Pension reform today. Pension reform


The pension system is a complex tool for building a country's social policy. The moment has come in Russia when it is necessary to carry out its renewal. For this reason, the pension reform was approved, news about which filled the media.

Pension reform: start in January 2019

An outdated pension system will harm the state interests of Russia. The 2018 retirement age reform begins work in January 2019 and is intended to become an effective tool for the country's leadership for the social protection of citizens of the state.

The project’s goal was not only to raise the retirement age; the reform was designed to adjust the calculation and calculation of pensions. To implement it, the government was required to correlate the assessment of demographic indicators, inflation, statistical indicators of the standard of living and well-being of people with the tasks that this reform will solve in the state. Russians, concerned about the innovation, are closely monitoring the latest news on pension reform.

Old age is postponed

People of any country want to live in a reliable state, the authorities of which guarantee, among other things, a protected old age. Citizens do not like changes in guarantees from the state. Likewise, the reform of the retirement age in Russia is perceived ambiguously by society. Russians want confidence that by the time their pension arrives, the start date will not change and the accrual of pension payments will not be reduced. But now a reform appears to raise the retirement age.

The essence of the project is that the new reform will revise the years of retirement for citizens according to age and increase the retirement age. The project is designed to improve economic and demographic indicators; such actions on the part of the state are a global trend. The project developers explain the urgency and urgency of such a step as pension age reform by the fact that research in this direction was carried out back in 1932. The country's standard of living and life expectancy have increased, and working conditions have improved.

In contrast to the arguments of legislators, people cite the fact that during their work, by transferring their own earned money, Russians hoped for a state-provided old age in the near future. However, the pension age reform since 2019 increases the length of work, which older people are not prepared for.

The funds that the state will receive will bring additional income to the country’s treasury, which the country’s authorities will be able to use to cover the deficit of the pension fund and finance some national projects. The idea of ​​replenishing the federal budget with additional money was the reason why a project to change the pension system was proposed for consideration by the Duma. The 2018 pension reform in Russia is designed to solve another problem voiced by the president - increasing pensions for current pensioners so that the increase exceeds the inflation rate in the country.

The pension reform in 2018 was the result of interaction between the Russian government and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. As a result of the adoption of the draft law, the country's leadership made a bold decision. The reaction from citizens to its adoption in the Duma was ambiguous.

The pension age reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not take effect. For employees of this ministry, the government is developing a special document that will increase the retirement age of a certain category of employees. The project guarantees additional benefits to Russians of certain professions and social groups, for example, mothers of many children.

The government is justifying the need to take unpopular measures to solve problems associated with replenishing the pension fund. As a result of the implementation of the reform of raising the retirement age, the state pension fund will receive savings from the federal budget and will be replenished with additional funds by increasing the number of working citizens. In addition, the pension fund will be able to increase pensions for current pensioners by 7.05%, which exceeds the inflation rate in the country.

In Russia, in 2019, updates to the pension reform come into force, which have caused a lot of controversy and discussion in the media and among the population. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the reasons for changes in the policy of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and how this will affect the indexation of contributions.

What will happen to pensions in 2019

The planned actions to implement pension reform in 2018 are based on the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 18. The implementation goal concerns national and strategic development goals up to 2024.

Therefore, the Russian Government was given a number of instructions reflecting the essence of the pension reform:

  • reducing the level of the poor population by half and preventing an increase in this threshold at the expense of persons on well-deserved retirement due to old age;
  • increasing the growth of payments outpacing the inflation rate;
  • creation and implementation of federal and regional programs to support pensioners and increase the quality of life of the country's citizens.

Based on this, starting from January 1, 2019, the Government of the Russian Federation will begin to implement measures to stabilize the system by increasing deductions to 40% of wages. Naturally, this should be influenced by indexation that is almost twice as high as annual inflation. In addition, the planned volume will be influenced by an increase in retirement within five years.

