Victory Day: star concerts, tank exhibition and festive fireworks. Victory Day is a very large-scale holiday for residents of the capital. Victory Day is a field kitchen.


I remember that in Soviet times, participation in festive events on May 1 and 9, as well as November 7, was voluntary and forced. It was necessary to show how the Soviet people were happy about these holidays, especially May 1 and November 7. May 9 stood apart; nevertheless, people sincerely gathered and rejoiced at meeting friends, especially veterans. To create mass participation at other events, people were simply given time off for participating in such demonstrations, and if they did not come alone, but brought friends or children, then the number of days off increased in proportion to the number of participants brought.

How do demonstrations differ from demonstrations (based on materials from the Soviet-era school curriculum)

Back at school, I remember they explained to us how demonstrations differ from demonstrations. In short, in the USSR - nothing. A manifestation is what we called a demonstration, that is, a peaceful procession in honor of something. A demonstration is a protest against something. But since there are no protests in the USSR and there cannot be, then in our country it’s the same as a manifestation or a demonstration. It just so happened that peaceful marches were also called demonstrations. That's it in a nutshell.

May 9 - Victory Day

Now May 9 has turned into a real Victory Day. People come to festive events with pleasure, and the organizers invite veterans or people who experienced war, congratulate them, and organize concerts.

Congratulations to veterans on Victory Day in Kuzminki Park

Like, for example, in a Moscow park. In the center there is a large concert venue,

where live music is played, there is also a small tent where veterans were invited,

They set the table for them and give them flowers.

Holiday coins are being forged nearby.

Victory Day - field kitchen

And of course, on Victory Day you can’t do without a field kitchen.

There are more than enough people willing to try the soldier’s porridge.

The festive mood is felt everywhere.

About the Victory Parade

After Kuzminki we went to a cafe where we often go. A saleswoman I knew asked: “Have you been to the Parade?” To which we replied that we were in Kuzminki for a festive program. “Can you imagine, a friend of mine has been standing in line since the evening to get to the Parade.”

May 9 at Day of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory On the territory of Kuzminsky Park, namely in Kuzminki Park (part of the park from the side of the Vysota cinema - Yunykh Lenintsev St., 52), a festive program for all ages will take place. The festive day in the Park will begin with a ceremonial meeting of veterans.

From 12 o’clock a special platform “Victory Ball” will open, on which there will be a tent with refreshments, the entertainment program will include a host and an accordion player, dancing couples will waltz in themed outfits: in wartime dresses, young men in caps and military tunics. Not a single veteran will leave the holiday without a gift.

Also at the Victory Ball site there will be "Open Mic", which will give everyone who comes to the park the opportunity to say words of congratulations and gratitude, and read poems about the war. This is also a unique opportunity for guests to hear front-line stories first hand.

This is where the real one will work. field kitchen, where the younger generation can taste soldiers' porridge and drink strong black tea with sugar.

Festive concert will open at 13:00 with the composition “Victory Day” performed by the Children's Exemplary Brass Band. The children-pupils of the cultural center “Culture and Education” will delight veterans and everyone who came to celebrate the most important holiday for our country with their talent. Oleg Matveev’s group “Classy Jazz”, show ballet “Likk Show”, actor of the Stas Namin Theater Oleg Litskevich will congratulate guests on the holiday with a special production “Wait for me and I will return...” for Victory Day.

In the program “On the Roads of the Great Victory”, actors, soloists and the orchestra of the Provincial Drama Theater (artistic director S. Bezrukov) will perform famous songs about the war “Katyusha”, “The Night is Bright”, musical compositions from the films “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “Belarusian” railway station".

The Chibatukha ensemble will present the restored song and poetic heritage of the Great Patriotic War - front-line folklore. During the theatrical concert, a song “parade” of the exploits of our multinational people will be presented, this is the joy of victories, the pain of losses, this is a quiet soldier’s meditation and the long front road that led us to Victory.

After the gala concert, the main stage of the park will turn into a cinema hall, where films about the war will be shown.

Near the park rental at 16:30 there will be military reconstruction one of the many scenes of the Great Patriotic War. The appearance and equipment of the heroes will exactly replicate reality, achieving the greatest degree of realism in the reconstruction of historical events.

