Beautiful made from paper with your own hands. DIY paper origami: step-by-step master classes, photo examples

With your own hands

For many years, paper crafts have been considered one of the most popular types of needlework. With enviable frequency, new approaches to it and a variety of branches of this direction appear - here are kirigami, and modern papercrafting, and much more. Below we will talk about how to make paper crafts with your own hands using simple diagrams.

Having devoted a little time to learning, even any child can cope with the listed instructions without any problems.

The first thing you need to do is prepare colored paper, any glue and small scissors. In addition, rhinestones and other materials may be useful for the work in order to give the creation a completed look.

Simple paper crafts

Most often, all children with early childhood show special interest in such a material as paper and this must be used for their benefit. To instill a love for this kind of creativity, mom and dad can use a trick and get the child interested in creating toys by showing photos of handmade paper crafts that they liked the most.

In literally thirty minutes or even less, you can cut out a cute bunny or, for example, a bird, which your child can later play with or use as decor for a child’s room.

How to make a cardboard bird?

  • Using the template, cut out the bird in shape, draw feathers, a key and a tail;
  • Fold a square sheet of any color into an accordion;
  • Make a hole and finally secure the bird's wings in it.

If your child likes making a bird, then you shouldn’t limit yourself to just one. By hanging a few paper birds on a simple wooden stick you can turn them into interesting craft to decorate the entrance, for example, to a children's room or corridor.

Please note that absolutely all complex work that requires cutting something out must first be carried out either personally by adults or under their supervision.

In order for the child to develop neatness, it is necessary to ask him, after completing the work, to put all the tools in the prepared box.

How to make a three-dimensional picture using paper and cardboard?

The lightest paper crafts- these are applications that are taught to be done back in primary school schools.

Of course, beautiful and at the same time three-dimensional picture made by hand from bright colors Can be a great gift for a sister or grandmother from a child. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to spend money on expensive colored paper, since flowers today, according to the instructions, can be made, in principle, from any napkins or even toilet paper.

If you decide to choose the second option and make your own craft from the toilet paper you have on hand, then it is better to give preference to more expensive paper that will have perforations. It can be painted over a little later.

As practice shows, it is even easier to work with napkins and it is only important to ensure that you do not accidentally tear them while performing work.

The sequence of actions should be as follows.

  • First, you need to fold the napkin four times, securing it in the very middle with a stapler.
  • Secondly, a circle is carefully cut out of a napkin and lifting each of its layers in turn, you get enough lush flower.
  • Thirdly, from prepared paper dark green You need to cut out about 10 leaves using a template.
  • Fourth, cut out a basket from brown paper and glue it onto a thick cardboard sheet of any color.

All that remains is to place the flowers and leaves in the basket. If you want something original, you can try making a basket, for example, from corrugated paper or foil, which is used for baking.

Paper crafts for the New Year

An excellent paper decoration for the New Year can be classic snowflakes. There is a huge amount various options how to make beautiful paper snowflakes, most of which a child can easily do by repeating simple steps after their parents.

No less popular crafts are paper balls or garland. To make them look more interesting and unusual, you can sprinkle the product a little with bright iridescent sparkles.

The balls will look interesting if you make them openwork. The easiest way to make such a ball with your own hands is to find its diagram, then carefully cut out the shape and glue it together.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that any paper craft will look good if it was made with soul.

Photos of DIY paper crafts

Nowadays, paper is the cheapest and available material. What can you make from paper with your own hands? The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, a postcard.

DIY gift

Creative with love

A postcard has long ago become a companion to any gift for a celebration, and in some cases a wonderful stand-alone gift. A striking example- valentines. Thick paper or cardboard, various colors, scissors, glue - this is the minimum set of tools that is needed. The easiest option is to fold the sheet in half and decorate with applique. Any decorative material can be used: pieces of fabric, lace, ribbons, buttons, and so on. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. If you have a child, involve him in this activity, he will be delighted. With a little patience, you can get great original work.

You can make a three-dimensional postcard from two layers of paper. To do this, a pattern is applied to the inner layer and cut along the contour in a certain way. Using the game of two colors, you can get such wonderful cards.

Postcards made by you will leave the brightest memories of you

Scrapbooking technique

Postcard decorating techniques are widely used in another type of paper craft - scrapbooking.

– this is the production of family or personal photo albums dedicated to any event: wedding, birthday, travel, any event that can be told about using a photo collage. Scrapbooking has long gone beyond photo albums, and today many things are decorated with this technique: boxes, packaging, pictures, calendars.

Children's photo album

Despite the fact that the necessary materials for this exciting activity You can buy it in specialized stores; there are many recipes online on how to make special paper or decorations for scrapbooking yourself. In particular, paper is made from newspapers, wrapping paper, perfume boxes or even egg boxes, with the addition of grass, thread, glitter or confetti.