Additionally, government officials plan to develop and implement a system of personal capital formation in old age. The IPC system will act as an alternative to the funded part and in the future should increase the amount of old-age payments by 15%.

Reasons for the new reform

The reasons that led to pension reform in Russia relate to changes in the socio-economic field.

Increasing life expectancy of citizens

Average Soviet-era statistics indicate a life expectancy of 40 years. Therefore, these data became the basis for establishing the following dates for retirement in old age:

  • for the female population - at 55 years old;
  • for the male population - upon reaching 60 years of age.

In 2018, the forecast was 72.9 years.

For information: an addition to the May decree of the President was the need to increase the average life expectancy of the population to 78 years by 2024, and to 80 years by 2030.

The number of pensioners is growing steadily every year

According to Rosstat, the number of men and women of working age will decrease by four million people.

Lack of funds in the Federal budget

The government has calculated that to implement all planned national projects, it is necessary to find 8 trillion rubles. These additional funds are needed for 6 years, i.e. until 2024. It is noteworthy that this amount is 50% of the annual federal budget.

Lack of positive dynamics in the funded pension system

Starting in 1414, a decision was made at the top level to temporarily “freeze” the funded portion. Thus, working people do not receive money into the savings fund, and all deductions accumulate on the insurance part of the Russian Pension Fund.


In accordance with the need analyzed by government agencies, an update is coming in 2019 in the form of a reform:

  • raising the retirement age as a means of receiving insurance payments;
  • change in indexation, and every year 1000 rubles will be added to deductions;
  • the possibility of receiving a social pension by increasing the length of service;
  • correction of the current rules for the retirement of beneficiaries based on length of service and for working people in the Far North.

Expert forecasts

According to Dmitry Malykh, the 2019 pension reform should be applied to persons currently under the age of 45. However, he also notes that there is a high probability that a person will work more for several years than his neighbor who was born a year later.

In addition, a number of experts note that with proper preparation and correction at all levels, this reform will take the country to a new economic level.

Retirement in 2019

According to Federal Law No. of December 28, 2013 (Article No. 8), three mandatory conditions must be met to apply for old-age insurance contributions:

  • reach the retirement age established by the new rules;
  • have a minimum level of experience;
  • availability of a certain number of points on an individual account in the Russian Pension Fund.
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Increasing the retirement period in the Russian Federation from 2019

Based on information about the new pension reform, in 2019 there will be updates to the requirements for length of service and the number of points accumulated in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Please note: points under the RF Pension Fund system have been increasing since 2015, and the age will begin to increase from January 1, 2019.

Thus, citizens retire with the following indicators:

  • women over 55.5 years old with 10 years of insurance experience and IPC - 16.2 points;
  • men with 60.5 and similar experience and scores.

It is noteworthy that the minimum requirements for receiving labor benefits in connection with old age are indicated here. These innovations are due to V.V. Putin’s proposal to soften the pension reform.

Categories of people retiring in 2019 in the Russian Federation

Based on the schedule established by Federal Law, the following will retire in 2019:

  1. On a general basis, in the first and second quarters, no one will be able to complete the insurance portion of the length of service until the citizen reaches the appropriate age;
  2. In the second half of the year, registration can be carried out by men born in the first 6 months. 1959 and women 1964

In addition, the following categories can submit documents:

  • upon reaching old age before 2019, but temporarily postponing retirement;
  • availability of grounds for early receipt of old-age contributions.

Taking into account the adjustments and news about pension reform (Russia), in the first half of the coming year the appearance of new pensioners is almost reduced to zero.

