What is a social pension and who is it paid to? Social pension: who is eligible?

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Social old age pension

They are entitled to receive this type of pension disabled by age persons who do not have grounds to receive an insurance (labor) pension, i.e. not having length of service. Since 2015, the social old-age pension is assigned only to citizens of the Russian Federation, or those living on its territory for more than 15 years, upon reaching the appropriate age.

The mandatory age for granting a pension is established:

  • For men - 65 years old;
  • For women - 60 years old.

If a citizen is officially classified as small peoples of the North, age category, as an exception, set:

  • For men - 55 years old;
  • For women - 50 years.

The list of these peoples is strictly established and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, therefore these people must permanently reside in the territory Far North and maintain the culture of their ancestors, for the purpose social pension by old age.

The purpose of paying this type of pension can be determined as material support and an attempt to maintain the population.

Social disability pension

There are several important conditions for getting pension provision of this type:

  • To assign this pension it is necessary permanently reside in the Russian Federation. Citizenship in this case does not matter, but a citizen of the Russian Federation temporarily staying in our country may not count on receiving a social disability pension.
  • Also an important and fundamental criterion for assigning a pension is presence of disability status. As a condition of appointment, the main parameter is the conclusion medical and social examination about the fact of disability.

Such a pension can be established urgently, that is, for a certain period of disability, or they can assign indefinitely, if it is confirmed on an ongoing basis. After the period for granting a fixed-term pension has expired, your right to receive it will need to be confirm for a new time period.

The procedure for determining the right to a social disability pension is the most labor-intensive and time-consuming, requiring a person to have enough strength, so the registration can be carried out by both the pensioner himself and his legal representative.

Social survivor pension

This type of pension is paid to disabled family members in the event of the death of a relative, if he was their breadwinner. Thus, the state expresses material support to the relatives of the deceased citizen who lost sole income in connection with his death.

Receive a social pension for the loss of a breadwinner they have a right:

  • minor children of a deceased citizen;
  • adult children of the deceased who are studying full-time (not older than 23 years);
  • children of a deceased single mother;
  • widows (widowers) or other persons (if they prove a relationship with the deceased, real financial dependence on the income of the deceased relative and inability to work).

A person who has committed a crime against a deceased relative that resulted in his death cannot become an applicant for a survivor's pension.

Additional grounds for receiving

The right to a social pension is also given to military family members, in the event of death or disability of the breadwinner as a result of his commission of a crime. This right is specified in paragraph 4 of Art. 8 of Federal Law No. 166 “On state pension provision in Russian Federation" Family members of those affected by radiation or man-made disasters , also have the right to a social pension, provided that they do not have the right to other types of pensions.

Amount of social supplements to pension

Social supplement to pension is relevant for those non-working pensioners, for whom the total amount of material support (pensions and social benefits) does not reach the amount living wage in the region of residence. There are two types of social surcharges:

  • Federal- assigned by the Pension Fund if the total amount is less than the minimum subsistence level of a pensioner in the Russian Federation (PMP for 2017 is set at 8,540 rubles).
  • Regional- paid by the authority social protection, if the total amount pension payments less than the cost of living in the region in which the pensioner lives.

To establish a social supplement, retired citizens simply need to fill out the appropriate column in the pension application form when applying.


The pension system in the Russian Federation is developing dynamically to ensure that the amount of financial assistance to disabled citizens corresponds to modern human needs. and are intended to help people who find themselves in unfavorable life situations.

The annual indexation of such payments makes it possible to bring the disabled population of our country closer to poverty eradication, which means a more civilized standard of living.

Please contact territorial body Russian Pension Fund, where specialists will definitely provide the necessary information.

Russian legislation provides for several types of pensions. Commonly used ones that do not have departmental or industry specifics include insurance and social old-age pensions. What are the specifics of each of them? How are they fundamentally different from each other?

Insurance pension: terms of assignment

Before considering the differences between insurance and social pensions, let’s familiarize ourselves with the conditions for assigning each of them. Let's start with insurance. It is assigned provided that the pension applicant:

The pension can be:

  • framed in provided by law in cases ahead of schedule - before reaching retirement age;
  • paid along with wages (adjusted for some indexation features - which may be different for working and non-working pensioners).