Like postcards, scrapbooking uses half beads, ribbons, braid and lace for decorations. In addition, paper decorations made using the technique parchment And quilling

Pergamano technique

– embossing technique on parchment paper. Professional tool can be successfully replaced with a regular pin with a round tip or a crochet hook. Nail clips and the same pin will be useful for making holes. And an old computer mat will serve as a backing. Patience and imagination will help you create works of art.

Pergamano was invented in Europe by nuns during the Middle Ages. This is how they designed the pages of Holy Scripture.
It is believed that they were the first to use another technique - quilling: this is the art of making appliques from rolled thin strips of paper. The nuns wound thin paper strips with gold edges onto bird feathers and used the resulting spirals to decorate books, medallions, and frame icons. Today, quilling masters widely use it in decoration and interior design.

Pergamano “Happy Newborn!”

Even a younger child can master the simplest elements of quilling school age. This activity will help develop Creative skills and imagination in your children.

Various paper applications

Sweet home

Origami - paper crafts

Origami is called the art of a whole sheet, because the classical technique forbade not only cutting the sheet, but even tearing it. Children enjoy folding paper figures; this activity will help instill in your child hard work, perseverance and creativity. With the help of origami you can not only have fun, but also create an amazing item for, for example, a children's room.

White paper butterflies

Large colored butterflies fan out

You can decorate a chandelier on the ceiling with paper products

Paper decorations for any celebration

You can make fan decorations from gift or colored paper

Paper flowers

We draw, cut and round.

You can make not only cute trinkets from paper with your own hands, but also very useful things in everyday life. Everyone has a stack of old newspapers and magazines in their house. We move the growing pile from place to place, to the closet, to the balcony, to the garage, until we finally decide to take all this stuff to the trash. In the meantime, you can create such miracles from old newspapers and magazines.

Products from newspaper tubes, twisted in a special way and painted with acrylic paint, cannot be distinguished from wickerwork made from wicker.

Cardboard furniture

House for children

Cardboard creative

Try to do something with your child, and warm memories of this event will remain in his soul forever.

It’s fun and easy to do, the main thing is to choose a topic that will be interesting to children. Despite the fact that today you can use any materials for children's creativity, but paper still remains a favorite. Working with her is interesting and easy at any age: from the youngest kindergarten students to primary schoolchildren.

If we consider, then the most common subjects for creativity are various animals and insects, and if we create three-dimensional figures, then we suggest you make multi-colored caterpillars. Although it seems that this is an elementary craft, we will present to you the most interesting master classes, which will be interesting to repeat with your own hands.

Sometimes to create volumetric crafts made from paper with your own hands, you need to buy some special paper, thick enough, with embossing or an unusual pattern. But for our master classes you don’t have to go shopping looking for unusual materials, we need to buy the most common set of colored sheets. For a multi-colored caterpillar, we will need the entire palette of colors.

Sometimes just cutting it out is enough paper craft templates, volumetric Then glue the figures together, but for this work you don’t even need printed templates. The main detail our creative assignment there will be an oval, and since we will have to cut out several identical ovals, it would be more correct to prepare one cardboard stencil and then transfer it to colored sheets.

    colorful sheets

    glue stick

  • simple pencil

    the eyes for dolls are small (and if there are no movable eyes in the nearest stores, they can be easily made from a white paper circle and a black marker)

This is the whole set necessary materials, but rest assured that three-dimensional crafts made from paper and cardboard will turn out beautiful and unique. So, we have a suitable “Oval” stencil and we need to outline it on colored sheets, and the more colors there are, the more elegant and colorful the caterpillar will turn out. You can cut out 2-3 ovals from one color and then glue them, alternating with each other.

In total, you need to cut out at least 10 oval blanks, but more are possible, for example, the caterpillar presented in the master class consists of 14 oval parts. Each oval must be bent in half, or better yet, bend all the blanks so that one half is literally a couple of centimeters larger than the other. The larger part will subsequently become the upper part, and with the help of the lower part we will connect the workpieces to each other.

When you glue the blanks together, you should leave a space of about 1 cm between adjacent ones. The outermost oval (from which the caterpillar will be formed) should be larger than the rest: it should be the same in width as the others, but in length by 1-2 see more. To decorate the caterpillar's head, you should also cut out two “horns” blanks, one “mouth” and glue doll eyes to the outer part. At the end, you just need to straighten all the paper parts to get a neat caterpillar. And such volumetric crafts made from colored paper It’s fun to make at any age, or you can make a caterpillar part of an autumn composition.