The park will host photo exhibition“Chronicle of the war years. Victory" and an exhibition of military equipment: cars and motorcycles will become not only objects for photography, but also visual witnesses to the events of the past. During the day, the “Frontline Photographer” site will be open: special historical props will be waiting for park guests to take photographs: sets of uniforms, models of weapons (machine guns, rifles, machine guns), vintage and original household items of the 40s.

As part of the “Letters to the Sky” art event, it will be possible to launch notes into the sky with words of gratitude to all those who gave their lives for a peaceful sky, tying them to balloons.

The park will end on May 9 competition for the best children's drawing"Victory through the eyes of children." The works will be hung on the playground. The solemn procession of the largest Victory Banner in Russia, in which about 700 people will take part, will end in Kuzminki. The result of the festive event will be entered into the Russian Book of Records.

At 15:00 on the central square, next to the tent for veterans, there will be dance flash mob Hustle style. Dancers from different studios will dance to “Katyusha”, dressed in the style of the 40s. The idea of ​​holding a flash mob was proposed by Alexandra Rutskikh, general director of the city events bureau “Objective” and the events department of the Kuzminki Public Culture and Culture Park. Immediately upon its appearance, the project attracted public attention and found many like-minded people in different cities, which indicates its federal scale. At the moment, 30 sites have been announced in 24 cities, with more than 600 participants. The flash mob will take place in Moscow, Minsk, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Saratov, Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Novorossiysk, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk and other cities. Based on the results, a common video will be edited in which dancers from different cities will dance as if they were not separated by thousands of kilometers.

At the end of the program there is a festive celebration at 22:00 firework.

Where: park of culture and recreation "Kuzminki" - entrance to the park from the cinema "Vysota" and metro station Kuzminki (address: Yunykh Lenintsev St., 52).

Victory Day is a very large-scale holiday for residents of the capital. According to accepted traditions, a grand parade will take place on Red Square, in which both foot columns and aviation will take part.

There will be plenty to see throughout the day in Moscow, that’s for sure.

What program is planned for May 9, what festivals, exhibitions, concerts and competitions await those present - more on that later.

  • Program and plan of events for May 9
  • Gorky Park
  • Pushkinskaya embankment
  • Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill
  • Izmailovsky Park
  • Babushkinsky Park
  • Kuzminki Park
  • Perovsky Park
  • Bauman Garden
  • Hermitage Garden
  • Park "Northern Tushino"
  • Sokolniki Park"
  • Tagansky Park

First of all, large screens will appear in almost every park, on which a broadcast of the parade from Red Square will be broadcast.

(metro station "Park Kultury"). From 10:00 the performance of the military orchestra of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation will begin.

On May 8-9 there will also be an exhibition of Russian military equipment called “Weapons of Victory”.

On it, Muscovites will be able to look at a regimental mortar, a howitzer, tanks of various models, anti-tank weapons, a divisional gun, as well as other equipment from the Second World War.

Of course, there will be live music on Victory Day. First, the Kino Sound Symphony Orchestra will perform. The “Soviet Retro” dance floors will open.

Starting from 13:00 until 15:00, a French chanson from the famous chansonnier Philippe Dares will begin to play.

A mini-club will open for the youngest visitors to the event, where they can make interesting crafts and souvenirs with their own hands.

According to accepted traditions, an “open microphone” will be installed in the park, where every citizen will be able to tell the public the story of his family and talk about events related to the war.

From 21:00 the screening of the film “Once upon a time there was a girl” will begin.

(metro station "Victory Park") On May 8, from 19:00 to 21:00, a festive concert will take place, and on May 9, immediately after the broadcast of the parade ends, the closing of the Easter festival will take place on Poklonnaya Hill.

The Mariinsky Theater Symphony Orchestra will perform a large-scale concert. He will perform classical compositions. After this, modern military melodies will begin to play. Then popular Moscow groups and performers will take the stage.

The “highlight” will be the horse show “Traditions of Russia”, which will delight the eyes of observers with the performance of cavalrymen and a parade with the flags of the hero cities.

(metro station “Highway Enthusiasts”). A column of veterans will pass here, a big concert with an interactive show will begin, where you can watch various dancers and listen to modern singers.

