Calculating the amount of a pension under the new rules has become even more complex and confusing. Explanation of the formula for determining pension capital What is the estimated pension capital made up of?

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In order to understand how to properly produce calculation of pension capital, let's look at some examples.

As of January 1, 2002, Ivan Ilyich has a total work experience of 27 years and 3 months and an average monthly salary of 2,500 rubles. for the period 2000-2001, as of 01/01/2002 lives in the North and continues to work.

The ratio of Ivan Ilyich’s earnings to the average monthly salary in the country will be:

ZR / Salary = 2500 rub.: 1494 rub. 50 kopecks = 1.673 - and will be taken into account in the amount of 1.4.

SK - the coefficient for Ivan Ilyich’s length of service is 0.57 (0.55 + + 0.02 - for two years of total work experience in excess of the required length of service). The estimated pension amount as of 01/01/2002 was:

RP = SK x ZR / ZP x SZP = 0.57 x 1.4 x 1671 rub. = 1333.46 rub. The estimated pension capital as of 01/01/2002 was:

PC = (RP - warhead) x T = (1333.46 rubles - 450 rubles) x 144 months. = = 127,218.24 rub.

Thus, Ivan Ilyich’s pension capital, accumulated as of January 1, 2002, amounted to 127,218.24 rubles.

Since 2010, the total amount of the labor pension has been calculated taking into account the amount of valorization. The increase in pension due to valorization will be: (RUB 127,218.24 x 0.37 x 3.678): 144 months. = 1202.26 rubles, where 0.37 - 37% increase in the estimated pension capital (27% for 27 years of work and 10% for the fact of working in the USSR);

3.678 - indexation coefficient of the insurance period of the pension;

144 months - coefficient of the pension payment period.

The indexed initial pension capital, taking into account valorization, will be entered into Ivan Ilyich’s individual personal account, which, together with the employer’s insurance contributions, will constitute the accumulated pension capital for calculating the amount of the future pension by the time she retires.

If the length of service is less than the minimum established by law (25 years for men), the size of the pension capital will be lower
reap in proportion to the length of service. Pension capital for incomplete service is calculated according to the following formula:

PC = PCfull x ST / STfull,

where PCfull. - pension capital with full service;

ST - actual work experience in months according to

as of 01/01/2002;

STfull - full length of service in months, established by law (for women 240 months, for men - 300 months).

It should be noted that this norm relates to the determination of pension capital as of 01/01/2002, and not to the determination of the estimated size of the labor pension.

As of January 1, 2002, Alla Petrovna has a total work experience of 4 years fjjff (48 months) and an average monthly salary of 1,500 rubles. for the period 2000-2001.

The ratio of Alla Petrovna’s earnings to the average monthly salary in the country will be:

ZR / Salary = 1500 rub.: 1494 rub. 50 kopecks = 1.0.

The estimated pension amount as of 01/01/2002 with full total work experience was:

RP = SK X ZR / ZP X SZP = 0.55 X l r 0 X 1671 rub. = 919 rub. 05 kop. The estimated full pension capital as of 01/01/2002 was: PCtotal. = (RP - BC) x T = (919 rub. 05 kopecks - 450 rub.) x 144 months. = 67,543 rub. 20 kopecks The estimated (initial) pension capital of Alla Petrovna as of: 01/01/2002 with incomplete work experience will be determined in the amount: PC = PCfull x ST / STfull. – 67543 rub. 20 kopecks x 48 months : 240 months = 13,508 rub. 64 kopecks

Thus, Alla Petrovna’s pension capital, accumulated as of 01/01/2002, amounted to 13,508 rubles. 64 kopecks

Since 2010, the total size of the labor pension is calculated taking into account the amount of valorization. The increase in pension due to valorization will be:

(RUB 13,508.64 x 0.14 x 3.678): 240 months. = 28.98 rub., :

where 0.14 is a 14% increase in the estimated pension capital (4% for four years of work and 10% for the fact of working in the USSR);

3.678 - insurance hour and pension indexation coefficient;

240 months - coefficient of the pension payment period.

