How much experience do you need to become a labor veteran? How to get a labor veteran without awards - procedure for paperwork

Other reasons

The honorary title “Veteran of Labor” is given to people who work long and conscientiously. We have collected all the information on how to get this title these days without having any awards, and what is the procedure for applying

From this article you will learn:

Who is recognized for their achievements in their work?

The honorary title “Veteran of Labor” is given only to people who have a sufficiently long and conscientious work history. At the same time, the scope of activity, position or size of their wages doesn't matter. The legislative acts regulating the issue of obtaining this title are quite long story, they have been changed, supplemented, corrected, which often results in confusion.

The point about assigning the title to people who began working during the Second World War, while still minors, and who had at least 40 (men) and 35 (women) years of experience, regardless of the presence of awards, has always remained unchanged. It is easy to calculate that nowadays such people are already well over 80 years old, and every year there are fewer and fewer of them.

For applicants with departmental awards, the period of work experience in the industry to obtain veteran status will be 15 years.

The insurance period is taken into account, since the concept of work experience has been irrelevant for several years. The length of service required to obtain the title of labor veteran includes the following periods:

  • all periods of work during which insurance contributions were made;
  • studies, if the start date is before 2002;
  • temporary disability, incl. caring for a child or incapacitated relative;
  • others, .

Registration procedure

Since 2005, cases of applicants for the title of labor veteran have been processed by the authorities social protection at the place of residence. Alternatively, you can apply at in electronic format through the public services portal or at the MFC. If for some reason the applicant cannot appear on his own to submit an application, he can entrust this to his authorized representative by issuing a power of attorney for him.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Step 1. The applicant writes an application in duplicate addressed to the head of the OSZN with a request to assign him the title of labor veteran. The form is provided at the institution. One paper remains with the inspector, on the second he puts a mark of acceptance and date, certifies with a signature and leaves it to the applicant.

Step 2. Along with the application, a package is sent to social security necessary documents. At this stage, the applicant can only wait; the subsequent process will take place without his participation.

Step 3. The inspector forms a case and sends it to the regional department.

Step 4. A special commission is created in the region, which, within a month, verifies the authenticity of the submitted documents and makes a decision on awarding the title.

Step 5. If the issue is resolved positively, the regional administration approves the assignment of the title and sends the applicant a written notification about this. About negative result is also communicated to the applicant with detailed explanations of the reasons for refusal. The period between the decision on the petition and notification of the potential veteran should not exceed five days.

Step 6. If the applicant considers the refusal to assign a title to be unfounded, he has the right, within three months from the date of receipt of the refusal, to go to court and try to appeal the negative result.

Step 7. By decree of the regional administration, the applicant is awarded the title of labor veteran; an extract from the decree and other supporting papers are sent to the place where the application was submitted.

Step 8. Local OSZN issues a certificate of a labor veteran, registers it in the register against the signature of the recipient and hands it to the owner.

Step 9. B pension book the veteran is stamped “Veteran of Labor”.

The next steps for a person in the new status of a veteran is to apply for the benefits provided to him by law.

Required documents

In addition to the application, a person applying for the title must provide the following documents to the OSZN:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation + its copy;
  • employment history+ its copy;
  • photographs 3x4;
  • extract from the Pension Fund on work experience;
  • when submitting an application through a proxy, his identification card and a notarized power of attorney are additionally provided;

As already mentioned, regional administrations assess their capabilities and, depending on them, establish benefits for veterans, and can also independently determine the list of conditions for obtaining the title, simplifying or tightening them. Therefore, you may need additional documents, such as, for example, a certificate parent of many children(in the Orenburg region). Full list You can check with your local OSZN office in advance.

