What does the stripe on the tube of the cream mean. What do the stripes on toothpaste tubes mean?


Now almost all tubes of toothpaste can be found color-coded. However, none of the manufacturers explain what it means.

There are many versions on the Internet explaining the importance of these colored squares, but in reality everything is much more banal. From the current material, you will learn what the colored stripes on the tube of toothpaste really mean.

This marking is applied to the "tail" of the tube (see picture), it can be found at each manufacturer of toothpaste. Most likely, it was the widespread use of colored lines that caused the spread of the myth about their sacred meaning for the consumer.
meaning of stripes on toothpaste
The most common colors are blue, green, black and red. For some reason, it is generally accepted that this indicates the safety of a particular paste and the percentage of harmful chemicals in its composition. The theory is as follows:

Black stripe - indicates the most harmful toothpaste, 100% consisting of chemicals and abrasive substances that are harmful to children's teeth. It is only recommended for whitening.
Blue stripe - less harmful toothpaste, which contains 80% chemicals. With prolonged use, it can cause periodontal disease and other complications, therefore it is used only for medicinal purposes for a short period of time.
Red stripe - 50% of the paste consists of harmful substances, it is not suitable for people with gum problems.
Green Stripe is a completely natural product recommended by dentists for permanent use.
In fact, the color marking of toothpaste does not carry any useful information for the consumer. It is used in the technological process of manufacturing packaging and, at the request of the customer, can be any. When choosing, you need to carefully study the composition of the toothpaste, and not focus on the color of the tube strips.

Some manufacturers have already managed to get their bearings by starting to produce toothpaste with a green square on the tube. Although the paste itself can be 100% synthetic. The most interesting thing is that this is not prohibited by law.

In profile GOST 7983-99 “Dentistry. Tooth pastes. Requirements, test methods and labeling” and ISO 11609-95 there are no requirements for colored stripes on toothpaste. In addition to the standard information on the packaging (name and address of the manufacturer, composition, storage conditions, expiration date, etc.), only the mass fraction of fluoride should be separately indicated. Neither the color marking itself, nor the meanings of its colors, are spelled out in these documents.

Once again, the strips on the toothpaste are needed only for the manufacture of the tube itself, they have nothing to do with safety or composition.

Myths launched in the media:


Myth one.

* A black mark on a tube of toothpaste means that the paste contains substances that increase periodontal disease;
*Red square indicates to the consumer that the paste contains substances hazardous to health;
*The blue bar indicates the permissible content of synthetic substances in the paste that are not hazardous to health;
* A green label on a tube of toothpaste indicates 100% natural raw materials in the composition of the paste, as well as the content of environmentally friendly substances in the composition. Myth two.

The stripes on toothpaste tubes indicate the percentage of chemicals in the toothpaste.
*Black - the paste contains 100% chemicals;
*Blue - in the composition of the paste 80% chemistry 20% natural product;
*Red - toothpaste consists of 50% chemistry and 50% natural product;
*Green - 100% natural product.
After reading, the last statement, I imagine how at a pasta factory they make pasta from a natural product, chop herbs, make infusions and pack them in tubes, without preservatives and thickeners)

Myth three.

Quote: "On a tube of toothpaste, there is a colored strip on the back. They come in three types: green, blue and black."
What do they mean? According to the author:

A tube with a black square (stripe) contains an abrasive in the paste. This paste whitens teeth well, but you should not use such a paste often, because the abrasive will scratch the tooth enamel. This paste can be used no more than once a week.
A tube with a blue stripe carries the following information: the toothpaste contains an abrasive, but much less than the paste with a black stripe on the tube. This toothpaste is recommended to brush your teeth no more than two or three times a week. A tube with a green stripe is more of a herbal paste, you need to brush your teeth with this paste every day in the morning and evening.

Myth four.

I quote: "if there is a black stripe on the tail of the tube, the paste is terribly poisonous and generally" entirely from oil "; blue, red - also nothing good, but green - natural substances and herbs."

Many naively believe, and then spread such "true information". Let's separate the wheat from the chaff. The presence of "chemistry" and "herbs" in the toothpaste is written on the box from under it, no need to attribute any meaning to the colored stripes on the tube, just study the composition. The difficulty is, of course, in small print and incomprehensible names, but do not despair, if you are a fighter for natural products in your home, then a magnifying glass and a table of harmful ingredients will help you.

