Scenario of the program for the Day of the Elderly “Let the autumn of life be warm! Scenario of the event for the Day of the Elderly: “Let’s warm our palms, smooth out wrinkles. Scenario for the Day of the Elderly Generation in elementary school.

For a wedding

Strelkova Natalia Alexandrovna

Teacher of the day care department for minors of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra “Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children “Doverie”, Yugorsk

Warm your palms and smooth out wrinkles

(script for “Day of the Elderly”)

The purpose of the Day of Older People is to draw attention to the problems of older people, as well as to the possibility of improving the quality of life of older people.

The holiday script “Let's warm our palms, smooth out wrinkles” was developed for the Day of the Elderly. While preparing for the holiday, children got acquainted with the history of the holiday, learned dances, songs and poems, and prepared gifts for their grandparents.

Preparation for the event involves the selection of costumes and props for skits and games, and thematic decoration of the hall. The scenario uses ICT.

Goal: Strengthening connections between generations;

Objectives: 1. To form a kind, respectful attitude towards the older generation.

2. Develop artistry and expressiveness in the performance of poems.

3.Create a positive, festive mood in the audience.

Equipment: Balloons, flowers, posters, hat, costumes for skits, colored paper, cardboard, scissors, glue.

Progress of the event:

The hall is festively decorated. Grandparents enter the hall and take their seats in the hall.

Host: Each time has its own joys, its own colors.

Winter makes us happy with white fluffy snow and invigorating frost. Spring is the first greenery, freshness. Summer is full of colors and flowers. Autumn - with its generosity, rich harvest. This is probably how it is in human life. Youth is always full of hope and love. Mature years are the time for the blossoming of creative powers, the time for achievements, caring for children and grandchildren.

On this day we want to congratulate all the people dear and dear to our hearts - the older, wise generation. Don’t let the appearance of wrinkles scare you - they, like rays, warm the hearts of those around you. Happy holiday, our dears, and all the best to you!

The song “How young we were…” sounds quietly (words by N. Dobronravov, music by A. Pakhmutova, from the film “My Love in the Third Year”)

It doesn’t matter that the years, running away,

They leave the whiskey in silver.

Happy holiday, our dear ones,

On this October day.

If life is full and clear,

And the soul, without burning, burns,

This means that life is not in vain,

This means that everything that hurts will go away.

Hope will smile at you more than once,

The dawn will caress you more than once,

Happy holiday, beautiful and fresh,

How happy to become October!

Child 1:

Nature changes color

The weather is changing

And the golden sun

The rains are coming,

And behind the warmth there is bad weather,

Behind grief there will be happiness,

And youth for old age

A person changes.

Presenter: October 1 is the International Day of Older Persons. The decision on this was made by the UN General Assembly in 1990; in the Russian Federation this day began to be celebrated in 1992. And now every year, in the golden autumn season, we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation. Respect for all members of society, recognition of their merits and the significance of their work is evidenced by the fact that in our country, along with many holidays and monuments, a holiday that is undoubtedly exciting and pleasant for many is the Day of Older People. These people devoted their entire lives to work, raising children, who, having taken the baton from them, continue what they started.

Child 2:

So life goes in circles,

The years are rushing towards each other,

But with joy, hope

The year and century are filled.

And on a bright autumn day

Take the concert as a gift,

Our elderly beloved

Our good man!

Presentation of slides to a lyrical melody.

Host: Today we honor people without whom our own existence would be impossible. These are the pillars of life experience and wisdom on which every family rests. These are the guardians of the hearth of every home. We wish the older generation respect from loved ones, health throughout the years and a long life for the joy of the whole family! Happy holiday!

Child 3:

I'll tell you a riddle,

And you guess it.

Who puts a patch on his heel,

Who irons and mends laundry?

Who cleans the house in the morning,

Who makes the big samovar?

Who plays with his little sister

And takes her to the boulevard?

Who embroidered the fringed rug

(To my little sister - apparently)?

Who writes detailed letters?

To the soldier, my father?

Whose hair is whiter than snow,

Are your hands yellow and dry?

Whom I love and regret

Who did I write the poems about?

Child 4:

And my grandmother has gray hair,

And my grandmother has golden hands.

And he doesn’t stop worrying all day long,

Either he knits a scarf, or he patches socks.

I don’t sit idle, I help too,

Because I want to be like her.

Host: Elderly people not only take care of their grandchildren, bake pies and make jam, but also find themselves in creativity. Some write poetry, some draw pictures, some embroider, and some knit warm things for their loved ones and friends, putting their love into them. Our guests have prepared for you a presentation of the results of their work.

(Guests talk about their hobbies and show their creations)

Host: Grandmothers not only know how to create with their own hands, but also do homework with their grandchildren. The scene will tell us about this.

Scene: “Grandmothers and grandchildren”

(2 children as grandmothers)

Grandmother 1: Hello, my dear! Won't you go out for a walk?

Grandmother 2: What are you talking about, I haven’t done my homework yet.

Grandma 1: What lessons? Have you relapsed into childhood? It’s been a hundred years since you graduated from school!

Grandmother 2: Yes - huh? What about the grandchildren? Nowadays it is very fashionable to do homework for your grandchildren.

Grandmother 1: Really? Is this how you spoil them?

Grandma 2: I don’t spoil you! I am very strict with them. I’ll do my homework, but they always copy it out for me.

Grandma 1: Oh, really strict.

Grandma 2: So if you have anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience. And, if it’s not difficult, check how I learned the poem. Hm - hm... There is a green oak near the Lukomorye; golden chain on the oak tree..."

Grandmother 1: Yes, okay

Grandmother 2: Day and night the dog is a scientist...

Grandmother 1: What dog? What dog?

Grandmother 2: Well, I don’t know what breed he is.

Grandma 1: It’s not a dog, but a scientist cat, understand? Cat!

Grandmother 2: Ah - ah, I understand - I understand! Then I first: “By the Lukomorye there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak; And day and night the cat is a scientist...”

Grandmother 1: Well?

Grandmother 2: She goes to the grocery store with a string bag....

Grandmother 1: With what string bag? Which grocery store? Where have you seen this?

Grandmother 2: Oh, friend! I still have so many lessons, I got everything mixed up. Do you think that if I continue to study so hard, maybe some unit will be named after me?

Grandma 1: She’s already been named.

Grandma 2: How?

