How to hypnotize yourself: special hypnosis techniques. Mind control or how to learn hypnosis yourself

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There are three ways to psychically influence others.

Firstly, this is direct suggestion. Here the voice, appearance, and gaze are used. This includes both voluntary and involuntary suggestions.

Involuntary suggestion is the impression we make on others.

Secondly, these are special thought waves that arise as a result of mental effort. One person sends them to another deliberately, wanting to achieve a certain goal.

Thirdly, this is the so-called personal magnetism, that is, the attractive property of thoughts sent by a person.

We have already touched on the question of which people are more susceptible to suggestion. In this chapter we will continue the conversation on this topic. Our mind performs two main functions. The first, active, is characterized by conscious, volitional thinking. In other words, this is willpower, a person’s ability to make independent decisions and analyze his actions. The second function, passive, is the absolute opposite of the first.

The passive function is used much more often than the active one, and does not require any effort on the part of the person’s will.

People who use mainly the passive function of the mind do not create their own thoughts and do not live by their own mind. These people rarely think and are subject to herd mentality. Of course, they are much easier to manage: they are not always able to say “no”, they are not used to thinking about their actions. A hypnotist can easily inspire such a person with any thought.

Conversely, difficulties can arise with people who are accustomed to being responsible for their actions, living and thinking independently, analyzing events, and who are not afraid to go against the majority. Such people do not accept anything blindly on faith; they are accustomed to checking everything.

But even such people can be hypnotized by choosing a moment when they are very tired or overly relaxed.

Of course, all people cannot be divided into two categories: active and passive. An ordinary person always combines features of both types, it’s just that one function is more pronounced in him. One of the first tasks of a hypnotist is to lull a person's vigilance. This can be achieved through various methods of mental influence. You can develop the powers of your own subconscious and thoughts through the exercises that will be given below. Another important component of success is believing in yourself and your strengths. Every person can learn to influence other people. Sometimes all you need is self-confidence. It should be worked out. This will help solve many internal problems.

How to hypnotize a person and resist hypnosis

Now let's move on to practice. Hypnosis is carried out not with the help of some supernatural powers that only magicians can master, but in very real ways accessible to everyone.

One of these methods is the conversation technique. It is necessary to conduct a conversation in such a way as to interest the person and find common topics. When you manage to find a topic that is close to your interlocutor, you need to show the art of an intelligent and attentive listener. Leading a person to a frank conversation is perhaps the most important thing in the art of conversation.

By drawing the right conclusions, it is easy to find a way in which you can influence the consciousness of another person.

The best intonation is similar to the intonation of your interlocutor. Don't try to talk over him if he's talking too loudly. On the contrary, it is better to lower your voice, and then your interlocutor will also begin to speak more quietly. With the help of your voice you can bewitch a person, force him to listen and, as a result, suggest anything. The main thing is to be able to use this tool.

The gaze is also of great importance in hypnosis. Everyone knows about the existence of the concept of a “magnetic gaze”, with the help of which you can hypnotize a person.

The power of influence of human eyes is great: after all, they are called the mirror of the soul; the power of thought of their owner is reflected in the eyes.

You can charm with a glance, or you can repel. The human gaze can influence even animals. A magnetic gaze directly transmits strong thought vibrations to the brain of another person, which are capable of producing an effect close to hypnotic.

When talking to another person, you should look him straight in the eyes. However, you should not glare at your interlocutor as if to drill a hole in him. The look should express strong will, firmness and concentration. Try to keep your interlocutor's attention at all times. Only by holding his gaze can you make an effective suggestion.

When a person is under the pressure of a magnetic gaze, it is difficult for him to think and reason - he is more easily suggestible.

During the course of hypnosis, a dishonest person can not only rob you, but also suggest some action, lure you into a sect, etc.

Remember that under no circumstances should you be influenced by someone you don’t know.

If you find that someone is looking at you with the intention of hypnotizing, convince yourself that you will not be influenced. Mentally create a barrier that will prevent the hypnotist from putting you into a trance state. Try to avoid an attractive gaze; under no circumstances look your interlocutor in the eyes. It’s best not to talk to dubious people at all, so avoid making acquaintances on the street or on public transport in every possible way.

Magnetic gaze technique

Let's turn to the magnetic gaze technique.

A magnetic gaze is not an innate gift. It can be learned. There are several special exercises that will help you do this. If you train constantly and persistently, you will soon notice that under the influence of your gaze people become somewhat confused and unsure of themselves.

Almost anyone can learn the magnetic gaze technique. You just need to have a strong desire to influence people.

Having mastered the magnetic gaze technique, use it only when necessary, since the impact on the human psyche never goes unnoticed for anyone. At the moment of hypnotic influence, you take responsibility for a person subordinate to your will.

However, while you are just training, you can test the power of your gaze on others.

Exercise 1

The exercises described below may seem a little boring to you, but they will bring real results if you do them systematically and seriously.

To complete the first exercise you will need a piece of paper. Draw a small circle on it, about 1 cm in diameter, and paint it black. Hang the sheet on the wall at the height of your eyes in a sitting position. Then sit on a chair at a distance of 1 m from the sheet and look closely at the circle. You must look without blinking for 1 minute. After this, rest a little and then repeat the exercise. In total you need to make five approaches.

Then move the sheet to the right a short distance (about 80 cm) from its original position. Sit in your seat and look at the wall opposite you without looking at the paper. Then, without turning your head, move your gaze to the spot and look, without blinking, for 1 minute.

Repeat this exercise 4 more times.

Move the paper the same distance to the left of the original position, look at the paper for 1 minute. The number of repetitions of the exercise is 5 times.

This entire complex needs to be performed for 3 days, and then the time of looking at the circle is increased to 2 minutes. Do the exercise again for 3 days, and then increase the time to 3 minutes. Continue doing the exercise daily, increasing the time by 1 minute every 3 days.

This exercise, despite its apparent simplicity, is very important on the path to the magnetic gaze technique, as it teaches you to look into the eyes of another with confidence and persuasiveness.

You can look without stopping at another person for 30 minutes. But 15 minutes is enough to make any suggestion you need.

Exercise 2

The second exercise is similar to the first, but complements it and makes it more effective.

Stand in front of the mirror and look into your eyes just as intently as before in the circle. Increase the time gradually, as in the first exercise. Thanks to this training, you will learn to tolerate the gaze of other people and give expressiveness to your eyes.

Your eyes will be able to acquire the expression you need at one time or another.

The second exercise must be combined with the first. This will help you achieve optimal results.

Exercise 3

To perform the third exercise, stand in front of a wall at a distance of 90 cm. Place a piece of paper with a drawn circle at eye level. Then, without taking your eyes off the circle, begin to move your head, rotate it. At the same time, the eyes should look at the circle all the time: this will help develop the eye nerves and muscles.

The exercise should be carried out without tiring the eyes.

Exercise 4

Look at the opposite wall and begin to quickly move your gaze from one point of the wall to another in all directions: right, left, up, down, zigzag, etc. As soon as you feel that your eyes are tired, stop doing the exercise. Stop your gaze at some point and then complete the exercise.

Exercise 5

This exercise is necessary to develop confidence in the look you have already learned to create. To complete this exercise, you will need the help of another person. Sit him down opposite you, sit down yourself and start looking intently into his eyes. He should do the same. After some time, you will put him into a hypnotic state.

Test the power of your eye on pets. You will see that they also cannot stand your gaze and try to look away.

At first, the exercises will make your eyes tired and watery. Wash your face with cold water - this will instantly bring relief. However, after several days of training you will no longer experience pain, as your eyes will get used to such stress.