The indexed initial pension capital, taking into account valorization, will be entered into Alla Petrovna’s individual personal account, which, together with the employer’s insurance contributions, will constitute the accumulated pension capital for calculating the amount of her future pension by the time she retires.

The amount of the initial (calculated) pension capital now depends on the length of total work experience, the amount of average monthly earnings, as well as on the availability of the right to increase the calculated pension capital of the relevant categories of citizens. Therefore, in order to assess pension rights, a citizen has the right to submit additional documents that affect the amount of his pension capital, which were not previously presented to him. In this case, the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation clarify the amount of pension capital as of 01/01/2002.

Estimated pension capital

Estimated pension capital - taken into account in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, the total amount of insurance other income and contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the insured person and pension rights in financial terms purchased before the entry into force of this law, which is the basis for determining the size of the insurance part of the labor pensions;


Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ (as amended on December 3, 2011, as amended on November 19, 2012) On labor pensions in the Russian Federation (as amended and additionally effective from July 1, 2012)

The estimated pension capital is formed from a non-specialized amount of other insurance proceeds and contributions to finance the insurance part of the labor pension received by the insured person to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, based on personal (personalized) accounting data.


Law of December 15, 2001 N 167-FZ (as amended on July 28, 2012) On necessary pension insurance in the Russian Federation

Official terminology. 2012.

See what Estimated Pension Capital is in other dictionaries:

Estimated pension capital - Accounted for in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, the total amount of insurance other income and contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the insured person and pension rights in financial terms purchased before ... ... Dictionary: accounting, taxes, business law

167-FZ dated December 15, 2001 - ATTENTION! This regulation has been changed! See the new version of the law of December 15, 2001 N 167 FZ (as amended on December 30, 2008) RF LAW


Pension provision in the Russian Federation - This article should be Wikified. Please format it in accordance with the rules for formatting articles. The pension system of Russia is a set of legal, economic and norms and organizational institutions created in the Russian Federation... Wikipedia

Pension system (Russian Federation) - The pension system of Russia is a set of legal, economic and norms and organizational institutions created in the Russian Federation with the goal of providing citizens with material security in the form of a pension. Pension aggregate... ... Wikipedia

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Pension: calculation and procedure for registration Minaeva Lyubov Nikolaevna

7.1. The amount of estimated pension capital (PC)

The term “calculated pension capital” is used for the first time in pension legislation. Its appearance is associated with the transition to new methods of calculating labor pensions, which from January 1, 2002 consisted of three parts - basic, insurance and funded. The estimated pension capital is the basis for calculating the amount of the insurance part of the pension and reflects the total amount of insurance contributions and other income to the Pension Fund paid for the insured person, and pension rights in monetary terms acquired before January 1, 2002.

The estimated pension capital is determined using a special method by counting back the amount of the pension due to the insured persons with a full total length of service using the individual pensioner coefficient, provided that they had reached retirement age by the specified date.

For pensioners who stopped working before January 1, 2002, the estimated pension capital consists of only one part - pension rights acquired before January 1, 2002.

For citizens who began working after this date, the estimated pension capital will be taken into account from the amount of actually paid contributions to the Pension Fund.

For all other citizens who have work experience both before and after January 1, 2002, the estimated pension capital will consist of two parts - pension rights and insurance contributions.

Estimated pension capital (RPC) is the total amount of insurance contributions and other income to the Pension Fund for the insured person and pension rights in monetary terms acquired before January 1, 2002, which are the basis for determining the size of the insurance part of the labor pension.

Pension capital (PC) is the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person, taken into account as of the day from which he is assigned the insurance part of the labor pension. Pension capital is accounted for in the individual personal account of each insured person, opened with the territorial body of the fund. Information about the status of a personal pension account in the personalized accounting system is the main data for assigning a labor pension.

To citizens who worked for more or less a long time under the old pension legislation, the state has an obligation to convert the pension rights earned under the old model into the rights taken into account in the new model, and to constantly carry out indexation until the citizen retires.

The state has an obligation to current pensioners to increase the pension amount to the level of the pensioner’s subsistence level and to constantly index pension payments.