Please note that the insurance pension non-working pensioner in any case, it is subject to indexation - in an amount determined taking into account inflation.

Probably the main difference between an insurance pension and a social pension in essence is the size and principles of its calculation. In the case of the type of pension under consideration, it is calculated according to the complex formula, which takes into account, in particular:

  • experience;
  • salary;
  • implementation region labor activity;
  • structure pension account(with or without a funded component, with or without additional capitalization within the framework of co-financing programs).

The insurance pension can be transferred to Pension Fund management or a non-state pension fund (in terms of the funded component of the pension). This procedure regulated by separate provisions of law.

Now - about the specifics of the social pension.

Social pension: conditions of assignment

The most important difference between insurance and social pensions is that when assigning the second, length of service and IPC do not matter. They may not exist at all - if the person did not work at all (or received a salary “in an envelope”). The main criterion for receiving a social pension is reaching the legal age.

It is significantly higher than that determined for the insurance pension. But apart from this nuance, social pension and insurance pension have a large number of other differences in essence - in particular, from the point of view of:

  • conditions of employment when receiving a pension;
  • determining the amount of pension payments;
  • conditions for receiving a pension early - before the statutory retirement age;
  • conditions for transferring the pension to the management of a non-state pension fund;
  • indexing conditions.

It is worth mentioning separately that within the framework of pension insurance programs ( social insurance) there are, along with old-age pensions, a number of other types of pensions (with special conditions receiving):

  • for disability (which can be insurance or social);
  • for loss of a breadwinner (insurance or social).

There are various departmental and corporate pensions - but their purpose is outside the jurisdiction of federal laws.

Let's look at the difference between insurance and social pensions (assuming that we are talking specifically about old-age pensions), using a small table.

Similarities and differences between pensions: table

Criterion Insurance pension Social pension
Retirement age60 years (men)

55 years old (women) *

65 years old (men)

60 years (women)

Minimum experienceFrom 9 (upon retirement in 2018) to 15 (2024) yearsDoesn't matter
Minimum IPCFrom 13.8 (2018) to 30 (estimated - 2025)Doesn't matter
Early registration2 years before retirement age when laid off from work (and when occupying positions that give the right to early retirement)Not provided
IndexingFor a non-working pensioner - taking into account inflationSimilar, but in an amount that is usually smaller compared to an insurance pension
Is it paid upon employment?Yes (in some cases with reduced indexing or without indexing)No
Can it be transferred to the management of a non-state pension fund?Yes ( accumulative part pensions)No
SizeAccording to the rules established by Law 400-FZ

Expected the average size pensions in 2018 - 14,400 rubles.

At least the subsistence level in the region (for pensioners)

If the PM in the region is federal, then in 2018 it is equal to 8078 rubles.

* When a person lives in the Far North (applicable to both types of pensions), when performing certain types of heavy work and when working in hazardous and hazardous conditions labor (if we're talking about about insurance pension) retirement age can be significantly reduced.

Despite the undeniability of the differences between a social pension and an insurance pension discussed above, it is fair to say that the first is intended for a situational (temporary or permanent) replacement of the second. That is, a social pension is issued, first of all, for the reason that a person does not have the right - due to lack of experience or insufficient IPC - to apply for a regular insurance pension, while the state needs to provide him with at least some financial support in old age.

The state is obliged to take care of its citizens at any age, especially when they are still or no longer able to earn their own living. While parents often take care of young children who are unable to provide for themselves, there is often no one to take care of the elderly. Therefore, a whole system of calculation, accrual and payment of various types and types of pensions was developed, which will allow older people to live with dignity, because the state compensates them for the lost opportunity to receive income on their own.

Exist different types and types of security that can be assigned under different circumstances, which you need to understand to the common man it can be difficult. Many people in their later years wonder how an insurance pension differs from a social pension, what they essentially represent and what payments are best to choose in each specific case. This is exactly what we will talk about in our current article.