When they can refuse

A labor veteran is honorary title, which must be earned through conscientious and long-term work, and which gives its owner the right to some very significant benefits. Usually the commission very carefully considers each request and sometimes it happens that it decides to refuse to award the title. Most common reasons refusals may be:

  • Not all legal requirements are met;
  • loss of legal force by documents;
  • providing false information;
  • lack of Russian citizenship;
  • absence permanent registration in the region;
  • having a criminal record (in some regions);
  • the presence of penalties, including dismissal under the article.

Work experience for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” 2019 and providing the most honorary award Today it is regulated by Federal Law from 01/12/1995 No. 5 “About veterans.” Articles 7 and 22 detail the main conditions for conferring the title. Measures social support for labor veterans are approved at the local regional level. Each subject of the Russian Federation approves a list of relevant benefits provided to veterans, who permanently reside in the territorial district.

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For many years, the honorary title “Veteran of Labor” has been a way of supporting workers at the state level. In gratitude for many years of impeccable work, we are provided social guarantees. Honorary workers different regions get social benefits , allowing to facilitate financial situation and everyday life.

Note! Experience for a labor veteran is valid only for citizens Russian Federation. Foreign citizens Even if you have solid experience in the Russian Federation, you can receive an honorary title only if you have Russian citizenship. Work experience in other countries is taken into account if an agreement is concluded between states based on the current agreement of the CIS countries.

According to the innovation in the law on labor veterans, citizens with 20 years of experience for women and 25 years for men will be able to obtain the title of veteran. If the reason stated is reward for success at work : departmental award, diploma, thank you letter, awarded by ministries or the President, the applicant’s experience in the economic sector or other field of activity must be at least 15 years.

Labor veterans are supported by the state with certain benefits. But to obtain such a title, you must meet certain criteria. One of them is labor general and continuous experience. To receive the title “Veteran of Labor,” how many years do you need to work?

Legislative regulation

All issues regarding veteran status are regulated. It establishes the procedure and conditions for obtaining the title, the benefits that this category of persons is entitled to, what length of work experience is needed to obtain a “Veteran of Labor” and other aspects. At the subject level, they regionally publish their own legal acts, supplementing the list of privileges and regulating the procedure for their registration.

Conditions for obtaining the title

In order for a government agency to assign a veteran title to a retiree in the field of work, certain conditions must be met. These include:

  • certain work experience;
  • honorary title;
  • insignia from the department for merits in the field of labor.

According to the law, the conditions for obtaining status are established by regional authorities. For example, in the capital no amendments are made, but in other regions local governments adjust the conditions for assigning the title. Most often, changes relate to length of service and possession of distinctive signs of regional significance.

How much experience is needed?

To obtain the title “Veteran of Labor”, experience is of great importance. After all, a veteran’s certificate is issued with the condition that the citizen worked in the territory of the Russian Federation a long period time and predominantly in one institution. How many years must you work to obtain status?

Regarding work experience, there are two categories of persons:

  1. Carrying out continuous work activity for 15 years in one workplace. Moreover, having a total working experience of at least 20 years (for women) and 25 years (for men).
  2. Those who started working before reaching adulthood during the war (1941-45) and have experience of 40 years (men) and 35 (women).

How to get a title?

What length of work experience is needed to become a labor veteran is now clear. All that remains is to find out how to obtain this title?

Where to contact?

To receive the title and certificate of a veteran, you must fill out an application, collect a package of documents necessary for submission to the SZN and contact the department at your place of residence.

Required documents

A certain list of documents must be attached to the application. It includes the following papers:

  • Russian passport;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • a certificate indicating the presence of the necessary work experience for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor”;
  • labor awards and any other distinctions;
  • certificates confirming receipt of awards by the applicant;
  • 2 photographs size 3x4.

If the application is submitted not personally by the pensioner, but by his representative, then it is required to submit a notarized power of attorney and a passport of the authorized person.

A package of papers is reviewed by a specially assembled commission. The period before the final decision is made takes approximately 2 weeks. During this time, government employees. authorities evaluate the reliability of the documents provided and the existence of grounds for assigning the status.