Volumetric paper crafts for children

Eat special techniques how to create volumetric paper crafts, diagrams are first printed, then the template is cut out along the contour and folds are made along dotted lines. After which the workpiece is folded and obtained three-dimensional figurine. But something like this definitely won’t work, so we present you with the simplest and most accessible ideas. For such work, you don’t even need a printer, and certainly don’t have to look for special diagrams; you just need to arm yourself with scissors and buy a set of colored sheets.

Caterpillars are the most interesting voluminous paper crafts for children preschool age, and you can organize a whole competition where kids will present their fantastic caterpillars. This kind of work has one more advantage - children will be able to make such a craft on their own, without the help of their parents.

First of all, we have to cut about 10 strips of the same size - 10x2 cm, using multi-colored sheets. In addition to this, we will need one more piece of paper - a large piece of paper, on which we will form a multi-colored caterpillar from rings.

Every paper strip You need to roll it into a ring and glue the ends together. It is from these rings that we will build our caterpillar. When all 10 rings are ready, you can take a green leaf as a base and form a craft on it. The first 2-3 rings must be glued to the base leaf and glued together. The next 3-4 rings will come off “from the ground,” just like the body of a caterpillar does when it crawls along the surface. And the last 2-3 also need to be glued to the base.

To give the caterpillar a finished look, we only need a felt-tip pen with which we can draw eyes and a mouth.

It's real fun for a child to create volumetric paper crafts, diagrams, templates should be chosen based only on the preschooler’s hobbies. And if you know that your child will be interested in making his favorite cartoon character. You can also choose thematic works for the holidays to congratulate loved ones and loved ones.

Through creativity, a child is taught not only to take care of the surrounding nature, but also to love and know his history. IN last years element of training sessions in kindergarten became exactly craft, voluminous paper dove can be done by May 9, while at the same time telling the preschooler about the heroism of our compatriots and the tragic pages of the history of our state.

No need to buy for the pigeon whole set color, any will suit White list, on which you need to print the template. This template consists of two parts: one part is a body and voluminous ponytail, and the second is the wings. It is enough just to cut out both parts, make cuts along the lines, bend and glue them. Or maybe the child will be interested in making crafts that contribute to the development of imagination. For example, by May 9, you can make a bouquet of red carnations or make a composition with an eternal flame and a snow-white obelisk.

3D paper crafts for children. 100 ideas

The most common material for creating simple crafts is colored paper. Indeed, working with paper is not only easy, but also fun. Working with paper is also an excellent exercise for little ones' fingers. Considering all these advantages of paper, we decided to offer you crafts made from colored paper for kids. Here you can see the most bright ideas and try to have fun with your child.

Craft ideas made from colored paper


Today there are a huge number of paper crafts for children. But we hasten to offer you only the most best ideas. For example, all children love the daisy flower. Therefore, they will be happy to do it. To create a flower you will need:

  • multi-colored paper and a sheet of cardboard,
  • PVA glue and scissors.


  1. From sheets of paper white long strips are cut. To ensure that the stripes are even, lines are first drawn on a sheet of paper with a pencil and a ruler.
  2. Then from paper yellow color cut out circles that will be the middle of the chamomile.
  3. It is also worth cutting out 3 long strips of green paper and several leaves.
  4. You need to make petals from white stripes. White strips are glued together on both sides to create loops.
  5. Then all the elements are glued to the cardboard. (Please note the photo).

Paper goldfish.

All crafts made from colored paper that we list in this article are suitable for children 4-5 years old. To make a fish you should take:

  • a sheet of thick cardboard and a round plate,
  • ruler and scissors,
  • colored paper and PVA glue,
  • a simple pencil and elements for decorating the fish.


  1. First we cut out the fish figurine. To do this, take a plastic plate, place it on cardboard and the child traces its contours. Then the resulting circle is cut out.
  2. Use a pencil to draw straight lines to the edges of the plate. In this case, you need to use a ruler so that a triangle is formed. Now the baby must cut out this triangle.
  3. The piece that was recently cut will be the tail of the fish. It is glued to the back of the cardboard circle.
  4. Now you need to draw an eye or cut it out of colored paper.
  5. That's all simple craft ready. You can simply admire it or use it in children's games.

Original butterfly made from children's hands.

Very entertaining applications can be made from the contours of children's palms. In addition, such an activity can please your child and give him a lot of positive emotions.

On a note! Save this craft so that you can remember the size of your child’s hands in the future.

To make a craft, take:

  • Colored paper and scissors,
  • White sheets and glue stick,
  • Elements for decoration.


  1. The baby must first place his left palm and then his right palm on the sheets of paper. Using a pencil, an adult traces the contours of the palm. As a result, it is worth making 4 palms of different colors. They will be the wings of a butterfly.
  2. Per sheet white cardboard Now the palms are glued. (Please note the photo).
  3. After which an oval is drawn on a colored sheet. It must become the body of a butterfly. The child must glue it between the wings and palms.
  4. Now you need to draw eyes and a smile with felt-tip pens.
  5. You can use completely different elements to decorate the wings. It could be sparkles or sequins. You can also apply ready-made stickers.