Grandma 1: Kol! It is given to those grandchildren for whom grandmothers do their homework!

Host: But this scene, of course, is a joke. And we just want to remain children longer next to our wonderful grandmothers.

Child 5:

To grandmother - the sun, to grandfather - a poem,

Lots of health for both of you,

I wish you happiness for two more centuries,

Happy Elderly Day!

The years go by, gray hair appears,

But spring comes again in your soul,

As soon as we talk about the past,

About first love, about something dear.

Child 6:

Good grandfather, beloved,

Grandfather is glorious, irreplaceable,

We congratulate you on this holiday

We wish you all the best in your life:

So that you never get sick,

May you never grow old

So that you will forever be young for us,

Cheerful and kind, and so necessary.

Child 7:

You can do everything, you know a lot,

You are very wise and kind:

In the world of a grandfather like this

No more - I know for sure!

May your health be good,

Every day will be happy

And always great

Mood happens!

Song “Good mood” (Poems by V. Korostylev, music by A. Lepin)

Host: Since we remember our youth, it’s time for us to play.

Funny music. Game "Cap".

Children and guests stand in a circle and pass a hat to each other to the music. The music stops, and the one who still has the cap in his hands dances a dance or recites a poem.

Child 8:

We don't grab stars from the sky,

But sometimes I want to become a star,

To illuminate your earthly path from heaven,

And keep you warm during the long winter.

Child 9:

Let it be good, let it be beautiful

In your life there will always be -

Good morning, clear sky,

Well, never cloudy days!!!

Song “The Birth of Stars” (Music by A. Ermolov, lyrics by B. Osmolovsky)

Host: Dear guests and children, many warm words were addressed to the elderly. We all love our grandparents. How can we please our loved ones and show our feelings? (Answers from children and adults).

Host: That's right, one of the ways to show love is to give a gift, and the best gift is one made with your own hands. Now you and your work instructor will make a postcard.

(Joint production of crafts, work in pairs: adult-child)

And now there's a surprise for you,

Meet, congratulations

Gives it to you with all my heart

Younger generation.

Pop dance "Cheerful mood"

Child 10:

Old people, young at heart,

How many paths and roads have you seen?

They loved dearly and raised children,

And they lived in hope: there would be less worry!

Child 11:

Elderly people, Mother Russia

You were not spoiled by an easy fate.

May God give you peace so that over the river

The sun illuminated the blue dome.

Child 12:

Elderly people, you are like this in everything:

Give your soul, experience and love

Dear home, young world

And everything that the heart remembers again.


There are no miracles in the world,

And youth cannot be brought back,

And the years, like pieces of ice, are melting,

But is it worth sighing about them!

Over the years a person becomes wiser,

And there is another beauty in it.

And let the song of labor be sung,

And his head is covered with gray hair.

Child 14:

You've done a lot of this

To leave a mark on the earth.

We wish you again today

Health, happiness, long years.

Host: You can talk about grandparents for a very long time and a lot. I appeal to all boys and girls: love and appreciate them, be kind, sensitive to them, do not cause pain with your words and actions. They deserve respect and gratitude.

On this day we wish you all the best! You, your entire generation, brought through the difficulties of life what your grandchildren and children so lack - hope for the best. Only you help us, even in the most difficult times, to live and enjoy life, teach us optimism and perseverance. Let happiness not leave your home! Let the love of your children and the laughter of your grandchildren fill your soul with joy! Happy holiday!

Song “I wish you...” (performed by E. Vaenga)

Presentation of gifts.

And honor to you, and honor,

And thank you for being and being there.

Be young at heart,

It's too early to grow old.

So be healthy

Live richly!

Host: And now we invite everyone to tea with grandma’s pies.

The years fly by, you can’t keep up with them -
The clock is rushing, changing day after day...
But I know I won’t stop being surprised
Meanwhile, we are calling for autumn.

Everything in him is high, wise and beautiful:
And the gold of the foliage and the purity of the snow.
In him the wisdom of mature years will suddenly call out,
Gray hair brightens in crafty mirrors...

October is a rainy month expecting snow
The result of work, love, cheerful summer days
As a sign of respect for human life
The holiday of elderly people gives us.

Daria: Salemetsizderme kurmetti konaktar! Hello dear guests!
1 presenter:

What kind of holiday is starting here?
Apparently the guests of honor will come!
Or maybe the generals have already arrived?
Or maybe the admirals came?
Or maybe a hero who has flown around the world?

2nd presenter:

Stop guessing in vain!
Look! Here are our guests!
Honorable, most important
Our grandparents are wonderful!

1 presenter:

In the life of every person there have always been, are and will be grandparents. And, probably, out of love and gratitude for grandparents, some wise person declared October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons.

2nd presenter:

October 1st is celebratedInternational Day of Older Persons. This decision was made by the UN General Assembly in 1990. First, Older People's Day began to be celebrated in the Scandinavian countries of Europe, then in America, and since the late 80s - all over the world. The International Day of Older Persons was finally proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1990, and in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1992. And now every year, in the golden autumn season, we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation.

1 presenter:

Respect for all members of society, recognition of their merits and the significance of their work is evidenced by the fact that in our country, along with many holidays and monuments, a holiday that is certainly exciting and pleasant for many has been introduced - the Day of Older Persons. These people devoted their entire lives to work, raising children, who, having taken the baton from them, continue what they started.

The word for congratulations is given to ___________________________________

The floor for congratulations is given to the director ________________________________

The floor for congratulations is given to the Chairman of the Veterans Council ___________________________________

2nd presenter: Let us be grateful to the elderly for everything they have done, and many continue to do, for society, for their fellow citizens.

1 presenter:

We are very pleased to meet with you today. We have always followed your example. You have always had an optimism that is worth envying.
Present at our celebration: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2nd presenter:

I looked at our grandparents!.. But I don’t agree with the person who decided to call this day “Older People’s Day”! This day should have been called the International Day of Beloved and Loving Grandparents! Happy holiday, dear guests!

The 3rd grade students came to congratulate you. Meet us!

Concert number ___ class

(A march sounds, a detachment of fourth-graders in the uniform of sailors with balloons enters the hall, a lap of honor, formation on the stage)

Squad leader:
Dear grandfathers!
Adored grannies!
Congratulates you today
Our fourth, friendly class.