Then a military theatrical performance will take place in the park, and then everyone will be able to try their hand at various master classes.

A minute of silence will begin at 18:55.

Fireworks will be shown at 22:00.

(metro station "Babushkinskaya"). Creative master classes will open and various classes dedicated to the war will be held. Thus, there will be an exhibition of models of military equipment, a field kitchen will open, where cooks will be able to treat everyone to buckwheat porridge with stewed meat and tea.

Folk and children's military groups will perform, and a brass band will play. Various competitions with quizzes will be held. In the evening there will be a screening of a war film.

On the same day, an interactive stand “Wall of Memory” will be installed in the park. On it, each person will be able to enter the name of a veteran or combat participant, send him a message, thereby congratulating him on the Victory.

(metro station “Kuzminki”). An orchestra will perform marches and songs from the 40s and 50s. Then he will be replaced by various Moscow theater and musical groups. Then the “Victory Ball” will be held.

All events will end with a tea party accompanied by an entertaining interactive program. Everyone will be able to get their fill of dishes from the field kitchen.

(m, reports Rosregistr. “Perovo”). Those celebrating will be treated to a performance by a military brass band, which will be followed by a festive concert. Children will be given master classes on making models of military equipment from LEGO sets.

A field kitchen will open. Visitors will be able to learn more about the heroes who fought for the Victory, as well as which professions were most in demand during which period of the war and why.

In the evening the cinema hall will open on the summer stage.

(metro station "Red Gate"). A festive concert will be held where the best bands in Moscow will perform. They will perform songs about war and love. Then an exhibition of photographs will open, which will tell about the exploits of the participants of the Second World War.

Actors from the capital's theaters will read touching poems that were once written by poets at the front. There will be a master class for children where they can make postcards and postcards. There will be a field kitchen.

(metro station “Chekhovskaya”, metro station “Pushkinskaya”). According to the rules of all traditions, here people will be able to “transport themselves” to the war and post-war times of the 40-50s. Performers of that time will play, a brass band will perform and the Male Chamber Choir will perform.

From 18:00 the Victory Costume Ball “At six o’clock in the evening...” will begin. Singers and dancers will take the stage. Visitors will be invited to dance tango, rio-rita, waltzes, and krakowiak. Professional choreographers will help them.

(metro station "Planernaya"). Starting at 13:00, war and post-war music will begin to sound in the main square. Military dance and vocal ensembles will take the stage. Children will be able to play games and get creative.

(metro station "Sokolniki"). At 13:00, dancing will begin with popular musical compositions from famous Russian performers and groups. Various exhibitions, competitions, quizzes, and games will be held. There will be a chess tournament.

(metro station "Taganskaya"). A holiday will be held dedicated to a large-scale event - the Battle of Kursk. Guests will be able to try their hand at an interactive quest game. They will walk along the Kursk Bulge, answer questions, and then go to the front zone and take part in various special operations.

Victory Day is a very large-scale holiday for residents of the capital. According to accepted traditions, a grand parade will take place on Red Square, in which both foot columns and aviation will take part.

There will be plenty to see throughout the day in Moscow, that’s for sure.

What program is planned for May 9, what festivals, exhibitions, concerts and competitions await those present - more on that later.

  • Gorky Park
  • Pushkinskaya embankment
  • Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill
  • Izmailovsky Park
  • Babushkinsky Park
  • Kuzminki Park
  • Perovsky Park
  • Bauman Garden
  • Hermitage Garden
  • Park "Northern Tushino"
  • Sokolniki Park"
  • Tagansky Park

Program and plan of events for May 9

First of all, large screens will appear in almost every park, on which a broadcast of the parade from Red Square will be broadcast.

Gorky Park

(metro station "Park Kultury"). From 10:00 the performance of the military orchestra of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation will begin.

On May 8-9 there will also be an exhibition of Russian military equipment called “Weapons of Victory”.

Pushkinskaya embankment

On it, Muscovites will be able to look at a regimental mortar, a howitzer, tanks of various models, anti-tank weapons, a divisional gun, as well as other equipment from the Second World War.

Of course, there will be live music on Victory Day. First, the Kino Sound Symphony Orchestra will perform. The “Soviet Retro” dance floors will open.