ABOUT the decision taken the applicant is notified within 5 days writing. If the commission approves the registration of the status, then the person is given a special certificate and.

If employees refuse to assign a title, they are required to explain in writing the reason for such a decision. The commission's decision is not final. The applicant has the right to file a complaint and challenge the decision in court if he considers the refusal to be unfounded.

Relief for veterans

For labor veterans, the state has developed a system of benefits that they can use after the official recognition of this status. Privileges are established both at the federal and regional levels. the following:

  1. Free provision medical care in hospitals financed from the state budget.
  2. Free dental prosthetics in government institutions providing dental services. The benefit does not apply to prostheses made from expensive materials.
  3. Providing annual paid leave and unpaid leave for no more than a month at any time of the year.
  4. Exemption from public transport fares.
  5. Preferential reduction in the cost of intercity tickets by 50%.
  6. Discount on public utilities, telephone payment of 50%.

Labor veterans have the right to claim monetization of certain benefits. This means that instead of providing a privilege, the pensioner is paid cash compensation every month.

Regional features of obtaining labor veteran status

Local governments have the right to expand the conditions for obtaining veteran status. As an example, we can cite the requirements of the authorities of the Perm region.

In this region, female pensioners who have worked for more than 35 years, and male pensioners who have worked for more than 40 years can receive the title of veteran. But half of this experience must be obtained directly in the territory of the region in question.

Veteran of Labor is a title that can be received by every citizen of the Russian Federation who meets the requirements, length of service and the presence of state awards. The status of a labor veteran implies the possibility of receiving an additional pension supplement and other benefits. However, few retiring people are aware of how many years of experience a labor veteran needs and often do not take advantage of their legal right to receive this title.

Let's take a closer look at how to get this status, and when it is issued in accordance with the established pension legislation in Russia. It would also be a good idea to find out what is taken into account when forming the overall insurance period a citizen who wishes to receive benefits in accordance with legal grounds.

Mandatory requirements for obtaining the title of labor veteran

A set of general requirements, compliance with which is mandatory when assigning a rank, is dictated by clause 1.2 of Article 7 of the Federal Law “On Veterans” No. 5-FZ. In accordance with it, the candidate. applicant for the title must:

  • Have appropriate insurance (work) experience;
  • Have state and federal awards for labor merits.

If a person meets the dictated requirements, he has the right to submit documents for consideration of the possibility of being awarded the title of labor veteran. However, at this stage difficulties begin that often interfere with obtaining a well-deserved and honorary title.

Difficulties arise for the simple reason that at the federal level, a law has been drawn up that describes the general requirements for the applicant. The decision to assign or not to assign veteran status rests with regional authorities. Moreover, at the level of regional authorities, the deadlines governing the assignment of status are determined. Because of this detail, eligibility for status is determined at the regional government level on a case-by-case basis.

General requirements

At the federal level, a minimum amount of work (pension) length of service is provided for women and men. It is charged for minimum length of service years and is 25 years for men, 20 for women. In practice, you can apply for status in the following cases:

  • Receiving an old-age insurance pension;
  • Receipt state pension for long service.

A labor veteran can be a recipient of an insurance pension calculated based on age or a recipient of a state pension for long service.

Please note that from 2015 there will be a transition to Pension reform And seniority, as the concept ceases to operate. Now the insurance period matters labor activity, the boundaries of which are shifting upward over time and by 2024 it is expected that the boundary will be 15 years. The changes come into force in stages and are made annually until the reform is completed. When submitting an application, you must familiarize yourself with the current requirements and calculate the total number of years spent at work based on established order actions.

Can there be a veteran of labor without awards based on length of service? Yes, this rule applies to citizens born during the USSR, whose working activity began in underage during the Great Patriotic War. In particular, it operates next rule:

  • A man must have a minimum of 40 years of experience;
  • A woman must have a minimum of 35 years of experience.

In practice, one can often encounter the fact that, out of ignorance, many citizens interpret these time limits as mandatory for all categories of persons. But this rule only applies in the specific case described.