Our squad: (ALL) “Brave guys”

Our motto: (ALL)
Victory is within the reach of the brave.
Great success awaits him
Who is not a coward if necessary
Will enter the battle one for all.

Our song:


2nd presenter:

Dear guests! The 7th grade students came to congratulate you.

1 student: Today we celebrate gray hair
Tired wrinkled hands
But it happened in the old days
These hands did not know boredom
Your whole life is filled with work
Warmed with the warmth of the soul and joy
Yes, look, look around
The planet has never seen sweeter faces.
And let autumn walk in the yard
And the world turned the page of the century,
How nice it is to have them on calendars
Elderly Person's Day.

2nd student: You have reached this age
What does a welcome word ask for?
Please accept our congratulations
Health, happiness and goodness
And let the bad mood
You will never have
Look at the world with pleasure
And sadness and trouble will recede
Success, luck and fortune
May it always accompany you.

3rd student: How many years have you lived?
We won't count
We really want
On this day to wish
Never grow old, never get sick, never get bored
And we will celebrate this holiday for many more years

4 student: It’s a mystery to us – your years
You are always wonderfully good
We wish you all the hardships in life
Sweep away with the effort of the soul
Your slogan is to live, despise fatigue
It probably gives you strength
And so that the mystery remains, -
You get younger every year.

5th student: The years are not scary for you
Even though the hair is gray
Kohl saved forever
You feelings are young.
There is no recipe for longevity -
Although we all dream about it.
Health, happiness, long life
We wish you with all our hearts.

6th student: Years go by year after year
They run tirelessly
The years always rush out of spite
But let them pass by
Fight them vigorously
Live longer, don't grow old
And in defiance of all enemies
Take medications as little as possible

7th student: It has long passed half a century
The whiskey has long been covered with silver
From the dearest person
Whom do we hit low today?
For giving for free
Care and love
For walking next to me
And I want to return it to you all with interest
All the warmth that warms us on the way.
It's worth living on earth
So may God grant you more time to walk along it.

1 presenter: You can talk about grandparents for a very long time and a lot. I appeal to all boys and girls: love and appreciate your grandmothers, be kind and sensitive to them, do not cause pain with your words and actions. They deserve respect and gratitude. After all, these are the people who gave life to our parents, who bore on their shoulders the difficult trials of war, devastation, and famine and survived them.
2 presenter: The youngest students of our school congratulate you

Class (Czech song)

2nd presenter: Everyone is in a great mood, and perhaps it’s time to hold a competition. We invite the three most courageous and fighting grandmothers to come on stage. I won’t lie at all if I say that each of you at least once had to get your grandson or granddaughter ready for school. And we announce the “Build a Briefcase” competition:

Absolutely all textbooks, notebooks and school supplies are laid out on the desk. At random, they pull out a piece of paper with a schedule for a certain day (the schedule is specially designed so that lessons are not repeated). From among all the accessories, you need to select those that suit your schedule and complete the briefcase. Who is faster?

Yes, we see how well the grandmothers did with this task. It’s immediately obvious who is still collecting the child’s briefcase. For your courage, allow me to give you small prizes.

And the students of _____ classes will perform a waltz for you.

1 presenter: A poem is performed by _____________________ student of the 6th
M. Plyatskovsky
"My grandfather".

If things suddenly get tough,
A friend will save you from various troubles.
I look a lot like my friend
Because he is my grandfather.
My grandfather and I are on Sundays
We're heading to the stadium
I love ice cream with jam
And he loves cartoons.

With such a good grandfather
Not boring even in the rain
With such a good grandfather
You won't get lost anywhere!

Cranes, satellites and guns
I scattered it in the corners.
Grandfather brings me toys
And he plays them himself.
Tin battalion
Grandfather commands: “Forward!” —
And leads to distant lands
My paper steamer.

We bought skis with my grandfather,
They creak in the snow.
I'm following my grandfather
In front of all the guys.
I still can't understand
No surprises,
Which of us two is younger?
Either my grandfather or me?

1 presenter: Yes, our lives are running, the days are flying by. It makes my soul sad to think: “How long have you been young?” But let's just smile in moments of sadness. After all, a smile is the youth of the soul. And now let’s all smile together and remember the joyful moments of the past - let’s remember love. And a good song will help us.

Performance by the veterans' choir (2 songs: “Harness up the horses, boys” and “My joy lives on”)

2nd presenter: Our dear veterans, dear people of the older generation! We thank you for your wisdom, patience, affection and great life experience, golden hands and kind hearts!

Our concert continues, meet our beauties with their fiery dance.

Performance by ____________ classes

1 presenter:

Life does not stand still, and it doesn’t matter that gray hair has turned silver on your temples, and cobwebs of wrinkles have formed near your eyes. The main thing is that you are always young at heart. And let a good song make you feel warmer.

Sings _______________

2nd presenter: Your grandchildren's love for you is endless. And they dedicate these lines to you. Performance by 1st and 2nd grade students

1. Mom has a job,
Dad has work.
They have it for me
Saturday remains
And grandma is always at home.
She never scolds me!
He will sit you down and feed you:
- Don’t rush,
Well, what happened to you, -
I speak, but grandma doesn’t interrupt,
Buckwheat grain by grain
He sits and sorts things out.
We feel good together like this,
Without grandmother - what kind of house?!.

2. Very much my grandmother,
I love my mom and dad,
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead there is a gray strand.
I just want to touch it,
And then kiss.

3. Grandmother became old and sick,
She gets tired from walking
I will soon become a brave pilot,
I'll put her on the plane.
And I’ll shake her and rock her.
She will finally rest.
Grandmother will say:
Oh my grandson!
Oh yes my pilot!
Well done!

4. With grandma we are letters
We look into it in the book,
We play with dolls with her,
We play hopscotch.
Important secrets
We whisper in her ear,
Because grandma
Best friend.

1 presenter: Well, now the 4th grade students will congratulate you.


On my sundress
Cockerels and cockerels
There is nothing more beautiful in the whole world
My dear grandmother!

At my grandmother's
The new apron is bright.
Take it, grandma,
Gifts for the holiday!

I'm ready to suffer all day
Without yours, without pies.
I've suffered so much before
One big nose remains.

I tell my grandmother:
“Don’t sing too late in the evening!
When I hear your voice,
I’m running home right now!”

Oh yes, my grandmother,
Oh, yes, combat:
Knows so many jokes
I don't know how much!