The amount of pension capital (PC) since 2010 consists of:

PC = PC1 + PC2 + SV,

where PC1 is the initial pension capital - these are pension rights in monetary terms acquired by citizens before January 1, 2002. Its value is the conditional amount of insurance contributions paid for pensions before 01/01/2002. To determine the amount of initial pension capital (PC1), it is established estimated size of labor pension. For these purposes, the ratio of the average monthly earnings of the insured person to the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the same period is determined; PC2 – the amount of insurance premiums and other income to the Pension Fund for the insured person, starting from 01/01/2002 until the date of pension assignment; SV – amount of valorization.

For the majority of insured persons, the amount of the estimated pension is calculated using the individual pensioner coefficient established by the laws of 1990 and 1997.

Only young citizens who began working after January 1, 2002 will have “net” pension capital, consisting only of the amounts of insurance contributions paid after January 1, 2002.

The initial pension capital is calculated according to the rules for calculating labor pensions that were applied on the eve of the reform - based on length of service and average earnings for a certain period.

In this case, the amount of the estimated pension capital, when determining it, is subject to multiplication by all indices for increasing the insurance part of the labor pension (for the period from January 1, 2002 to the date of determination of this capital), and from 2010 - to an increase by the percentage of valorization and is taken into account on the individual personal account. the insured person's PF account.

The estimated pension capital is subject to periodic indexation in accordance with the level of price growth and the increase in the level of average monthly wages.

Let us consider how the rights of all insured persons, including pensioners, are assessed on a general basis.

The assessment of pension rights by converting them into estimated pension capital is determined based on the estimated size of the labor pension (RP) using a formula common to all:

PC = (RP – 450 rub.) ? T,

where PC is the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person; RP – the estimated amount of the labor pension determined for insured persons (cannot be less than 660 rubles) as of 01/01/2002; 450 rub. – the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension as of January 1, 2002, which is established by law. Since 2010, the basic part of pensions has been transferred to the insurance part and is called the “fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the labor pension”; T is the average indicator for all pensioners of the period of payment of the old-age labor pension established on the date of assignment of the pension.

As we noted, the size of each pension now includes a basic part (BP), which is assigned to all insured persons in the state pension system upon reaching retirement age if they have at least five years of insurance included in the pension insurance system and paid for.

The estimated pension capital (PC) is the basis for determining the size of the insurance part of the labor pension (SP). Therefore, in the formula by which it is determined, the BC is subtracted from the estimated pension (RP). In this formula, T denotes the expected period of payment of the old-age pension. It is equal to the T period used when establishing the average labor pension, assigned from January 1, 2002.

The amount of estimated pension capital depends on:

Estimated pension amount (RP);

The size of the basic part of the labor pension (BC);

The period of time during which this pension is paid (T).

The difference between the entire amount of the labor pension and its basic part is the size of the insurance part of the labor pension, and the insurance part of the pension, multiplied by the period of time the pension was issued, reflects the estimated amount of insurance contributions paid.

It is possible to determine the amount of the estimated pension capital only after the amount of the pension has been calculated. And the pension amount should be calculated separately for men and women, who must have a total work experience of at least 25 and 20 years to assess pension rights, respectively.

For the purpose of assessing the pension rights of insured persons, the total length of service is understood as the total duration of labor and other socially useful activities until January 1, 2002, which is taken into account on a calendar basis.

Incomplete experience affects the amount of pension capital. In case of incomplete work experience, the estimated pension capital is determined based on the value of the estimated pension capital with full total work experience (25 years for men and 20 years for women), which is divided by the number of months of full total work experience and multiplied by the number of months of actual total work experience. length of service

The assessment of the pension rights of insured persons as of January 1, 2002 is carried out by the territorial bodies of the fund within the following periods:

For insured persons employed in the relevant types of work - no later than January 1, 2011, and if these persons are assigned a labor pension before this date, simultaneously with the assignment of a labor pension;

For the remaining insured persons - no later than January 1, 2013, and if these persons are assigned a labor pension before this date - simultaneously with the assignment of a labor pension to them in accordance with the Law.