The power of thought

A person’s ability to suggest is directly dependent on his willpower.

The greats of this world had the ability to control people. They could conquer people with the power of their mind. Many of them often did not even realize why people worshiped them, what the secret of their power was.

All great people possessed some kind of power that allowed them to influence mass consciousness, dictate their will, and lead.

The power of thought is a conscious manifestation of the will that causes certain mental vibrations directed at some object. In other words, the hypnotist has a developed power of suggestion. He sends thought impulses to a person, and he fulfills the demands that are addressed to his subconscious. Mental vibrations can be sent during a conversation, that is, over a short distance or over a long distance.

The transmission of mental vibrations over a long distance is telepathy, which will be discussed in the next chapter.

A person endowed with inner strength is aware of himself as an individual; he knows all his capabilities and abilities perfectly. Remember: our body is only an outer, physical shell, and our true essence is hidden inside. Using your inner power correctly, you can win over any person and make him submit to your will and do what you need. If this person does not have sufficient resistance, you can easily subjugate him.

To influence the consciousness of your interlocutor, you should use your consciousness to send him a powerful mental demand, and do this with the firm belief that it will be fulfilled. If you begin to doubt the possibility of fulfilling your desire, then you will not be able to achieve anything. And naturally, you need to develop your abilities: mastery is achieved through a lot of hard work and constant training. In order to transfer your will to another person, you also need the ability to concentrate. Below are exercises that will help you learn to concentrate.

Some people, having only willpower and not knowing how to resist another mind, become a tool in the hands of other people.

Exercise 1

The first exercise must be performed while walking. Select any person walking in front of you at a short distance - about nine meters - and start looking at the back of his head without looking away. Your gaze should be firm, intent and persistent. Don't look away and mentally wish the person to turn around. After a short time he will actually turn his head.

Women are much more susceptible to this influence than men.

Exercise 2

This exercise is very similar to the previous one, but you need to train in some public place - at a concert, in a theater, in a store. Focus your gaze on the same area, that is, on the back of the person’s head, and look carefully, mentally giving the order to turn around. Soon the person will begin to worry and look around nervously. Eventually he will turn in your direction. The exercise is more successful when done on your own acquaintances - they will turn to you faster than strangers.

You may not succeed the first time. But after hard training, results will appear.

Exercise 3

On the street, choose a person standing on the opposite side of the road. It is better that he stands not directly opposite you, but a little to the right or to the left. Don't look directly at it, but keep it in your field of vision. Then send a suggestion to the person so that he looks at you. After some time, the subject you have chosen will look in your direction. At the same time, his face will be somewhat absent-minded, even stupid.

The look he gives you will be unconscious, as if he was forced to do it.

Exercise 4

This exercise will be especially useful for people who are about to take oral exams, interviews, or activities that require the ability to make a good impression on other people using speech.

Many successful businessmen are fluent in the science of persuasion.

When you are having a conversation with a person and see that he cannot find the right word, direct your magnetic gaze at him and suggest the necessary word. And the person will suddenly remember him. An important requirement in this case: your word must be suitable, otherwise the person will find another that is more consistent with the purpose of the statement. The ability to suggest words especially helps in oral exams.

Students with sufficient mental power suggested to the examiner those questions to which they already knew the answers. Of course, such a gift will not save you on written tests.

Exercise 5

In this exercise you need to force a person to change the direction of movement. This is convenient to do when walking down the same street with another person.

Walk behind the selected subject and do not take your eyes off him. When this person encounters an obstacle on his way (for example, a pole), you can inspire him to go around it to the right or left; you can want him to turn right or left or stop.

Exercise 6

Stand by the window and look at passersby. Choose any person and wish him to look at you. When you have enough experience, seven out of nine people will obey your call.

All these exercises will help you learn to instill your thoughts in other people and dictate your will to them. Just remember that you cannot use this skill aimlessly, for the sake of entertainment. The power of our subconscious is enormous, and we must treat it with respect and caution.

Principles of Persuasive Speech

The main instrument of suggestion is the word, speech. This chapter is dedicated to just that. Having mastered the technique of persuasive speech, you will be able to most successfully use suggestion in your life. Persuasive speech is the process by which a person conveys a message designed to reinforce a particular belief in others, change it, or move the audience to action. Let's look at specific techniques that are designed to help you achieve your persuasion goals.

The principles of persuasive speech will help you make the most effective use of the power of words.

Principle 1

You are more likely to persuade people if you can express clearly and clearly what you want them to believe or do.

Your words will likely be aimed at shaping or changing people's opinions, or at inducing them to action. You say out loud your desire for your listeners to do something. Here are two purpose statements that express the desire to achieve action:

“I want my listeners to agree to go to a charity concert that I am organizing”;

“I want my listeners to approve of the project that I present to them.”

Principle 2

You'll be more likely to persuade your listeners if you formulate your goals and present information based on the attitudes your listeners hold.

An attitude is a dominant or persistent feeling, positive or negative, that is associated with some subject, thing or issue.

Thus, the phrase “I think it is important to keep the apartment clean” is an opinion that reflects a person’s positive attitude towards maintaining order in the house.

Attitudes are expressed by people most often in the form of opinions.

To successfully carry out suggestion, you need to find out what attitudes your intended listeners adhere to. The more information you can obtain about the audience and the more experienced you are in the field of its analysis, the more likely it is that you will correctly predict the main attitudes of listeners.

Although the majority opinion usually prevails, in any audience there will always be a few people who do not share it.

Audience attitudes, expressed as opinions, can be distributed along a continuous scale, from the most positive to the most negative.

In general, audience opinions tend to cluster around a specific point. This point of concentration is the generalized attitude of the audience towards the subject.

Audience opinions can be placed on a scale with the following divisions:

– hostile;

– disagree;

– moderate disagreement;

– neutral;

– moderately favorable;

– supportive;

- extremely supportive.

On the same scale, in general, any audience can be classified into one of three types.

1. An audience with a positive attitude (listeners already hold this point of view).

2. An audience that does not have a definite opinion (listeners are uninformed, neutral or indifferent).

3. An audience with a negative attitude (listeners hold the opposite point of view).

Each of the three types has its own strategy of speech behavior.

1. Positive attitude of the audience. If you believe that your audience is already supporting your opinion, then you should consider reconsidering your goal by focusing on a specific program of action. That is, you can revise and increase the number of goals you want to achieve by resorting to the help of verbal suggestion.

Once you determine which of the three groups your intended audience falls into, you can develop a strategy to tailor your speech to that mindset.

2. Lack of a definite opinion. If you decide that your listeners have no definite opinion on your topic, you can set yourself the goal of shaping their opinion or persuading them to act on your discretion.

If you think that the audience has no opinion because it is uninformed, then your main task is to give as much information as necessary to make the audience understand the essence of the matter before you call on them to accept an opinion or do certain things. actions.

If you believe that listeners are neutral about the subject of the conversation, then they are capable of objective assessment and perception of reasonable arguments. Then your speech should contain the most logical and compelling arguments and support them with the most accurate and verified information that you can find.

If your assessment of the audience's dominant attitudes is correct, you will have a high chance of success with this strategy.

If you believe that the audience does not have a definite opinion because the subject of the upcoming conversation is indifferent to them, all your efforts should be aimed at moving them from a position of indifference. In this case, you need to focus not on specific information, but on motivation. Use less material that supports the logical chain of your evidence, and more material that speaks directly to the needs of the listeners, touching their feelings.