And my granny
The most entertaining one.
If he laughs -
The sun shines brighter.

I took after my grandmother,
Cheerful and daring:
I with my snub nose
I exhausted two dozen!

I look like my grandmother
I am restless.
And my granny
The most fun!

2nd presenter: You have seen how much your grandchildren love you. We know that you love them the most. Well, now the teacher ______________________ Secondary School will congratulate you.(“You are all well over 50.” To the tune of “So Many Golden Lights”)

1 presenter: Your children and grandchildren have always followed your example in their work. You have always had an optimism that is worth envying. This is exactly what 5th grade students want to talk about:

Elderly people
Young at heart,
How much have you seen?
You are paths, dear.

Loved dearly
And raised children
And they lived in hope:
Less worries!

Elderly people
Mother Earth
I didn't spoil you
An easy fate.

May God give you peace,
So that over the river
The sun was shining
The dome is blue.

Elderly people
You are like this in everything:
You give your soul
Experience and love

Dear home,
To the young world,
And to everything that is heart
Remembers again.

Elderly people
May the years be gone
They will be your support,
Children will understand everything.

And bow to you deeply
From family and friends
And from all the fatherland
For priceless work!

1 presenter: — Our dear, kind, wise spectators, let me introduce the next participants in our concert. Students of the 10th and 7th grades will delight you with their creativity

Scene “Ryaba Hen”

Daria: And at the end of the concert, I invite all participants to the stage

(Read 2 lines at a time, at the end in chorus “THANK YOU!”)

We are grateful to you for the past years,
Because you spite everyone in bad weather,
Having overcome all storms and adversity,
You laugh so cheerfully and lightly.

Thank you for the sparkles of fun,
They will delight anyone
And the autumn of life in one moment
Wrapped in blooming spring.

Thank you for your concern.
You are our vanguard and reliable rear.
Your character, friends, is of such a quality,
That the perpetual motion machine froze with envy.
We love you, optimistic, cheerful,
Because you don’t want to become limp.
Thank you for the wisdom of the good songs,
It’s more fun to walk through life with them!

We bow our heads to you with respect.
We could still write poems for you.
Because you live next to us,
With all our hearts we say “Thank you!”

(SONG “We wish you happiness” words in the appendix) sung in chorus.
(we present bouquets of flowers)

1 presenter: Our holiday is already over
What else can I tell you?
Let me say goodbye
I wish you good health

2nd presenter: Don't get sick, don't get old
Never be angry
So young
Stay forever

1 presenter: Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm, cheerful laughter
For a smile, understanding
This is our great success

2nd presenter: Now the moment of farewell has come
Our speech will be short
We say “Goodbye!
See you happy, new meetings"

APPENDIX (lyrics, scene “Ryaba Hen”)

“You are all over 50”

All of you are over 50
But we just can’t believe it
Where are the years going in such a hurry?
What are they hoping for?

We won't let you grow old
Let others grow old
And all the illnesses are one
Let them fall away from you.

Health, happiness, bright days
Good luck and a lot of joy
And despite your age
Don't give in to old age


They lived and did not grieve.

They washed down the cracker with tea,

Once a month they chewed sausage.

And everything would be fine

yes little chicken

She took it and laid the egg.

The egg is not simple,

Golden egg.

And now at our prices

And in general it is priceless.

For family advice

Grandfather gathered Granddaughter and Grandmother.

Grandfather. Anyway. Such a thing.

What should I do with this egg?

Maybe I should eat it? Or sell?

Or change to dollars?

Maybe the walls will fall down

Shall we buy a modern music center?

Grandma. What are you doing, Grandfather?! Fear God!

Music doesn't cost much!

We'd better buy a TV

Vacuum cleaner or transistor

Or let's take a cart of soap,

To keep the house clean.

Granddaughter. Maybe we can buy me some perfume?

The grooms will be amazed!

Or French lipstick?

I'll be glad to see her too!

And everyday noisy argument.

It’s not like that, but it’s not like that.

Grandfather. You idiot!

Grandma. You are an idiot!

The world has never seen anything like this!

Only the Chicken is silent,

Stands near the table.

Hen. Well I didn't expect it at all

Be the cause of a scandal.

To stop this

I need to break an egg.

And, flapping his wings lightly,

Dropped the egg on the floor

She smashed him to pieces!

Granddaughter is crying, Baba is crying...

Granddaughter and Grandmother.

What have you done, Ryaba?

He turned out his pockets with holes.

Grandfather. I have no money, so what?!

Peace in the family is most precious!

Concert program dedicated to the Day of Older People “How young we were...”

Before the start of the holiday, songs from the 70s and 80s are played in the hall.

Veterans of labor are met by students and seated in the hall.

The stage is decorated with autumn leaves. A lyrical melody sounds.

Readers and presenters come out.

1st reader.

Is in the middle of autumn

An unusual holiday -

The sky shines blue,

Nice sun.

2nd reader.

Only called

In an unceremonious word:

The holiday is called

Happy Elderly.

1st reader.

This is a wise holiday

Wise and worthy,

Different with age

In the mood for sadness.

2nd reader.

Grandmother, beloved,

Happy holiday, dear!

Life without sorrows and

We wish you good health!

I. Yartsev

1st presenter. Hello dear veterans


2nd presenter. In these autumn days, we are very glad to see you again in this hall.

1st presenter. Today our entire country celebrates the Day of Older Persons.

2nd presenter. You rightfully deserve this holiday

1st presenter. It is customary to give gifts on holidays

2nd presenter. And this concert will be our gift for you.

A waltz dance is performed.

1st reader.

Who, tell me, is the elderly man?

Is this the one who lives out his life?

Or someone who knows how to appreciate life,

Who knows how to forgive and love?

2nd reader.

Who, tell me, is an elderly person?

Is this a decrepit old man with a stick?

Well, maybe this is a treasure trove of wisdom -

After all, life itself was the teacher?!

3rd reader.

Well, it turns out this is how you look:

Young people don't want to grow old

It’s no problem for the elderly even a year old,

What to do if they flow like water.

1st reader.

If only my heart would hurt less

And your soul will never grow old,

I would never be lonely

The rest is nonsense, nonsense!

2nd reader.

Every old man is a layer of gold:

His heart will never betray

This is the source of wisdom and goodness...

This is the one who was young yesterday.

N. Motorina

A song is being performed.