Preferential pension

According to the law adopted by the Russian Government, the update of the reform will also affect a number of participants in preferential categories. Starting from January 2019, the general rules for processing payments will be adjusted for the following citizens:

  1. People living and employed in the Far North, as well as in other regions subject to the same harsh conditions. For women, this applies when they reach 50/55 years, for the male population - 55/60 years. Consequently, taking into account the new rules, northerners make deductions from 50.5 and 55.5 years;
  2. It was decided to maintain special experience for teachers, medical employees and workers in creative professions. However, the paperwork will be delayed for eight years from the date of obtaining the required work experience.
Please note: Based on the transitional rules, next year it is expected that teachers and medical employees will postpone the registration of pensions for the period of insurance coverage for one year, i.e. in 2020. However, this information is currently under review. Members of the State Duma will consider this bill in the 2nd and 3rd readings.

When is early retirement possible after long service?

In accordance with the pension reform and news about it, it is planned to update the period for registering contributions for well-deserved retirement for people in preferential categories.

It becomes obvious that information from the Cabinet of Ministers about raising the retirement age affects every person who did not have time to submit documents to the Pension Fund. That is, according to the current Federal Law No. dated December 28, 13 (Article No. 8, paragraph 1), people under 55 and 60 years of age will make old-age contributions according to the new rules.

Information about retirement from 2019 by year

The transition period, timed to update the deadlines for retirement, will be five years for the Russian population. Moreover, it affects everyone who was planning to retire from 19 to 23, i.e., the male population of 1959-63. births and female 1964-68 birth.

Who will not be affected by the age increase in Russia?

Raising the retirement age, as well as other changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, affects a large part of the population. However, there are a number of categories for which the previous rules will remain valid, despite the innovations in the system:

  1. For persons who have already made contributions for old age as of January 1, 2019. There are no plans to return accrued funds or limit the rights of pensioners for well-deserved rest;
  2. If a person has worked in dangerous and harmful conditions all his life:
    • labor activity related to geological surveys, prospecting, including the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as forest management;
    • work in difficult conditions underground and in hot production workshops;
    • mining sector;
    • drivers of public urban passenger vehicles with regular flights;
    • pilots, engineers, technologists involved in the aviation sector, etc.;
  3. For persons who have the right to retire early in accordance with their level of health and other social reasons:
    • with a disability of the first degree, including those with impaired functioning of the visual apparatus, midgets, dwarfs with a violation of proportions;
    • mothers of five or more children who raised them until they were at least eight years old;
    • mothers of two or more children with work experience in regions close to the Far North;
    • fathers, mothers, guardians of persons with childhood disabilities, raising children under eight years of age, as well as others;
  4. The civilian population who received injuries or other suffering as a result of emergencies associated with man-made, radiation disasters, including at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, Mayak PA.
Note: V.V. Putin, live on June 07, 2018, explained his position on updating the RF Pension Fund system. Thus, the President sees the main task of improving the quality of life of people in retirement. In his opinion, the increase in the period of work should be done carefully.

Pension reform - latest news

Having familiarized yourself with the pension reform and the latest news, it is also worth noting the proposal put forward by the President dated August 29, 2018. The easing period for receiving old-age contributions should be increased for women by no more than five years and a grace period should be introduced in the first 2 years of the new law.

It is noteworthy that the corresponding amendment has already been prepared and submitted to the State Duma for consideration in the 2nd and 3rd readings. A number of other provisions will also be subject to adjustment, which will be known after the State Duma meeting.

In addition, the new bill develops the grounds for early termination. For example, for the male population, the work experience must be continuous for at least 40 years, and for the female population - 45. Thus, if this condition is met, individuals will be able to qualify for contributions 24 months ahead of schedule. However, there is an amendment here too - not earlier than 55 and 60 years of age. However, the President indicated the need to soften these conditions for 36 months, which will also be considered in the 2nd reading of the bill by the State Duma.

It is noteworthy that the IPC system provides for voluntary contributions to an individual account from the working population. In other words, an employee, including a self-employed person, will be able to independently deduct 0-6% from his salary to create personal capital. To do this, it is enough to fill out an application indicating the percentage part and submit it to the manager.