So what do the colored stripes on the tubes mean? I'm afraid to disappoint you - nothing, they have no secret meaning.
Why does the manufacturer label its products, and moreover in different colors? Let's figure it out.

The colored stripes on the tubes of toothpaste are "marking" or "light marking" for the conveyor, and it is used so that the sensor on the conveyor can read this markup and cut off the tube in the right place.

On the seam of the container of cosmetic and hygiene products, you can see strange-looking marks in the form of squares or rectangles. The packaging itself does not explain what the stripes on toothpaste tubes mean. But if these bizarre geometric shapes exist, then someone needs them. It remains only to find out to whom and why.

Squares on tubes: what do they mean?

Regarding the markings on cosmetic products on the World Wide Web, there is a lot myths. The most common of them gives the following decoding to the rectangles on the package:

  • Black or other dark shades - the product is replete with substances harmful to health. The use of such "chemistry" every day can create a danger to human health;
  • Blue the color of the square indicates a slight decrease in the concentration of synthetic components relative to the previous category. The share of natural "ingredients" reaches 1/5;
  • Red the square serves as a signal that the proportion of natural substances is exactly half per 100 grams of the substance;
  • Green the color of the brand indicates that the product can be safely attributed to the “Organic” category. The composition includes only natural raw materials, which have only a beneficial effect on health.

Alternative theory

The above point of view is copied from site to site and enthusiastically picked up by the narrow-minded public. But this is not the only misconception that concerns the design of tubes.

So, the flowers on toothpaste are sometimes attributed to such mythological significance:

  • Black: composition for whitening tooth enamel. It is recommended to use no more than once a week;
  • Blue: the mass is suitable for everyday use;
  • Red: there is a healing effect. Such products are sold in pharmacies and prescribed by dentists in case of painful teeth;
  • Green: designed to consolidate the result of recovery achieved by the previous composition. Recommended for use within 4 weeks after the treatment course.

Other decryption options are also possible. The gradation of colors is often interpreted as a distribution by price categories of goods, where the green marker is an indicator of an elite and expensive “eco-product”.

Features of container production

Before answering the question regarding the true meaning of the squares on the container, you need to give information about the features of their production.

Creating regular tubes looks like this:

  1. The polymer blank is cut into pieces of a certain length and width;
  2. A logo, barcode, manufacturer's data and other information are applied to the tube;
  3. Folding a segment that takes the form of a cylinder;
  4. Sealing the edges of the sample (on one side);
  5. Filling the container with cream (or other substance);
  6. Blockage and sealing of the cylinder;
  7. The date of manufacture and expiry date are printed on the seam. Also marked " light mark" , thanks to which the machine recognizes the exact location where you need to make an incision.

The specified sequence of actions is applicable to the process of manufacturing plastic products. The mechanism for creating aluminum tubes is somewhat different, but the placement of a color marker also takes place.

What do the stripes on cream tubes mean?

We found out that there is nothing supernatural behind the mysterious rectangles on the containers of cosmetic and hygienic masses:

  • The light marker can be any color. The main requirement for it is readability for the machine. Therefore, you need to paint the rectangle so that it is as recognizable as possible for the car and contrasts sharply against the background of the overall design of the product;
  • Horizontal figures indicate the notch line, vertical ones are used as a sealing point marker;
  • Sometimes light marks may be completely absent on the container: instead of them, figures disguised as design elements are used;
  • There is no international regulation regarding seam markers. The ISO 11609-95 standard, which describes the technology for the production of dentifrices, does not contain data on light markers.

However, factories cannot but pay attention to rumors about the sacred meaning of marks. Therefore, some manufacturers go to the trick and mark their entire range with green squares so that the product receives the status of "environmentally friendly".

Quality assessment criteria

So, drop-jet marking does not make any sense about the harm or usefulness of the product. Therefore, the composition remains the only source for analyzing the quality of a product.