If you think that your listeners are in a position of moderate disagreement with respect to your proposal, you can safely present your arguments to them in the hope that the weight of these arguments will force them to accept your opinion as correct.

3. Negative attitude of the audience. If you have determined that your target audience is unlikely to support your opinion, your strategy will depend on whether their attitude is moderately negative or completely hostile.

When speaking in front of a negative audience, be especially careful to present the material objectively and to make your case clear enough that those who disagree with you in part will want to consider your proposal, and those who completely disagree with you at least understand your point of view.

If you believe that your audience is completely hostile to your goal, you may be better off approaching the topic from afar, or consider changing or transforming your goal somewhat. You should not think that you will be able to achieve a complete revolution in relationships or in people's behavior at the end of just one speech.

Once the idea has taken root, you can invite listeners to take their attitude change even further.

If possible, spread out your main goal over several “sessions.” If you start with a proposal that makes the audience at least somewhat change their mind about the subject, you may get your listeners to think that your message may have some value.

Principle 3

You will convince your audience faster if your speech contains logical and reasonable arguments and evidence to support your goal.

People's commitment to rationality can be used to persuade an audience. We rarely do anything without a real or imagined rational reason. To play on this need of your listeners, the main points of your persuasive speech should be formulated in the form of arguments.

Reasons are statements that explain why a proposal is justified.

In this case, the question arises of how to find good arguments. Reasons are statements that answer the question of why we should believe or do something. If you are well acquainted with your subject, then it will not be difficult for you to select arguments for each point of your speech.

Make a list of likely arguments, study them carefully and evaluate them impartially.

When preparing your persuasive speech, you will probably abandon many arguments due to the fact that they do not have sufficient support.

Then choose the three or four best, most convincing ones.

The following criteria exist for assessing the proposed arguments:

1. Arguments must be based on facts. Many arguments may look quite impressive, but cannot be supported in fact.

2. Arguments must be relevant to your subject. Some statements look like arguments, but in fact do not provide any actual evidence for what you intend to say.

3. Arguments must influence your potential listeners. Even if the first rule is followed, the argument will not fulfill its persuasive role in an audience that does not consider the criterion you have chosen to be the most important for assessing the situation.

While it's impossible to accurately predict how your audience will respond to an argument, you can get a rough estimate of its impact based on your audience analysis.

You should pay attention to three more aspects, three points of view from which you need to evaluate the arguments you have chosen.

1. The source from which the information was taken. Just as some people's opinions are more reliable than others, certain printed sources are more reliable.

2. Modernity of information. If your speech uses any ideas or statistics, it is better that they are fairly close to the present moment. What was true 5 years ago may not be true today.

If your evidence comes from an unreliable or biased source, seek confirmation from other sources or exclude the evidence from your speech.

3. Relevance of providing information. You need to make sure that the evidence directly supports your argument. If it is not, it should not be used in your persuasive speech.

Principle 4

You will convince your audience more quickly if you build your arguments based on the audience's intended reaction.

The most commonly used persuasive speech schemes are the following methods:

– method of presenting rational arguments;

– method of solving the problem;

– method of comparative merits;

– method of motivation.

Method of Presenting Rational Arguments

The rational argument method is a straightforward structure in which you present your best-supported arguments to your audience in the following order: the strongest argument at the end, the second-strongest at the beginning, and the rest in between.

The rational argument method will work best if the audience has no particular opinion about the subject, is indifferent to it, or is only slightly for or against it.

Example sentence: “I want the audience to raise funds for the office:

– the funds raised will help improve working conditions through the purchase of new equipment (the second strongest argument);

– the collected funds will partly be used to pay off debts;

– the real costs for each office worker will be very small (the strongest argument).”

Problem solving method

You can clarify the problem and clearly explain why the proposed solution is the best. The structure of speech built using this method is often organized on the basis of the following provisions:

– there is a problem that requires action;

– this proposal will help solve the problem;

– this proposal is the best solution to the problem because it provides positive results.

This method consists of straightforward presentation of arguments, and is therefore best used when the subject matter is not very familiar or understandable to the audience, when the audience is simply unaware of the existence of the problem, or when the audience has no opinion or only a moderate degree for or against the proposed solution. .

Example sentence:

“I want the audience to raise funds for the needs of the office:

– lack of money leads to problems in the work of the institution (statement of the problem);

– the expected income from fundraising will be sufficient to solve these problems (solution);

“Today, raising funds for the needs of the office is the best method of solving problems that have arisen (positive results).”

For a speech that follows a problem-solving pattern, the logic connecting the speaker's argument and goal can be expressed as follows: If the existing problem is not or cannot be solved by the measures being applied, and the proposal is capable of solving the problem in a practical manner, then the proposal should be accepted.

Comparative merit method

The method of comparative merit allows the speaker to shift the emphasis to the merits of a proposed course of action. Instead of presenting a proposal as a way to solve a complex problem, this method portrays it as something that should be chosen only because of its advantages over what is being done at the time.

An approach to the issue of introducing a school tax from the standpoint of comparing merits would look something like this.

This scheme is most effective when listeners either agree that there is a problem that needs to be solved or that the proposal is better than all the others, even if there are no specific problems at the moment.

Example sentence:

“I want the audience to raise funds for the office.

– fundraising will allow the office to improve the quality of work (advantage 1);

– the income from this tax will allow schools to invite the best professionals in our field for consultation (advantage 2);

“This fee will allow us to purchase modern equipment (advantage 3).”

For a speech that is structured according to a comparative merits scheme, the organizing logic linking the arguments and the purpose of the speech can be expressed as follows: if the arguments presented show that the proposal provides a significant improvement over what is currently being done, then the proposal should be accepted.

Motivation method

This method combines problem solving and listener motivation.

A motivational scheme usually includes the following five steps:

- to attract attention;

– statement of need that reveals the nature of the problem;

The motivation method is carried out according to a problem solving scheme. It also contains the necessary steps to enhance the motivational effect of speech.

– satisfying a need that explains how your proposal positively resolves the existing problem;

– a visual representation showing what the offer will bring personally for each listener;

– a call to action that highlights a specific direction that the audience needs to follow.

The motivational scheme of a speech in defense of the proposal to hold a cash collection at the enterprise will look like this.

Example sentence:

“I want the audience to raise funds for the needs of the enterprise:

– comparison of the results of the products we produce with the same products made by professionals from different countries forces us to pay attention to our production system (attention);

– lack of money, which is the result of cost-cutting measures, negatively affects our work and the quality of our goods (need, problem statement);

– the proposed fundraising will provide sufficient income to solve this problem, since after this it will be possible to allocate more funds to work needs (satisfying the need, how the proposal solves the problem);

– this will be your contribution not only to the enterprise, but also to bringing production to the level of world standards to which it once met (a visual representation of the meaning of the sentence personally for everyone);

Since the motivational scheme is only a variant of the problem-solving scheme, the logic of constructing a persuasive speech here is for the most part the same: if the measures used do not solve the problem, then the proposal made, which is really capable of solving it, must be accepted.

Principle 5

You will persuade your audience faster if you speak in a way that motivates them.

Motivation is the forces that influence the body from the outside and inside, which initiate and direct behavior.

Motivation often comes from the use of incentives and expressive language. For a stimulus to have any value, it must mean something.

The significance of a stimulus means that it evokes an emotional response. The impact of a stimulus is greatest when it is part of a meaningful goal.

The power of incentives

People are more likely to perceive incentives as meaningful when those incentives indicate a favorable cost-reward relationship.