How to get

In order to obtain the appropriate status and benefits due, you must prepare the following package of documents:

  • Photocopy and original passport;
  • Information about the total period of employment
  • Photo in 3x4 format;
  • Data on available state awards received for achievements in work.

Copies and original documents with awards will be required. Next, they must be transferred to the social protection committee in your region. Review takes up to 5 working days from the date of submission. If there are no complaints about the documents, then a project for conferring the title is prepared and submitted to the regional governor for signature. After signing, the applicant’s data is entered into a single state base, a title is assigned and a bonus for length of service is awarded to the veteran of labor.

If the documents do not meet the requirements, they will be returned to the applicant with the appropriate note and the opportunity to correct and resubmit.

For additional advice, you should contact the Multifunctional Center for the provision of state and municipal services in your region of residence. Consultation will be required if you do not know what the requirements are in this case, are valid in your region. Often they can vary significantly and it is better to clarify all the information in advance.

The term “labor veteran” has been known since the mid-seventies of the last century.

This honorary title was awarded to workers whose work experience was above the statistical average.

It was an incentive for stable and long-term work, an example to follow. Veterans of labor were awarded by the government and had significant benefits: high pension, free pass on all types of transport and others.

Since then, there have been many changes in all areas, and the law on veterans has been changed at least three times. How to get a veteran of labor without awards in our time? Is it possible? This will be discussed below.

Today, obtaining the status of a labor veteran is regulated in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterans” (version 2016), where in Art. 7 states that the basis for conferring this title is the presence of work experience:

  • for men it is 40 years and above;
  • For women, 35 years of total experience is sufficient.

For those who already have the corresponding awards and medals, their work experience, as in the previous version of the law (from 2005), remains 25 and 20 years, respectively.

Required documents

Since 2005, the awarding of the VT title has been carried out by local social protection authorities. Therefore, the applicant needs to apply there.

The entire registration procedure takes place in accordance with the local law on the procedure and conditions for assigning this title. And he, in turn, relies on the requirements federal law. With the only caveat that the applicant must live in a given region for a certain number of years. Although such a clause may not exist.

The package of documents provided to the social security authority includes:

  • Passport.
  • Work book with all inserts and copies of these documents.
  • 2 photos 3x4.
  • An extract from the regional department of the pension fund about work experience.

If it is not the pensioner himself who applies to social security, but his representative, then in addition you need to have:

  • Civil passport of a representative of a pensioner.
  • A power of attorney from the applicant for the title regarding the right to act on his behalf, executed in the appropriate manner.

An application is drawn up on the spot addressed to the head of the social security agency with a request to be awarded the title of VT. It is supplied in two copies.

One of them remains with the inspector, and the other with its acceptance mark and filing date is taken by the applicant.

If the work book or any part of it is lost, then Pension Fund you can recover all missing data.

Registration procedure

The entire procedure for processing documents related to the assignment of the status of a labor veteran is prescribed in the relevant Resolution of the regional (territorial, republican) administration.

Typically it looks like this:

  1. A local social security worker registers the applicant’s application and forms a case.
  2. These papers are sent to the regional department. Here they are examined for authenticity by the relevant commission. It is created by the decision of the regional administration. A month is allotted for verification.
  3. If the issue is resolved positively, the papers are sent to the regional administration for approval.
  4. In case of refusal to assign a rank, the applicant is informed in writing about this with an explanation of the reasons for the refusal. This must be done within five days from the date of the decision.
  5. An extract from the Resolution of the regional administration on the assignment of status, together with supporting documents, is sent to the place where the application was submitted.
  6. The district social security issues a VT certificate.
  7. This document is registered in a special book and given to its owner.
  8. Copies of papers from the case opened in social security are stored in pension matters veteran.
  9. His pension book also contains the stamp “Veteran of Labor”, certified by the body that issued the certificate.