Watch the video about the details of the pension reform from 2019

November 14, 2018, 16:44 November 14, 2018 16:44

There are reforms that are useful and necessary, and there are those that are dubious and frightening from the point of view of the average citizen. Pension reform is one of the latter. According to the new law, people will retire 5 years later than now. Men - at 65 years old, women - at 60.

The government reassures the population that “they” in Europe have been doing this for a long time, and no one is protesting. But it is hardly correct to compare the European standard of living, and in particular its average life expectancy, with Russian realities. Everything here is not the same as there, and increasing the terms by 5 years is a serious blow to the segment of the mature population of the country. Young people should also think about it - these reforms will inevitably affect them in the future.

With you is an expert from Papa Pomog magazine on legal issues. The article will talk about the essence and meaning of the pension reform, about the categories of the population that will not be affected by the innovations, about what awaits us after the launch of the new law.

All the most important things about our pensions are detailed and clear in this article.

"PAPA" covered the latest news about pensions in the Russian Federation

Pension reform – latest news

In October 2018, the State Duma adopted a law on pension reform. A number of significant changes have been made to the current legislation, aimed, as the official wording says, “at ensuring the growth of pension contributions and increasing the level of their indexation.” The new regulatory act provides for an increase in the retirement age, after which citizens will receive pensions.

These reforms do not affect current pensioners in any way: everyone who is entitled to pensions now will continue to receive them in the same amount. Innovations will affect those who receive government support from 01/01/2019 and later. According to the authorities, the changes should ensure an increase in the welfare of non-working pensioners through indexation, which, again quoting official sources, “will significantly exceed the level of actual inflation.”

The Russian population reacted negatively to changes in pension legislation. It’s not surprising that people don’t want to work more than 5 years for a promise to increase payments by a certain percentage. Attempts by the government and personally by the President of the Russian Federation to publicly explain the meaning of the reforms did not evoke much understanding among citizens.

Watch the video in which representatives of the United Russia party explain why they had to take such “unpopular” measures:

Against the backdrop of reports in the central media about the economic growth and prosperity of the country, “robbing the elderly” looks like a really dubious step. However, the government claims that extreme circumstances forced it to take this measure.

In simple terms, in Russia over the past decades the ratio of working citizens and pensioners has changed significantly. According to official estimates, by 2025 in the country there will be approximately the same number of workers as those receiving a pension from the state.

Yes, in Europe the situation is similar, but there higher average life expectancy of the population, and the realities are completely different (as, indeed, are the sizes of pensions).

The government has calculated that if everything is left as is, Russian pensioners will simply not have enough pension money in the future. There are already not enough of them, because the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) needs to take money from the country’s budget, which creates a financial deficit.

Another reason is the rising cost of living. The size of payments needs to be increased in order to provide older people with a living wage, and from the above it follows that there is nowhere to get money - contributions are not enough, and the number of pensioners compared to the number of workers is increasing.

Conclusion: The government took the simplest way to solve the problem - the age for pensioners was pushed back by 5 years. Such a measure, by definition, cannot be popular, and the negative reaction of citizens was not difficult to foresee.

However, I propose to leave emotions behind and try to understand the issue in detail, thoroughly and without hasty conclusions in the form of calls to go to the barricades.

Important points of the new law

The law comes into effect from January 1, 2019. Its gradual implementation is envisaged - the transition phase will last until 2028. The retirement age is fixed for men at around 65 years and 60 for women. Previously these figures were 60 And 55 years respectively.

Initially, the bill provided for an increase for women for 8 years, but in the final version, Russian women got 3 years off. The president personally spoke in favor of this amendment, which, as expected, worked for the positive image of V.V. Putin. The move is not too subtle, but effective.

The increase in indicators will be gradual - annually for 1 year. For Russians who have reached the “old” age level in the next 2 years, mitigation is provided - they will go on vacation only 6 months later.