Beautiful paper applique.

In this article you can find Not complex crafts for kids made of colored paper. These items will be fun and easy to make. Invite your child to make an applique from colored paper. Surely he will enjoy this activity. To create an application you will need to prepare:

  • a sheet of thick cardboard and a simple pencil,
  • scissors and glue, colored paper.


Heart "With love".

Crafts made from colored paper for kids must be bright. In this case, the process of creating them will definitely interest the child. To make the following craft you need to take:

  • Thick sheet of cardboard and PVA glue,
  • Corrugated paper of different colors and scissors.


  1. Draw an even heart on a piece of cardboard. It should have a size of 20x20 cm. Cut out this heart.
  2. Colored corrugated paper is cut into 2x2 cm squares.
  3. These squares are glued as follows. A small area of ​​the heart is coated with glue and a square is glued to it. Using a toothpick, the edges of this square are raised.
  4. This way you need to fill the entire space of the heart.

Cute caterpillar.

To make it fun and interesting for children to make crafts of various kinds, be sure to offer them only bright colored paper to work with.

To make a caterpillar, take: colored paper and glue.

Making a caterpillar is incredibly easy. The base cardboard is being prepared. Circles are cut from sheets of colored paper. Why should the circles be different sizes. The largest circle is the head. The circle of smaller diameter is the tail. Glue all the parts onto cardboard.

On a large circle, use a black felt-tip pen to draw facial features and make hairs with horns from black paper.


Here we offer you simple crafts made from colored paper. Do ladybug very simple. Take cardboard and glue for this.


  1. A circle is cut out of red cardboard. Circles and stripes are glued onto it.
  2. The legs and head are cut out separately from black cardboard. All these elements are glued to the red circle on the inside.
  3. Now all that remains is to glue on the eyes and antennae, which can also be made from colored cardboard.

Volume cat.

Making a voluminous cat is simple and very quick. To make a cat, take:


  1. In order to make a cat you will need a template. It is downloaded and cut out.
  2. Make 4 cuts in the template. They are made along marked, solid lines.
  3. The neck bends like an accordion and the tail curls.
  4. The paws along the line also need to be bent and glued to a piece of cardboard.


Now you know what crafts to make with preschoolers from colored paper. We hope that the above ideas are wonderful for you and that you will be able to get creative with your child in the very near future.

Do you want to learn how to make paper flowers with your own hands? You've come to the right place! 🙂 Here we have prepared for you an excellent selection of photos and master classes, including new ones for 2019, designed for different levels skill. After all, you can make flowers from paper, both simple (children’s crafts) and complex ones that cannot be distinguished from real ones.

First, of course, you need to decide what kind of paper and what techniques you plan to use for your crafts.

Let's look at all possible paper flowers in more detail. Following step by step photos In master classes, as well as videos from YouTube, you will learn how to make the same beautiful 3D flowers.

Corrugated (crepe) paper is good because flower elements can be made voluminous by slightly pushing apart the microfolds of the texture with your fingers, and you get flowers with curved, convex petals.

The simplest flower made of corrugated paper:

Pansies, buttercups

cute buttercups and pansies : to create wildflowers you need to cut out identical petals, which are combined and secured with wire or glued to a wooden skewer, the stem is wrapped in a strip of green paper.

Rose and rosehip

The simplest craft - corrugated paper rose, which even children can do.

We cut out 3 circles from red crepe paper, place them on top of each other, then roll them into a cone and fasten them with a stapler approximately in the middle. Then turn it halfway out and straighten the petals. We attach it to a skewer, which we wrap in green crepe paper. Glue the leaves. Simple rose ready.

Volume roses more impressively done like this:

Simple small roses in 10 minutes (How to make a flower out of paper -):

"Roses". Christina Matishina.
Made from corrugated paper.

AND detailed instructions how to make lush roses with your own hands -


"Flowers in a vase. Hyacinths made of corrugated paper." Senior group No. 5 MBDOU No. 267 of Izhevsk. Teacher Kochurova G.V.


Beautiful and naturalistic peony It is obtained from tinted crepe paper: to obtain large voluminous petals, place a white piece of corrugated paper on a cup, spray it with water from a spray bottle, and straighten it to the shape of the cup. Paint it with yellow and pink paint and let it dry. We take the core ready-made or make it from yellow crepe paper, paste it with our lush petals.