What is the difference between social and insurance pensions

To understand the essence of the problem and find out how the social pension differs from the insurance pension, you will have to understand the essence of the issue in a little more detail. The most popular in the world is an insurance (labor) type pension, when a person works all his life and makes contributions to a special fund. After the offensive of a certain age he is assigned monthly payment a certain level commensurate with the funds contributed during labor. Those whose work experience reaches at least eight years as of 2017 are eligible to receive this type of payment. After introduction latest reform this period will increase until it reaches 15 years in 2024.

Sufficient quantity work experience indicates that the person regularly made contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This means that he, in fact, saved funds in order to receive dividends from them in the future. Most often, such deductions are not made by the person himself, but by his employer, who resolves all tax and accounting issues, deducting 22% of the salary monthly.

Social and insurance payments are quite similar, they are replacement and are of a purely applicant nature. That is, no one will bring anything on a silver platter until the future beneficiary himself applies to the relevant authorities with a request to accrue payments.

Social benefits (pension) are paid when a person has not worked a single day in his life due to prevailing circumstances, health problems, etc. similar reasons. Such payments do not depend at all on the length of service, but only on the age criteria of the applicant. The amount of payments when applying for such a benefit will be minimal; you cannot count on anything more significant.

Types and features of insurance payments

The main difference between an insurance pension and a social pension is whether a person has a certain length of service. It is necessary to obtain such security. There are only three main types of age insurance, which will directly affect the amount of payments, which worries almost every Russian today.

By old age

The most common one in our country, according to statistics, is the old-age insurance (labor) pension. It’s not difficult to figure it out, since after working all his life, a person, upon reaching a certain age, has the right to go on a well-deserved rest. To receive payments, you need to submit a complete package of documentation to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where it will be reviewed and analyzed by specialists. Only after this will the amount of monthly income be assigned to a personal account, card or by postal transfer.

The basis for the accrual is the insurance period, as well as special IPC points accumulated for contributions to the Pension Fund during work. The more such contributions received and the higher they were, the larger the amount of security will be. About what there is already an article on our website, it is worth familiarizing yourself with it in more detail.

Upon loss of a breadwinner

Another type of pension insurance is payments for the loss of a single or both breadwinners. The state cannot leave its citizens in difficult situation to the mercy of fate. Therefore, if the person who provided for the disabled person decent life dies, then the state takes on all these concerns. Children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters up to eighteen years of age or, subject to full-time study at a station, up to 23 years of age, can receive such payments.

An insurance type benefit can be applied for by the spouses of the deceased, his elderly parents and even indirect relatives. For example, a woman living with her daughter-in-law, an elderly mother-in-law, or a child of her husband from his first marriage who has been in care for more than five years have the right to register, more about this issue can be read on the corresponding page of the site.

If the relatives were not fully supported by the deceased, but after his death they actually lost the necessary means of subsistence, minimal assistance may be awarded. Most often, such nuances concern adoptive parents and children. To apply for such a benefit, you will have to provide certificates of death of the breadwinner, as well as inability to provide for yourself, due to age and other objective reasons.

By disability

Regardless of the reasons for which a person became disabled, he is entitled to insurance payment old age if he has worked at least one day in his life. People with disabilities They are considered to be one of the most vulnerable categories of the population, since they generally cannot provide themselves with a decent existence. The difference between insurance and social pensions for disabled people will not be very significant, because the state provides such people whole line other benefits, concessions and privileges.

To obtain disability insurance payments, the status of a citizen must be proven. This means that disability must be confirmed by a medical and sanitary examination commission (MSEC). Based on the conclusion of such a commission, the disability group will be established, and, consequently, the final amount of payments, taking into account the accumulated experience. You should read about which ones in a separate article on our website.

Should know

According to the law, in our country there are clear age limits for assigning an insurance-type pension. Women have the right to retire a little earlier, at fifty-five, and men at sixty. However, there are circumstances that allow you to go on vacation in advance, for example, when working in dangerous and difficult work, underground and in the Far North.

In all cases, when calculating insurance payments, personal coefficients (IPC) will be taken into account as a special multiplier introduced after the reform of the entire system in 2013. It is this indicator that directly affects the desire for official employment and “white” wages. After all, the size of the benefit will depend on the size and number of payments, so when figuring out which pension is larger, social or insurance, we can say with confidence that the second, and the “price range” will be significant.