For example, you instill in your audience the idea of ​​spending an hour a week of their personal time to take part in a charity. The time you spend will likely be perceived as a cost rather than a reward. But you can describe this work in such a way that it will be perceived by the audience as an incentive that provides a reward.

So, you can ensure that your listeners, spending time on such an important and necessary matter, feel like people fulfilling their civic duty, socially responsible or noble helpers.

If you make it clear that these rewards or incentives outweigh the costs, your listeners will be more likely to want to participate in the program you are offering.

Applying incentives that meet basic needs

Incentives are most effective when used to satisfy basic needs. One of the most popular theories in the field of needs was developed by Abraham Maslow. According to his theory, people are more likely to act when the stimulus offered by the speaker is able to satisfy one of the important unsatisfied needs of the listeners.

What is the point of such analysis for you as someone who wants to instill a thought or action in an audience?

First, this theory describes the types of needs that you can address in your speech.

Secondly, it makes it possible to understand why a certain line of development of a conversation topic can work successfully with one audience and lead to failure with another audience.

For example, during economically difficult periods, people are more interested in satisfying physiological and safety needs, and therefore respond less to appeals to their social feelings and altruism.

Thirdly, if your speech message conflicts with an existing need, you must prepare in advance a worthy alternative from the same or from a more fundamental category of needs. So, if implementing your proposal will cost people money (raising funds for the needs of the enterprise), you must show that these measures satisfy some other, comparable need (for example, increasing their safety).

Principle 6

You'll convince listeners more quickly when they see you as trustworthy.

For your persuasive speech to be successful, it is important for your audience to trust you.

If you intend to persuade with your speech, in addition to being well prepared, you must emphasize your interest in the well-being of your listeners through your appearance and manner of speaking, show enthusiasm, and you must behave ethically.

Telling the truth means not only avoiding intentional, outright lies. If you are not sure that the information is true, do not use it until you have verified it. Ignorance does not always excuse wrongdoing.

The following four rules are the basis of ethical persuasive speech.

1. Tell the truth. Of all the rules, this is perhaps the most important. People who agree to listen to you trust you and expect you to be honest with them. Therefore, if people think that you are not telling the truth, or later find out that you lied, they will not only reject you, but also your ideas.

2. Put your information in perspective. Many people are so excited by the content of the information they receive from the speaker that they unnecessarily exaggerate its significance. Although a slight exaggeration may well be perceived as normal, when it begins to look distorted, many tend to perceive it as a lie.

3. Avoid making personal attacks in your speech against those who do not support your ideas. Insults addressed to the enemy negatively affect the image of the speaker as a trustworthy person.

4. Provide sources of any negative information. The roots and origins of ideas are often as important as the ideas themselves, especially if the statement contains an accusation or damaging information. If you intend to discuss any wrongdoing of a specific person or organization or to subvert an idea based on the words or opinions you gleaned from somewhere outside, indicate the source of your information and arguments.

Such tactics do not add strength to the speaker's evidence and are an abuse of the opportunity to speak from the podium.

» Self-hypnosis

© S.V. Umansky

Practical guide for beginners

Using self-hypnosis, you can:

  • cope effectively and successfully with stress;
  • restore and strengthen your health;
  • improve sleep;
  • learn to rest fully and deeply;
  • eliminate depression and fears;
  • get rid of neurotic disorders;
  • quit smoking;
  • get rid of addiction to alcohol or drugs;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • it is easier to overcome life's shocks and crises;
  • develop self-confidence;
  • get rid of shyness;
  • improve family relationships;
  • develop intelligence, memory, intuition;
  • develop creative abilities;
  • form positive thinking;
  • find meaning in life.

Methodological recommendations are devoted to the use of self-hypnosis to overcome crisis situations, solve psychophysiological problems and enhance the therapeutic effect of traditional drug therapy for various psychosomatic disorders and chronic diseases. The manual describes in detail the methods of self-hypnosis and provides specific formulas of suggestions.

The guidelines are intended for psychiatrists, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists interested in teaching their patients methods of psychological self-help, as well as all those interested in mental health problems.

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, psychotherapist of the highest category, chief psychotherapist of the Kurgan region. He has published more than 100 scientific papers devoted to the study of borderline mental disorders, psychotherapy for psychosomatic disorders and alcoholism, and group psychotherapy. He is the author of 5 monographs: “Clinical hypnosis”, “Synergetic psychotherapy”, “Introduction to psychological counseling”, etc.

From the author

These guidelines are intended both for specialists (psychiatrists, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists interested in teaching their patients methods of psychological self-help) and for people who want to learn how to manage their internal state and understand the secrets of self-management.

When I started practicing psychotherapy more than 30 years ago, the main method of mental self-regulation was autogenic training. The basic elements of the technique were muscle relaxation training and self-hypnosis. However, the duration of training for this procedure, its emotional unattractiveness, combined with the monotonous pronunciation of suggestion formulas and intellectual complexity repelled patients from it. The desire to give a sick person a method of immediate psychological self-help drew our attention to the method of self-hypnosis. The new technique quickly gained popularity and was accepted and recognized by the majority of patients, and a quarter of a century of experience in using this technique confirmed its high effectiveness.


Self-hypnosis- this is a conscious, controlled ability of a person to immerse himself in a hypnotic state, as well as the ability to realize various phenomena characteristic of a hypnotic state. The technique of self-hypnosis must include a component called self-hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis- this is the introduction into the brain of figuratively imagined commands or settings against the background of a hypnotic state of consciousness.

Self-hypnosis is absolutely safe for health and is the most effective method of self-influence and mental self-regulation.

With the help of self-hypnosis, you can learn to control the physical and mental processes of your body, overcoming crisis situations, resolving psychophysiological problems, getting rid of psychosomatic disorders and chronic diseases.

Crisis situations

Using self-hypnosis, a person can mobilize his internal reserves and resources to overcome crisis situations. The hypnotic state is useful, first of all, because it opens up opportunities for making changes in the psyche. By introducing oneself into self-hypnosis, a person can focus his attention much more deeply on a problematic situation, thinking about its different sides. Remaining calm and confident in crisis situations, he is able to clearly control his emotions and his behavior.

Another feature is the psychological effect of self-hypnosis, which changes a person’s perception, giving new meaning to an old situation.

Self-hypnosis can be successfully used by people who lack self-confidence before speaking in large audiences or at concerts.

Psychophysiological problems.

Self-hypnosis can be used to work with yourself, effectively solving problems of fatigue and improving performance.

Using self-hypnosis, athletes can successfully program “victory states” in themselves. People of the artistic and intellectual type, using self-hypnosis, can increase their creative capabilities.

Psychosomatic disorders and chronic diseases.

Psychosomatics(from the Greek Psyche - soul, Soma - body) in a broad sense - a term adopted in medicine to designate an approach to explaining diseases, in which special attention is paid to the role of mental factors in the occurrence, course and outcome of somatic diseases.

Psychosomatic disorders are understood as a wide range of diseases in which there is an interrelation and interdependence of neuropsychic and somato-neurological pathologies and in which psychosocial problems and the accompanying emotional stress are significant factors in the occurrence or exacerbation of the disease process.

Chronic (long-term) diseases are almost always a psychosomatic condition.

For patients with psychosomatic disorders and chronic diseases, the technique of self-hypnosis has proven itself in practice. Optimal results are achieved with regular use.

We must be aware that we do not always set ourselves the goal of curing a serious illness. For a chronic disease, the goal may be sustained remission or maintenance of remission without the use of medications. This is an ideal option for chroniclers. If during such treatment the remission lasts for years and decades, this is a very good result. For psychosomatic disorders, complete recovery may be the ideal option.