High quality toothpaste should not contain such substances:

  • Sodium dodecyl sulfate- It is used to form foam. It is cheap, so it can be found in products of a low price segment. It has a negative effect on the skin of the oral cavity, is one of the causes of early baldness, and can reduce visual acuity. It tends to accumulate in the body, so the daily use of such substances is not recommended;
  • Triclosan- designed to destroy and suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Along the way, it destroys a number of microorganisms necessary for health;
  • Fluorine- helps in the prevention of caries and other dental ailments, but is quite toxic. If large amounts of fluoride or fluorides are accidentally swallowed, poisoning may occur;
  • Index of controlled abrasiveness should be within 100 for healthy teeth.

On the Internet, you can find a variety of explanations of what the stripes on toothpaste tubes mean. Allegedly, they indicate the degree of environmental friendliness or the price category of the product. But actually their purpose is exclusively applied and makes sense only for an automaton on a conveyor.

Video: ciphers on tubes

In this video, Igor Mulatov will tell you how manufacturers label tubes of toothpaste, which means green and blue squares on the package:

In recent years, consumers have become increasingly interested in what they buy. They study the composition on the package and try to choose the safest product. The attention of people was also attracted by the mysterious stripes on the seams of the tubes. Information appeared on the Internet that supposedly a green strip indicates the full composition of the product, while a black one indicates the presence of chemical and harmful components. There are also suggestions that the red stripe indicates a composition of a paste or cream that is hazardous to health, or that it contains equal parts of natural and chemical components. But this information has nothing to do with reality.

What are tags for?

In fact, stripes of any color are just markers needed in the production of tubes. The tape (material for tubes) on the conveyor enters the machine, which cuts off part of the tape, folds this piece, fuses or glues the edges, etc. Further, cream is poured into this blank, after which the upper seam is sealed, where the expiration date is usually placed. The color mark is needed to accurately indicate the place where the machine should make the cut.

The documentation for packaging machines prescribes that the light tag be contrasting with the main background of the package - then the photo sensor will be able to identify it. Ideally, a black mark is made on the white tube. If, for example, there is no black paint in the design, then the color that contrasts with the background as much as possible will be used. Thus, for a light mark, a color is usually chosen, one of those available during printing, which harmonizes as much as possible with the coloring and design and at the same time contrasts as much as possible with the background of the tube.

Typically, barcodes and light stripes are printed with the same ink.

Horizontal photo marks are used when printing on a laminated web for precise cutting in height. And vertical stripes are needed when soldering the tip of the tube for precise positioning so that the soldering is parallel to the text and image.

You should not look for some hidden meaning in the color of the stripes on the tubes.

Thus, colored markers are just a technological feature of making tubes from a conveyor belt. It is no coincidence that characteristic stripes are on tubes, but they are absent on bottles or jars.

Tip 2: How the tricolor paste comes in layers in the tube

As a child, the multi-colored toothpaste that we squeeze out of the tube is perceived almost like magic. And adults are often tormented by the question: how do manufacturers manage to pack pasta of different colors in such a way that the layers do not mix?


Tricolor paste is a thing familiar from childhood. However, the process of making such a paste seems so mysterious and incomprehensible that many legends and myths have arisen about this. For example, many people believe that the tube has soft baffles separating the layers, and mixing takes place in the neck of the tube. These partitions, allegedly, not only allow you to pour different colors into the paste, but also prevent mixing when pressing on the tube.

Another version says that the paste in the tube is white, but there are tiny bubbles of paint in the neck that open when you squeeze the paste and turn it into different colors. Another explanation is that different layers of the paste contain different chemical elements (eg phosphorus) that turn different colors when exposed to oxygen. True, if you think about it, it does not explain anything: neither why layers with different chemical properties do not mix with each other in a tube, nor how they get there.

It is easy to debunk these myths: it is enough, for example, to freeze a tube with multi-colored paste and cut it. You will make sure that the paste layers are initially colored in different colors, and they are not separated by any partitions.


In fact, there is no magic or special secrets in making multi-colored pasta. Multi-colored paste is made using the same apparatus as one-color. However, the paste enters the tube not through one dispenser, as usual, but after several - for each color its own. Each layer of paste is made separately and may have different ones: for example, one layer fights pathogenic bacteria, the second freshens breath, the third cleans plaque and keeps teeth white.