Types and nuances of social pensions

Social security, contrary to popular stereotypes, not many people apply for and regularly receive social security, only from two to five percent of the total number of pensioners in our country. According to the law, such security can also be of three main types, but the terms of assignment are somewhat different. To receive financial assistance from the state, it is not at all necessary to provide a certificate of employment or insurance experience. In essence, social payments are minimal material benefits that will allow you to survive in a difficult situation.

By old age

You can retire without having earned the minimum wage in your life insurance period and even without ever working anywhere. The level of support will then leave much to be desired, however, no one will be left to the mercy of fate. Such a benefit can be issued not only to a Russian citizen, but also to a foreigner who has lived in the country for more than fifteen years and can document this fact (residence permit).

If the insurance type of payments can be issued at 55 and 60 years old, respectively, for women and men, then social benefits cannot be received so early. Women can claim benefits at sixty, and men at sixty-five, except for the small peoples of the North and those who have lived in these areas for at least fifteen years. Women living in the Far North have the right to receive social benefits at the age of 50, and men at 55.

Upon loss of a breadwinner

Every person can face such a tragic event as the loss of a loved one, but when he is also the sole breadwinner, then the problems become many times greater. The relatives of the deceased have every right apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and, by providing certificates of your own incapacity for work, receive social benefits, even if the “breadwinner” never worked anywhere during his lifetime.

  • Minor children, brothers and sisters.
  • Relatives who have reached the age of 18, but undergoing inpatient training until the age of 23.
  • Spouses, parents, and grandparents who reached retirement age at the time of the death of the breadwinner.
  • Children of a deceased single mother.

However, there are special nuances here, since social benefits cannot be received by those who have committed any illegal acts that directly or indirectly led to the death of the main breadwinner.

By disability

Statistics say that about nine to ten percent of all pensioners in our country are disabled of various groups. Most of these people have a confirmed status, which gives them special rights and privileges, including receiving special social benefits. It won’t be difficult to tell what the difference is between insurance and social disability pensions; it’s enough to figure out which categories of the population it can be issued to.

  • Disabled people of the first, second, and third groups who have never worked officially anywhere.
  • Disabled people from childhood who received status before reaching adulthood.
  • For disabled children.

Regardless of citizenship, people living in the country for more than fifteen years have the right to apply for social assistance due to disability. But Russian citizens, who can receive an insurance pension anywhere, most likely will not be able to apply for benefits if they live outside their home country.

Social to labor or vice versa

The difference between social and insurance assistance from the state will be especially sensitive in terms of size. This is understandable and logical, because you need to earn a second long years, and the first can be issued by any citizen who has made absolutely no effort. There is a category of citizens who, receiving social benefits, eventually acquire the right to receive insurance payments. Then the question arises of how to switch to an insurance pension from a social one and whether it is even possible to do something similar.

There is nothing complicated about transferring from one type to another, you just need to collect what is necessary and submit it to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with an application for transfer. can be downloaded directly from our website. In point number three, you will need to check the box, selecting the translation direction you need from those suggested. This possibility of switching from one type of security to another is enshrined in law, namely in article number 166-FZ. You will have to follow the same steps if you are planning to switch from labor payments to social ones, if necessary.

Video hint on the difference between social and insurance pensions

The main differences between social benefits and insurance (labor) pension, is the presence of work experience, IPC points, as well as the final amounts of payments. If during the calculation it turns out that labor resources are not enough to the minimum, then the state automatically provides social supplement, which you do not need to apply for specifically. For more detailed analysis situation, it won’t hurt to watch the video posted below, where everything is transparent and understandable.

Due to pension reform More and more people are talking about insurance payments. But some categories of persons have the right to them, even without having a single day of experience. Social pension: what is it even and how to get it? These issues are regulated by Federal Law No. 166, which protects the country's disabled population.

Like the labor (insurance) pension, social payments have a function - compensation of earnings. What is the difference between them? The size of the first depends on how many years the person worked and what insurance premiums were paid during this time. The insurance pension involves the accumulation of IPC. Social benefits are assigned if the person is not in the account pension points or insufficient quantities.