Is in the word "elderly"

Not very sonorous root:

He sounds like he’s “lived.”

A hint of “closer to a hundred”!

My dear grandfather!

Over the years, who can argue!

Life is very harsh

But you are not old at all!

You are my hero

And a valiant worker,

On the first day of October

I want to tell you -

Let life be sad sometimes

Forget about the troubles

Health for a hundred years to you

Let me make a wish.

I. Yartsev

A cheerful dance is performed.

1st reader.

Don't get old, old people, don't get old!

Don't get sick from sadness and melancholy!

Do not suffer from adversity and failures,

Better dream about happy days!

2nd reader.

Stay young, old people,

After all, you can’t afford to grow old—we won’t let you,

Let's not let you get sick from tears and bad weather

And mourn over the wonderful days gone by.

1st reader.

We are with you, which means the song is not finished.

It's a long way from winter, since it's summer in the heart,

You are beautiful, old people, you are saints,

Always stay young!

N. Mikhailova

A song is playing.

1st reader.

If youth knew

If old age could

If only they didn't run like that

The fast river of the year.

2nd reader.

If there were no grief,

Previous losses and losses,

If only you could come back

Many dozens ago...

1st reader.

If only... If only... If only...

What can we say about that!

It's not written down for us

To change someone's destiny.

2nd reader.

Life is good and beautiful

And, despite the years,

Joy is visible in your eyes,

There is kindness in your eyes!

1st reader. Be healthy, live,

2nd reader. Enjoy every day

1st reader. Meet with friends more often

2nd reader. And drive away the melancholy.

E. Golovacheva

Presenter 1. Good afternoon, dear friends!
Presenter 2. Hello, our beloved veterans of teaching work!
Presenter 1. There is an unusual date in the autumn calendar when the heart is filled with a feeling of deep gratitude, when you want to say words of gratitude, to be especially sensitive and attentive to people.
Presenter 2. This day is called the INTERNATIONAL Day of Older People. There are still ongoing debates about how to treat this holiday. Is there a limit beyond which a person becomes elderly? After all, age is not a criterion at all, but a measure of experience.
Presenter 1. Look at the faces of everyone present in this room! There is so much light, joy, energy, kindness in them!
Presenter 2. Therefore, maybe it would be better to call this day the Day of mutual sensitivity, attention and tact, the Day of kind smiles and bright thoughts, the Day of kindness and respect?
Presenter 1. It doesn’t matter that the gray hair has silvered the temples, and cobwebs of wrinkles lie near the eyes. The main thing is that you are young at heart.

Presenter 2.
Today is such a unique day
I would like to say special words to you:
To be young and active
And they never got sick.
To your home of joy,
So that without troubles in him until old age
Live and not grieve.
Presenter 1.
To raise grandchildren and great-grandchildren,
To teach them better,
Don't grow old, don't be sad, don't get bored,
Celebrate this holiday every year.

Presenter 2. Good thoughts, tender feelings, good deeds are the best medicines for the soul. But no less the best medicine is the warm, heartfelt words of your neighbor... And now the floor is given to the acting director of our school, Elvira Renatovna Vagina.

Presenter 1. Thank you, Elvira Renatovna.

A musical number is performed for everyone present in the hall_________________________________________________________________

(slides about AUTUMN)

Presenter 2: Autumn. The leaves rustle quietly outside the windows, nature comes into a state of peace and tranquility. It is probably no coincidence that our holiday fell at such a time - the peak of the golden autumn. After all, there comes a time in people’s lives when the stormy years of spring and youth are left a little behind.
Presenter 1. She is beautiful and majestic, wise and calm. Much has been acquired by this period: knowledge, life experience, wisdom.
Presenter 2: People with different destinies, characters, and different life circumstances have gathered in this room today. Everyone present in this room has their own “song” of life, their own life experience, sometimes very difficult and heroic.
Presenter 1. One wise man said: “Youth is like a lark that has its morning songs. Old age is like a nightingale; it has its own evening songs.” Therefore, every age is good in its own way.
Presenter 2:
Don't look for unnecessary complexity
In our turbulent atomic age.
Age is just an oversight.
If a person is young at heart.
Let a smile light up your face,
Even if gray hair is like snow.
Age is just a mistake
If a person is young at heart.

Presenter 1. Looking at you, we are joyfully surprised every year. How much energy, vigor, and youthful enthusiasm you have. And life experience is aplenty!!! And that means knowledge too. Now we will test your knowledge of folk proverbs and sayings. You need to finish the ending:

1. The cat knows... (whose lard it ate)
2. Do you like to ride... (you also like to carry sleds)
3. Here’s a clamp and an arc for you, ... (and I’m not your servant)
4. A tailor without a caftan, a shoemaker - ... (without boots), and a blacksmith - (without an ax), and a carpenter ... (without doors)
5. It’s a long day until the evening, ... (if there’s nothing to do)
6. Out of boredom... (take matters into your own hands)
7. To eat a fish,... (you have to get into the water)
8. What kind of master is... (that’s the point)
9. Hindsight...(you can’t fix things)

Presenter 2. The explanatory dictionary says: “elderly - beginning to grow old”, just beginning. Therefore, live by the motto: “You can grow to be a hundred years old without getting old.” And today, on this wonderful day, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! You, seasoned, hardworking, devoted to your family, children, grandchildren, devoted to your native land. I wish you health, prosperity and attention. We bow deeply to you, live long, we need you. After all, you are our history, our joys and victories!
Presenter 1.
If life is full and clear,
And the soul, without burning, burns,
This means that life, life is not in vain,
This means that everything that hurts will go away.
Hope will smile at you more than once,
The dawn will caress you more than once,
Happy holiday, bright and fresh,
How happy to become October!

A musical gift for you_______________________________________________________________

Presenter 2. Dear our dear, kind people. Today, from the very morning, your family and friends say congratulations to you. I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of congratulations and you’ll probably hear even more. Let’s try here and now to compose a collective, universal congratulation. I ask one word from each - a wish. Let's start with me. Today I wish everyone: happiness, and you... (we ask everyone present) Great, all the words have been collected, and now they need to be mixed thoroughly so that our wish is truly common. I have a mixer for this, but it’s an old Turkish one. My mixer makes different sounds:
When it buzzes: aram-zam-zam - shake the whisks (clap your knees with your palms)
When you hear: guli-guli - you can beat, mix (twist your hands in front of you)
Arafi-arafi: the device has overheated, put it into sleep mode (hands under one ear, under the other)"
I need your help, remember...(show to music) And now all together.
It was a good workout. So tnank you.