Self-hypnosis is a psychological technique that always aims to achieve a specific result.

Self-hypnosis includes the following steps:

1. Making a decision to independently make certain changes in yourself (with a clear formulation of goals and objectives), using the technique of self-hypnosis;

2. Neuromuscular relaxation;

3. Putting yourself into a hypnotic state;

4. Implementation of the therapeutic program through:

  • self-hypnosis of verbal formulas;
  • visualization (mental visual representation) of one’s own image endowed with the desired qualities;
  • visualization and color manipulation;

5. Exit from the state of self-hypnosis and consolidation of new qualities with real actions in the post-hypnotic period.

Making a decision to make certain changes in yourself.

In crisis situations or emerging psychophysiological problems that do not reach the level of illness, a person himself can decide to use self-hypnosis. In such situations, he must analyze his state, psychophysiological resources and clearly define goals: change behavior or emotional reactions to various situations, get rid of obsessive thoughts or actions, etc. and so on.

When using self-hypnosis for therapeutic purposes, one must be very careful. Without medical education, you cannot diagnose yourself. Even if you know that you have a psychosomatic disorder or a chronic disease, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Using self-hypnosis, a person must rely on the conclusion of the attending physician about the presence of a particular disease. It is advisable that your doctor approves your use of self-hypnosis and conducts dynamic monitoring of your health.

Neuromuscular relaxation.

To use the state of self-hypnosis more effectively, a person must learn to relax well. The ability to relax the muscles of the body and feel muscle tone comes to some immediately, while others need training. The essence of neuromuscular relaxation is to relax all muscles as much as possible. A little independent practice, as a rule, gives good results and a person learns to relax quickly and deeply.

If you can’t relax on your own, you can use a method called Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation. It is based on the fact that with the help of concentration, one first develops the ability to capture the feeling of muscle tension and relaxation, and then develops the skill of mastering the voluntary relaxation of tense muscle groups. Exercises to tense and relax muscles are done sequentially, starting from the muscles of the upper extremities and sequentially moving to the muscles of the lower extremities. First, a short-term tension is applied to a group of muscles, which are then completely relaxed, and attention is focused on the feeling of relaxation in that area. After complete relaxation, move on to the next muscle group. This is done until all muscles are relaxed.

Introduction to a state of self-hypnosis.

To put yourself into a hypnotic state, we recommend following the following instructions.

Take a comfortable position (comfortably sitting in a chair or lying on the sofa with your arms extended along your body).

The first stage of self-hypnosis is “closing the eyes.” This means a condition in which, while awake, you cannot open your eyes.

1. Say “one” to yourself and at the same time think: “My eyelids are becoming heavy.” Just think about it, focus on this thought, be imbued with it, believe in it while you think about it. Drive away any other thought, such as this: “I wonder if this will work.” Focus on one thought: “My eyelids are becoming very, very heavy.” If you have only this one thought, if you concentrate on it, imbued with it and believe in it at the same time as you think about it, your eyelids will begin to get heavy. Don't expect them to get very heavy; when they start to get heavy, move on to the next phase.

2. Say “two” to yourself and at the same time think: “My eyelids are now very heavy, they are closing on their own.” As in the first phase, think only about this, concentrate on this thought, believe in it. Do not forcefully close your eyes or try to keep them open, but concentrate on a single thought: “My eyelids are now so heavy that they are closing themselves,” and at the same time, while you repeat this single thought, let your eyelids act on their own. If you are imbued with this thought, concentrate on it to the exclusion of all others, if you are imbued with it and believe in it, while you think about it, your eyelids will slowly close. When the eyelids close, leave them in this state.

3. Mentally say “three” and at the same time think: “My eyelids are tightly closed, I cannot open my eyes, despite all my efforts.” Repeat this mentally as before, think only about this, focus on this thought, imbue it with it and believe in it. But at the same time try to open your eyes; you will notice that you cannot do this until you say “open”, and then your eyes will instantly open. Don't be discouraged if your first attempts at self-hypnosis are unsuccessful. Most often, when learning self-hypnosis, the first two or three attempts end in failure, since usually the ability to focus on only one thought to the exclusion of all others is still lacking.

Failure does not at all indicate insufficient mental abilities. To focus on one single thought to the exclusion of all others, you need to master a new skill that requires persistence in practice. And if you fail the first time, you have to try again. If you are able to control your thinking processes, you will be able to focus on one thought; and once you can do this, self-hypnosis will become available to you.

Then, when your eyes close, you will move to the next phase and think: “My eyelids are tightly closed, I cannot open my eyes despite all my efforts.” You must constantly return to this thought, this one thought, and while you are thinking this, try to open your eyes. The entire time you concentrate on this single thought, your eyelids will remain closed. Your eyelid muscles will strain to open your eyes, but they will remain closed until you say out loud or mentally, “Open.”

4. Now move on to acceleration. Carry out the first phase as before, and at the moment when your eyelids become heavy, move on to the second phase. While you say “two,” think the said thought once (twice at most), but eliminate all other thoughts. When your eyes are closed, say “three” and again think about the said thought once (or at most twice), but only about it. Your eyelids will remain closed. Open them with the “open” command.

Now begin again whatever you were doing, but instead of saying “one,” “two,” and “three,” limit yourself to thinking about those numbers in the same order. Finally, do the entire exercise without numbers, but repeat the thought of the first, then the second and third phases once each. After sufficient practice, you will be able to close your eyes and keep your eyelids closed almost instantly, just once by thinking the thought of the third phase.

You will soon notice that you have gained speed and are able to control yourself more and more confidently. Once you have mastered the ability to concentrate on only one thought (phase one or two), you can almost instantly move to the third phase, which represents a complex thought. The touchstone of success in self-hypnosis is the ability to quickly close your eyes. When you achieve this, you will be able to achieve the depth of trance that is necessary to fearlessly face the problems that trouble you.

When you achieve the closing of your eyes and relaxation, which will increase simultaneously with the closing of your eyes, you will have reached the first stage of the trance of self-hypnosis. Now you are able to perceive the suggestions that you will give yourself.

As with closing the eyes, where speed is achieved through repeated repetition, the following phases require training. The secret of success lies in the ability to focus on only one thought, to the exclusion of all others, to become imbued with it and believe in it.

Try simple suggestions first. For example: squeeze your left index finger with your right hand. Think: “I can’t free my finger.” As before, focus on this single thought, become imbued with it, believe in it, and at the same time try to free your finger. He will be chained until you think, “Now I can free him.”

The state of self-hypnosis, as well as the usual hypnotic state, is characterized by hypnotic and post-hypnotic effects.

It is easier for a person who has previously attended hypnosis sessions and was in a hypnotic state to induce a state of self-hypnosis. The memory of the past hypnotic state can refresh and restore those sensations that were during hypnosis. At the initial stages of learning self-hypnosis, the patient is recommended to reproduce the situation of a hypnotic session (dimmed light, specific music, body position, etc.) 1-2 times a day at home.

In the future, if you follow certain, clearly established rules and regularly practice self-hypnosis, you can learn to put yourself into a state of hypnotic trance, sometimes even deeper than it was during hypnosis sessions with a psychotherapist.