In this case, the procedure for confirming work experience, including length of service in relevant types of work (and, if necessary, the earnings of the insured person), which was established for the assignment and recalculation of state pensions and was in force until the day the Law “On Labor Pensions” came into force, is applied.

The amount of the estimated pension capital as of January 1, 2002 is determined using the expected pension payment period (T), established on the date the pension was assigned for the first time.

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  • the selected management company (private or state-owned Vnesheconombank) and the selected investment portfolio. If you have not chosen any management company, then your pension savings are in trust management of the state management company Vnesheconombank (investment portfolio – EXTENDED);
  • the total amount of pension savings taking into account their investment with distribution according to the sources of formation of the funded pension:

4. The fourth block indicates the amount of the estimated pension capital formed from insurance contributions in the period from 2002 to 2014. Moreover, the total amount of capital is indicated taking into account the indexations carried out. To convert pension rights into points, the amount of the monthly payment of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension that you would have received as of December 31, 2014 is calculated from the amount of the calculated pension capital. In this case, the fixed base amount is not taken into account, and then the resulting amount is divided by the cost of one point as of January 1, 2015 (64.1 rubles). Your total points earned before 2015 (if any) are shown in Block 2.

Chapter 5

One of the basic concepts of Russian pension legislation is estimated pension capital (RPC) - the amount of insurance contributions, taking into account which the basic size of the labor pension (the insurance part of the old-age labor pension) is calculated.
The estimated pension capital is formed from the total amount of insurance premiums and other revenues to finance the insurance part of the labor pension, contributed for the insured person to the Pension Fund budget, based on individual (personalized) accounting data.
Accounting for insurance premiums included in the estimated pension capital is carried out in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The estimated pension capital consists of three parts: convertible pension rights (in monetary terms) acquired by insured persons before 01/01/2002, the amount of valorization and insurance contributions paid by the employer to the Pension Fund after this date.
The amount of estimated pension capital (PC), taking into account which the basic size of the labor pension of the insured person (the insurance part of the old-age labor pension) is calculated, is determined by the formula
PC=PC! + SV + pk2,
where PC is the initial pension capital acquired before 01/01/2002, i.e. pension rights of citizens before the reform;
SV - amount of valorization;
PC2 - the total amount of insurance premiums paid from 01/01/2002 until retirement.
The initial pension capital is calculated according to the rules for calculating labor pensions that were applied on the eve of the reform, i.e. based on length of service and average earnings for a certain period.
The estimated pension capital before the date of assignment of the labor pension is subject to regular indexation in accordance with the Law on Labor Pensions.
The estimated pension capital is determined according to general rules based on the estimated size of the labor pension, or taking into account the duration of the total work experience, or taking into account the length of service in the relevant types of work (special work experience).