Presenter 1. I’m now going to hold a competition….”Poetess.”
I will say a couple of lines, and you need to quickly find a rhyme. You need to respond instantly. So, let's begin.
1. To do modern makeup
Acquired by a beauty...(trellis)
2. I made all the girls fall in love with me at some point.
Rybnikov in the comedy ..... (“Girls”)

3. One can and many jars
The thrush is taking her to…………… (market)
4. Russians have a wide range of names
For example, Voroshilov was……….(Clement).
5. Publications are stored in the library
And dominoes and cards…………..(game library)
6. To the sumo champion for the load,
It's good to have a big………..(belly)
7. The peak was almost conquered
But the snow got in the way……….(avalanche)
8. Maybe the convict would go on the run,
Yes, all around is impassable……..(taiga)
9. Tell me darling frankly
Was there….(betrayal).
10. The wolf, after watching football, finally decided
“Like me, they are also fed……………(legs)
11. I, like a karateka, will not calm down,
If they don’t give me……….(black belt)

Presenter 2. Well done! Musical number for you_______________________________________________________________________________

Presenter 1. Lately, we are increasingly complaining about a bad mood, poor health, some have low tone, some have the blues, some have a lot of something, others have little of something...
Presenter 2. We advise you: don’t go to doctors, come visit us. We promise that you will feel warm and comfortable with us. Hear a good song - you will want to sing yourself, smile at a funny joke - your mood will improve. Well, I think it’s time for you and me to sing, but we will sing for a reason, but with the help of the “Sing a Song” competition, I divide you into 2 teams. Each team in turn will have to guess the song using a few words.

1. Clouds - violin - river - smile (And then the clouds will probably suddenly dance, And the grasshopper will sing on the violin. The river begins with a blue stream, Well, friendship begins with a smile)
2. The wizard - helicopter - cinema - congratulates - popsicle (Suddenly a wizard will fly in in a blue helicopter, And show a movie for free. He will congratulate me on my birthday and will probably give me 500 popsicles as a gift)
3. There was a grasshopper - a cucumber - (There was a grasshopper sitting in the grass, I saw a grasshopper in the grass, Just like a cucumber, it was green.)
4. Grandmothers - geese (Granny lived with two cheerful geese, One was white, the other was gray, My geese are geese.)
5. Dogs - neighbor - no fights (If you don’t have a dog, the neighbor won’t poison it, And there won’t be a fight with a friend, If you, if you, if you don’t have a friend, there’s no friend.)
6. Rustles - mornings - roads - evenings (Not even a rustle is heard in the garden, Everything here froze until the morning. If only you knew how dear Moscow evenings are to me.)
7. My - with you - distant - wife (You are my dear, Take me with you! There, in a distant land, I will be your wife.)
8. They bent - there was a couple - until the morning (The reeds rustled, the trees bent, and the night was dark. One beloved couple walked all night until the morning...)
9. Otrada - tower - tall - no one (My joy lives in a high tower, but in that tall tower no one walks...)
10. Floats - a star - understands - forever (The lilac fog floats above us, the midnight star is burning above the vestibule. The conductor is in no hurry, the conductor understands that I am saying goodbye to the girl forever...)
11. didn’t come - believed - bells - doors (And you didn’t come again today, and I waited, hoped and believed that the bells would ring again and you would walk through the open doors...)
12. My - forest - with you (My dear, forest sun, where in what parts will we meet you)
13. Sultan - wives - surrounded (If I were a Sultan, I would have three wives. And I would be surrounded by triple beauty)
14. Vodyanoy - tin - swamp (I am a merman, I am a merman, no one hangs out with me. And my life is a tin, well, it’s in the swamp...)

Presenter 1.

Believe me, being elderly does not mean living.
After all, you still have years of happiness ahead of you.
You can turn over the calendar of days lived.
And sigh about past sorrows - bad weather.
Presenter 2.
Well, you can look there with a smile
To carry out what was: everything has an end.
And without sadness, breathe lightly and freely
And dream about well-deserved future happiness.

The poem “What Bliss” is read for you by Olga Evgenievna Egorova, an honored grandmother-artist of our school.

Presenter 2. We present to your attention the selection “How zodiac signs age” (SLIDES)

Aries prefer not to notice their age, they live in the moment, and do not think about what awaits them tomorrow. Their good spirits maintain the energy of youth until their old age. Maybe at the age of 60 Aries will not wear a leather jacket, but he will not stop being interested in motorcycles. And he will do it with the same zeal and energy as before.

Taurus people love to eat well - sometimes even too well - for this reason, with age they often gain excess weight. Over the years, stubborn Taurus becomes psychologically and physically even less flexible. However, they have good endurance, and even despite illness, they will most likely live for a very long time.

Geminis set goals in their youth and gradually move forward, with no intention of slowing down over the years. Don't expect your twin to come home early from work. You will not see them, even in old age, relaxing, lounging in front of the fireplace. The twin's career growth will continue until retirement and, if possible, after.

Cancers can be of two types: those who will never grow up, and those who love to take care of others in their old age, like Mother Teresa. Cancer, like Leo, really wants others to respect his “noble gray hair.” Cancers make “classic” grandparents, the way most children want them to be.

Leos are condescending and sedate by nature, and this will become more and more evident over the years. By old age, these are already very calm, seasoned, dignified individuals who have grown a little overweight. They will increasingly want respect, authority, sometimes even worship. Leo dreams of being a role model, so he will try to achieve his main life goals as early as possible.

Many Virgos begin to perceive the world around them more and more negatively with age, especially if they allow their tendency to criticize to progress. They love to keep themselves in excellent shape and good health, they are constantly on the path of improving brain activity, so they meet old age, as a rule, as smart gentlemen and ladies, albeit somewhat strict, but very smart.

Libras are always concerned about appearance, so they will try to take any measures to prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles and extra pounds for as long as possible. As a rule, they succeed. And even at eighty years old, Libra will convince others that they are not yet forty.

Scorpios become stately and representative in old age. They like to think of themselves as philosophers who have accumulated enough wisdom over the years, and in fact this is true. But, unfortunately, older Scorpios very often become too fixated on personal beliefs and goals, to the point of obsessiveness and stubbornness.