The law has been passed, and now women and men in the Russian Federation will retire 5 years later

Key points of the new law:

  1. The innovations will affect those who were planning to retire on January 1, 2019. Women starting from Born 1964. Representatives of the stronger sex - born in 1959.
  2. The transition stage will last for 5 years: the period for entering a well-deserved retirement will gradually increase.
  3. The first to retire a full 5 years later will be men and women who reach ages 65 and 60 in 2028.

List of those who will not be affected by the increase in retirement age

Let's reassure those who have applied for pensions until 01/01/2019. Current pensioners will calmly receive the payments due to them.

The deadlines will NOT change for those who work in places with dangerous and harmful conditions.

These include:

  • those employed in underground work and in hot shops;
  • workers of locomotive crews and employees responsible for traffic safety of railway transport and metro;
  • truck drivers at mineral development sites - mines and mines;
  • textile industry workers with high labor intensity;
  • personnel of geological exploration parties and expeditions;
  • employed in forest management or survey work;
  • navy and fishing industry workers;
  • workers in mining and extractive industries;
  • correctional officers;
  • tractor drivers and agricultural machinery operators;
  • city ​​transport drivers;
  • aviation flight personnel;
  • employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

This includes women who have 5 or more children, parents of disabled people and their guardians, group 1 disabled people living in the Far North, people affected by major man-made disasters.

The reforms will have little or no effect on medical specialists, teachers and cultural workers. They will still need from 15 to 30 years of professional experience to retire early.

Will the retirement age be increased for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the military?

There is no information about military personnel in the new law. What will be the situation with pensions for military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Changes in pension legislation for law enforcement officers have been discussed for a long time, but so far the new law has not yet been adopted or approved. It is expected that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will increase their length of service from 20 years to 25. The same fate awaits military personnel.

Let me remind you that long-service pension and old-age social benefits are different types of payments. Security forces and military personnel have the right to both benefits from the state. If the new law is approved, it is unlikely to cause delight among the military and law enforcement officials.

Table of increasing the retirement age in Russia and other countries

For clarity, I have prepared a table of retirement by year in the Russian Federation:

Years of vacation under the old law Retirement age taking into account the transition stage Years of release under the new law
For women For men
1st half of 2019 55 + 0.5 60 + 0.5 1st half of 2019
2nd half of 2019 55 + 0.5 60 + 0.5 2nd half of 2020
1st half of 2020 55 + 1.5 60 + 1.5 2nd half of 2021
2nd half of 2020 55 + 1.5 60 + 1.5 1st half of 2022
2021 55 + 3 60 + 3 2024
2022 55 + 4 60 + 4 2026
2023 55 + 5 60 + 5 2028, etc.

The new law provides for a chance to reduce the retirement age by 2 years if a citizen has a long work history. Specifically, this is 37 years of work experience for women who have reached the age of 55, and 42 years of work experience for men who have reached 60 years of age.

The picture below shows the dynamics of changes in retirement age in different countries:

As you can see, the situation in the world on this issue is also different.

Expert comments on further increases in the retirement age and the possible abolition of pensions in Russia

The official media prefer not to criticize changes in the pension system. Government representatives are generally extremely reluctant to talk about this. The population is confident that the state has moved from hidden robbery of citizens to open robbery. And people can be understood, since, in addition to raising the age, the authorities are going to increase VAT and introduce a tax for the self-employed.

There is a separate article about the law on the “PAPA HELPED” website.

Experts speak differently, but you need to listen to yourself and common sense...

The panic and discontent of the people are justified and logical. And although the first citizen will retire under the new rules only in 2028, the consequences of the changes will affect many already in 2019. And this is unlikely to be a stable increase in the amount of payments promised by the government.

Russia is a country that is poorly predictable. More precisely, there is no need to expect the fulfillment of optimistic forecasts here. For example, many say that in the near future it will be problematic for people without experience or points to receive a social pension. They will have to wait for minimum benefits almost until 70 years old .

Will it happen that many citizens will remain in 10-20 years at all without any pensions, or they will be so small that they not even enough for food?