Assessment of pension rights (conversion) is the transformation of pension rights in the form of total length of service and earnings acquired by a citizen as of 01/01/2002 (before the start of the pension reform) into the amount of estimated pension capital according to a certain formula.
The assessment of pension rights is aimed at:
- to maximize the preservation of pension rights acquired by insured persons as of 01/01/2002;
- simplification of the procedure for assigning a labor pension.
For these purposes, specific periods have been established for which the earnings of the insured person can be taken into account. These are the periods for 2000-2001. according to individual (personalized) records or for any 60 consecutive months on the basis of documents issued in the prescribed manner by the relevant employers or state (municipal) bodies.
These periods are due to the fact that earnings are needed only to assess pension rights, and not to determine the final amount of the pension.
The total length of service still remains relevant only for the conversion of pension rights. The total length of service is understood as the total duration of labor and other socially useful activities until January 1, 2002, which is taken into account on a calendar basis (labor and creative activities, military service, period of receiving unemployment benefits, etc.).
For the purpose of assessing the pension rights of insured persons (including pensioners), the period of disability of groups I and II received as a result of an injury associated with production or an occupational disease is equated to the work at which the specified injury or disease was received. For insured persons who have work experience in special working conditions (Lists No. 1 and No. 2, teaching and medical activities, work in civil aviation, etc.), the conversion of pension rights into calculated pension capital can be carried out at their choice using instead of the general length of service (existing and full), length of service in relevant types of work (existing and full).
The amount of initial pension capital calculated in this way (conditionally calculated pension as of 01/01/2002) in rubles is reflected in the individual personal account of each insured person and is used when calculating his future pension. Further pension rights earned after the new pension legislation comes into force are employer contributions.
The amount of the estimated pension capital and insurance contributions paid by employers in favor of each employee will constitute the accumulated pension capital by the time they reach retirement age to determine the size of the labor pension. And the larger they are, the larger the pension will be.
Now, thanks to this procedure, each insured person will know the amount of his pension savings earned by him over the entire period of his working life. Important points during conversion are the correct assessment of work experience and the selection of the most successful periods in work activity with the corresponding salary, which will be recorded in the individual personal accounts of the insured person.
Conversion of pension rights is carried out both for pensioners and citizens who have not yet reached retirement age. For current pension recipients, the assessment of pension rights has been carried out since 01/01/2002 based on documents on work experience and earnings available in the pension file of each pensioner.
For all working persons to whom a pension was not assigned before this date, the assessment of pension rights will be carried out simultaneously with the assignment of their labor pension. For this category of persons, there is a special scheme for converting pension rights and determining the initial pension capital.
In practice, three options are used for calculating length of service in order to assess the pension rights of insured persons:
1) according to the norms of paragraph 4 of Art. 30 of the Law on Labor Pensions, taking into account the duration of the total work experience developed as of 01/01/2002 (this procedure also coincides with the procedure for calculating the total work experience when determining the size of the pension using the individual pensioner coefficient, which was in force until 01/01/2002). The specified length of service includes periods of work and other activities in calendar order, but does not include periods of study, caring for children under three years of age and other periods;
2) according to the norms of legislation in force before 01/01/2002 when determining the size of the pension without applying the individual pensioner coefficient. The total length of service includes all periods of work and other activities provided for by previously existing legislation, including periods of study and caring for children under three years of age and other periods, with the application to the corresponding periods, if necessary, of a preferential procedure for calculating length of service (one year per year). one and a half, two years); but a limit has been established on the estimated amount of the pension at 3-3.5 times the minimum old-age pension established as of December 31, 2001;
3) assessment of pension rights is carried out using, instead of general length of service, special length of service in the relevant types of work, calculated in calendar order.
For pension recipients as of January 1, 2002, there is another option for assessing pension rights - based on the size of the pension.
The assessment of the pension rights of insured persons as of 01/01/2002 is carried out by the bodies providing pensions within the following periods:
for insured persons employed in the relevant types of work - no later than 01/01/2011, and if these persons are assigned a labor pension before this date - simultaneously with the assignment of a labor pension to them in accordance with federal law;
to the remaining insured persons - no later than 01/01/2013, and if these persons are assigned a labor pension before this date - simultaneously with the assignment of a labor pension to them in accordance with federal law.
In this case, the procedure for confirming the length of service, including length of service in relevant types of work (and, if necessary, the earnings of the insured person), is applied, as well as the procedure for increasing the earnings of the insured person, which was established for the assignment and recalculation of state pensions and was in force until the date of entry into force Law on Labor Pensions.

Everything about conversion and valorization of pension rights

Estimated pension capital (RPC)- this is the total amount of insurance premiums and other income to the Pension Fund for the insured person and pension rights in monetary terms acquired before January 1, 2002, which are the basis for determining the size of the insurance part of the labor pension.

Pension capital is accounted for in the individual personal account of each insured person, opened with the territorial body of the fund. Information about the status of a personal pension account in the personalized accounting system is the main data for assigning a labor pension.

Valorization of pensions in 2019 - what is it?

Since 2010, a separate standard has described the procedure and principles by which the valorization of labor pensions is carried out; this makes it possible to change the provision of a citizen, taking into account the terms of work and salary values ​​that characterize the period before 2002 (the moment of changes in conditions and the implementation of pension reform).

Of course, the Pension Fund re-evaluates and assigns the amount required for payment to everyone without accepting additional applications. However, it would be a good idea to understand the basic principles of calculations in order to calculate your collateral amount and compare it with the actual one. This way you can detect an error caused, for example, by the absence of some information in the Foundation database.