Application “Basket of peonies” -


Daffodils And lotus

Please note that the technique for assembling flowers is the same, but the shape and number of petals are different for everyone; this photo shows diagrams and patterns of petals and the shape of the core of different flowers:

These cutting stencils are easy to make with your own hands:

The finished flower, planted on a stem, needs to be supplemented with green crepe paper sepals:

These simple paper flowers were sent to us by Tatyana from St. Petersburg. The manufacturing technology is simple, but the bouquet looks wonderful in this children’s craft.

Paper carnations from Masha Shevtsova.

Large growth flowers

Large flowers made from corrugated paper turn out simply gorgeous, even with them adult woman may feel like Thumbelina. It can be used to decorate a hall for a holiday, a photo zone for taking beautiful memorable photographs, it can be hung on the wall or given to the hero of the occasion. How to make voluminous growth peonies with your own hands is shown in this video:

Just giant roses:

There are more quick option- huge but simple flowers:

Little flowers

You can also make miniature charming spring bouquets - apple or cherry flowers corrugated paper:

pink buds, snowdrops, coltsfoot,

crocuses and daffodils,

poppies, cornflowers,

forget-me-nots... It all depends only on your imagination.

Flower using lollipop

Using a small ball (we took lollipop), you can get fantasy flower with very fluffy petals that will keep their shape, it is advisable to lubricate the ends with PVA glue so that they do not unwind.

We cut out 5 squares from corrugated paper and wrap them around the lollipop so that the “tail” is longer on one side than on the other.

For the core, fold a strip of red crepe paper several times, cut the ends - these are the “stamens”.

Place the core between long tips petals, wrap everything around the stem stick. We wrap the stem with a strip of green corrugated paper.

It turns out such an original flower with lush petals.


Delicate first spring flowers snowdrops -


Tender lights (swimsuits). For the petals, you need to cut out several identical circles, in which one edge curls into a tube, and the other expands and curves. For the core, a strip of paper is cut and rolled into a roll. By the way, see how to make a swimsuit from foamiran.

Chrysanthemums, daisies, carnations

All master classes on making these flowers from crepe paper are on a separate page


Craft made from crepe paper and real seeds. :


Charming flowers - crepe paper poppies - :


Crocuses are spring flowers, so they are often made by March 8th. You can make a simple and cute bouquet of flowers -.

Corrugated paper flowers with candies

Corrugated paper makes excellent

Simplest children's version tulips made of corrugated paper with candies. On March 8, we decided to make tulips for our teachers, because these are the most spring flowers. We chose truffles from the candies, and decided to try making the stems without skewers. For this we needed:

  • thick green double-sided paper,
  • red corrugated paper,
  • red threads,
  • glue (stationery or PVA),
  • as well as packaging film for flowers and ribbon(the bouquet should look like a real one).

Cut for stems green paper strips and twisted them into spirals.

Petals were cut out from red corrugated paper elongated shape, pointed on one side, six pieces for each flower. Use your fingers to carefully spread the fibers in the middle of the petal so that it becomes slightly convex.

The candy was inserted into the spiral of the stem, twisted tightly and glued.

Then they wrapped the candy with petals, like a real tulip - three inside and three outside. In order not to bother with glue (such thin paper one might say it melts under the liquid glue), they simply tied it with red thread to match the paper.

Leaves similar in shape to the long leaves of a tulip were cut out of green paper and glued to the bottom of the stem.

Two more of these flowers - and the bouquet is ready. All that remains is to wrap it in film and tie it with a ribbon.

The paper tulips are ready, there are three bouquets.

You can take it to kindergarten and give it to them.

Another option for tulips made from candies:

Simple clove

Another option to assemble a flower from corrugated paper is to string the edge long strip on a thread, but here you need to act very carefully so that the thin paper does not tear.

The result is a carnation flower - quick and easy.

Flowers from napkins

Very easy to do crafts - flowers from napkins.

Master class by Elena Ermasheva on how to make bouquet of napkins with your own hands.

For so original bouquet you will need:

  • paper napkins: yellow and Pink colour(35 pieces);
  • bamboo kebab sticks (13 pieces);
  • PVA glue;
  • bronze acrylic paint with glitter;
  • green paint;
  • brush;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pen or pencil;
  • plastic jar;
  • decorative shavings;
  • satin ribbon;
  • linen fabric;
  • 0.5 liter plastic bottle;
  • small pebbles.

Paint the sticks green paint, let dry.

For a bouquet of 13 roses you will need 117 circles with a diameter of 8 cm, 9 pieces per 1 flower. Cut out the required number of petal blanks.

For 1 flower you need to fold 7 circles in half.

Grease the edge of the fold of each circle with glue. Place the stick on the semicircle and twist the petal onto the stick.

In this way, carefully glue the remaining petals.

Pierce two circles in the center with a stick.