Well, this option is not excluded.

What should people do right now to guarantee a comfortable life in the future? Think about your own retirement now. Take care of your health, invest in yourself and invest. Start working on your financial wellness as early as possible.

Deposits are the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about providing for your own old age. Not to say that this is a reliable and highly profitable instrument, but it is better than the complete absence of any savings.

Investments in stocks, bonds and mutual funds are more promising in this regard, but first you need to understand these methods of preserving and increasing funds. Investing all your money in the first fund that comes your way is a big mistake. Many have already done it and are left without funds.

Financial literacy is the basis of your future well-being. Start doing it today, and tomorrow you will not face economic shocks and reforms.

Supporters and opponents of reform - main arguments

Let's consider the arguments and proposals of the main opponents and supporters of pension reform.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky proposes not to raise the age, but to fight gray wages, raise taxes for people with super incomes (up to 80%) and increase the number of working citizens: issuing Russian Federation passports according to a simplified scheme to everyone who wants to officially work in Russia.

Gennady Zyuganov proposes to dissolve the Pension Fund, which, in his opinion, illegally manages people's money, and, of course, not carry out any reforms. He considers the new law a sign of disrespect for the people and evidence of the backwardness of the existing political and economic system in Russia.

In his opinion, the country’s budget should be replenished through taxes from those who own 90% of national wealth- namely, oligarchs and people with super incomes.

And here is how the United Russia party proposes to explain to the population the need for pension reform:

Protests, rallies and petitions against reform: will there be a referendum?

After the promulgation of the bill, rallies and protests against the reform took place in many regions of the country. The date of the announcement of the beginning of innovations strangely coincided with the beginning of the World Cup in Russia, which predictably reduced the degree of social activity.

However, in the cities where the tournament matches did not take place, the activity of opponents of the pension law was noticeable. In particular, several protests took place in Novosibirsk and other Siberian cities, attracting thousands of people. Representatives of the opposition initiated signature collections in many cities and regions of the Russian Federation.

However, all these events did not have the desired impact on the opinion of government officials. With minimal amendments, the law was successfully passed. So no referendums on this matter are expected, although some parties, in particular the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, insisted on precisely this option.

Protests against pension reform on the streets of Russia

The government apparently believes that such reforms can be adopted unilaterally, without taking into account the opinions of those to whom they are actually aimed - that is, ordinary citizens of the country.

What real people say about pension reform

The most popular idea in this regard is to take money away from the oligarchs, since there is not enough of it in the budget for pensions. Let them sell their many properties around the world, yachts and diamonds and share the money with their grandparents. The measure is, of course, effective, but it is unlikely to save the budget. For the stable operation of the pension system, the funds need stable, and not one-time, revenues.

In general, the majority of the population speaks extremely negatively about the reform.

Here are quotes from people about the new law:

“Only in Russia, people who have worked all their lives are forced to beg in their old age.”

“A well-fed person will not understand a hungry person - they in the Government are completely behind the times.”

“You have to hope for a miracle, for chance, or for children - there will be no support from the state, that’s clear.”

“It’s better to leave this country long before retirement.”

There are thousands of similar statements, including those that are more harsh in form, on forums and social networks. However, there is only one reasonable way out of the situation - to take care of your future income yourself.


So, pension reform is inevitable - the current government has no plans to abolish it. We will retire 5 years later, this is a fact that we will have to come to terms with.

This has been talked about for a long time and for a certain circle of people this news is no longer something out of the ordinary.

The document has already been officially published on the state Internet portal of legal information. In its final form, it was adopted by State Duma deputies on September 27 by a majority vote (333 votes for and only 82 against). Earlier, in the second reading, deputies considered the main amendments to pension reform(including those that were adopted unanimously). The adopted law was approved by the Federation Council on October 3.