What is the pension coefficient

  • the corresponding age is 55 years for women and 60 years for men;
  • insurance experience - at least 15 years for persons who will become pensioners from 2024 (for workers who will become pensioners in 2015, the required length of service is at least 6 years, and with each subsequent year it will only increase);
  • individual pension coefficient of at least 30 points. For those who are granted a pension in 2015, the required coefficient is 6.6. But with each subsequent year the required minimum IPC will increase.

A new procedure for calculating pensions will begin in 2015. The size of the pension will directly depend on the individual pension coefficient (or pension points). It represents all periods of a person’s work, as well as other times when the person did not actually work, but by law it is included in the insurance period.

Why do you need individual pension capital (IPC)?

  • the aging of the Russian population leads to an increase in the burden on working citizens (the Pension Fund is sorely short of money);
  • The amount of old-age benefits is gradually decreasing, which leads to a decrease in the standard of living of a huge segment of the population.

The government plans to encourage employers and workers to switch to other principles for the formation of pension capital by creating tax preferences at various levels, including granting the right to receive a tax deduction of up to 6% and a gradual reduction in personal income tax of 10%.

The insurance part of the pension: what does it mean?

  • the payment amount is summed up in the citizen’s personal account;
  • pension capital is constantly indexed, which provides a systematic increase;
  • at the time of retirement, the accumulated savings are finally indexed, verified and divided by the average calculated value of the period the citizen is on a pension benefit.

Experts say that for ten fifteen years There is a cash deficit in the pension fund and failures with payments are possible, as a result of which the insurance part of the pension will directly suffer, because it is not saved in people’s personal accounts. Since at a particular moment of shortage, finances are used to make necessary payments to people of retirement age. It is as a result of this that the state is trying to attract the population to a later retirement and the formation of a funded component of deposits at the expense of the insurance part.

Clarification of the formula for determining pension capital

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person;
RP - the estimated size of the labor pension;
450 rubles - the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension, which was established by the legislation of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2002;
T is the expected period for payment of an old-age labor pension, equal to the same period to be applied when establishing a labor pension.

The total work experience of a pensioner (for conversion in accordance with Federal Law N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions”) as of January 1, 2002 was:
2 years 3 months 1 day (From 10/01/1999 to 12/31/2001).
There is no salary certificate for the period before 01/01/2002.
Conversion of pension rights is carried out in accordance with clause 3 of Art. 30 Federal Law N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions”:
RP (pension calculation) = SK x ZR/ZP x SZP, where
SC - length of service coefficient, which for insured persons from among men with a total work experience of at least 25 years (300 months) is 0.55.
ZR/ZP - the ratio of the average earnings of a pensioner to the average earnings in the Russian Federation was 0.00 (no more than 1.2 is taken into account). There is no information on wages before 01/01/2002.
SWP - the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, is 1,671 rubles. 00 kop.
RP (pension calculation) of a pensioner = 0.55 x 0 x 1671 = 0 rub.
However, according to paragraph 7 of Art. 30 of Federal Law N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions” (RP), the calculated pension amount as of 01/01/2002 cannot be less than 660.00 rubles.
Calculation of a pensioner’s pension capital (PC) excluding insurance contributions:
PC = (RP - warhead) x T where:
RP - Estimated amount of labor pension 660.00;
BC - The size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension as of January 1, 2002, amounting to 450 rubles. (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation);
T - the expected period of payment of the labor pension on the date of appointment; (T) - 228 months. (in accordance with clause 1 of article 14 and clause 1 of article 32 of the Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ);
K - (coefficient of the ratio of actual length of service to the required one) 0.09011111 - the ratio of the actual length of service of a pensioner as of 01/01/2002 (2 years 03 months 1 day) to the required one for men 25 years old (300 months):
2 years x 12 + 3 = 27 months of pensioner service until 01/01/2002.
Thus (K) pensioner 27: 300 = 0.09011111.
Calculation of pensioner's PC:
PC (01/01/2002) = (660 - 450) x 228 x 0.09011111 = 4314.52.
Indexation as of 01/01/2015:
PC (01/01/2015 without contributions) = 4314.52 x 5.614816535 = 24225.26.
5.614816535 - total PC indexation coefficient from 01/01/2002 to 12/31/2014 (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation).