Lubricate the upper circle with glue in three places. Glue to the finished petals.

Glue the last circle in the same way, the flower is ready.

Let's do it vase for a bouquet.

Flowers made of colored paper

For volumetric flowers You will need special double-sided paper. Regular school colored paper is also suitable for applications.

The simplest bouquet made of colored paper

Making such a bouquet from colored paper with your own hands is quite simple. Even a child can cope with this task. That is why the craft - great gift mom on .

If the child is not yet good with scissors, parents can help him. And you shouldn’t interfere with the rest of the process. Creativity with children is an important part of parenting. It develops creative thinking, sense of beauty. In addition, the child sees the mother’s joy from the gift received and becomes happy himself.

colored paper;

Guide to creating a bouquet from colored paper

Take a whole sheet of green colored paper. Lubricate the long edges with glue. Fold the sheet in half horizontally so that the edges stick together. We cut the paper from the fold to the gluing point to a width of 1 cm.

Lubricate the base of the workpiece with glue.

Roll the paper into a tube. Secure with paper clips until the glue dries.

Cut out flower blanks. We use several shades. It will be more convenient to first draw a template, and then cut out the flowers along the contour. Several yellow circles will serve as flower cores.

Glue the centers to the flowers.

We glue each flower to a separate piece of colored paper.

Distribute the flowers evenly throughout the bouquet. We straighten the leaves. The children's bouquet is ready:

“Postcard for March 8th!” Safonova Svetlana Alexandrovna.
Application made of colored paper. Gift card by March 8th.

We will need colored paper in red, purple, light green, yellow, and green. It is advisable to use glossy colored paper. Cut out three flowers different shapes. Large, medium and smallest, and so on three times. Then we glue it onto the folded cardboard first big flower, then less, and so on three times. Cut out a vase from purple paper and glue it onto the card. We make three yellow circles, make the centers into our flowers and glue them. Then we cut out three stems and glue them from the flowers to the vase. Cut out the green leaves and glue them on. This is how the card turned out!

This video shows how to make paper daisies, they look very naturalistic, almost life-like:

Daffodils. Master Class

This master class describes the process of making daffodils from colored double-sided paper. The flowers turn out so realistic that they are difficult to distinguish from real plants.

To work you will need:
· simple pencil;
· School line;
· scissors;
· double-sided colored paper in orange, yellow and green shades;
· PVA glue;
· thin wooden sticks;
· small vase.

Description of work

Take half a standard sheet of yellow double-sided paper. Prepare a ruler and a simple pencil.

Draw squares with sides of 5 cm on a piece of paper. Cut them with scissors according to graphic drawing. For 5 colors you need to prepare 10 squares.

Take 1 square and make 4 cuts on it, as shown in the photo. Then take 1 wooden stick or a pen rod and slightly twist the corners of the paper blank.

This will form your petals. For one flower you need to prepare 2 identical blanks.

Glue them together so that the petals of the top piece are between the petals of the bottom piece.

To make the center for the daffodil, you need to cut out a circle from orange double-sided paper. After this, bend the circle using a rod, as shown in the photo.

Glue the center to the center of the yellow blanks. One flower is ready.

Using the same principle, make 4 more flowers. This is how daffodils turn out.

To make stems, prepare thin wooden sticks and strips of green double-sided paper.

Just cover the sticks with green stripes and the stems are ready.

Cut thin long leaves from green paper. Using scissors, slightly curl one end of each leaf.

Glue 2 leaves onto the stems.

Now all that remains is to fix the buds at the top of the stems.

Beautiful artificial flowers they look no worse than alive.

Collect them in a bouquet and place them in a low narrow vase. They look amazing!

The advantage of such a bouquet is that you can admire its beauty for more than one day, because the paper will never wither.

Daffodils are not the only flowers that can be made. Experiment and your home will be decorated with a variety of flowering plants. For example, the faithful companion of spring daffodils are tulips, how to make them from paper easily and simply, look at the video:

Blue forget-me-not flower made of watercolor paper

Beautiful voluminous flowers for decorating cards and gift boxes you can do it yourself. There is such a wonderful direction in needlework - paper-plastic, which allows you to create incredible beautiful flowers and bouquets. Due to plasticity watercolor paper, making flowers for scrapbooking is not difficult.

Necessary tools and materials for forget-me-nots:

  1. Blue watercolor paper;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Stencil in the form of a flower with 5 petals;
  4. Container with water;
  5. Ball tool;
  6. Sponge;
  7. Soft cloth;
  8. PVA glue;
  9. Pearl half beads.

Description of work

First you need to make a stencil of a flower with five petals: you can draw it by hand or print it on a printer. Cut out using a stencil even number flowers made of watercolor paper.