The main planned changes to pension legislation from 2019, which are included in the final law, will be:

All of the above offers were formalized in the form of amendments to the law, considered and adopted by the State Duma in the second reading on September 26, 2018 The law was adopted in its final form the very next day - September 27, 2018, after which it was approved by the Federation Council on October 3, 2018 and signed by the President.

What were the main changes adopted during the reading of the bill on raising the retirement age?

On September 26, the second reading of the pension reform bill from 2019 took place. Its contents as amended was approved by the relevant committee and recommended for adoption. The draft law, which was reviewed and approved in the State Duma, provides for the following adjustments to the retirement age:

  1. for 5 years, i.e. up to 60 and 65 for women and men respectively. or equivalent areas, an increase is provided for up to 55 and 60 years.
  2. For, retirement will be deferred for 5 years after developing the required experience in the specialty (25 or 30 years, depending on working conditions).
  3. The age to apply is also will be increased by 5 years - i.e. up to 65 and 70 years old.

Every year the standard age value will increase by 1 year until its final value is established. But for those who, according to the old legislation, had to retire in 2019/2020, it will be possible to do this on preferential terms - six months earlier than the new law establishes.

Putin's amendments to pension reform

During the second reading, presidential amendments were unanimously adopted, the purpose of which is relaxation of proposed pension changes:

  • Mothers of many children will be able to:
    • at 57 years old - women who gave birth and raised 3 children;
    • at 56 years old - women with 4 children.
  • Citizens who have worked for at least 37 or 42 years(women and men, respectively) will be able to reach the prescribed retirement age (but not earlier than 55 and 60 years).
  • For pensioners living in rural areas and having at least 30 years of insurance experience, a fixed payment to the insurance pension

All of the above amendments introduced by the President were unanimously adopted by the State Duma during a meeting on September 26, 2018 - 385 deputies voted “for” the adoption of these proposals (85.6% of those present at the meeting).

Fragment of the broadcast of the plenary meeting on September 26, 2018 with the results of voting on amendments to the bill on raising the retirement age

Pre-retirement age

As part of the new pension reform for the transition period (2019-2028), a new concept was legislatively introduced - , which begins 5 years before the citizen reaches the age of appointment. A number of measures will be provided for pre-retirees aimed at providing additional guarantees and protecting their interests.

On September 25, the State Duma finally adopted a bill on criminal liability for refusal to hire or dismissal based on reaching pre-retirement age. In case of such a violation, the employer faces a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles, wages for a period of up to 18 months, or compulsory work of up to 360 hours.

In addition, other support measures were proposed for pre-retirees:

  1. To pay a funded pension The current retirement age will be maintained - 55 and 60 years. At the same time, the possibility of both this pension (when all pension savings are paid one-time in full) and (i.e. over a certain period of time) will be provided.
  2. All provided for by federal laws benefits for pensioners(eg, etc.) will be saved for - i.e. They can be used upon reaching the ages of 55 and 60, and not depending on the status of a pensioner. In some regions, similar other social support measures, which are installed in specific subjects:
    • benefits for utility bills;
    • for sanatorium-resort treatment;
    • for travel by transport, etc.
  3. Providing annually 2 days, paid at the expense of the employer, for citizens of pre-retirement age to undergo free medical examination.
  4. Increasing the maximum amount of unemployment benefits for pre-retirees to 11,280 rubles. instead of the previously established 4900 rubles, which will be paid for a period of up to 1 year.

The decision regarding all the above measures was made in parallel with the adoption of the law on raising the retirement age- i.e. in September-October 2018. Some of them were adopted as amendments to this law, while others were adopted as separate bills. October 3, 2018 President V. Putin signed the entire package of pension laws.

New amendments to pension reform are a hot topic that worries both future pensioners and employers. Details, expert explanations and a table of the phased transition to updated standards are in the article.

From the article you will learn:

Plans to change pension legislation, announced at the beginning of 2018, are gradually taking shape. An integrated approach to revising existing rules and regulations is aimed at stabilizing the pension system and increasing the income of Russian pensioners.