Total personal income of a pensioner (including conversion, indexation, payment of insurance premiums):
PC (01/01/2015 including contributions) 24225.26 + 0.00 = 24225.26.
Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 30.1 of Federal Law N 213-FZ, the amount of valorization is 10% of the estimated pension capital, calculated in accordance with Art. 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-ФЗ ФЗ, in addition, 1% of the estimated capital for each full year of work experience acquired before January 1, 1991.
The length of service of a pensioner as of January 1, 1991 is 0 years 0 months 0 days (valorization percentage - 10%, valorization coefficient - 0.10).
The amount of valorization is determined by the formula:
PC (without contributions) x coefficient. valorization: T.
Valorization amount (increase) = 24225.26 x 0.10: 228 = 10.63 rubles.
The amount of the insurance part (P) of the labor pension is calculated according to the formula (in accordance with Article 14 of Federal Law N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions”):
P = PC: T + valorization amount.
P as of 01/01/2015 = 24225.26: 228 + 10.63 = 116.88 rubles.
The amount of the insurance pension is calculated in accordance with Art. 15 of Federal Law N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”.
The calculation of the IPC (individual pension coefficient) is carried out in accordance with clause 9 of Art. 15 of Federal Law N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” according to the formula:
IPKS (IPK before 01/01/2015) + IPKN (IPK after 01/01/2015).
IPKS = P: SPK, where SPK is the cost of the pension coefficient approved in the amount of 64.10 rubles. (in accordance with clause 10, article 15 of Federal Law N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”).
Thus, the size of the pensioner’s IPKS
IPKS = 116.88: 64.10 = 1.823.
IPKN = Amount of insurance contributions: standard amount of insurance contributions (in accordance with clause 11, article 15 of Federal Law N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”).
The amount of insurance premiums accrued to the pensioner’s personal account as of 01/01/2015, according to an extract from the individual personal account, is 0.00 rubles.
Accordingly, the size of the IPKN N.R.V. = 0.00.
IPC N.R.V. = 1.823 + 0.00 = 1.823.

Individual pension coefficient - what is it?

  • The experience coefficient is 0.58 (0.55 + (28-25)/100).
  • Salary coefficient – ​​1.14 (1700/1494.50).
  • Using these indicators, we determine the estimated pension for January 2002. In our case, it is 654.87 rubles. (0.58 * 1.14 * 1671 450).
  • Since the length of service before 1991 was 20 years, the amount of valorization is 196.46 rubles. (654.87 * (0,1 + 0,01 * 20)).
  • The amount of pension earned before 2002, as of January 2015, is 4,780.05 rubles. ((654.87 + 196.46) * 5.6148).
  • The individual coefficient for 2002 is 74.57 (4780.05/64.1).

In addition to the insurance pension, Russians can receive other types of pension payments - funded from personal contributions, corporate at the expense of the employer, state from the budget (for civil servants, military personnel, police officers and similar categories), as well as a non-state pension from funds invested in non-state pension funds (NPF). However, the pension coefficient, which we will discuss below, is used only to calculate the insurance pension paid by the Pension Fund. Therefore, further we will talk exclusively about this type of payment.

What is valorization

Valorization is carried out by the Pension Fund authorities, taking into account available data on a person’s work experience before 2002, without an application. The database contains information on the amount of pension estimated capital as of January 1 of the current year. If a pensioner has previously unaccounted for documents confirming his work experience for the specified period, the pensioner must independently submit them to the Pension Fund.

Valorization refers to activities carried out by the state with the aim of revaluing or increasing the value of securities, social benefits, pensions and other capital. In Russia, this concept is used in relation to the revaluation of the pension rights of that generation, whose pension rights were fully or partially formed before the start of economic reforms.

Since the size of pension payments before the reforms was calculated using a separate indicator of average wages (the average wage was higher), the pension rights of citizens who worked before the reforms were underestimated, so many did not receive bonuses due for length of service. 1787