Place flowers in water for 5-10 minutes. Don’t be afraid to overexpose it, watercolor paper is quite thick and takes a long time to soak in water. After the allotted time, blot the workpieces with a napkin to remove excess liquid. If you can't find colored watercolor paper, you can color regular white paper with food coloring, gel pens, felt-tip pens or gouache. This should be done while the paper is wet.

Place the flower on a damp soft cloth. Using a tool with a ball at the end or any other object with a rounded end (for example, the tip of a pen, brush), press on the edge of the petal and move it forcefully towards the center. Do the same steps with all the petals. This will give the flower some relief.

Now transfer the flower to a thick sponge and press down the center of the flower. Here the recess should be larger than in the petals.

After squeezing out the petals, turn the second flower inside out and press it in the center in the same way.

You should get these two types of flowers: with petals curved up and down.

Place the flowers on a flat surface and leave until completely dry. Dried flowers turn out very hard, reminiscent of cardboard.

Now it's time to assemble. Glue a flower with petals inward into a flower with petals curved outward. PVA glue is great for watercolor paper.

Glue a half bead into the center of the flower.

The embossed watercolor paper flower is ready! These flowers were used for decoration. Flowers made from watercolor paper are quite rigid, so they can be used to decorate wicker boxes and baskets, and also be used as interior decoration.

Easter bouquet of snowdrops. Zabrodina Anna.

Simple DIY paper flower

From ordinary white paper, using a very simple method, you can make beautiful, elegant flowers that will definitely find use in your creativity. First of all, this is the creation voluminous postcards using a technique that is often practiced by needlewomen, and the indicated flowers can be collected in a bouquet or simply complemented with them flower arrangement. A small, lush accent will definitely attract attention to a wall newspaper or ad, beautiful box or package.

What you need to prepare to create such a flower:

White office paper;
water and brush;
gouache or watercolor paints;
decorative stamens;
a piece of thin wire.

How to make a lush flower with your own hands step by step

1. The list of materials used deliberately does not indicate the colors of paint and decorative stamens that can be used to create a flower, because they can be chosen according to your wishes. The base of the flower is ordinary white office paper, and then you can paint the product with any colors, according to your taste or need. First you need to take scissors and a sheet of white paper.

2. Cut out the first flower with oblong petals, 6 pieces, from paper. But the shape of the flower may be slightly different, but it is desirable that the petals be oblong.

3. Using the first flower as a template, cut out 6 equal layers of white paper. The more layers you use to create a list, the more magnificent the product you will get. You don’t have to worry about evenness and accuracy.

4. Using a brush and plain water, wet the petals. Dip the tip of the brush into water and brush over the petals as if painting them.

5. While the paper is still wet, squeeze each petal, conveniently using the same brush or pen, applying it to a rounded surface. This way, you will not only bend each petal into a kind of accordion, but also make them turn outward.

6. Do the same procedure with all the other petals, leave all layers to dry.

7. While the layers of the flower are drying, prepare a bunch of stamens. Since a white and yellow flower is shown here, the stamens were chosen accordingly. Take 6 or 7 double-sided stamens of white and yellow color, use a wire to find the middle and bend in half to get a bunch. Twist the end of the wire until it becomes sharp. In the future, the wire will help secure the stamens in the center.

8. Begin to fasten the dried layers of the white flower. Glue the second layer onto the first layer, moving it.

9. Then glue all other layers in the same way. Here is a preparation for a lush flower.

10. Make a small hole in the center of the flower with scissors and stretch the tip of the wire, fixing the stamens. Cut the bottom of the bush and coat it with glue.

11. Choose a paint color and lightly paint over the top of the flower, leaving white gaps to make it even more elegant.

12. Beautiful flower made from paper, made by yourself - an excellent addition to.

Simple autumn bouquet - aster

An autumn bouquet made of paper will be an interesting DIY craft for children. Autumn is the time of year that gives us colorful colors and incredible materials for creativity. The craft is bright bouquet, decorated with flowers that look like asters, autumn leaves and a bow.

  • set of cardboard and paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • black capillary pen;
  • half beads-crystals;
  • brocade bow;
  • maple leaf template (or a special hole punch in the shape of any leaf).

How to make an autumn bouquet step by step

Prepare cardboard and paper for work. Thick paper (in in this case used green color) is necessary to create the foundation. You can also prepare waste cardboard from packaging or colored plastic for this purpose. Bright sheets from the set are needed to create flowers and leaves. If you use single-sided paper for flowers, the reverse side of which is white, you will get interesting two-color buds.

From a thick sheet prepared for the base, cut out a piece shaped like a bouquet. The upper part will expand, and the lower part will have a tail, like a bouquet.