Recommendations for persons who were previously in a hypnotic state induced by a psychotherapist. “Get comfortable and relax by taking a few deep breaths. Remember the hypnosis session. Try to relax, as you did when you were hypnotized. When you relax, tell yourself mentally that you are about to enter a state of deep hypnosis. Take three deep breaths, and as soon as you take the third breath, you will fall into a very deep hypnotic trance. During hypnosis, you will be able to think and maintain complete control over yourself. You can make any suggestion to yourself while you are under hypnosis, and exhibit all the hypnotic phenomena you wish. To wake up, all you have to do is tell yourself that you are waking up. Then you will count from ten to one and at the count of “one” you will finally wake up. If a critical situation arises while you are hypnotized, you will instantly awaken to take all necessary measures.

Implementation of the therapeutic program.

Implementing a therapeutic program means imagining a pre-compiled scenario, plot, verbal formula of suggestions or color based on the requirements of the final goal. If you are capable of imaginative thinking, you need to focus on the plot and break it down frame by frame from the initial state to the desired one.

Having chosen an image or formula of suggestion, you must concentrate on it as much as possible. But in practice, it can be quite difficult to keep attention on them for a long time. A series of extraneous thoughts and images arises. After you realize that you have left the original image, you need to return to it, but not immediately, but through the entire chain of thoughts and images in reverse order.

By practicing self-hypnosis, modeling various images, you can create individual images-symbols of health for yourself.

For skin diseases, it is recommended to imagine the affected areas of the skin on which balsamic dressings are applied. You can imagine how, when applying a bandage, the itching and burning sensation from the affected area of ​​the skin goes away, and a pleasant coolness appears. By slowly removing the bandage, you can see healthy, tender skin.

If you tend to abstract from images, correlating the desired state with a specific color, then you should concentrate your attention on a specific color, holding it and increasing its brightness.

For those suffering from chronic headaches, we can recommend the following figurative and color combination: “Concentrate your attention inside your head. Visually and figuratively imagine the intracranial space as black. Then gradually roll the black color into a lump so that outside of it the color becomes lighter and lighter. Gradually, slowly, replace the black color with a light one (preferably blue or green), relaxed, constantly observing the color change. When the color changes completely, the headache will go away.

If you have psoriasis or any other skin disease, visually imagine the affected areas in some unpleasant color for you. After you clearly imagine this, replace the color of the affected areas with another color, the one you prefer. When performing this operation, make sure that the color changes occur gradually. Step by step you will see new skin sprouting right before your eyes. Do this slowly and very visually.

Positive images of the past can be effective: You are swimming in the sea, basking in the sun, lying in a warm bath with aromatic additives, etc. The discomfort that disappeared after these procedures is an objective indicator of the success of self-hypnosis.

One of the most common problems with which patients turn to doctors is sleep disturbance. Prolonged difficulty falling asleep, restless sleep, unpleasant dreams, sleep that does not give rest and much more. Self-hypnosis helps to cope with some of these conditions. For the above problems, it is good to use self-hypnosis immediately in the evening before bed, transferring the state of self-hypnosis to sleep. To do this, you can use images of a person sleeping soundly, warm and soft colors. Suggestion formulas may sound like this: “I easily and quickly fall into a pleasant drowsiness, which envelops me more and more. My sleep is calm, deep, with joyful, bright dreams. In the morning I wake up cheerful and well rested.”

A dream is a product of the unconscious functioning of the brain. However, this does not mean that a person cannot control his dreams. Maybe. Moreover, a person can order dreams for himself. Learn to control your dreams: erase unnecessary and disturbing images, fill them with black paint, stop dangerously developing plots, etc.

The formation of healing dreams is another way a person influences himself when he edits or rewrites the script of his life in his dreams.

The use of suggestion formulas has its own specifics. Suggestion formulas (SF) during self-hypnosis can be short, consisting of one sentence, or long, included in some context.

PV for alcohol addiction: “The very sight of alcohol disgusts me, the smell of alcohol disgusts me. Never a drop of alcohol anywhere.”

FV for toxicosis and vomiting of pregnant women: “Any food is pleasant to me. I have a wonderful appetite. I eat well and with pleasure.”

FV with anxiety: “I’m not afraid of anxiety. There are many sorrows in life, and I will endure them all. You don't have to get rid of everything unpleasant to feel confident. From now on I will be able to control my emotions. I don’t want to worry too much about everything, because there is no sufficient reason for this. I will try to stay calm even in difficult situations. I am in control." These suggestions can be associated with certain post-hypnotic cues (see below). For example: “I have self-control and can relax by focusing on my breathing. I consciously slow my breathing. I remember that I can cope with the feeling of anxiety. After all, this has happened to me before. Everything will be fine, I close my eyes for a moment and imagine a peaceful environment. Now, whenever I feel anxiety coming on, I will breathe deeper. It’s like I turn the light on and off or slowly turn it down and turn it up using a relay... I regulate my state... from the depths of the subconscious... from the inside... I confidently move towards the goal.”

Rules for drawing up self-hypnosis formulas:

1. Positive wording. You should talk about what you want to get, and not about what you want to get rid of: “Every day I become more and more confident,” “When I come out of a hypnotic trance, I will be in a great mood and feel great.”

2. In the formulas of suggestion there should be no particles “NOT” and “NOR”. Negative particles are often not perceived by our consciousness. If you tell yourself, “I don’t want to be upset,” the command will be perceived as “I want to be upset.” Therefore, the formula of suggestions in this case should be: “I want to be calm in any, the most difficult life situations.”

3. Brevity. Long phrases often lose meaning. Therefore, the formula should be as short as possible.

4. Unambiguity. The formula for self-hypnosis should be unambiguous. The ambiguity of interpretation of the suggestion formula is reflected in the result.

5. Eco-friendly. The implemented formulas of suggestions should not harm you or make you worse. Remember that realizing a desire has many consequences, and these consequences are not always what can benefit you.

Examples of suggestion formulas:

I can easily cope with problematic situations.

Every day I become more and more cheerful.

Color, images and suggestion formulas can be combined.

Exiting the state of self-hypnosis and consolidating new qualities with real actions in the post-hypnotic period.

When you have fully worked out the therapeutic program, you will mentally give yourself the command to open your eyes. Not everyone can do it quickly. Most people do not return immediately from a state of self-hypnosis. A strong drowsiness overcomes. Slowly and gradually the normal feelings and sensations of your body return. There's no need to rush. You can leave this state for as long as you need it.

There is no need to worry even if you fall asleep during the self-hypnosis procedure. Most often in such situations, self-hypnosis turns into normal sleep. Awakening occurs after 20-30 minutes, after which a well-rested person returns to his normal world.


For beginners in self-hypnosis, our recommendations may seem too complicated. But every student will soon be convinced that in practice everything looks simpler. Remember that your self-hypnosis and actions should be based on your goals. One just needs to calm down, another needs to improve their sleep, and a third needs to overcome self-doubt. Start small, gradually turning classes into a system.

Everything will be fine if you act methodically, consistently, with a gradual increase in demands on yourself. Introduce new images and formulas of suggestions in small fragments and carefully. Don't demand the impossible from yourself. Small failures in the beginning should not bother you.

I wish you success in mastering self-hypnosis!

Be healthy!

Self-hypnosis is hypnosis without a hypnotist.

“Self-hypnosis will give you the opportunity to act in your own interests, solve your problems yourself, which is the basis of independence and self-esteem.”(R. Tims)

Remission- weakening of the disease process, accompanied by the disappearance of severe symptoms.

© S.V. Umansky, 2012
© Published with the kind permission of the author

Varvara, St. Petersburg:Which hypnosis is better - group or individual?