Citizens of Russia, as well as foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing in the country can apply to receive funds under state pension provision. What a social pension is and to whom it is paid can be found in the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision” No. 166-FZ. So, to apply, you must belong to one of the groups of those who receive a social pension:

  • men over 65 and women over 60 years of age who do not have the right to obtain insurance coverage due to lack of experience or insufficient experience;
  • disabled people whose status is confirmed by medical and social examination;
  • unemployed minors and full-time students under 23 years of age who have lost one or both parents;
  • representatives of small indigenous northern peoples supporting the original culture of their ethnic group.

For example, the family of a military man who died during his service can simultaneously receive two types of support, one of which is of a social nature. The second category that has this right is people with disabilities as a result of the Chernobyl accident and their dependents (in the event of the death of a victim in Chernobyl). This also includes widows of military personnel who died during hostilities.

Types of social pension payments

In Art. 5 Federal Law No. 166 stand out the following types pension provision:

  1. old age;
  2. on disability;
  3. on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner.

Payments differ in the duration of assignment and the characteristics of the recipient. For example, security under the SPC is provided to a person under 23 years of age (subject to full-time study at a university or secondary school).

Five years longer

Social Old Age Pension is a payment intended to protect older people, accrued to individuals five years after the standard retirement age. The right to receive it is somewhat different from the conditions for obtaining insurance. It is accrued at the age of 65 (60 for women) years, if by this time the person has not retired to an insurance (labor) pension.

Similar payments are due to residents of indigenous peoples of the North from the age of 55/50. In this case, the person is obliged to live in the place of settlement of this ethnic group and support its culture and way of life. Full list nations falling under the law is approved by the Government. If a person moves outside the habitat of the indigenous people, money is not paid on this basis.

Social security for people with disabilities

A disability pension is awarded regardless of age. The conditions for its appointment include:

  1. lack of right to insurance coverage on disability;
  2. presence of disability confirmed by ITU.

The processing time depends on the period for which the commission extended the status. As a rule, disability of the first group is established indefinitely or for two years; the second and third – for a year. Disabled children may be given a deadline to re-pass the ITU or the decision may be made indefinite. Accordingly, after passing the examination, urgent disability support is extended at the request of the person.

Survivor's pension

Disabled relatives who have lost their breadwinner have the right to apply for social Security according to the SPC, if the deceased had no insurance experience at all. It is available for:

  • minor children;
  • persons under the age of 23 studying in higher or secondary specialized educational organization full-time education;
  • child/children of a deceased single mother.

It is necessary to prove that the income of the breadwinner was a source of finance for the person. For example, a child received alimony from his father, and additional assistance was provided.

Adopted children are eligible to receive payments on the same basis as their natural children. If a missing parent is declared dead by the court, his child can also receive money from the state budget under the SPC. Security is not issued to a person involved in the death of his breadwinner.

Payments stop when the disabled family member is employed (or reaches the maximum possible age).

Amount of payments received

Each category of persons is entitled fixed amount, paid monthly. determined annually taking into account indexation. If this amount is below the subsistence level, according to the Federal Law “On State social assistance» No. 178 there is an additional payment.

The size of the social pension in 2017 was approved in April. It is these payments that will be relied upon until April 1, 2018. Social pensions are indexed annually according to the percentage of inflation.

Usually the amounts are unchanged, but for living in the Far North or in areas equivalent to it, other difficult areas to live in, regional coefficients are assigned. When you change your place of residence, the coefficient changes or is canceled.

Where to apply for registration

To apply for state pension benefits for old age, disability or SPC, you should contact the MFC or the Pension Fund. The first ones only accept documents, sending them for work to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If you need to complete it as quickly as possible, it is better to submit the documents directly to the Pension Fund. The application is submitted to the territorial office at the place of residence. When moving for permanent residence to another country, payments stop.

List of required documents

Having received the right to pension provision, a person needs to prepare a package of documents, the exact composition of which depends on the basis for receiving payments.

In each case, you will need an application and a general passport (of the applicant or his representative). Otherwise required documentation diverges.

Procedure for appointment and payment

Right assembled package documents are reviewed within 10 days. Payments start from the month of application. If you apply for a pension under the SPC within a year, the day of its assignment will be the day of death of the breadwinner.