Cut out several maple leaves (or you can prepare blanks of a different shape, for example, oak, chestnut or birch leaves). It is better to use yellow, orange, brown or red paper for this work. Use a capillary pen to apply veins. The leaves should be small - this is an addition to the bouquet, which echoes autumn theme. Make 5 or more blanks.

Glue the prepared leaves onto the base. You can glue four on top, one on the bottom, or distribute them as you wish.

Additionally, cut out oblong leaves. These are directly the leaves of the asters, which will become the central decoration of the postcard. Curl each leaf with the same scissors. Long details are a decoration for the bouquet.

To create buds, prepare thin brushwood from pink paper. Cut the leaf into thin strips and divide each into segments about 10cm or so long.

Fold each piece into a loop, overlapping the edges on top of each other. back side paper may be white.

Cut circles for flowers from paper of any color. Lubricate the circles with glue and begin to apply loops around the circumference, forming flowers.

Glue on two or more rows of loops to create full buds. Decorate the centers with half beads. You can choose half beads to match the flowers or use yellow details.

Model three or more aster flowers to decorate the bouquet.

Stick autumn flowers in the center of the bouquet.

Decorate the lower part of the composition with a brocade bow to disguise imperfections and make the bouquet look complete.

Interesting autumn craft ready from paper.


For example, to do paper daisy, cut out two blanks from white paper and several from yellow, glue the core onto the main shape:


For roses It will take more preparation and effort, but the result will be impressive: fold the square of scarlet paper twice in half and once diagonally. Cut off the tip and wide edge in a semicircle, make 4 such layer blanks with 8 petals. To create volume, cut one side of the workpiece and glue it together to create different widths of the workpiece: 6, 5, 4 and 3 petals. Twist the petals, insert the layers into each other and glue them. Fold the leaves of green paper like an accordion.

"My scarlet rose." Sivolapova Polina.
To make this rose, you needed red double-sided paper (colored printer paper).

Another interesting option- two-color: here you will need not only scissors and glue, but also stationery knife for cutting.

A simple option on how to quickly do it. Fold 2-3 sheets of paper into one accordion, tie them in the middle, and trim the edges in a semicircle. All that remains is to gently fluff the petals:

Simple flowers

Simple flowers can be done in a spiral way: on a sheet of colored paper, draw a classic spiral or a wavy one with petals, cut it out and twist it into flowers.


And even if you make circles of paper of different diameters and cut out petals in them, you will get a very lush flower - a dahlia.

Flower made from curled strips of paper:

Another option on how to do it ribbon rose, paper or fabric, simply bending the petals at the desired angle and rolling them into a roll:

Video from YouTube:

Hyacinths Elizara Polyakova:

Large flowers for the photo zone

Flowers for office Decorations for photo shoot locations can be made from double-sided colored paper.

For example, in this video, paper with a density of 160 g was used, 15 - 24 pieces were needed. Templates can be found, for example, here: How to make a photo zone from paper flowers:

For a photo zone you need a frame on which the canvas is stretched, and then flowers are attached to it with wire and hot glue:

Another option is to make beautiful hanging compositions, for example, these:

Paper flowers opening in water

You can spend interesting time with a small child at home. This simple but fascinating miracle craft will interest your baby. Making flowers together will bring pleasure to everyone.

You will need:

  • colored (both sides) xerox paper;
  • office white paper;
  • colour pencils;
  • glass of water;
  • white shallow plate;
  • stapler,
  • circle templates with a diameter of 6, 10 and 12 cm (for larger complex options colors).

Simple option

Draw several flower options on a white sheet of paper, approximately 4-5 cm in diameter with not very large petals. Can different colors and petal shapes. Now they need to be cut out. Bend the petals of each flower into the center in a circle, one on top of the other.

When the flowers are ready, place a plate and pour some water into it. Now you can lay out the paper flowers with the folded petals facing up. And then an amazing transformation will occur. All the petals will open and flowers will bloom on the water.
This action occurs because the paper absorbs water and tries to return to original appearance. This means that it straightens in places where it is folded. It turns out that the flower is blooming.

Flowers can be immediately cut out from colored xerox paper. You can glue something funny or draw something inside the flower. Optional.

More complex option

Option #1. original flower Can be made large in 3 layers. Take xerox paper and staple it in the middle. Using the template, draw two circles with a difference of 2 cm between them. Draw petals in the resulting donut. The finger will serve as a template. Cut out the flower, taking three layers at a time.
Now fold the petals correctly in the center. One after another, overlapping each other. And so on for all three circles. All that remains is to launch it into the water and see. The flower will open layer by layer. The baby will love it.

Option number 2. This flower can also be made in 2-3 layers. Only now the difference between the circles will be 4-5 cm. You will get long petals. Now each petal must be twisted inward with a pencil. You can use a thinner diameter.