In order for the layers not to mix with each other, they must have a certain consistency: if the density of the paste is insufficient, then, in accordance with the laws of physics and chemistry, the colors will interpenetrate. Ready-made components of the paste from different containers are poured into the tube in parallel layers through separate dispensers. A special machine squeezes out thick and viscous "sausages" of pasta through the back of the tube. After filling the tube with paste, the back walls of the tube are connected and sealed.

As a rule, when squeezing out the paste, you evenly squeeze the tube in the central part, as a result of which approximately the same pressure is exerted on all layers of the paste. Since the density of different layers of the paste is also approximately the same, and they are filled evenly, acceleration of approximately equal force is transmitted to all layers. As a result, evenly colored strips of multi-colored paste appear from the tube.


  • How tricolor toothpaste is put into a tube
  • All colored toothpaste is actually white
  • How toothpaste is made

There are so many different myths about what the colored stripes on toothpaste tubes mean. Allegedly, they talk about harmful substances, about the permitted frequency of using the paste, and about the country or city in which it was actually made. The most advanced manufacturers began to produce toothpastes in tubes with a green stripe, supporting the myth of their naturalness. But in fact, such assumptions are erroneous, and any dentist can confirm this.

The main myths about color labels on tubes

According to some consumers, the colors of the stripes on the tubes of toothpastes, ointments and creams indicate the features of their composition:

  • Red is about synthetic.
  • Green is about ecological.
  • Blue and brown - that the product is half natural.
  • Black - about the content of only chemical components.

Another part of consumers is of the opinion that colored markers indicate the degree of abrasiveness, the presence of protective properties or the cost of hygiene products.

GOST and multi-colored stripes

A modern tube of toothpaste made in Russia must comply with three GOSTs at once:

  • GOST 7983-99 (based on ISO 11609-95) tells about the correct marking of the pasty mass and what it means.
  • GOST 14192 and 28303 designate the requirements for containers.

These documents state that:

  1. It should be indicated on the tube:
    • Product name;
    • brand;
    • trademark;
    • volume;
    • compound;
    • permissible storage conditions;
    • best before date;
    • availability of relevant certificates.
  2. The marking is applied in the language of the manufacturer and the importing country.
  3. Permissible deviations from the mass are 5%.
  4. Packaging materials must be environmentally friendly.

But none of the GOSTs speaks of the meaning of colored stripes on toothpaste and the rules for their application. That is the state does not regulate the procedure for applying a “color barcode” in any way, the company itself decides the issue of labeling toothpaste with colored stripes and can do without these designations.

Why are colored stripes applied?

In fact, the colored stripes on the tubes are an identification mark for the conveyor during automated production. They are necessary for high-quality separation of the tube blank from the conveyor belt.

Stripes on pasta

The technology sensor determines the color marking and cuts off the future tube of toothpaste. After that, the plastic sheet is twisted, glued and filled with gel content. After these manipulations, the tube is finally glued and closed with a cap.

The color of the label on the toothpaste, by and large, does not mean anything. The manufacturer can independently choose the range and height of the strips, regardless of the chemical composition of the product and the shape of the container.

Cream streaks

Creams are marked during the movement of blanks along the conveyor belt in a non-contact way using special color markers read by conveyor sensors. They allow not only to correctly cut and solder the tube, but also indicate the places for drawing drawings and text on the container.

Placement of information about the composition and manufacturer is applied by inkjet method using special ink. That is, red, black and other stripes are needed only in the production of creams using robotic technology.

The true meaning of colors

Despite the simple explanation for the appearance of stripes on toothpaste tubes, a certain color is chosen for them for a reason. The choice of label shade is influenced by:

  • Tube color. A black (dark) stripe on the toothpaste means that the base tone of the blank and the tube is white or just a light shade. Light marks are typical for dark-colored containers, but manufacturers who decide to choose such a shade of the marker are at risk, since the photo sensor may not “catch” it during the soldering process.
  • Limited choice. Usually 4 basic shades are involved in the marking (CMYK - Cyan Magenta Yellow Black). Additionally, a fifth color can be used to print a barcode, text, one light mark.

That is, the correct reading of the marking by the optical sensor depends on the contrast of the band and the main color of the tube. Most often, the marks are darker than the background, which allows the sensors to read the necessary information most efficiently.