Like Aries, Sagittarians do not want to think about old age with all their might. Sometimes this turns into an obsessive thought for them, and they begin to pester those around them with questions about their own estimated age, hoping to receive a compliment or two. However, the praise is usually justified, because Sagittarians, despite their reluctance to take care of themselves, manage to maintain sex appeal and attractiveness into old age.

For Capricorns, time seems to flow in the opposite direction. Capricorns are already born “little old men”, serious beyond their years, wise and responsible, but as they grow older, more and more tomfoolery and childishness are added to their character, and Capricorns already behave like absolute children in old age.

Aquarians in childhood, like Capricorns, are very serious. Over the years, Aquarians become more and more eccentric, they cease to be interested in the opinions of others, and at the age of 80 they can behave as they please.

Pisces are terrified of old age, of the fact that so much has not yet been lived, not done, not fulfilled! Pisces often take time to take stock of a stage of life, count savings, compare balances. But the less fish worry about this, the longer and happier they will live, because nothing shortens life more than constant worry.

Presenter 1.
On this holiday, we want to wish you, our dear ones, happy years full of love from your children and grandchildren. May the sky above your head always be peaceful and the sun clear. Health and joy to you! Be happy! Happy holiday!

Presenter 2.
Let every day
What fate has brought
Brings joy with sunrise.
And a lucky star shines on you,
Keeping from troubles and life's adversity.
Good luck and sincere laughter,
I wish you health for many years to come.
We wish you success in all your endeavors,
And we are always glad to meet you!
Once again, happy holiday to you, veterans! Happy Older Person's Day!

Musical number for you ________________________________________________________________________________

Presenter 2.

The years rush by quickly without looking back,
They fly by and melt away like smoke.
We wish you at any ten
Stay young at heart.
Presenter 1.

We won’t wish you much,
Your merits cannot be counted.
So stay, for God's sake,
Always as you are.
Presenter 2.

And age is not a problem,
We will survive all the anniversaries.
After all, the most important thing in life is always
So that your soul does not grow old!
Presenter 1.

We thank you for your attention. Goodbye, see you again!

Author: Larisa Pavlovna Kuzmenko, primary school teacher at Lyceum No. 4, Dankov, Lipetsk region.
The development is dedicated to the Day of the Elderly. This material will be useful for primary school teachers when holding holidays and classes dedicated to the relationship between children and the elderly.
The guests of the holiday are grandparents.
The scenario was compiled taking into account the age characteristics of junior schoolchildren 9-10 years old.

Goal: fostering respect, attention and reverent attitude towards older people. Development of students' creative abilities.

Equipment: computer, projector, slide show with photographs of grandparents in their youth, recordings of classical music, backing tracks of songs, karaoke.

Progress of the event.
The choir of 4th grade students opens the festival
Students perform the song “Old Grandmothers” (words by S. Osiashvili, music by V. Dobrynin)

Every year, in the golden autumn season, we honor those who are always with us, who are ready to share our joy and help us in difficult times, who can understand and forgive. And, probably, out of love and gratitude for grandparents, in 1990 the UN International Assembly decided to establish October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons, the Day of Kindness and Respect. On this day, all young people, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren send their congratulations, poems and cards to those who have earned immeasurable love and respect.

Reader 1
Today we celebrate gray hair,
Tired wrinkled hands
But it used to be, in the old days
These hands did not know boredom.

Your whole life is filled with work,
Warmed with the warmth of the soul and joy.
Yes, look, look around -
The planet has never seen cuter faces!

And let autumn walk in the yard,
And the world turned the page of the century!
How nice it is to have it on the calendar
Elderly Day! (in unison)

1. Today is a holiday for all times,
Your native country congratulates you! (together)

2. The years, like birds, flew over you,
You have known the happiness of life through your work.

3. Childhood years, the beginning of the journey -
A happier time is hard to find.

4. Youth opened the paths of the universe -
A time of wonderful learning in life.

5. Years of study, struggle and labor,
Many were hardened by the war.

6. Survived battles, had children,
They sang new songs with delight.

7. They believed in a miracle for all time,
Love gave happiness then.

8. The children grew up, you grew up, and so did you.
The best people of a great country.

9. They built cities, raised wheat,
Space has opened borders for you.

10. In general, it was not in vain that we visited this world,
The world on the planet has changed slightly.

11. Your children have already given you grandchildren,
There is a continuation of great Russia!

Reader 2
You earn respect
And bow to you all to the ground.
We congratulate all the elderly
Have a wonderful bright day! (in unison)

Reader 3
You have reached the age
What a welcome word is requested.
Please accept our congratulations
Health, happiness and goodness!
And let the bad mood
You will never have it!
Look at the world with pleasure,
And sadness and trouble will recede.
Success, luck and fortune
May it always accompany you!

Dear guests, 4th grade girls congratulate you (song “So many golden lights” - lyrics by N. Dorizo, music by K. Molchanov)

Reader 4
How many years have you lived?
We won't count.
We really want
On this day to wish
Never grow old, never get sick, never get bored
And we will celebrate this holiday for many more years!

Reader 5
Years pass after year,
They run tirelessly.
The years are always in a hurry, out of spite,
But let them pass by.
Fight with them vigorously,
Live longer, don't grow old,
And in defiance of all enemies
Take medications as little as possible!

The song “Granny, Granny” sounds for you as a gift.

1 verse
When my granny
Comes to visit us
The pan will begin to shine -
Will have time here and there.

Granny, granny, my beloved

Verse 2
You don’t know, dear,
Completely tired:
You cook and wash,
You are always happy to see everyone.

Why do I love you? I'm thinking.
Granny, granny, my beloved
That's why I love you - because you're mine.

Verse 3
When I suddenly get sad,
I'll cuddle closer to you.
Hug, kiss,
And the sadness will pass faster.
Granny, granny, my beloved,
Why do I love you? I'm thinking.
Granny, granny, my beloved
That's why I love you - because you're mine.
Grandma, grandma, my dear...
Grandma, grandma, I love you.

Children read poetry, and the presentation “How Young We Were...” is projected on the screen accompanied by quiet classical music.

Reader 6
The years are not scary for you,
Even though the hair is gray,
Kohl saved forever
You feelings are young.
There is no recipe for longevity
Although we all dream about it.
Health, happiness, long life
With all our hearts we wish you!

