will give the bride and her husband delicious memories. An unusual gift will surely be appreciated, will cause a lot of pleasant emotions if the bride has a sweet tooth.

Bouquet of sweets wedding ship

A magnificent wedding bouquet in the form of a beautiful ship is a beautiful symbolic gift. This present is suitable for newlyweds who are arranging a holiday with a marine style, and also as a metaphor, meaning the wish for an easy journey together.

Poppies, roses, crocuses, tulips in a wedding bouquet

Perfectly wedding bouquets of delicious sweets are complemented by red and yellow poppies, delicate crocuses, elegant roses. The bride can make all these elements herself, armed with sweets, corrugated paper, a few other elements and free time. If the girl decided to create a bouquet on her own, you should try to make a few “dress rehearsals”, and save the best attempt for the wedding day.

How to make a beautiful wedding bouquet with your own hands: step by step instructions with photos

Roses are considered to be the most favorite flower of a wedding bouquet. These elegant plants emphasize the delicate, sophisticated nature of the bride. Not only live plants look great and delight the eye during a celebration, a girl can create a pink accessory herself using a few tools and round chocolates.

The master class will help the hero of the occasion to make an unusual holiday decoration. What you need for such a bouquet:

  • Favorite chocolates.
  • Corrugated paper in green and another selected shade for the bud.
  • Wooden skewers.
  • Wicker basket or other base.
  • Styrofoam.
  • Scissors.
  • Other decorative items on request.
  • Scotch.
  • Glue.

When all the tools are collected, it's time to start creating a wedding accessory. Step by step instructions with photos:

  • Take your favorite sweets, use tape to attach them to wooden skewers. Make sure they hold on tight.

  • Then take corrugated paper for petals for work: cut out blanks that look like natural petals. If you find it difficult to improvise, look on the Internet for pictures of the petals of living plants.

  • Next, you need to create the basis of the future rose bud. Cut a corrugated sheet 10 by 18 centimeters, stretch with your fingers, as shown in the picture. When everything is ready, secure the base of the bud with tape.

  • Take the cut out petals, stick them with tape around the bud, creating rose flowers.

  • Spread the petals, gently fold the crepe paper down a few millimeters to make a beautiful pink flower. It is important that the fixed candy is visible in the middle.

  • When the bud is ready, the next step in creating the flower begins: pasting the skewer with green corrugated paper to hide inaccuracies, as well as give the flower with a candy a finished look.

  • The last stage: fixing the flower in a basket with foam or on any other blank. Carefully make sure that the flowers are held tightly, do not "squint" and do not fall, otherwise, during a stormy wedding day, a bouquet of sweets will cease to have a presentable appearance.

Decorate this bouquet as you wish. Use all kinds of decor details that you like: pearls, bows, floristic mesh, colored rhinestones, etc. Show your imagination by creating a sweet masterpiece with roses - and it will become a bright, beautiful holiday decoration.

If you want to diversify your bouquet, dilute the composition with other plants. What you need to create a crocus flower:

  • Corrugated paper in green and other shades for the bud.
  • Wooden skewers.
  • Pyramid candy.
  • Wire.
  • Scotch.
  • Scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • To create future crocus petals, use scissors to cut strips of corrugation, five wide and up to twenty centimeters long.

  • Twist the cut strips in the middle, bend in half.

  • Press firmly with your fingers on the fold line, then straighten the corrugation, form a crocus petal.

  • Fasten the candy with the base to the top with iron wire.

  • Attach the petals of the resulting plant to the candy with wire.

  • Wrap the base of the bud with green corrugation, and then the entire wooden skewer.

  • Cut out the leaves in a shape similar to those you see in the photo, then carefully glue one or two sheets to the finished flower.

  • Crocus for the wedding bouquet is ready!

You can easily improvise, creating unusual compositions, using both bright and delicate pastel colors for the attribute of the celebration. The choice of shades of corrugated paper will depend on the overall range of the decor of the festive event. Create mono-bouquets with step-by-step instructions or arrange several plants at once: it will look great. Use unusual shapes: for example, make a heart bouquet.