Starting from 13:00 until 15:00, a French chanson from the famous chansonnier Philippe Dares will begin to play.

A mini-club will open for the youngest visitors to the event, where they can make interesting crafts and souvenirs with their own hands.

According to accepted traditions, an “open microphone” will be installed in the park, where every citizen will be able to tell the public the story of his family and talk about events related to the war.

From 21:00 the screening of the film “Once upon a time there was a girl” will begin.

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

(metro station "Victory Park") On May 8, from 19:00 to 21:00, a festive concert will take place, and on May 9, immediately after the broadcast of the parade ends, the closing of the Easter festival will take place on Poklonnaya Hill.

The Mariinsky Theater Symphony Orchestra will perform a large-scale concert. He will perform classical compositions. After this, modern military melodies will begin to play. Then popular Moscow groups and performers will take the stage.

The “highlight” will be the horse show “Traditions of Russia”, which will delight the eyes of observers with the performance of cavalrymen and a parade with the flags of the hero cities.

Izmailovsky Park

(metro station “Highway Enthusiasts”). A column of veterans will pass here, a big concert with an interactive show will begin, where you can watch various dancers and listen to modern singers.

Then a military theatrical performance will take place in the park, and then everyone will be able to try their hand at various master classes.

A minute of silence will begin at 18:55.

Fireworks will be shown at 22:00.

Babushkinsky Park

(metro station "Babushkinskaya"). Creative master classes will open and various classes dedicated to the war will be held. Thus, there will be an exhibition of models of military equipment, a field kitchen will open, where cooks will be able to treat everyone to buckwheat porridge with stewed meat and tea.

Folk and children's military groups will perform, and a brass band will play. Various competitions with quizzes will be held. In the evening there will be a screening of a war film.

On the same day, an interactive stand “Wall of Memory” will be installed in the park. On it, each person will be able to enter the name of a veteran or combat participant, send him a message, thereby congratulating him on the Victory.

Kuzminki Park

(metro station "Kuzminki"). An orchestra will perform marches and songs from the 40s and 50s. Then he will be replaced by various Moscow theater and musical groups. Then the “Victory Ball” will be held.

All events will end with a tea party accompanied by an entertaining interactive program. Everyone will be able to get their fill of dishes from the field kitchen.

Perovsky Park

(metro station "Perovo"). Those celebrating will be treated to a performance by a military brass band, which will be followed by a festive concert. Children will be given master classes on making models of military equipment from LEGO sets.

A field kitchen will open. Visitors will be able to learn more about the heroes who fought for the Victory, as well as which professions were most in demand during which period of the war and why.

In the evening the cinema hall will open on the summer stage.

Bauman Garden

(metro station "Red Gate"). A festive concert will be held where the best bands in Moscow will perform. They will perform songs about war and love. Then an exhibition of photographs will open, which will tell about the exploits of the participants of the Second World War.

Actors from the capital's theaters will read touching poems that were once written by poets at the front. There will be a master class for children where they can make postcards and postcards. There will be a field kitchen.

Hermitage Garden

(metro station “Chekhovskaya”, metro station “Pushkinskaya”). According to the rules of all traditions, here people will be able to “transport themselves” to the war and post-war times of the 40-50s. Performers of that time will play, a brass band will perform and the Male Chamber Choir will perform.

From 18:00 the Victory Costume Ball “At six o’clock in the evening...” will begin. Singers and dancers will take the stage. Visitors will be invited to dance tango, rio-rita, waltzes, and krakowiak. Professional choreographers will help them.

Park "Northern Tushino"

(metro station "Planernaya"). Starting at 13:00, war and post-war music will begin to sound in the main square. Military dance and vocal ensembles will take the stage. Children will be able to play games and get creative.

Sokolniki Park"

(metro station "Sokolniki"). At 13:00, dancing will begin with popular musical compositions from famous Russian performers and groups. Various exhibitions, competitions, quizzes, and games will be held. There will be a chess tournament.

Tagansky Park

(metro station "Taganskaya"). A holiday will be held dedicated to a large-scale event - the Battle of Kursk. Guests will be able to try their hand at an interactive quest game. They will walk along the Kursk Bulge, answer questions, and then go to the front zone and take part in various special operations.

A large-scale musical entertainment program will be held on stage.