When will changes to pension legislation take effect?

Federal Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018, which established new changes in the pension reform, will come into force on January 1, 2019. This means that before the start of the new calendar year, employees will be able to retire according to the old rules. when three conditions are met simultaneously:

Condition 1. Retirement age has been reached - 60 years for men, 55 years for women.

Condition 2. There is a pension coefficient of 13.8 or more.

Condition 3. Insurance experience of at least nine years.

Some categories of personnel have the right to retire early due to old age - for work in special working conditions, in difficult climates and more. To exercise this right, you must write a written application and attach to it certificates confirming the availability of special experience.

Download useful documents:

A special specialist will help you complete the procedure without errors even in the most difficult cases. from "System Personnel":

But in the near future, current standards will be revised, retirement dates will be shifted, and personnel officers will have new responsibilities related to protecting the rights of workers of pre-retirement age. Therefore, it is so important to know when the new pension reform comes into force and how it will affect personnel work.

What is the new pension age reform?

5 changes you need to know about:

  1. Cancellation of the point system.
  2. New rules indexation of pensions.
  3. Creation of a voluntary funded pension system in the form of IPC - individual pension capital.
  4. Raising the generally established retirement age.
  5. Adjustment of rules for registration of preferential pensions.

How will it happengradual transition to the new pension reform (table)

Initially, the draft pension reform law proposed raising the minimum retirement age by eight years for women and by five years for men.

After much discussion, a softer version of the reform was adopted: the age limit for the female population will increase by five years instead of eight, and the increase will be gradual. The age limit for men will also gradually increase by five years. The increase will also occur within the framework of the transition period - from 2019 to 2023.

A table of the new pension reform broken down by year will help you get a more complete picture of the transition process.

Table of the new pension reform

Year of retirement before reform

Increasing the retirement age compared to pre-reform norms

New retirement age for men

New retirement age for women

Year of retirement after reform

6 months (+ year)

1.5 (2) years

The law stipulates a new basis for retirement two years earlier than the new retirement age - a work experience of 37 years for women and 42 years for men. With such a long experience, men will be able to retire from the age of 60, women - from the age of 55. Except for cases clearly stipulated by law, an employer does not have the right to unilaterally dismiss an employee because of age. An expert from Sistema Personnel comments on the situation: Can an employee continue to work in the organization upon reaching retirement age?

As for social benefits in old age, to which all Russians who have not managed to accumulate the length of service required to receive an insurance pension are entitled, there have been changes here too. Now women will have the opportunity to receive a social pension only upon reaching 65 years of age, and men - 70 years of age.

Advice from the editor. Pay attention to the new concept in the legislation - pre-retirement age. Now employers must prepare a new report and monitor the rights of first-retirees. Read the article for details: Pre-retirement age (table)

Who will not be affectednew rules for pension reform

The new changes in Russia's pension reform will not affect everyone.

The pension reform changes will not affect

  1. Citizens who managed to apply for an old-age pension before January 1, 2019. They will not accumulate additional years of experience.
  2. Citizens who work in harmful or dangerous working conditions. The rules for applying for a preferential pension for work in such conditions will remain the same. Even when the new pension reform is approved.

Therefore, beneficiaries, as before, will be able to go on legal vacation early, without waiting for retirement age.

In addition, the reform does not apply to:

  • representatives of small nationalities of the Far North;
  • persons injured as a result of major man-made accidents and radiation disasters;
  • disabled people of group I;
  • mothers of many children who gave birth to five or more children and raised them until the age of eight.

note! Despite the reform, the retirement age for employees of the FSB, the Federal Security Service and a number of other law enforcement agencies is not being raised.

Do not forget to review the personal cards of employees of pre-retirement age and clarify the timing of their retirement, taking into account gender, year of birth, social status, length of insurance and special service, which entitles them to preferential pension benefits.