The pensioner has the right to choose the method of receiving money. They can come on a card, be brought to your home, to the post office, or received at the bank. The legal representative receives a pension only by notifying the Pension Fund in advance.

Thus, pension provision from the state budget is assigned disabled persons without insurance experience. It has fixed size and depends on the basis for their receipt.

This is a monthly payment of financial assistance to disabled citizens who do not have insurance coverage. The purpose of this pension provision is material aid persons who have no other sources of income.

It is important to note that funds for social pensions come from the state budget, and not from insurance contributions, which actually distinguishes it from insurance pension provision.

Basic provisions social benefits regulated by Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”.

Types of social pension provision for citizens

Based on the Federal Law of February 15, 2001 N 166-FZ, the following types of pensions are distinguished:

Social benefits for children whose one or both parents have died are paid in full, regardless of the number of dependents in the family.

In the absence of the right to an old-age insurance pension

The main condition for assigning this type of pension is the onset of “incapacity for work,” i.e. men reach 65 years of age and women reach 60 years of age. The following are entitled to old age benefits:

  1. citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the specified age;
  2. Foreign citizens who have lived in Russia for at least 15 years and have reached the legal age.

In addition, social pension provision for old age don't pay during labor activities, during which citizens are insured in the compulsory health insurance system in accordance with the law "About mandatory pension insurance in the Russian Federation".

Pension provision for the peoples of the Far North

A special place is given to residents of the Far North who do not have work experience. To assign a pension to such citizens, only two conditions must be met:

  1. Permanent residence in the Far North.
  2. Men reach 55 years of age and women reach 50.

The small peoples of the North include only those citizens who permanently reside in the Far North, in the areas of settlement of their ancestors, and lead a traditional way of life and fishing for those places.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1049 approved the lists of small peoples of the North (these include Eskimos, Chukchi, Lamuts, Kereks).

Amounts of social pensions and indexation in 2017

The amounts of social pension payments vary and depend on the type of pension assigned and the category of their recipients. The pension amounts established before April 1, 2017 are shown in the table below.

Recipient categorySize, rub.
By disability
Disabled children and people with disabilities from childhood, group 111903,51
Disabled people of 1st group and disabled people from childhood of 2nd group9919,73
Disabled people 2nd group4959,85
Disabled people of 3 groups4215,90
On the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner
Orphans under the age of 18 and when studying full-time for no longer than 23 years9919,73
Children under 18 years of age (up to 23 in full-time education) who have lost one of their parents4959,85
By old age
Men and women who have reached the age of 65 and 60 years, respectively, and citizens from among the minority "northern" peoples4959,85

The size of pension payments each year must be indexed to the level of actual inflation of the previous year. If the final amount of payments is below the subsistence level established in the region of residence, then recipients may be assigned a social supplement.

Pensions for residents of the North will increase by regional coefficient for the entire stay V this place. When a pensioner leaves the “northern” territories, the coefficient is canceled.

Procedure for appointment and payments

To assign a social pension, citizens must provide:

  1. identification document;
  2. statement;
  3. documents necessary to confirm various circumstances, which may differ for different categories of recipients.

The required list of papers can be submitted at any time after the right to this type pension provision. You can apply for payment assignments at multifunctional center (MFC) or to the territorial authority (at your place of residence) Pension Fund Russia (PFR). Moreover, documents are provided both personally and through a legal representative. An application for appointment can be submitted through your personal account on the official website of the Pension Fund.

Pay appointed from the 1st the month in which the citizen applied for it, but not earlier than the day the right to it became available. Payments are made monthly.

The recipient of pension benefits has the right to choose the organization and method of delivery of pension benefits. There are several such organizations - these could be the Russian Post, bank branches or an organization that delivers pensions.

Concerning ways to receive payments, then there are also several of them:

  1. at home;
  2. in person at a branch of the organization;
  3. to a bank card.

Also to receive pension funds You can issue a power of attorney. You can draw it up yourself, but it requires certification from a notary or directly from the organization where the pensioner receives payments. To do this, the recipient himself and the authorized representative must apply to these branches with identification documents (passport).