Igor Salyntsev : – A group hypnotherapy session, in which up to 50 people can participate, is suitable for working with people suffering from the same pathology - alcohol or drug addiction, stuttering, enuresis, etc. Moreover, in a collective session the effect of influence increases: from person to person hypnotic induction is transmitted (from more hypnotizable people to less), and the instillation of attitudes necessary for recovery in this case penetrates deeper into the subconscious.

An individual hypnotherapy session is more targeted and focused directly on the person and his problem. In this case, the hypnologist uses exactly those suggestions that are based on concepts that are basic to the patient, based on the typology of his nervous system. Thus, for visual learners, visual images are more understandable, auditory learners are focused on auditory information, and kinesthetic learners understand the world through touch, smell and taste.

By the way, some diseases can be diagnosed by the nature of the suggested images. For example, patients with depression in a state of hypnotic somnambulism see the “picture” in black and white, and when the depression goes away, the inspired images suddenly begin to play with bright colors.

Remember all

Elena, Moscow: They say that under hypnosis a person can even remember what happened to him in early childhood. Where does this come from and what is it for?

I.S.: – It’s no secret that any event that took place in our lives, starting from our birth, remains in memory, but goes deep into the subconscious. In this “pantry” there is not only positive, but also negative. And this is the protective properties of our memory - erasing what can cause us mental pain.

But sometimes these far-hidden experiences can emerge in the form of phobias (fears), psychosomatic disorders (gastritis, bronchial asthma, etc.). Hypnosis helps to reproduce, release from the subconscious negative moments that were once experienced and change their significance through special suggestion.

On the brink

Vladislav, Voronezh: If hypnosis is used as a treatment, does that mean it can have side effects and complications?

I.S.: – The most common is the loss of rapport (the connection between the hypnotist and the hypnotized), when a person goes from a hypnotic state to sleep, that is, practically falls asleep. Sometimes this can be accompanied by a sharp drop in blood pressure, even to the point of fainting. It also happens that in a hypnotic trance a person experiences erotic reactions, or even serious psychotic outbursts. This is why in hypnotherapy it is very important to know the personality of the person you are treating. Before each session, I carefully study the patient’s medical history and the characteristics of his personality. Otherwise, hypnosis can be harmful and dangerous.


Oleg, Moscow: Do mysterious, inexplicable things happen in hypnosis?

I.S.: – One of these phenomena is the suggestion to the hypnotized person of progress or regression of age, time dates in which he did not live and could never live: in 1905 or in 1812. The most amazing thing is that people begin to speak in the same phraseological phrases that were used at that time, and accurately describe the historical events that took place then.

But, perhaps, it is even more interesting and mysterious when I “send” my patients into the future. After checking the “visions” of one of my patients a year later, I was stunned: they came true exactly. I don’t know how to explain this phenomenon. This remains to be explored and studied.

Your own hypnotist

Mikhail, Tver:Tell me, can a person hypnotize himself?

I.S.: - Maybe. For example, Hatha yogis practice self-hypnosis. Once upon a time I was also into this and fell into a hypnotic trance. The sensations that arose surprised me and... frightened me. Having felt for myself how powerful this effect is, I stopped practicing such experiments with myself.

However, the state of hypnosis sometimes arises spontaneously, as a reaction to psychological trauma - a fire, a disaster, the death of a loved one. This state is a defensive reaction to shock. There is also such a thing as amputation hypnosis, which occurs after physical trauma. Thanks to him, a person does not feel pain for some time. This occurs due to the release of dynorphin into the blood, a hormone-like substance that is produced in our body and which is 200 times stronger than morphine.

The best option

Igor, Saratov: Tell me, how long does a hypnosis session last and how many of them do you need to go through to be useful?

I.S.: – It all depends on what disease the hypnotherapist is dealing with and what stage it is at. On average, a hypnotherapy session lasts 20–30 minutes. But it can reach 10–12 hours if it is hypnosis-rest, helping a person achieve the maximum degree of relaxation. The same applies to the duration of treatment. A small course usually lasts 3–9 sessions, a medium course – 10–15. But in some cases, patients need long-term hypnotherapy, which is carried out once a week for several months or even years.

Creative Stimulus

Mikhail, Kostroma: Is it true that a person can learn a foreign language under hypnosis?

I.S.: – Some of my patients under hypnosis actually begin to speak a foreign language. And from time to time, students come to me asking me to relieve the feeling of fear before the upcoming exam. With the help of hypnosis, you can also activate the thinking process and increase memory capacity. And some people develop musical and artistic abilities after hypnosis sessions.

You can see the previous conversation with Igor Salyntsev

Modern psychological practice welcomes completely different methods of influence: consultations, art therapy and even hypnosis - video sessions with the correct use of hypnosis can even be viewed online.

However, before you begin to master the basics of real hypnosis, learn the secrets of the magnetic gaze and try to apply them in everyday life, remember some rules.

  1. Of course, in order to hypnotize a person, we it is necessary to have his consent. The only way. Your ward must trust you completely, otherwise it will not be possible to establish contact.
  2. Use hypnosis only for positive purposes. Of course, it won’t be difficult for a real professional to put a person into a state of hypnotic sleep in just 2 seconds. However, a special license is required to use hypnosis for medical and psychological purposes. At home, we can put a person into a state of superficial trance, when he completely begins to concentrate on his internal sensations. Yogis use a similar practice.
  3. Remember the main rule is to do no harm. Teach a person how to get out of hypnosis correctly.

Hypnosis is an altered experience of consciousness.

It should not be confused with a dream. During hypnosis, the characteristics of the imagination are structured based on suggestion. As you know, almost anyone can be hypnotized. The one who is most susceptible to hypnosis is the one who is in a relaxed state. So, before you hypnotize a person, you need to relax him. This process occurs during the first stage of hypnosis.

As soon as you establish contact with your client, ask him about previous experiences with hypnosis, and make sure that he is ready to follow your commands.

So, let's move on to the initial stage of hypnosis - relaxation. Ask the person take a comfortable position in a darkened room. Make sure in advance that no one disturbs you. You need to prepare not only your partner, but also yourself for the transition to the relaxation stage. Namely, choose phrases with which you will immerse your client in relaxation, train your voice, and control intonation. You can learn all this on your own. Delve into the relevant literature, after which you will be able to operate with words and sentences that can relax any person.

However, to hypnotize a person, relaxation alone will not be enough. Gradually yours the voice should become more impressive, you will have to switch your partner's attention to immersion in hypnosis. The central feeling here remains peace and quiet. Your phrases should be inspiring, and your voice should sound monotonous and natural.

Hypnosis and recovery from it

The next stage is hypnosis itself. In such a state a person loses the ability to look at things critically. At the same time, he will remember and realize everything. If you're not yet confident in your suggestion skills, try hypnotizing a cat.

There are different techniques:

  • you can pet an animal and it will gain trust in you and simply fall asleep;
  • you can use the moment of surprise and catch the animal during a jump, grab it by the scruff of the neck and turn it over in the air;
  • use mechanical methods of influence: the cat looks at the washing machine or at the clock, etc.

There are a sufficient number of videos on how to learn hypnosis. And you can try to hypnotize both animals and people. Remember that for every person individual phrases and methods work influences during hypnosis. However, never try to scare or do anything illegal.

You will be notified by him that a person is immersed in a state of hypnosis. uniform breathing and a peaceful appearance. Try to match the rhythm of his breathing. Don't speak too quickly, but don't drawl your words either.

A relatively small stage will be the exit from hypnosis. Take the man out slowly but surely. For example, count out loud to five and ask them to open their eyes. Remember to emphasize that it was a positive experience and ask the person to talk about how they felt.