Reader 7
It has long passed half a century,
The whiskey has long been covered with silver
From the dearest person,
Whom do we hit low today?

Reader 8
The law of nature is so harsh:
Years pass in the flow of centuries.
There are so many beautiful words,
To congratulate a person.
But we are not looking for these words,
But we simply wish from the bottom of our hearts:
Health, happiness and flowers
And live 100% without losing heart!

Youth has long said goodbye to you,
And it all seems like yesterday to you...
Dear guests! It’s so nice to see married couples in our hall who, after many years, managed to carry their love and fidelity.
Your life is a wonderful example for your grandchildren.

At our celebration there is a couple who celebrated their “golden” wedding this year. This... We sincerely congratulate you, dear... and... and wish you to celebrate both the “diamond” and “sapphire” weddings.
I think it will be fair if we give the floor to you today.


When I start losing my slippers,
Soften the pieces of bread in the broth,
Knit excessively long scarves,
Walk holding onto walls and cabinets
And look at the sky for a long, long time,
When everything feminine that is now given to me
It will be spent, and it will be all the same -
To fall asleep, to wake up or not to wake up,
From what I have seen in my lifetime
I will carefully remove your image,
And your lips will smile slightly...
(Vera Butko)

When I'm eighty-five
I'll look around the house for your slippers.
Grumble about the fact that it’s hard for me to bend,
Wear some ridiculous scarves
From those that you knitted for me.
And in the morning, waking up before dawn,
I will listen to your breathing...
Suddenly I smile and quietly hug.
When I'm eighty-five
I will blow away the specks of dust from you,
Correct your gray locks
And, holding hands, walk around the park.
And we will not be afraid to die,
When we are eighty-five...
(Vadim Zinchuk)

The children's choir performs the song “Golden Wedding” (lyrics by I. Reznik, music by R. Pauls)

And now I invite the guys to guess the riddles. I let my grandparents give me some hints.

1. Fragrant jam,
Pies for a treat,
Delicious pancakes
At my beloved... (grandmother)

2. He did not work out of boredom,
His hands are calloused
And now he's old and gray
My dear, beloved... (grandfather)

3. Grandfather and grandmother
Were young
And now they're old,
Became... (elderly)

4. He will teach you to work,
Have fun from the heart
He is an example to all the guys -
Our dear... (retired)!

5. Autumn brought a holiday
And I didn’t forget to congratulate
Clear sunshine for lunch
Our grandmother and... (grandfather)!

6. In the portrait the guy is brave -
This is my young grandfather.
And I am rightfully proud of him,
Although he has become completely... (gray-haired)

7. Together with my grandmother
We set an example for everyone.
And we will meet guests with her
On the holiday of the elderly... (people)

- Very often grandparents spend more time with their grandchildren than parents. They have secrets and common hobbies. They become the best friends and girlfriends.

Reader 10
My grandmother is not an old lady
I am Masha, and grandma too,
My grandmother and I are very similar.
We love cheesecakes and buns
And songs while walking.
We are together at the sewing machine
We sew dresses for Polinka's doll.
And together we dress her up,
And together we adore her.
And if it’s our name day,
We are making raspberry compote.
And we kiss each other deeply,
And we give each other a toy.
My grandmother is not an old lady,
And the best friend in the world.

Scene “Grandmothers and grandchildren”

Two students pretend to be grandmothers.
- Hello, my dear! Won't you go out for a walk?
- What are you talking about! I haven't done my homework yet.
- Which lessons?! Have you relapsed into childhood? After all, you have already finished school!
- Yes? What about the grandchildren?
- Yes? Nowadays it is very fashionable to do homework for your grandchildren, although this is very unpedagogical.
- How is this unpedagogical? Yes, I’ve been doing homework for my grandchildren all my life.
- Is it true that you spoil them like that?
- I'm not spoiling! You know how strictly I am with them. I’ll do my homework, but they’ll completely copy it for me.
- Yes, you are really strict!
- Otherwise! So if you need anything, ask me. I have a lot of experience!

My grandmother and I
Old friends
How good
My grandmother
Knows so many fairy tales
What can't be counted
And always in stock
There is a new one.

The song “Tell me a story, grandma!” is performed.

Tell me a story, grandma
I'll sit closer to you
Tell me a story, grandma
I'm always happy to listen to them
Tell me a story, grandma
About Princess Nesmeyana
Tell me a story, grandma
About the cat and the monkey

Tell me, tell me, dear grandmother,
Tell me, tell me a new fairy tale
Tell me a story, grandma
About Koschei the evil and terrible
Tell me a story, grandma
And about the brave young man
Tell me a story, grandma
I'll be surprised again by a miracle
Tell me a story, grandma
I will obey you
Chorus (2 times)

Reader 12
We wish you not to get sick and not to be discouraged!
Rest more, sleep better,
Quietly so that things can be argued
And may fate always protect you!

Reader 13
Thank you very much
For your severity and kindness.
May there be peace and happiness in your life
They walk the same path side by side!

Dear grandparents, your grandchildren gave you many songs and poems today. I would like to ask you to perform for them the favorite songs of your youth.
(guests sing the song “Daisies Hidden” during karaoke)

After such an incendiary performance, the tongue cannot dare to call you elderly! You are very young, perky, modern, grandparents!

Reader 14
Our holiday is already over.
What else can I tell you?
Let me say goodbye
We wish you good health!

Reader 15
Don't get sick, don't get old,
Never be angry!
So young
Stay forever!

Sometimes we, young people, cannot be reasoned with,
How can a person simultaneously
To be old and young at heart...
But the fact that it is possible is one hundred percent!
You look like you still have quite a bit,
And life has just begun
We wish you a great journey in life,
Goodness and happiness, and see no evil!

Let not only on this day your hearts, dear guests, be filled with light and joy, optimism and hope for better years that await you ahead!

Children sing the chorus of the song “We wish you all to be healthy...”

Holiday analysis: I chose the topic of this event due to the recent increased attention to family problems, family education, relationships between adults and children, and respect for the older generation. I, as a class teacher, proposed the topic of this event to the students, drew up a script and resolved some organizational issues. The students showed initiative, responsibility, and discipline: they created a slide show with photographs of their grandparents, a presentation, and rehearsed poems and songs. In the process of preparing the holiday, an atmosphere of activity, joy, and excitement reigned. The celebration had educational, educational and developmental value. Students expressed a desire to hold such events in the future.