Equally important when choosing a marker shade is the packaging design. This means that if there are blue elements on the tube of toothpaste, then the strip on it will be blue. Since the stripes on the tubes of creams and pastes do not mean anything important (impact on the enamel), they may well be replaced by other design elements at the discretion of the manufacturer.

Technological photo marks can be divided into 2 types based on their position on the sheet:

  • horizontal markers are placed for precise cutting of the main workpiece when printing on a rolled laminate web;
  • vertical marks are needed to accurately indicate the location of the incision when soldering the tube so that it is parallel to the main text and image on the final product.

Labeling procedure

The color division depends on the equipment and the number of coloring sections. At the preparatory stage, one primary color is taken, which will contrast most with the color of the tube. Based on it, the features of reading elements and printing a barcode are determined.

If you use two colors at once, for example, blue and black, then this will lead to unreadable text when the equipment is moved. Optical sensors correctly capture one primary color (red, green). Most often, white is used for the background, since all colored stripes are clearly visible on white tubes, the height and width of the marks are discussed individually. This approach allows minimizing the cost of production and placement of information on tubes using a non-contact printing method.

But the color of the marking has nothing to do with the composition of the gel. Typically, tubes are made by a company that has nothing to do with the development of the personal care product itself and dentistry, so its labels, simply by definition, cannot refer to the chemical composition of the pasty mass. If stripes on toothpaste mean anything, it clearly doesn't matter to the end consumer.

Depending on the required parameters of the tube, a large blank sheet is divided into parts of a certain size. As delimiters, light marks are placed. They indicate the place of the incision for the production of a tube of the desired volume. Different colors of markers help to identify manufacturing defects and other technological defects.

The stripes on the toothpaste do not mean anything, so you do not need to look closely at them and look for a secret sign in them. If you need to choose a paste with some specific indicators, you should not look for information about them in the strips. The content of synthetic and natural substances in the gel can be found by reading the information on the composition, placed on the tube.

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Now all the store shelves are literally bursting with an assortment of masking and caring creams with various letter markings. website I decided to figure out how all these cosmetics actually differ and which one is best for you.

BB creams

The name BB cream stands for beauty balm or blemish balm (“beauty balm” or “masking balm”). BB Cream Features:

  • great moisturizer,
  • suitable for any skin type,
  • deal with breakouts
  • dries up inflammation
  • able to even out the tone of the face,
  • eliminates excessive pigmentation,
  • serves as an excellent base for make-up,
  • protects the skin from the sun's rays.

However, despite all its advantages, BB cream can't replace to you basic care product and therefore it is not recommended to completely abandon facial skin care products in favor of this cosmetic product.

CC creams

The fundamental difference between BB and CC creams is that the former are improved versions of foundations, while the latter are advanced correctors with a tinting effect. The name of this cream stands for color control (“color control”). Their task is directly in color correction. Other features of these creams:

  • fight against yellowness or redness of the skin of the face,
  • lighter structure,
  • special light-scattering particles that illuminate the skin and give it a fresh look.

CC creams are not suitable for oily or problematic skin.

DD creams

The abbreviation DD comes from the expression daily defense ("daily protection"). Main purpose these funds protect the skin from the damaging effects of the environment: smog and exhaust gases, solar radiation and toxic substances.

  • You should not abuse this cream, as it can clog pores.
  • Best of all, DD-creams are suitable for aging skin.
  • These cosmetics have a completely transparent texture, so they will not be able to replace the main foundation.

EE creams

Cosmetics with the EE label, which stands for extra exfoliation (“extra exfoliation”). EE Cream Features:

  • removes dead skin cells,
  • protects from sun exposure
  • moisturizes,
  • gives radiance to the skin of the face,
  • fights inflammation.

EE creams should not be used too often, and Not recommended for those with thin and sensitive skin.

PP creams

The cream with the promising name Pink perfect (“pink perfection”) is better known to all of us as Base makeup. Silicone particles in the composition of the cream fill all the irregularities of the skin, smoothing wrinkles, scars and reducing pores.

  • No matter how rich the color of the cream in the tube, on the skin it will become transparent and imperceptible.
  • Before application PP creams important cleanse and moisturize the skin other special care products.
  • PP cream suitable for any skin type, however do not use as independent face makeup product.