How to learn hypnosis: simple exercises

Sessions after sessions, but the question remains unanswered: how to learn hypnosis? They will help you with this simple exercises with a drawn dot, which needs to be looked at every day.

Since the simplest method is to hypnotize with a gaze, we will learn to control it. Have you ever observed how a person can stop an attacker with one glance or pacify an angry animal? There is nothing fantastic about this, it just lends itself to such a skill as magnetic look. And you can easily develop it in yourself.

To start draw a dot on a piece of paper, the diameter of which is two centimeters. Hang the leaf at a distance of 2-3 meters from your eyes. Concentrate your gaze on this point, try to look at it for 5 minutes without blinking. When you start to get better at it, increase the time.

Further make the exercise more difficult– move around the room and look at a point on the wall. If your eyes suddenly water, then continue to look at the point in a static position. Repeat the exercise every day and you will succeed. After some time, place several sheets of paper with dots drawn on them on the wall at once. After this, you need to concentrate your gaze on each point alternately.

Through daily exercises, you will learn to focus your gaze and be able to hypnotize a person to follow orders. Of course, the concept of an order is conditional - they must be clear and simple. Don't force a person to do something you wouldn't want for yourself.

This is a specific state of consciousness in which suggestions influence it with much greater force than under normal conditions. While under hypnosis, a person suppresses the critical influence of consciousness. Attention is focused in a very narrow direction, and the level of perception in the focus is much higher than outside the hypnotic influence. This heightened level of perception helps send suggestions directly to the subconscious.
Almost everyone has more than once experienced a state reminiscent oftrance, although the person hardly suspected that it washypnosis. Remember how sometimes, lost in your thoughts, you lost your sense of reality; how, captivated by the content of a book or pondering an interesting plan, you did not hear the words addressed to you and did not notice the hours passing.
Perhaps you were able to watch a hypnotist's performance?

Those who wish to take part in the session are usually invited to come on stage. Sometimes such enthusiasts have already had a drink or two and their brakes are quite loose. Among the volunteers there are also regular spectators who are already familiar with such performances and, as a rule, are easily hypnotized. The hypnotist willingly invites them onto the stage. Then the selection takes place on stage. Those who, in the opinion of the hypnotist, will “resist” or “resist” are dismissed immediately. The entertainer, as a rule, perfectly reads body language and other signs indicating that there will be no trouble with this object and the show will be a success.

As a result of the screening, a carefully selected group of those willing remains on stage, and the performance begins. It does not matter whether all or not all of them succumbed to hypnosis. Perhaps they are in a trance, or maybe they have just convinced themselves of this, or are playing along with the leader of the session. The magic of the stage affects them, and now they are concerned not to “let them down” and “ruin the show.”

A person does not need to go into a trance to quack a duck, howl like Frank Sinatra, or laugh wildly. All this nonsense can happen without hypnosis. You can easily verify this by going to some pub on a Friday night where bachelors are hanging out.

The difference between such states and self-hypnosis is that the latter implies a certain motivation and the formulation of suggestions that pursue a specific goal.

Typically, people do not believe that they are being hypnotized because feelings of concentration are not unusual.

There are many definitions of hypnosis, but since no one has been able to unravel the mechanics of its effects, everyone describes only the end result. And since each description depends on individual perception, in the end everything looks a lot like the parable of the seven blind wise men who described the elephant.

Almost all researchers working in this area recognize the uniquenesstrance state, since it allows you to control those areas of the body’s activity that are not subject to consciousness.

Hypnosis is nothing more than self-hypnosis
Many people believe that there is a difference between the hypnotic effects of an inducer and self-hypnosis. However, most experts agree that all types of hypnosis “are nothing more than self-hypnosis. The hypnotherapist can only help you enter a trance, but you are in control of the situation yourself.this is your hypnosis.

This statement may be contrary to what you have read or heard. HHypnosis is often surrounded by a mystical aura, which is not at all characteristic of him, but only obscures his value as a means of helping to seriously change oneself for the better.

The question most often arises is whether a person in a trance can be forced to do something against his will.

We want to warn you: never allow a layman to put you into a trance. However, as research shows, while in a state of hypnosis, a person follows only those suggestions that correspond to his main interests.

Hypnosis does not at all deprive you of willpower and does not prevent you from distinguishing good from evil. Self-hypnosis is even safer when you give yourself instructions. After all, everyone wants good for themselves.

With self-hypnosis, you are both your own inducer and object. It's like being a producer of a movie and starring in it. This has its downside. For example, mastering some methods of hypnosis, such as age regression, will require significant effort.

Contrary to popular belief,Hypnosis not only does not weaken your control over yourself, but, on the contrary, strengthens it. In a state of hypnosis, the outside world does not cease to exist for you and, if necessary, your reactions to it will be quite adequate. The only limitation in using hypnosis is your reluctance to change.

Once you become interested in self-hypnosis, you will naturally ask yourself practical questions: where to practice, when and how much? You will get the answers by reading this chapter.

Once you have gained experience and can easily slip into and out of trance, you can move to the beach or park while enjoying the sun and warmth.

It is best to start classes without leaving home, somewhere in the bedroom or office, especially if you have children. ...


Initial suggestion strategy
Develop your own short and rhythmic suggestion, something like a trance spell. For example, you could start a session at the beginning of the day with the words: “Easy breathing, purposefulness and openness... For the whole day... Easy breathing, purposefulness and openness... For the whole day.”
It will be the initial setting for your inner voice. Focus all your words, figurative and colorful ideas on it, absorb it with every breath. This is “a great way to learn to give your suggestions a specific direction. (More on this in Chapter 7).
For a rhythmic suggestion in the middle of the day, try something like: “Calm and confident... What lesson did I learn from this morning? Calm and confident... What lesson did I learn from this morning? Calmness and confidence...” And for the evening you can use a spell like: “Breathe and throw away worries, breathe and throw away worries.”

What to do with your eyes “open or close?
Perhaps both. However, it seems that most people find it more convenient to practice self-hypnosis with their eyes closed, since when the facial muscles relax, the eyelids become heavier and droop on their own.

However, for many, when entering a trance and in a trance state, their eyes remain open. So it doesn't matter what you do with your eyes, as long as you feel comfortable with it. If it is better for you to work with your eyes open, fix your gaze on some stationary or evenly and slowly moving object.

Self-knowledge technique
Before you begin self-hypnosis sessions, define your goals, preferably in writing. For example: “I want to understand why I am so unrestrained with my father,” or “What in my actions and feelings makes my spouse consider me heartless?”

Accept yourself for who you are, do not be disingenuous with yourself, sincerely strive to correct the shortcomings of your character. This helps you free the process of self-discovery from the influence of consciousness, the part of you that resists change. The greater your openness, the more opportunities for change are discovered, the weaker the resistance.

Set a priority in achieving the goals of self-knowledge and self-improvement. Take this matter seriously. Make a schedule of classes, set their regularity and duration yourself.
It is not enough to just look into yourself, you need to work with the material obtained during hypnosis, use it in everyday life to change yourself for the better.

Use the sessions not only to gain a deeper understanding of your self, but also to instill positive changes.

There are many useful and proven techniques used during a self-hypnosis session. Let's look at several imaginative thinking techniques.

Techniques of imaginative thinking

You want to find out how well you relate to your environment - your spouse, other family members, lovers, friends and co-workers.

Imagine a photograph of yourself that has a negative and a print from it. So in each of us there is both positive and negative.

A deeper impact on the world around us is possible with the help of magical techniques.
Caster magic techniques are a powerful means of influencing the world.

Caster magic - recording of an open conference.